Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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Număr de rezultate: 40


Don't Talk To Me About Yesterday

In the night I felt you,
Inside me,
In my nostalgia i saw you.
And like that I discovered,
That I don't want to be,
Without you.
If some day I offended you,
I regretted,
And today I ask you again,
That you are next to me.
I want to fly,
And figure out,
All the verses that are in your dreams.
I want to live,
Grow with you,
And in an instant make you laugh,
And like that, feel that you are for me.
Don't talk to me about yesterday,
That's important now,
I just want to hug you,
Take my hands today,
And kiss me
Take me to heaven again.
Wrapped up in your skin.
I want to fly,
And figure out,
All the verses that are in your dreams.
I want to live,
Grow with you,
And in an instant make you laugh,
And like that, feel that you are for me.

Kidnap Me

If I had to define everything that I feel
I would tell you how close and so far away.
So tell me, tell me
if I go over there
or if you come, only you,
alone here.
So tell me, tell me,
tell me how much more should I
suffer to have you near
mouth to mouth.
Kidnap me tonight.
Take me to the car.
Steal every millimeter,
centimeter of my skin.
Kidnap me tonight.
Take me to the car.
Feel how each kiss
increase the pace
of our being.
Come down tonight and save me
in your pants
Reveal the trick,
I want to be like this,
a tiny, a little, close
and feel the heat.
And come, come, come guide me and raise me up.
Come, come, come and hold me.
Come, see that I love you here.
I only think of you.
Kidnap me tonight.
Take me to the car.
Steal every millimeter,
centimeter of my skin.
Kidnap me tonight.
Take me to the car.
Feel how each kiss
increase the pace of our being.
Kidnap me.
Kidnap me.
Take me.
Take me.
Ooooh, kidnap me.
Kidnap me tonight.
Take me to the car.
Steal every millimeter,
centimeter of my skin.
Kidnap me tonight.
Take me to the car.
Feel how each kiss
increase the pace of our being.
How it increases,
how our being increases.
Kidnap me tonight.
Take me to the car.
Steal every millimeter,
Every millimeter, millimeter.
Oh, oh.
Each kiss increases the rhythm of our being.
Oh oh.

Prieteni cu beneficii

Ți-am împrumutat ochii mei pentru sa vezi
Ce frumoasa ești
Ți-am împrumutat mâinile mele pentru sa atingi
Norii dacă vrei.
Ți-am împrumutat degetele mele pentru sa îți amintești
Tot ce am făcut în acea noapte de vineri,
Ți-am împrumutat saruturile mele și m-I le-am luat înapoi,
Asa am o scuza pentru a te mai vedea.
Eu nu te-am întrebat dacă te-ai îndrăgostit,
Suntem eterni doar noaptea asta,
Eu nu te-am întrebat dacă suntem iubiți,
Doar fiind prieteni deja ne-am dat de tot.
Prieteni cu beneficii și toate poftele
Tu o faci cu mine cum nimeni nu a făcut-o.
Prieteni cu beneficii, e secretul nostru,
Doar pereții au fost martorii nostrii
Oye, Oye, asculta cum ne-am cunoscut...
Era 8:15 la plaja din San Juan,
Te plimbai cu mai multe prietene
Te făceai amuzanta, nevrând lucrul asta,
ma priveai cu o privire misterioasa.
Ucide-ma, cu acea gura îmbată-mă,
Cu corpul tău vino, Seduce-mă.
Dați jos hainele
Asa goala te vad mai bine, iubito.
Pentru mine tu ești iubita mea, eu sunt iubitul tău Maluma
Prieteni cu beneficii, profitul tău bun.
Ți-am împrumutat degetele mele pentru sa îți amintești,
Tot ce am făcut în acea noapte de vineri.
Ți-am împrumutat saruturile mele și m-I le-am luat inapoi
Asa am o scuza sa te mai vad.
Eu nu te-am întrebat dacă te-ai îndrăgostit,
Suntem eterni doar în noaptea asta
Eu nu te-am întrebat dacă suntem iubiți
Doar fiind prieteni deja ne-am dat de tot.
Prieteni cu beneficii și toate poftele.
Tu o faci cu mine cum nimeni nu a făcut-o.
Prieteni cu beneficii, e secretul nostru
Doar pereții au fost martorii noștrii.
Hai sa ne sărutăm și sa fie secretul nostru,
Deși toată lumea ne suspectă...

