Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 30


Dacă nu ai fi aici

Dacă nu ai fi aici,
dacă nu ai fi aici,
bietul de mine.
Aș fi un lucru mort,
o lumânare stinsă,
un om inutil.
Și dacă chiar m-ai părăsi,
cât ar merita să lupt singur?
Cum să mă gândesc să iubesc iar?
Tu ai putea?
Dacă nu ai fi aici,
aș putea găsi alta -
știu asta.
Ar fi o schimbare tristă
și știu că de durere
ar trebui să mă ascund.
M-aș duce să plâng,
să plâng chemându-te.
Dacă nu ai fi aici
lângă mine - lângă mine.
Dacă nu ai fi aici,
aș putea găsi alta -
știu asta.
Ar fi o schimbare tristă
și știu că de durere
ar trebui să mă ascund.
M-aș duce să plâng,
să plâng chemându-te.
Dacă nu ai fi aici
lângă mine - lângă mine.
(Dacă nu ai fi aici)
Dacă nu ai fi aici
aproape de mine.

Mică domnișoară

Mică domnișoară palidă, dulce,
vizavi de la etajul cinci,
nu este noapte ca eu sa nu visez Napoli
și sunt douăzeci de ani de când stau departe.
In satul meu ninge,
clopotnița bisericii e albă,
tot lemnul a devenit cenușă-
mi-e frig mereu și sunt trist și obosit
Dragostea mea, nu-ți amintești
că spunându-mi adio
mi-ai pus la butonieră o panseluță
apoi mi-ai spus cu voce tremurândă:
'Nu mă uita'.
Frumoase timpuri de petrecere,
dulce fericire făcută din nimic.
Toasturi cu pahare pline cu apă
dragostea noastră săracă și nevinovată.
În ochii tăi treceau
o speranță, un vis, și o mângâiere,
aveai un nume care nu se uită -
un nume lung și scurt:
Mititelul meu,
într-o carte veche de-a mea de latină,
a găsit - ghici! -
o panseluță.
De ce în ochii mei îmi tremura o lacrimă?
Cine știe- cine știe de ce?
Cat timp ești departe,
cat timp te simt,
sună clopotul
de la mica biserică a lui Iisus -
și ninge, de-ai ști cum ninge:
Dar tu, tu unde ești?


Pune în cuvinte câteva picături de bucurie,
câteva picături de lacrimi
și apoi spune-mi că mă iubești.
Dar, vorbește-mi,
pune în cuvinte câteva note de vis
câteva note de viață
și apoi spune-mi că mă iubești
Ceea ce-mi vei spune,
ceea ce-ți voi spune
va fi ca drumul ce va însemna călătoria
așa cum ceea ce-mi vei spune, ceea ce-ți voi spune
va fi ca lumina luminii noastre
Dar, vorbește-mi,
spune-mi cu cuvine
și nu este un alt vis,
și nu este o altă viață
deasupra mea,
deasupra ta,
nu, nu este un alt vis,
nu este o altă viață.

Să mă îndrăgostesc de tine

Să mă îndrăgostesc de tine,
pentru a nu te părăsi niciodată
toată viața.
Să mă îndrăgostesc de tine,
să mă simt mereu în tine,
să te simți mereu în mine.
Să te sărut la răsăritul soarelui,
să te sărut la fiecare asfințit.
Trecut și ce va urma
să trăim împreună
în sărutările mele,
în sărutările tale.
Să mă îndrăgostesc de tine
precum un destin,
să te simt mereu în mine,
să mă simt mereu în tine.
Sa te sarut la rasaritul soarelui
sa te sarut la fiecare asfintit.
Trecut si ce va urma
sa traim impreuna
in sarutarile mele,
in sarutarile tale.
Sa ma indragostesc de tine
precum un destin,
sa te simti mereu in mine,
sa ma simt mereu in tine.
A te iubi
Pentru a nu ne părăsi niciodată!

