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Life Story
I'm still young
And still light-hearted
I don't need a birth certificate
To prove it.
I don't remember my baptism,
Or my toddlerhood
But I'm old enough now
To understand what and why.
I want to love
I want to sing
I want to hold a lover
I want to go to the places
Where I'll find truth
Life is my artwork
I do paint every day
If I live a hundred years
I'm still not finished
My hope is that my visage
casts a pleasant shadow
When people all over the world
find freedom.
I want to love
I want to live
I want to sing a song of peace
Together with so many people
Who always wish:
To cry
To laugh
To yearn for a free world
and for trust in each other
To learn much from life.
Back Then Behind The Moon
Life ran at a breakneck pace, love was a party
Man was good
Back then behind the moon
Whiskey was a thrill
And the second glass was all our possessions
Back then behind the moon
There was never too much to drink
And in the evening I always knew where you were
What were we laughing at?
Back then behind the moon
A glance was a promise
The world was nothing more than a smile, man was good
Back then behind the moon
Rules were there to be broken
We fought with the power of a healthy anger
Back then behind the moon
There was never too much to argue about
And in the evening I always knew where you were
What did we love?
Back then behind the moon
A naked belly was heaven
And hell was a bench, man was good
Back then behind the moon
The quarry lake was an ocean
The duck was a swan, a saucepan was a hat
Back then behind the moon
There was never too much to play
And in the evening I always knew where you were
What were we laughing at?
Back then behind the moon
What Happened to Us?
Whole days to travel
I can't get used to you
It's just that your voice speaks to me about light
And you are not where I go
Entire nights without sleeping
An oversight is going to kill me without you
And even though it hurts, I went to look for you
The full moon and you forgot me
And what happened to us?
If it was you who took me last night
I didn't see it coming
Honey, don't you regret it
An entire month to leave
All the damage you caused me
And I'll start to get used to it
When you get it, it'll be too late
And what happened to us?
If it was you who took me last night
I didn't see it coming
Honey, don't you regret it
Honey, we won't ague again
We won't regret again
We won't argue again
We won't go back
I'll Wait Even If You Are'nt Come
Stop the nights, oh
Dont bring the mornings
If my eyes dont opening with you...
Let the earth burn, turn the sky upside down
I dont care tonight
Maybe we just loves maybe it was a lie
Maybe this has finished us, oooh
Lie or not
What does it merter if you love me
So many dreams, so many fantasies
I love you for no reason
When the eyes cant see, heart cant stand anymore
How painful, you cant understand but
I will wait you even you dont come
The Road is a Witness
The road is a witness, it's nobody's business
Even if I don't arrive, I benefit.
You are the witness, it's nobody's business
White dreams reach out to me.
I wish my words were a whistle,
A smokeless fire,
A flood to my idea.
I wish: Dreams were my capital,
And I could bath in life, which was a river
And my sorrows became a breeze
Without You
I can't see you without feeling in love
Where you are I don't know
I'm not alive if I can't see you
If I can't hear your voice
As long as I breathe
I will wait for you
I will beg for you
Night and day
This misery, this sadness
In my soul
Searches for a hug from you
I can't see you without feeling in love
Where you are I don't know
I'm not alive if I can't see you
If I can't hear your voice
One like you brings regret
I will always be here for you
This misery, this sadness
In my soul
Searches for a hug from you
I can't see you without feeling in love
Where you are I don't know
I'm not alive if I can't see you
If I can't hear your voice
Nu pleca
Dacă nu mai găsesc cuvintele pentru tine,
Dacă nu știu să mă fac iubită, nu pleca,
Nu pleca, nu pleca, nu pleca!
Dacă uneori poate te-am acuzat pe nedrept,
Tu trebuie să mă ierți, nu pleca,
Nu pleca, nu pleca, nu pleca!
Când e atât de întuneric, zorii și în iubire
Fac întoarcerea mai grabnică, nu pleca,
Nu pleca, nu pleca, nu pleca!
