Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 8

Număr de rezultate: 370


What will a drink do to me?

What will a drink do to me?
It was never enough to make my head foggy
So I couldn't remember
What will a drink do to me?
Will it get rid of your abrupt 'goodbye'
That's been waking and sleeping on my pillow?
I filled a glass and I emptied it
I never reckoned how much I'd miss you
You cut me off at the knees
I emptied a bottle, I drained it
Whatever I touched, I turned to ash
I embraced nobody
I embraced nobody
What will a drink do to me?
Even if it's strong
I'll refuse you in a minute
It won't do anything to me
What will a drink do to me?
I'm drinking it like water
But how can something that's poisoned my heart become sweet?
I filled a glass and I emptied it
I never reckoned how much I'd miss you
You cut me off at the knees
I emptied a bottle, I drained it
Whatever I touched, I turned to ash
I embraced nobody
I embraced nobody

Here and now

Versions: #1
I look you in the eyes and you give me the could shoulder
I'm remembering an entire life with you, and you're leaving it all behind
Come closer to me with your next step, my love
The lie ends here and now
I'm asking you to tell me here and now
Do you love me, or are we done?
Come on, tell me here and now
If our love is just part of the past
Go ahead and leave, I won't get lost
I won't go mad for a woman
Go ahead and leave, forget about me
My heart doesn't belong to you
I look at you and feel like you're already gone
The pain of tears is wounding me yet again
I'm scared that the time has come
For our love to end here and now
I'm asking you to tell me here and now
Do you love me, or are we done?
Come on, tell me here and now
If our love is just part of the past
Go ahead and leave, I won't get lost
I won't go mad for a woman
Go ahead and leave, forget about me
My heart doesn't belong to you

I'm human

Versions: #1
Tell me, what night has taken you from me?
I'm crying every evening
You're not here, and the moon no longer appears in the sky
I'm human, my love,1 and I have a heart
Don't ask me to endure this wound
This separation hurts, I'm melting like a candle
Where can I find any consolation?
What dark night has stolen you?
I can't find you anywhere
A river of tears has already come out of my eyes again
I'm human, my love, and I have a heart
Don't ask me to endure this wound
This separation hurts, I'm melting like a candle
Where can I find any consolation?
  • 1. 'φως μου' literally means 'my light'. It is a term of endearment similar to 'my love'.

We're breaking up tonight

Versions: #1
You told me that this love would last
And I, a crazy fool blinded by love, believed you
You promised me you'd take me to paradise
But it just proved that you weren't alright
Plans bleed with words and promises
Our hearts filled with love and wounds
We're breaking up tonight
We're breaking in two
A knife of a goodbye
A poisonous kiss
We're breaking up tonight
I'm telling you, it's over
Forgive me for my tears,
But I love you so much
You told me that this love would grow stronger
And how you'd go mad if I left you alone
Now you're leaving me without saying a single word to me
And no tears have come out of your eyes
Plans bleed with words and promises
Our hearts filled with love and wounds
We're breaking up tonight
We're breaking in two
A knife of a goodbye
A poisonous kiss
We're breaking up tonight
I'm telling you, it's over
Forgive me for my tears,
But I love you so much

I won't stay

Everything's been gathered up in my mind,
My mind that's going to go mad,
Everything's been gathered up in my heart,
It's all tiring me
I shut off the lights, I closed the doors
Before I go mad
Something broke inside of me, and I'm no longer here
I won't stay, I'll give my life to others
It's not worth it for me to be in pain,
My heart is turning a page
My life belongs to me,
So does everything I loved with all of my soul
And for you and me, I'm telling you this:
It's wrong for us to live a lie,
I won't stay
Everything's been gathered up in my life,
And nothing else will be taken
Everything's been gathered up in my soul,
And tonight, it's exploding
What happened and didn't happen doesn't bother me at all
It's all over, in my heart I want to be happy again.

