Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 35
Fină destrămare
Cât răsuflarea curmatăÎntr-o seară târzie de vară.
Îngerii plecaseră înainte
Cu chipurile iluminate de alb.
Cred că-i prea târziu
Să-ți destăinui că mă dor
Inima ce fin mi se destramă
Și amintirile pictate în alb.
De-am să pier, să știi că voi rămâne a ta.
Și cuibăriți în brațele lor, moartea ne va legăna.
Căci de-am să pier
Va fi doar ca să rămân a ta.
Și cuibăriți în brațele lor, moartea ne va legăna.
Ploaia-mi lunecă pe tâmple,
Fulgerul pogorârea ți-o cântă.
Aciuată în propria viață,
Îți aud râsul cum răsună și cum se destramă apoi.
Cred că e prea târziu
Să-ți spun că mă doare.
Inima mea nu mai este așa cum a fost odinioară
Pentru că adoarme liniștită.
De-am să pier, să știi că voi rămâne a ta.
Și cuibăriți în brațele lor, moartea ne va legăna.
Căci de-am să pier
Va fi doar ca să rămân a ta.
Și cuibăriți în brațele lor, moartea ne va legăna.
De-am să pier, să știi că voi rămâne a ta.
Și cuibăriți în brațele lor, moartea ne va legăna.
Căci de-am să pier
Va fi doar ca să rămân a ta.
Și cuibăriți în brațele lor, moartea ne va legăna.
Jake and the Never Land Pirates
Just off the shores of Never Land a hideaway at seaYo-ho yo-ho let's go, let's go
A pirate band outwits the plans of Captain Hook
Yo-ho yo-ho let's go, let's go
The brave crew of Never Land Pirates
Jolly liitle Never Land buccaneers
The brave Never Land Pirates are waiting for you
Jake's calling, they need some volunteers
Jake: 'Ahoy!', Izzy: 'Ahoy!'
Cubby: 'Ahoy!', Skully: 'Ahoy!'
Jake and the Never Land Pirates
Climb aboard and be a pirate true
Let's go, with Jake and the Never Land Pirates
Sailing the Never Land seas
Jake and the Never Land Pirates
Yo ho, let's go
Complaint In the Wind
I gasp every second before I see youI raise my voice without answering, my heart beats without debating
But no matter the mistakes we made because we were afraid to lose the rain checks
That we took for our vows, our desire for love
My lips quiver just thinking about it, from forgotten warmth
When your fingers run along my jewelry, you’d wear me down
But no matter the pain from these moments
I’m not the same, you’re only a child
So let’s still wait
Is that an accident?
I’d run along the bay on my way to you for your breath
The shores of a fjord are waiting for me, I don’t have anything to live for
I don’t understand how we could no longer sing
A complaint in the wind, my lost love
The stars were heading South
I followed them to turn off
What was left of the bitterness
Of the salt on my regrets
But I know that time goes by without us
And when it stays, it becomes beyond crazy
Maybe we should wait for each other
From blood and ink
I’d run along the bay on my way to you for your breath
The shores of a fjord are waiting for me, I don’t have anything to live for
I don’t understand how we could no longer sing
A complaint in the wind, my lost love
Zilele se topesc în clipe și momenteNu mă mai recunosc, am rămas fără vise
Credeam a cunoaște lumea pentru ce e ea cu adevărat
Dar mă tulbură sosirea ei, și totuși...
Mă credeam mai puternică, dar sunt tocită de epoca în care trăim
Rănile mi se deschid pentru el, oare ar trebui să mă las cuprinsă de furie?
Vântul trimite înspre Orient zâmbete și mângâieri
Iar eu mă clatin
Și sunt o somnambulă
Iar visu-mi devine tăcere, iar rătăcirea mi-e fără el
Îndoielile unei incredule se pierd în noapte
Și totul este scris
Nu trăiesc decât din idealuri, din cuvinte frânte
Și tind să îmi găsesc desăvârșirea în iubire și necunoscut
Iar când mă strânge în brațe, încep să prind curaj
Provocările de altădată îmi par îndepărtate, și totuși
Știu că o asemenea încercare poate să distrugă pe veci
Speranța unei vieți presărate cu regrete
Însă când mă privește, simt cum mi se zbate inima
Iar viața fără el e-o moarte ce se anunță lent
Vântul bate către Orient, oceanul mă leagănă
Iar eu mă clatin tandru...
