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Rezultatele căutării pagină 13

Număr de rezultate: 865


Sub stetele Balcanilor

Unde-mi sunteți oare, ochișori căprui?
Unde-mi ești tu oare, plaiul meu natal?
În fața-mi se întinde Bulgaria,
În spatele-mi curge Dunărea.
Câte verste1 am mers în drumeții,
Pe uscat și pe apă,
Dar Patria noastră Sovietică
N-am uitat-o nicăieri!
Și sub stetele Balcanilor
Nu-i în zadar că ne amintim
De meleagurile din Iaroslavl,
Reazan și Smolensk.
Ne amintim de ochișorii căprui,
De vorbele încete și de râsul zgomotos,
Bulgaria este o țară bună,
Dar Rusia e tot cea mai bună!
  • 1. Unitate de măsură pentru distanțe folosită în trecut (mai ales în Rusia), egală cu 1,067 km

I'm going to nail you down

I squeeze you too much,
I put you to use too much.
I serve you too much
I step on you too much.
(How is it possible that
my pleasures upset you?)
I listen to you too much,
I suffocate you too much,
I affect you too much,
I feel you too much.
I'd like to mug you,
I'm going to nail you down
I'm going to hurt you a little more.
I squeeze you too much,
I put you to use too much.
I suffocate you too much.
(How is it possible that
my pleasures upset you?)
I serve you too much
I step on you too much.
I squee... I squeeze you too much.
I'd like to mug you,
I'm going to nail you down
I'm going to hurt you a little more.
I'd like to mug you,
I'm going to nail you down
I'm going to hurt you a little more.
I squeeze you too much,
I put you to use too much.
I suffocate you too much.
(How is it possible that
my pleasures upset you?)
I defoam you too much,
I suffocate you too much.
I squee... I squeeze you too much.
I'd like to mug you,
I'm going to nail you down
I'm going to hurt you a little more.

It has to work

The road ends at the top of the mountain
This early morning before the sun has dawned
The day awaits, it feels like time is standing still
Come give me strength, come give me courage
It has to work
It has to work
The will is there to try anyway
Aaah yeah yeah yeah
The sun slowly dawns and warms an earth
That needs all the warmth, a hope for the future
There are a lot of questions left, inside of me
They burn from longing for answers
It has to work
It has to work
The will is there to try anyway
La la la la, la la la la, aaah yeah yeah yeah
Yes we're standing here silent, watching the sun set
The shadows settling more and more
A voice in my ear makes my heart smile
With arms around eachother the roas carries us down, I say
It has to work
It has to work
There's so much more to fight for anyway
La la la la, la la la la
I say
Has to work, has to work
There's so much to live for anyway
La la la la, la la la la, oooh yeah yeah yeah

Able of you

I've lived too many from you
I've lost too many times
In these endless fights
Where we fight for nothing
Who is this love for?
Who is the first day for?
Cause in this affair,
I know that everything remains to be done
Everything accumulates, everything builds up
Of only being one, of not being the one
We have to talk, we have to tell it
When you leave,
I sink
Able of lot
But the thing I'm not saying is that
Before, before anything else
Me, I'm able of you
Able of lot
But the thing I'm not saying is that
Before, before anything else
Me, I'm able of you
I destroyed too many 'me'
I sometimes forgot
That these ways let us
Further than they hurt us
And my heart, paralysed of not realising
That it were so big,
Still makes me doubt
I hang out
Where are you?
I'm waiting for you
Able of lot
But the thing I'm not saying is that
Before, before anything else
Me, I'm able of you
Able of lot
But the thing I'm not saying is that
Before, before anything else
Me, I'm able of you
I have to change my mind because you
You are delightful
I let the summer pass
Constantly push the time
My heart is empty of you
Explain it to you a hundred times
And it breaks me in two
I'm in love with your eyes
In your eyes, light of dark
I admit I cracked up
You had no right
And that's cleat, I'm sinking
In your faded eyes
I don't have the choice
Able of everything
I will pace
Henceforth nothing is blurred anymore
Me, I'm able of you
Able of lot
But the thing I'm not saying is that
Before, before anything else
Me, I'm able of you
Able of lot
But the thing I'm not saying is that
Before, before anything else
Me, I'm able of you
Me, I'm able of you
Me, I'm able of you

