Rezultatele căutării pagină 14
Număr de rezultate: 706
Let's talk
Come on, let's talk
I only need you
How come you don't understand it?
Come on, let's talk
Why are you silent?
Come to me, baby!
I hate you, then I love you madly
You text me: 'I Love You'
And then delete all we've talked about
All my attempts go blacklisted
I don't know what to do with 'us'
We will never be friends
This weightlessness between us is like a magnet
I don't know... I don't know...
I'm not being silent, thinking out loud
Maybe we will remember something out of the blue
Talk, let's try
Even if it's gonna be awkward
The words are inconsistent
I try to make them rhyme
I try to stand out from the others
Try to be the first in your contact list
You read me between the lines
I call out you bluff
You kidnapped me into your world
Our footsteps on the night boulevard
Talk, start this fire
With you I feel like I'm just steps away from heaven
I think that we were made for each other
Like Che Guevara and his guitar
Come on, let's talk
I only need you
How come you don't understand it?
Come on, let's talk
Why are you silent?
Come to me, baby!
I don't know what to do with 'us'
We will never be friends
This weightlessness between us is like a magnet
I don't know what to do with 'us'
We will never be friends
This weightlessness between us is like a magnet
I don't know what to do with 'us'
We will never be friends
This weightlessness between us is like a magnet
I don't know... I don't know...
And something remains
between the clear pages and the dark ones,
and I erase your name from my façade.
And I confuse my excuses with your motives.
My excuses with your motives.
Whoever read the cards to me, called me a winner.
But a gipsy is a ploy and an intrusive future.
If I had been a bit younger,
I would have destroyed it with a fantasy.
I would have ripped it up with a fantasy.
Now you can send your lips to a new address
and overlap my face with that of someone else.
I still have your four aces, mind you, all from one colour.
You can hide them or play them as you like,
or make them stay good friends like us.
A sacred will to live and you a sweet mascara goddess
like when it rained outside and you asked me
if by any chance I still had that picture
in which you smiled and didn't look at me.
And the wind blowed
over the neck of your coat and over yourself.
And when I, without understanding it, said, 'Yes',
you said, 'It's all you have from me'.
It's all I have from you.
Now you can send your lips to a new address
and overlap my face with that of someone else.
I still have your four aces, mind you, all from one colour.
You can hide them or play them as you like,
or make them stay good friends like us.
Lacrimile au un drum
Oamenii spun că un bărbat
ar trebui să fie puternic
pentru a înfrunta viața
lumea, libertatea.
Oamenii spun că un bărbat
nu poate plânge pentru dragoste
nu trebuie să cedeze niciodată inimii sale.
Se poate vorbi de dragoste și libertate
dar un cont este să iubești pe cine iubire nu-ți dă.
Chiar și lacrimile au
drumul lor, de aceea
lasă-mă să plâng, dacă voi plânge.
Poate cineva te ascultă
zâmbește sau râde de mine
știu că mâine pentru toți
simplu mereu nu este.
Dar nu mă interesează de alții
nu vor înțelege de ce
eu sunt un bărbat care plânge pentru tine.
Se poate vorbi de dragoste și libertate
dar un cont este să iubești pe cine iubire nu-ți dă.
Chiar si lacrimile au
drumul lor de aceea
lasă-mă să plâng dacă voi plânge.
Chiar și lacrimile au
drumul lor de aceea
lasă-mă să plâng dacă voi plânge.
Early Spring
Versions: #1
I don't take for granted
any of what I have,
not even the slightest shiver, not now.
There's more oxygen
in my perimeter.
It's a symptom
plain as day.
I confess you're the main cause
now inside me
of everything good in there.
Ah, ah, ah... I know it,
you're early spring.
Ah, ah, ah... the proof that
shows the effect you have on me
Our self-portrait
now... can't be without you.
It's a reciprocal
Because of this, air changes in my lungs.
Out of the rest, you are... you are,
you're everything good there is.
Ah, ah, ah... I know it,
this early spring.
Ah, ah, ah... the example that
shows how much effect you have on me.
Flowers born out of the bramble,
out here, they heal my mistakes.
Ah, ah.
Ah, ah.
Undoubtedly you're the maker
of this spring
inside me... inside me.
Out here... ah, ah, ah.
In our self-portrait.