Thinking About What You Are

I—when I think of your eyes
that won my day,
I feel something inside,
and if I lived for a hundred years,
it would make me die.
Love, love, love, love, love.
But when I think about what you are,
about what you invent with every moment,
I feel something inside,
and if I lived for a hundred years,
it would make me die—
and retrace the road
that leads me to you.
I feel something inside,
and if I lived for a hundred years,
it would make me die.
Love, love, love, love, love.
But when I think about what you are,
about what you invent with every moment,
I feel something inside,
and if I lived for a hundred years,
it would make me die—
and retrace the road
that leads me to you—
that leads me to you.
Love, love, love, love, love.
Love, love, love, love, love.


Darkness descended on me
ever since you are no longer mine.
You no longer smile at me.
You no longer come back.
Darkness descended on me
ever since you are no longer mine.
You no longer smile at me.
You no longer come back.

For OneTime Only

I know who you are,
and I know that it is not easy for you to change this life
of superb naivety.
You are like the sea that caresses you and then carries you away
into its immensity—
into its immensity—
into its immensity.
Knocking on your door is a hope that remains just because
you are a prisoner of yourself—
prisoner of yourself—
of yourself—
of yourself.
But then, why, for one time only,
all that which you loved, you gave to me?
And today as I cry all of my tears,
you do nothing but tell me no—
tell me no—
tell me no.
Dressed like a white angel belonging to someone else,
certainly you will say yes.
But then you will realize that there will never be
another love like this.

I Cry

I cry, my soul, I cry because
you are not here with me.
Where are you, love?
Who are you with, love?
Come back to me, my love.
I cry because I would like to give you back
as much pain as you gave to me.
But I no longer know how to love
without remembering what you—
you have been for me.
Even the air I breathe knows about you—
only about you—from me
I cry but I know that one day
you no longer will be able to stay away from me.
I will find you—and I will love you
ever more, ever more, ever more.
Even the air I breathe knows about you—
only about you—from me
I cry but I know that one day
you no longer will be able to stay away from me.
I will find you—and I will love you
ever more, ever more, ever more.
Ever more ...

The Voice That Sang

Tomorrow is a holiday and you're not here.
I will dress the children and go down to the village,
and I will remember when a voice sang in the house—
windows wide open and the sun coming in.
In the morning I dressed
and you greeted me by saying 'he waited for you.'
Bye, dad—bye, love.
Bye, dad—bye, love.
We laughed—we dreamed we were happy.
How much I loved you.
I look at the room and you are not there.
I will dream of the moments that will never come back.
I will remember when a voice sang in the house—
windows wide open and the sun coming in.
In the morning I dressed
and you greeted me by saying 'he waited for you.'
We laughed—we dreamed we were happy.
How much I loved you.
Bye, dad—bye, dad—bye, love.
Bye, dad—bye, dad—bye, love.

Thank You, Hot Sun

Thank you, hot sun, for reawakening me.
While I dreamed—I dreamed of her,
she left—she went far away.
I was dozing on the sand
and I did not feel—I no longer felt
her hand in my hand.
Now it's enough to look at her in order to forget that dream—
to know that she loves me—
and loves me—only me.
Thank you, hot sun, for reawakening me
and thanks to you because I have understood
why I now know how much I love her.
Thank you, hot sun.
Thanks to you.

My Images

Thoughts that rain down around the things
that come to mind together with you—
images placed there in front of the sun
like clouds in the sky.
Just like a cry, I am weeping
and I know that I will cry for you—
for you who go away—
for you who go away.
Thoughts whispered by your lips—
thoughts that become words—
those only words that you will not speak to me:
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.
Just like a cry, I am weeping
and I know that I will cry for you—
for you who go away—
for you who go away.
I love you, I love you, I love you.
I remember your hair on the pillow—
your room painted pink.
I remember your loose hair in the wind.