What is life teaching me

Everyday, sameday, always waking up in a bad mood
And trying to forget awful things from yesterday
which are agonizing, cuz everything is just awful
Why is everything in my life so sad
And I would like to know when will better days come
When will this sad things just be gone
Because there are alot of problems and alot of awful things
And it destoys idea of good life with its darkness
To have a will for life is becoming increasingly difficult
I wonder if I really made that big of mistakes
So someone can punish me, laugh at me from the side
Doesn't see good in me, only talking about my flaws
But I'm strong, and I know that one day it will have to dawn
I'm just living so I can see the perfect days
Maybe I'm alone, but I will always be persistent
I know that better times are coming, I'm sure of that
Chorus x2
Now I'm sure that life is just a dream
What is life teaching me - why it bothers me so much?
Why is life so fucked up?
Only thing I want is to everyday have a smile
My soul hurts, does anybody love me?
Does anybody need me here?
When you are left alone and when your soul starts to hurt
Only thing you need is someone to love you
To understand your pain, to understand your sadness
You need to find a right person who can do that
But that is really rare because no one appreciates you
And when you are at your lowest everyone forgets about you
And I know there is no God, I will fight alone
Let the enemies get tired - I will not kill myself
And now I grit my teeth, I will not fall again
I'm raising my head up, I will find hapiness on my own
It doesn't matter how much my soul hurts, I won't stop
I will try my hardest to rise from the bottom
I will show you how much this man loves
How much this man can do even if it hurts the most
You're looking from the sky and I know that clearly
I'm continuing because of you-I'm handing you over the tears
Chorus x3
Now I'm sure that life is just a dream
What is life teaching me - why it bothers me so much?
Why is life so fucked up?
Only thing I want is to everyday have a smile
My soul hurts, does anybody love me?
Does anybody need me here?

King's Pride

Did you see it?
How we play this
What you want to see,
What you want,
I use rhythm to answer superbly
What you want to see,
What you want,
Are you ready?
Please watch my wonderful performance at this moment
The crazy mission on this stage
I turned the banknotes into origami art
Eager to win is my belief, let you pay attention to me
What you want to see,
What you want,
I answer with rhythm
What I want
I will get it
I want to create my own oh oh oh oh pride
King's oh oh oh oh pride
Oh oh oh oh listen to your heartbeat yeah
Did you see it?
How we play this
Hello, ladies and gentlemen
Listen to me, I want to ask a few questions, I hope you can answer me honestly
Want these shoes? This coat? This sports car? This bag?
I need you guys to convince me,
Get ready, tell to me
You want it? I want it
You want it? I want it
You want it? I want it
You want it? I want it
You want it? I want it
You want it? I want it
Gimme me one two three four
You need to know
(What you want)
Have to find it yourself
What I want
I will get it
I want to create my own oh oh oh oh pride
King's oh oh oh oh pride
Oh oh oh oh listen to your heartbeat yeah
Did you see it?
How we play this
You have to know
That only your
Dream reliable
You have to know
If you want (what you want)
You can't sleep


Alle de ting I sagde da jeg blot et barn
Sagde til mig at jeg, jeg måtte indordne mig
År efter år forstod jeg aldrig
Hvordan I kunne droppe mig da jeg havde mest brug for jer
Hvis dette er hvad jeg vil
Så er det sådan det bliver
Og jeg er ikke bange for hvad der er foran mig
I kan bare anklage mig
I kan ikke stoppe mig
Og jeg giver aldrig op
Jeg fortsætter showet
Jeg er ikke ked af det
Dette er fuldstændig mig
Og jeg giver aldrig op
Jeg vil fortsætte showet
Så I, I, I
I kan bare anklage mig
Alle de ting som jeg, jeg ønskede at glemme
De værste ting I sagde blev ved at køre i mit hoved
I fulgte mig aldrig og nu er I blokeret
Og nu og for evigt vil jeg vise jer hvad jeg er blevet
Hvis dette er hvad jeg vil
Så er det sådan det bliver
Og jeg er ikke bange for hvad der er foran mig
I kan bare anklage mig
I kan ikke stoppe mig
Og jeg giver aldrig op
Jeg fortsætter showet
Jeg er ikke ked af det
Dette er fuldstændig mig
Og jeg giver aldrig op
Jeg vil fortsætte showet
I kan bare anklage mig
I kan ikke stoppe mig
Og jeg giver aldrig op
Jeg fortsætter showet
Jeg er ikke ked af det
Dette er fuldstændig mig
Og jeg giver aldrig op
Jeg vil fortsætte showet

