Rezultatele căutării pagină 4
Număr de rezultate: 124
Cu greu te-am lasat
Cand tu ma patrunzi , cristalin
OrI tremurand..
Ori nelinistit(a), ranit(a) de mine
Ori coplesit(A) cu iubirem precum
momentu cand privirea-ti
Intrevede al vietii dar ...
Ce necontenit , iti ofer ...
Iubirea-mi ...
Ne-am gasit unul pe celalalt
'Insetati' si-am
Baut toata apa si
Sangele ...
Ne-am regasit ..
Si am muscat unul din celalalt
Precum a focului muscatura
Lasand rani inlauntrul nostru
Insa , ... asteapta-ma
Pastreaza pentru mine , a ta dragalasenie
Eu voi a iti darui asemenea ....
Un Trandafir !!
Remember when
in the winter
we came to the island?
The sea raised
an ice-cold drink towards us.
The vines on the wall
rustled, dropping
dark leaves
at our footsteps.
You were also a small leaf
that trembled on my chest.
The wind of life put you there.
I didn't see you at first: I didn't know
that you were walking with me,
until your roots
pierced my chest,
they merged with the strands of my blood,
they spoke through my mouth,
they flourised with me.
That was your unseen presence,
an invisible leaf or branch,
and suddenly my heart was full
of fruits and sounds.
You occupied the house
that waited for you in the darkness
and then you turned on the lights.
Remember, my love,
our first steps on the island?
The gray stones recognized us,
the gusts of rain,
the howling of the wind in the shadow.
But the fire was
our only friend,
together we held on to
the sweet love of winter
with four arms.
The fire watched our naked kiss grow
until it touched the hidden stars,
and it saw the birth and death of pain
like a broken sword
against an invincible love.
oh, asleep in my shadow,
how the dream grew
from you,
from your naked chest
open with its twin domes
towards the sea, towards the island wind
and how in your dreams I navigated
freely, in the sea and in the wind,
but still submerged and bound
to the blue volume of your sweetness?
O sweet, my sweet,
springtime changed
the walls of the island.
A flower appeared like a drop
of orange blood,
and then the colors discharged
all of their pure weight.
The sea recaptured its transparency,
the night in the sky
highlighted its clusters
and now all things whispered
our name of love, stone by stone
they spoke our name and our kiss.
The island of rock and moss
resonated in the secret of its grottos
like the song in your mouth,
and the flower that was born
between the crevices of the rock
with its secret syllable
said your name as you passed
by a flaming bush,
and the sheer rock raised
like the wall of the world
recognized my song, dearly beloved,
and all things spoke of
your love, my love, darling,
because the earth, time, the sea, the island,
life, the tide,
the seed that half-opens
its lips in the earth,
the devouring flower,
the movement of spring,
everything recognizes us.
Our love has been born
outside of the walls,
in the wind,
in the night,
in the earth,
and that is why the clay and corolla,
the mud and the roots
know your name,
and they know that my mouth
joined with yours
because they planted us together in the earth
without us even knowing it
and we grew together
and flourished together
and that is why
when we pass by,
your name is in the petals
of the rose that grows in the rock,
my name is in the grottos.
They know everything,
we have no secrets,
we have grown together
but we did not know it.
The sea knows our love, the stones
from the rocky heights
know that our kisses flourished
with infinite purity,
like in their crevices a scarlet
mouth awakens:
thus they know our love and the kiss
that reunites your mouth and mine
in an eternal flower.
My love,
the sweet springtime,
flower and sea, they surround us.
We did not exchange it
for our winter,
when the wind
started to decipher your name
that is now repeated at all hours,
the leaves did not know
that you were a leaf,
the roots
did not know that you were looking for me
in my chest.
My love, my love,
offers us the sky,
but the dark earth
is our name,
our love belongs to
eternity and the earth.
Loving each other, my arm
underneath your neck of sand,
we will wait
as the land and weather changes
on the island,
as the leaves fall
from the taciturn vines,
as autumn escapes
through the broken window.
