Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 17


Deasupra capului

Nu avem pe nimeni de vină pentru antipatia noastră
Nu este nevoie de cuvinte zgomotoase și de priviri dure
Știi că nu am unde să fiu cu tine
Suntem înecați în minciuni nesfârșite
Încercând să ne respirăm reciproc
Și nu văd niciun motiv să trăiesc în continuare cu asta
Nu avem pe nimeni de vină pentru antipatia noastră
Am făcut totul cu mâinile noastre
Și tu ai fost cel care mi-a aruncat mai întâi o piatră în spate
Nu trebuie să regretăm și să jurăm
Cuvintele tale nu se încălzesc mult timp
Dar ceea ce nu ne ucide ne va face mai puternici
Acum suntem deasupra capului
Am devenit mai puternici, stând sub foc
Continuăm să luptăm pentru visele noastre
Chiar dacă nu mai suntem împreună (x2)
Nu avem pe nimeni de vină pentru antipatia noastră
Acum suntem alături de tine pentru totdeauna
Însă nu putem colecta ceea ce este sfărâmat în bucăți
Nu suntem pentru nimic, ci în ciuda tuturor
Pur și simplu nu știm să ne iubim
Dar ceea ce nu ne ucide ne va face mai puternici...
Acum suntem deasupra capului
Am devenit mai puternici, stând sub foc
Continuăm să luptăm pentru visele noastre
Chiar dacă nu mai suntem împreună (x3)
Acum suntem deasupra capului nostru
Chiar dacă nu mai suntem împreună


[Verse 1, Polina Gagarina]
You will write to me, but I will not reply
A cold heart wants some warmth
All the roads to you from my memory were made impassable by slumber and long silence
[Bridge 1]
I haven’t been that far away yet
Yeah, this winter is too long -
I will come back to you on my own
You haven’t forgotten me, right -
Tell me that it only seemed so to me
Yeah, this winter is too long
It guided me to you
I’ve been unsubmissive
But have remained yours
[Verse 2, Polina Gagarina]
Beyond the horizon, at the Line of life
The Sun would freeze right before the sunset
It won’t warm me up any longer
It won’t cause me pain - won’t burn me
[Bridge 2]
I am so high up
But still cannot run away from myself
Yeah, this winter is too long -
I will come back to you on my own
You haven’t forgotten me, right -
Tell me that it only seemed so to me
Yeah, this winter is too long
It guided me to you
I’ve been unsubmissive
But have remained yours
Hey-yah! Hey-yah!
Hey-yah! Hey-yah!
[Bridge 2]
I am so high up
But still cannot run away from myself
Yeah, this winter is too long -
I will come back to you on my own
You haven’t forgotten me, right -
Tell me that it only seemed so to me
Yeah -
I have remained yours

In the distance

To fly with wind
To those parts where you are
To touch you imperceptibly
Hundreds of kilometers
Between us and
Falling asleep, I want to wake up
From you knocking on my door
I will open and embrace you
Don't leave anymore, don't leave!
In the distance with one touch
Up and down
No borders
In the distance one breath
Without you
The distance is unbearable
No one will find out
How I waited for you
How weeks draged on slowly
Let a million eyes watch
I will hide my tears behind a smile
I want to repeat everything like the first time so bad
Knock on my door
I will open and
Finally embrace you
Don't leave anymore, don't leave!
In the distance with one touch
Up and down
No borders
In the distance one breath
Without you
The distance is unbearable

so smoky

So smoky that there is no reflection in the mirror
And even the opposite is not visible face
And the couples managed to get tired of the circle, -
And yet I will finish it to the end!
All the necessary notes for a long time
Burned out wine
in the glass,
Minute rush to speak.
And I better finish drinking in silence
wineglass ...
Half a year the weather does not spoil the sun,
And the souls froze under a crust of ice, -
And, apparently, in vain, I'm waiting for ice drift,
And the memory can not warm in the cold.
All the necessary notes for a long time
Burned out wine
in the glass,
Minute rush to speak.
And it's better not to finish drinking in silence
wineglass ....
In the orchestra they play tiredly, getting lost,
Loop circle - do not break my rings.
Calm I'd rather leave smiling -
And yet I will finish it to the end!
All the necessary notes for a long time
Burned out wine
in the glass,
Dim, indifferent grin
mirrors ...
And I'd rather just break

I'm melting

You said that love doesn't exist, a tear is in my eye,
It's naive, but it's true.
What about tenderness - is it an enemy? What about eternity - is it fear?
You're the best friend, I'm your fear, believe, this is not true.
I'm melting, melting, melting...It's sad, naive.
I know, know, know...It's sad, unpleasant.
You asked me to love you. Maybe, a star will fall.
It's naive but I'm yours again.
What about sorrow - is it an enemy? What about silence - is it fear?
You're the best friend, I'm your fear, believe, this is not true.
I'm melting, melting, melting...It's sad, naive.
I know, know, know...It's sad, unpleasant.