Hello—it seemed like saying to one another, I love you—
and the eyes answered, I love you.
Hello—even if someone else can say to you, 'hello, I love you,'
that would just be a greeting and go no further.
You know, it would be very exciting to see you again,
to tell you at that time how I love you, I love you.
Hello—fantastic dreams of my castles in the air—vanished—
then returning to me as in a fairy tale.
You will stay with me, you will remain
because I love you, I love you, I love you.
I love you.
You know, it would be very exciting to see you again,
to tell you then how I love you, I love you.
Hello—fantastic dreams of my castles in the air—vanished—
then returning to me as in a fairy tale.
You will stay with me, you will remain
because I love you, I love you, I love you.
I love you.

Listen, My God

Please listen to the voice
of those who have faith in you, oh my God.
The fury of a sea breaks in the heart
of a sea of love because
she has gone away from me—
leaving me alone to cry in my sorrow.
My God—hidden in a cloud—
I saw her running away from me.
Listen to me in the dark without sun.
I will go, I will stay, I will shout, I will search.
But let me find myself again for my mother.
Oh, oh my God, for my mother.
My God—hidden in a cloud—
I saw her running away from me.
Listen to me in the dark without sun.
I will go, I will stay, I will shout, I will search.
But let me find myself again for my mother.
Oh, oh my God, for my mother.
Oh, oh my God,
for my mother.
Oh, oh my God,
for my mother.
Oh, oh my God,
for my mother.

Fruit of the Sea

Fruit of the sea out of the water—
one summer day, the sea erases
the footprints in the sand as you come searching for me.
Then I look at you and you stop next to me
and we don't speak. No, we do not speak.
We take one another by the hand
and alone—alone—we go far, far away.
Fruit of the sea on the hot sand—
I squeeze you in my arms.
You are a fruit of the sea.
We take each other by the hand
and alone—alone—we go far—far, far away.
Fruit of the sea on the hot sand—
I squeeze you in my arms.
You are a fruit of the sea—
you are a fruit of the sea—
fruit of the sea.

Tell Me, Love

Tell me, love, what will become of me—
what will I do if you go away one day?
Oh, tell me, love, what will become of me—
who, like you, can I ever love again?
When the sun sets—it will set—
and the moon will rise.
Tell me, love, what will become of me—
what will I do if you leave me?
And the moon will rise.
Tell me, love, what will become of me—
what will I do if you leave me?
Oh, tell me, love,
what will become of me
if you leave me? ...

Talk to Me

Talk to me!
Put into words a few drops of joy—
a few drops of crying—
and then tell me that you love me.
But talk to me—
put into words some dream notes—
some life notes—
and then tell me that you love me.
What will you tell me, what will I tell you?
It will be like the road that will show the way—
like the one you'll tell me, like the one I'll tell you—
it will be like the light of our light.
But talk to me—
tell me with words
that there is no other dream,
there there is no other life
beyond me—
beyond you.
No, no, there is no other dream—
there is no other life.

Always, Always

you go into the dark of night—
you carry around a little of the blue
that you stole from his eyes.
the moon is also crying
and it rains down
so much light around me.
Forever will I love you.
Forever will I dream about
all of the love that
you gave to me.
I will take with me
just a little bit of you—
but the sadness is great
that you give me.
of my happiest days—
that those who love will understand.
Time will pass but
will not erase
the dreams that I lived
together with you.
Always, always
will I love only you
in my life.
of my happiest days—
that those who love will understand.
Time will pass but
will not erase
the dreams that I lived
with you.
will I love only you
in my life.

The Ballad of a Better Man

Versions: #2
He was at the top of his class
but nobody wanted him.
Every day was something new
and he laughed at it all.
Then life stole it away
without ever giving him more than a taste.
He was satisfied with that
up until the point that he got fed up with it.
He wanted to pick daisies
but the fields were no longer in bloom.
There was a tangle of many vines
that already were taking over the bleak field.
He thought nothing of that—he laughed at it—
pressing forward pleased him.
He went in search of something
that he did not know but that he sensed.
He went in search of something
that he had inside called love.
A mouth and two black eyes
did not satisfy his thirst
for the illumination that he sought.
The net did not trap him.
Music transported him
to where nothing disturbed him—
with a drumroll that thrilled him
until he put a stop to it.
A daisy struck his forehead
and a red flower opened for him.
This was his reward for a life
that had earned its freedom.
Out of this is born a field of daisies
and together with others he will remain—
he won't have a name among so many vines—
he will not be the best but he will be a better man.