But we are
going to wait
for our friend,
our friend with the red eyes,
the fire,
when the wind once again
shakes the borders of the island
and ignores everyone's
will look for us, my love,
he will look for us, because we know him,
because we don't have him,
because we have
with us
the fire
We have
the earth with us
the spring with us
and when a leaf
falls from
the vines,
you know, my love,
what name is written
on that leaf.
A name that is yours and mine,
our name of love, one
being, the arrow
that pierced the winter,
the invincible love,
the fire of the days,
one leaf
that fell upon my chest,
a leaf from the tree
of life,
that made a nest and sang,
that grew roots,
that bore flowers and fruits.
And so you see, my love,
how I walk
around the island,
around the world,
secure in the middle of spring,
crazy from the light in the cold,
calmly walking in the fire,
lifting your petal weight
in my arms
as if I had never walked
except with you, soul of mine,
as if I did not know how to walk
except with you,
as if I did not know how to sing
except when you sing.
Hey Rvssian
trapping like Pablo, huh (skrrt skrrt)
bring your boo to the table, huh (skrrt skrrt)
you know me I'm the devil, huh (skrrt skrrt)
no, I won't speak with you, no (skrrt skrrt)
[Verse 1]
money comes out, Houdini, uh (yah)
they think we're stupid, uh (yah yah)
no, of course I'm not on Instagram, uh (ehi)
yes, I'm adding some numbers, uh (ehi ehi), huh
multiplications, bros lift like elevators
forty kilograms on the sling, sorry outrigger
ten reps, noise in the repeaters
ma-ra-dona, yah, Rolex day-tona, yah
Rolex two tones, yah, relax on the zone, yah
one, two, three, four
call the contact (brr)
five, six, seven, eight
he's already down here (plug)
one, two, three, four
call the contact (brr)
five, six, seven, eight (plug)
trapping like Pablo, Pablo (brr)
bring your boo to the table (huh), table (huh)
you know me I'm the devil (uh), the devil (uh)
no, I won't speak with you (yah yah), won't speak (yah x4)
and she wants a real Gringo*,a drug dealer (pam pam)
this joint is too fat, looks like a taco (brr)
but I'm smoking it
on my comfy sofa
[Verse 2]
and no, no, no
you know, that I won't talk with them no, no
don't be a fake friend
you're jealous about my things (hey hey)
yes, a lot of people want me dead
who knows how long will I live (yah), I don't know (yah)
maybe one hundred more years (yah), maybe not (yah yah yah)
all the money of the world, the Jackpot (bling)
in flight above a jetpack, James Bond
I feel like Pablo Escobar*
I saw your boo, escort (uh)
trapping like Pablo, Pablo (brr)
bring your boo to the table (huh), table (huh)
you know me I'm the devil (uh), the devil (uh)
no, I won't speak with you (yah yah), won't speak (yah x4)
and she wants a real Gringo*,a drug dealer (pam pam)
this joint is too fat, looks like a taco (brr)
but I'm smoking it
on my comfy sofa
De tu mă uiți
Vreau un lucru tu să-l ști
Știi cum este
De eu privesc la clar de luna , la roșia ramură
A linei toamne de la a mea fereastră
De ating, aproape de flacără
Cenușiul de neatins
Ori încrestatul trup al lemnului
Totul către tine mă poartă
Precum tot ceea ce există
Mireasma , lumina , metalele
Erau micuțe bărci ce navighează
Către acele țărmuri ale tale , ce pe mine mă așteaptă
Ei bine , dacă acum ...
Dacă încetul cu încetul încetezi a mă iubi ...
