The beach to romantics
Versions:There was on //a sandy beach
A girl who// was crying.
I could see // down on her cheeks
big tears that/were rolling
Let's leave// the beach to romanti -ics
Tonight, /I feel like loving you
Let's leave// the beach to romanti -ics
In my own way, /I will love you.
This beach was //, under the moon
So sad it //made one cry.
So far a //way was the dune.
How fast Time // has gone by !
Let's leave// the beach to romanti -ics
Tonight, /I feel like loving you
Let's leave// the beach to romanti -ics
In my own way, /I will love you.
And ,stroking //her face, my hands
Suddenly, consoled her.
A nice pic // ture just remained,
That of a / laughing girl.
Let's leave// the beach to romanti -ics
Tonight, / there's so much love in me..
Let's leave// the beach to romanti -ics
Come closer, will you marry me ?
Come, Come....etc