Rezultatele căutării pagină 5
Număr de rezultate: 137
A frightened heart
I've occupied your mind, I've become your whole world
you've fallen in love with me, I know, the one with a frightened heart
it's evident you love me I can see it in your eyes
don't try to hide it, you've got a transparent heart
how many times have I hinted to you, I want you like crazy
I haven't seen any fairness from your mind
try to come, my love, and leave your doubts
love does not last if it's become harsh
the way your hand trembles when we shake hands, your quietness
your voice is my serenity, now I don't want to hear any other
for god's sake, what's my life without you?
where can I find someone like you?
I've come to you and your love has shackled me to your prison
lock me in between the 'I' and the tenderness of the 'U'
I've occupied your mind, it's evident in your eyes
you've fallen in love with me, my love, say it and don't be afraid
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت مكان طالما وضعت الرابط لها
my heart and soul are yours
my heart and soul are yours and you've forgotten about me
and I forget my misery with you, o my tormentor
I've never crossed your mind
and I've forgotten sleep for your sake
I've missed your eyes, my love. Come and console me
and embrace me with your arms, cure me with a whisper
I've never crossed your mind
and I've forgotten sleep for your sake
how beautiful your world is, and so are your days when you're beside me
when you're far, your coldness increases my hope and longing
I've never crossed your mind
and I've forgotten sleep for your sake
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت مكان طالما وضعت الرابط لها
אופיר כהן וליאנה בא אלייך קליפ Ofir Cohen and Liana
'Everything you will ever ask for, I will give it to you all, right from my heart
Everyone in the city knows, that I love you
And you are the only one that I want so much
You rock\ shake my life, girl
Like a boat that swept away in a middle of a storm
If you call my name, I will come running to you
To walk with you, and to give you a hand
Because you are not alone anymore
I am coming to you, so I could 'live '[lit. be an important part in your life] in your life
To be in your arms, and to give you love
I am coming to you, to 'live' in your life
It is hard for me to be alone without you tonight, I am coming…
You have entered joy and happiness into my life
And you have lighten up the light in my eyes again
You are for me, the one and only
I will never ever know\meet someone like you
I am yours, girl
My Heart
My heart that loved you, embraced you
and melted in your love totally
can continue its way and life with someone else
If you had thought that after you being gone
I would quit loving again
then you're deceived
And your illusions have thrown you into their torture
Stay there, far away
Even if I will live alone
And if the pain will increase, so be it
Leave me alone
And if longing shows in my eyes
Leave me to taste the fire [of my pain]
I have withstood more
than I can withstand or imagine to
My heart that taught your eyes the meanings of the words
Has sworn to teach someone else instead of you
with its passion and tenderness
And he who loses his lover
and his past in love,
deserves to suffer his bitterness and pain alone
Stay there, far away
Even if I will live alone
And if the pain will increase, so be it
Leave me alone
And if longing shows in my eyes
Leave me to taste the fire [of my pain]
I have withstood more
than I can withstand or imagine to
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.
Qawli wala takhbish ya zain (tell me, and don't be ashamed, sweetheart )
'Tell me beautiful, and don't be ashamed, what should the eye tell the eye'
- The eye.. The eye
- when the eye meets the lover's eye, it should tell it all and fears not the witnesses. Far or near? When shall we meet?
'I swear this is the eyes speech! The eye talks to the eye like that! '
'if a lover goes for a date with the beloved , is it sinful or not? '
- He must go without delay, it’s a potion
- so many sins are forgiven, and God knows what's in the hearts!
'this is the best answer, this is what we were waiting for'
'tell me and don't be ashamed, is the kiss forbidden or not?'
- The kiss... The kiss
- If the kiss was by the passionate lover who softly touches the cheek, he should give a 1000 kisses n don't be ashamed'
'never be ashamed, never listen to the blame'
'you know well about love, so tell me is it spicy or sweet?'
- Love.. Love
- Love is as much sweet as ocean,
- A sweetness makes you live long.Whether you're old or young as long love has no separation'
'A sweetness makes you live long'
'As long love has no separation'
My heart is on my right
She put her hands on my heart
And said that there is no heat
Shame, you don't have a heart
You don't have a heart
She was about to cry
And i will lose the smile on her lips
She made me talk about my bad situation
My heart is on the right as long as you are on my right
It goes to the left when you hug me on my left
My heart is flying wherever you are
As long as you are fine don't ask me about my heart
If i don't talk about my heart
Don't say that i'm arrogant
I let my eyes explain to you what nostalgia i have
We became one person not one is in love with someone
And not five in the green-eyed
Mă doare inima
Mă doare inima, o durere profundă înăuntru,
Cea pe care o iubesc mi-a frânt inima,
Mi-e chipul obosit, ochii îmi ard,
Lumea îmi paralizează sufletul,
Urăsc viața asta,
Urăsc iubirea care m-a distrus,
Naivitatea m-a dus pe calea asta,
Mă doare inima...
Cea pe care o iubesc mi-a frânt inima!
In fiecare zi un șoc mai puternic,
Am ajuns la limită,
Nimeni nu mă mai sprijină,
Ce oameni răi în lumea asta,
Dumnezeul meu...sfârșește această cruzime,
Mă doare inima...
Cea pe care o iubesc mi-a frânt inima!
Nu vreau nimic,
Doar să-mi calmez mintea arzând,
Nu am pe nimeni in viata mea până acum,
Nu vreau să fac sacrificii pentru altcineva,
Imi place numele meu, nu mă alinta ”iubirea mea”,
Fără sentimente, voi merge înainte,
Viitorul meu e în mâna Creatorului meu.
My heart desired her
When you was with me, I've repeated many times 'God willing ......
... my love, you'll be mine. God willing'
My heart desired her. Among all the (people of the) world it called (only) for her, came (only) to her
Oh, God! Oh, God! Such beauty can never happen twice
Who would concern or bother, while having that all,
about people or life? No no no
When you was with me, I've repeated many times 'God willing ......
... my love, you'll be mine. God willing'
I'll never forget her. This is a vow I take on myself and a word i will tighten up for her
From this day on I'll restart the past years of my life for her
Who would concern or bother, while having that all,
about people or life? No no no
When you was with me, I've repeated many times 'God willing ......
... my love, you'll be mine. God willing'