Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 26
Versions: #1Andy Panda
Like Brooklyn.
Dogs go to the smell, when dogfather is in the kennel
Hustle... Bloody Babylon is not a joke to you
Cloud individs are tasteless like loot
The heavy Biggie is on my shoulder and a monkey is on my neck
My scyths are at my side, the same Nikes are on my feet
Don't seem to be the Billboard, but we're from the same gang
Flying to Compton, picking up my brother
Don't threaten southern quarters, my homies are there.
I'm Bob to myself, club vice versa
Clubs are not for us, we are different, it doesn't get us
Gather in a crib far from others
If you wanna come closer, black mouths will eat you
Flow is as fast as fcking gnob
No matter how long you search, we are the rarest strain
Notorious for crime get in the way
Hajime is in touch, if you asked for
Hook: Miyagi
No no no fear, no lie
Listen to my rhythm, hands up,
I talk about a legalize.
If you scared,
shut tf up, man if you scared
There are sneaks on the wires here
People, who are blacker than black
Problems are not on words,
But on crashed Molotov cocktails
Heads get smashed in these matters, pots get warmed
I left the room to remind you
Who is here at mic, the street wake up
My black magic broke the fader
Everything is self-made, sound from basement
This is how our katana was hardened and it cuts now
Panda went up - it's classic of the genre -
In the city of winds from gutters - it's my Chicago
Yo, flow, yo
The hood brought me up
And now it's spreading far over the horizon and across the borders
Far beyond cheap offices
The shoulders of my homies is my support and reliance
Protect you body from the bass
It tears the monitor like cardboard
From mountains to steppes -
like from Brooklyn to Compton.
Strălucire însorită, zori și ceațăMamă, vindecă-mi rănile deschise.
Aici se va umple cu primăvara rece vulnerabilă
Îmbrățișări native, mană - în toate I
Tristețea va vindeca orașul și unde să te pui?
Nu ne pasă de Ligalys și nu ne pasă.
Aceste piei din provincie - recosy de păcate
Îmi ascund gândurile de pisicile locale.
E o viață minunată, rază de soare.
Munții pozitivității fumează aceste linii de post
Îi sparg șoldurile, uitându-mă la nori.
De ce nu cere nimeni o planetă a binelui?
Ea nu a marcat nici bun sau bun.
Nu avem destul napalm, în vrac pe drum
Rupt pe frets, nici la la-la, nici na-na
Încep filmările la cimpoi
Sub sentimentul de 'Dragoste' se va deschide toate ușile
Prin jocuri, toată lumea a vrut-o cu mult timp în urmă
Ne vom ascunde mâinile, balamuts, acolo.
Asta e viața mea și sunt acoperită de ea.
Sub sentimentul de 'Dragoste' se va deschide toate ușile
Prin jocuri, toată lumea a vrut-o cu mult timp în urmă
Ne vom ascunde mâinile, balamuts, acolo.
Asta e viața mea și sunt acoperită de ea.
Iubește-mă, dragă, suportă-mă.
Dragă, îmi pare rău pentru rassyzos.
Nu-ți voi scoate nici o picătură din lacrimi.
Iubește-mă, dragă, suportă-mă.
Dragă, îmi pare rău pentru rassyzos.
Nu-ți voi scoate nici o picătură din lacrimi.
Simultan cu vântul, norii pluteau
Visam la asta, spunând, 'Nu clipi.'
Desigur, totul va fi așa ar trebui să fie - mâinile la cer
Și marea m-a înecat în mine atrăgând interesul
Și la vederea ochilor tăi, îți dezvălui notele frazelor.
Sunt dispus să pariez pentru un motiv pentru care melodia ne-a făcut semn.
Nu-i de mirare că melodia ne-a făcut semn.
Nu-i de mirare că melodia ne-a făcut semn.
Dragoste hrănite sărutări, prinde plimbare
Minimul este o pasiune, și sunt gata să dispar de lângă tine.
Și din cer stelele au căzut în abis, suntem în spatele lor.
Ruperea, în mii de particule de valim, valim, valim
De la străini, departe, departe, departe, departe
Balizele au fost numite miracole prețuite.
Toată lumea asta e gata să te pedepsească.
Și mirajele pluteau din nou pe lângă ferestrele noastre...