Și sunt o somnambulă
Iar visu-mi devine tăcere, iar rătăcirea mi-e fără el
Îndoielile unei incredule se pierd în noapte
Și totul este scris
Nu trăiesc decât din idealuri, din cuvinte frânte
Și tind să îmi găsesc desăvârșirea în iubire și necunoscut
That's Why You Lose
Versions: #1Sat 'n a pew, five minutes wi' you, m' wee pal
To watch the people, if any pass
To speak to you, of good times gone, or come back
And twixt the harp, of my hand, your li'l palm
Worse given, to puff-up, at the errant doves
To deal them kicks, there at the feet, just for fun
And to hear your laugh, which deciphers the walls
And knows, above all, to catch where I fall
Telling you a bit, 'bout when I was littler
Sherbet fountains sucked under the nose of shopkeepers
Pick 'n' mix, polo mints, and penny chews
And that's why you lose
Fat in the rain, five minutes wi' you, m' wee pal
To watch life go by, such as that's that
To till the whole Earth to puff-up your eyes around slits
To speak to you of your mammy a bit
And stamp in he puddles to make them spill
To wreck our shoes and to get our kill
And to hear your laughter like one hears the sea
To stop it
Surfing pirate
We manage without reins a tide like a devilWe monopolize the rumors on a summer day
He's a pirate, a surfing pirate
I'm a surfer girl whose chest sways
We both are a couple of surfers
In the Pacific, in the Atlantic, from tide to tide
Sea spray, glittering rainbow
We're a sexy pair, a surfing honeymoon
An uproar, a flower of the shore
A storm of passionate kisses
He's a cheater who always forgets about me
Invited by a wink, I go with him aimlessly
He's a pirate, a surfing pirate
I'm a surfer girl whose chest sways
Love is a dangerous trump card
I'm fascinated, I throb, I get nervous
We manage smoothly
The white pipeline, a risky rendezvous
Among kisses and applauses
Gulls are looping the loop
He's popular and gathers the cute girls
Beware that in the moon nights, he wants to dress in white
He's a pirate, a surfing pirate
I'm a surfer girl whose chest sways
A bermuda and a red bikini
Dance, entwine and shine
He's a pirate, a surfing pirate
I'm a surfer girl whose chest sways
We both are a couple of surfers
In the Pacific, in the Atlantic, from tide to tide
Versions: #1I counted in depth
Dance which divulged it, your choice space, your steps
I was not alone
Blossoms, you count them all on your fingertips
Which defy darkness's dark dice
But me, I am attracted by vice
Competent specificity
But can you wait for me?
And when day's achieved, I become toward that
You which I perceive, quite the void in me, sat,
Abuse, errors I live on, your words coup d'état
Like a premonition, on its honest that's that
Our shouts may tumble
Walls of a life if all's pleased to double
The limits of bodies
Those which share in our frolics, preambles
Fall in love with grief
All is attracted by our disbelief
Destroy us completely
But can you wait for me?
And when day's achieved, I become toward that
You which I perceive, quite the void in me, sat,
Abuse, errors I live on, your words coup d'état
Like a premonition, on its honest that's that
Fugărind piraţi
În mesajul tău spuneaică te duci în pat
dar n-am terminat cu noaptea
Aşa că am stat trează şi-am citit
dar cuvintele tale în capul meu
m-au tulburat aşa că am aprins lumina
Şi eu, nu ştiu cum
să încetinesc
Mintea mea face curse
fugărind piraţi.
Ei bine, am stoarceri
în timp ce cele mai prosteşti lucruri
trag de creierul meu
Şi încerc să nu visez
dar schemele posibile
înoată în jur, încearcă să mă înece în sincron
Şi eu, nu ştiu cum
să încetinesc
Mintea mea face curse
fugărind piraţi.
Şi eu, nu ştiu cum
să încetinesc
Mintea mea face curse
fugărind piraţi.
Mintea mea face curse
fugărind piraţi.
Mintea mea face curse
fugărind piraţi.