Dacă uneori inima ta își va mai aminti
Cândva de mine, nu pleca,
nu pleca, nu pleca, nu pleca!
Nu pot suporta gândul de-a rămâne fără tine,
Nu pot suporta să-ți par o străină.
Ce-mi pasă de iubire, dacă iubirea nu ești tu?
Nu poți pleca, nu poți pleca!
Pentru clipele când tu ai strigat cu mine
Frumusețea de-a iubi, nu pleca,
Nu pleca, nu pleca, nu pleca!
Pentru lacrimile pe care le-am plâns pentru tine,
În brațele tale, nu pleca,
Nu pleca, nu pleca, nu pleca!
Am să te-aștept, am să te-aștept...
Ai să te-ntorci la mine, aici la mine, aici la mine,
You don't know the way around a woman
Versions: #2
I'm openin my heart, you're pushin me away
I wish to escape, yet again you're capturin me in your claws
I wanna shout my thoughts out, you're tellin me not to ..
Why i'm indulgin it ?...
My heart is sincere, like the one of a child ...
I'm but to listen, without any objection and humbly ///
Why i'm indulgin it ?
Why i'm not leavin (you), why i'm allowin this ?
I've let you have such control over me
I have my strenght, yet 'tis not of such grandeur, yet not at this very moment
When i'd be but forced to say
How am i to say it to you ....? :
You don't know what's needed from a man
From a girl
You didn't even bothered to try
at least for once .
My atested words are of no worth to you,
they're only heard by me
You don't know what's needed from a man
And no one's to 'teach it to you '
You don't like what i'm voicin, don't like the way i'm singin
Nor' the way i'm dressin, nor the way i feel
You're but to not like a thing ..
Why you keep me tangled by your games ?
At times ye're showin me affection
At times ye're showin hate
Now ya're here (implicated), the very next second you're not
Why ya're holdin me back, why ya're stallin ? (the inevitable)
I've let you have such control over me
I have my strenght, yet 'tis not of such grandeur, yet not at this very moment
When i'd be but forced to say
How am i to say it to you ....? :
You don't know what's needed from a man
From a girl
You didn't even bothered to try
at least for once .
My atested words are of no worth to you,
they're only heard by me
You don't know what's needed from a man
And no one's to 'teach it to you '
Versions: #1
E-un dulap larg, sculptat, din stejar înnegrit,
Având aerul bătrânilor buni... e deschis
I know
there is no such thing as one hundred percent hero,
But when I'm in front of you,
I'm too tense and my heart overheats.
WING LOVE Even in the sky I can't fly
WING LOVE I won't give up flying
WING LOVE Because you gave me
dazzling wings in my heart
Even if it's almost a dream,
I want to be a hero just for you from today.
Even if I don't go according to the image,
you will surely understand me.
Her eyes are smiling that she believes in me.
My head reeled and my power overflowed.
WING LOVE I want to spread out.
WING LOVE I want to spread my hands and protect you.
WING LOVE Because you gave me
dazzling wings in my heart
Even if it's almost a dream,
I want to be a hero just for you from someday.
WING LOVE Even in the sky I can't fly
WING LOVE I won't give up flying
WING LOVE Because you gave me
dazzling wings in my heart
Even if it's almost a dream,
I want to be a hero just for you from today.
Even if it's almost a dream,
I want to be a hero just for you from someday.
The coat
When she borrowed my coat
Immediately my position changed
O cold, where are you from my blood
I am a flame that never goes out
Everyone around me cheered
A terrible cold and shivered
And I disagree about everyone
In me there is hidden warmth
because She borrowed my coat
Oh my coat, how happy you are?
Very close to me and at the same time very far away
I tried not to envy you
I wish I was my coat
O, what a stormy calm
She said
To The Desert
Go, go to the desert
the path will lead on
night has not yet come
go, my brother, to the desert.
