Rezultatele căutării pagină 6
Număr de rezultate: 186
Ah yeah, ay yeah!
Ah yeah, ay yeah!
Chipul imi e dragut, dar nu si atitudinea
Rame de corpuri subtiri cu volum ascuns de doua ori pe atat
Inaintam fara sa privim in urma, nu e nevoie sa fim precaute
Negru dupa care Roz, suntem feroce
Daca o vreau, ti-o voi lua direct
Chiar si daca vrei ceva, e ca si cum ai taia apa cu o spada
In mainile mele e o verificare masiva
Daca esti curios, fa o verificare masiva
Standardele mele sunt foarte inalte
Precum un peste in apa
Sunt destul de intensa, sunt toxica
Te indragostesti de mine, sunt foxy
Gandeste de doua ori
Pentru ca nu pot pretinde ca sunt de treaba, precum toti ceilalti
Nu intelege gresit
Zambetele-mi usoare sunt doar pentru mine insami
Inca nu intelegi cu adevarat
Dar daca ma vrei pe bune, testeaza-ma
E limpede, ca si cum te-ai uita la foc
Daca iti doreai ceva usor ...
Oh asteapta pana ce fac ceea ce fac
Sa te lovesc cu acel ddu-du ddu-du du
Sa te lovesc cu acel ddu-du ddu-du du
Calea pe care o urmez chiar acum
Este o intersectie BLACKPINK cu 4 directii
Est, Vest, Nord, Sud, peste tot un jur, noi conducem locul
Toate listele noastre de dorinte, le-am cumparat pe toate
Cand te trag, o fac de la mare distanta
Cand te indepartez, o fac legitim ca o fata rea
Fie ca iti place sau nu, nu conteaza ce spune toata lumea
Cand basul scade este o alta bubuitura
Gandeste de doua ori
Pentru ca nu pot pretinde ca sunt de treaba, precum toti ceilalti
Nu intelege gresit
Zambetele-mi usoare sunt doar pentru mine insami
Inca nu intelegi cu adevarat
Dar daca ma vrei pe bune, testeaza-ma
E limpede, ca si cum te-ai uita la foc
Daca iti doreai ceva usor ...
Oh asteapta pana ce fac ceea ce fac
Sa te lovesc cu acel ddu-du ddu-du du
Sa te lovesc cu acel ddu-du ddu-du du
Ce vei face cand voi
Trece prin, cu acel uh uh huh (2x)
fierbinte fierbinte fierbinte ca focul
fierbinte fierbinte fierbinte ca focul
Ah yeah, ay yeah! Ah yeah, ay yeah!
fierbinte fierbinte fierbinte ca focul
fierbinte fierbinte fierbinte ca focul
Te lovesc cu acel ddu-du ddu-du du
Pisica Roz
Sărutul tău de ieri încă
Îmi controlează inima
Ce metodă nedreaptă
Dacă așa vrei tu să-o faci
Nu-mi place aspectul tău liniștit
Nu te voi ierta niciodată
Te voi face să înnebunești
Te voi prinde și nu-ţi voi da drumul
În ziua acestui joc
Îmi pun rujul meu roz favorit
Îmi ascund colţii
Cu o deghizare docilă și strigăte dulci
Îţi par irezistibilă, nu-i așa?
Nerăbdare este un tabu
Hai să ne liniștim
Tu ești un adversar formidabil
Şi asta mă face să te doresc mai mult
Pe celelalte fete nici să nu le atingi
Nu-ţi voi permite să te uiţi la altcineva
Singura care te face să înnebuneşti
Nu poate fi nimeni alta decât mine
Faţa mea modestă şi părul seducător de roz
Extindându-mi ghearele
Pot muşca câteodată
O voi grava pe tine
Nu-mi place aspectul tău liniştit
Nu te voi ierta niciodată
Te voi face să înnebunești
Te voi prinde și nu-ţi voi da drumul
Așa se simte pisica roz când joacă strategiile dragostei
Îmi ascund colţii
Cu o deghizare docilă și strigăte dulci
Nu mă voi opri
Faţa mea modestă și părul seducător de roz
Extindându-mi ghearele
Pot mușca câteodată
O voi grava pe tine
Așa că fii gata
See U Later
There's no regrets,
We did all that we could do
For me, it doesn't matter much if I have you or don't
All your promises are taken back
I can't count how many times repeated
The man that you are ain't shit, I gave you my heart, but no
Your 'sorry' is like an empty can
Just sounds like a dog barking now
Now that I've gotten it together, everything that you do is cheesy
I'll throw you away, recycle
The girl by your side is a fool
I'll say this today, I don’t want you no more
Hold up, you said it was forever?
But in the end you messed up again
You come and go like a light ping pong
I'm dumping you now ding dong
Playa you ain’t know?