Acest moment de valoare
Iubește-mă, dragă, suportă-mă.
Dragă, îmi pare rău pentru rassyzos.
Nu-ți voi scoate nici o picătură din lacrimi.
Iubește-mă, dragă, suportă-mă!
Dragă, îmi pare rău pentru rassyzos.
Sunt pe gheață subțire cu tine afară, cu tine afară.
Sunt pe gheață subțire cu tine afară.
Nu e vina noastră. Ai răbdare cu mine, așa ai făcut-o odată.
Să păstrăm o amintire în aceste fotografii.
Și nu mai avem nevoie de aer ca să respirăm.
Orașul meu e o capcană și sunt în el.
Sunt atât de puține șanse să fii bărbat aici.
Eu mi-o iau pe a mea și mă întorc.
Unde eram unul pentru celălalt cu un motiv
Cred într-o lume colorată în care suntem invincibili.
Dar, pe de altă parte, dragostea este departe de a fi un stimulent
O să-l scoatem, o să-l scoatem, o să-l întoarcem.
Lumea noastră de piatră, în care ardem...
Ține-mă de mână. Sunt cu tine aici pe gheață subțire.
Ține-mă de mână în timp ce mă duc la fund.
Ține-mă de mână. Sunt cu tine aici pe gheață subțire.
Ține-mă de mână în timp ce mă duc la fund.
Iubește-mă, dragă, suportă-mă.
Dragă, îmi pare rău pentru rassyzos.
Nu-ți voi scoate nici o picătură din lacrimi.
Iubește-mă, dragă, suportă-mă.
Dragă, îmi pare rău pentru rassyzos.
Nu-ți voi scoate nici o picătură din lacrimi.
Nici o picătură din lacrimile tale...
Your wet eyes
Your wet eyes, in my bodyFills it up(my body), with rain of the monsoon
Your wet eyes, in my body
Fills it up(my body), with rain of the monsoon
It says me to stay back, doesn't want to understand at all
Just after you left...
Your wet eyes, in my body
Fills it up(my body), with rain of the monsoon
Sometimes in odd times, do come and carress me a bit
Sometimes in odd times, do come and carress me a bit
I'd forget everything, if I get the chance
All the pride and ego would be shattered, if you smile a bit
The love will renew, when a new paint of love is put
All over my way, you are in my ememories, I'd re-walk in these paths
I'd say smilingly, I'd stare more and more
Those gestures feel awesome
Your wet eyes, in my body
Fills it up(my body), with rain of the monsoon
If sometimes, without any reason, I get angry and say something
If sometimes, without any reason, I get angry and say something
Then think that, I'm yours, for an eternity
I'm yours, You're mine, just like the evening is to the night
When the night gets over, you'd reappear with a new morning
Voința de-a muri
Galben era grâul în vânt,printre spice - eu și cu tine.
Odată cu copilăria mea
îți iei zborul.
Jocuri de copii,
fluieră un tren, calea ferată.
Voința de-a pleca...
Unde, sufletul meu?
Voința de-a muri
în timp ce visele sunt departe,
în spatele dorinței
de-a te simți a mea.
Voința de-a muri...
Numai cerul știe
câte aș putea da
să te am din nou aici.
Unde ești?
Voința de-a muri...
Numai cerul știe
câte aș putea da
să te am din nou aici.
Câte aș putea da
să te am din nou aici!
Ce mare e câmpia,
micuță erai tu,
așa micuță, încât acum
nu te mai găsesc.
Acum străbat lumea,
trăiesc un strop de fantezie,
poate am să te văd.
Unde, sufletul meu?
Voința de-a muri,
în timp ce visele sunt departe,
în spatele dorinței
de-a te simți a mea.
Voința de-a muri...
Numai cerul știe
câte aș putea da
să te am din nou aici.
Unde ești?
Voința de-a muri...
Numai cerul știe
câte aș putea da
să te am din nou aici.
Câte aș putea da
să te am din nou...
Voința de-a muri...
I Got Love
Versions: #1Wrapped me, wrapped me.
You are like my type of marijuana.
The sky in diamonds - summer was flying.
You are my Baby - daughter of the carnival.
Moving baby! Princess score!
Night of changes - thoughts of Rastaman.
Until I was tired, the music played.