I'm dying now

Versions: #1
Where are you, my love? I can't even remember where I am
Because I'm afraid of spending my nights alone
I can't be afraid
Do you remember all the nights that we warmed each other up with embraces?
You said that I was your life, but now I am no more
Now I'm dying every night that I think about you
Whose kiss will sweeten my dry lips?
Tell me all the bitter truths, lie to me and say you never left me, my love
Where are you? In whose embrace are you sleeping now?
Why are you returning?
I'm afraid of living far away from you, you've forgotten that I'm afraid
Do you remember all the nights that we warmed each other up with embraces?
You said that I was your life, but now I am no more
Now I'm dying every night that I think about you
Whose kiss will sweeten my dry lips?
Tell me all the bitter truths, lie to me and say you never left me, my love


I'm the antenna
catching vibration.
You're the transmitter,
give information!
We point antennas into the sky,
receive the sounds that nobody knows.
I'm the transmitter,
I give information.
You're the antenna
catching vibration.
The transmitters beam image, sound and word
electromagnetically to any location.
I'm the antenna
catching vibration.
You're the transmitter,
give information!
We're radio, transmitter and listener,
playing the wave piano in the ether.
[Repeat to fade:]
I'm the antenna catching vibration.
You're the transmitter, give information.
I'm the transmitter, I give information.
You're the antenna catching vibration.

The Telephone Call

(This line is temporarily unavailable)
I give you my affection and my time.
I have to see you again, when will it be time?
You're close to me and yet so far away.
I call you up, I like to hear you.
I give you my affection and my time.
I have to see you again, when will it be time?
You're close to me and yet so far away.
I call you up, I like to hear you.
(This line is temporarily unavailable)
I give you my affection and my time.
I have to see you again, when will it be time?
You're close to me and yet so far away.
I call you up, I like to hear you.
You're close to me and yet so far away.
I call you up, I like to hear you.
(This line is temporarily unavailable)

Don Raffaè

Ma numesc Pasquale Cafiero
și sunt sergent major al închisorii, copilă
mă numesc Cafiero Pasquale
stau la Poggioreale din '53
și la a nu ştiu câta înzăvorare
seara mă simt o cârpă
din fericire în aripa specială
este un om genial care vorbește cu mine.
Toată ziua cu patru ticăloși
tâlhari, proxeneți, cu coarne și lachei
toate orele cu acești oameni mizerabili
care scuipă amenințări și o prind cu mine
dar in final mă așez ca un papă
îmi desfac nasturii și citesc ziarul
mă consult cu Don Raffaè
îmi explică cum gândește și bem o cafea.
Ah, ce bună cafea
Chiar și la închisoare știu s-o facă
cu rețeta pe care a dat-o mama lui Cicirinella,
coleg de celulă.
Prima pagină, douăzeci de știri
douăzecișiunu de nedreptăți și Statul ce face?
se consternează, se indignează, se angajează,
apoi se dă bătut cu mare demnitate.
Imi obosesc creierul, îmi usuc fruntea
din fericire este unul care îmi răspunde
și căruia ii cer consensul, Don Raffaè.
Un om cumsecade care are șase fii
a cerut o casă și ne dă sfaturi,
în timp ce un consilier, Dumnezeu să-l ierte,
în spatele rulotei crește vizoni.
Trebuie doar o mișcare, un glas
ca a lui Hristos care ne ia crucea.
Cu respect, e deja ora trei
vreți un suc sau vreți o cafea?
Ah, ce bună cafea
chiar și în închisoare știu s-o facă
cu rețeta pe care a dat-o mama lui Cicirinella,
coleg de celulă.
Ah, ce bună cafea
chiar și în închisoare știu s-o facă
cu rețeta lui Cicirinella,
coleg de celulă, la fel ca a mamei mele.
Aici este inflație, devalorizare
și piața bursieră o are cine o are
eu nu dețin altceva decât acel salariu
și două numere (la loto) dacă visez la tata
Adaugati-o pe fiica mea, Inocența
ce vrea un soț, nu are răbdare
nu vă cer o favoare pentru mine
vă bărbieresc sau o faceți singur?
Voi aveți un palton din păr de cămilă
care la marele proces erați cel mai chipeș,
un costum culoarea maro
așa părea ca la televizor
pentru această nuntă vă rog Excelență
mi-l împrumutați pentru a mă prezenta
deja am pantofi și vestă
doriți un Campari sau vreți o cafea,
Ah, ce bună cafea
chiar și în închisoare știu s-o facă
cu rețeta pe care mama lui Cicirinella ,
coleg de celulă
Ah, ce bună cafea
chiar și în închisoare știu s-o facă
cu rețeta lui Cicirinella,
coleg de celulă la fel ca a mamei mele.
Aici nu mai există decor, închisori de aur
dar cine le-a văzut vreodată, cine știe
acestea se prăbușesc, de aceea acești ticăloși își păstrează imunitatea.
Don Raffaè, dvs.din punct de vedere politic
vă jur, ați fi un sfânt
dar aici înăuntru trebuie să plătiți
iar afară ceilalți se amuză.
Apropo, am un frate
care de cincisprezece ani este șomer
ăsta a ținut cincizeci de concursuri
nouăzeci de cereri și două sute de contestații
dvs. care dați mângâiere și servici,
Eminență, vă pup și vă implor
ăla doarme cu mama și cu mine.
ce cremă de Arabia este această cafea.