Friends with benefits

I lend you my eyes so you can see
how beautiful you are,
I lend you my hands so you can touch
the clouds if you want to.
I lend you my fingers so you can remember
everything we did that Friday night,
I lend you my kisses and you give them back to me,
so I have an excuse to see you again.
I don't ask you to fall in love,
let's be eternal only this night,
I don't ask you to be a couple,
If we are friends we give each other everything.
Friends with benefits and all your spite
You take them away like no one else has done
Friends with benefits, let it be our secret,
that only the wall are witnesses of what we have.
Hey, hey, listen to how we met...
It was 8:15 on the Plaza de San Juan
You were walking with a couple more friends.
You played the naughty one, like you don't want
the thing, you threw me a mysterious look.
Kill me, intoxicate me with that little mouth
come with your body, seduce me.
Let's remove the clothes
That way you look more naked, baby.
For me you are my lady, I'm your Maluma baby,
friends with benefits, your good profit
I lend you my fingers so you can remember
everything we did that Friday night ,
I lend you my kisses and you give them back to me,
so I have an excuse to see you again.
I don't ask you to fall in love,
let's be eternal only this night,
I don't ask you to be a couple,
If we are friends we give each other everything.
Friends with benefits and all your spite
You take them away like no one else has done
Friends with benefits, let it be our secret,
that only the wall are witnesses of what we have.
Let's kiss and let it be our secret.
although the whole world already suspects what we have...

We will see

You look for me, I find you
I hug you and you enter me
We are not fortune tellers, yeah
And if we try it we try it and now
What will happen tomorrow
We will see
I love you now, tomorrow
We will see
I love you now, tomorrow
We will see
Tell me with your body how you feel
And I'll give you everything I am
I want to have you with me
I can erase your doubts
And if we try it we try it and now
What will happen tomorrow
We will see
We will see
I love you now, tomorrow
We will see
We will see
I love you now, tomorrow
You know that no one stops me
And that this doesn't agree with love
I love you now, tomorrow
We will see
We play to make you fall in love
You kiss me and you lose control
We try it, we try it and now
What will happen tomorrow
We will see
We will see
I love you now, tomorrow
We will see
We will see
I love you now, tomorrow
We will see
And if we try it we try it and now
And if we try it and now
We will see
And if we try it we try it and now
And if we try it and now
We will see
I love you now, tomorrow
We will see
We will see
I love you now, tomorrow
We will see
I love you now, tomorrow
We will see


Versions: #4
She was so beautiful...she was so beautiful
that her look still burns me
how I’d like to forget her
but she gets close and I can’t help it
Because when she talks with her eyes
she says things I can’t understand
and she undresses herself little by little
And she becomes your skin
And I don’t know how to live
If I can’t get her out of here
what I wouldn’t give to kiss her
to hug her one more time
and I don’t want to let her escape
and that’s if I can find her again
I can’t lose her
Because it’s only her
Unforgettable to my heart
It was like a story
She left like the wind
Sometimes I tell myself
That maybe I’m imagining things
If I could at least
have some proof
Some memory that I was with her
I’m going a bit crazy
Sometimes I wake
And I feel my grief
That murmurs in my ear
And it says “where are you love”
And I don’t know how to live
If I can’t get her out of here
what I wouldn’t give to kiss her
to hug her one more time
and I don’t want to let her escape
and that’s if I can find her again
I can’t lose her
Because it’s only her
Unforgettable to my heart
And I don’t know how to live
If I can’t get her out of here
what I wouldn’t give to kiss her
to hug her one more time
and I don’t want to let her escape
and that’s if I can find her again
I can’t lose her
Because it’s only her
Unforgettable to my heart

A true love

Versions: #2
I feel you with me
In every beat
In my heart
If I feel lost
I find the North
Just by listening to your voice
Hurricanes can pass
But nothing can against me
Because you will be
The light that brightens my path
And the world will stop to watch
A true love
A true love
If you're by my side
The past doesn't matter
There is no more pain oh no
The cloudy sky
And cold wind
Left with your heat
Hurricanes can return
But nothing can against me
Because you will be
The light that brightens my path
And the world will stop to watch
A true love
And you will be
The light that brightens my path
And the world will stop to watch
A true love
A true love


Reiko slim waist​ funky girl
Reiko stature perfectly suitable
Lean on style, felt upset and cried that time
Short temper lady that can't calm down
Reiko nice curious sexy girl
Understand my feelings
As you can see, I keep chasing passion
I'm still holding the image from time's love painting ​
Reiko my love make up your mind
For all the other lovers this is being boring
To a man is given a woman to protect
A woman becomes a fish in the a man' sea
Reiko, slim waist​ funky girl
I can't replace Reiko's kisses with others kisses
Reiko I want to touch you in love style
I want to hear your blue's voice that nobody knows
I'm still holding the image from the distant window painting
I can't I can't All of you I can't I can't
I can't I can't All of you I can't I can't
A man looks for a dream in a woman's sea
A woman looks for protection in a man's love
To a man is given a woman to protect
A woman becomes a fish in a man's sea
A man looks for a dream in a woman's sea
A woman looks for protection in a man's love
To a man is given a woman to protect
A woman becomes a fish in a man's sea..