You picked the wrong person
You should have only looked at me and worshipped me
Like a queen bee
See u later boy see u later
See u later boy see u later later
See u later boy see u later
Would have could have should have
See u later boy see u later
See u later boy see u later later
See u later boy see u later
See u later maybe never
I'm not blinded by love anymore
There's no point in holding me
Again you're back and forth and it's pathetic
Now you ain’t got no best friend
You'll be lonely on the weekend
Yeah, you're a loser, loner, a mean delinquent ha
Your 'sorry' is like an empty can
Just sounds like a dog barking now
Now that I've gotten it together, everything that you do is cheesy
I'll throw you away, recycle
The girl by your side is a fool
I'll say this today, I don’t want you no more
Like the time I moved so fast I couldn't feel the pain
You've gone in a flash
Have you forgotten who I am? Try to remember
I’m a boss bish
Someone like you needs to be put away
I've already erased your phone number
Turning the engine of my heart on boomin, heading towards love again
Pedal to the metal like
See u later boy see u later
See u later boy see u later later
See u later boy see u later
Would have could have should have
See u later boy see u later
See u later boy see u later later
See u later boy see u later
See u later maybe never
Good bye baby, you should have treated me right when you had me
Why you wanna go and do that do that why
You liked to see me from behind
Now look and remember it well
Bye bye bye bye bye
See u later boy see u later
See u later boy see u later later
See u later boy see u later
Would have could have should have
See u later boy see u later
See u later boy see u later later
See u later boy see u later
See u later maybe never
If you really really love me, tell me
Say that you can’t live one day without me
Say that you want me, that you're crazy about me
If you really really want me, tell me
Say that you can’t your eyes take off from me even for a second
Tell me that you really are not like the other guys
Tell that you are ready to get a star for me
While I'm next to you, be affectionate with me, because we don’t have much time
Say that when you see the other girls, you don’t care at all
Sometimes I need a lie that is not a lie
The girls around you are an empty place
Stop keeping them around you, cut they off from your life
You will come to me anyway
Better act like you know what
Better act like you know what
Eyes have been callin me baby
Body been tellin me take me
Boys have been sayin to date me
Your lips should be sayin the same thing
For real what’s the deal got a feelin you feelin me
Aye but I don’t play with them fakes
Keep it real with me
If you really really love me, tell me
Say that you can’t live one day without me really really
Say that you want me, that you're crazy about me
If you really really want me, tell me
Say that you can’t your eyes take off from me even for a second
Tell me that you really are not like the other guys
Kiss me once, I'll kiss you twice
If you cross the limits, I'll stop you no no
It is only our eyes to meet, and we begin to laugh
Because of you there are no more lonely evenings no more
Don’t forget me, even when you drink
There is nothing complicated, it's very simple as 1, 2, 3
Imagine us as one
Want a romance like the old times
Want to slow dance when it’s show time
Just me and you, and that slow jam that we both like
That playlist, my favorite, so play it, but baby
F a love song I need you to say it say it
If you really really love me, tell me
Say that you can’t live one day without me
Say that you want me, that you're crazy about me
If you really really want me, tell me
Say that you can’t your eyes take off from me even for a second
Tell me that you really are not like the other guys
I gotta know that you’re for real
Really really really
I gotta know that you’re for real
Really really really
I gotta know that you’re for real
Really really really
I gotta know that you’re for real
Really really really
Attitude toward good face
The shrunken volume doubled in size
I do not think I'll go straight without a hunch
Black If You're Pink We're Pretty Savage
When you want it
You can do anything with a knife
Two hands full of fat check
If you wonder fact check
A snowy top
Fish that meet water
Toxic reading
You're Hurting I`m Foxy
Think twice
I can not pretend to be nice like everyone else
Do not mistake it
It's for me to smile easily
I do not know yet
If you want to test me
You are as flaming as you can be
If you wanted something good
Oh wait til 'I do what I do
Hit you with that ddu-du ddu-du du
Hit you with that ddu-du ddu-du du
Now I'm walking
BLACKPINK 4 way intersection
Run it everywhere
I got your bucket list bud. I bought it
Pulling or pushing you away
Bad girl
Whether it's good or bad
When the bass drops it's another banger
Think twice
I can not pretend to be nice like everyone else
Do not mistake it
It's for me to smile easily
I do not know yet
If you want to test me
You are as flaming as you can be
If you wanted something good
Oh wait til 'I do what I do
Hit you with that ddu-du ddu-du du
Hit you with that ddu-du ddu-du du
What you gonna do when I
Come come through with that that uh uh huh
What you gonna do when I
Come come through with that that uh uh huh
Hot like hot
Hot like hot
Hot like hot
Hot like hot
Hit you with that ddu-du ddu-du du
The right to live -The Wall.
Hey you! What are you doing?
Keep your hands down.
Why aren't you like the others?
You should act like everyone else.
-I am only different
such as my friends.
You cannot exist this way.
You should act like us in order to succeed .
There is no place for discrepancies in this world..
- We also see the same sky..
and breathe the same air with you and we exist.!
No, No, No!
There is no place for discrepancies.
-We want our right to live.
The Wall which has to be broken.. the one in the people's minds.
We will get that right back. Because we also exist.
The Wall which has to be broken.. the one in the people's minds.
We want our right to live.
from the ones who tell us to stop.
There is no place for discrepancies in this world!
-Hey listen! We cannot stop!
We are only different but we are alive.
No,No, No !
-Break down the walls because we also exist.
The Wall which has to be broken..
You should be like us in order to succeed. the one in the people's minds.
We want our right to live .
from the ones who tell us to stop.
Hey listen! We cannot stop.
We are only different but we are alive.
Break down the walls because we also exist.
The Wall which has to be broken.. the one in the people's minds.
Pinky and the Brain
Hey Brain, what shall we do today?
