Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 104


So Important

Versions: #1
Every other day
I feel time escaping between my hands and
I'm pursuing it.
My thoughts and those wishes
that with no rules and somewhat bitterly I had next to you,
you'll remember them
as if it had only been a dream
that we lived through those unique months
so as to no longer look for you.
But it's not so important,
one single moment of melancholy
sliding down the eyes of people
walking indifferently, my love.
It's the fault of a summer,
of one night's perfume, of a moment that,
that I won't ever forget.
Guided by the yearning of suddenly
feeling each other always closer,
almost burning each other.
It's already too late, don't even think about it.
It's not the time to forget and be born again,
to no longer look for you.
But I don't know what is more important,
trusting or not trusting you,
that face so imprinted here inside my mind.
I don't know but I'm always thinking of you.
And there is nothing
that erases my memory of you,
your dreamy and different look.
Where are you? Tell me where you are now.
And in a moment I come back to my present.
I think you are still here.
You are so important.
Look at me, I need you!
In your eyes, I see crystal-clear water
like a river getting lost within me.

Sărutări furate

Voi pleca atunci când oraşul va fi încă adormit,
mă voi urca în maşină în aerul încă rece
şi, cine ştie, poate am să-l mai întâlnesc
pe băiatul din discoteca de pe coasta mării
Precum piraţii care se ascund la bar,
băieţii pun inima ta într-o capcană
şi în întuneric, muzica tot cântă
iar tu închizi ochii şi cazi
într-un necaz!
Sărutări furate
şi ploaia cade peste noi
ne spunem în mare
că dragostea-i o minciună
ce ne ia inocenţa...
Voci care jură
să nu plecăm niciodată
de pe acele plaje
zi și noapte mai aglomerate decât în ​​oraș
Soarele cu ochelari întunecați va dispărea
este un vechi joc de priviri ce va începe,
companii care întârzie
dimineaţa pe plajă ne simţim ca nişte zombie
Atâtea apusuri pe care nu le vom mai uita
atâtea pulovere alunecate pe umăr
şi acele mângâieri pe nisip
la lumina unui far înceţoşat
Sărutări furate
şi ploaia cade peste noi
în marea asta de iubire
care spune la 'revedere'
şi care se duce pentru totdeauna
Voci care jură
să nu plecăm niciodată
dar plajele deja sunt goale
iar vara asta se duce...
Acum viaţa e capturată
de această realitate
şi tot anul, inima aşteaptă doar
acea libertate...


Nici nu ştiu dacă se mai gândeşte la mine
din moment ce s-a urcat în acel tren de neiertat
Îmi imaginez că a tras de timp
prin dimineaţa cea rece şi gri şi ploaia oraşului.
Gândindu-se la altcineva care va alerga după el
Cine-l va întreba 'Ţi-e dor de mine', poate din când în când
Râzând, va spune bine că a întâlnit-o pe această fată amuzantă
Dar doar o vară crede că nu o va mai vedea
Doamne, sper să greşesc
dar nu mă simt prea puternică
Am avut urcuşuri şi coborâşuri, şi tristă
şi fericită, m-am simţit şi bine, şi rău
sunt mică, sunt mare, râd, plâng...
Spun adevărul, dar asta este o minciună
Am fost atât de înăuntru și afară, atât de sălbatic
Atât de bine crescută, atât de necioplită oh, solitudine!
Cuvântul acela pe care urăsc să-l spun
Şi nu, n-am fost nebună să fac ce-am făcut noi
chiar îmi doresc să fi fost puţin mai nebună
Și am păstrat încă puțin din el ca să mă vadă
El m-a iubit cât putut. Nu m-am saturat niciodată
Şi apoi m-am întors în camera mea, ştie bune,
simt din nou felul cum s-a mişcat, o iau încet
îi vorbesc şi devine o parte din mine
şşi apoi ştiu că niciodată nu va lăsa vara să plece
Doamne, sper că am dreptate
Nu voi ceda fără luptă
Şi pot înfrunta cuvintele pe care le aruncă
spre mine, niciunul dintre ei nu a putut să știe,...
Că am avut ceva pe care foarte puţini
vor avea în toată viaţa lor
nu aş schimba o singură zi
deşi preţul pe care trebuie să-l plătesc e solitudinea...
Singurătatea mă sfâșie
Mă rupe, mă trage în jos și apoi
Îmi înfășoară inima, oh, solitudine!
Își amintește oare tot ce mi-a spus?
Am fost atât de sus și de jos atât de tristă,
atât de fericită, simțindu-mă bine și rău
Sunt mică, sunt mare, râd, plâng...
Spun adevărul, dar asta este o minciună
Am fost atât de înăuntru și afară, atât de sălbatic
Atât de bine crescută, atât de necioplită oh, solitudine!
Își amintește oare tot ce mi-a spus?
Şi pot înfrunta cuvintele pe care ei le aruncă
spre mine, niciunul dintre ei nu a putut să știe,...
Că am avut ceva pe care foarte puţini
vor avea în toată viaţa lor
nu aş schimba o singură zi
deşi preţul pe care trebuie să-l plătesc e solitudinea...