slow motion

Close that door already
You only threaten, pack up your stuff and never go away
My patience has exhausted over half an hour ago
You keep talking, talking, talking and you don't shut your mouth
Don't make yourself look hot
Looking at me with that face of wanting me in bed again
You know my weakness, playing with my hair makes me fall for you in an instant
And right in that time, you win me instantly
Let me take of your clothes, oh, oh ,oh
Let me kiss all over you, oh, oh, oh
Love in slow motion, oh, oh, oh
Today we'll break this bed, oh, oh, oh
Close that door already
You only threaten, pack up your stuff and never go away
My patience has exhausted over half an hour ago
You keep talking, talking, talking and you don't shut your mouth

The Words of the Raven

Have you heard of the king?
He who lives in kvinn,
Lord of all norwegian lands,
He who rules deep set-keels,
Reddened spears,
And bloody shields,
Tar-soaked oars,
And foam-flecked sails.
Loaded were they with warriors,
And shields of whitened hue,
Western spears i know there were,
And frankish swords all anew,
Berserks howled and bit their shields,
As battle dawned on the waves,
Wolf-men wailed and cried aloud.
Waved their spears up high,
Glad they are now,
As battle nears,
Arrows range high,
And oars they swing,
Fetters are broken,
Oarlocks crushed,
Setting forth for the lord.
Of the berserkir,
I would know more,
Those who feed on blood,
How one deals with,
Such battle-brave warriors,
Those who wade through men?
Of the berserkir,
As battle dawned on the waves,
Wolf-men wailed and cried aloud.
Waved their spears up high,
Fetters are broken,
Oarlocks crushed,
Setting forth for the lord.

Happiness Sa Sa

Laran laran.
I come to greet you.
Laran laran.
I want to encourage you.
Laran laran.
I come to explain.
Laran laran.
A way of dancing.
You already know!
Lara laran.
And now it goes,
And now let's go, let's go,
Let's start.
Yes! Yes!
I have to say it.
Like this, like that,
Everything goes as it is.
No, no,
I don't know what I say.
And enough there
I want to imagine.
How am I here!
The orchestra there.
And let's go, go!
Happiness sa sa,
Accent on the A.
In this blue night,
An scene without equal.
I invent it,
I want you not to be missing
Because I will take you to fly to the firmament,
Until you get to touch
The full moon
Our great night is today.
I am sure, I am!
And I'm here!
The orchestra there.
Happiness sa sa,
Accent on the A.
Yes! Yes!
Let's do it like this.
True, true
That time will pass.
And no, I know,
If something bad or not.
It's going well, it's going well,
Let's dream of an Eden.