Spring: Us people of the sea / My friend / Freedom is my woman / Two dogs at church
Us people of the sea
Know that
If you want to save
Someone who's drowning,
You'll be beat down
By him and by the sea
And perhaps you'll drown as well.
If the sea's there
We know that
It's best to be each in our respective homes
And rest
For the calm
Will be back, and then you'll sail.
The wave stays still, yet it always moves
And perhaps one day, like good sailors
Every man for his own, every man for his own
Will sail his own piece of the sea.
The wave stays still, yet it always moves
And perhaps one day, like good mechanics
Every man for his own, every man for his own,
Will fix up his own piece of the world.
~ ~ ~
From behind the wall, you stare at
The rest of the world
You speak softly, from afar
You don't understand others
And neither do I
And I pretend
To be sane.
In the darkness of the mind,
In the reality of dreams,
They walk together
The children of the Moon.
My friend, don't worry,
It doesn't matter,
There are no differences
On the Moon.
~ ~ ~
My woman is like freedom,
When she's not there,
I miss her to death.
Then when she's with me
I almost don't realize it
In the morning, I know
That there'll be a smile.
My woman is like freedom,
In my mind, I
Have always thought of her
Even when I
Still didn't know that,
Even when she
Had gone away.
My woman is like freedom,
Like a song you can always sing,
That cannot be quiet, that cannot end,
My woman is my song.
~ ~ ~
We were two dogs at church,
You and I.
And you, you've already left,
Ask Him why
There are many sad lives in this senseless world,
There are many horrendous stories in this wonderful world.
Perhaps He'll answer,
Perhaps even He doesn't know.
Wait for me, in a while
I'll come too
To lend you a hand, to ask why...
And you'll see that even there
We'll get kicked out.
Prieten bun şi un pahar cu vin
Cine a murit şi m-a încoronat pe mine, fiecare este totul
Eu chiar m-avânt în weekend( sfârşitul de săptămână)
Până ajung acasă nu există niciun pic de cumpătare
Printre câini, chemările mamei.
Este împotriva legii
Pentru mine să obţin ce am nevoie.
Un prieten bun şi un pahar cu vin,
Cineva să spună că va fi bine,
Un prieten bun şi un pahar cu vin,
Puţin sprijin să trec noaptea.
Vorbim prostii şi râdem şi plângem,
Acel fel de terapie pe care banii n-o pot cumpăra,
Din când în când, din când în când
Fiecare fată are nevoie de un prieten bun şi un pahar cu vin.
Nu trebuie să m-arunc fără vacanţă o săptămână,
Aş fi încântată să am o oră fericită,
Când sunt obosită şi sunt prăjită, mă pune înapoi pe picioare
Orice fel de vin roşu sau alb, puţin timp cu sora mea,
Este secretul fiecărei fete isteţe.
Un prieten bun şi un pahar cu vin,
Cineva să spună că va fi bine,
Un prieten bun şi un pahar cu vin,
Puţin sprijin să trec noaptea.
Vorbim prostii şi râdem şi plângem,
Acel fel de terapie pe care banii n-o pot cumpăra,
Din când în când, din când în când
Fiecare fată are nevoie de un prieten bun şi un pahar cu vin.
My Frosty Love
For you,I ruin this world
As long as you don't break off relations with me
I don't care whatever others say
You don't reverse my course
Dear, you don't reverse my course
My frosty love, my stormy love, my snowy love
Come and hold me... Your absence feels me cold
You are the book I read leaf by leaf
My love hard to be solved in knots
We climbed up mountains struggling
How many times did we exceed our limit for others
We were much or few or we were none
Don't reverse your desicion with punks
My frosty love, my stormy love, my snowy love
Come and hold me... Your absence feels me cold
You are the book I read leaf by leaf
My love hard to be solved in knots
Come before my lash touchs the other
Come before others hold me down
The day gained on the night
Come before I beat my breast in vain
My frosty love, my stormy love, my snowy love
Come and hold me... Your absence feels me cold
You are the book I read leaf by leaf
My love hard to be solved in knots
Where did you come from?
Where did you come from?
From what miracle, from what dream?
What big wave sent you here?
Where did you come from?
Amazed by your beauty
I keep looking at you,
And I still can't find an answer.
Where did you come from?
Where did you come from?
From what poem secretly written?
What corner of heaven sent you to me?