Am să încetez a te iubi, încetul cu încetul
De brusc
De mine uiți
Tu nu mă căuta
Căci eu uitat-am deja pe tine
De îndelungat și rău gândești
Adierea stindardelor
Ce-mi trec prin a mea viață
Iar tu decizi
A mă lăsa , la țărmul
Inimii , unde rădăcinile-mi sunt
Amintește-ți ..că la acea zi , în acel ceas
Brațele-mi am să ridic
Iar rădăcinile-mi vor naviga
Să caute un alt 'țărm'
Dar,... de în fiece zi , fiece oră
Tu simți că destinată mie îmi ești
Cu necruțătoare drăgălășenie
De fiece zi , o floare
Se întrevede pe-ale tale buze , în căutarea-mi
A mea dragoste ,
În mine toată acea ardoare e repetată
În mine nimic nu-i pălit ori uitării dat
Iubirea-mi se înfruptă din dragostea-ți, a mea iubită
Și atât cât în viață ai să fi , are să fie în ale tale brate
Neparasindu-le pe-ale mele !
Îmi placi când ești tăcută
Îmi placi când ești tăcută căci parcă ești absentă,
Și mă auzi din depărtare și vocea mea nu te atinge.
Se pare că ochii ți-ar fi zburat
Și se pare că un sărut ți-ar pecetlui buzele.
Cum toate lucrurile sunt pline de sufletul meu
Te ridici deasupra lor, plină de sufletul meu.
Fluture de vis, te asemeni cuvântului melancolie.
Îmi placi când ești tăcută și parcă ești îndepărtată
Și parcă te plângi, fluture în șoaptă.
Și mă auzi din depărtare și vocea mea nu te ajunge.
Lasă-mă să tac și eu cu tăcerea ta.
Lasă-mă să-ți și vorbesc prin tăcerea ta
Luminoasă ca o lampă, simplă ca un inel.
Ești precum e noaptea, tăcută și înstelată
Tăcerea ta e stelară, atât de îndepărtată și de simplă.
Îmi placi când ești tăcută căci parcă ești absentă.
Distantă și îndurerată ca și când ai fi murit.
Un cuvânt atunci, un zâmbet ajung.
Și sunt bucuros că nu e adevărat.
I Am Afraid
I'm afraid. The evening is gray and the sadness
of the sky opens like the mouth of a corpse.
My heart has a weeping of princess
forgotten at the bottom of a deserted palace.
I'm afraid. And I feel so tired and small
that I reflect the evening without meditating on her.
(In my sick head a dream may not fit
just as a star has not fit in the sky.)
Even so a question exists in my eyes
and there is a shout in my mouth that my mouth doesn't shout.
There's no ear on earth that hears my sad bemoaning
abandoned in the middle of the infinite earth!
The universe dies from a calm agony
without the feast of the sun or the green twilight.
Saturn agonizes like a sorrow of mine,
Earth is a black fruit that the sky bites.
And through the vastness of the emptiness go
blindly the evening clouds like lost boats
that would hide broken stars in their holds.
And the death of the world falls over my life.
Wild cat
(Note: some parts repeat so I did not translate)
“It’s natural to bear our teeth and claws when things have gone wrong and people have mistreated us. “
“But she has to understand,that I’m different. I wouldn’t waste her 7 lives to adore her, I won’t get tired my whole life from adoring her.”
“Wild cat,with your passion, with your sweetness, you grab my heart”
“Look at me with your eyes,because you are the most beautiful.when I see them I shudder,”they are my holy water”,I tell you.”
“Wild cat,with your passion,with your sweetness,you grab my heart”
“Let me caress you,touch your divine skin,kiss those red lips,I’ve never seen anything finer”
If You Forget Me
I want you to know
one thing.
You know how this is:
if I look
at the crystal moon, at the red branch
of the slow autumn at my window,
if I touch
near the fire
the impalpable ash
or the wrinkled body of the log,
everything carries me to you,
as if everything that exists,
aromas, light, metals,
were little boats
that sail
toward those isles of yours that wait for me.
Well, now,
if little by little you stop loving me
I shall stop loving you little by little.
If suddenly
you forget me
do not look for me,
for I shall already have forgotten you.
