Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 9


Dă-mi mâna ta

Spuneau că e cam prostuță
Fiica stăpânului de-ncuietori local.
Se ascundea într-o căruță,
Cu niște ochi ce vedeau departe,
Și asta-i speria pe copii.
Ea vorbea singură pe planeta ei,
Cu o voce de păpușă.
Noi, copiii, eram niște tâmpiți,
Ne ascundeam să auzim
Ce are de zis:
”Dă-mi puțină pâine
Ca să mănânc mâine,
Dă-mi ochii,
Să văd albastrul cer,
Dă-mi mâna ta!
Dă-mi și mie un câine
Să țină la mine,
Și doar un amic,
Să se poarte blând,
Dă-mi mâna ta!”
Spuneau că e cam prostuță,
Dar când văd ochii pierduți
Ai oamenilor de pe planetă,
Cu inimi ca de câini bătuți,
Aud acel glas ce revine.
Îmi amintesc:
”Dă-mi puțină pâine,
Ca să mănânc mâine,
Dă-mi și niște flori
Să prepar culori,
Dă-mi mâna ta!
Dă-mi niște pietre albe
Pentru fiecare duminică,
Dă-mi un surâs,
Ca să nu mor,
Dă-mi mâna ta!
Dă-mi ceva lemn
Să-mi fac acoperiș,
Dă-mi și mie un câine,
Să țină la mine,
Dă-mi mâna ta!
Dă-mi puțină pâine
Și un foc de lemne,
Dă-mi ochii
Să văd albastrul cer,
Dă-mi mâna ta!
Dă-mi niște pietre albe
Și pietricele gri,
Dă-mi un surâs,
Ca să nu mor,
Dă-mi mâna ta!”

The seducer's argument

He played with words like a juggler
And you said bravo half-heartedly
He promised one thousand rides
And the fountains in Marienbad
He laid his hand on your shoulder
You wept as only willows weep
He was handsome, he was funny
Juggling with truth
He used every trick
And his strangeness
Took you away
It's the seducer's argument
The one with a lying heart
Who doesn't give a damn
It's the seducer's argument
Who cares only about his pleasure
And that's all

The price you paid was a wrinkle on your cheek
What he showed you has burnt your eyes
Easy money and blue swimming-pools
You got trapped by this backdrop
And you mistook gold for love
He took you in his merry-go-round
It was just a game, sun and snow
A false love, a sacrilege
Juggling with truth
He let you down
Barely picked, the flower
Was faded
It's the seducer's argument
The one with a lying heart
Who doesn't give a damn
It's the seducer's argument
Who cares only about his pleasure
And that's all
The price you paid was a wrinkle on your cheek


Those who found each other

Those who found each other
Each one of their gestures proves it
Seem to come from a world different
From our own world
As if they were aliens
From a better world
As if they lived in a bubble
In which love as a rebel
Would protect them from outside
Those who found each other
Each one of their looks proves it
Are really lit up
By a strange light
And a simple eye contact
Becomes a painting by Michelangelo
Where even their colors
Become Italian
Exhausted by heat
Those who found each other
Each one of their desires proves it
Have kinds of milk teeth
Within mouths of wolves
Their incomplete smiles
Tell without a word
Their smallest secrets
Their intimate lives
And their tender lack of shyness
And we remember
These inconditionate moments
That gave us wings
In the grim streets
And we do quiver
At the sudden sight
Of the huge bonfire
Still burning for us
Those who found each other
Their silence proves it
Communicate between them
As if in another language
And their playful lips
Have mango flavors
That they slowly enjoy
So as to prevent time
To wipe their happiness away
Those who found each other
Those who found each other

The tide

On the wharf, first phone call
I call you from the end of the world
You answer, and I can hear your surprise
Just a second
It's life that draws me back
Say nothing, let me speak to you
Just tell me if it's worth
I insist
Tell me how are things
For you now
Did you marry
By any chance?
You wanted a child
Of me
The tide is ebbing,
The tide is rising
The tide is like me
But it does not speak
Please wipe your tears
From your cheeks
The surf breaks out
I'm coming back home
The tide is ebbing,
The tide is rising
Love has sometimes
The heart of a sailor
The tide forgives
Who is far away
Pick up that phone
And tell me: come back!

Say nothing if you are afraid
Coming back is not a wreckage
I've lost my tramp taste
For travels
I remember the vaulted street
Our life in the old town of La Rochelle
The cargo ships in the harbour
That call me
But you don't say a word
On the line
And I can hear your sorrow
So frail
And I am here like a
Like a stupid man
The tide is ebbing,
The tide is rising
The tide is like me
But it does not speak
Please wipe your tears
From your cheeks
The surf breaks out
I'm coming back home
The tide is ebbing,
The tide is rising
Love has sometimes
The heart of a sailor
The tide forgives
Who is far away
Pick up that phone
And tell me: come back!

The tide forgives
Who is far away
And in that phone
You tell me: come back!