Where did you come from, where did you come from?
Where did you come from?
From what miracle from what dream?
What big wave sent you here?
Where did you come from?
Where did you come from?
From which pages of stories?
On my way you rose,
x2: I'm asking you now, I'm asking you now who are you?
She :
I'm a girl like any other,
I have nothing special,
The eyes, like everyone else,
The usual smile.
Hair, black in color,
It's not wavy.
I'm a girl like any other,
I have nothing special.
My heart is hot,
Eager for love,
But it's nobody's.
It's nobody's fault.
I'm a girl like any other
I have nothing special,
I sing, dance and laugh in the sun,
I'm an ordinary man.
I didn't come down from the dream,
I didn't come from heaven either
I am not an unwritten poem
I didn't get out of the sea either
I'm a girl like any other
I have nothing special,
x2: I sing, dance and laugh in the sun
I'm an ordinary man.
Născutul-dragon, Născutul-dragon,
pe onoarea sa-i jurat
să țină răul mereu departe!
Și cei mai puternici dușmani fug
când aud strigătul triumfului
Născutule-dragon, pentru binecuvântarea ta ne rugăm!
Ascultați acum, fii ai zăpezii, la o epocă demult trecută,
Și povestea, cu îndrazneală spusă, a Întâiului!
Care era neam cu dragonii
și cu rasele omenirii
cu putere pe măsură cu cea a soarelui!
Și manuscrisele au prezis,
De aripi negre în frig
Care-atunci când frații se luptă se vor desface!
Alduin, Spaima Regilor,
umbră veche dezlănțuită,
cu o foamete să înghită lumea!
Dar o zi, va veni,
când minciunile negrului dragon,
vor fi reduse la tăcere atunci pentru totdeauna!
Dreptul Skyrim va fi liber din reaua falcă a lui Alduin!
Născutul-dragon, Născutul-dragon,
pe onoarea sa-i jurat
să țină răul mereu departe!
Și cei mai puternici dușmani fug
când aud strigătul triumfului
Născutule-dragon, pentru binecuvântarea ta ne rugăm!
La la la la la la la la
Știu bine că ești rea pentru mine
Acea privire, acel gest
Încerc să scap de tine
Dar dau din cap ca și cum aș fi hipnotizat
Cuvintele tale îmi împleticesc picioarele și mă fac să dansez, dar nu mă deranjează
Pentru că nu vreau să neg adevărul că am fost menit să fiu al tău de la început
Ești un criminal care mă rănește cu grație
Este în regulă, mă consolezi doar ca să mă torturezi din nou
Ooh, sunt legat de tine
Este atât de dureros încât nu pot respira, dar este și magnific
Ești un criminal care mă distruge elegant
Nu este în regulă, încerc să scutur din cap
Ooh, dar sunt atras de tine din ce în ce mai mult
În momentul în care m-am îndrăgostit de tine, inocența mea a dispărut
Sindromul numit tu
Mă atrage și mă cutremură
În spatele chipului tău copilăresc și inocent
O latură înfricoșătoare din tine, mă zguduie complet
Inima mea zdrobită cu o rană deschisă este deja plină de urmele tale
Mâinile mele care le țin pe ale tale au fost cele care m-au înjunghiat, deci nici ele nu sunt curate
Ești un criminal care mă rănește cu grație
Este în regulă, mă consolezi doar ca să mă torturezi din nou
Ooh, sunt legat de tine
Este atât de dureros încât nu pot respira, dar este și magnific
Ești un criminal care mă distruge elegant
Nu este în regulă, încerc să scutur din cap
Ooh, dar sunt atras de tine din ce în ce mai mult
În momentul în care m-am îndrăgostit de tine, inocența mea a dispărut
La la la la la la la la
Distruge-mă mai mult
Ești un criminal care mă rănește cu grație
Este în regulă, mă consolezi doar ca să mă torturezi din nou
Ooh, sunt legat de tine
Este atât de dureros încât nu pot respira, dar este și magnific
Ești un criminal care mă distruge elegant
Nu este în regulă, încerc să scutur din cap
Ooh, dar sunt atras de tine din ce în ce mai mult
Nu vreau să scap de tine, așa că distruge-mă complet
La-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la-la
I know well that you're bad for me
Your eyes and the way you move
I try to get away from you
But being brainwashed, all I can do is nod