Indrazneste sa Traiesti

Priveste inspre “maine”, nu inspre “ieri”
Nespuse-atatea au ramas
Atingeri calde si mangaieri,
Cuvinte tandre fara glas
Fete-ascunse sub naframa
Un “adevar” ce se destrama
Doar viata mea-i ce pot sa dau
Traieste azi cu tot ce ai mai bun
Traieste azi, te daruie acum
Traieste azi, da din tine tot ce ai mai bun in jur
Chiar de simti ca nu mai e nimic de dat
Daca vezi un intristat
La usa ta ca-ti bate
Flamand si gol, infrigurat
De-asculti al lumii glas spre dimineata
Prin stropii reci de ploaie
Tu, Cel ce poti crea cu vocea Ta
Tu, Cel ce cunosti inima mea
Esti Dumnezeu, singurul Dumnezeu
Traieste azi, te-ndreapta spre necunoscut
Traieste azi, nu se poate trai fara trecut
Traieste azi, viata-i frumoasa, e un dar
E o cantare viata Ta, o melodie, e un Har
Traieste azi, Indrazneste a iubi
(De ce, de ce, de ce nu traiesti in seara asta?)
Traieste azi, cu toti sa ne iubim
(De ce, de ce, de ce sa nu traiesti acum?)
Traieste azi cu tot ce ai mai bun
(De ce, de ce, de ce viata-ti n-are grai?)
Viata ta-i ce poti sa dai (De ce?)
Traieste azi, e tot ce ai!
Traieste azi!
Traieste azi cu tot ce ai mai bun
(De ce, de ce, de ce viata-ti n-are grai?)
Viata ta-i ce poti sa dai (De ce?)
Traieste azi, e tot ce ai!
Voi spune nu (Voi spune da)
Deci, traieste azi,
Traieste azi!

Eu da

Versions: #1
Daca tu ramai fara cuvinte
Sunt aici
Sunt aici
De-ai nevoie de un “Inainte”
Sunt aici
Sunt aici
Daca vrei sa-nveti cum sa traiesti
Si accepti chiar imposibilul
Nimeni nu te crede
Eu da
Eu nu stiu care…
e destinul tau
Dar de vrei
De ma vrei
Sunt aici
Cand nimeni nu te-asculta
Dar eu da
Cand nu stii unde sa mai mergi
Sunt aici
Sunt aici
Cand se ‘nalta in calea ta bariere
Sunt aici
Sunt aici
Chiar si-atunci cand invizibil esti
Esti viu dar parca tu nu traiesti
Nimeni nu te vede
Eu da
Eu nu stiu care…
e destinul tau
Dar de vrei
De ma vrei
Sunt aici
Nimeni nu te vede
Dar eu da
Cei care iubesc stiu
Sa dezlege acest mister
Ajunge ceea ce avem noi
Viata traita in doi
Eu nu stiu care…
e destinul tau
Dar de vrei
De ma vrei
Sunt aici
Nimeni nu te vede
Dar eu da
Nimeni nu te crede
Dar eu da

