Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 4


I gave you my heart

--- R ---
Only to you I gave my heart , Just for you are my heart beats
Only to you I gave my heart, Just for you are my heart beats
Whom in my soul I'll preserve, Who will tell me like this:
Only to you I gave my heart , Just for you are my heart beats
Only to you I gave my heart, Just for you are my heart beats
Whom in my soul I'll preserve, Who will tell me like this:
Only to you I gave my heart , Just for you are my heart beats
--- 1 ---
Your eyes burning me, The light of passion was ...
Your lips wanted me, when they became greedy and hide?
Your lips wanted me, when they became greedy and hide.
You was another one, When that change?
Your soul was clean, When pain in your heart has enter?
Your soul was clean, When pain in your heart has enter?
Is it my pain in vain, ... To become solitary?
Is it my pain in vain, ... To become solitary?
Whom in my soul I'll preserve, Who will tell me like this:
Only to you I gave my heart , Just for you are my heart beats
You have chosen something else, ... Strange ways for me
Take care of what you think, Do not lose your soul.
Man makes it, through greed, from his soul such waste!
We are under the tree of fate, And subject to the worries of life
Speak about love to me, and for you I'll lock my heart.
Speak about love to me, and for you I'll lock my heart.
Under the Moon and the Stars, Be a muse for my heart
Under the Moon and the Stars, Be a muse for my heart
--- R ---
Only to you I gave my heart , Just for you are my heart beats
Only to you I gave my heart, Just for you are my heart beats
Whom in my soul I'll preserve, Who will tell me like this:
Only to you I gave my heart , Just for you are my heart beats
Only to you I gave my heart, Just for you are my heart beats
Whom in my soul I'll preserve, Who will tell me like this:
Only to you I gave my heart , Just for you are my heart beats
Your memory is terrible, Like a sweet bitter
I never knew how to, Heal my heart in suffer
I never knew how to, Heal my heart in suffer
It matters if you no longer sing, I just hope you do not forget me
How to learn to remember, When I just learned to love.
I have just learned to love, ... Your throbs smile.
Even times separates us, To my heart send a letter
Even times separates us, To my heart send a letter
--- R ---
Only to you I gave my heart , Just for you are my heart beats
Only to you I gave my heart, Just for you are my heart beats
Whom in my soul I'll preserve, Who will tell me like this:
Only to you I gave my heart , Just for you are my heart beats
Only to you I gave my heart, Just for you are my heart beats
Whom in my soul I'll preserve, Who will tell me like this:
Only to you I gave my heart , Just for you are my heart beats
I am the same traveler, ... How come I'm a wanderere?
Let me ask my fate, Where is my guide star?
Let me ask my fate, Where is my guide star?
Has the world changed?, Or just the people from it?
Few knows that my life, Devastated has become.
Few knows that my life, Devastated has become.
--- R ---
Only to you I gave my heart , Just for you are my heart beats
Only to you I gave my heart, Just for you are my heart beats
Whom in my soul I'll preserve, Who will tell me like this:
Only to you I gave my heart , Just for you are my heart beats
Only to you I gave my heart, Just for you are my heart beats
Whom in my soul I'll preserve, Who will tell me like this:
Only to you I gave my heart , Just for you are my heart beats

Pantofii-mi sunt japonezi

Versions: #1#2
- Bombay 420 (km).
Sã mergem, bãtrâni camarazi.
-- R --
Pantofii-mi sunt japonezi.
Pantalonii, englezesti
Sapca îmi este ruseascã,
Dar inima, indianã
--- 1 ---
M-aventurez în lumea largã
Si merg mereu cu capul sus
Unde mã îndrept, unde
mã voi stabili vreodatã?
Stie numai Cel de Sus.
--- 2 ---
Mergem înainte ca
niste ostasi adevãrati
Sus si jos, jur-împrejur...
... curg valurile eterne ale vietii.
--- 3 ---
Nebuni sunt cei care stau deoparte
Cãrora nu le pasã de soarta tãrii lor.
Sã-ti faci drum înseamnã viatã,
Sã stai pe loc înseamnã moarte.
--- 4 ---
Sunt multi printi,
Multi conducãtori pe lume
Si eu sunt print,
chiar dacã unul sãrãcit.
--- 5 ---
Stau pe un tron mãret
De câte ori am chef
Lumea strigã cu uimire:
- Pare cunoscut!
Sapca îmi este ruseascã,
dar inima, indianã...

Suntem indradostiti

Versions: #1#2
Raj Kapoor - Shree 420
Pyar Hua Ikraar Hua / Suntem indradostiti
-- R --
Suntem îndragostiti,
Stim ca e pasiune la mijloc
Totusi, de ce inimile noastre
sunt pline de teama?
--1 --
Inima ma avertizeaza ca drumul ce ni
se asterne înainte nu e usor
Nu prea stim spre ce ne îndreptam
Destinatia noastra este în ceata.
-- R --
Suntem îndragostiti,
Stim ca e pasiune la mijloc
Totusi, de ce inimile noastre
sunt pline de teama?
-- 2 --
Garanteaza-mi ca nimic nu va
tulbura ritmul dragostei noastre.
Garanteaza-mi ca timpul
nu te va schimba.
-- R --
Suntem îndragostiti,
Stim ca e pasiune la mijloc
Totusi, de ce inimile noastre
sunt pline de teama?
-- 3 --
In ziua când nu vei mai fi al meu
Luna nu va mai straluci
In fiecare noapte cineva
va asculta povestea noastra.
-- R --
Suntem îndragostiti,
Stim ca e pasiune la mijloc
Totusi, de ce inimile noastre
sunt pline de teama?
-- 4 --
Tinerii de mâine vor
cânta melodia noastra
Chiar daca noi nu vom mai fi
Dragostea noastra va dainui.

Ti-am daruit inima mea

Versions: #1#2
Raj Kapoor
Ramaiya Vastavaiya / Ti-am daruit inima mea
Traducere: Ciprian Dragne
--- R ---
Ti-am daruit inima mea tie,
... numai tie
--- 1 ---
Privirea ta scânteia de
Lumina pasiunii.
Privirea ta nu lucise
Niciodata de lacomie.
Erai altul, nu cel care esti acum
Sufletul ti-era curat
Inima-ti nu cunostea durerea.
E putin important daca eu
sufar si regret în zadar
În lumea ta noua,în universul tau
Cu aur se cumpara si
Se vând suflete
În lumea noastra, sub
Copacul suferintei
Inimile îsi tulbura ritmul
Când li se vorbeste de iubire.
La lumina lunii si a stelelor
noaptea este inundata de cântece
--- R ---
Ti-am daruit inima mea tie,
numai tie
Ti-am daruit inima mea tie,
numai tie
--- 2 ---
Amintirile ma bântuie
cu o dulce durere
N-am stiut niciodata sa-mi
consolez inima îndurerata
Nu conteaza daca nu te întorci,
daca ma uiti
Eu nu am învatat cum sa iubesc
si apoi sa uit ce-am iubit
Chiar daca te afli in locul acela
indepartat, doar spune-mi înc-o data
--- R ---
Ti-am daruit inima mea tie,
... numai tie
--- 3 ---
Calea e aceeasi,
Calatorul e acelasi
Dar ma întreb unde i-a disparut
steaua calauzitoare?
Lumea e aceeasi, oamenii la fel
Putini stiu ca viata
mi-a fost devastata
Pe cine voi pastra în suflet?
Cine-mi va spune:
'Ti-am daruit inima mea tie,
...numai tie'.
- Raj sa traiasca!