Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 28


Ostenite aripi

Alei lungi și cer limpede

Morning shade

The morning is curled up again in silence
it has weaved bitter fog into its palms
behind a window covered with colorful leaves
White rocks merge with the soil
concealed in pieces silence is sleeping
behind a window covered with colorful leaves (x2)
In the hearth the dream slowly burns out
in grey whispers the smoke disappears
behind a window covered with colorful leaves (x2)
with colorful leaves
Vulnerable shadow drinks breath from the sleeping grass
Vulnerable shadow drinks shades of water
behind a window covered with colorful leaves
Curled up in silence the morning took a breath
hid everything in the world in its lips
behind a window covered with colorful leaves
with colorful leaves, with colorful leaves

I Believe in Springs

A star fell from the infinite
And it got lost at dawn or maybe at sunset.
Its light blossomed a dream of ours,
Locked up under eyelashes,
But that ignites in hearts
Ember flowers on the night alleys.
When butterflies perish at dawn
Steal from the clouds,
A wave of butterflies rises again
On ember flowers,
And no one knew and will not know
That I left another day behind.
I believe in springs
And in the buds that bloom today,
I believe in the mornings, in the night and in the light,
In returning birds and in growing flowers.
I don't want to carry the winters burdens,
I believe in springs,
I don't want tears or pain on my way.
I believe and I hope...
When butterflies perish at dawn
Steal from the clouds,
A wave of butterflies rises again
On ember flowers,
And no one knew and will not know
That I left another day behind.
I believe in springs
And in the buds that bloom today,
I believe in the mornings, in the night and in the light,
In returning birds and in growing flowers.
I don't want to carry the winters burdens,
I believe in springs,
I don't want tears or pain on my way.
I believe in springs...
I believe in springs
And in the buds that bloom today,
I believe in the mornings, in the night and in the light,
I believe in the flower from the garden,
And when I meet the sadness,
I drive it away, whispering that I believe and I hope...

Love Song

Behind the night's curtain, I'm still sleepless.
In my heart I'm thinking about you.
Do others also fall asleep with so much difficulty
because they have someone on their mind?
Even if in this town, on this land,
there should be tens of thousands of love flying about,
I don't like love 'cause I love you.
When I think this way, I become pumped with energy.
I don't like love 'cause I love you.
I may look foolish, but I'm getting excited.
In this small town, there are countless people
constantly trying to avoid eye contact with one another.
But true lovers will respond right away tenderly
when they are called.
Even if on this land, on this planet,
there should be hundreds of thousands of love fighting pointlessly,
I don't like love 'cause I love you.
When I think this way, I realize it's merely a waste of energy.
I don't like love 'cause I love you.
It's making my being alone unnecessarily painful.
I don't like love 'cause I love you.
I don't want to fall in love with anyone.
I don't like love 'cause I love you.
It's making my being alone this painful.

We betrayed the love

Here today, we're looking each-other in the eye
it's the first time that we don't lie each-other
We've lost, we're regretting, we're no longer deceiving ourselves
No, no...
Here today, we're looking each-other in the eye
we're finally waking up from a dream
what's left is much too little
all that I'm seeing now is strange to me
Once, we've betrayed our love
and today, now, it's betraying us too
Today, you and I are paying the same
in love, the price is harder, harder ...
We're stealing an hour from life
and advancing in lie with a step
of what was a regret, that's all that's left
it's all that's left!...
We steal an hour from our life
we gave back what we used to leave
we forgot that some place
thare's someone that's waiting for me
waiting for me...

I'm a boy from Kosovo

I was born down there,
Where the river Drim flows
I'm a boy from Kosovo,
I'm proud of that.
I was born here, I stay here,
I swear in my peony,
Oh peony, oh the symbol,
Of the battle of Kosovo.
Us two friends, we were growing up like two brothers,
May the God kill, may the God kill the one who separated us.
I was born here, I stay here,
I swear in my peony,
Oh peony, oh the symbol,
Of the battle of Kosovo.
Don't friend, don't brother, for your peony's sake,
Never leave your friend
In the trouble.
I was born here, I stay here,
I swear in my peony,
Oh peony, oh the symbol,
Of the battle of Kosovo.

