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Număr de rezultate: 3


My Girl is Just a Sales Assistant

I'm in love, I'm in love with a,
With a sweet cutie, you know whom I mean?
That there is something, that there is something like
My sweet cutie, for that good Lord I thank you.
My girl is just a sales assistant
In a shoe store earning twenty marks a week
But she is much sweeter than any movie queen.
On Sunday when we go dancing
She'd put on her white silk dress, which I'm so fond of
Because she looks like a little noble lady when she wears it.
The jazz band will play right away softly her favourite song
She'd hold on to me so tightly and lay back her head
My Girl is just a sales assistant
In a shoe store earning twenty marks a week
But the happiness she spends is worth a million!
Nothing is sweeter than this one, just this one,
This extra fine one. You know what I mean?
Oh she's got charms and she is poor, my one
The very dearest cutie and that's just what I like!