Somebody smoked - somebody stepped in!
It's a fool, fool Marra she manna.
I thought I was flying to warm edges.
Summer, sea, sand, but you are not enough for me.
Dancing on the floor - hands in the ceiling of the hall.
I will not return from where I fell again.
I miraculously woke away and took my sadness with it.
This is our life and it is always not enough.
I dance to the floor - hands to the ceiling of the hall.
Move everybody shake and let's go.
Move everybody my favorite show.
My head was shaking mercy giving me mannama.
Blavlav plan in navar's nalam.
Give us a shaft-shaped butterfly!
When will this day you squat!
About me, for love, for mother, for brother,
or else fate will bend the attack - attack!
A-TA-MAN... I am like A-TA-MAN...
It's hot, tango - I'm a miserable man, ruled by badmann.
Dance! So primitive!
Dance! So impulsive!
Dance! Daughter of the carnival.
There were not many of you on the dance floor.
I got love а feel.
I got you my mind.
I got love my skill.
My la-la-la-love
We will curtain the windows, we will again be a princess and a despot.
We will not take your passion with our laurels, we will curalesim.
We will go free for years to come together.
There is nothing to fly around in a moment.
Then the rain drums - longing and sadness.
But you shine the light of goodness to freedom.
Hips moved in the dance.
You are my rumba, you are my samba.
You are my salsa, you are my tango.
Smoke is poured, Valumena speak.
In this embrace, fly with me.
Fly with me, fly with me.
Fly with me, fly with me.
Smoke is poured, Valumena speak.
In this embrace, fly with me.
I got love а feel.
I got you my mind.
I got love my skill.
My la-la-la-love.
This is just a game can be probably.
Even your nudity.
Whoa, baby, I do not believe, fall into my hands, my beauty.
You and I Bezgi and so need,
Touched my soul your cute lambada.
To spin my ass, I'm shot down, no pity saba.
I burn with you like a schmaltz in pubs - give the heat.
I'm ready to make you all a loce,
Who knows how to make some noise (make some noise)
Heat until morning in the fog crowd.
But I only look at you, do you believe Ma?
And when the club starts to peck in the morning.
I will steal you as if Ozor Ros.
I'll smile in silence and say simply:
Come to me, Sun, unwind your braids.
Unwind the braids, unwind the braids.
Come to me, Sun, unspread the braids.
Spread the braids.
I got love а feel.
I got you my mind.
I got love my skill.
My la-la-la-love.
Panda E
Spune-mi cum ne-a schimbat distanța,Cum s-au scurs lacrimile când se întuneca,
Totul în jur parcă își aduce aminte de noi,
Acele jigniri - ei bine, te tutuiesc.
Să ni se deschidă calea către ceruri,
Lasă lumina cruntă a lunii să le strălucească celor doi îndrăgostiți,
Mă voi descărca, vei trage cortina,
Îmi voi pierde cumpătul, vei zice că este atrăgător.
Merg în derivă, țigara mea nu este de vină,
Oare mă vei întreba pe cine înnebunești?
Pur și sumplu nu te mai fierbe și vei cânta,
N-ai cum să întâlnești pe nimeni ca noi în lumea întreagă,
N-ai cum să întâlnești pe nimeni ca noi în lumea întreagă,
N-ai cum să întâlnești pe nimeni ca noi în lumea întreagă.
Dacă mi-e greu să ajung la tine,
Dacă trebuie să zbor departe spre tine,
Parcă n-am cum sa-mi fac rost nici de cea mai mică parte din tine,
Și îmi trec fiori pe piele.
Dacă mi-e greu să ajung la tine,
Dacă trebuie să zbor departe spre tine,
Parcă n-am cum sa-mi fac rost nici de cea mai mică parte din tine,
Și îmi trec fiori pe piele.
Adevărul tău al naibii m-a cucerit pe mine,
De parcă am fugi de un ghepard,
Uite, aceasta este panda-ul nostru,
De parcă am fugi de un ghepard.
Adevărul tău al naibii m-a cucerit pe mine,
De parcă am fugi de un ghepard,
Uite, aceasta este panda-ul nostru,
De parcă am fugi de un ghepard,
De parcă am fugi de un ghepard.