The knot is untied and I can't extinguish
The sixth sense of lonely soul
As if a thin sprout through the sand of hurts
Like the flame trying to get free
Who will show me, what love is?
And maybe even a few words is enough
To free the mind, from iron chains
And to build the lightning rods
One day the feelings will cool down
And the emptiness forever will let go
And in a meantime I will turn into art
This loneliness of love
Thousand times per second, the heart is beating like crazy
Again the sadness flows like a river over the edge
The people are passing by and all that's left instead of them
Alone with me, my melancholy
Towards destiny to make a slow step
Straighten the shoulders, if the hands are shaky
How to join this thin thread
When in the heart is ice, than flame
One day the feelings will cool down
And the emptiness forever will let go
And in a meantime i will turn into art
This loneliness of love
Thousand times per second, the heart is beating like crazy
Again the sadness flows like a river over the edge
The people are passing by and all that's left instead of them
Alone with me, my melancholy
Thousand times in second
The people are passing by and all that's left instead of them
Thousand times per second, the heart is beating like crazy
Again the sadness flows like a river over the edge
The people are passing by and all that's left instead of them
Alone with me, my melancholy, melancholy.

Un-break My Heart

Let me forget this pain,
let me stay with you.
Dry my tears, embrace me and calm me.
Remove this heavy burden of sorrow and sadness from my soul.
Only we can bring back our happiness.
Hurry, put back together the fragments of our hearts.
Let them forget their hurt
and beat in unison.
There are no more tears, just the dream
of our hearts on fire...
There were no wounding words,
nor the sound of fading footsteps.
Don't remember, don't believe
that I could have shut the door.
'Forgive me, come back!' Such is life.
Who's to blame now?
Only we can destroy our happiness...
Put the fragments of our hearts firmly back in place!
Let them forget their hurt
and beat in unison.
There are no more tears, this dream has brought back
The memories of the fire in our heart...
Let me forget this pain,
let me stay with you.
Only we can bring back our happiness.
Un-break my heart!
Say you'll love me again!
Undo this hurt you caused
when you walked out the door
And walked outta my life un-cry these tears.
I cried so many, many nights.
Un-break my heart...
Un-break my heart.
Oh, baby.
Come back and say you love me.
Un-break my heart sweet darlin'
Without you I just can't go on!
Can't go on.
The fire in our hearts.
(The fire in our hearts)
The fire in our hearts.
(The fire in our hearts)
Thank you for taking the time to read my translation, and I hoped you liked it! In the event that you feel it is good enough to be shared with others, please don't forget to credit me as the author. Thanks again!


Versions: #6
Take a look right inside my heart stop the winter make the cold depart
Oh yeah ooh yeah...
Winter blowing but world will bring makes me feel like it's suddenly spring yeah..
Ask the clouds in the sky..
To bring us dreams when they're passer by
World flowing night
Due to worlds of many lights
Despair my anguish...where the visible heart make this quite leave my trembling soul yeah...
Ask the clouds in the sky to bring us dreams when they passer by...
World flowing night...due to worlds of many lights...
Ask the clouds in the sky to bring us dreams when they passer by..
World flowing night..Due to worlds of many lights..

Stone on my heart

I've found in the destiny's pocket
Stonemade flower at the stone wall.
There's no fear, and in spite of breakup
The flower of lost love will revive.
Feelings become addicted to dream,
I'm losing* time, love is behind
Stone on my heart**, with tears as a sign,
I'm standing at the wall in the arms of silence.
Stone on my heart, waterless river,
Stonemade flowers in the arms of love.
Stone on my heart...
Stone on my heart...
It becomes lighter around,
Feelings get more intimate, we become closer every day.
Happiness is waiting and we'll find it,
I'll revive flower with sunny rain.
I'll feed hope with the dream,
And I'll warm the heart with sincere tears.
Stone on my heart, with tears as a sign,
I'm standing at the wall in the arms of silence.
Stone on my heart, waterless river,
Stonemade flowers in the arms of love.
I'm all alone, what is my fault?
I'm faithful to you.
Look in my eyes, we can't go on without love,
I'm your back***


Prima strofa:
Totul va trece, dar tu vei ramane,
Si pentru asta sunt un milion de motive.
Acum singura nu ma mai pot descurca,
Imi esti necesar.
S-au unit a noastre orbite,
Noi vedem lumea, care nu-i.
Ca ma atrage la tine, ca un magnet.
Pentru nimeni nu mai e secret.
Eu sunt dezarmata,
Caci tare am nevoie de tine.
Am nevoie de tine,
Am nevoie,am nevoie.
Legenda s-a stricat.
Eu sunt dezarmata.
Am nevoie tare de tine,
Am nevoie,am nevoie.
Am nevoie de tine,
Am nevoie,am nevoie.
Am nevoie de tine,
Am nevoie,am nevoie.
A doua strofa:
Inima, ca o sticla fragila,
Tu, te rog, ai grija de ea.
Ce nu s-ar intampla cu noi,
Nu fugi de mine.
S-au unit a noastre orbite,
Noi vedem lumea, care nu-i.
Ca ma atrage la tine, ca un magnet.
Pentru nimeni nu mai e secret.
Eu sunt dezarmata,
Caci tare am nevoie de tine.
Am nevoie de tine,
Am nevoie,am nevoie.
Legenda s-a stricat.
Eu sunt dezarmata.
Am nevoie tare de tine,
Am nevoie,am nevoie.
Am nevoie de tine,
Am nevoie,am nevoie.
Am nevoie de tine,
Am nevoie,am nevoie.
Eu sunt dezarmata,
Caci tare am nevoie de tine.
Am nevoie de tine,
Am nevoie,am nevoie.
Eu sunt dezarmata.
Eu sunt dezarmata.
Eu sunt dezarmata,
Caci tare am nevoie de tine.
Am nevoie de tine,
Am nevoie,am nevoie.
Caci tare am nevoie de tine.
Am nevoie de tine,
Am nevoie,am nevoie.
Eu sunt dezarmata.