I keep you, happiness

I want to sing my love for you(for you)
for you (yeah), beloved dream
You bear a sky of may just like me me (yes, I know it)
and a longing that blossomed in your heart
From now on, I keep you, happiness,
lost dream unraveled nights in a row
(fixed in nights in a row)
I wanted you every day,
it's natural for you to be
for me again
and the echo of love
From now on, I keep you, happiness,
lost dream unraveled nights in a row
(fixed in nights in a row)
I remember how I used to dream
the rain that was falling in the window
and it was whispering that some day
you'd be my star
I want to sing for you always...

The sky above me

The sky above me
has closed after you
The night sky has closed today
Was it you or was it a dream?
The sky above me (The sky above me)
I left it at the door so you can enter
in the attic where the love it's waiting
secretly for a while...
With you, you know it, I invented the rain game
the cloud game un til we used to pass one by one
through whispers written in the thought
of joy that I found you
The sky above me (The sky above me)
has closed after you (has closed after you)
I called your name and then, silently,
a scent of a girl has remained in the voice...
The sky knows even now (The sky knows even now)
What would i be like choosing a road just us
o the attic where the love it's waiting
secretly for a while...
With you, you know it, I've conquered the past
unpunished by the dream, as, look at me again,
chasing moments in vain
receiving them in the morning.
The sky above me (The sky above me)
has closed after you (has closed after you)
The night sky has closed today
Was it you or was it a dream?
The sky above me (The sky above me)
I left it at the door so you can enter
in the attic where the love it's waiting
secretly for a while...
The sky above me
has closed after you
I called your name and then, silently,
a scent of a girl has remained in the voice...
The sky knows even now (The sky knows even now)
What would i be like choosing a road just us
o the attic where the love it's waiting
secretly for a while...
secretly for a while...

Don't want to lose you

I'm feeling like losing you
I see walking away...
Come on, tell me what's happening
if you believe in me.
I see you and I'm afraid
that I'm gonna lose all I've got
even the patch of skies
from where I was dreaming...
I don't want to believe
that I'm starting to lose you
I used to tell me that nothing
will ever tear us apart...
I don't want to believe
that between us has layed
a curtain of rains
and silence
I don't want, love,
to lose you!...
I need you
I can't believe that you're leaving
you're cold inside
even your eyes are cold...
I see you and I'm afraid
that I'm gonna lose all I've got
even the patch of skies
from where I was dreaming...
Chorus x2
I don't want to lose you!...

Stalin's law

Whose big heart is burning in work,
Only that person in the USSR is celebrated,
Who grew up as a fighter, who fought the enemy
A collective farmer and a locksmith, a pilot and a commissar.
Long live Stalin,
Long live the one,
Who leads us from victory to victory!
Shine for us, his majestic law,
Shine on our eleven sides!
Before anyone we will write the name of the one,
Who led us to fight and gave us a triumph.
We remember him in the gun-smoke,
He is the first worker, and glory to him!
Our happy land rejoices,
Ruby-bright all the stars of the Kremlin!
And in a great world, on a distant earth,
You can see these stars both in the daytime and in the dark!


fratele lui Pele e în spate
Dulcea Sina stă în față
Circulăm pe autostradă
În soarele fierbinte, fierbinte
Deodată apar luminile roș - albastre
Luându-ne din spate
O voce puternică,
„Vă rog să trageți pe dreapta”
Pele murmură cuvinte de consolare,
Sina își ascunde ochii
Polițistul, atingându-și ochelarii de soare:
- Este un Chevrolet din 1969?
Ce ciudat
Ce ciudat
Ce ciudat
Destinație necunoscută,
În timp ce punem niște benzină,
Un afiș proaspăt lipit
Dezvăluie un zâmbet dintr-un rucsac
Elefanți și acrobați,
Lei apoi maimuțele
Pele vorbește cu înțelepciune,
Sora Sina spune „Super”
Ce ciudat
Ce ciudat
Ce ciudat
Ooh, baby (Ooh, baby)
Mă înnebunește (Mă înnebunește)
Ori de câte ori mă uit în jur
Ori de câte ori privesc în jur (de câte ori privesc în jur)
Ori de câte ori mă uit în jur
Este pe fața mea
Mister Loyal a apărut
A spus că „elefanții au părăsit orașul”
Oamenii sar și dansează
Iar clovnii fericiți se întorc
Știri și camere TV,
Există elicoptere pe cer
Militari, poliție, reporteri
Întrebați unde ?, pentru ce ? și de ce ?
Pele strigă: „Trebuie să ieșim de aici”
Sina spune „hai să mergem înainte”
Fă-ți mișcările și începe dansul
Înainte să știe că am plecat
Am sărit în Chevrolet
Ne-am îndreptat spre luminile mari
Vrei să știi ce urmează?
Hei ! Cumpără drepturile !
Ce ciudat
Ce ciudat
Ce ciudat