Ne-ai îmbătat pe amândoi cu veninul de gheață,
Oamenii mint uneori, iar eu accelerez,
Alerg după propriul vis, urlă lupii după noi,
Plătesc cu soarta, îi plătesc pe zei.
Îmi vei deveni un deja-vu în ochi,
Te-am iubit doar pe tine, mă înec,
Dacă te vei sălbatici, voi muri,
Dacă vei reînvia brusc sau vei plânge, voi muri.
Adevărul tău al naibii m-a cucerit pe mine,
De parcă am fugi de un ghepard,
Uite, aceasta este panda-ul nostru,
De parcă am fugi de un ghepard.
Adevărul tău al naibii m-a cucerit pe mine,
De parcă am fugi de un ghepard,
Uite, aceasta este panda-ul nostru,
De parcă am fugi de un ghepard,
De parcă am fugi de un ghepard.
© Vladímir Sosnín
When We've Lost Everything
We rarely danced with each otherOne step away, never felt this way before
More, we're doing one
Didn't exist then
Now we've lost it all
We rarely danced with each other
We rarely danced with each other
We, we rarely danced
We rarely danced with each other
We rarely danced with each other
We rarely danced with each other
One step away, never felt this way before
More, we're doing one
Didn't exist then
Now we've lost it all
We rarely danced with each other
We rarely danced with each other
We, we rarely danced
We rarely danced with each other
We rarely danced with each other
We rarely danced with each other
We rarely danced
We rarely danced
We rarely danced
We rarely danced with each other
Translation mine, unless otherwise specified// Översättningar är mina om ej anges nedan
Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar
One Minute
Tell me nowWas it me who did this?
Do I have
Any chances left?
Do you have the courage
To forget all we have?
Give me a minute
I can take
Take it back
Take it all back
Take it all back
Everything that's going on
Everything that's going on
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Take it all back
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Take it all back
Translation mine, unless otherwise specified// Översättningar är mina om ej anges nedan
Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar
Willing to die
Yellow is the wheatBetween the ears me and you
With my youth,
You're flying away.
Childish games
A train whistles, railway.
Willing to go away
But where, my soul?
Willing to die,
As dreams have gone,
Behind the desire
To feel you're mine.
Willing to die,
Only God knows
How much I'd give
To keep you here.
Willing to die,
Only God knows
How much I'd give
To keep you here.
Where are you...?
Willing to die,
Only God knows
How much I'd give
To keep you here.
How much I'd give
To keep you here.
How big is the countryside,
You were little,
So little that
I can't find you.
Now I travel the world
I live of fantasies
Maybe I'll see you
But where, my soul?
Willing to die,
As dreams have gone,
Behind the desire
To feel you're mine.
Willing to die,
Only God knows
How much I'd give
To keep you here.
Willing to die,
Only God knows
How much I'd give
To keep you here.
Where are you...?
Willing to die,
Only God knows
How much I'd give
To keep you here.
How much I'd give
To keep you here.
Panda E
Tell us about how the distance has changed usAs the thears went away under the creation of darkness
Everything around them seemed to remind us of
You resentment- yes, but i am with you on 'you'
So let them open the way to heaven, to heaven
And let the moon shine two lovers hard
I'll take off the alarm, you'll put the curtain down
I'll break off the chain, you'll say catchy
I am on drifts, the case of Zhenya in a cigarette
Will you ask who you're blowing up to?
Your business is not boiling, and you'll sing
And in the whole world of these you will not meet us
And in the whole world of these you will not meet us
If it is hard to get to you
If you fly to you away
A little bit you are not even possible to me
And microwaves are outside the skin
If it is hard to get to you
If you fly to you away
A little bit you are not even possible to me
And microwaves are outside the skin
It's true, my bitch conquered your truth
We run with you like a cheetah
Look after all this near our panda
We run with you like it's from a cheetah
You're bitching me, bitch your truth
We run with you like it's from a cheetah
Look after, it is next our panda
We run with you like a cheetah
We run with you like a cheetah
Napoila us with poison from ice
People lie the password, i press on the gas, i press on the gas
Run for the dream, the wolves howl to me
I'm crying fate, i'm crying to the Gods, i'm crying to the Gods
In the eyes you'll become again deja vu
I loved one, I loved one, I'm sinking
If you become wild - I die
In a moment you'll rise - i will die, you will cry - i will die
It's true, my bitch conquered your truth
We run with you like a cheetah
Look after, it's next to our panda
We run with you like it's from a cheetah
You're bitching me, bitch your truth
We run with you like it's from a cheetah
Look after, it is next our panda
We run with you like a cheetah
We run with you like a cheetah
hurt me johnny!