I don't hate how your words make my feet entangled and dance
Cause I don't want to deny the truth that is was destined to be you from the beginning
So elegant, a criminal who hurts me
It's okay you soothe me just to torture me again
Ooh, I'm on a leash called you
It's painful as much as I can't breathe but also magnificent
So elegant, a criminal who destroys me
Not okay I try and shake my head
Ooh but I'm only getting dragged in more deeply
The moment I fall for you, is the end of my innocence
The syndrome called you
You lure me in and shake me
Behind your childlike innocent face
A frightening side of you, gives me goose bumps
My heart with an open wound is already full of your fingerprints
My hands holding yours that stabbed me are not clean either
So elegant, a criminal who hurts me
It's okay you soothe me just to torture me again
Ooh, I'm on a leash called you
It's painful as much as I can't breathe but also magnificent
So elegant, a criminal who destroys me
Not okay I try and shake my head
Ooh but I'm only getting dragged in more deeply
The moment I fall for you, is the end of my innocence
La-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
Destroy me more
So elegant, a criminal who hurts me
It's okay you soothe me just to torture me again
Ooh, I'm on a leash called you
It's painful as much as I can't breathe but also magnificent
So elegant, a criminal who destroys me
Not okay I try and shake my head
Ooh but I'm only getting dragged in more deeply
I don't want to get away, destroy me completely
Bird in the distance
The cuckoo of joy crew in the east
and the one of bliss in the south
I happily went out to meet you
when my youth had its spring
Now I write a poem thereof
and the longing that stings
The cuckoo of pensiveness crew in the west
and the one of wisdom in the north
Ever have my days resounded
with this noise of sorrow
I've only learned of fair promises
and betrayal come morrow
Sing, sing bird in the distance
Tell me, why won't my love come
The cuckoo of wealth rules above
and the cuckoo of death warbles below
Far more than gold and riches
I wished for him to keep
Vainly did my wish however vanish
as I go to my final sleep
Dragul meu
Mă gândesc s-o spun,
Apoi mă gândesc să tac și trece!
N-am fost supărată că mi-a frânt inima
L-am respins dintr-un loc pe care nu-l merita!
Nu-mi pasă de nicio problemă,
Când nu am nicio problemă,
Nu-mi pasă de niciun foc
Când nu aprinde nici măcar un băț de chibrit.
S-a terminat scufundarea în mare?
Acele priviri nu vor mai conta,
Care-i problema, arăți posomorât, ești chiar trist, ce-ai văzut?
Ce ți s-a întâmplat, dragul meu?
Erai atât de îndrăgostit, dragul meu!
Te-ai întristat, dragul meu?
Doar treci peste, dragul meu!
Ce ți s-a întâmplat, dragul meu?
Erai atât de îndrăgostit, dragul meu!
Te-ai întristat, dragul meu?
Doar treci peste, dragul meu!
Mă gândesc s-o spun,
Apoi mă gândesc să tac și trece!
N-am fost supărată că mi-a frânt inima
L-am respins dintr-un loc pe care nu-l merita!
Nu-mi pasă de nicio problemă,
Când nu am nicio problemă,
Nu-mi pasă de niciun foc
Când nu aprinde nici măcar un băț de chibrit.
S-a terminat scufundarea în mare?
Acele priviri nu vor mai conta,
Care-i problema, arăți posomorât,
Ești chiar trist, ce-ai văzut?
Ce ți s-a întâmplat, dragul meu?
Erai atât de îndrăgostit, dragul meu!
Te-ai întristat, dragul meu?
Doar treci peste, dragul meu!
Ce ți s-a întâmplat, dragul meu?
Erai atât de îndrăgostit, dragul meu!
Te-ai întristat, dragul meu?
Doar treci peste, dragul meu!
Să plece, să nu mai rămână,
Numele să nu mi-l mai rostească,
Nu-mi mai cere nimic acum!
Să plece, să nu mai stea,
Numele să nu mi-l mai rostească!
Nimic de la mine de acum înainte!
Dragul meu, dragul meu,
Dragul meu, dragul meu,
Care-i problema, arăți posomorât,
Ești chiar trist, ce-ai văzut?
Ce ți s-a întâmplat, dragul meu?
Erai atât de îndrăgostit, dragul meu!
Te-ai întristat, dragul meu?