the look of happiness

Nobody can be like you, spreading your wings gently
to fly with me
You are just like an angel, holding my incompetent hands
to realise my unfullfilled dreams
Gently tasting the warmth of your mouth
like a sweet candy, why is there a little shyness
holding your hands, it's enough, we both understand
trying hard to write a song to describe my feelings
encompassing happiness anger sadness without reason
it's all you, only you
you filled my mind
I shall be like you, spreading my wings generously
to fly with you
You are just like an angel, holding my incompetent hands
to realise my dreams
Gently tasting the warmth of your mouth
like a sweet candy, why is there a little shyness
holding your hands, it's enough, we both understand
trying hard to write a song to describe my feelings
encompassing happiness anger sadness without reason
it's all you, only you
you filled my mind
i just love you, loving you all along
i have never doubted, and shall never let go
i have a look of happiness because of you
I am willing, willing of anything
i just love you, loving you all along
i have never doubted, and shall never let go
feeling in the song have spiced up our mundanity
Gently tasting the warmth of your mouth
like a sweet candy, why is there a little shyness
holding your hands, it's enough, we both understand
trying hard to write a song to describe my feelings
encompassing happiness anger sadness without reason
it's all you, only you
you filled my mind
Gently tasting the warmth of your mouth
like a sweet candy, why is there a little shyness
holding your hands, it's enough, we both understand
trying hard to write a song to describe my feelings
encompassing happiness anger sadness without reason
it's all you, only you
you filled my mind


Since I'm feeling your caresses
Everything sounds like poetry to me
And I'm already a new man
Next to you, my love
When you talk to me
It seems to me that time stops
It seems to me that silence sings
And I don't need anything else
And when I kiss you, the bubbles of my feelings
Cries loudly to the wind
That a true love has been born
Darling, by your side I don't care about anything
And if I look at the world it makes me laugh
Look at the people and their worries
Darling, you and me, as I dreamed
Waiting to see the dawn
and cuddleling in our love
(I am) uncovering your secrets
(I am) learning out your smile
Almost like composing a melody
Don't go, don't ever leave me without your breath
That my soul comes to an end
Because it only belongs to you
Darling, by your side I don't care about anything
And if I look at the world it makes me laugh
Look at the people and their worries
Darling, you and me, as I dreamed
Waiting to see the dawn
and cuddleling in our love
Darling, you and me, as I dreamed
Waiting to see the dawn
and cuddleling in our love

Another year is gone

Another year is gone for good,
Old memories left to remember,
So many friends are gone with it,
They passed from here to infinite
to live with Him forever.
The years are passing, one by one,
They swallow like a cold river,
The rich the poor, same way, each one,
Leaving some kids without a mom,
Leaving the hearts to shiver.
In this New Year, you might be gone,
We never know, dear brother,
Learn how to count your years and days,
Walk humbly in His perfect ways,
Until you’ll meet your Father.
There is no better crown to gain,
By Grace, we are forgiven!
So, fight 'The Good Fight' while still can,
You might have many years to run,
But you will win in Heaven.
Heavenly Father, to You I pray,
Please, keep us safe, to the end,
In the New Year, and every day,
Help us, with love, by faith to stay
forever in Your Hand.


ploaia îmi bate în ferestre
și își amestecă picăturile de apă
cu lacrimile singurătății mele.
vântul suspină în noapte,
el trebuie să ghicească că sunt
distrus de oboseală.
eu privesc focul care moare,
mă sperie zilele ce vor urma
și sufăr din toată inima.
îmi trebuia așa o durere
să-mi dau seama în sfârșit
cât de mult te iubesc !
~ ~
strecurându-ți cântarea
sub poarta casei mele
tu mai întărești tăcerea.
plânsul tău mi se-nvârte în jur,
noaptea asta nu va termina
să-mi amintescă de absența ei.
în fața focului care s-a stins,
la primele ore ale dimineţii
știu că nu mai aștept nimic.
îmi trebuia așa o durere
să-mi dau seama în sfârșit
cât de mult te iubesc !