Pirates And Privateers
Everyday at work, you're getting screwedBut when Saturday night comes, you're first in the club
You lover 1, you have the ugly girl with you
Reserve the first table and play the cool guy
Come on victim, come on crank 2, listen to Xylouris
Because you'll soon have no money to buy a bagel
300 euros to repay for your trash place
And look at the mirror and be proud of yourself 3
TV's trash, and your head is the bin
You transformed, from a worker to a slave
Stand and think if you're mistaken somewhere
Otherwise be happy all together with Greece's greatness 4
I'm smoking like rastafari
All over the mountains like Ares
I'm waving my handkerchief from the mast
I'm living the movie pirates and privateers
I'm a Chainis on Gerakaris' dance 5
Because I'm a rockstar, a stinky guy and a punk
If I leave there'll be a red moon
And my travelling soul will take it away from me
You're working and your luck is asleep
But you'll both be hungry tomorrow
You were dreaming when you were young that you'll be gaining money
That you would only be 'Sex, football and karate' 6
Open your eyes and shut down the TV
It's responsible for you living in hell
Drink a beer, make a toast to yourself
Then make a molotov with it so you'll enjoy yourself
They want me a sheep, never to speak
With a bell and only saying 'Baa'
To have a phone and a coffee on my hands
To live my life from the couch
I'm smoking like rastafari
All over the mountains like Ares
I'm waving my handkerchief from the mast
I'm living the movie pirates and privateers
I'm a Chainis on Gerakaris' dance
Because I'm a rockstar, a stinky guy and a punk
If I leave there'll be a red moon
And my travelling soul will take it away from me
The city is a jungle and I'm going on a safari
The sunset poses for a story
It smells of basil and thyme
A feast begins and I'm paying the guy playing lira
I'm domesticating animals like a bear tamer
I've got stories that belong in a synaxarium
But I'm the devil and the devil will take over me
With deformation my spirit calms down
I'm smoking like rastafari
All over the mountains like Ares
I'm waving my handkerchief from the mast
I'm living the movie pirates and privateers
I'm a Chainis on Gerakaris' dance
Because I'm a rockstar, a stinky guy and a punk
If I leave there'll be a red moon
And my travelling soul will take it away from me
Hoist The Flag
At last, the king and his flockhave tied the queen to their galleon,
I know my home shall be the sea,
wherever it is I shall be.
Yo ho, everyone,
hoist the flag,
thieves and beggars shall never die.
Yo ho, all together
hoist the flag,
thieves and beggars shall never die.
Yo ho, everyone,
hoist the flag,
thieves and beggars shall never die.
Yo ho, all together
hoist the flag,
thieves and beggars shall never die.
Sailor,You Are My Love
I think I’m in loveI disdain *jewellery/cash
Oh sailor,you’re my love
Take me away,far away
Oh come to me mermaid
Just be the way you are
You are beloved of everyone,my sailor
You are the king of oceans
I think I’m in love
I disdain jewellery cash
Oh sailor,you’re my love
Take me away,far away
I think I’m in love
I disdain jewellery cash
Oh sailor,you’re my love
Take me away,far away
This Exceptional (Man) Is Mine
My life is in this seaLoyalty knows no bounds
I like to touch your face
This exceptional (man) is mine
With someone we love
We will meet
Like a temptation
Deep inside of me
My life is in this sea
Loyalty knows no bounds
I like to touch your face
This exceptional (man) is mine
My life is in this sea
Loyalty knows no bounds
I like to touch your face
This exceptional (man) is mine
My Jolly Sailor daring]
My heart.We're going to take it away.
Over rough seas
Just a sailor.
I'll wait.
Beautiful maidens.
A strong man.
The ship aboard
My heart.
We're going to take it away.
Over rough seas
Just a sailor.
My heart.
We're going to take it away.
Over rough seas
Just a sailor.
My heart overflows with longing
My heart overflows with longing.I despise the clink of gold
for but a sailor would soothe me,
to me he's dearer than gold.
Ah, ye maidens fine and fair,
this has long been known to us:
a brave sailor's what we hold dear
as he slides over the waves.
My heart overflows with longing.
I despise the clink of gold
for but a sailor would soothe me,
to me he's dearer than gold.
My heart overflows with longing.
I despise the clink of gold
for but a sailor would soothe me,
to me he's dearer than gold.
My lovely brave sailor
My heart's been pierced by CupidI despise glittering gold,
and nothing can console me
except my lovely brave sailor.
Come all you pretty maidens
no matter who you are,
you all that love a gallant sailor
who dwells in the seas.
My heart's been pierced by Cupid
I despise glittering gold,
and nothing can console me
except my lovely brave sailor.
My heart's been pierced by Cupid
I despise glittering gold,
and nothing can console me
except my lovely brave sailor.
- No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.
- Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.
- Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation). @= a/o (for Spanish translations only, @ can be switched from a feminine or masculine perspective.
My heart is yearning,I don’t care about the sound of money 1
Only a sailor can comfort me
Cause he is precocious as gold
Olè, pretty girls
You know by now
That only a sailor can comfort us
The one that glances through the waves
My heart is yearning,
I don’t care about the sound of money
Only a sailor can comfort me
Cause he is precocious as gold
My heart is yearning,
I don’t care about the sound of money
Only a sailor can comfort me
Cause he is precocious as gold
- 1. Ни к чему мне денег звон
I'm Falling in Love
I wanted to meet youBecause I saw you dance
Are you new here?