Doar treci peste, dragul meu!
Ce ți s-a întâmplat, dragul meu?
Erai atât de îndrăgostit, dragul meu!
Te-ai întristat, dragul meu?
Doar treci peste, dragul meu!
A flower on the windowsill is no longer there.
You stay closed up inside
and my heart is a shutter that—
that flaps in the wind.
With my head held high, I laugh and look up
and I look happy to you.
Know instead how I am—
I no longer know how to live
without you.
Regret for a woman who has
loved me so much!
What I would not give,
what I would not forgive
of your past!
Regret for a woman who has
loved me so much!
To be able to tell you that it also matters to you
what happened.
Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh!
There behind the windows is your profile.
It does not give me peace
but your love is a candle that
no longer sheds light.
With my head down, I cry and beg you
but I lack my voice.
What I have is too little—
I no longer know how to live
without you.
Regret for a woman who has
loved me so much!
What I would not give,
what I would not forgive
of your past!
Regret for a woman who has
loved me so much!
To be able to tell you that it also matters to you
what happened.
Regret (regret for a woman who loved you so much)
what I would not give,
what I would not forgive
of your past.
Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh!
Merry Xmas instead of tears
That summer, when I first kissed you,
Feels like a fire on that Christmas Eve
Whenever I lay down to rest, and I embrace
The feeling of desperately wanting to see you
Even if I know too much about the passage of time
The warmth can never disappear...
Merry Christmas for my love
Instead of tears, I only saw
The comforting happiness that was not seen before
In my memories of that Holy Night
The two of us already want to go home
And we both know that for sure
But still, don't say goodbye to me
Until the wine has lost its power
I'm so lonely, to the point where I could break
But I've already closed my eyes...
Merry Christmas for my love
Although your smile is too gentle to be true
And it'll be impossible to solve us
I'll never forget that Silent Night
And so you carry your suitcase into the taxi
Then shut the door behind you
Merry Christmas for my love
You leave me with not even one last look
Not even the night sky is without sadness
As you erase me with one last sigh
Merry Christmas for my love
Although your smile is too gentle to be true
And it'll be impossible to solve us
I'll never forget that Silent Night
Crime Goddess
She lives on Valentine's day
Corpses and murders traced her path
Screaming with terror, seeing nothing but horror
Succubus, fury exploded inside her.
In her screams destiny damned her
Her damaged brains only think of killing
With desire she mows down life
A maleficent psychosis made her climax.
Crime Goddess
You are the Queen of Malign Forces
Your orgasms are born in blood
Crime Goddess
You pull your preys towards a distant past
Your dreams died down in your hands.
Nightmare follows her with its eyes
Hitting her head in the fires of chance
Her memory casts itself into the void
Her agony runs to infinity.
The leaves are already falling in the avenues and gardens
the clouds already ride a convoy in the heavens
and the last star there is shy
The last of the birds have already gone on their way
and they carry with them the last songs
and the wind describes in thousands of his strings
Ships sailing into distant days
sailing, sailing to the unknown horizons
struggling, the sea can no longer wave
The city is already sinking into a deep quiet
still carrying in its heart an old prayer
still carrying in its heart, but in vain, but in vain
Tired and spent in shadowy gardens
and all is so silent, the words have fallen mum
already we do not love, the one that loved
Lacrimi napolitane
Draga mea mamă,
Peste puțin va fi Crăciunul,
și a sta departe are un gust amar.
Cum aș vrea să aprind două sau trei artificii!
Cum mi-aș dori să ascult un cimpoier!
Copiilor mei faceți-le ieslea 1)
și la masă puneți-mi și mie farfuria.
Faceți-o în seara de Ajun,
ca și cum aș fi fost și eu cu voi.
Și câte lacrimi ne costă această Americă,
pe noi Napolitanii!
Pe noi care plângem cerul din Napoli,
cum este amară această pâine!
Draga mea mamă,
ce sunt, ce sunt banii?
Pentru cei ce plâng Patria, nu reprezintă nimic!
Acum am câțiva dolari, și mi se pare că n-am fost niciodată așa sărac!
Mă visez în toate nopțile la casa mea
și aud glasul copiilor mei,
Dar pe voi vă visez precum 'Maria
cu spadele în piept, în fața fiului pe cruce.