I wake up
Your memory wraps me up again
I'd like to escape and I can't
The sheets smell like you
The other side of bed still has
My fears untouched
It reclaims
Sinking again with your weight
It dies so it's not deserted
I don't want to take on the empty space
If I stretch out my hand
I leave behing
The cold night
The end
Is a starting point
When I wake up
I see the north
I have faith in the horizon
Your words
Don't scare me
They're so empty
They're not worth anything anymore


Adriana, -driana
Adriana, -driana
Când sunt cu ea, mă simt ca pe alta planeta
Frate, e anormala
O frumusețe ca Adriana
Deja vad inelul pe degetul ei, Adriana
O vreau doar pe ea si nu alta
O vreau doar pe ea si nu alta
O vreau doar pe ea si nu alta
O vreau doar pe ea si nu alta
[Part 1]
Ea poarta Joggeri de la Zara
Nu de la Dolce Gabanna
Ochii ca pe coperta unei reviste
Chiar fără mascara
Ea e moderna, dar are mentalitate
Când mama ne vizitează ea face cafea
Crede-mă ca mă înfrunta
Când observa ca o iau pe calea greșita
Se duce rar la petreceri
Însă atunci când merge e cea mai frumoasa din club
O las sa conducă in Ferrari
Si jur frate toți întorc capul
O vreau doar pe ea si nu alta
Pentru ea Kylie Jenner e o târfă
Ne uitam unul la altul, ne înțelegem fără cuvinte
O privire, același gând
Adriana, -driana
Adriana, -driana (ey)
Când sunt cu ea, mă simt ca pe alta planeta
Frate, e anormala
O frumusețe ca Adriana
Deja vad inelul pe degetul ei, Adriana
O vreau doar pe ea si nu alta
O vreau doar pe ea si nu alta
O vreau doar pe ea si nu alta
O vreau doar pe ea si nu alta
[Part 2]
Jur ca e frumoasa
Frate e superba!
Atunci când sta in fata mea in lenjerie intima
Sau egal cu ce e îmbrăcata
Ne plimbam prin oraș si lângă ea sunt undercover (sub acoperire)
Toți ochii sunt ațintiți asupra ei chiar si cei ai cameramanului
Am o arma sub pat si știe cum sa tragă
Pentru ea luxul n-are valoare deși știe ca sunt bogat
O vreau doar pe ea si nu alta, ii cumpăr inel si diamante
Nici un cuvânt, ne înțelegem fără cuvinte
O privire, același gând
Când sunt cu ea, mă simt ca pe alta planeta
Frate, e anormala
O frumusețe ca Adriana
Deja vad inelul pe degetul ei, Adriana
O vreau doar pe ea si nu alta
O vreau doar pe ea si nu alta
O vreau doar pe ea si nu alta
O vreau doar pe ea si nu alta


Be the world peace of my days
You were the only one who always believed me
I'm in love with my loneliness until you come here
Every second my love for you made me lonelier
I'm troubled with fear, crying, and worry
As long as I'm far from your laughing
I'm walking together with you in my dreams
I'll only be at your side
You were closer to me than I am to myself
You were always the reflection in my mirror
My love, wherever I went, I went with you
Wherever they ask, tell them you were my religion
I'm troubled with fear, crying, and worry
As long as I'm far from your laughing
I'm walking together with you in my dreams
I'll only be at your side

Chip de înger

Ținuturi care cunosc doar primăvara,
Și voi, câmpuri verzi, cu-a voastră aromă de fân,
Îl știți pe Ringo, cu-al său chip de înger,
Și o femeie, care-i aștepta întoarcerea.
De-a lungul canioanelor a râs el,
În josul văii e mort,
Și a lăsat în urmă un râu de sânge,
Căci viața i-a fost condusă
De o crudă lege,
El avea o minte doar pentru a obține aur.
Râuri, voi știți care-i povestea,
Iar râsul lui i-a prevestit moartea.
Ringo avea un chip de înger,
Dar oriunde Ringo râdea, Ringo trăgea.
O, Ringo avea un chip de înger,
Dar oriunde Ringo râdea, Ringo trăgea.

A radiotelegraphist song

It's me, it's me, it's me... you hear - I am calling, I, the willow
the wind has lugged my leaves
behind a white back, a fire
Through days and nights
I am waiting, come, hug me,
I am waiting, come, I am waiting, live
Through days and nights
I am waiting, come, hug me,
I am waiting, come, I am waiting, come, hug me,
It's me, it's me, it's me... you hear - I am calling, I, the flame
from a storm's spark, from the crumbles of stars,
dear, do not fear, take me into your hands
the flame is squirming, running
I am waiting, come, hug me,
I am waiting, come, I am waiting, live
the flame is squirming, running
I am waiting, come, hug me,
I am waiting, come, I am waiting, come, hug me,
It's me, it's me, it's me... you hear - I am calling, I, the meadow
a world that smells like fresh grass,
Above it, a cloud and a flight of a lark
the grass is shivering in the silent dream
I am waiting, come, hug me,
I am waiting, come, I am waiting, live
the grass is shivering in the silent dream
I am waiting, come, hug me,
I am waiting, come, I am waiting, come, hug me