My Poetry

You were the one for me—
alone and only mine.
I felt only you.
I spoke only to you.
There was no wind to carry you away.
You were my poetry—you were my poetry.
A poet, a poet,
a poet I felt myself with you.
And I sang the most beautiful things—
the greatest and sweetest things for you.
I spoke to the moon—
I spoke to the stars—
to everything about you.
And the most beautiful dreams in the world
in the depths of your eyes—
I searched for them with you.
A poet, a poet,
a poet I felt myself with you,
and I sang the most beautiful things—
the greatest and sweetest things for you—
to your genius, to your genius.
You were a poem, my poetry... your genius, to your genius.
You were a poem, my poetry—
you were a poem, my poetry—
you were a poem, my poetry...

A Great Love

Versions: #2
A great love—
as great as the world.
You brought to me the beauty of a morning—
a smile to my eyes—
a smile that now is no longer there.
You were a great love—
greater than the world.
You erased with a moment of life
all of the sadness of my past
much as the dawn gives birth to a day from night.
You were here first—
I now pass many nights just waiting—
so many improvised verses while dreaming,
hugging a pillow in my arms—
and I see you again.
It was a great love,
greater than the world.
You brought to me the beauty of a morning—
a smile to my eyes—
a smile that now is no longer there.
You were here first—
I now pass many nights just waiting—
so many improvised verses while dreaming,
hugging a pillow in my arms—
and I see you again.
It was a great love—
greater than the world.
You brought to me the beauty of a morning—
a smile to my eyes—
a smile that now is no longer there.

Love Story

Thank you, my love,
to have challenged
the whole world together with me—
to have tried
another life at my side—
to have been wrong
and then paid even more—
together with me.
Thank you because I know
that this love
will never end.
Even if the world
collapses around us,
I will not cry—
somehow I will manage
to say goodbye.
But telling you goodbye is not possible—
to think of you and not to smile—
to not be there in your eyes.
But no—I'm not saying goodbye
because you live in me.
We are now
the earth and the tree—
the light, the sun—I know nothing more,
I know nothing more.
Thank you, my love—
from this night forward,
I will only come back to you—
from your glass
I will drink as usual—
onto your pillow
I will slide my hand—
and you will be there.
Onto your pillow
I will slide my hand—
and you will be there.

Next To Whom

Next to whom,
to whom, will I live—
now that you tell me that
you no longer love me?
Next to whom,
to whom, will I live—
to whom will I give all of the love
that I gave to you?
There is no more light in my room—
there is no more light in my life—
now that I know
that you will leave me.
Next to whom will I live?
To whom will I tell
the same things
that I told you?
Next to whom,
to whom, will I live—
to whom will I give all of the love
that I gave to you?
There is no more light in my room—
there is no more light in my life—
now that I know
that I will miss you.
Next to whom will I live?
To whom will I tell
the same things
that I told you?
Now that you tell me that
you do not love me anymore,
to whom will I give all love
that I gave to you?
There is no more light in my room—
there is no more light in my life—
now that I know
that I will miss you.