If you think it long and mad,
the wind of banners
that passes through my life,
and you decide
to leave me at the shore
of the heart where I have roots,
that on that day,
at that hour,
I shall lift my arms
and my roots will set off
to seek another land.
if each day,
each hour,
you feel that you are destined for me
with implacable sweetness,
if each day a flower
climbs up to your lips to seek me,
ah my love, ah my own,
in me all that fire is repeated,
in me nothing is extinguished or forgotten,
my love feeds on your love, beloved,
and as long as you live it will be in your arms
without leaving mine.
The way
I've arrived here
Because I never stopped looking for you
I've learnt to enjoy the way
And I don't want to back
And I neither want the ends to hurt me,
The miseries, the angry sillies,
The lifeless hugs
I saw you from a distance,
You have made me happy from a distance
And I don't want to give up looking for you
On this way
I've told you I don't know you
And I love you from a distance
And I swear you falling and damaging the face deserve
What a so big gift is learning from all that has hurt us
What a gift is being on this trip of wild romantics,
Dreamers, exiled, love's walkers
I saw you from a distance,
You have made me happy from a distance
And I don't want to give up looking for you
On this way
I've told you that I don't know you
And I love you from a distance
I don't want to give up looking for you
On this way
I've told you I don't know you
And I love you from a distance, from a distance
I'll look for you restless,
I won't give up walking
I'll look for you restless,
I won't give up walking
I'll look for you restless,
I won't give up walking
I've arrived up to here
Because I never gave up looking for you
The fire
I have your hand on my back,
Your hug which saves,
Your mayor chord.
Faithful, avenger, homicide,
Brillante killer,
Of so much pain.
Today I've burnt
My clothes and my bed
How beautiful the fire
When the souls burn
Blessed fire
Of my brothers.
They found us dancing
Above the ashes
Of discrection.
Rotten noise, the smile
that dances
My friends breathe
Today they kicked me out
Of all the bars
And how little it matters to me
A thousand streets stay for us
Long life my brothers' fire!
Today I've lost a hundred years of timelife
And how beautiful the pain
Of the sweet wounds.
Never die
Rare human
How beautiful this fire
Father Francisco
Father Francisco
Don't ask them whaat they think about Christ
They have another worry
Father Francisco
They added a new nail in the crucifix
To leave it forgotten in the wall
Bread and work
Of what miracles do you talk about?
Ceiling and under
The land where to grow
Reason and faith
Father Francisco
You'll have to multiply the bread for the people
Or else there won't be a God
Father Francisco
We can't render the Caesar's stuff to Caesar
Because he takes them without asking
Raise your hands
to summon the protection
of the brothers
Whose sin was to be born
without control nor warmth
Father Francisco,
Don't worry if they call you communist
With standarts and speakerboxes
Father Francisco,
Go out for Christ to preach
A bolder justice
There won't be calm
Speak to the soul
Of the standing people
So much faith is needed
Be able
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Almost forget you
Almost forget you in another arms
had it not been the memory of your kisses
had it not been for how much I loved you
almost forget you, love, with another lips.
Almost forget you with another lips,
ahead of surrender of another love, pure and sincere
ahead the joy of listening ''my love, I love you''
almost forget you, almost forget you.
Almost achieved to take you out of my soul,
that love so great you gave me,
and with no resentment and in front of you I say:
Almost forget you, love, with another love.
Almost forget you with another lips,
ahead of surrender of another love, pure and sincere
ahead the joy of listening ''my love, I love you''
almost forget you, almost forget you.
Almost achieved to take you out of my soul,
that love so great you gave me,
and with no resentment and in front of you I say:
Almost forget you, love, with another love.
Just learning.
Frâu inimii
Niciodată n-am vrut să dau totul ca să-l pierd,
Liniștea mea a fost cablu de luminițe de neon pentru uitarea ta.
Sunt lafel ca un ghicitor: știindu-mi destinul deja, trăiest pentru acel suspin.