The exact same thing we do every evening, Pinky,
We will try to achieve world domination
The Pinky and the Brain
Yeah, Pinky and the Brain,
In the animals' experiments' lab,
that's where it has happened
One of them is brilliant
The other is insane
The Pinky, yeah Pinky
and the Brain Brain Brain
Brain Brain Brain Brain
Brain Brain...
On every new night
They develop a plan
and reach towards claiming power
in their delusions of grandeur
The Pinky and the Brain
Yeah, Pinky and the Brain
Everyone can see it
but nobody can understand..
Brain wants the whole world
because it appeals to him
The Pinky, yeah Pink
and the Brain Brain Brain
Brain Brain Brain Brain
Brain Brain
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.
Marele Concert din Ceruri
Versions: #2
'Nu sunt înspăimântat de moarte, oricând s-ar întâmplă, nu mă deranjează.
De ce să îmi fie frică de moarte?
Nu are rost, trebuie să pleci cândva'
'Dacă poți să auzi această șoaptă este pe moarte'
'Nu am spus că sunt înspăimântat de moarte'
Ma trezesc in dimineti
Scufundandu-ma jumata-te catre strafunduri
Acolo-i un puternic, distorsionat tipat in al meu suflet
Totul este intunecat si gol'
Iar eu nu stiu cum s-o indrept
Asa ca ma incovoiesc intr-un 'balon'
Si plang in linistea/confortul casei mele
Eu nu stiu de ce ma simt ca naiba
Eu zic ca sunt bine, dar eu nu sunt
Pe dinauntru eu ma sting si tot ce vad sunt demoni
Eu incerc sa-mi ascund cele mai adanci sentimente
Pe dinauntru eu ma sting si tot ce vad sunt demoni
Eu incerc sa-mi ascund cele mai adanci sentimente
Cred ca ceva nu-i in regula cu mine
Fiindca tot ce vad e moarte/goliciune
De fiecare data cand eu afara ies
Eu arat de parca am facut meta
Iar eu dorm timp de 19 ore intr-o dupa amiaza de joi
Din cand in cand, eu scuip sange
Si nu stiu ce sa fac
Eu nu stiu de ce ma simt ca drac*
Eu zic ca sunt bine, dar eu nu sunt
Doamnelor si domnilor,
De vreti sa va terminati ,
Ridicati mainile sus ,
Da1 Lamele in aer, toata lumea! 'Tusind'
Hey, oh, hey, oh, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
Ajutor, Ajutor, Ajutor, Ajutor, Ajutor, Ajutor, Ajutor!
Pe dinauntru eu ma sting si tot ce vad sunt demoni
Eu incerc sa-mi ascund cele mai adanci sentimente
Pe dinauntru eu ma sting si tot ce vad sunt demoni
Eu incerc sa-mi ascund cele mai adanci sentimente
I Like Sex [very explicit]
Ah, ah, ah, I want sex
Ah, it feels really good
Ah, sex feels really good
I like sex
I want to have sex every day
Sex, I wanna put my d*ck in your p*ssy
Ah, it feels really good, I wanna put it in
Until I get a nosebleed
P*ssy feels good
It's really wet
*ring ring* hello? sex please
I like sex, my d*ck is really hard
I love sex, I love you
Because your p*ssy is the wettest
I want it every day
I kind of want to put it in your asshole
I love sex every day (sex!)
I like sex, I like it the most
I want sex
Let me lick your p*ssy a little SEX
Let me lick your p*ssy a little SEX
Let me lick your p*ssy a little SEX
Let me lick your p*ssy a little SEX
I like sex
I want to have sex every day
Sex, I wanna put my d*ck in your p*ssy
Ah, it feels really good, I wanna put it in
I'm at Family Mart reading some hentai
I really do want to have sex every day
Give me sex, I like sex
Raw wheat, raw rice, raw sex
I like creampies, creampies, creampies
I like creampies, creampies, creampies
Hello? Sex please
I love sex
Hello? Sex please
I love sex
I put my d*ck in your p*ssy
It's so wet, wet, wet, wet
Wet, wet, wet, wet p*ssy is delicious
Wet, wet, wet, wet p*ssy is delicious
I like sex
I want to have sex every day
Sex, I wanna put my d*ck in your p*ssy
Ah, it feels really good, I wanna put it in
I like sex
I want to have sex every day
Sex, I wanna put my d*ck in your p*ssy
Ah, it feels really good, I wanna put it in
Translations posted are mine unless there’s a source link.