hurt me johnny, johnny, johnny!send me to heaven wow!
hurt me johnny, johnny, johnny!
i love love which makes bang
Patron: he is gonna hurt her
Hippie: he is gonna hurt her
Geek: he is gonna hurt her
raptor jesus
Raptor jesusyou lived to the cretaceous
damned by paying all our sins
your faith, a light in darkness
might for you, oh most sacred dinosaur
how not to love you?
glory to the panda!
glory to te panda father of the web, liberator of the oppressed peopleglory to te panda he stare at you, the great bear will be the only think
shot, beheaded for our opponents, the purege has begun
glory to te panda, the iron bear
everybody to the gulag send your brothers
glory to te panda, people's call
everybody is happy in this wonderfull land
Rosas Pandan
Here is Rosas PandanJust arrived from the mountains
To be with all of you
To celebrate the fiesta
This song is my livelihood
An inheritance from my parents
A most ancient song
The pride of our hill country
Ayayay ayayay ayayay
Hey!, my song
Is nice to dance to
Like fog on a cold day
Tigadong tigadong tigadong
Look at Dodong (young man)
He's looking at the young lady
His drool is falling
He's looking at the young lady
His drool is falling
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth,
and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)
Under a United Flag
[Nikollë Nikprelaj:]In those mountains where the snow ages
The brave grow up with the oaks
I took the name malësor (Highlander)
For freedom, I hit the martina!1
They have split Hoti and Gruda 2
They have cut off Plav and Guci 3
Over the years they have cut off my route
I am an Albanian in Montenegro!
[Kastriot Tusha:]
Albanians the sons of the eagle
Under a united flag
Over the centuries I tell the world
I am forever an Albanian!
Throughout the generations history
Has raised us warriors
Albania will always be
As long as there is Albanian land and blood!
Always! Always!
Albania will be!
As long as there is Albanian land
and blood
and land and blood!
[Selami Kolonja:]
Where the rays of education shine
Where the fields have snowdrops4
Where they sing the songs of Naim5
From Struga to Tetovo!6
Where Albanian blood seethes
Where our mothers raise us with troubles7
In the mouth of Radika of Gostivar8
Where the Drin flows into Great Debar9
[Enkelejda Arifi (and Chorus):]
How they cut and attacked you
(Chameria! Chameria! Chameria! Oh Chameria!)10
How they burned you Chameria
(Chameria! Chameria! Chameria! Oh Chameria!)
A blight cut your path
(Chameria! Chameria!)
Refugees with neither land nor home!
You don't tell me why they killed you11
They expelled you in their disloyalty
They left your parents without graves
Oh, you martyr Chameria!
[Kastriot Tusha:]
Albanians the sons of the eagle
Under a united flag
Over the centuries I tell the world
I am forever an Albanian!
Throughout the generations history
Has raised us warriors
Albania will always be
As long as there is Albanian land and blood!
[Nikollë Nikprelaj:]
Over the centuries you have been split up
You have always sought freedom12
While fighting for the flag
you have never been seen as Kosovë!13
The blessed day has come
Throughout the centuries you have waited for it
Side by side today you are lined up
The newest republic!
Albanians the sons of the eagle
Under a united flag
Over the centuries I tell the world
I am forever an Albanian!
Throughout the generations history
Has raised us warriors
Albania will always be
As long as there is Albanian land and blood!
Albania will always be
As long as there is Albanian land and blood!
- 1. Not quite sure what this means.
- 2. Albanian tribes and lands in present-day Montenegro.
- 3. Other places in Montenegro.
- 4. A plant with a drooping white bell.
- 5. Naim Frashëri, an Albanian poet.
- 6. Cities in present-day Macedonia.
- 7. This could also be 'Where our mothers raise us with aunts'.
- 8. Radika is a river and Gostivar a city in Macedonia, though the river is interestingly not in Gostivar.
- 9. The Black Drin River from Albania flows into Debar Lake in Macedonia.