Eu da

Daca tu ramai fara cuvinte
Sunt aici... Sunt aici
De-ai nevoie de un “Inainte”
Sunt aici... Sunt aici
Daca vrei sa-nveti cum sa traiesti
Si accepti chiar imposibilul
Nimeni nu te crede...Eu da
Eu nu stiu care…
e destinul tau
Dar de vrei... De ma vrei
Sunt aici
Cand nimeni nu te-asculta... Dar eu da
Cand nu stii unde sa mai mergi
Sunt aici... Sunt aici
Cand se ‘nalta in calea ta bariere
Sunt aici... Sunt aici
Chiar si-atunci cand invizibil esti
Esti viu dar parca tu nu traiesti
Nimeni nu te vede... Eu da
Eu nu stiu care…
e destinul tau
Dar de vrei... De ma vrei
Sunt aici
Nimeni nu te vede... Dar eu da
Cei care iubesc stiu
Sa dezlege acest mister
Ajunge ceea ce avem noi
Viata traita in doi
Eu nu stiu care…
e destinul tau
Dar de vrei... De ma vrei
Sunt aici
Nimeni nu te vede... Dar eu da
Nimeni nu te crede... Dar eu da

I Never Left

Versions: #1
I am still here,
a stage again and me again.
I am still here
because now your road goes in my direction.
In my suitcase, only absence remains.
Your poetry asked me to return.
Leaving has been an experience and now I know.
I never stopped loving you.
I was never able to refuse myself to you.
I never left.
I've searched for beauty
and I've found it deep within simplicity.
I've searched in my past
because the said that's where the truth is.
I know that, essentially, the good prevails
and I trust it like everyone else,
and tonight I will tell you
that I never stopped thinking about you.
I will give you more than there is to give.
And now I know, undoubtedly how much fantasy
walking away entails.
You only come back if one day you leave.
Again me.
Again you,
always avoiding each other in the dark
and in the end, the light can be seen.
The light can be seen.
I never stopped loving you.
I was never able to refuse myself to you.
I never left.
See, I'm this way.
You've said, 'Come back', and I was already here.

Two Lovers Like Us

A tear falls down
from my eyes to my throat
if it's you
who leaves me alone.
Oh, no.
Now that I'd wish
to feel your breathing
over me,
a divine shiver
That you give me
when you become
such a sweet pain inside,
inside me
we are on the edge of the world, you and I.
Because, you know,
two lovers like us
will never surrender,
not even when a lie
steals our dreams and joy from us.
Two lovers like us,
already indivisible,
the same secrets, the same worries
for us both.
Tonight I want you
to consume my heart.
To laugh
and then meet to make love.
I shout to God
that you're mine
and in a moment you're already coming
inside me
until we become one body
you and I.
Because, you know,
two lovers like us
will never separate
because there's always magic
between your soul and mine.
Two lovers like us,
already unmistakable,
the same smiles, the same worries.
We are like a mirror.
Only us,
with the want of being all over each other.
Us, always us
until the last breath you give me.
Because, already,
two lovers like us
will always look for each other, you know,
and we will never learn
to be alone without each other.
The empty beach around us,
the sand all over your hair.
Nothing and no one will ever be
in love like us.
(In love like us...)
Only tell me that you want me,
that we will never change.
That's all I'd like.
(In love like us...)
We're one thing alone
and if you look at me you'll find
two lovers like us.
(In love like us...)
Already inseparable.
Only us.
In love like us.
(In love like us...)
Like us.

Destination: Paradise

(This version does not include this first stanza)*
On this frenetic carousel,
the soul that turns, doesn't leave.
I know it for sure, my friend, I've also come.
To reach you, I had to run a lot.
But if I turn and look around me,
I'll see the world is still so happy
and you're not here.
You're not here.
And tell me why there's no space to be seen on this carousel
where we could all shake off
everything that has been said and everything that will be said.
And now you know that I... I know,
I know I take the train heading to Paradise City.
I bid everyone farewell, get on the train.
When it leaves I don't think anymore that
A journey in one direction
makes sense without a return,
without stations nor boundaries,
only horizons but not very distant ones.
I will sit in my place
and you, looking at me by my side, will say,
'We're heading to Paradise'.
A journey in one direction
makes sense without a return,
without stations nor boundaries,
only horizons but not very distant ones.
I will sit in my place
and you, looking at me by my side, will say,
'We're heading to Paradise'.
I... I know,
I know I take the train heading to Paradise City.
I will sit in my place
and you, looking at me by my side, will say,
'We're heading to Paradise... a paradise city'.

