Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 7
Waiting Is Worship,Staying Is Cruelty
This is my place of worship,this is my world
I can't leave,my Leila is in this place
Oh,I'm a stranger Majnun,my love is supreme
Waiting is worship,leaving is death
Oh,I'm a stranger Majnun,my love is supreme
Waiting is worship,leaving is death
Whatever has made to me,my fate has done
The dreams I built ended of timeless
Oh,my soul went to the soil in another soul
Waiting is worship,staying is cruelty
Love is mine,trouble is mine,longing is mine
Take,the soil take,now Leila is yours
Oh,we'll meet one day,God is generous
Waiting is worship,leaving is death
Oh,we'll meet one day,God is generous
Waiting is worship,stating is cruelty
Leila And Majnun
A wail was left unanswered for years
This is such wail that whoever heard cried
Full of longing,full of suffering,full of love,full of trouble
Love like this has never lived in the world
Full of longing,full of suffering,full of love,full of trouble
Love like this never lived again
Tears of my love are only still my hope
The bloody tears that I shed, loneliness what heck
On the day of Judgement,I'm yours,yours Leila
Dying is not a the end for us,the one is immortal that loves
As long as the world stand ,we are exist,as long as we loved,Leila we exist Leila
We became a legend at the trouble and the suffering
They've always asked
Don't touch
Versions: #2
Don't touch my heart that can be broken, don't touch
Don't break my heart that loves
Don't touch, I've already an injured heart
Don't hit, don't make it bleed by breaking my life
(Come to compromise)Rapprochement is a look
Sometimes, is to say I love you
Rapprochement is a smile
Sometimes, is to apologize too
It's not hard, it's not hard
To apologize when you say to me 'I love you'
Don't speak, don't speak without thinking
Don't break, don't hurt me by breaking
Don't forget, also there will be tomorrows of today
Don't think that be loved and will always love you, Don't console yourself
No offense so they say that lover ones forgive own lovers
Don't get mad, don't hug hate at least
The hardest thing in the world is
To repair a broken heart
It's better for humane
To exist and live humanly
It's not hard, it's not hard
To say sorry when you say 'I love you'
Don't speak, don't speak without thinking
Don't break my heart that loves
Versions: #2
It's too hard to love
It's too hard to not love
It's too hard to not be loved
I loved but was I being loved?
I don't know
It's too hard to cry
It's too hard to not cry
It's too hard not to be able to cry
I begging you every day from my fate
I am a beggar, begging love from you
In every opportunity, maybe being despised and laughed at
I am a beggar not knowing his future
Not asking for money or pity from you
I broke my unbreakable...
Honour and my pride which I value a lot
I have spread, which i have nurtured for a lifetime time,
My life giving hope
I'm waiting every day
To see you and draw the way of my destiny
It's hard to wait
It's too hard to be patient
It's too hard to be kept waiting
In every corner of my life I'm waiting you
If love didn't exist I would burn like this
I wouldn't create an angel from you and be praying
I'm not a beggar
Nor am I honourless
Because I loved so much I'm unhappy
I broke my unbreakable...
Honour and my pride which I value a lot
I have spread, which i have nurtured for a lifetime time,
My life giving hope
I'm waiting every day
To see you and draw the way of my destiny
Să nu știe soarta
Să nu știe soarta
Că te-am iubit atât de mult!
Să nu audă destinul meu
Că te doresc atât de mult!
Te-ar lua de lângă mine
Și m-ar lovi chiar în inimă.
N-ai să știi, lipsa ta
Cât de mult m-a răni!
Nu le spune, ar fi invidioși,
Nu plânge, că suferi vor crede.
Ne răpesc/ fură, ne distrug,
De noi înșine ne separă.
Râsul ți se potrivește,
Plânsul nu-ți stă bine!
Iubind pe cineva trăiești,
Crede-mă, nu fiind iubit (trăiești)
În sufletul meu există o lume
De emoții plină, de tine plină,
Cu teama de a te pierde
Trăiesc, nu ești în mâinile mele (*nu am controlul asupra ta)
În sufletul meu există un foc,
iubind arde și sângerează
Cu teama să nu dispari
Trăiesc, nu ești în mâinile mele.
I fell in love at first sight
I fell madly in love with you at first sight
I am waiting, you will not come to me for one night
My agony will stop the night you become mine
I am crying, I cannot laugh, believe me, every night
Are you tormenting me on purpose, you cruel one?
There is no other than you that my arms will seize
Come and kill me with your own hands, stop this torture, I have had enough
My everyday life is to be wretched and persecuted
O, Doamne, Tu ești mare
Doamne, Tu vezi
Opriți ultima dată când servitorii Tăi au zâmbit
Opriți toate orele
Fă vânturile să tacă
Dragostea este însorită
Acum este timpul dragostei
Primăvara dragostei adevărate
Să ne îmbătăm
Meyler este vinul dragostei
Îmi place să beau vin
Când sezonul este primăvara
Când dragostea umple inima
Când iubitorii se regăsesc
Cât de frumos e să trăiești
Trebuie să trăiesc departe de tine
Nu cred că trăiesc
Nici o promisiune despre dragoste nu este completă
Sunt câteva sentimente
Nu se încadrează în cuvinte
Pasionaţi înțeleg dar nu iubesc
Acum este timpul dragostei
Primăvara dragostei adevărate
Să ne îmbătăm
Meyler este vinul dragostei
Îmi place să beau vin
Când sezonul este primăvara
Când dragostea umple inima
Când iubitorii se regăsesc
Cât de frumos e să trăiești
Ege Kökenli