Just like déjà vu, life repeats itself
Hours fly by, as if excited
Come, let’s spend time together (with you)
Let’s not let go of this moment of love
You came into my life
From the fairytales
Don’t be the kind of person who leaves
My love is beautiful than all dreams
(My) God protect us from the envy (people)...
If you’re tired, I’ll hold your hand myself
You’re my love ship, if you sink, I’ll sink
(When) my morning came around, I warmed the dream I had, like a flame
For it to not freeze your world
You came into my life
From the fairytales
Don’t be the kind of person who leaves
My love is beautiful than all dreams
(My) God protect us from the envy (people)...

In the year '48

In the year '48
Oh, green clover leaf
Damn you, rich bastard
You made me get oxen
I got oxen, got a yoke too
You promised you'd give me land
And you gave me a plot on the crest of a hill
Full of burnt rocks
My children are starving in my house
Oh dear, my children are starving in my house
But the farmer, what did he do?
He took the oxen to the fair
Kissed Prian and sold him together with the chain
Kissed Bujor between horns
Where do I go now, my God
My children are starving
Hey, but the butcher saw all that
And what did he do
Took the oxen out of the fair
And up on the hill
And the farmer, what did he say?
He shouted:
Butcher, butcher,
Leave the oxen alone and run downhill
Because I will hit you with my axe
And people will find out
That I killed you
That I killed you
Hey, but the farmer, what else did he do?
He took an oath
And went down to the valley
Where the rich people were riding through
and their ladies were strolling
And targeted them
Hit them where they hurt most
Because all summer I worked for them
And they paid me nothing
Oh dear, they paid me nothing.


Versions: #1
Tempted by the sweet scent
When you notice, you've become paralyzed
Day to day, made to work
Given no time to think
'Follow the right
plug your ears
don't question why you're alive'
'Follow the front
crush your eyes
you'll suffer because you think'
Tempting like a rafflesia
Entangling like an anaconda
Since you don't have the courage to escape
Isn't it easier to conform?
Everything we do is watched
Our freedom has been stolen
I want to try ______
I want to drizzle _______ on ______
'Follow the right
plug your ears
don't question the point of working'
'Follow the front
crush your eyes
you'll suffer because you think'
Tempting like a rafflesia
Entangling like an anaconda
We're always doing as they say
If you hate it then come with me
Everything we do is watched
Our freedom has been stolen
I want to try chocolate fondue
I want to drizzle syrup on pancakes

Gust of Wind

I have met some, the lives
I've done some, the seasons
I got through the night,
I spun my jacket
And yet ... and yet, it was there
I've spent some, the moons
in questioning tomorrow
I've known some, the girls
who do not understand anything
And yet, it was there, in front of me
I had forgotten
The humour of a summer
And yet it is so good to think
That a gust of wind
Could carry everything,
We could take
And yet it is so good to dream,
At the dawn of a day past
That a wave or the wind
Could sweep everything
Blows ... the reality
I’ve kept in the heart,
A bright hope
Besides some perfumes
To my old happy days
Everything is there, just there, under your eyes
A sunset
A bit of grass to smoke
A few faithful friends,
A handful of projects
That does me, like a rooftop
I work all year
For my freedom
And yet it is so good to think
That a gust of wind
Could carry everything,
We could take
And yet it is so good to dream,
At the dawn of a day past
That a wave or the wind
Could sweep everything
Blows, sweeps, wipes off
Overlook ... that bloody reality
And yet it is so good to think
That a gust of wind
Could carry everything
We could take
And yet it is so good to dream
At the dawn of a day past
That a wave or the wind
Could brushes off everything
And yet it is so good to think
And yet it is so good to dream,
At the dawn of a day past
That a wave or the wind
Could sweep everything
Blows ... the reality