Hơi thở, hơi thở trong làn khí
Đừng sợ hãi để thể hiện sự quan tâm
Hãy ra đi đi nhưng đừng rời bỏ tôi
Hãy nhìn xung quanh và tìm mảnh đất cho riêng mình
Vì cậu sẽ sống lâu thật lâu và cậu sẽ bay cao thật cao
Và những nụ cười cậu sẽ cho đi và những giọt nước mắt cậu sẽ khóc
Và những gì cậu chạm vào và những gì cậu chiêm ngưỡng
Là tất cả những gì cuộc đời cậu có
Chạy đi, thỏ ơi, hãy chạy đi
Đào cái hố đó, rồi quên ánh mặt trời đi
Và cuối cùng, khi công việc đã xong
Đừng ngồi xuống, đây là lúc để đào thêm một cái hố nữa
Vì cậu sẽ sống lâu thật lâu và cậu sẽ bay cao thật cao
Nhưng chỉ khi cậu dám cưỡi cơn thủy triều đó
Và giữ thăng bằng trên con sóng lớn nhất
Cậu chạy đua đến một nấm mồ sớm làm sao
Chúng Ta Và Bọn Họ
Ta và họ
Và sau cùng thì tất cả cũng chỉ là những người bình thường
Tôi và cậu
Có Chúa mới biết đây không phải là thứ chúng ta được chọn để làm
'Tiến lên!' gã thét lên từ phía sau và các binh lính phía trước tử trận
Và rồi gã đại tướng ngồi xuống rồi những dòng kẻ trên bản đồ
Chuyển từ bên kia qua bên đây
Đen và xanh
Và ai mà biết cái nào là cái gì với cả ai là ai
Lên và xuống
Nhưng cuối cùng thì chỉ có xoay vòng và xoay vòng và xoay vòng
'Cậu không biết à, đây là một trận đấu khẩu!' người cầm tờ áp phích gào lên
'Nghe này con trai,' người đàn ông cầm khẩu súng bảo
'Có chỗ cho mày trong đây đấy.'
Gục ngã rồi bị loại ra
Không thể làm gì hơn nhưng có nhiều chuyện về nó lắm
Có, không có
Và ai sẽ chối bỏ ý nghĩa của những trận đánh này
'Tránh khỏi đường coi, hôm nay đã đủ bận rồi
Tôi còn nhiều thứ phải lo trong đầu nữa
Nào là giá tiền của trà, rồi của bánh mì...'
Người đàn ông già chết.
Những Niềm Hi Vọng Lớn
Ở phía bên kia đường chân trời của nơi chúng ta từng sống khi chúng ta còn trẻ
Trong một thế giới đầy thu hút và kỳ diệu
Tâm trí của chúng ta đã lạc lối liên tục, và không bị ranh giới nào cản lại
Tiếng chuông chia rẽ đã bắt đầu ngân lên
Dọc theo con đường Longroad xuống đến Causeway
Tụi nó vẫn còn gặp nhau ở chỗ cắt đó chứ
Đã từng có một nhóm nhạc tả tơi lần theo từng bước chân của chúng ta
Trốn chạy trước khi thời gian cướp đi mọi giấc mơ chúng ta có
Bỏ lại vô số những sinh vật bé nhỏ, cố gắng trói chúng ta xuống mặt đất
Trói chúng ta vào một cuộc đời từ từ thối rữa
Cỏ đã xanh biết bao
Nắng đã chói biết bao
Với bè bạn vây quanh
Những đêm trời huyền diệu
Nhìn qua phía bên kia tàn lửa, nơi những cây cầu đang rực cháy đằng sau chúng ta
Để thoáng thấy cỏ bờ bên kia đã xanh như thế nào
Chân vẫn bước tiếp, nhưng vẫn mộng du đi về lại
Bị kéo đi bởi sức mạnh của những con sóng trong lòng
Tại một đỉnh cao với lá cờ bay phấp phới
Chúng ta đã đến đượcmột độ cao chóng mặt, nơi cả thế giới mơ tới
Bị trói buộc mãi mãi bởi khát khao và tham vọng
Vẫn có một cơn đói không thể thỏa mãn được
Đôi mắt tàn tạ của chúng ta vẫn lạc về phía chân trời
Dù con đường này chúng ta đã đi bao nhiêu lần rồi
Cỏ đã xanh biết bao
Nắng đã chói biết bao
Cảm giác đã ngọt ngào biết bao
Những đêm trời huyền diệu
Với bè bạn vây quanh
Sương mù sáng lên
Dòng nước cứ chảy
Con sông bất tận
Mãi mãi và mãi mãi.
Ist dort jemand, da draußen?
Ist dort jemand, da draußen?
Ist dort jemand, da draußen?
Ist dort jemand, da draußen?
Ist dort jemand, da draußen?
Прекрасная травма
Мы были охвачены огнём,
Я проколола тебе шины.
Казалось, мы горим так ярко, мы сгораем дотла.
Я заставила тебя побегать за мной.
Я была не слишком любезна.
Моя любовь, мой наркотик, мы под кайфом, о...
Потому что я так долго в бегах, меня не могут найти.
Ты очнулся, чтобы вспомнить, что я прекрасна,
И когда вся химия покинет мое тело,
Да-а, меня найдут в холле отеля,
Потому что
Эти моменты возвращаются,
Когда всю ночь мы смеёмся и тр*хаемся.
Порой я едва могу дышать
После того, как мы получили дозу любви.
Никаких сомнений: это был ты.
Таблетка, которую я продолжаю принимать,
Ночной кошмар, от которого я просыпаюсь, –
Это не что иное, не что иное, как ты.
Мое прекрасное дно,
Моя прекрасная травма,
Моя любовь, моя любовь, мой наркотик, о...
Моя любовь, моя любовь, мой наркотик, о...
\Моя любовь, моя любовь, мой наркотик, о...
Моя любовь, моя любовь, мой наркотик, о...
Моя любовь, моя любовь, мы под кайфом...
Ты пробил дыру в стене, а я залатала ее.