Like The Violets

Versions: #3
The violets have bloomed again
but they have no color for me.
That warm tenderness that you
carried in your eyes—
no—it is no longer there.
Like the violets, you too
shall return—
with you, you will bring back
the springtime.
You had my life—
you had my life in your arms.
You have gone away, I do not know—
You have gone away, with whom—
from my dreams.
Perhaps tomorrow—who knows—you will cry—
I know—when you understand my love.
Many springtimes will bloom again—
like the violets, you too
shall return.
Many springtimes will bloom again—
like the violets, you too
shall return.
Many springtimes will bloom again—
like the violets, you too
shall return.

little girl

little girl
on the sand tha it the desert
where the sea has deleted with a kiss your memories
little girl
even the sun that laughed
in love with your face
has gone along with you
i dont know your name
i dont know anything about you
but something of your days
that i have seen with you
has remained in your eyes
has remained in your eyes
tell me about you
little girl
a tear of the rain
that is falling from your face
with my cries for you
all those words that you told me stay like an echo
little girl
i dont know your name
i dont know anything about you
but something of your days
that i have seen with you
has remained in your eyes
has remained in your eyes
tell me about you
little girl
a tear of rain
is falling from your face
with my cries for you
all the words that you said to me stay like an echo
little girl

Cine vrea aceasta muzica in seara asta

Versions: #2
Cine vrea aceasta muzica, in seara asta,
care-mi reaminteste putin de trecut,
luna ne tinea companie
eu te credeam a mea,
numai a mea,
numai a mea.
As vrea sa te tin aici, langa mine,
acum ca intre noi nu mai este nimic,
as vrea sa mai aud cuvintele tale,
acele cuvinte pe care nu le mai aud.
Lumea in jurul nostru nu exista
de fericirea pe care tu mi-o daruiai.
Ce ma voi face de acum
cu toate zilele mele
daca in zilele mele
tu nu mai esti.
Cine vrea aceasta muzica, in seara asta,
care-mi reaminteste putin de trecut,
care-mi reaminteste putin de dragostea ta,
care-mi reaminteste un pic de tine.
Ce ma voi face de acum
cu toate zilele mele
daca in zilele mele
tu nu mai esti.
Cine vrea aceasta muzica, in seara asta,
care-mi reaminteste putin de trecut,
care-mi reaminteste putin de dragostea ta,
care-mi reaminteste putin de tine,
putin de tine.

Te iubesc si te voi iubi

Daca tu, dupa ce ai iubit in zadar,
nu mai vrei sa iubesti pe nimeni
de ce uiti si de mine.
Daca tu, nu mai vrei sa iubesti pe nimeni,
vino sa strangi mana
care te lega intr-o zi de mine.
Lacrimile pe care le-am varsat pentru tine,
sunt lacrimi de dragoste pentru mine.
Te iubesc, te iubesc si te voi iubi,
cu pasiune te voi iubi
cat timp lumea va avea viata,
cat timp soarele va straluci,
cat timp voi trai,
pentru ca vreau sa te pastrez doar pentru mine,
mereu, mereu, mereu,
doar pentru mine.
Te iubesc,
Te iubesc si te voi iubi,
cu pasiune te voi iubi,
cat timp lumea va avea viata,
cat timp soarele va straluci,
cu pasiune te voi iubi.
Te iubesc si te voi iubi.
Te iubesc si te voi iubi.
Te iubesc, te iubesc, iubire.
Te iubesc,
te iubesc si te voi iubi,
cu pasiune te voi iubi,
cat timp lumea va avea viata,
cat timp soarele va straluci,
cu pasiune te voi iubi.
Te iubesc si te voi iubi.
Te iubesc si te voi iubi.
Te iubesc si te voi iubi!
Te iubesc si te voi iubi!


Peste cateva zile se va sfarsi vara
si pe plaja nu va ramane nimic,
orele trecute vor fi o amintire
pe care noi le vom duce departe, eu si tu.
Vara va pleca impreuna cu soarele,
dragostea a plecat deja cu ea,
primele picaturi saruta nisipul
si stau deja sa umezeasca ochii mei
Septembrie va veni apoi dar fara soare
si poate o alta dragoste se va naste,
Septembrie va veni apoi dar nu te va gasi
si vor plange numai ochii mei...
Septembrie va veni apoi dar nu te va gasi
si vor plange numai ochii mei...
si vor plange numai ochii mei...
si vor plange numai ochii mei...