Les moments

Je ne sortirai plus à la recherche de l'amour jusqu'à ne apprendre à m'aimer comme il le faut, je vais mettre un cadenas et une clé à mon cœur et je laisserait. passer premièrement celui qui sache le démontrer.
Je vais cesser d'être si bon , ne plus me confier
Y valoriser celui qui montre un amour sincère
Ne plus désirer qu'ils me disent je t'aime parce que cela ne se décidé pas y m'empêche de voler de nouveau.
Donc je laisse de côté le mal,
Que mieux on vit quand tu simplifies,
Que s'aimer es une chose de deux mais c'est bon, si tu ne veux plus être dans ma vie alors va-t-en fille.
Aujourd'hui je ne veux plus de poésie négatives parce que la musique ne me fait pas me sentir seul
Et se sais maintenant que la vie va me sourire et que je suis en train de le faire bien si je m'écris une belle chanson et que je pleure.
Si l'amour nous échappe des doigts cela suffit de de le soutenir avec les remède de quelqu'un peut-être.
Qui est aussi fortement sincère à quoi bon ce je suis désolé si tu ne ressens pas que m'as fait mal ?
Dès fois ce qui est juste peut aussi t'offencé, mieux s'en aller à temps que le temps s'en aille et...
Aujourd'hui je vais me concentrer sur l'essentiel, le bonheur se choisit si on règle par moments.
Et si la vie est un mystère je préfère la vivre que de la résoudre.
Je ne prends pas tellement au sérieux les problèmes je trouve toujours des solutions pour réussir à les vaincres
Bien que l'amour nos rend libres, quand tu te serre, pour aimer celui qui te regarde
Et fais que ton monde tourne, il n'arrête pas de pleuvoir la grêle et?
Quelques fois ça fait mal et autres fois ça guéri
Que grandir c'est apprendre aussi que le bien s'achève, valorise celui qui reste et t'aime en biens et males
Que les amours qui vont et viennent ont des heures comptées.
Écoute-moi jusqu'à l'aube, quand se décline l'âme,
Quand le cœur ne supporte plus son poids, je serai en train de t'écrire du rap jusqu'aux beaucoup, comment ne pas choisir celui qui me calme et qui me sauve ?
Si l'amour nous échappe d'entre les doigts il suffit de le soutenir avec les remèdes de quelqu'un peut-être. Qui est aussi courageux que sincères


Merg singură pe stradă
privind atentă statuile
Sunt străina ta tipică ce are un ceva ciudat
care la oboseală înconjoară oraşul...
Deodată, în timpul plimbării,
un puşti mă strigă
la prima vedere, părea băiat bun
şi s-a oferit să mă ghideze prin Oraş
Pedro Pedro Pedro - Pedro Pe
care-i cel mai bun din Santa Fe
Pedro Pedro Pedro - Pedro Pe
Credeţi-mă că aşa e!
Desigur că nu era băiat tânăr
sau băiat bun
ştia mai multe decât mine
M-a luat de multe ori să văd stelele,
dar n-am văzut nimic în Santa Fe!
Pedro Pedro Pedro - Pedro Pe
care-i cel mai bun din Santa Fe
Pedro Pedro Pedro - Pedro Pe
Credeţi-mă că aşa e!
~ ~ ~
M-am îndrăgostit deodată
Cu Pedro Pedro Pedro din Santa Fe
Mi-a distras vacanţa, m-a fermecat
Nu pot să nu mă gândesc la Pedro Pe
Pedro Pedro Pedro - Pedro Pe
Copleşit de pasiune în Santa Fe
Pedro Pedro Pedro - Pedro Pe
Mă voi întorce la tine!
Ce bine dansează pe sub stele
Cel mai bine din Santa Fe
Fetele l-ar mânca dintr-o privire
El încă tot pe mine s-ar fixa
Pedro Pedro Pedro - Pedro Pe
O mare aventură în Santa Fe
Pedro Pedro Pedro - Pedro Pe
Doar tu şi eu!
M-am îndrăgostit deodată
Cu Pedro Pedro Pedro din Santa Fe
Mi-a distras vacanţa, m-a fermecat
Nu pot să nu mă gândesc la Pedro Pe
Pedro Pedro Pedro - Pedro Pe
care-i cel mai bun din Santa Fe
Pedro Pedro Pedro - Pedro Pe
Mă voi întorce la tine!

