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Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 43


The choice is yours

My dear little sister (Oh oh oh)
Come here and listen to me (Oh oh oh)
I like you but you sadden me (Oh oh oh)
Because you don't do anything at school!
It's up to you to choose what you want to become
(Oh yes sure)
Someone we talk about and we admire
(I absolutely agree)
Or just a little animal that knows nothing and behaves very badly
But if you take the first option
(Yes of course)
You have to learn your lessons
(I don't want to learn my lessons)
My dear little sister
(Yes yes)
Take advice from your old brother
(Yes I want, yes I want)
If you want to find a husband later
(Oh I have the time)
You have to know geometry
It's up to you to choose what you want to become
But you have to slog away to succeed
(I know right)
To know the capitals of the departments
(You know them?)
And to know how to conjugate a verb at all tenses
If people could see that you count using your fingers
(Like you)
All your friends would laugh at you
(Are you serious? They all do like me)
Oh oh oh (x3)
But if you seriously do your homeworks
You will have nothing to fear
Success will reach out your hands
And I will be proud of you
Oh oh oh (x3)


Ascult marea și vântul cântând,
Soarele luminează părul ei auriu,
Nisipul e dulce, mai dulci sunt sărutările
Pe care marea le-a pus pe buzele noastre.
Departe, departe, la marginea cerului,
Această dragoste îmi pare un pic ireală.
Departe, departe, am putea,
Singuri pe lume, să împărțim mii de vieți.
Dar aceste zile frumoase deja au trecut,
Toamna a venit să ne despartă.
Adio mare, adio sărutări!
Din păcate trebuie să plecăm.
Departe, departe, sub un cer ploios,
Ea e departe de mine și inima e supărată.
Departe, atât de departe, n-a mai rămas
Decât o imagine în căușul palmei mele.

Această lume

În fiecare zi îmi deschid ochii pe tine,
Fiecare noapte ce vine, îi închid pe tine.
Tu zâmbești și sunt cel mai fericit,
Departe de tine sunt atât de nefericit!
De fiecare dată când crezi în mine,
Tu știi bine că am câștigat pentru tine.
Iubirea ta mi-ar fi de-ajuns
Ca să-ți ofer o întreagă lume.
Și această lume va fi făcută pentru tine,
Și nimeni nu va veni acolo, doar tu.
Viața noastră va începe
Și tu vei trăi în această lume a mea.
Iubirea ta mi-ar fi de-ajuns
Ca să-ți ofer o întreagă lume.
Și această lume va fi făcută pentru tine,
Și nimeni nu va veni acolo, doar tu.
Și nicicând nu mă vei părăsi.
E scris că viața,
Toată viața se va sfârși pentru mine.

Aud fluieratul trenului

Cred că ar fi mai bine
Să ne despărțim fără un adio.
N-aș mai fi în stare să te revăd...
Dar aud fluieratul trenului,
Dar aud fluieratul trenului.
Cât de trist e un tren care fluieră seara!
Aș putea să mi te imaginez singură de tot, abandonată
Pe peron, în mulțimea de ”rămas bun”.
Și aud fluieratul trenului,
Și aud fluieratul trenului.
Cât de trist e un tren care fluieră seara!
Aproape c-am alergat spre tine, aproape c-am țipat spre tine,
De-abia m-am stăpânit!
Cât de departe pleci tu,
Cât de departe pleci tu!
Vei avea vreodată timp să te-ntorci?
Cred că ar fi mai bine
Să ne despărțim fără un adio,
Dar simt că acum totul s-a sfârșit.
Și aud fluieratul trenuli,
Și aud fluieratul trenului.
Voi auzi fluieratul acestui tren toată viața mea...
Voi auzi fluieratul acestui tren toată viața mea...

Ascultă vântul

Câte drumuri poate face un băiat
înainte de a fi bărbat?
Câte păsări trebuie să traverseze mările
înainte de a se îndepărta de frig?
Câte decese poate cauza un tun
înainte să-i uităm vocea?
Ascultă prietene
ascultă în vânt
ascultă răspunsul în vânt
De câte ori ar trebui să ne ridicam privirea
înainte de a vedea soarele?
De câte urechi au nevoie nefericiţii
înainte de a-i asculta semenii?
De câte lacrimi are nevoie un om fericit
înainte să i se trezească inima?
Ascultă prietene
ascultă în vânt
ascultă răspunsul în vânt
Câți ani va dura pentru sclav
înainte de a-și primi libertatea?
Cât timp este un soldat curajos
înainte de a muri uitat?
Câte mări va traversa porumbelul
înainte ca noi să trăim în pace?
Ei bine, amice
ascultă în vânt
ascultă răspunsul în vânt
atenţie, răspunsul este în vânt