I didn't know you
I've been dancing while I'm breathing,
Ever since I knew how to walk
Music is an empire
I want to dance on
Can you smile again
With your legs and your arm
In the dance of desires
My eyes don't believe what they're seeing
I know nothing about life
But I dance with more beauty
I need a symphony
One which gives me wings
I'm falling in love, I'm falling in love, I'm falling in love
I'm falling in love, I'm falling in love, I'm falling in love
I don't want to talk to much, (Because you're pretty)
But dancing is my entire life (You don't dance, you fly)
I know I have to work (You're so weak)
We have to pay the price (Come on my shoulder)
Do you want to dance in front of me (You intimidate me)
And answer my questions (I only know how to dance)
The who, the why (I couldn't love)
Once upon a time in the opera (I don't want to cry)
Oh, yes, I want you to smile
But I feel my beating heart
You make me swoon
But I'm dreaming, dreaming of the opera
And tell me all about your life
What a dancer, what a young lady
You are a symphony
As if you had wings
I'm falling in love, I'm falling in love, I'm falling in love
I'm falling in love, I'm falling in love, I'm falling in love
I'm falling in love, I'm falling in love, I'm falling in love
I'm falling in love, I'm falling in love, I'm falling in love
One Night Stand
Versions: #2We gather our courage while the sun
Sets on a city that is dying in the awakening
And all that I want, is that you cross my path
And take control of what we could be
I will leave my fear of the jump that we should take
It’s a bit treacherous
But I will leave you in my dreams
You make me see that everything stops
But it’s your heaviness that ends me
And your passion is reminiscent of death
You tire me, I come to believe
This is just a one night stand
We started talking, our atoms attached
But the longer the night subsists, the more complicated it seems
And all I want is to go home
So, I’m waiting for the day, your breaths stick
The person I admire is no more than a burden
In the chest of my mistakes
But I will leave you in my dreams
You make me see that everything stops
But it’s your heaviness that ends me
And your passion is reminiscent of death
You tire me, I come to believe
This is just a one night stand
And I see myself sink, a complicated dive
I do not see a way out
The time to leave you, the sheets will trip me
For fear of offending you
And deep inside me, I pray
For you to become a spirit
While I find myself in oblivion
But I will leave you in my dreams
You make me see that everything stops
But it’s your heaviness that ends me
And your passion is reminiscent of death
You tire me, I come to believe
This is just a one night stand
Your fingers seem to burn my skinYou’re moving on top of me like the sea
And your waves break, break my body
So I started to keep quiet
It’s like hearing your screams
Even if silence is a burden on us
I don’t want, can’t stop myself
From joining you in the dark
So I’m getting all sick
If you’re hurting, I’ll be hurting too
The floor will break beneath what’s left for us
Time that wants to be left alone
So share your pain
From your wounds, I’ll heal
If we have to remain silent before danger
Without you, I see myself sinking
The fears are leaving me and live inside me
I know that you see yourself in me
It’s like I’m waiting for our dreams to come together
For you to face this terror
But who are you looking for?
Don’t you just see a prey?
Do you look at the sky to find answer
To the bruises appearing inside you?
So I’m getting all sick
If you’re hurting, I’ll be hurting too
The floor will break beneath what’s left for us
Time that wants to be left alone
So share your pain
From your wounds, I’ll heal
If we have to remain silent before danger
Without you, I see myself sinking
Into Each Other's Arms
Free as a bird, my mind weakerI’m sailing towards your words that echo in my heart
I say yes and I bend from tangible desire
And the air from the heat that both our bodies generate
I suffocate and I feel my body swooning
I know that the night is ending our romance
I gather my courage and I wait to do
What remains a secret
And tomorrow, we’ll dive into each other’s arms again
We thought that last time was really the end
But I’ll wait for your call just to run away again
That was all I wanted: years of waiting
But will we still love each other if one of us disappears?
Will we still love each other?
And when we see each other, I no longer have my feet on the ground
I feel the affair hanging my remorses up
And let yourself get carried away by this crazy affair
I know we don’t think about finding them anymore
And I suffocate and I feel my body swooning
I know that the night is ending our romance
I gather my courage and I wait to do
What remains a secret
And tomorrow, we’ll dive into each other’s arms again
We thought that last time was really the end
But I’ll wait for your call just to run away again
That was all I wanted: years of waiting
Will we still love each other if one of us disappears?
Will we still love each other?