Europa fără sfârşit

Europa fără sfârşit
Viaţa-i atemporală
Europa fără sfârşit
parcuri, hoteluri şi palate
Europa fără sfârşit
corsouri şi bulevarde
Europa fără sfârşit
Viaţa reală pe vederi.
Europa fără sfârşit
Eleganţă şi decadenţă
Europa fără sfârşit

La mulţi ani!

Dacă din întâmplare lumea cade, mă voi duce puțin mai departe
Sunt o inimă hoinară care nu are reguli
viața mea este o ruletă, numerele mele pe care le cunoști
corpul meu este un covor în care vei adormi.
Dar întorcându-mi pământul m-am convins că
nu există ură, nu există război când iubirea este în pat.
Ce frumos este să faci dragoste de la Trieste în jos
ce frumos este să faci dragoste, sunt gata și tu ...
La mulți ani celor care au atât de mulți iubiți
La mulți ani, în mediul rural și în oraș.
Ce frumos este să faci dragoste de la Trieste în jos
important este să o faci întotdeauna cu cine vrei
și dacă te părăsește, știi ce să faci ...
găsiți un altul mai frumos, care n-are probleme...
Toată lumea spune că iubirea merge mână în mână cu nebunia
dar pentru unul care este deja înnebunit, pe toate acestea le vrei
De multe ori inconștiența este calea virtuții
A ne certa, a ne cearta pentru a ne iubi din ce in ce mai mult.

Trans-Europa Express

Rendez-Vous pe Champs-Elysees,
Părăsim Parisul în dimineaţă cu T.E.E.
Trans-Europa Express
În Viena, stăm într-o cafenea de noapte
Legătură directă, T.E.E.
Trans-Europa Express
Din staţie-n staţie
înapoi la Dusseldorf
Întâlnim pe Iggy Pop şi David Bowie
Trans-Europa Express

Our Sister Rafqa

our sister Rafqa, our kind sister
you who carried our pains with Christ
and became a scene for angels and humans
oh God, we ask you to keep our sister Rafqa
a holiness leaven in our houses and families
and a living example for all of us
for every poor and blind
and for every suffering and sick person
so they carry your cross with love and happiness
and oh God, bless all of the children with her intercession
and consecrate young men and girls
and monks and nuns
so we praise you with our sister and intercessor
in all of the days of our life
both now and ever

Old Photograph

We even took a photograph
When I was holding you
And the sun was falling down like a river
On your curly hair
Small black and white photograph
In the square's white stairs
It was midday on a Sunday
The blue sky was shining
And the way you were holding my hand
I believed you were strong
I squeezed your beautiful hand
The nice summer ended
Then winter took you away
The world's longing stole you away
Only the old photograph
Remembers the light of our love
Only the old photograph
That looks smiley and a little funny at the same time
We had rented a house
Looking at a small yard
Children were playing with all their heart
You used to tell me you loved me very much
One night you were late
And the key wasn't on the door.

Maybe me, maybe you

Wounded by words repeated many times,
as if we are afraid to be ourselves,
between these walls of ice.
Tired of feelings, our days slip away,
as if you believe me,
but will we be able to look ahead again.
Maybe me, maybe you,
you will decide to continue or stop,
will not you say what?
Maybe me, maybe you,
you will decide to pause,
to understand, there isn't anything to say to you.
Tired of thoughts faded in our dreams,
as if we're running, but we're coming with you to those ice walls.
Wounded by our feelings,
as if you want me, but we are distant -
will we look again?
Maybe me, maybe you,
you will decide to continue or stop,
will not you say what?
Maybe me, maybe you,
you will decide to pause,
to understand, there isn't anything to say to you.
Whether we hold each other sufficiently or inevitably.
Whether we are wrong together here again and impossible.
Maybe me, maybe you,
you will decide to continue or stop,
will not you say what?
Maybe me, maybe you,
you will decide to pause,
to understand, there isn't anything to say to you.
Maybe me, maybe you,
you will decide to continue or stop,
will not you say what?
Maybe me, maybe you,
you will decide to pause,
to understand, there isn't anything to say to you.

