Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 47


The Earth Is Our Mother

The Earth is our mother, we have to take care of her,
The Earth is our mother, we have to take care of her.
Hey Yanna Ho Yanna Hey Yon Yon, Hey Yanna Ho Yanna Hey Yon Yon
The ground is sacred and on him I walk,
The ground is sacred and on him I walk.
Hey Yanna Ho Yanna Hey Yon Yon, Hey Yanna Ho Yanna Hey Yon Yon
The Earth is our mother and she will take care of us,
The Earth is our mother and she will take care of us.
Hey Yanna Ho Yanna Hey Yon Yon, Hey Yanna Ho Yanna Hey Yon Yon

Iubirea este ca un curcubeu

Iubirea este ca un curcubeu
Când mă uit în ochii tăi - Eu pot vedea o parte din cer
Nu m-am simțit niciodată așa înainte - În viața mea ...
Dragostea strălucește în multe culori - Dragostea strălucește pentru noi
Crede-mă - că dragostea mea este reală ...
Dragostea te va ridica și te va dezamăgi
Lumina din spatele umbrei îți va spune
Că nu voi pleca niciodată .....
Dacă vezi un curcubeu pe cer
Îți promit că nu vei plânge niciodată - din nou
Acele lacrimi din cer ...
În fiecare oră și în fiecare minut
Te voi atinge și o voi simți
Mereu în căutarea pentru cineva ca tine în viața mea
Te acopăr cu lumina soarelui
O să te iau de mână și o să te țin strâns
Dacă Picăturile de ploaie - Va întuneca cerul...

I Want to Be a Rainbow

I won't forget
The vow I made on that starry sky
Just like this light won't go out
I won't forget
The vow I made on that scarlet morning
That dyes the fresh leaves and calls for spring
The sound of a chopping axe and a path-opening singing voice
The tree spirits in my chest come springing
I want to be a rainbow in this vast sky!
I want to be a rainbow that brings hope!
I won't forget
The vow I made on that unknown sea
Just like I'll overcome the sad moments
I won't forget
The vow I made on that dazzling sky
Just like morning comes even in the deep forest
That burns the horizon and the stretching land
It overflows in this heart I see
I want to be a rainbow in this vast sky!
I want to be a rainbow that brings hope!

Best Wishes

It’s March, again. Recalling the smell of happiness,
I remember the feeling when you are around me.
Having not heard from you for so many years,
I’ve spent the days without you by my side.
Have you found your spring of sweetness?
Like a flower that’s missed its own time,
I cannot wait for you anymore.
I am like a withering flower.
Losing the spring of my own life,
I've received neither warmth nor attention.
If I love you, how can I hate you for leaving me.
Please be sound and safe.
I know you will be cozy and lucky,
With the one loving you and taking care of you.
I should be peacefully, perhaps,
Sitting by the window, listening to the rain of autumn,
If I could taste loneliness, quietly, without missing you.

Over the Rainbow

That common story was too long to read all the way to the end.
The world outside my window keeps moving like normal.
The sky that I look at while saying goodbye is beautiful even though its colors are fading.
Will the falling rain reach you?
The foolish me keeps laughing.
I start running from here, I will continue without getting lost.
I will cross over the cloudy sky that covers the world.
Over the rainbow.
I will go to the place where the light changes color.
The ordinary me will continue searching for the small map through which I can see the world.
Little by little I forgot the shining scenery that I saw in front of me.
The foolish me keeps on laughing.
I will keep walking like this and smile even on rainy days.
From now on I will color my world with the seven colors of the rainbow.
Over the rainbow.
I know that the color of my heart has changed.
I hate feeling like a failure by only counting things that I cannot do... I will say goodbye to that me.
I start running from here, I will continue without getting lost.
I will cross over the cloudy sky that covers the world.
Over the rainbow.
I will go beyond the point where the color of the light changes, towards the unknown and beloved heart in my world.