Totul trece, și asta va trece
Ca furtuna ce răzuie și se calmează din inerție
Ești ca un val: cu cât te evit mai mult, mereu te întorci, mereu târziu.
Mă vei suna iar când visul tău va fi un firicel,
Când nu vei putea amuți tot zgomotul pe care l-am făcut.
Uneori simt durerea unui trecut ce vrea să-i strig.
Sunt făcut din povești, dar din povești care nu se repetă.
I-ai dat pas, i-ai dat frâu inimii
Și fără îndoială nu ai ajuns să repari așa eșec.
Nu a fost vina întâmplării, să mă găsesc la jumătatea întrebărilor mele, fără să răspund.
Recunosc că mă înspăimântă adevărul.
N-am fost trișor, nici acel tip de iubit nebun secretos,
Dar am luptat pentru a menține, fiecare rămășiță a mâinii care nu am mai mâncat-o.
Și tu ai mâncat mai mult decât odată.
Mă vei suna iar când visul tău va fi un firicel,
Când nu vei putea amuți tot zgomotul pe care l-am făcut.
Uneori simt durerea unui trecut ce vrea să-i strig.
Sunt făcut din povești, dar din povești care nu se repetă.
Ți-ai pierdut un prieten,
Ai pierdut planurile pe care mi le-am imaginat cu tine
Si vei întârzia în a-ți da seama.
Te vei sufoca în timp,
Lanțurile care sună, le porți pe dinăuntru.
Mă vei suna iar...
The backyard
Out!, get out of my house!
you're not my friend,
that I keep on playing?, who cares?
I keep on playing alone, I get bored,
the blackyard is empty,
and the sirens sound,
and I keep on playing, who cares?
I keep on playing and you always punish me.
I only want you to leave,
only want it to be over,
only want you to let me, alone.
Out!, get out of my house,
loose up my hands
I'm nothing but a boy,
and I keep on playing, who cares?
I keep on playing, alone.
Nothing, there's nothing left,
only your madness,
your unbearable noise in this salon
there's nothing left but your ghost,
I only want you to leave
only want it to be over,
only want you to let me, alone.
Out!, get out of my house,
loose up my hands
I'm nothing but a boy,
And I keep on playing, who cares?
I keep on playing, alone.
and I keep on playing, who cares?
I keep on playing, alone.
always, you always punish me.
you always punish me.
Just learning.
I Saw
Versions: #2
I pray in this verse everything
that I've saved to my self,
Take it as humble testament
of a beautiful legacy.
I left my love behind you,
I left my courage lost in scenarios,
I saw my dream die, I saw it come back to life,
I saw the eyes of envy,
I saw songs, I saw words.
Tell me if the world ends today, my dear,
Tell me, what are you going to take with you?
Tell me, what am I going to take with me?
I have the tranquility of having lived days and nights,
I've drenched dawnings in wine,
I've kissed the splurge.
I got excited singing to the sun,
I've lost, I've won
I grew up in the middle of a battle.
I saw the deception, I saw some truths,
I saw that we are all alone,
I saw fortune, I saw needs, I saw everything burn.
If the world ends today, my dear,
Tell me, what are you going to take with you?
Tell me, what am I going to take with me?
I saw an inconsolable soul crying,
I saw fear laughing,
I saw kissing, I saw love,
I saw how much I owe
If the world ends today, my dear,
Tell me, what are you going to take with you?
Tell me, what am I going to take with me?
Liniștea dintre noi începe să doară prea tare,
Cred că a venit momentul să lăsăm totul în spate.
Să nu căutăm ieşire, dacă niciodată n-am vrut să intrăm,
Nu-mi aduc aminte o duminică ploioasă în care să ne sărutăm pe canapea.
Pentru că niciodată n-am fost buni la iubire,
Pentru că niciodată n-am vrut să ne legăm.
Dacă aş avea cheia de la ochii tăi închişi,
Dacă aş putea să inventez fiecare amintire, fiecare îmbrățișare.
