Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 14
The little alarm clock
Tick, tock, tick, tocktick, tock, tick, tock
tick, tock, tick,
tock, tere, tick, tock
I have a
little alarm clock
when it rings at me it goes: drin, drin
drin, drin, drin, drin
drin, drin, drin, drin
I have a
little alarm clock that
when the clock hands go forward
they goes: tick, tock
tick, tick, tock
tick, tick, tick
tick, tick, tick, tick, tock
But if i leave
it alone, alone in the morning
when I back home it ruins me
it ruins me, it ruins me, it ruins me
I can't leave it alone
what should I do?
If it really
loves, loves, loves, loves me
if it holds me with the chains of love
what should I do?
Tick, tock, tick, tock
tick, tock, tick, tock
tick, tock, tick,
tock, tere, tick, tock
I've got 3 thousand lire
I earned them
with my work
from the morning to the afternoon
so I decided
I will buy
one thing that would keep me company
night and day
so I went
to a watchmaker
and I got
a little alarm clock
with the drin drin
with the drin drin
I can live!
Tick, tock, tick, tock
tick, tock, tick, tock
tick, tock, tick,
tock, tere, tick, tock
But if i leave
it alone, alone in the morning
when I back home it ruins me
it ruins me, it ruins me, it ruins me
I can't leave it alone
what should I do?
If it really
loves, loves, loves, loves me
if it holds me with the chains of love
what should I do?
Tick, tock, tick, tock
tick, tock, tick, tock
tick, tock, tick,
tock, tere, tick, tock
The Redskin
Tumba Catumba ... Tumba Catumba ...Tumba Catumba ... Tumba Catumba ...
Uè! Uè!
I am Catumbo the redskin,
the most handsome in the tribe.
Tumba Catumba ... Tumba Catumba ...
Tumba Catumba ... Tumba Catumba ...
Uè! Uè!
I am Catumbo the redskin,
the most handsome of the tribe.
Tumba Catumba ... Tumba Catumba ...
Tumba Catumba ... Tumba Catumba ...
As soon as I wake up
I put the pen on my head
And in the faces of these savages,
I get a tattoo
with mom's lipstick!
Tumba Catumba ... Catumba mba!
Tumba Catumba ... Tumba Catumba! ...
I am Catumbo the redskin,
I have a spear and a plaster pipe.
Here nobody fools me! ...
I'm the best of the tribe!
Who calls me: 'Black Arrow'.
Who calls me: 'Yellow pen'.
Uh! But what an exaggeration! ...
I do not understand anything any more!...
'Sitting bull' from here,
'Crazy horse' from there,
they start dancing around me!
I am Catumbo the redskin,
American redskin ...
Uh! What fun it is to be an Indian
with mom's lipstick! ...
The final:
Who calls me: 'Black arrow'.
Who calls me: 'Yellow pen'.
Uh! But what an exaggeration! ...
I do not understand anything any more!...
I am Catumbo the redskin,
american redskin ...
Uh! What fun it is to be an Indian
with mom's lipstick
Ohe!Ce se aude?
Și acum cine cântă cu mine?
între timp apare luna ce se vede
Pe toată coasta mării de la Procida la Resina,
se spune : 'Privește acolo, ce face o femeie!'
ți-ai pus marea în ochi și mi-ai pus în piept mâhnirea...
Mă faci să-mi zbată inima
mai tare decât valurile
când cerul e întunecat..
Întâi îmi spui 'da',
apoi, dulce, dulce, mă faci să mor...
Cine mă ajută?
Dacă tu nu vii să mă ajuți?
mi-a venit o dorință arzătoare de a te săruta.
Și vino oh frumoaso...
și dă-mi această guriță
care, pentru a mă otrăvi se transformă în zahăr...
That woman
This lovehad me in chains
I said 'Enough!'
and I broke free.
The sea looks
bluer to me,
the sun looks
brighter to me
and I'm singing
from happiness.
That woman,
that woman
now goes around saying
she wants to leave me.
she believes
I'll eat
my heart out
she believes
I'll go crazy
and I'll shoot myself.
That woman,
that woman
doesn't know
how relieved I am.
I'll find another,
more beautiful woman
and she'll be an old maid,
that woman,
that woman,
that woman!
Yesterday she had
a note delivered to me
by the daughter
of the caretaker
of the building next door
She says
she's unhappy
and wants to
make peace with me
But I'm enjoying
That woman,
that woman
now goes around saying
she wants to leave me.
she believes
I'll eat
my heart out
she believes
I'll go crazy
and I'll shoot myself.
That woman,
that woman
doesn't know
how relieved I am.
I'll find another,
more beautiful woman
and she'll be an old maid,
that woman,
that woman,
that woman!
That woman,
that woman
doesn't know
how relieved I am.
I'll find another,
more beautiful woman
and she'll be an old maid,
that woman,
that woman,
that woman!
The sleepwalker
Carmela is a nice girlAnd she is my girlfriend...
But her mom is unbearable,
She doesn't want me to meet her daughter...
And then I've found
One good fact:
Carmela pretends to be a sleepwalker
To come to see me...
And she makes a fool of her mom.
And under pretense of being a sleepwalker
What does this girl do?
Every night to the ledge
She goes out for a walk at eleven o'clock.
To the ledge I also go out
And I tell her: 'I'm here for you'.
And a sleepwalker
Is this girl,
She pretends to be a sleepwalker
In my arms.
Her father, Don Arcangelo,
He doesn't give his consent to spite me.
He dislikes me
And he (has) said 'no' to me.
But who cares?
I leave my door open.
Carmela, as usual,
Comes to console me
And she makes a fool of her dad.