Я мечтаю научиться чувствовать, как ты.
Все хотят пережить это блаженство.
Если мы не продолжим гореть, мы угаснем,
Потому что я так долго в бегах, меня не могут найти.
Ты очнулся, чтобы вспомнить, что я прекрасна,
И когда вся химия покинет мое тело,
Да-а, меня найдут в холле отеля,
Потому что эти моменты возвращаются,
Когда всю ночь мы смеёмся и тр*хаемся.
Порой я едва могу дышать
После того, как мы получили дозу любви.
Никаких сомнений: это был ты.
Таблетка, которую я продолжаю принимать,
Ночной кошмар, от которого я просыпаюсь, –
Это не что иное, не что иное, как ты.
Мое прекрасное дно,
Моя прекрасная травма,
Моя любовь, моя любовь, мой наркотик, о...
Моя любовь, моя любовь (моя любовь), мой наркотик, о...
Моя любовь (моя любовь), моя любовь (мой наркотик), мой наркотик, о...
Моя любовь (моя любовь), моя любовь (моя любовь), мой наркотик, о...
(Мой наркотик) Моя любовь, моя любовь, мы под кайфом...
(Руки вверх!)
Эти моменты возвращаются,
Когда всю ночь мы смеёмся и тр*хаемся.
Порой я едва могу дышать
После того, как мы получили дозу любви.
Никаких сомнений: это был ты.
Таблетка, которую я продолжаю принимать,
Ночной кошмар, от которого я просыпаюсь, –
Это не что иное, не что иное, как ты.
Мое прекрасное дно,
Моя прекрасная травма,
Моя любовь, моя любовь, мой наркотик, о...
Brazilie, unde stelele se distrau în iunie,
stăteam sub o lună de ambră
şi murmuram încet ceva
ne sărutam şi ne ţineam împreună
Apoi - mâine a fost o altă zi
Dimineața ne-a găsit la kilometri distanță
Cu încă un milion de lucruri de spus.
Și acum, când amurgul stinge cerul de mai sus
Reamintind fiori de iubire
Există un lucru de care-s sigură: ...
Am să mă-ntorc la vechea Brazilie.
Brazilie, unde stelele se distrau în iunie,
stăteam sub o lună de ambră
Și mi-a murmurat încet într-o bună zi în curând ...
ne sărutam şi ne ţineam împreună
Apoi - mâine a fost o altă zi
Dimineața ne-a găsit la kilometri distanță
Cu încă un milion de lucruri de spus.
Și acum, când amurgul stinge cerul de mai sus
Reamintind fiori de iubire
Există un lucru de care-s sigură: ...
Am să mă-ntorc la vechea Brazilie.
Dacă soarele de mâine nu va străluci
de nu mişună creaturi dimineaţa,
dacă norii încă se plimbă prin cer
şi zilele trec şi trec pe lângă noi,
Am să mă plimb cu liftul tău,
Vom sta afară până târziu....
Dacă soarele de mâine nu va străluci,
cel puţin voi avea clementina mea
Dacă luna de mâine nu se va arăta
şi visele noastre se vor pierde în zăpada iernii
iar florile se vor usca şi vor muri,
şi cascadele vor curge seci
mă vei întâlni în grădină?
Vom spune 'te rog' şi 'pardon'
Dacă soarele de mâine nu va străluci,
cel puţin voi avea clementina mea
E un loc pe care nimeni nu-l ştie
E o împachetare a hainelor de vară
În leneşele zile ale minţii mele,
Mereu ai fost clementina mea...
Clementina mea...
Cum ramane cu noi?
La da da da da
La da da da da
Da da da
Noi suntem reflectoare, putem vedea in intuneric
Suntem rachete, îndreptându-ne spre stele
Suntem miliarde de inimi frumoase
Și ne-ai vândut de-a lungul râului prea departe
Cum ramane cu noi?
Cum ramane cu toate datile cand ai spus ca ai raspunsurile?
Cum ramane cu noi?
Cum ramane cu toate acele finaluri fericite distruse
Cum ramane cu noi?
Cum ramane cu toate planurile care s-au incheiat ca un dezastru?
Cum ramane cu iubirea? Cum ramane cu adevarurile?
Cum ramane cu noi?
Noi suntem problemele care vrem sa fie rezolvate
Noi suntem copii care au nevoie sa fie iubiti
Am fost voitori, am venit cand voi ati sunat
Dar omule, ne-ai pacalit, destul este destul, oh
Cum ramane cu noi?
Cum ramane cu toate datile cand ai spus ca ai raspunsurile?
Cum ramane cu noi?
Cum ramane cu toate acele finaluri fericite distruse
Cum ramane cu noi?
Cum ramane cu toate planurile care s-au incheiat ca un dezastru?
Cum ramane cu iubirea? Cum ramane cu adevarurile?
Cum ramane cu noi?
Cum ramane cu noi?
Cum ramane cu toate planurile care s-au incheiat ca un dezastru?
Cum ramane cu iubirea? Cum ramane cu adevarurile?
Cum ramane cu noi?
Betele si pietrele poate vor rupe aceste oase
Dar dupa eu voi fi gata, tu esti gata?
Este începutul nostru, trezeste-te, vino
Tu esti gata? Eu voi fi gata
Nu vreau control, vreau sa-i dau drumul
Tu esti gata? Eu voi fi gata
Ca acum e timpul sa-i lasam sa stie
Noi suntem gata, cum ramane cu noi?