Where Only I Remain

Versions: #1
If you still feel the cold,
come and I'll hold you
against me
'cause that shiver
is already past, it won't come back anymore.
And all that love that I won't be able to
hide in other places
but here,
and all that for which I lived
is here now.
Where only I remain, where only
you remain,
where the world is nonsense.
where everything, apparently,
stopped once.
Where nothing makes sense.
where that which I'm not,
today, I'll assume it for you,
that illuminated house where
I will always find you.
And it wanders inside my head
like the time around its immensity.
My soul goes through me
ripping me in half
with all this love I recovered and
that is here now.
Where only I remain, where only
you remain,
where the world is nonsense.
where everything, apparently,
stopped once.
Where nothing makes sense.
where that which I'm not,
today, I'll assume it for you,
that illuminated house where
I will always find you!
where only I remain, where only
you remain,
where the world is nonsense.

The Last Thing I Owe You

I need you
and need to believe
that the love you have
can resist,
but the silence you give me
make me reflect.
Yet I need you.
I need you.
You're right as well,
I don't know how to pretend,
but the love I give
knows how to distinguish
the most defeaning pain
from the image
that you have left for me.
That you've hidden from me.
The order of time
has brought me here
confusing a deceit
with shivers.
You don't see anyone but yourself
and I can't
give you any merits.
But there's one thing I owe you.
The last thing I owe you
is me.
You need me.
You can't go away.
But the love you have
is invisible
and the silence you give me
can describe it.
You don't need me
when you need yourself.
The order of time
has brought me here
confusing a deceit
with shivers.
I'm not looking for the compromise
that, unfortunately,
you don't deserve.
If there's one thing I owe you.
The last thing I owe you.
Now that my time
has brought me here
paying for this deceit
with bruises.
You don't see anyone but yourself
and I can't
give you any merits,
but there's one thing I owe you.
The last thing I owe you
is me.
It's a goodbye.
From the silence that you give,
I want to get away.
You don't need me.
You don't need me.
The order of time
has stopped here
because the days of deception
have boundaries.
The good I've conceded
doesn't admit
This is the thing I owe you.
The last thing I owe you
is me.
It's a goodbye.
The silence you give me
makes me decide.
I don't need you.
I don't need.
I don't need you.
I've no more need.

I Keep

Versions: #1
I keep much more than what I lose.
I let you go but not the memory.
I keep those charming years.
The other ones will come, I'll tell you about them.
Because we both knew how to be happy and overcome our obstacles.
To always look ahead with you was already nothing but a spectacle.
And I understood that those who love a bit more, sleep much less.
I keep the golden shivers
because forgetting them wouldn't be sensible.
I even keep this open wound
and not being right doesn't haunt me.
Because we must accept the differences
that always existed between you and me.
Live without insisting on the importance of being fragile or the winner.
And while you were sleeping, I spied the heavens.
I saw the starts dancing on their tiptoes, looking at you
until filling your spaces up with the most beautiful light from there.
Until flooding our life with the most beautiful light!
I keep the things you've said at the door,
your breath on my chest and the mauve flowers.
Because there is no verdict, there's an ending, and in the middle, the good will remain.
I keep your rancour if it's okay with you.
I swear to you I let mine get lost.
If we have been part of a mistake,
at times we were also something better.

Destination: Paradise

In this carousel of souls,
those who turn get lost and stay here.
I know it for real, my friend.
I also turned
and to reach you I had to run.
But the more I look around me, I see
there's a world that keeps going on even if
you're not here anymore. You're not here anymore.
And tell me why
in this carousel of souls
there is no place
to shake off
what has been said
and that is already known.
And then you know what is there.
That whatever there is, there's a train I take
heading to Paradise City.
I bid everyone farewell and I jump on it.
I take the train and stop thinking.
A journey only makes sense without a return
if it's not a flight,
with no stops nor boundaries,
only horizons but not so distant either.
I'll grab myself to my seat
and you, sitting there by my side,
will tell me, 'Destination: Paradise'.
A journey only makes sense without a return
if it's not a flight,
with no stops nor boundaries,
only horizons but not so distant either.
I'll grab myself to my seat
and you, sitting there by my side,
will tell me, 'Destination: Paradise'
That whatever there is, there's a train I take
heading to Paradise City.
I'll grab myself to my seat
and you, sitting there by my side,
will tell me, 'Destination: Paradise.
A paradisiacal city'.

