Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 14
(Hymn to the) Flag
Inside us deep for you a longing always lives,the Fatherland you symbolize and Liberty together.
Blue and white [is] your look, and you are imagined in the mind
like the wave, like the laughter of the open sea and of the sky.
Of honor and of valor the never ending source
your white cross's grace strengthens and blesses.
And those who are lost for you breaking heavy irons
they give their final breath and sing 'hail, oh, hail Liberty'.
Your beauties shone
1. Your beauties shone and the sun was eclipsed,the brilliant star was ashamed.
2. My soul in the fiery flame, burns and sighs,
with a knife to cut it, all love will drip.
3. My God, so beautiful, whoever sees her faintly,
and in his heart, he feels that love is being nailed.
O pasăre zbura
O pasăre zbura
Iubește-mă, fato, iubește-mă
Ca înainte
Să nu-ți pese de ce spune lumea
Întreabă-ți inima
Fir-ar, fir-ar
C-am trăim unul aproape de celălalt
Am încercat să-ți vorbesc
Dar n-ai vrut să mă săruți
O pasăre zbura
Sus. pe cer
Plângea și spunea
Am rămas singură
Inima mea, inima mea
Vine la tine, dragostea mea
Dintre cei doi tineri
Cineva privea.
The poor sparrow
I walk by your home
And I whistle and sing to you.
Like a spring's bird
I will always sing to you.
The poor sparrow
Is always on the move.
So many times you spend the night
With me, my birdie, at your home.
My turtledove, if you knew
What's inside my heart,
You would never let me go
From your embrace.
The poor sparrow
Is always on the move.
So many times you spend the night
With me, my birdie, at your home.
I have so many things to say to you.
They are at the tip of my mouth.
I'll start telling them to you
One by one, my lamb.
The poor sparrow
Is always on the move.
So many times you spend the night
With me, my birdie, at your home.
Why are you sending me letters
Eh, why are you telling me in words, why are you sending me letterswhy are you sending me letters
And i dont know how to read and I start crying
and I start crying and I start crying
My frizzly basil
and bushy mint
like your love
i've never felt before
Eh, wont you tell me last night, what was your anger (for)
Two friends answered me and about you told me
about you told me about you told me
My frizzly basil
and bushy mint
like your love
i've never felt before
My frizzly basil
with green leaves
I want your love
With a thousand sufferings
The Little Flower In The Garden
The little flower in the garden
The little flower in the garden
The little flower in the garden
She promised to that she would take me
The little flower of the mountain
The little flower of the mountain
The little flower of the mountain
Pays no attention to me at all
Come, let's go to the island,
Come, let's go to the island,
Come, let's go to the island,
You and I, and your mom
Come, let's go to where you speak of
Come, let's go to where you speak of
Come, let's go to where you speak of
There, where the birds build nests
The little flower in the garden
The little flower in the garden
The little flower in the garden
She promised to that she would take me
M-au înșelat păsările
M-au înșelat păsărilePrivighetorile de primăvară
M-au înșelat și mi-au zis
Că nu voi muri niciodată.
Așa că mi-am făcut o casă
Mai înaltă decât celelalte
Cu șapte-opt etaje
Și șaizeci de ferestre
Mă așez aproape de fereastră
Ca să mă uit la câmpuri
Văd câmpurile verzi
Și munții albi
Văd și Moartea venind
Călare pe-al Său cal.
In this world, I (only) love
In this world, I (only) loveOne God and you (x2).
If you want to, you can go to a medium
And ask about me.
Exclusively for you, I
Hold on to a painful love.
I place my head on the pillow
But my mind is on the street.
To you, my root, that I love,
If I ever lie to you (x2),
I dare the earth I step on to,
To pull me in and drink my blood.
Exclusively for you, I
Hold on to a painful love.
I place my head on the pillow
But my mind is on the street.
Girl, wear a Christian cross
And worship only one God (x2).
Do not torment 40 poor souls,
Make up your mind and only love one (guy).
Exclusively for you, I
Hold on to a painful love.
I place my head on the pillow
But my mind is on the street.
Youth of Samarina
Oh you, young guerillas,Youth of Samarina
Well, poor kids,
Youth of Samarina
Even though you got dirty.
Well, if you ever go up on the mountains
That are on the way to Samarina
Well, poor kids,
On the way to Samarina,
Even if you get dirty.
Well, do not shoot with your guns
Do not sing songs
Well, poor kids
Do not sing songs
Even if you get dirty.
And if my mother asks you,
As well as my poor sister
Well, poor kids
As well as my poor sister
Even though you got dirty.
Do not tell them I've died
That I'm dead for a while now
Well, poor kids
That I'm dead for a while now
Even though you got dirty.
Well, tell them that I got married
That I married to the deep soil
Well, poor kids
I got married to the deep soil
Even though you got dirty.
Come out Sultana to the windowto see the sun and the moon
to see the Turk you'll marry
I don't want him, I won't marry him
I was born a Romea,
I'll die a Romea
I won't marry the Turk man
Take him as your husband,
my dear Sultana
he has a boat
and will take you out
in Salonica
I loved a Shepard girl
I loved a Shepard girl
an envied daughter
and I loved her much
I was a bird without song
a 10 year old boy
One day as we sat
in the blooming grass
Maro, let me tell you something
Maro, I told her,
I love you
I'm crazy about you
She grabbed me by the waist
kissed me on the mouth
and said: you're still young for seighs,
for love's grief
I've grown up and long for her
her heart longs for another
she forgets me like an orphan
but I don't ever forget
her kiss