Eu m-am mirat,vazandu-te pe tine acolo la capatul aleii,
Eu nu te mai iubesc, si totusi ah ce frumos esti.
Eu m-am schimbat, tu te-ai maturizat si ai devenit si mai curajos.
Tu te apropiai ca un erou
Din filmele mute si alb-negru,
Si de la asta inima mi se batea asa de tare.
Nu ma mai crede,
Nu ma mai crede.
Mai minunat, decat a fost,
Deja nu mai poate sa fie.
Nu ma mai crede.
Deschizand plicul,
Iarta-ma pentru raspunsul meu,
Si totusi 'nu'.
Aceleasi raspunsuri la ale tale aceleasi intrebari,
Dar tu esti asa de gingas, ca eu probabil as fi spus deja 'da'
Tu esti inevitabil, imbratisarile tale sunt ca cablurile de otel.
Tu veneai ca ceata,
Si norii pluteau jos,
Si buzele tale sunt asa de aproape de mine.
Nu ma mai crede,
Nu ma mai crede.
Mai minunat, decat a fost,
Deja nu mai poate sa fie.
Nu ma mai crede.
Deschizand plicul,
Iarta-ma pentru raspunsul meu.
Nu ma mai crede,
Nu ma mai crede.
Mai minunat, decat a fost,
Deja nu mai poate sa fie.
Nu ma mai crede.
Deschizand plicul,
Iarta-ma pentru raspunsul meu,
Si totusi 'nu'.
Iarta-ma pentru raspunsul meu,
Si totusi 'nu'.


First verse:
Everything will go by and you will stay
And there are a million reasons for it.
Now I can't handle it alone,
I need you.
Our orbits connected,
We see a world that doesn't exist.
The thing that attracts me to you like a magnet
Is no more a secret for anyone.
I'm disarmed,
Because I need you so much.
I really need you,
I need you, I need you.
The legend is ruined.
I'm disarmed,
I need you so much.
I need you, I need you.
(I'm) disarmed,
I need you so much,
I need you, I need you.
(I'm) disarmed,
I need you so much,
I need you, I need you.
Second verse:
The heart is like brittle glass,
Save it, please.
No matter what will happen to us,
Don't run away from me.
Our orbits connected,
We see a world that doesn't exist.
The thing that attracts me to you like a magnet
Has long been no secret.
I'm disarmed,
Because I need you so much.
I really need you,
I need you, I need you.
The legend is ruined.
I'm disarmed,
I need you so much.
I need you, I need you.
(I'm) disarmed,
I need you so much,
I need you, I need you.
(I'm) disarmed,
I really need you,
Need you, need you.
I'm disarmed,
Because I really need you.
I need you so much,
I need you, I need you.
I'm disarmed.
I'm disarmed.
I'm disarmed,
Because I need you so much.
I really need you,
I need you, I need you.
(I'm) disarmed,
Because I need you so much.
I really need you,
Need you, need you.
I'm disarmed.

Eu nu o sa te iert niciodata

Se vor opri strazile nelocuite
Ca tablourile din trecutul apropiat
Totul se intampla, dar asta nu se va intampla
Ceea ce s-a scurs, nu se va mai intoarce.
Eu m-am straduit sa o pazesc pana la urma
Steluta mea dupa un mic nor,
Dar s-a dovedit ca acolo ea demult nu mai e,
Aceasta noapte dureaza mai mult decat un an.
Tu doar m-ai iertat, ai spus : 'Uita',
Tu doar mi-ai dat drumul in soarta ta,
Tu doar m-ai iertat, nu mi-ai dat voie sa cad,
Dar eu nu o sa te iert niciodata.
Nu ma cauta pe mine, pierduta fara veste.
Ni-am pierdut noi doi nu o singura data
Pe drumul de la tradare la fidelitate
Asa si nu am ajuns nici la jumatate.
Tu doar m-ai iertat, ai spus : 'Uita',
Tu doar mi-ai dat drumul in soarta ta,
Tu doar m-ai iertat, nu mi-ai dat voie sa cad,
Dar eu nu o sa te iert niciodata.
Tu doar m-ai iertat, ai spus : 'Uita',
Tu doar mi-ai dat drumul in soarta ta,
Tu doar m-ai iertat, nu mi-ai dat voie sa cad,
Dar eu nu o sa te iert niciodata.