And under pretense of being a sleepwalker
What does this girl do?
Every night to the ledge
She goes out for a walk at eleven o'clock.
To the ledge I also go out
And I tell her: 'I'm here for you'.
And a sleepwalker
Is this girl,
She pretends to be a sleepwalker...
In my arms.
Thanks a lot for your attention!
Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.
The pansy
Everyday you change a flowerAnd you pin it on your chest
This morning, on your heart,
You put a pansy...
And why did you put it?
If I'm not wrong I understood...
You want to tell me, nice fairy,
That you always think on me...
What a nice pansy you've got,
What a nice pansy you have...
Will you give it to me
Will you give it to me
Will you give to me your pansy?
I've got another on my chest
I join the two of them:
My pansy and your pansy
In memory of our love!
This velvety flower
I'll keep it very jealously
When it'll be withered
I'll keep it
It has three petals, my love,
And each of them carries a thought...
They are coloured petals...
One is yellow and two are brown...
What a nice pansy you've got,
What a nice pansy you have...
Will you give it to me?
Will you give it to me?
Will you give to me your pansy?
You're like a butterfly
That flies around me...
Then you lean on my shoulder
your chest and your pansy...
I become a rotten egg,
Then I kiss your lips
And to me it seems a firecracker
This kiss I give you
What a nice pansy you've got,
What a nice pansy you have...
Will you give it to me?
Will you give it to me?
Will you give to me your pansy?
You're like a butterfly
That flies around me
Then you lean on my shoulder your chest and your pansy...
I've got another on my chest
I join the two of them:
My pansy and your pansy
In memory of our love!
Ia-ti o pastila
Eu ma plimb in fiecare noapteeu ma plimb in delir
nu mai am somn
nu reusesc sa dorm
si nu beau cafea!
Corul: Mergi la culcare, asculta-ma!...
Mergi la culcare, asculta-ma!...
O jaluzea care se zbate
un felinar care lumineaza...
si un betiv care spune,
batand in poarta:
'Imi deschizi, Conceta?'
De trei luni nu mai dorm:
vreau sa uit acea gurita...
Spuneti-mi ce trebuie sa fac?
Corul: Ia-ti o pastila!
Ia-ti o pastila,
Ca sa pot sa dorm,
ca sa pot sa uit,
dulcea mea dragoste!
Corul: Ia-ti o pastila!
Ia-ti o pastila,
Ma faci sa ma simt
ca un mare pasa
si-mi extaziezi inima!
In vitrinele tuturor farmaciilor,
vechiul musetel a lasat locul
bilutelor de glicerofosfor -
bromtelevizoratul -
grame: zero,zero, trei...
Corul: Ia-ti o pastila,
Din intuneric o pisica,
mestecand o sardina,
dulce dulce ma priveste,
dulce dulce se gudura,
miauna si zice:
Corul: Asculta-ma: mergi la culcare!
Asculta-ma: mergi la culcare!
Sunt precum un magar cu caruta,
incarcat de dragoste
care taraie inima sa...
aceasta inima care cauta
De trei luni nu mai dorm:
vreau sa uit acea gurita!...
Spuneti-mi, ce trebuie sa fac?
Corul: Ia-ti o pastila!...
In vitrineletuturor farmaciilor,
vechiul musetel a dat locul
biutelor de glicerofosfat -
bromtelevizorat -
DTT, bicarbonat,
talc si seminte de in,
cataplasme de gris,
un biftec in sange
mortadela si doua sandvisuri
cu o jumatate de litru de vin,
o cafea cu cofeina,
grame: zero, zero, trei!...
Corul: Ia-ti o pastila,
Aceea de acolo
Aceasta dragostema tinea incatusat
Dar mi-am zis: ajunge si
M-am eliberat
Mi se pare mult mai
Albastra marea
Mi se pare mult mai
Stralucitor soarele
Si acum cant
pentru aceasta fericire.
Aceea de acolo
Aceea de acolo
Acum imi spune
ca ar vrea sa ma paraseasca
Ea crede
ca-mi fac
sangele amar
ca inebunesc si
Apoi ma impusc
Aceea de acolo
Aceea de acolo
Nu stie ce placere
imi face
Imi gasesc
O alta mult mai frumoasa
Si fata batrana va ramane
Aceea de acolo
Aceea de acolo
Aceea de acolo!
Ieri mi-a trimis
o scrisoare
prin fiica
de vis-a-vis
Imi scrie
Ca nu este fericita
Si ca ar vrea
Sa faca pace cu mine
Dar eu imi
savurez libertatea
Aceea de acolo
Aceea de acolo
Acum imi spune
ca vrea sa ma paraseasca
ca-mi fac
sangele amar
ca inebunesc si
Apoi ma impusc
Aceea de acolo
Aceea de acolo
Nu stie ce placere
imi face
Imi gasesc
O alta mult mai frumoasa
Si fata batrana va ramane
Aceea de acolo
Aceea de acolo
Aceea de acolo!
Aceea de acolo
Aceea de acolo
Nu stie ce placere
imi face
Imi gasesc
O alta mult mai frumoasa
Si fata batrana va ramane
Aceea de acolo
Aceea de acolo
Aceea de acolo!
Aceea de acolo
aceea de acoloaceea de acolo
acum imi spune
ca ar vrea sa ma paraseasca
ea crede
ca-mi fac
sangele amar
ea crede
ca inebunesc si
apoi ma impusc
aceea de acolo
aceea de acolo
nu stie ce placere
imi face
imi gasesc
o alta mult mai frumoasa
si nemaritata va ramane
aceea de acolo
aceea de acolo
aceea de acolo !