Vino, vino oricine ai fi
Hoinar, credincios, iubitor de plecare
Vino, vino, oricine ai fi
Aceasta nu este o caravană a deznădejdii (x2)
Nu contează dacă ţi-ai rupt jurămintele
De o mie de ori înainte şi încă o dată
Vino din nou, vino...

rainbow days

The world is moving quickly ahead,
we’re being left behind
I wished for this moment to last forever
Strangers surround me and my true intentions
Feeling trapped like a bird in a cage,
I longed to be free in the sky
Haven’t you noticed? Have you noticed?
I want to tell you- I still haven’t told you
but my voice sounds like an awkward F chord
I hope my voice reaches you through the night
and won’t let you sleep
Like a mirror, our heavy tones reflect and cause distortion
In our hearts a rhythm plays, even if we run out of breath
Like chasing after a bird that’s creating a rainbow
I will continue to follow you
The mountain of problems we put aside has begun to pile up
Your high perception and frightening voice, I can hear it.
I lost something important to me. I want you by my side
We had an unclear connection
You’re leaving without saying goodbye
The message I wrote on the amplifier isn’t there anymore
“The guitars we both wanted still resonate our sounds…”
Like a mirror, our dreams reflect, but it seems they won’t come true
As I search for you, my heart beats fast and feels as if it will break
Our bright days fade just like that rainbow
But I won’t forget them
I’m going to break- I’m going insane, because you’re gone
“Maybe I’ll see you again” that alone would be fine
I’m trying to think, what will I draw next?
The world is moving quickly ahead

Behind the Rainbow

Somewhere, over the rainbow, way up high,
There's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby.
At once, behind the rainbow
You're there
The rain is melting in the sun
And I've the beating heart
Someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me,
Where troubles melt like lemon drops.
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me.
Elsewhere, behind the rainbow
The sky is blue
The dreams we're creating for us both
Promise joyful days.
One day I'll follow your star
And I'll reach for higher than me
The ideal
In that land higher than everything
The sun is at [its] encounter
An Eden made for us
Somewhere over the rainbow, bluebirds fly,
Eddie Mitchell
The rain melts in the sun
And I've the beating heart
Melody Gardot
Why oh why can't I?
Eddy Mitchell
And I've the beating heart
Melody Gardot
If happy little bluebirds fly
Beyond the rainbow
Why oh why can't I?

Over The Rainbow

We lay as we watched the same sky
that day, that cloud, as if it had nothing to do with us
our first meeting was very brief
over the fence, only the sound of us hating each other
How was today?
will you tell me?
I want to hear it
Even if we are far away we saw the same dream
Even if you are not next to me you are warmer than the nostalgia
even now you will be looking at the sky,right?
there, that cloud, as if it has nothing to do with me
How was today?
will you tell me?
am I a cloud?
Looking at my empty hands, the scent I felt from you
wraps around me, spins me
stop telling me that every day will get better
I hate listening to it
How was today?
will you tell me?
what are you doing tomorrow?
Stars fall
I see you
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Love Me, Dear

If I were without you, I would have to die,
[Because] a meaningless life really has to expire.
My love [for you] is still attached [to me],
I only love you and nobody else.
[I wish I could] give you my love forever,
For [your] whole life and you would never give it to anybody else.
Even though I know that I am old
And it might be wrong to hope if I'm so unlucky.
I pray to god
And ask him to help me and to be compassionate.
Even though my life will perish
I ask for fortune so that my dream can come true.
I just beg you to love me,
Only for one day and I would do anything [in return].
I promise that my love is nothing but true
I would never forsake it, so that it can be [my] dream.