Again, again we will return
the cliffs will applaud
large sun of light
will shine down on us once more
To the desert
land without water
oh, you, my land
we returned to you
Salt land
wind and anger
the fighters have returned
oh, like a storm
To the desert...
Versions: #1
In the summer's blue eves, I will go on the paths,
Tingled by the stubble, treading on the thin grass:
Dreaming, I shall feel its coolness under my feet,
I will let the wind bathe my naked head at will.
I shall not speak , I shall think of nothing at all,
but infinite love will raise itself in my soul,
And I'll go far, real far, just like a bohemian,
in wild Nature, -happy,
as if with a woman.
Marele experiment electric s-a sfârșit
Pot vedea iarba crescând pe străzile cunoscute
Și prin copaci.
Pot vedea soarele strălucind pe mare
Și ruinele orașului sunt înflorite acum,
Și marele experiment electric s-a sfârșit, s-a sfârșit acum.
Griul prăfuit se perschimbă în auriu acum,
Sub bătaia ploii
Care-a venit azi-noapte ca roua pe pământ.
Și ruinele orașului plouă cu dulce cânt de pasăre,
Și marele experiment electric s-a sfârșit, s-a sfârșit acum.
Și departe, pe țărm, o femeie stă lângă un bărbat.
În inima ei nu ascunde nicio întrebare pentru zori,
Căci răspunsurile curg între ei,
În timp ea-l ține blând pe el de mână,
Și cerul dulce se-nfioară, și ziua se naște.
Ticăitul ceasornicelor au amuțit acum,
Sub soarele
Care extrage ușor florile din pământ.
Și plânsul copilului e, de asemenea, râset acum,
Și marele experiment electric s-a sfârșit, s-a sfârșit acum.
Și departe, pe țărm, o femeie pășește lângă un bărbat.
În inima ei nu ascunde nicio întrebare pentru cer,
Căci răspunsurile curg între ei,
În timp ce el o ține blând pe ea de mână.
Și oceanul tună mândru, și păsările marine țipă.
Pot vedea iarba crescând pe străzile cunoscute
Și prin copaci.
Pot vedea soarele strălucind pe mare
Și ruinele orașului sunt înflorite acum,
Și marele experiment electric s-a sfârșit, s-a sfârșit acum.
Heodenings’ ballad
The unyielding trolls quicken tempo
of the ancient rhymes
dwarfs elves ghosts with
fairies sibyls witches
I had a hard struggle with
the evil prophesied thought
forests finally under oak
reached a settlement
On the hillside the sloping trunk
a broad river some wood
foliage covered the whole country
alfins hung down
The unyielding trolls quicken tempo
of the ancient rhymes
dwarfs elves ghosts with
fairies sibyls witches
Forest trolls in the wind
raised the skull on high
gushes from the storm hall
hurtled all to abomination
Soarele scapără pe cer, dezgheață,
Ne privește, ne poartă pe brațe,
Mă iubești pentru că sunt frumoasă,
Vino, iubirea mea, ieși la poartă!
Primăvară, primăvară, primăvară,
Hai afară!
Primăvară, primăvară, primăvară,
Hai afară!
Rândunelele în cor o să vină,
Cu al lor cântec s-aprindă lumină,
Și când stelele strălucesc, sunt lună!
Iubirea din ceruri să ne cunune!
Și într-ale tale vise dacă mă vezi,
Ca într-un basm să mă săruți, să mă iei de mână,
Într-ale mele versuri o să trăiești,
Iubirea din ceruri să ne cunune!
Prima duminică
Asta e prima duminică
în care nu ieși cu mine,
o duminică inutilă,
care trece fără tine.
Singură, singură în spatele geamului,
privesc cerul gri, gri.
Pare trist, atât de trist,
ca mine.
Îmi plâng primele lacrimi,
încerc prima mea durere,
și în timp ce toți zâmbesc,
eu simt un gol în inimă.
