Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 5


Just Listen

Versions: #1
Kick back, just listen
Let it all go, let this song play
Listen to your heart at least for once
Fail the rules, let them fail the class
There's such thing as being without you and saturninity
A echo that you hear but can't accept
Forgetting about it? Feck this impertinence
Would the heart love you if it were in its right mind?
Giving up is what chickens do
You can't bandage it if it bleeds your heart
Remorse is its bride-to-be
You'd wither your time of life with ifs
Your past asks and where is it now?
Memories tucker out all the while, your name is a bereavement
The shadows smother in overnights
If only a day hadn't gone up the creek
You'd be happy, fool yourself
Everybody retired into their shells
If the mirrors can't remember your name
Your youth would be forsaken in your own body
If it becomes a dungeon in the midst of four walls
You'd capouch with your own hands
Its wound wouldn't heal, wouldn't go away
You'd scream and shout irredeemably
Bad cess to all, don't you see this!
Are you quite the face card, then don't you hear me!
Don't you ever hold on to the hands that love you
To turn your back on the truth and run away!
Who'd ride your pests when the time comes
When in fact I've buried my own pest and am infatuated with you
May my heart eternize the ones who don't love you
While I'm here, consent to die with you!

The Owner of the Joint

I made a slapjack, slapjack.
It's been superb, superb,
I wrapped and chowed it, chowed it.
Head is buzzed, thru, thru.
Everywhere is Kezban, Trrek.
I can't lie down laid low.
I issued, I put on Trap.
I'm blinded, blinded.
Oh yeah, Nights,
Syllables of Cihangir.
Elite fascist trippers.
Streets and cops.
Pourin' Whiskey and pitchin' the woo.
Natalia says: Lemme have it in advance.
I go like: Gothca, howay sweetheart.
We don't have the bathtub, Shower cabin.
Oh yeah, Crackpot Teen.
That's the way the cookie crumbles: Rolex Range!
You're crew is bitch bitch
Ours is Rich Rich.
Cue ball! Run to your dad.
That's how the Trap's done.
Lan nipper run, Lan nipper overflow!
You guys are Windows, I'm Macintosh.
Mandinka Norm Ender.
My ding-a-ling is rock solid.
The one who sits on it says 'Purple-Cushion'
My haters are called 'S.O.B'
Yeah, tonight, tonight.
We're blazzed like this.
We're always blazzed like this.
Wandering around like this.
Cops are always after us.
Why are they after us?
Nippers, Nippers!
Stick to the pop culture like a servant but when it comes to that Marley, 2Pac
A tattoo on yo' face, Step on the Autotune to a musty Reggaeton and become Lil Pump.
But the one who threatens me with my career like the Hitler is Elif Cemal from Positive.
But I don't submit, I cause your extinctions! I drive the ethnic fascist mad.
Don't give a damn the spatters who crops and whiffs behind the backstage.
And the revolutionist teens listen to me, You jagoff lumpen Migoses!
If the spermary looking circus monkeys wants, then it is the Laws of Jungle!
Then the Strong ones will crush the Weak ones. You don't get to have Sausages nor Salami, Abomasum, Abomasum!
Hey hey! Here we go!
Gucci Gang Gucci Gang, How do we do it?
The owner of the joint has showed up.
Let's take the nippers off the track.
Hey hey, here we gp.
Mary Jane Mary Jane, How do we do it?
The owner of the joint has showed up.
Let's take nippers off the tracks, tracks!
Don't lull sayin' 'Liberty'
Crank up the Bass and Treble and Volume.
If you're gonna screw up the Hip-Hop,
You run away from me instead of the cop!
Run away from the King!
For your extraction.
Hıdıd Hıdıd have at it Bitch!


Don't tell me empty words
Your heart has became stone
Look, that words were fake
Double day world, run they would be your slave
You haven't a rose, you are a cactus
My soul doesn't submit you
It started with her words, a good relationship
Then she changed, it happened a discrepancy
You got it while you know them, always same lies
Rest in my memory is a wasting time
We are running mices on the wheel, we are a simple turn
We are a finished tale what is nonsensing with dreams
Love, my dear and the stuff
Adjectives are always fake
They hide in masks, concrete faces
Actually, I have been told myself that
Love is an inevitable end
What's relationship all about?
I said maybe for you, she isn't like others
If the topic is loving, heart inclines to Polyanna
With optimistic emotions,
I put up with your trouble
I never don't care your selfishness, I always convinced the tomorrow
Your discrepancy words, the love isn't a war
Lies have no colours, it's your pinkness
You know, in fact the human doesn't change
It learns with mistakes
It doesn't improve with fears
And even if I bored the love, I say 'It's the last one.'
That love is a cul de sac , it's a no ending way
So if I had faults they are special
It's what is made me cause loving is well
You never don't care, what
would I say, you will don't care
You'll never get difference of me without I go
It's the place we came
I'll live like I want
You will carry during the life that stone heart too
When you've any trumps
When you become wiser
Your face beauty that you trust
When it will leave you
You will look the mirrors
You will live with your pride
Your tongue what loves the lie so much
You will be succesful there
I was the dreamer of that finished tale
You were just a station
You are a tourist of my life