rainbow soda

Ladies and gentleman
They told me: 'Try making an appearance in a TV show'
You have to give yourself to the right people if you want more success in life
I do not live with mine
Now at my house
'So you made it with the music?'
'No, I'm an escort'
[verse 1]
I could do like,who made a record together with (shh)
but unfortunately i have only the charm of a bohemian
And to make me the promo I should make myself a fashion blogger like (bip)
for millions of followers
i must speak about the street like artists do
i could fake my death to sell the disks
It doesn't matter what you think
there will always be somebody better than you , ready to give you advice
in my head is a monkey who speaks
She only takes out the worst of me
But sometimes I can not stop it
He would like to say what he thinks of you
when you see me , when you write me
i feel like Dottor Jekyll e Mr Hyde
when you talk to me , I should count until one, two, three
[verse 2]
i hate reality shows
i hate gossip and the interviews
when you ask me for a selfie and not even beat me five
Those that are nonconformist
And shortly thereafter he discovered their names like the first trend on tinder
your favorite artist has has collected soaps for a shred of fame
i hate those who love you for cash but say no
But then when it ends 'bye bye adios'
Leave me alone stop talking
That I come to your funeral with psychopathic eyes
I should stay calm, but sometimes I exaggerate
You think of the gold teeth while I think of platinum records
in my head is a monkey who speaks
She only takes out the worst of me
But sometimes I can not stop it
He would like to say what he thinks of you
when you see me , when you write me
i feel like Dottor Jekyll e Mr Hyde
when you talk to me , I should count until one, two, three
it doesn't mater what i think of you
but certain times i don't understand anything
i said it that I would like to tell you that
i can't stand myself either
it doesn't mater what i think of you
but certain times i don't understand anything
i said it that I would like to tell you that
i can't stand myself either
Fuck you asshole

Ea e un curcubeu

(refren x2)
Ea vine pretutindeni în culori,
îşi piaptănă părul
E ca un curcubeu
culori venind în aer
ea vine în culori
Aţi văzut-o în albastru
aţi văzut cerul în faţa voastră
şi chipul ei precum o velă
pată albă aşa frumoasă şi palidă
Aţi văzut-o mai frumoasă?
Aţi văzut-o toată-n aur
ca pe regină la bătrâneţe?
Împrăştie culori peste tot
ca un apus de soare venind jos
Aţi văzut-o mai frumoasă?
Ea e ca un curcupeu
culori venind în aer
ea vine în culori


A song that was written for Nick for his birthday at his request
There's a rainbow
A not-dangerous man
A pair of loving eyes
Naughty teeth
In every weather
Liquor would flow like water
Till suddenly a shard got stuck
You got bit
What your heart wants is so clear
Give and give, take, don't piss off
Whatever happens, happens,
No one knows what will happen anyway
Fire in your lips, fire in your bones
Fire in your eyes, gentle fire
Europe every year
All year long, if possible
Czech Republic and Germany, Crimea
We'll come back home to strengthen up
Tighten up our bonds
Friends, friends, let's drink some beer
Let's sing some songs
The man is dedicated to his work
Suits perfectly for his job
So we'll clap our hands all day long
To the rainbow in the sky.

Eye Contact

When you see I have a dull problem
At one breath, I know
You keep luring me with your eyes
I know what you want boy
It's problems and problems, what do I do with these?
Even if I'm the heroine, I don't want to
You examine me the days before with progress, like a child
My heart is impetuous, I want your answer
Don't go too fast, I need time
The moment our eyes meet
In the day it becomes soft
When it's night, it's a bit more daringly
Just secretly take me away
Even with a rough expression
When it's just us two, I'm fine
Let me hear the sound of your breath
I just have problems, don't be so greedy
When I want to look at you
I keep putting my hands towards you
I know what you want boy
When our eyes meet, my eyes trapped
When I'm breathing anxiously, I can't breathe easily
Your heart acts so sweet
Today, this is me being teased
Don't go too fast, I need time
The moment our eyes meet
In the day it becomes soft
When it's night, it's a bit more daringly
Just secretly take me away
Even with a rough expression
When it's just us two, I'm fine
Let me hear the sound of your breath
Your secretive eye contact
I know the real meaning
Until you move merely
Show me everything
Whisper at my ear
That you want me too
Call my name
Even with a rough expression
When it's just us two, I''m fine
Let me hear the sound of your breath
I just have problems, I have problems