Try it

If you say 'No, I don't want
Life, it's not like that
I don't want to stay still
I want moving pictures
I want wings and islands'
If you say 'I take my bag'
If you do like Kerouac
If you feel like a tramp
Then bye bye, so long!
Go and visit the world!
All that shines
All that loves, that thinks, that resounds
All the reasons why a man is a man
All that brings sun into your heart
Try it
All that burns
All that beats, that hits, that resists
All the reasons why one day you exist
And discover the moon and the stars
Try it
Ta da tou dam tam
If you say 'One, two, three
Pierrot stops here
Now the cycle is complete
I want to plant my roots
Join up with Columbine'
If you say 'No problem
Of course, it's her I love
She is that part of angel within me
My horizon, my law
She's everything and that's it'
All that shines
All that runs, that dances, that resounds
All the reasons why one day you marvel
As your heart brushes against the sun
Try it
All that burns
All that beats, that hits, that resists
All the reasons why one day you exist
All that wakes up your body
Try it
All that shines
All that runs, that dances, that resounds
All the reasons why one day you marvel
As your heart brushes against the sun
Try it
All that burns
All that beats, that hits, that resists
All the reasons why one day you exist
All that wakes up your body
Try it
Ta da tou dam tam

Shall we dance, Miss?

It was a rainy day
Somewhat like today
I was walking unaware
Of where led the boulevards
The pavements of my life
Walking aimlessly
I ended up here
A lttle drunk
Somewhat distraught
In that dingy ballroom
With a suburban bar style
In the back of a strange room
An angel was hidden
Sitting right among
Smokers and dancers
In that dusty place
She was like a flower
That stung my heart
Shall we dance, Miss?
My God, she was so pretty!
I believe I had wings
My present, my past
Started tumbling
All around, she was the only one left
Smile, Miss
Because today life is beautiful
And the world belongs to us
Smile to love
Because our nights and our days
Dance hand in hand
Shall we dance, Miss?
My God, she was so pretty!
I believe I had wings
My present, my past
Started tumbling
All around, she was the only one left
Smile, Miss
Because today life is beautiful
And the world belongs to us
My present, my past
Started tumbling
All around, she was the only one left
It was a rainy day...

Kiss her

From canteen to school she dragged me
From fevers to measles she watched over me
And on the soft shores of her body
I came to life
With little effort
And with her first words
She gave me my mother tongue
With a slight accent, fallen from the sky
Then years followed without us knowing
When I watch her trotting around
A voice tells me
Kiss her
Praise her
Protect her
Her eyes and her heart are lilac
Kiss her
Praise her
Protect her
Her hair is already in winter
Of course I left her, I was about fifteen
It's as if I could see once more the scene, poor mother
When I came back, she did not say a word
She was just a little older
And I understood
Kiss her
Praise her
Protect her
Her eyes and her heart are lilac
Kiss her
Praise her
Protect her
Her hair is already in winter
And when I visit her every week
She is able to read in my eyes my life, my sorrows
From a simple dinner she makes a celebration
Though thinking
Perhaps tomorrow
I shall be gone
Kiss her
Praise her
Protect her
Her eyes and her heart are lilac
Kiss her
Praise her
Protect her
Her hair is already in winter

The mining villages

In the North were mining villages
Underground was coal
The sky was the horizon
Men were underground miners
Our windows overlooked similar windows
And rain wetted my schoolbag
But my father's eyes were so blue when he came back
That I could see the blue sky in them
I did my homework with one cheek resting on his arm
I think he was proud of me
He was bighearted as they are over there
And he made me what I am now
In the North were mining villages
Underground was coal
The sky was the horizon
Men were underground miners
Such was my childhood, it was a happy one
In the mist of washtubs
And my mountains were slag heaps
From their tops I watched the countryside
My father was a miner like his parents
My mother's hair was whiter
They belonged to the coal pit as you belong to a country
Thanks to them I know who I am
In the North were mining villages
Underground was coal
The sky was the horizon
Men were underground miners
On carnival day you could see in the townhall
A photograph of Jean Jaurès
And each glass of wine was like a pink diamond
On a background of dust disease
They talked about nineteen thirty six and firedamp
And accidents deep down the pit
They loved their job as you like a country
With them I have understood
In the North were mining villages
Underground was coal
The sky was the horizon
Men were underground miners
The sky was the horizon
Men were underground miners


She still had that childish air
She had those big porcelain eyes
She was on holiday
On the coast of Étretat
She had the wind and the light
She was running towards the sea
She was so light on her feet
That sometimes she took flight
It's true that she was seventeen
That at that age one thinks oneself a giant
It's true that there were dealers
All around her
It's true that she was so naive
When those demons prowled the coast
It's true that they sold her hell
The colour of the sky
So many images
So many mirages that I'll not forget
So many blazed suns
And on the beach
A dress like a summer flower

When she returned from the beach
Her eyes were full of clouds
Her youth was held hostage
In the fold of her arm
It's true that she told us nothing
That she ran straight into the night
It's true that there was the cliff
At Étretat
So many images
So many mirages that I'll not forget
So many blazed suns
And on the beach
A dress like a summer flower
And on the beach
A dress like a faded flower

She still had that childish air
She had those big porcelain eyes
And the sea washed over her in silence
On the coast of Étretat