I Want To Go Home
His hands control my bodyAnd the rhythm of the night soothes us in the dark
And the sound slowly turns down
While I no longer see time dance
The warmth of our embraces is getting really hot, I’m starting to complain
And your bump moves tense my heart that’s trying to pretend
And I wanted to scream, lose my temper because I’m hurting when you’re inside me
But I have a doubt, it imprisons me because I’m supposed to love you
But all I know is that I want to go home
All I know is that I want to go home
And my stomach becomes a cutoff dance floor
From losing control
When he says he’s sorry, in his embrace
I take back all the risks
The warmth of our violence, this intense pain that keeps hurting
And I keep our secret that’s eating my soul away, that’s feeding my vices
And I wanted to scream, lose my temper because I’m hurting when you’re inside me
But I have a doubt, it imprisons me because I’m supposed to love you
But all I know is that I want to go home
All I know is that I want to go home
Carte Blanche
I’ve wanted that loneliness for so longThat I take pleasure in what I do
And you appear like the wind
That’s shaking my heart while taking me away
I should run, I should run away
But you anchor me so well here
Even though all the signs are pointing towards a future
That’s getting darker when you come up
And I may be dreaming, or even hoping
I know that I won’t change you
Your conquests stay between our sheets
And worn out by our breaths taken
We will never have carte blanche
And I’m getting my revenge
On you, on them, but especially you
I counted the hours, the timeouts
Spent at night when I sleep
And when you finally come home, I hit
While you’re hiding your phone
I should run, I should run away
But you anchor me so well here
Even though all the signs are pointing towards a future
That’s getting darker when you come up
And I may be dreaming, or even hoping
I know that I won’t change you
Your conquests stay between our sheets
And worn out by our breaths taken
We will never have carte blanche
And I’m getting my revenge
On you, on them, but especially you
At Night
Is it still a pact? We just played each otherThe hurt that takes place inside isn’t what we gave each other
The lights of our places, the ones that pretend to shine
I dive into it and I doze off just so I won’t wake up
People are moving all around me, didn’t see me fall asleep
To the sound of the beats that resonates with my whole being, I sway
The lovers finally meet as you can see me suffer
I dream and I fly away
At night, they let me live boredom
That reason imprisons
All of me lies in these times
So much hope, I go home
And at night, we get bored…
We spent the night under pressure
You tried your luck, they played your song
I talked to you all night long, I didn’t say much
I know you think that I think about it, but you think too much
Okay, I answered the call, and so what?
Trust me, it’s hard to keep up with me, I easily get lost
The problem of young adults: spend the night alone together
Being lost with no signature, I don’t how to say goodbye
I’m never far away, I’m never here
Brussels, Paris, Berlin, Ciao Bella
Crossing the world to try to replace a world
With another one that I can barely remember
I say 'two glasses full of moonshine'
Sunglasses for the moonshine
A classic, we fall in love
And baby, that’s all I need
At night, they let me live boredom
That reason imprisons
All of me lies in these times
So much hope, I go home
And at night, we get bored
My whole being sways
The days are melting into a short period and a momentI’m not unaware anymore of all my lost bearings
I thought I had the world for what it really was
But its arrival torments me, and yet
I thought I was stronger, worn out by our story
My wounds open up for him, shouldn’t I drift away?
The wind is blowing East, from laughters and caresses
I wobble in another way
And I’m a sleepwalker
My dream becomes silent, and I wander around without it
The doubts of an incredulous person are getting lost into the night
And everything’s settled
I live off ideals and broken words
I tried to be complete with love and strangers
When he puts his arms around me, I no longer feel like a coward
Past challenges seem far away, and yet
I know that this test can destroy forever
The hopes of a life scattered with regrets
But he’s looking at me, I feel my heart racing
Being without him is like a slow approaching death
The wind is blowing East, the ocean’s breaking through me
I wobble with love
And I’m a sleepwalker
My dream becomes silent, and I wander around without it
The doubts of an incredulous person are getting lost into the night
And everything’s settled
I live off ideals and broken words
I tried to be complete with love and strangers
For the First Time, Christmas Will Be Grey
For the first time, Christmas will be greyBecause you left me without even sayingg goodbye
Love is no longer between us
And me, I'm looking to kill the silence, to fill your absence
I am so sad thinking that Christmas is coming
And me, I'll cry watching the green
For the first time, Christmas will be grey
And I'm staying alone with my thoughts
I see children having fun
And me, I really want to relive my childhood, to always have confidence
I used to dream of white Christmases by your side
I will be alone in front of the lit up
Because far from you, my love, my Christmas will be so heavy
Yes, I used to dream of Christmas by your side
I will be alone in front of the lit up
Come back to me, my love, I really need your embrace
Without you, Christmas will e grey
For the first time...