Twin Star

Solitude is here again.
Tonight I will also feel
this heart of mine beating and carrying
a love rhythm that never ends, oh no.
All my insides that you know, that you locate
live the most difficult moment they've ever had.
Cutting the ties wasn't enough.
It was useless to pay my dues
if later what remains
is this way of mine of being
so fragile.
I'd like to know if you're there
of you're only a useless flight.
Where will you be, my soul?
Without you, I let myself fall.
Where will you be?
Beautiful soul, where will you be?
This heart of mine,
beating and carrying a love rhythm,
and me, I'm looking for you with such strength
that my eyes are already hurting.
Where will you be,
my soul?
Without you,
I let myself fall.
Where will you be,
beautiful soul?
Twin star,
where will you be?
Perhaps you'll be behind the moon
like the most concealed dream ever.
Don't you see I live thanks to you?
Where will you be?
Will I find you and make it through the night?
Will I find you and make it through the night?
Will I find you and make it, make it through the night?
Will I find you and make it, make it through the night?
Will I find you and make it, make it through the night?
Where? Where will you be?
Where will you be?

A Journey With You

Versions: #1
You woke us up with a kiss, and then
You went to bed while we
Ran into that school that
You told us teaches us how to live
But you taught us life
Every day a little bit more
With those loving eyes of yours
Of two crazy children like us
What I wouldn't give
Because time never ages us
I learned to sing with you
In the summer nights, in the coffee
I learned my courage
And I divided the street and happiness
Your strength and your sadness
Every instant, every mirage
For the parties you were never at
Mom opened the gifts with us
Work took you away
Your loneliness was mine
What I wouldn't do
To give you back the time lost by now
I learned to love like you
This life, risking all of myself
I learned your courage
And I understood the shy insanity
Of your unique being because
You're half of my journey for myself
It's like this
Always more
I look like you
In your smiles,
and in your tears
I learned your courage
And I learned how to love and grow
In life, risking all of myself
And I shared this journey with you
Me with you
I learned my own courage
I wake myself up in this house of mine
I think of when you went away
And even now, what I wouldn't do
To give us back the time lost by now

I Do

When you most need the words,
I'm there... I'm there.
When you don't value what you achieve,
I'm there... I'm there.
When you learn to stay
within the border of your boundaries,
if no one sees you... I do.
Where will you go
if the light is off?
You'll see.
You'll manage to resist.
If no one feels you... I do.
When you can't find the way,
I'm there... I'm there.
When you mistrust or defy,
I'm there... I'm there.
When you want to disappear,
you give up before losing.
If no one sees you... I do.
Where will you go
if the light is off?
You'll see!
You'll manage to resist.
If no one sees it... I do.
Those who love each other will do it
amidst charm and truth.
Sometimes just feeling is enough.
Life still remains before itself.
Where will you go
if the light is off?
You'll see.
You'll manage to resist.
If no one sees it... I do.
And no one believes it... but I do.

I Have

There are days when no one understands you.
I do... I do.
When love doesn't heal with time.
I do... I do.
I'll know how to find you amidst the crowd
before your dreams fall apart.
If the world hasn't understood you, I have.
And I believe in you
whatever your fate may be.
I follow you
come what may, that's for sure.
If the world hasn't understood you, I have.
If for you every minute is a battle,
believe me... believe me.
You'll always have an angel watching over you,
believe me... believe me.
I'll know how to find you amidst the crowd
before your dreams fall apart.
If the world hasn't understood you, I have.
And I believe in you
whatever your fate may be.
I follow you
come what may, that's for sure.
If the world hasn't understood you, I have.
We all live in this world.
Listen to the great thunder,
it's like the heart of the youth, it goes like this,
'cause love has life before itself.
And I believe in you
whatever your fate may be.
I follow you
come what may, that's for sure.
If the world hasn't understood you, I have.
The world hasn't understood you but I have.

Atât de important

Zi după zi
Simt că timpul mi-alunecă printre mâini
Și eu sunt acolo să urmăresc
Gândurile, dorințele mele
Din acele luni, uneori amare și fără reguli
Ți le vei aminti
De parcă ar fi fost doar un vis
Să trăiesc doar din acele clipe
Și să nu te mai caut
Dar nu e atât de important
Doar un moment de tare nostalgie
Alunecând în priviri, printre oameni
Merg indiferentă pe drum
Vina unei veri
Miresmele unei nopți
Ale unei clipe pe care n-o uit
Îndrumată de dorința să mă simt
Deodată mai și mai aproape
Atât de aproape că
Acum e prea târziu să ne gândim
Să te uit și apoi să renasc
Și să nu te mai caut
Dar nu știu ce este important
Dacă să am sau nu încredere în tine
În acea față atât de imprimată în minte
Nu știu, dar mă gândesc mereu la asta, știi
Și nu e nimic
Că eu șterg memoria ta
Al unui aspect melancolic și visător
Unde ești tu? Spune-mi acum unde ești
Într-o clipă mă întorc la prezentul meu
Și aș vrea ca tu să fii încă aici
Tu, care ești atât de important
Poți simți nevoia mea de tine
În ochii tăi văd apă transparentă
Ca un râu copleșitor înăuntrul meu