I'm an ordinary man

The sky is full of stars
watching them, I'm dreaming
that one of them is be mine
Of all the good days,
I'd like for me
that at least one day
of fire and sun would be mine.
Of all the songs
sung by the sunset
I'd like a song just for me
and I don't understand why I'm alone
why nobody wants me
For I'm a man as anyone
I don't behave in funny ways
I laugh when I'm feeling good, I cry if it hurts me
All in all, I'm an ordinary man
For I'm a man as anyone
I don't behave in funny ways
I laugh when I'm feeling good, I cry if it hurts me
All in all, I'm an ordinary man
But one day, on the street
I met a girl
walking in a rush in front of me
and suddenly I felt
how my scared heart
was beating harder inside of me
of happiness
knowing that I lose
I thought that even now
my hope will blow away
but she stopped and smile and grabbed my hand
and said that she was waiting for me...
For I'm a man as anyone
I don't behave in funny ways
I laugh when I'm feeling good, I cry if it hurts me
All in all, I'm an ordinary man
For I'm a man as anyone
I don't behave in funny ways
I laugh when I'm feeling good, I cry if it hurts me
All in all, I'm an ordinary man
All in all, I'm an ordinary man
All in all, I'm an ordinary man

Băiatul meu

Când vii, soarele răsare,
Când pleci, apune.
Ca o nebună, mă faci să mă port
Ca o ieșită din minți.
Femeile în fața ta sunt acum peste 200,
Adresa ta e cea mai vizitată,
Spune că mă recunoști doar pe mine,
Ai făcut femeile acestea să plângă.
Ajutor, sunt pe moarte, inima mea se oprește.
Cine o va salva? E îndrăgostită, da!
Vine și distruge totul, băiatul ăsta e nebun,
Asta le face și femeilor (le înnebunește).
Îmi taie respirația, îmi face inima să se oprească,
E dificil să te obișnuiești cu o asemenea iubire,
Jos mâinile, băiatul e al meu,
Nu-s sănătoasă dacă decid să-l părăsesc!
Când treci, în trafic,
Luminile semafoarelor se fac verzi.
Dacă cineva e cu adevărat important,
Acela ești tu, prin felul tău de a fi!
Cântecele îți sunt dedicate ție,
Toate, fără excepție,
Ești foarte dur, ești foarte dur,
Dar din fericire ești genul meu.
(refren x 2)
Share music and kindness! :)

Stop Walking By

I stop in my footsteps again
To cover my own eyes
Like when you used to embrace me from behind
This breeze that caresses me
I wonder if it's from you
Are you afraid that I might fade from your crying eyes?
I revisit the memories
For I can't bear the endless hours
Why do you leave me behind?
I'm a part of you
You must forget our love
We can't end it this way
No matter where you are
I will always find you
For my heart still beats for you
I remember them well
When my heart aches
I only laugh louder
To hold back the tears
You must believe in our love
I can't lose you
No matter how much you erase me
I will always find you
For my heart still beats for you
Don't feel sorry for me
Through my pain, I'm still happy
Because you'll always be alive in my heart