The visit

Sudden sorrow as the bullet pierced through
The night, backlit by the garland of dusty stars.
And it’s clear: in this world, I’m an accidental guest -
My appearance - no more than a curious circumstance.
One winter, through the birth canal's portal,
By the will of nature, I came here from the beyond.
And if I could have imagined just where I'd land,
I’d have stayed there, on the dark side.
And the unison silence
Sounded the heart-wrenching roar.
The all-consuming despair
That filled the night to the brim.
I’d understand, when in the last summer
I’d see my death closeup,
Just how absurd turned out to be
My short visit to this earth.
Each one of us is alone with his pain.
The joy is for everyone, sorrow - just your own,
Just like scenes in a tragicomedy film
With obscenely bad actors in leading roles.
I still don’t get it - why I'm here.
The birth - the gift, but did I have such a need of it?
The burn of sickly thoughts diminishes,
Gloomy morning bursts in thru the window opening.
And the unison silence
Sounded the heart-wrenching roar.
The all-consuming despair
That filled the night to the brim.
I’d understand, when in the last summer
I’d see my death closeup,
Just how absurd turned out to be
My short visit to this earth.

Feel Good

The expression on your face says to stab you
My secretly grown thorns keep touching you
Beyond my tightly chapped lips there's a laugh
The thrill fills me up form the tip of my tongue, no lie
I want to dye you more black
Cold frozen looks good on you
I want to hurt you
My heart is twisted, like it's crazy
I don't know why the more I mess you up
I'm smiling
Why you're the more hurt?
I can't stop
I don't know why the more I mess you up
I'm smiling
Why you're the more hurt?
I can't stop
When I look at myself in the mirror, it's so strange
Don't know if I'm laughing or crying
It's seems like I have become a twisted child
I pulls up the corners of my lips on purpose and smiles even more
All right
I want to crush you even more
You look good in a daze
I want to hurt you
My heart is twisted, like it's crazy
I don't know why the more I mess you up
I'm smiling
Why you're the more hurt?
I can't stop
I don't know why the more I mess you up
I'm smiling
Why you're the more hurt?
I can't stop
I'm happy (As much as you're sad)
I'm having fun (As much as you're hurt)
My wounds that were abandoned like an old doll
I'm stuck in them, I'm going crazy
I hope you're as sick
As I was
I hope you're
As unhappy as I am
I don't know how much more
I can screw you up
Yeah, I know
I've lost my feelings
(I slowly lose myself, oh)
I don't know why the more I mess you up
I'm smiling
(Tears dripping)
Why you're the more hurt?
I can't stop
(Please, stop me)
I don't know why the more I mess you up
I'm smiling
(The wound that trapped me)
Why you're the more hurt?
I can't stop

The Earth is turning around

The faraway grows distant, it was a hot summer and a chilly autumn
Lots of memories of the winter fuel you still, until you grow up
But it's not fun and games even after that, but a troubled infinity
Lots of happiness, lots of sorrow and you have grown up suddenly
The Earth is turning around, our yesterday said goodbye
The world becomes alive with a new life, it's celebrating
The Earth is turning around, our yesterday said goodbye
The world becomes alive with a new life, it's singing
Today isn't a dream either, the moment lives for you
I'm living a miracle when your hands touch me
No matter what comes, it'll always be better than how it was
May the Moon glow in your eyes every night!
Refrain (3x)

No one's waiting for me

The last stops
Of the forgotten depot,
I'm drunk, I'm going somewhere,
Although, no matter, where to.
No one's waiting for me,
No one's waiting for me,
No one's waiting for me,
No one's waiting for me.
The mind lies to the lips
So controversially
In the stairwell, covered with writing,
Of the seventh floor.
No one's waiting for me,
For my empty rhetoric,
No one's waiting for me,
For my calls in the middle of the night,
No one's waiting for me,
Like no one's waiting for winter's nights,
No one's waiting for me
In the palace of the most terrible nightmares.
No one's waiting for me,
For my empty rhetoric,
No one's waiting for me,
For my calls in the middle of the night,
No one's waiting for me,
Like no one's waiting for winter's nights,
No one's waiting for me
In the palace of the most terrible nightmares.