Întoarce-te curând, eu te aștept
ca să uit alături de tine
aceste lacrimi din prima duminică
în care nu ieși cu mine.
Întoarce-te curând, eu te aștept
ca să uit alături de tine
aceste lacrimi din prima duminică
în care nu ieși cu mine.
La la la la la...
Cu mine.
Who is the fine figure of a man who doesn't cheat
Love that wants his wellbeing
He who says a lot goes, and doesn't go
Just like he doesn't go, he doesn't come
He who doesn't come out from within himself
Well die without loving someone
The money of who doesn't give
Is the work of those who don't have anything
A good capoeira doesn't fall
But if he one day falls, it'll go down well
Capoeira told me to say that it has arrived
That he came to fight
The berimbau confirmed to me that there'll be a love fight
Sadness, comrade
I don't have tears
I want to cry
I don't have tears
That run down my face
To rescue me
If I would cry
Maybe I could lighten
What I feel in my heart
And can't tell
Only because I don't know how to cry
I am sad and suffering
I want to cry
I don't have tears
That run down my face
To rescue me
If I would cry
Maybe I could lighten
What I feel in my heart
And can't tell
Only because I don't know how to cry
I am sad and suffering
I know for sure that a smile
Doesn't have any value
The tear that you feel
Is the picture of a pain
Destiny wanted it that way
To separate you from me
I want to cry, I can't,
I live imploring
I want to cry
I don't have tears
That run down my face
To rescue me
If I would cry
Maybe I could lighten
What I feel in my heart
And can't tell
Only because I don't know how to cry
I am sad and suffering
I want to cry
I don't have tears
That run down my face
To rescue me
If I would cry
Maybe I could lighten
What I feel in my heart
And can't tell
Only because I don't know how to cry
I am sad and suffering
I don't have tears...
My angel guides
I'm lying down, staring at the blue sky
Wondering why you are not on my side
I'm looking at stars trying to find you there
Mom, every minute without you it is a great dare
Stars have its sky, moon has its night
and I'm sitting alone without you by my side
I wish someone was there, with me, in this horrible day
When my beautiful mother had become my angel guide
You do not know how much I miss you
You can't even imagine how many tears I shed for you
One minute, one day, one hour, are eternal without your presence
Mom, every night I cry complaining about your absence
Someday we will meet again, I feel it in my heart
but in the meantime, I have to be strong and trace my own path
A blank piece of paper
Versions: #1
I'll take your cat and shake it out
until everything falls out
That it has ever eaten from my hand
And later I'll even beat the carpet
And if I find one of my hairs in it
I'll simply pocket it
Nothing shall give you bad memories
Reveal what I was to you
Don't say that that would be completely unnecessary
Because it only becomes painful afterwards
When what once was bubbles up again
Better to be as pure
And as ignorant as a blank piece of paper
In the future I will be a different person
Like the one you saw in me
The trousers that you crocheted for me
I'll throw in the container for the Salvation Army
I'll eat on the floor boards with my hands
And watch every cartoon on TV
Everything that you don't like, I'll praise
I will be simply as pure
And as ignorant as a blank piece of paper
I won't even be able to see the sea again
Where the wind misses your hair
Where every wave is a sigh
And every grain of sand is a glimpse of you
At best I would be an astronaut
And would fly through the stars were nothing is familiar
Or messed up by your touch
I will never again be as pure
And as ignorant as a blank piece of paper
You live in rhymes
Do not think the letters in a song are soulless!
I'm sending it to whom I'm singing it for, to you, this way it'll have a long life.
Inside every rhyme the soul is wretched,
I'm inside them too, I live with them together.
They watch my troubles, my suffering or the nice things,
They want my blood and that feels good for me.
Even if I don't want it, they huddle together,
They bring me towards you, floating into wishful thinking.