Cum ramane cu noi?
Cum ramane cu toate datile cand ai spus ca ai raspunsurile?
Cum ramane cu noi?
Cum ramane cu toate acele finaluri fericite distruse
Cum ramane cu noi?
Cum ramane cu toate planurile care s-au incheiat ca un dezastru?
Cum ramane cu iubirea? Cum ramane cu adevarurile?
Cum ramane cu noi?
Cum ramane cu noi?
Cum ramane cu noi?
Cum ramane cu noi?
Cum ramane cu noi?
Cum ramane cu noi?
Cum ramane cu noi?
As is the case, the last
You see
Pounding wow
Red from the face and chest during the
I'm not of
A handful of sand
Can you
Formidable most attracted to and
I'm not of
I sigh and feel the Want
See one Missing you
So Won't you set me free
Baby and and stronger and
Hugged from what's not
Obediently now kiss want
The last like love
The last like the last like
Last night Love
The last like the last like
Tomorrow never comes so Love
Uh I'ma fall in love baby
U gon has a mission catch me
Uh give you all of this baby
Call me pretty and nasty
Cause we gonna get it my love you can bet it on
Black we gon double the stack on them whoa!
I be the Bonnie and you be my Clyde
We ride or die
X’s and O’z
Time is too impatient still
You are all Missing you
So Won't you set me free
Baby and and stronger and
Hugged from what's not
Obediently now kiss want
The last like love
The last like the last like
Last night Love
The last like the last like
Tomorrow never comes so Love
One two three from beginning to end
Never behind the back or not
I receive all stopped by
Won't let anyone get in my way I
BLACKPINK in your area
Baby and and stronger and
Hugged from what's not
Obediently now kiss want
The last like love
The last like the last like
Last night Love
The last like the last like
Tomorrow never comes so Love
BLACKPINK in your area
BLACKPINK in your area
Been a bad girl, I know I am
And I’m so hot, I need a fan
I don’t want a boy, I need a man
Badda bing badda boom
When I kick open the door, they all look at me
Even if I don’t try that hard
All guys get nosebleeds, pangpangpang
pangpang parapara pangpangpang
A toast for me right now, clink, clink, clink
Hands up, in my hands there’s a
Bottle full o’ henny
The girl you’ve always heard about, that’s me, Jennie
The dancing light wraps around me
Black to the pink
Wherever I am, I’m special, oh yes
Don’t care if you look or not, I wanna dance
Like ttaradaradanttan
ttaradaradanttan ttudurubbau
I like it, I like this atmosphere
I like it, I like you right now
I’m falling for you tonight
I wanna dance with you
BOOM BA oppa
BLACKPINK in your area
Have to run now, what else would I do
I’m immature, I have no fear, man
Middle finger up, F U pay me
90s baby, I pump up the jam
Run, run, oppa LAMBO
Today, you and I are gambling with youth
Don’t you dare stop me, even if someone tries
I’m gonna go brrrr RAMBO
Your hands wrap around my waist
Front to my back
My body is special oh yes
Your eyes say I know you wanna touch
Like touch touch touch
Touch ttudurubbau
I like it, I like this atmosphere
I like it, I like you right now
This night is awesome
I wanna dance with you
Let’s not be sober today
We’re going higher than the sky
I wanna go fast, without knowing the end
Let’s go, let’s go
Let’s not be sober today
We’re going higher than the sky
I wanna go fast, without knowing the end
Let’s go, let’s go
Pink Lady
Yeah~ H Bro! in you Area
Let me show you Hot Pink vibe
I'm Pink Lady~
Let`s Dance Pink Lady
It's difficult not to notice my Body Line
I'm pink lady sexy, I
follow the sweet rhythm, an infectious vibe
in this exploding beat a perfect design
Bass Down Low Kick drum snare
everyone becomes a surfer
surf on the wave I made
sexy Body wave
up and down Let`s get it Twerkin'
Move Move your body
close your eyes Kick Snare bass clap
(Kick Snare bass clap)
let's shake, raise your hand
Put your Hands up
Everybody on the Dance Floor
(Everybody on the Dance Floor)
Awoo ~
I`m Pink Lady~ I`m Pink Lady!
I`m Pink Lady~ I`m Pink Lady!
I am sweet
Pinky Pinky Pinky Pinky
Pinky Pinky Pinky Pinky
I`m Pink Lady~ I`m Pink Lady!
I am sweet
Beach Volleyball Player
bouncing hot
my back is of course Sexy
my heat is tanned like my skin
feel it, it's sweet Like chocolate ice cream
Dance with me
I want the wild beast that's under the spell
Beauty and Beast
the more violent the shake
the bubbles will trickle down
Go hard beauty shake
Popping bottle champagne
Move Move your body
Close your eyes Kick Snare bass clap
(Kick Snare bass clap)
let's shake, raise your hand and put your Hands up
Everybody on the Dance Floor
(Everybody on the Dance Floor)
Awoo ~
I`m Pink Lady~ I`m Pink Lady!
I`m Pink Lady~ I`m Pink Lady!
I am sweet
Pinky Pinky Pinky Pinky
Pinky Pinky Pinky Pinky
I`m Pink Lady~ I`m Pink Lady!