Dacă azi găsesc răspunsurile şi descopăr vindecarea
La finalul poveştii nu vor mai fi războaie, nici armuri.
Nici armuri...
Ştii bine că de un timp caut moralitatea de a vorbi,
Ştiu că te joci de-a v-ați ascunselea, nu vei accepta niciodată.
La ce bun minciuna asta, când eu mereu ți-am zis adevărul,
Asta nu e o simulare, rana asta ne poate ucide.
Şi niciodată n-am fost buni la iubire,
Pentru că niciodată n-am vrut să ne legăm.
Dacă aş avea cheia de la ochii tăi închişi,
Dacă aş putea să inventez fiecare amintire, fiecare îmbrățișare.
Dacă azi găsesc răspunsurile şi descopăr vindecarea
La finalul poveştii nu vor mai fi războaie, nici armuri.
Mereu am încercat să avansăm,
Atunci când cădeai, cădeam cu tine în spate.
Fie ce-o fi, ştiu că nu te voi urî pentru că aşa am învățat să iubesc.
Dacă aş avea cheia de la ochii tăi închişi,
Dacă aş putea să inventez fiecare amintire, fiecare îmbrățișare.
Dacă azi găsesc răspunsurile şi descopăr vindecarea
La finalul poveştii nu vor mai fi războaie, nici armuri.
Nici armuri...
I promise
I want to be once again the one that loved you
like a child's play
bring back the green of your look
and dry off the pain that drenches us
I would like to wake up in the morning like I used to, naked with you
healing the love, breaking the clock
at a strike of hot and cold
And breathe what is left to us,
we will dance our tango in the salon
if you dare, don't let me go
I promise that years will not pass,
I will rip the gray goodbyes out of the calendar
happier days haven't come yet
I promise you I will forget my scars
and give back what I have stolen
from your two sad eyes.
I promise you that soon we will move
from failure and confusion
to the street of silence
I promise you that we will become eternal
I will get rid at once
of my mountains of sand,
of my cliffs and my heavy days
my shipwrecks are not worth it any more
I will get rid of all that
doesn't look us in the face,
of the poets of empty words,
of the noise that suffocates your favorite love song
And breathe what is left to us,
we will dance our tango in the salon
if you dare, don't let me go
I promise that years will not pass,
I will rip the gray goodbyes out of the calendar
happier days haven't come yet
I promise you I will forget my scars
and give back what I have stolen
from your two sad eyes.
I promise you that soon we will move
from failure and confusion
to the street of silence
I promise you that we will become eternal
I want a forest, a gap in the night
a pause in the middle of all the mess
I want a fight of kisses without restraints
I want a canvas to make your beauty spots with colours
Today we will be in the afternoon news
because we knew how to love each other, untouched by the disaster
when nobody knew that
I promise that years will not pass,
I will rip the gray goodbyes out of the calendar
happier days haven't come yet
I promise you I will forget my scars
and give back what I have stolen
from your two sad eyes.
I promise you that soon we will move
from failure and confusion
to the street of silence
I promise you that we will become eternal
I'm jealous I don't deny it
I follow your setps like a dog
who wants to catch you,
you're with someone else and it angers me
I can't stand it when he holds you
and I can't help it.
It's a slap
every caress you give him kills me
if you smile at him a guffaw
thunders in my chest waking my heart up.
It's a slap
when you kiss him I feel you cheat on me,
when you hold him my head explodes,
I'm further from you than from Pluto.
I'm dying for you to leave him,
for you to forget him and want me
like nobody ever
and the thoughts betray me
how much I'd like to have a position
and take his place.
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
He's not for you
The same song repeats
Your mom says
There are better ones, but that's not your opinion.
Tell her that you're mad, mad about my love
That it has no use what she explained to you
That I have fixations I passed on you
That you passed me yours too
Honestly for you
you don't like me mrs and I know it
But you'll have to bear it
I love your daughter and I'll stay.
I heard this tango
It wears out once again
Once again.