Și câte lacrimi ne costă această Americă,
pe noi Napolitanii!
Pe noi care plângem cerul din Napoli,
cum.este amară această pâine!
Mi-ați scris că Assuntina o cheamă
pe cea care a parasit-o și este încă departe.
Ce să vă zic? Dacă fiii vor la mama,
lăsați-o să se-ntoarcă
acea 'doamnă'.
Eu, nu, nu mă întorc, rămân în afară
și rămân să muncesc pentru toți.
Eu, care am pierdut patria, casa și onoarea,
eu sunt măcel:
Sunt emigrant!
Și câte lacrimi ne costăaceastă Americă
pe noi Napolitanii!
Pe noi care plângem cerul din Napoli,
cum este amară această pâine!
Tears on my face
I'm saying this very emotionally
And it takes so much to tell you
But for your good I'm gonna be brave
It's time to follow your journey
Cause there's nothing left in here
I'm not what you expected
And I'm gonna say bye
but with a tight chest
I always wanted you to be fine
But not loving you it's wrong
And I'm gonna say bye
With tears in my face
I always wanted you to be fine
But without loving you it's not supposed to be
Forgive me but I can't be what I'm not
I was so sure about myself
And I couldn't look at you
But today I know I'll trick your heart
I don't want to live inside this illusion
Cause there's nothing left in here
I'm not what you expected
And I'm gonna say bye
but with a tight chest
I always wanted you to be fine
But not loving you it's wrong
And I'm gonna say bye
With tears in my face
I always wanted you to be fine
But without loving you it's not supposed to be
Forgive me but I can't be what I'm not
It's not easy to be away from you
After loving you so much
I have to leave
And I'm gonna say bye
but with a tight chest
I always wanted you to be fine
But not loving you it's wrong
And I'm gonna say bye
With tears in my face
I always wanted you to be fine
But without loving you it's not supposed to be
Forgive me but I can't be what I'm not
Oh My God
First I saw and fell for you then I looked and sobered up
If I screamed and said oh my god who would turn to look?
Even though I try to express you're still making light of it
Writing a thousand-page novel
I decided and broke up, drove me to the wall and I got around
Our love was a safety pin and we've turned into threads
Life is a game whether to be or not to be and this is the question
Oh my god, at the end no one cares
Oh my god, at an instant dum teke dum*
Oh my god, a bit catching eyes, sitting closely
Oh my god, let's settle this up
RV 644 23 Recitative: Meanwhile in our holy city.
Meanwhile in our holy city
I hear confused voices, a light breeze
brings murmurs of your vow
and, I believe, of your glory.
All together, the maidens of Judah
cry and pray, uncertain of their destiny.
Strawberry Moon
Strawberry moon, it's not even pink though
I wish I could have looked at it with you
I walked alone with all my heart
And at some point, tears escaped
While I staggered, remembering our linked hands
I don't want you to become a mess,
So there's a few things I can do
But I'm a coward who just stands still
I realised, that you can't heal wounds just by rationalising
Taking off clothes imbedded with sadness
In the room you were in, I'm all alone now
It's like I was dreaming this whole time
I can't leave my sadness anywhere,
So I hide it deep in my heart
Night after night, the signs of struggle are here and there
If I keep carrying nothing but loneliness,
At this rate I won't be able to go anywhere
I know that, but I can't stop
A life of shying away and pretending to know is just concealment,
I probably can't die in peace as a cowardly, underhanded human
Ahh, I'm starting to hate it
Haa, I'll still live on though
If you want to keep it vague, that's fine
Asking 'What do you want me to do?' as usual
It's a blurry relationship, and other party is at a disadvantage
So you say 'I'm sorrowful', why, why?
Wait, wait, saying something like 'How selfish'
Taking off clothes imbedded with sadness
In the room you were in, I'm all alone now
It's like I was dreaming this whole time
I can't leave my sadness anywhere,
So I hide it deep in my heart
Night after night, the signs of struggle are here and there
I despair in the train on the way to see you
Because someone sings 'There's no such thing as forever'
Because I know that even without being told
But as soon as I see you I know it'll slip my mind
It wasn't supposed to be like this, but it continues
You know, that time when you noticed my sadness
I was really happy
Taking off clothes imbedded with sadness
In the room you are in, just the two of us now
I can't believe it's not a dream!