They rhyme for you, they promise things to you, weird words,
They never idle, they only fear for your well being, when the will is absent.
They set out for you, they turn towards you, they want to act,
When you're tired, they'll make your bed and cover you up gently...
Between the rhymes, everything is alive, all the characters.
It lulls you to sleep, when you are moored, it'll shout at you: 'Don't go!'
It'll hurry you when you are slow and stop you when you are running,
It watches you, where you go, and finally you'll find a safe port.
They rhyme for you, they promise things to you, weird words,
They never idle, they only fear for your well being, when the will is absent.
They set out for you, they turn towards you, they want to act,
When you're tired, they'll make your bed and cover you up gently...
They rhyme for you, they promise things to you, weird words,
They never idle, they only fear for your well being, when the will is absent.
They set out for you, they turn towards you, they want to act,
When you're tired, they'll make your bed and cover you up gently...
Folk wisdom
Neither backwards nor forwards in rows
Little piglets can fly through the air.
Or perhaps they could fly years ago
But today they are flying nowhere.
Their hooves got too sluggish and narrow,
Their tails got too stubby and crude.
All they need is to scavenge and burrow,
Dully filling their bellies with food.
Heavy blackness descends like a cloud
And they're having a dream full of fun:
Flock of piglets just lifts off the ground,
Flying South to bask in the sun.
And the people wake up in the morning,
Fetch a couple of logs for the hearth,
For they know: the winter is coming
When the piglets migrate to the south.
Looking Back, I See the Moon, No It’s Dango
Looking back, I see the moon, no it’s Dango
Up in the dark sky
A dream from that day
The night road we walked alone
How To Explain Longing
And the room is quiet, and it is quite outside
coffee, newspaper and a cigarette
and no one can understand what is happening inside me
and how to continue forward from here
and the sun is like the sun
rises every day
and every day is a known journey
and no one can understand what is broken inside me
and how to explain longing
And all that is left is to wait to wait
still i run after her day and night
and i wait for you to come
just once more
once more
and all that is left
wishes, wishes
and how much did i cry over us day and night
and i pray that you will come
just once more is yes or a final no
just once more is yes or a final no
and the night is night
it comes at last
and every end is a known journey
and no one can understand what is broken inside me
and how to explain longing
Beautiful one who holds my life...
Versions: #1
Beautiful one who holds my life
captive in your eyes and has
robbed me from my soul
with a gracious smile,
come soon to my rescue
or I shall die.
Your beauties and your graces
and your divine speeches
have seized my citadel
and caused so much pain
by filling my heart
with a loving ardour.
Should you remain unmoved
by a fiery ordeal,
should your beauty sadden me
and deny me its help,
rather than love and suffer so
I would sooner die
De ce n-am fost eu prima ta iubire?
Știu că ești sincer, iubirea mea,
Când îmi spui că totul a început
În ziua când ne-am cunoscut,
Că trecutul nu mai contează,
Dar ce vrei,
Nu pot să nu invidiez
Tot ce-a fost al tău înainte,
Înainte ca eu să apar.
Știu că în vara asta
Mâna ta o va căuta pe a mea,
Și că vom fi împreună
Pe nisipul fierbinte,
Dar de această bucurie
Eu am uitat acum,
Căci au fost alte veri
Și în ele alte bucurii.
De ce n-am fost eu prima ta iubire?
De ce, de ce?
De ce n-am fost eu prima ta iubire?
Vreau să știu asta.
Sunt atâtea lucruri
Pe care n-o să le împărțim niciodată,
Atâtea sărutări pe care le-am pierdut,
Atâta iubire pe care n-am trăit-o,
Sunt atâtea lucruri,
Atâtea lucruri pe care le-am pierdut.
Știu că același cer
Ne privește, dacă ne plimbăm,
Că aceeași briză
Ne mângâie,
Dar simt invidie
Pe acele mângâieri.
Pentru că nu sunt ale mele,
Merg tânjind.