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Blue mirrors
Hello how are you, I'm glad to see you
the sun came up if you're here
the sky in a daily sea by the south
has poured and it's a blue mirror
Hello how are you, your eyes shine
witht that particular color
they're like the crystal of the cathedral
like the worry of a novelty
I hear your voice trembling of anxiety
theere isn't a sweeter melody
Today I discovered there's a reason
to dream and to live.
In the end of that street I see
blue mirrors projecting
the best story I could see
of a man who loves a woman.
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Hai să nu
Hai să nu
Nu există reguli pentru a iubi,
Nu-i nicio modalitate de a ghici,
Doar pretind să fiu cel mai bun adevăr al tău.
Dar tu vii şi pleci
Şi eu îmi pun în alertă inima,
Dacă o să rămâi, n-o să-nțeleg alt adio.
Foamea pe care o ai,
Se uită datorită muşcăturilor
Pe care deja le-ai făcut vieții mele.
Hai să nu te iubesc şi să pleci iar
Hai să nu mă îndrăgostesc chiar mai mult de tine,
Hai să nu greșesc şi să te pierd iar,
Hai să nu cad iar.
Jur că am încercat
Să nu te văd în altă piele,
Mi-am eliberat pe hârtie furia şi setea.
Sper să nu fuc
Crucea iertării,
Cui nu-mi face bine şi joacă ca să amețească.
Timpul nu şterge
Nici nu ascunde despărțirea,
Nu căuta alte ieşiri.
Hai să nu te iubesc şi să pleci iar
Hai să nu mă îndrăgostesc chiar mai mult de tine,
Hai să nu greșesc şi să te pierd iar,
Hai să nu cad iar.
Versions: #3
You come back in every dream I have,
I fall back into your trap.
I know it takes awhile,
To heal myself from you again .
I had so many happy moments,
That I forgot how sad it was
To give you my soul that you destroyed.
I don't want to love you,
You taught me to hate you.
All the kisses that I imagined
Return to the place where I saw them grow.
On Saturn live the children we never had,
Pluto still hears the screams of love.
And on the moon your voice screams alone
And my voice begging for forgiveness,
Something we could never do worse.
You have the same guilt as me,
Although it's hard for you to admit
That you feel like how I feel,
The pillow usually doesn't lie.
I don't want to love you,
You taught me to hate you.
All the kisses that I imagined
Return to the place where I saw them grow.
On Saturn live the children we never had,
Pluto still hears the screams of love.
And on the moon your voice screams alone
And my voice begging for forgiveness,
Something we could never do worse.
Your voice screams alone
And my voice begging for forgiveness,
Something we could never do...
Something we could never do worse.
May It Not Be
Versions: #2
May It Not Be
There's no rules to loving,
There's no way of getting it right,
I only try to be the best thing that you find true.
But you just come and go,
And I alert my heart,
If you're going to stay with me,
I won't have to ever know another goodbye.
May the hunger you have forget about the bites that it's already taken out of my life.
May it not be that I love you, and that you leave again.
May it not be that I fall in love with you even more.
May it not be that I go wrong and lose you again.
May it not be that I fall yet again.
I swear that I have tried to not see you in another's skin,
I empty my thirst and anger out onto paper.
I hope to not carry the cross of having to forgive the one that doesn't do me any good and plays me til I'm dizzy.
The time doesn't erase nor hide these many goodbyes,
Don't look for more ways out.
May it not be that I love you, and that you leave again.
May it not be that I fall in love with you even more.
May it not be that I go wrong and lose you again.
May it not be that I fall yet again.
Apari în fiecare vis pe care-l am,
Cad iar în capcana ta.
Ştiu că-mi ia ceva
Să mă vindec de iubirea ta.
Am avut atâtea momente fericite
Încât uit cât de trist a fost de fapt
Să-ți ofer din sufletul meu ceea ce tu ai pierdut.
Eu n-am vrut să te iubesc,
Tu m-ai învățat să te urăsc.