I can't leave my sadness anywhere,
So it burns within my body
Night after night, I see my signs of struggle as beautiful
Heart on Fire
The wind is still
The witches are swift
Spinning their magic
The battle deludes me
The madness grows inside of me
The rage awakes
The waiting was far too long
For my heart is filled with fire
A flame that must never burn out again
I shall never give in, here I stand fast
And in my heart the fire burns wildly
The fairies’ lament
The wolfs’ howl
Echo in the cold
The battle deludes me
The madness calls from the deep
The shape of a bear now taken
The Earth shakes
For my heart is filled with fire
A flame that must never burn out again
I shall never give in, here I stand fast
And in my heart the fire burns wildly
For my heart is filled with fire
A flame that must never burn out again
I shall never give in, here I stand fast
And in my heart the fire burns wildly
For my heart is filled with fire
A flame that must never burn out again
I shall never give in, here I stand fast
And in my heart the fire burns wildly
For my heart is filled with fire
Far too long sleepy but now it is enough
I stand fast, no winds, rain or storm
Are going to quench this fire again
The heart, the heart, the heart is whispering to me,
It feels like it's almost spring
And nobody knows,
And nobody knows
Where my thoughts are hovering.
The fields are waking up, the larks are singing.
No-one can stop the spring!
Spring, spring, you remind me
Once again the light
Of first love.
Spring, spring, you remind me
Once again the light
Of first love.
The moments, the moments, the moments are passing in a hurry,
Many flowers have withered since then,
Our wings have grown,
Our wings have grown,
And we got lost in the big world.
The fields blossomed, the larks sang,
And the spring was like today.
Spring, spring, you remind me
Once again the light
Of first love.
Spring, spring, you remind me
Once again the light
Of first love.
The heart, the heart, the heart is whispering to me,
It feels like it's almost spring
And nobody knows,
And nobody knows
Where my thoughts are hovering.
The fields are waking up, the larks are singing.
No-one can stop the spring!
Spring, spring, you remind me
Once again the light
Of first love.
Spring, spring, you remind me
Once again the light
Of first love.
Spring, spring, you remind me
Once again the light
Of first love.
Spring, spring, you remind me
Once again the light
Of first love.
The light of first love
The light of first love
The heart, the heart, the heart is whispering to me,
It feels like it's almost spring
And nobody knows,
And nobody knows
Where my thoughts are hovering.
The fields are waking up, the larks are singing.
No-one can stop the spring!
Spring, spring, you remind me
Once again the light
Of first love.
Spring, spring, you remind me
Once again the light
Of first love.
The moments, the moments, the moments are passing in a hurry,
Many flowers have withered since then,
Our wings have grown,
Our wings have grown,
And we got lost in the big world.
The fields woke up, the larks sang,
And the spring was like today.
Spring, spring, you remind me
Once again the light
Of first love.
Spring, spring, you remind me
Once again the light
Of first love.
Spring, spring, you remind me
Once again the light
Of first love.
Spring, spring, you remind me
Once again the light
Of first love.
The light of first love
Spring, you are my love!
Veșnicu-ți înger
Te-am văzut căzând
Timp de-atâta timp
Si aș fi vrut să fac mai multe decât am făcut
Sper c-ai găsit lumina
Pe noul drum început
Ochii de-i închizi
Aproape-ai să mă vezi
Ori sufletu-ți senin va sparge cerul înnorat
Ori tot ce crezi va fi de îndoieli îngenuncheat
E ok
Nu te-ndoi,
nu te clinti
Dacă știi să fii ceea ce ești
Nu te poți rătăci
Când bezna grea
Te- o-mpresura
Sapă ți în adânc suflet și mă vei vedea
Veșnicu ți Înger
Nu doar părul alb
Face-un om înțelept
Vor fi clipe când toată lumea ta s-o nărui
Si doar predandui te Lui Harul îl vei simți
E ok
Nu te-ndoi,
nu te clinti
Dacă știi să fii ceea ce ești
Nu te poți rătăci
Când bezna grea
Te- o-mpresura
Sapă ți adânc în suflet și mă vei vedea
Veșnicu-ți Înger
În orice rugă eu
Voi fi cu tine
Nu te-ndoi,
nu te clinti
Dacă știi să fii ceea ce ești
Nu te poți rătăci
Când bezna grea
Te- o-mpresura
Sapă ți adânc în suflet și mă vei vedea
Veșnicu-ți Înger (x 3)
It Was the First Time
It was the first time
that I gave up my heart.