- 10. Chameria is a region in Epirus, Greece by the Albanian-Greek border
- 11. This could also be translated as 'Why not tell me how they killed you'.
- 12. A double negative is used here: You have never not been tired of fighting for freedom.
- 13. The nation of Kosova was never recognized until recently.
I'm lonelier than yesterday, but less lonely than tomorrow
Everything I dois just a simple distraction
from the fact that I will end suffering
and I will eventually die.
I suffer from a mental and sentimental illness,
I'm egotistical, ordinary, oh,
I know she will reject me in the end.
They say 'if you don't ask, you don't get',
but I have never gotten anything.
Getting a yes is even harder
than making her laugh, no, that's even more complex.
I suffer from a mental and sentimental illness,
I'm egotistical, ordinary, oh,
I know she will reject me in the end.
They also say 'it's her loss',
but I can't understand
how can you lose something
you haven't even won it.
I suffer from a mental and sentimental illness,
I'm egotistical, ordinary, oh,
I know, in the end...
I suffer from a mental and sentimental illness,
I'm egotistical, ordinary, oh,
I know she will reject me in the end.
Crew, assemble the evacuation slides
I would like to tell hershe represents my misery,
but I can't, I don't dare lying.
Teach me,
Can you teach me?
Only the past could compete
with the beauty of a picture of you,
fantasy would last and it would never end,
Can you teach me?
I want to know if she thinks about me,
if perhaps that's a subtle thought of her.
But it wouldn't do any good, I know it's not.
I need to be happy, I don't want to learn,
that process is painful,
but if you're not here, there's nothing I can do.
And what if the best is yet to come? (What if the best...)
Maybe the distance will disappear (Will disappear...)
But that will never happen, is it too much to ask?
The lost strategy
I don't understand the way the unconsciousstill remembers the things I dismissed.
You are winning, but I'll try,
somehow I will remember.
And I'm still losing
all those games I was so sure
I would never, I would never
give up again.
I must comment that
I've been long avoiding this moment,
it feels like it's fiction,
it feels like you're fiction.
I know, I'm inadequate,
I've forgot how to make this work.
Let the show begin,
enjoy the show.
I don't know what to do anymore
with these hands, when I talk to you
I don't know what to do.
You don't know where to look at,
so you look at my hands
in order to avoid my eyes.
I must confess that when you were dreaming
I was watching
while you were asleep.
Touching your face was yet another proof
that I am not OK.
I must comment that
I've been long avoiding this moment,
it feels like it's fiction,
it feels like you're fiction.
I know, I'm inadequate,
I've forgot how to make this work.
Let the show begin,
enjoy the show.
I must comment that
I've been long avoiding this moment,
it feels like it's fiction,
it feels like you're fiction.
I know, I'm inadequate,
I've forgot how to make this work.
Let the show begin,
enjoy the show.
I found an unlocked bicycleSo I borrowed it
Oh I found an open Volvo
So I borrowed it
I found a boat with no anchor
So I borrowed it
Then I found the key to your heart
Can I borrow it?
I'm no thief
I just borrow
(Uh uh uh uh I just-- I just)
I'm no thief
I just borrow
(Uh uh uh uh I just-- I just)
I found a quiet second so I borrowed a kiss
(Am I a crook now? Am I a crook now?)
Oh yeah I found a quiet second so I borrowed a kiss
(Am I a crook now? Am I a crook now?)
I found a boat with no anchor
So I borrowed it
Then I found the key to your heart
Can I borrow it?
I'm no thief
I just borrow
(Uh uh uh uh I just-- I just)
I'm no thief
I just borrow
(Uh uh uh uh I just-- I just)
I found an unlocked bicycle
So I borrowed it
Oh I found an open Volvo
So I borrowed it
I found a boat with no anchor
So I borrowed it
Then I found the key to your heart
Can I borrow it?
I'm no thief
I just borrow
(Uh uh uh uh I just-- I just)
I'm no thief
I just borrow
(Uh uh uh uh I just-- I just)
Oh yeah I found a quiet second so I borrowed a kiss
(Am I a crook now? Am I a crook now?)
Oh yeah I found a quiet second so I borrowed a kiss
(Am I a crook now? Am I a crook now?)