Early Spring

Versions: #1
I don't take for granted
any of what I have,
not even the slightest shiver, not now.
There's more oxygen
in my perimeter.
It's a symptom
plain as day.
I confess you're the main cause
now inside me
of everything good in there.
Ah, ah, ah... I know it,
you're early spring.
Ah, ah, ah... the proof that
shows the effect you have on me
Our self-portrait
now... can't be without you.
It's a reciprocal
Because of this, air changes in my lungs.
Out of the rest, you are... you are,
you're everything good there is.
Ah, ah, ah... I know it,
this early spring.
Ah, ah, ah... the example that
shows how much effect you have on me.
Flowers born out of the bramble,
out here, they heal my mistakes.
Ah, ah.
Ah, ah.
Undoubtedly you're the maker
of this spring
inside me... inside me.
Out here... ah, ah, ah.
In our self-portrait.

Doar dacă

Totul e atât de ușor
De când ești aici
Să alini neliniște și piedici
Câți oameni îmi spuneau
Niciodată să n-ai încredere în el
Cu invidia celor care speră
Numai în necazurile tale
Doar dacă în bine
Totul s-a schimbat
Doar dacă greșesc eu că
Nu te-am întâlnit mai demult
Puțin înainte ca emoțiile
Să-mi formeze caracterul
În timp ce lumea judeca
De ce ai ales între mine și ea
În spatele geamurilor șoptea
De acum ea nu mai e la fel
Doar dacă ce e mai bun
S-a schimbat cu totul
Doar dacă acum
Cel mai rău a fost distrus
Totul e atât de ușor
Dar când ești aici
Să-mi readuci zile senine
Câți oameni îmi spuneau
Niciodată să n-ai încredere în el
Cu lenea celor care pierd speranța
Să nu fim noi
Așa cum suntem e mai bine
Și nu-i deloc un păcat
Doar dacă greșesc eu că
Nu te-am întâlnit mai demult
Mai demult
Doar dacă
Acum, că te-am găsit, e mai bine...

Ca un dans

Mă voi pierde,
Știu că are un efect ciudat să spun asta,
În timp ce aici, în pat, strivesc floricele de porumb.
Voi merge
Spre deșertul care este
Deschis în jurul meu,
În amprenta unui paradis pierdut,
Niciodată împărțit cu cineva.
Sunt ca un hoț care
Nu distinge binele de răul dinăuntrul său,
Și nu știe nici cine e,
Nici măcar cine a fost.
A, CA UN DANS acum
Viața merge înainte și apoi
Ia câte puțin din noi
Și înaintează ca un ocean care
Lasă în fața mea
Toate greșelile mele
Pentru că de unul singur, știi,
Nu supraviețuiești.
Mă voi salva
Pentru că viața asta se schimbă și eu mă voi schimba
Pentru un sărut pe care l-am căutat până ieri, până aici,
Poți muri și poți să renaști așa,
Câtă mângâiere este-n nostalgia
Durerea va trece mai devreme sau mai târziu,
Ca un vârtej care mă târăște
Și mă aduce înapoi,
Încă în viață.
A, CA UN DANS acum
Viața merge înainte și apoi
Renaște împreună cu noi
Și înaintează ca un ocean care
Aduce împreună
cu el
Toate greșelile mele
De data asta, fără regrete.
A, CA UN DANS acum
Viața merge înainte în noi
Și nu ne lasă niciodată
Și merge să caute speranța, acum
Ca un dans și apoi
Se întoarce în ochii mei,
Pentru că de unul singur, știi,
Nu poți plânge niciodată.
Viața se schimbă și eu mă voi schimba
Voi trăi ca într-un dans,
Cu speranța pe care o am acum
Viața merge înainte.