Toate săruturile pe care mi le-am imaginat
Se întorc în locul unde le-am văzut crescând.
Pe Saturn trăiesc copiii pe care nu i-am avut niciodată,
Pe Pluto încă se aud strigăte de iubire.
Şi pe Lună strigă singure vocea ta
Şi-a mea cerând iertare
Lucru pe care nu l-am fi putut face mai rău.
Eşti la fel de vinovată ca mine,
Chiar dacă ți-e greu să admiți
Că simți ce simt şi eu,
Perna nu obișnuiește să mintă.
Eu n-am vrut să te iubesc,
Tu m-ai învățat să te urăsc.
Toate săruturile pe care mi le-am imaginat
Se întorc în locul unde le-am văzut crescând.
Pe Saturn trăiesc copiii pe care nu i-am avut niciodată,
Pe Pluto încă se aud strigăte de iubire.
Şi pe Lună strigă singure vocea ta
Şi-a mea cerând iertare
Lucru pe care nu l-am fi putut face mai rău.
Strigă singure vocea ta
Şi-a mea cerând iertare
Lucru pe care nu l-am fi putut face...
Lucru pe care nu l-am fi putut face mai rău.
And it was at that time...Poetry came
to find me. I don't know, I don't know where
it came from, from winter or a river.
I don't know how or when,
no, they weren't voices, they weren't
words, or silence,
but from a street, it called me,
from the boughs of the night,
suddenly amongst the others,
between violent fires
or returning alone,
it was there faceless
and it touched me.
I didn't know what to say, my mouth
didn't know what
to call it,
my eyes were blind,
and something was beating in my soul,
a fever or lost wings,
I just kept going,
that burning,
and I wrote my first vague line,
vague, no substance, pure
pure wisdom
from which one knows nothing,
and suddenly I saw
the sky
and open,
throbbing plantations,
the pierced darkness,
riddled by arrows, fire and flowers,
the overpowering night, the universe.
And me, a tiny being,
inebriated by the great void
filled with stars,
in the image and likeness
of the mystery,
I felt I was a part of the pure
I wandered with the stars,
my heart was unleashed in the wind.
Perhaps not being is being without you knowing
Perhaps not being is being without you knowing,
without you going cutting the midday
like a blue flower, without you walking
later through the fog and the bricks,
without this light that you carry in your hand
which perhaps others may not see as golden,
which perhaps grew without anyone knowing
like the red origin of the rose,
without you knowing, in the end, without you coming
abrupt, inviting, to come to know my life,
burst of rosebush, wheat of wind,
and from then I am because you are,
and from then you are, I am and we are,
and for love I shall be, you shall be, we shall be.
Winter saves us
Winter saves us from things we waste,
From insolent light, from blinded eyes,
From crying secretly for what we have burned.
Winter saves us from the violent hug,
From the fake laugh, from wings by the wind,
Don't be frightened, my life, cause winter saves us.
Winter with you move me away from the burning,
I cover my ears, how beautiful is silence,
When night hush, when you have no fear.
Winter with you healed my hands,
Those who danced nude piano by piano.
Winter with you, Winter by your side.
If dreams win me and I escape running,
With burning hands, with burning eyes,
Don't be frightened, my life, I'll be back on winter.
Two words
It all finished so quickly, the breeze froze.
There were two words,
There were two words.
She didn't say nothing rare,
She didn't want to hurt me,
But scary matters, more than reasoning.
And I, who am a dog without owner,
I escaped, I ran like a little boy,
I reminded that sometimes world gets serious.
There were two words,
There were two words.
We wanted to avoid it, maybe hide it,
We were cowards, only two cowards.
Guilties and inocents,
Of different dreams,
But they forgave each other even the truth.
You never thought you would tell it to me,
But I said more than I should.
Last day's light blinded us.
There were two words,
There were two words.
And I, who am a dog without owner,
I escaped, I ran like a little boy,
I reminded that sometimes world gets serious.
There were two words,
There were two words.