LT → Cereri → Engleză → Desiigner → PandaPlease translate Panda
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Artist: Desiigner
Album: New English
Cântec: Panda
Cere: Engleză → Română
Postat de RitaCerasela la Joi, 22/06/2017 - 18:02
Traduceri: Bulgară, Greacă, Maghiară, Norvegiană, Sârbă, Turcă
În progres?
This what they all been waitin' for
I guess so
They been waitin' for this shit for a long time didn’t they
I'ma give it everythin' I got
Ayo Dougie park that X6 around the corner
Ayy I'm just feelin' my vibe right now
I'm feelin' myself
Panda, Panda
Panda, Panda, Panda, Panda, Panda
I got broads in Atlanta
Twistin' dope, lean, and the Fanta
Credit cards and the scammers
Hittin' off licks in the bando
Black X6, Phantom
White X6 looks like a panda
Goin' out like I'm Montana
Hundred killers, hundred hammers
Black X6, Phantom
White X6, panda
Pockets swole, Danny
Sellin' bar, candy
Man I'm the macho like Randy
The choppa go Oscar for Grammy
Bitch nigga pull up ya panty
Hope you killas understand me
I got broads in Atlanta
Twistin' dope, lean, and the Fanta
Credit cards and the scammers
Hittin' off licks in the bando
Black X6, Phantom
White X6 looks like a panda
Goin' out like I'm Montana
Hundred killers, hundred hammers
Black X6, Phantom
White X6, panda
Pockets swole, Danny
Sellin' bar, candy
Man I'm the macho like Randy
The choppa go Oscar for Grammy
Bitch nigga pull up ya panty
Hope you killas understand me
Panda, Panda
Panda, Panda, Panda, Panda, Panda, Panda, Panda, Panda
I got broads in Atlanta
Twistin' dope, lean, and shit, sippin' Fanta
Credit cards and the scammers
Wake up Versace shit, life Desiigner
Whole bunch of lavish shit
They be askin' 'round town who be clappin' shit
I be pullin' up stuff in the Phantom ship
I got plenty of stuff of Bugatti whip look how I drive this shit
Black X6, Phantom
White X6, killin' on camera
Pop a Perc, I can't stand up
Gorilla, they come and kill you with bananas
Four fillas, they finna pull up in the Phantom
Know niggas, they come and kill you on the camera
Big Rollie, it dancin' bigger than a Pandie
Go Oscar for Grammy, bitch pull up your panty
Fill up I'ma flip it, I got bitches pull up and they get it
I got niggas that's countin' for digits
Say you make you a lot of new money
Know some killers pull off and they in the Wraith
CDG, they pull off and they kill the Bape
Call up Phillip-Phillip, gon' fill the bank
Niggas up in the bank, we gon' drill the bank
Fuck we gon' kill the bank, get it
I got broads, yea I get it
I get cards yea I shitted
This how I live it
Did it all for a ticket
Now Flex drop bombs when he spin it
And Bobby gon' trend it
Jeff The Don doin' business
Zana Ray fuckin' up shit and she doin' her bidnezz
I be gettin' to the chicken
Countin' to the chicken
And all of my niggas gon' split it
Panda, Panda
Panda, Panda, Panda, Panda, Panda
I got broads in Atlanta
Twistin' dope, lean, and the Fanta
Credit cards and the scammers
Hittin' off licks in the bando
Black X6, Phantom
White X6 looks like a panda
Goin' out like I'm Montana
Hundred killers, hundred hammers
Black X6, Phantom
White X6, panda
Pockets swole, Danny
Sellin' bar, candy
Man I'm the macho like Randy
The choppa go Oscar for Grammy
Bitch nigga pull up ya panty
Hope you killas understand me
I got broads in Atlanta
Twistin' dope, lean, and the Fanta
Credit cards and the scammers
Hittin' off licks in the bando
Black X6, Phantom
White X6 looks like a panda
Goin' out like I’m Montana
Hundred killers, hundred hammers
Black X6, Phantom
White X6, panda
Pockets swole, Danny
Sellin' bar, candy
Man I'm the macho like Randy
The choppa go Oscar for Grammy
Bitch nigga pull up ya panty
Hope you killas understand me
Panda, Panda
Panda, Panda, Panda, Panda, Panda