I am sweet
One two three Drop Beat
Hot Pink vibe (Hot Pink Vibe)
Girls on the Dance Floor
Hot Pink vibe (Hot Pink Vibe)
WHO is Ready to dance
As if this night is the last one
will you dance hotly as if you're crazy (will you dance?)
(your beauty on my skin)
let's shake everything until the sun rises babe ~
Let's beauty shake Everybody yeah
I`m Pink Lady~ I`m Pink Lady!
I`m Pink Lady~ I`m Pink Lady!
I am sweet
Pinky Pinky Pinky Pinky
Pinky Pinky Pinky Pinky
I`m Pink Lady~ I`m Pink Lady!
I am sweet
Pinky Pinky Pinky Pinky
Pinky Pinky Pinky Pinky
I am sweet
Pinky Pinky Pinky Pinky
Pinky Pinky Pinky Pinky
I`m Pink Lady!
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
So easily, with harsh words
You put scars in my heart
Without even saying sorry
Again, I’m comforting myself
Always nervous
If you’re gonna leave me
I just want you to stay
In your expressionless face
That’s getting more and more dull
I whisper to the mirror,
Let’s slowly let this go
You take me for granted
But that’s you
But still, stay stay stay with me
This sad melody resembles you
It makes me cry eh eh
Your scent is a sweet felony
I hate you so much but i love you
Before the dark night traps me in
Don’t leave me
Do you still love me? If you feel the same
Don’t leave today
Don’t ask why it has to be you
Just stay with me
(It goes a little something like)
Lalalalalala Lalalalalala Lalalalalala
Lalalalalala Lalalalalala Lalalalalala
I don’t expect a lot right now
Just stay with me
There’s nothing more I want now
I can’t even tell if my heart is beating
Rather than forceful conversations with others
I’d rather be in awkward silence with you
So stay, wherever that may be
Sometimes, when darkness comes, I’ll be your fire
In this world that is a lie the only truth, it’s you
This a letter from me to you
This sad melody resembles you
It makes me cry eh eh
Your scent is a sweet felony
I hate you so much but i love you
Before the dark night traps me in
Don’t leave me
Do you still love me? If you feel the same
Don’t leave today
Don’t ask why it has to be you
Just stay with me
(It goes a little something like)
Lalalalalala Lalalalalala Lalalalalala
Lalalalalala Lalalalalala Lalalalalala
I don’t expect a lot right now
Just stay with me
(It goes a little something like)
Lalalalalala Lalalalalala Lalalalalala
Lalalalalala Lalalalalala Lalalalalala
I don’t expect a lot right now
Just stay with me
My mom told me every day
To always be careful of guys
Because love is like playing with fire
I’ll get hurt
My mom might be right
Because when I see you, my heart gets hot
Because rather than fear
My attraction to you is bigger
I can’t stop this trembling
On and on and on
I wanna throw my all
Into your world
Look at me look at me now
You are burning me up like this
I can’t turn it off
Our love that’s like playing with fire
My love is on fire
Now burn baby burn
Playing with fire
My love is on fire
So don’t play with me boy
Playing with fire
Oh no, I’ve already come too far
Suddenly, none of this is a game anymore
Love is like red fire
Blow, wind, so the fire will grow
Is this medicine or poison? Not even my mom knows
A robber in my heart, why don’t the police know?
Pour out your oil in my burning heart
kiss him will I diss him
I don’t know but I miss him
This is past addiction, this love is crack
The color of my heart is black
I can’t stop this trembling
On and on and on
I wanna throw my all
Into your fiery path
Look at me look at me now
You are burning me up like this
I can’t turn it off
Our love that’s like playing with fire
My love is on fire
Now burn baby burn
Playing with fire
My love is on fire
So don’t play with me boy
Playing with fire
I can’t control it
This fire path is spreading too quickly
Don’t stop me
So this love can burn up this night
BLACKPINK in your area
BLACKPINK in your area
Been a bad girl, I know I am
And I’m so hot, I need a fan
I don’t want a boy, I need a man
Badda bing badda boom
When I kick open the door, they all look at me
Even if I don’t try that hard
All guys get nosebleeds, pangpangpang
pangpang parapara pangpangpang
A toast for me right now, clink, clink, clink
Hands up, in my hands there’s a
Bottle full o’ henny
The girl you’ve always heard about, that’s me, Jennie
The dancing light wraps around me
Black to the pink
Wherever I am, I’m special, oh yes
Don’t care if you look or not, I wanna dance
Like ttaradaradanttan
ttaradaradanttan ttudurubbau
I like it, I like this atmosphere
I like it, I like you right now
I’m falling for you tonight
I wanna dance with you
BOOM BA oppa
BLACKPINK in your area
Have to run now, what else would I do
I’m immature, I have no fear, man
Middle finger up, F U pay me
90s baby, I pump up the jam
Run, run, oppa LAMBO
Today, you and I are gambling with youth