O iubesc pentru ea însăși

Dacă trebuie să traversez pământul și imensitatea lui,
O voi duce acolo unde dragostea a dispărut,
Cu sentimentul că nimic nu poate egala
Măcar ce mi-a dat ea.
Pentru felul ei de-a iubi,
O iubesc,
Și nu mă întreba de ce,
Căci sfidează rațiunea.
O iubesc,
Ea nu mi-a dat de ales,
Ea e revoluția mea,
Ura mea,
Lumina mea, umbra pașilor mei,
Țara mea, religia mea,
Durerea mea,
Ea înseamnă atât, atât de mult pentru mine!
O iubesc, o iubesc
O iubesc doar pentru ea însăși
O iubesc, o iubesc
O iubesc doar pentru ea însăși.
Dacă trebuie să renunț la tot, până la ultimul amic,
Pentru ca trecutul meu să semene cu ce vrea ea,
Aș fi uneori luna și alteori soarele
Pentru a veghea mereu asupra ei.
Pentru felul ei de-a iubi,
O iubesc,
Și nu mă întreba de ce,
Căci sfidează rațiunea.
O iubesc,
Ea nu mi-a dat de ales,
Ea e revoluția mea,
Ura mea,
Lumina mea, umbra pașilor mei,
Țara mea, religia mea,
Durerea mea,
Ea înseamnă atât, atât de mult pentru mine!
O iubesc, o iubesc
O iubesc doar pentru ea însăși
O iubesc, o iubesc
O iubesc doar pentru ea însăși.
O iubesc, o iubesc
O iubesc doar pentru ea însăși.

An earthly goddess

To be as beautiful as a goddess -
Is the birthright claim of yours.
And your name’s divine essence
Even page of passport stores.
But, at envy’s cruel bequeath,
And as far as one could see,
Reign people’s mistrust and wrath
Of the earthly goddess beauty.
And powerless to measure pain,
You’re consumed by an alien flame.
To believe in the impossible
At midnight, only two can lay the claim.
Admiringly if timidly
The sinner looks at you,
How you’re shy so expertly
How without loving you love too.
Through the glove, by the wrist,
A thin blue vein can be seen.
As the stepdaughter of bliss,
Alone to walk the earth destined.
And carrying henceforth within,
As if the widow eternal,
The transience of the goddess’ mien,
Lost chatelaine of all that’s magical.

The Steamship has Already Returned

In incorrect mornings and the dancing mornings too
The billowing smoke laughs
In the conflicted mornings and the noisy ones too
I invite my dripping tears
You, with only bone,
Left me behind
Return the 'body' taken from me
Oh how such painful nights
That's not the way it is, that's inconsistent
You should run away, run away
That's not the way it is, that's inconsistent
You'll dye the sky a sheer white
Lifeless and saddened, I still cannot return
Changing changing
(the tumbling and falling scenery that flows)
Changing changing
(tumbling and falling passing us by)
In an exchange that fulfils my dreams,
I'll leave you behind
The rustling forest begins to sound
Oh how such painful nights
That's not the way it is, that's inconsistent
You should run away, run away
That's not the way it is, that's inconsistent
You'll dye the sky a sheer white
Lifeless and saddened, the me that still cannot return
That's not the way it is, that's inconsistent
You should run away, run away
That's not the way it is, that's inconsistent
You'll dye the sky a sheer white
Lifeless and saddened, joyful and lonely
And that's why, I still can't return

Cherry Orchard

A weird year - as if something has torn away and is beating inside
No one is left who would remember me like this...
The cherry orchard is divided and conquered
Summerfolk with no faces are roaming the fields
Offline, I don't remember phone numbers anymore
After thirty, with each passing day, there are more and more places I won't return to
Cherry juice has thickened and clotted
The horizon like uneven pulse askew
The color of grass, the smell of leaves are not the same anymore
Now you've changed too...
The cherry orchard is divided and conquered
Summerfolk with no faces are roaming the fields...
Loud trains are rumbling beyond the fringe
Leave, I'll stay here until the end!

Cea mai frumoasă din lume

Tu pentru mine ești
Cea mai frumoasă din lume
Și o dragoste profundă
Mă leagă de tine
Tu pentru mine ești
O frumoasă copilă
Primăvară divină
Pentru inima mea
Și strălucește zambetul tău
Pe dulcea ta față frumoasă
Și ochii tăi sinceri
Îmi vorbesc de iubire
Tu pentru mine ești
Cea mai frumoasă din lume
Și o dragoste profundă
Mă leagă de tine
Tu pentru mine ești totul!
Și strălucește zâmbetul tău
Pe dulcea ta față frumoasă
Și ochii tăi sinceri
Îmi vorbesc de iubire
Tu pentru mine ești
Cea mai frumoasă din lume
Și o dragoste profundă
Mă leagă de tine
Tu pentru mine ești totul!

