A sound is heard, weeping and lamenting
One morning in the early dawn, in the village BanicaA sound is heard, the army enters from the surroundings
Bullets are flying, cannons are thundering
Goce Delcev is sweetly sleeping, dreaming dreams
A sound is heard, weeping and lamenting
The army is entering, where is Goce?
Let him wake up! They betrayed him!
Then Goce awoke from his dream, and was in disbelief:
“What is this wonder brothers? Banica burns!
Quickly under the village and stop them, so they don’t burn
And kill you, brothers and sisters!”
A sound is heard, weeping and lamenting
The army is entering, where is Goce?
Let him wake up! They betrayed him!
The battle began to unfold—an uneven battle
Goce Delcev raised his head and commanded:
“Hit them hard brothers, and take them out
And if you are one hundred to one, do not be afraid!”
A sound is heard, weeping and lamenting
The army is entering, where is Goce?
Let him wake up! They betrayed him!
Still speaking words of freedom
The damned enemy struck him, straight in the heart
As he was falling, so he swore:
“May he who betrayed me, never have offspring!”
A sound is heard, weeping and lamenting
The army is entering, where is Goce?
Let him wake up! They betrayed him!