Louder Than Words

Between my ribs hid grief,
Year after year, waiting for when the
sea would wash it away, the North Sea
Taken away by its waters.
Actions speak louder, actions speak louder than words, words.
Actions speak louder, actions speak louder than words, words.
Don't hold on to resentment, don't hold on to resentment,
When there is a place for love.
People said, people said
But don't listen, rather look.
Actions speak louder, actions speak louder than words, words.
Actions speak louder, actions speak louder than words, words.
Actions speak louder, actions speak louder than words, words.
Actions speak louder, actions speak louder than words, words.
Actions speak louder, actions speak louder, actions speak louder than words.
Actions speak louder, actions speak louder, actions speak louder than words.
Actions speak louder, actions speak louder, actions speak louder than words.
Actions speak louder, actions speak louder, actions speak louder than words.
Actions speak louder, actions speak louder, actions speak louder than words.
Actions speak louder, actions speak louder, actions speak louder than words.
Actions speak louder, actions speak louder, actions speak louder than words.
Actions speak louder, actions speak louder, actions speak louder than words.

Turn It Up feat. L'One

(Max Barskih):
Time is passing, but I'm in no hurry
I spend my days at the foot of night
If anyone ever suddenly shuts off your sound,
Look them in the eye and turn it up
(Max Barskih):
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, let your sound ring
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, and there'll be no one around
(Max Barskih):
I'm taking a turn, this town is unfamiliar
No one loves, no one's expecting anything
Here they won't condemn or remember
But I, I, I am no local now
But I, I, I am on my own today
But I, I, I await no counsel
I'm riding my own wave, my own wave
Time is passing, but I'm in no hurry
I spend my days at the foot of night
If anyone ever suddenly shuts off your sound,
Look them in the eye and turn it up
(Max Barskih):
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, let your sound ring
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, and there'll be no one around
Hey, wherever I was, I was no local
In my lap are all my songs
I'll write and resurrect them
Hey, wake up already
I was ignoring your opinions
I was just getting warmed up on stage1
I've been stubborn since birth
Who's whose between my shadow and me
They were screaming: 'Turn it down!'
Fate flung its cards at me
All in on black, a tower of chips
I won, I'm smiling down from the poster
I won, I've got a whole shelf's worth of trophies
Your flattery is a golden vortex
And if I come on through the speakers
Ask them to play it loud
(Max Barskih):
Time is passing, but I'm in no hurry
I spend my days at the foot of night
If anyone ever suddenly shuts off your sound,
Look them in the eye and turn it up
(Max Barskih):
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, let your sound ring
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, and there'll be no one around
(Max Barskih):
Ay-ay! Turn yours up!
Turn up your sound!
Ay-ay! Turn yours up!
Turn up your sound!
So that we don't here everyone around
Turn it up, louder
Turn it up, louder
So that we don't here everyone around
Turn it up, louder
Turn it up, louder
  • 1. literally: I was taking an eye-opener (alcoholic pick-me-up) on stage

Turn It Up

Time is passing, but I'm in no hurry
I spend my days at the foot of night
If someone ever suddenly shuts off your sound,
Look them in the eye and turn it up
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, let them remember the sound
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, and there'll be no one around
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, let them remember the sound
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, and there'll be no one around
I taking a turn, this town is unfamiliar
No one loves, no one's expecting anything
Here they won't condemn or remember
But I, I, I am no local now
But I, I, I am on my own today
But I, I, I await no counsel
I'm riding my own wave, my own wave
Time is passing, but I'm in no hurry
I spend my days at the foot of night
If someone ever suddenly shuts off your sound,
Look them in the eye and turn it up
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, let them remember the sound
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, and there'll be no one around
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, let them remember the sound
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, and there'll be no one around
I'm staying true to myself
I can be rude sometimes,
But I'm not afraid of keeping quiet
Of staying invisible and unneeded
But I, I, I am no local now
But I, I, I am on my own today
But I, I, I await no counsel
I'm riding my own wave, my own wave
Time is passing, but I'm in no hurry
I spend my days at the foot of night
If someone ever suddenly shuts off your sound,
Look them in the eye and turn it up
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, let them remember the sound
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, and there'll be no one around
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, let them remember the sound
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, and there'll be no one around
Ay-ay! Turn yours up!
Turn up your sound!
Ay-ay! Turn yours up!
Turn up your sound!
I'm burning up inside, in my honest words, a force is born
It won't help me, all people are unbearable
I'm going to the light, I always understand what I need
I don't hear all those people who pull me to turn back