Always, Be With You

Can you see my heart for you?
Like destiny, I can’t leave you
I’m still this way, can you hold me?
I’m waiting, only for you
I am you and you were me
I love you, I love you, my one and only
Like the passing wind, I hope we don’t just pass by
I’m right here
Do you know? Your look toward me
Is shining like the stars that I can’t reach
If only you could open your eyes and realize I’m here
I’m only remembering you
I am you and you were me
I love you, I love you, my one and only
Like the passing wind, I hope we don’t just pass by
I’m right here
I’m afraid this is all a dream if I open my eyes
Do you know how I love you?
You can deny it, try to push me away
But it was you, it was you
My one and only
Like the passing destiny, I hope we don’t just pass by
I’m right here

Aceste braţe ale mele

Aceste braţe ale mele
Sunt singure,
Singure şi se simt triste.
Aceste braţe ale mele
Tânjesc dorindu-te.
Şi dacă le-ai lăsa să te îmbrăţişeze,
Oh, ce recunoscător aş fi!
Aceste braţe ale mele
Ard dorindu-te.
Aceste braţe ale mele
Te vor ,
Vor să te îmbrăţişeze.
Şi dacă le-ai lăsa să te îmbrăţişeze
Oh, ce recunoscător aş fi!
Hai, vino, iubito!
Doar fii mica mea femeie,
Doar fii iubita mea, oh…
Am nevoie de cineva,
Cineva care să mă trateze corect.
Am nevoie de braţele tale, braţe iubitoare
Să mă ţină strâns.
Şi am nevoie , am nevoie,
Am nevoie de buzele tale fragede…


I saw nothing, I know nothing
What I know is that you like me
What I know
Is your world only
My hand touched you
And I learned geography
Pink mountains and blue sea
And black forest, black, bla...
And I will find the source
Of the love you don't have
I slowly have studied you
And I have learned great things
Things, things I'd want
Things, things all mine
Pink mountains and blue sea
And black forest, black, bla...
My hand touched you
And I learned geography
Pink mountains and blue sea
And black forest, black, bla...
Pink mountains and blue sea
How can I forget you...

Doar ca să cânt

Este un cântec fără titlu,
Doar ca să cânt, ca să fac și eu ceva.
Nu-i nimic extraordinar,
este ceva din țara noastră,
care se poate cânta chiar și fără voce,
e suficient să fii sănătos.
Dacă ai sănătate, ai totul,
sunt suficiente sănătatea și o pereche de pantofi noi
ca să străbat toată lumea ...
și să mă acompaniez singur.
Ca să-mi fac viața mai puțin amară
mi-am cumpărat chitara asta
și când soarele apune și se stinge
simt cum inima-mi cântă.
Vocea-mi e slabă dar acordată,
nu m-ajută pentr-o serenadă,
ci doar să cânt într-un fel
care să mă facă să visez în prag de seară...
Doar ca să cânt,
pentru că simt un fior în inimă.
Doar ca să visez,
pentru că-mi crește o floare în piept.
O floare de liliac,
care mă poartă-napoi la prima iubire,
care suspina la cântecele mele
și mă zăpăcea cu toate minciunile ei.
Cântece frumoase și pline de pasiune
care-mi amintesc de Roma mea,
cântate doar de ciudă,
dar cu o dorință aprinsă-n piept.
Eu nu vă cânt cu voce tare
dar tot sufletul mi-e senin,
iar când cerul își pierde culoarea
de mine nu se-ndrăgostește nimeni.
Doar ca să cânt,
pentru că simt un fior în inimă.
Doar ca să visez,
pentru că-mi crește o floare în piept.
O floare de liliac,
care mă poartă-napoi la prima iubire,
care suspina la cântecele mele
și mă zăpăcea cu toate minciunile ei.
Doar ca să cânt,
pentru că simt un fior în inimă.
Doar ca să visez,
pentru că-mi crește o floare în piept.
O floare de liliac,
care mă poartă-napoi la prima iubire,
care suspina la cântecele mele
și mă zăpăcea cu toate minciunile ei.