Don’t you dare stop me, even if someone tries
I’m gonna go brrrr RAMBO
Your hands wrap around my waist
Front to my back
My body is special oh yes
Your eyes say I know you wanna touch
Like touch touch touch
Touch ttudurubbau
I like it, I like this atmosphere
I like it, I like you right now
This night is awesome
I wanna dance with you
Let’s not be sober today
We’re going higher than the sky
I wanna go fast, without knowing the end
Let’s go, let’s go
Let’s not be sober today
We’re going higher than the sky
I wanna go fast, without knowing the end
Let’s go, let’s go
Hey boy
Make’ em whistle like
a missile bomb, bomb
Every time I show up, blow up uh
Make’ em whistle like
a missile bomb, bomb
Every time I show up, blow up uh
You’re so beautiful
I can’t forget you
Your eyes still
make my heart flutter, boom, boom
24, 365
I only wanna be with you
During the day and at night
I want you like this, ooh, ooh
Every guy checks me out every day
They all think they can get me
I don’t want a lot of things
I want your heart
Cut out your heart and show me
Confidently, sometimes chic, chic
So hot, so hot
Make me not know what to do
Softly call out to me
Like a whistle in my ear
Don’t pass me by
If you can’t forget
me either, whoa
My heart for you is fire
My heart is beating so fast
You can hear it closer and closer
Uh whistle, whistle, whistle
(Can you hear that)
Whistle, whistle, whistle
Uh whistle, whistle, whistle
(Can you hear that)
Whistle, whistle, whistle
Hold up
Don’t say anything
Just whistle to my heart
That sound makes
my heart flutter boom, boom
Thoughts are boring
Feelings are shh
Every day all day
Only stay by my side, zoom, zoom
Uh I’m always stylin’
I’m chic but in front of you, darlin’
It’s getting hot like a desert island
The more I get to know you, the more my heart rings
Stop hesitating, come over to me
Boy, it’s checkmate now
I win this game (Uh-huh)
I choose you, I’ll hug you harder
Before someone
takes you away (Uh)
Don’t pass me by
If you can’t forget
me either, whoa
My heart for you is fire
My heart is beating so fast
You can hear it closer and closer
Uh whistle, whistle, whistle
(Can you hear that)
Whistle, whistle, whistle
Uh whistle, whistle, whistle
(Can you hear that)
Whistle, whistle, whistle
This beat got me feelin’ like
I hope we won’t just
pass by like the wind
No need for many words
Now just take me
to your side, ooh
Make’ em whistle like
A missile bomb, bomb
Every time I show up, blow up uh
Make’ em whistle like
A missile bomb, bomb
Every time I show up, blow up uh
Dă-mi doar un motiv
De la bun început
Ai fost un hoț -
Mi-ai furat inima -
Iar eu, victima ta ascultătoare,
Te-am lăsat să vezi părți din mine
Care nu erau toate frumoase
Și, cu fiecare atingere, tu le-ai aranjat.
Ai vorbit în somn - o, o -
Lucruri pe care nu mi le-ai zis niciodată - o, o,
Spunându-mi că te-ai săturat
De dragostea noastră, dragostea noastră.
Dă-mi un motiv,
Doar puțin - ar fi de-ajuns,
Doar o secundă:
Nu suntem frânți, doar aplecați
Și putem învăța să iubim din nou.
E scris în stele,
A fost scris în rănile din inimile noastre,
Nu suntem frânți, doar îndoiți
Și putem învăța să iubim din nou.
[Nate Ruess]
Îmi pare rău că nu am înțeles
De unde vin toate acestea,
Credeam că suntem bine.
[P] Da, am avut totul ...
[NR] Mintea ta s-a răsculat din nou
Draga mea, încă avem totul,
Iar acestea sunt doar în mintea ta.
[P] Da, asta se întâmplă ...
Chiar ai avut vise urâte - o, o,
Obișnuiai să stai atât de aproape de mine - o, o,
Nu sunt decât foi goale, acolo,
Între dragostea dintre noi,
Dragostea noastră,
O, o, dragostea noastră,
Dragostea noastră.
Dă-mi un motiv,
Doar puțin - ar fi de-ajuns,
Doar o secundă:
Nu suntem frânți, doar aplecați
Și putem învăța să iubim din nou.
Nu opresc nciciodată,
A fost scris în rănile din inimile noastre,
Nu suntem frânți, doar îndoiți
Și putem învăța să iubim din nou.
[P] O, lacrimi - râuri 'ruginite',
[NR] O să le repar pentru noi
[P] Adunăm praf,
Dar dragostea noastră este îndeajuns.
[NR] Tu ții în tine,
[P] Tu îți torni o băutură,
[NR] Nu, nimic nu este atât de rău pe cât pare,
[P] Vom fi ca noi.
Dă-mi un motiv,
Doar puțin - ar fi de-ajuns,
Doar o secundă:
Nu suntem frânți, doar aplecați
Și putem învăța să iubim din nou.
E scris în stele,
A fost scris în rănile din inimile noastre,
Nu suntem frânți, doar îndoiți
Și putem învăța să iubim din nou.
Dă-mi un motiv,
Doar puțin - ar fi de-ajuns,
Doar o secundă:
Nu suntem frânți, doar aplecați
Și putem învăța să iubim din nou.
A fost scris în rănile din inimile noastre,
Nu suntem frânți, doar îndoiți
Și putem învăța să iubim din nou - o, o.
Nu suntem frânți, doar îndoiți
Și putem învăța să iubim din nou - o, o ...
Nu suntem frânți, doar îndoiți
Și putem învăța să iubim din nou.