This morning still, it was winter
Ever since you've been here, the sky is clearer
There's sun
In the streets, on the roofs
The boy is always with you
And I always love you
My love
It's already the end of my long night
Once again for me the sun is bright
I've had bad days
In the wind and the rain
I was so afraid that you would forget me
But you always love me
My love
You have brought me so much sun
The sky is so blue when I was dreaming
I already see myself on summer vacation
The beautiful days last the entire year
But I always love you
My love
Thank you for everything I owe to you
For all the happiness of being with you
Oh thank you for the look
That you put on me
And for the pictures I see in it
And I always love you
My love
Oh Sunny,
This morning still, it was winter
Ever since you've been here, the sky is clearer
There's sun
In the streets, on the roofs
The spring is here with you
But I always love you
My love
Oh my love

Wrap your arms around me

Wrap your arms around me for you have nothing to say
Wrap your arms around me
Don't deny me this last pleasure to remember
Wrap your arms around me
As if you were going to go buy flowers
Arms around the neck, from the bottom of your heart
Wrap your arms around me
It's you who'll write the last words on the screen
The actors were good it was a good novel
A bit difficult a bit short and much too sad
All will end I'm going to leave as well, but I myself don't know
In what country I'd like to forget all that I loved for the last time
Wrap your arms around me for you have nothing to say
Wrap your arms around me
Don't deny me this last pleasure to remember
Wrap your arms around me
As if you were coming back to tell me you love me
As if you were embracing me in order to soften my pain
Wrap your arms around me
You'll leave, leaving my life in shreds
Photos and objects you don't wish for
You'll leave I know that inside of you burns the desire to be somewhere else
How it's so near, like a robber prowling
He who wants to steal my joy
Wrap your arms around me
As if you were going to buy flowers
Arms around the neck, from the bottom of your heart
Wrap your arms around me

I hear the train whistling

Versions: #2
I thought it'd be better1
For us to leave without [saying] good-bye.
I wouldn't have the heart to see you again ...
But I hear the train whistling,
But I hear the train whistling of the train,
How sad it is, a train whistling in the night ...
I could imagine you alone, abandoned
On the wharf, in the crowd of 'goodbyes'.
And I hear the train whistling,
And I hear the train whistling,
How sad it is, a train whistling in the night ...
I almost ran toward you, I almost screamed at you,
I could hardly stop myself!
As it's far away that you're going,
As it's far away that you're going,
Will you ever have time to return?
~ ~ ~
I thought it was better
For us to leave without saying good-bye.
But I feel that everything's now over!
And I hear the train whistling
And I hear the train whistling
I'll hear the train whistling all my life ...
I'll hear the train whistling all my life
  • 1. Lit. 'worth better'

Far away

I'm listening to the sea and the wind.Their song is very pleasing to my ears.
The sun is illuminating her golden hair.
The sand is soft but softer are the kisses
Which the sea is laying on our lips
Far, far, to the skyline
This love which I'm experiencing with my woman companion is unique and unreal
Far, far ,we could thus
Share one thousand lives between the two of us in the world where no one else exists
But these beautiful days are over now
Now the time of separation has come
We must now depart from this place where we got the coolest ever experience of our life
Sadly we had to say goodbye and leave
Far, far, under a rainy sky
She is away from me and my heart is restless
Far, so far, nothing is left
Only an image in the hollow of my hand

The boys weep

They weep without being noticed
When one doesn't see them
They boys weep faintly
They weep but they hide
The face in the hollow of their arms
The boys weep without being audible
When someone hurts them
They hide their distress
They act tough as a matter of course,
in front of their friends
For fear of appearing loosers.
They'll never admit it
But they weep very faintly
Everybody knows that tears
Are sometimes necessary
They give relief to the heart,
When it suffers a lot
And that's why they weep
But they get upset
If they are told
That a boy also weeps
When someone hurts them
They hide their distress
They act tough as a matter of course
Infront of their friends
But hey weep
without being noticed
When one doesn't see them
They boys weep faintly
They weep but they hide
The face in the hollow of their arms
The boys weep without being audible

The Typhoon syrup

Let's drink, drink, drink
The Typhoon sirup, Typhoon, Typhoon
Universal panacea
With a spoon
Or into a glasse
Nothing can resist to us
Mister Carouge
Had a red nose
And that was desolated him
A spoon
was salutary to him
He has now a purple nose.
Mrs Leprince
Find herself to skinny
She looked like a stick
She made a cure
without half measure
She's more round than a ball
Mister the Mayor
Have some misery
In the speech he stuttered
A little glasse
was salutary to him
He don't stuttering anymore, cause he's mute
Mister Leon
tootie, tootie
So nice and so round
Rain, rain go away
Never win in trifecta
A hard cure
was salutary to him
Now he's a winner but as jockey
Old man Peter
was single
And would stay it long
He drink a glasse
And one more glasse
He has 10 wives and 30 childrens.
In the village,
all the good children
Earing the bells ringing
Dream that a wizard
Comming from clouds
Some good syrup will give to them