In a Couch From IKEA

In a couch from IKEA, Dad sits and beats Mom
It's TV night and Mom has spilled some beer on the living room table
So now Dad is swearing and beating Mom and using taboo words
In a couch from IKEA, Mom sits and pulls Dad by the hair
In huge chunks, Mom rips out all of the hair he has
Then Dad goes to karate classes and Mom goes to the bar
In a couch from IKEA, Dad sits and beats Mom
Dad gets strong when he gets angry and Dads gets angry when he thinks
That his wife is cheating on him with her boss at his office
In a couch from IKEA, Mom sits and claws at Dad
And then they scream and rip off the clothes they wear
And then they do what makes Mom a mother and Dad a father
In a couch from IKEA, Mom lies and Mom is dead
Then the kids go to an orphanage and Dad on bread and water
That was today's little sunshine, sincerely Wam & Vennerød

My Band Plays Rock

My band plays rock
and all the rest as per the occasion,
we know well that in our country
to do everything is a requirement.
It’s a rock still young
just with a bit of latin flavour.
A music that is hope,
a music that is patience.
It’s like a train that has passed through
with a load of fruits.
We were at the station, yes,
but we were all sleeping.
And my band plays rock
for the one that saw it and for the one who wasn’t there,
and for the one who, on that day there,
was chasing one of his chimeras.
And don’t wake yourselves up,
oh, not yet.
And don’t stop us,
no, please, no.
My band plays rock
and it changes face as per the occasion,
from when political alliances
have become a requirement.
You will see us in crinoline
like ugly ballerinas.
You’ll see us dance
like young mosquitoes.
You’ll see us at the border
with our car on hold
but it will have made it:
the music went through.
It’s a rock still young,
just with a bit of latin flavour,
it travels without a passport
and us, behind it, short of breath.
It penetrates in your wall,
it makes a breach in your door
but, after all, it comes to tell you
that your soul is not dead.
And don’t wake yourselves up,
oh, not yet.
And don’t stop us,
no, please, no.
No, oh.
My band plays rock
and it’s an eternal departure,
it travels well at amplitude modulation
and at frequency modulation.1
It’s a rock still young
just with a bit of latin flavour.
A music that is hope,
a music that is patience.
It’s like a train that has passed through
with a load of fruits.
We were at the station, yes,
but we were all sleeping.
And my band plays rock
for the one that saw it and for the one who wasn’t there,
and for the one who, on that day there
was chasing one of his chimeras.
And don’t wake yourselves up,
oh, not yet.
And don’t stop us,
oh no, oh oh, please, no.
And don’t wake yourselves up,
oh, not yet.
And don’t stop us,
no, please, no.
  • 1. AM (amplitude modulation) and FM (frequency modulation)

The Things I'm Not Waiting For

Versions: #1
Surprised at the centre of a storm,
the volume loud inside my head.
My ideas are smoke,
flames of a fire that is only mine.
And if by chance I find you around those seas
sailing your dream until you reach it
with no need for you to say anything,
I'll stay to keep you company.
I can only look at the same spot
where you're looking at,
and thus I start to think
that I've already won
by convincing you that you're great.
Like the things I'm not waiting for.
Like that 'Thank you' that is so truthful.
Like the sincere embrace you give me
with nothing in return.
Like the perfume of a surprise,
or the hope that clings onto something.
Any place where I'm with you,
I'm at home.
Like the September sun
scorching Rome,
the snowy station
when it sticks out
or like those who shout and clap their hands
'cause they're the best at a concert.
I can only return to the same spot
where you want me to.
What is mine is yours, I assure you that.
I gave you everything
because you're great.
Like the things I'm not waiting for.
Like that 'Thank you' that is so truthful.
Like the sincere embrace you give me
with nothing in return.
Like the perfume of a surprise,
or the hope that clings onto something.
I'm defeating you, convincing you
that you're great!
That you're great!
Like the things I'm not waiting for.
Like that 'Thank you' that is so truthful.
Like the sincere embrace you give me
with nothing in return.
Like the perfume of a surprise,
or the hope that clings onto something,
that's why anywhere I'm with you,
I feel at home.

In a Nearly Pink Room

Look, we're alone in this room,
yet there's someone watching us.
Do you hear it? You can't even hear the noises,
yet there's something moving.
Kiss what tastes like you
and turn off this too-strong light.
Beautiful, I'm travelling miles per hour
with you in a nearly pink room.
Here no one can divide
what God has wanted.
Here no one can decide for us.
Caress me without shame.
Even laugh, if you want to.
And you'll see sooner or later you'll do it
out of here.
With no fear and with the sun.
With no more eyes to avoid.
With no fear and with the sun
with the courage of those who want to.
Look, this love becomes greater
and squeezes us inside this room.
So, outside, let's dress again and then go outside,
and let's alight all our dreams.
Under this blue sky, courage.
No one will separate anymore
my hand from yours.
You'll see.
With no fear and with the sun.
With no more eyes to avoid.
With no fear and with the sun,
with the courage of those who want to.
Look, we're alone in this room
yet there's someone watching us.