In my cloud

[Part 1]
We wanted the game
Better if we would reduce the speed
Before something happens
Look angel they play flamenco in the sky
We wanted the game
Buy iPhone 7 for the whole family
Never forget the hood
Still chilling
Sechshauser Street with Emko
No time for stress, I’m in Tokio, eat my Bentö
No tears since years, same speed since years, menthol
Bit into the gras like Sinatra Francesco
No plan, someday everyone loses the ball also the boss from Schewtschenko
I am on my way, every minute a Chaya is texting me
How am I supposed to love her when she celebrates my music?
Sold a million CDs
Chill at the Playa (beach)
Loved by the audience but no one will miss me ajajaja
Im the best nie
Rapper Read comments
They get superpowers
Ah, blablablablabla
Zero point zero interes to earn so much money
Darling, daddy got money until the sky soon
Don’t write anything sentimental on my grave if I’ll be gone
From üsMG I’m thankful for everything
In my could, so don’t write anything sentimental on my grave
Achieved everything even more than I wanted that’s why I thank for everything!
[Part 2]
Anthazit the asphalt, no Red carpet
The skin is olive, no pink stuff
Dark brown hair became trendy- finally
So much changed
Since grandfather is gone
The weirder the text the more i think
Yea life is great but so fleeting
Your girlfriend sleeps like an angel and while you warm her she’s dreaming how I’m banging her in a RS7
We wanted the game
Gold and Platin
Or live a bullet to the head just like Kennedy
We wanted the game
Buy Mercedes CLA for madre mia (my mom)
She deserved much more
See all diamonds the world offers but never compare the worth

Unaware Of You

I’m unaware of you and impatient
After you who do I surrender to
Your love is still in my heart, my beautiful
My heart only wants you sweetheart
I’m drunk and crazy from the fragrance of your hair
I’m in love with the waves and curls of your hair
You left and my heart never settle even for a day
After you this sorrow never became a smile
I’m drunk and crazy from the fragrance of your hair
I’m in love with the waves and curls of your hair
You left and my heart never settle even for a day
After you this sorrow never became a smile
I swear to god I have no sweetheart other than you
Until when you’re going to escape from this lonely lover
If I head towards wilderness again
My love I have no complain against you
I’m drunk and crazy from the fragrance of your hair
I’m in love with the waves and curls of your hair
You left and my heart never settle even for a day
After you this sorrow never became a smile
I’m drunk and crazy from the fragrance of your hair
I’m in love with the waves and curls of your hair
You left and my heart never settle even for a day
After you this sorrow never became a smile
Forgive me that I love you this much
Forgive me for staying alive after you left

Cups and Bottles

Fate likes to play around
I never imagined
That one day I would find you in this place
With someone else
Using the perfume that I gave you
And I am dying of jealousy
Still I ask you
How's it going? Is everything alright?
Your new love arrived
Pulling out a chair
Sitting very close to me, he treated me coldly
He gave you a long kiss, now I can't take it anymore
The anger and jealousy controlled my mind
And I left breaking everything I could see in front of me
Cups and bottles thrown on the floor do not even compare to the damage in my heart
In your absence, I became an irrational guy
My craziness embarrasses you,I do everything the same
And please don't show up with anyone else in front of me
Or it will never be different
Your new love arrived
Pulling out a chair
Sitting very close to me, he treated me coldly
He gave you a long kiss, now I can't take it anymore
The anger and jealousy controlled my mind
And I left breaking everything I could see in front of me
Cups and bottles thrown on the floor do not even compare to the damage in my heart
In your absence, I became an irrational guy
My craziness embarrasses you,I do everything the same
And please don't show up with anyone else in front of me
Or it will never
The anger and jealousy controlled my mind
And I left breaking everything I could see in front of me
Cups and bottles thrown on the floor do not even compare to the damage in my heart
In your absence, I became an irrational guy
My craziness embarrasses you,I do everything the same
And please don't show up with anyone else in front of me
Or it will never be different
And please don't show up with anyone else in front of me
Or it will never be different