The first time for everything,
I gave everything without condition.
The first time I loved,
the first sparrow's flight
who by misfortune flew and fell
into a lion's claws.
[Chorus x2] My first love,
my first sorrrow,
my first misstep,
my first jail sentence.
It was the first time
that I gave up my heart.
The first time for everything,
everything ended up in disappointment.
The first time I loved,
the first sparrow's flight
who stopped by and sang inside a cage
thinking it was a balcony.
[Chorus x2]
The Primised Neverland: Isabella's lullaby (Italian)
It is time now to close your eyes
sleep now my love
there is something you don't know
it lives within the dreams you always bring with you
You shall be the most beautiful light, my melody
lost in a dream you're my way
you will be the voice that one day will refind me
don't fear I shall not ever leave you
We shall see eachother again on a beautiful day if the heart wishes
you will have the love that I have within me
you will be the voice that one day shall forgive me
because I hear you call out my name
And I swear that I'd like to keep on
Having a voice to call you.
But my voice is hoarse from another chorus.
And I swear that I'd like to
Punch a wall
But my fists are already wounded from other lives
From other lives in which I was wounded, too
Now I've wounded you and I, in turn
Would like to get myself worked up,
To show you that I care,
To slam the table with my fists...
I'd cry for you
But I've shed all my tears
On another love
My gaze has already passed...
And I swear that I'd like to cry out,
To call you back,
To not let you leave,
To not give up on us.
And I swear that I'd like to feel,
To feel everything that you feel,
Now that you're leaving, let my soul jump into the air...
Now I've wounded you and I, in turn
Would like to get myself worked up,
To show you that I care,
To slam the table with my fists...
I'd cry for you
But I've shed all my tears
On another love
My gaze has already passed...
Benim Yarim Ondan Ayrılmış
Ah hiç mi aklın
Ya benim olmadın bana yanmadın
Yazdım seni de o benim kara deftere
Yanarım yıllara, sorarım aylara
Gençliğim bin parça öyle sandım
Kızmayın siz bana
Kızmayın sakın ama
Bilseniz ne oldu bundan sonra
(Verdiğim sözümü tutamadım, kızmayın)
Benim yârim ondan ayrılmış
Tıpış tıpış yine bana geliyor
Onun için yandım, öpücüğüne kandım
Verdiğim sözü sattım
Primul chef pe care-l voi da
Primul chef pe care-l voi da
Va fi magnific, ai să vezi.
Tu mi-ai promis că vei veni,
La mine acasă am să te-aștept.
Aș vrea să dansez cu tine,
Și sub ochii lui tati
Vei putea să mă strângi lângă tine,
Și câteva pupicuri vor scăpa.
Dragă, de-abia aștept,
Aștept să vină seara.
Ai să vezi ce chef o să fie,
Pentru că mai frumoasă voi fi.
Și când voi dansa cu tine,
Pași rapizi am să bag.
Cheful pe care-l voi da
Magnific o să fie.
Cheful pe care-l voi da
Magnific o să fie.
Primul chef pe care-l voi da
Va fi magnific, ai să vezi.
Tu mi-ai promis că vei veni,
La mine acasă am să te-aștept.
Vei putea să dansezi cu mine,
Și sub ochii lui tati
Vei putea să mă strângi lângă tine
Și câteva pupicuri vor scăpa.
Ai să vezi ce chef o să fie,
Pentru că mai frumoasă voi fi.
Și când voi dansa cu tine
Lumini scăzute am să pun.
Primul chef pe care-l voi da,
La mine acasă te voi aștepta.
Primul chef pe care-l voi da,
La mine acasă te voi aștepta.
Primul chef pe care-l voi da,
La mine acasă te voi aștepta.
Primul chef pe care-l voi da,
La mine acasă te voi aștepta.
And the Paint Will Wash Away
And the paint will wash away,
Then holds on,
Working, creaking
Twisting the gears.
Flickering and then dark,
The sky begins to ring.
Don't think about it grinding,
Twisting the gears.
Everything that's around you,
Is living, just like you.
The remainder creaks too,
Twisting the gears.
Twisting the gears,
Twisting the gears.