Where are you and how are you?
It's hard.
I know,
you know it.
I halt at the red light.
It's you whom I look for amidst the people
on foot, by taxi or inside the buses.
Two eyes that look at you and then leave
like two strong gusts, they lose themselves in the traffic
and one horn after the other, and who knows?
Where are you?
How are you?
I'll change
if you change.
Two because
we are
two fighters,
two veterans.
Two love songs,
you and I, no matter how.
With the same words
sitting at a caffé.
And I would like to tell you now that you're leaving,
that if it's love, my love, you'll see,
you'll live out of love.
But this evening,
what are you doing?
Me, phoning you.
You are not at home - 'Leave a message',
but the answering machine is faster than me
who never knows what to say,
and now I'll try to go out.
Tonight I'll find you, I know it.
Where are you?
How are you?
You're not here
but where are you going?
Me, I'm here like you
with this fear of loving
for two minutes, two hours or an eternity.
We're two wheels in the sea of this city
where everyone is in need of love
the way you and I do.
Two love songs.
You and I, no matter how.
With the same words
sitting at a caffé.
And I would like to tell you now that you're leaving,
that if it's love, my love, you'll see, you'll live out of love.
Where are you? How are you?
How are you?
You're not here but where are you going?
You and I,
forever or never.
We are,
we are two.
Two love songs.
You and I, no matter how.
With the same words
sitting at a caffé.

Write to Me

Write to me
when the wind has undressed the trees
and the others have gone to the cinema
but you want to stay alone
and you don't feel like talking, so
write to me.
It will help you to feel less fragile
when in people you find
only indifference.
Don't you ever forget about me.
And if you have nothing to say,
nothing special,
you mustn't worry,
I'll understand.
It's enough for me to know
that you think of me even for a minute
because I know how to be content
with even just a greeting.
We don't need much
to feel each other close.
Write to me
when the sky seems clearer
and the days prolong themselves.
Don't wait for the evening
if you want to sing.
Write to me
even when you think
you've fallen in your love.
Don't you ever forget about me, about me.
And if you don't what to say,
if you can't find the words,
you mustn't worry,
I'll understand.
It's enough for me to know
that you think of me even for a minute
because I know how to be content
with even just a greeting.
We don't need much
to feel each other close.
Write to me
even when you think
you've fallen in love.
Write to me.

I Sing

The mist that settles down in the morning.
The stones on a road on the hill.
The falcon that will lift.
The first ray of sun that will come.
The snow that will melt
running towards the sea.
The print of a head over the pillow.
The slow and uncertain steps of a child.
The look of serenity.
The hand that will lend itself.
The joy of those who wait.
For this and for what will come
I sing.
My hands inside my pockets and I sing.
The voice at the party and I sing.
The band in my head and I sing.
I run with the wind and I sing.
My whole life and I sing.
The spring and I sing.
My prayer and I sing
for whoever that listens to me.
I want to sing,
to sing always.
The smell of the coffee in the kitchen.
The house all filled with the morning.
And the lift that doesn't work.
My love for my city.
The people that will smile
along the street.
The branches that narrow down towards the sky.
An old man walking all by himself.
The summer that will later pass.
The grain that will ripen.
The hand that will pick it up.
For this and for what will come
I sing.
My hands inside my pockets and I sing.
The voice at the party and I sing.
The band in my head and I sing.
I run with the wind and I sing.
My whole life and I sing.
The spring and I sing.
The last evening and I sing
for whoever that listens to me.
I want to sing,
to sing always.
To sing!
(I sing, I sing...)
My hands inside my pockets. (I sing, I sing...)
The voice at the part and I sing.
My whole life and I sing.
I run with the wind and I sing.
And I sing!
My whole life and I sing.
I sing
for whoever that listens to me. (For whoever that listens to me...)
(I sing...) For whoever that listens to me. (I sing, I sing...)
(I sing, I sing...)
(I sing, I sing...)