Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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Shirin Shirin (a name meaning sweet)

Versions: #1
my Shirin, don't be bitter to your lover
this minutes will over, will be lost...
our world is not this
there is no Farhad* to dig on the mountain anymore
one day may come, that we don't even know who we are
whose beloved we used to be & whose love we used to be & what we are
my Shirin (sweetie), I have become like Farhad to you
my Shirin (sweetie), don't give my life up to the wind
don't give my life up to the wind
I am not saying 'I am digging a mountain like Farhad'
I am not axing mountains
your lover will not go to mountains without you
when you are not here, he will die inside himself

With the first look

With the first sight of you
My nervousness ended
I knew you were my love
My new life started
I want to gaze in your eyes
Tell you my feeling that way
That you are my darling
What I want is your wellness
You solemn, pure and beautiful
Among all these beautiful ones
You are the most beautiful
Therefore come and play with me
A song from those days far away
When we became partners
In the mountains, valleys and the roads
We sang, we talked and got acquainted

When You Left

the day you left, your heart left too
now i'm alone, and i'm not with you
our love was hard, the pain was real
my deepest wounds have yet to heal
i said 'come back' so i could hope and yearn
how could i know that you would not return
you were my life, but i wasn't your soul
after you left, i was not whole
i was close to you, you were moving farther
i was always yours, you belonged to another
i'm dead, you're alive and we're apart
you wouldn't know that you've broken my heart
i became your meme , you were not my zin
and when you left, i became insane
i had fallen once, it was not fun
was it your dream that i 'd be gone?
my orphaned heart is full of endless pain
forsaken hearts never hope to live again

After The Party

Drinks give me the giggles
The words get slurred, can't even talk right
Someone throws me into a cab
When I come to, I have no idea where I am
Hey, Siri, give me our current location
I suppose I could walk it
Let's do that!
My heels are broken
The dress is all wrinkled up
Where are my lashes?
Already wiped off the lipstick
3 AM, a convenience store
The white fluorescent light, blinding
A bottle of lemon flavored strong soda water
Brings me back
You shouldn't be sleeping there
Someone will swipe your wallet
Hey, Mister!
The heels are broken
The dress in distress
Where did the lashes go?
Looks like I've wiped off the lipstick
Ended up all alone in a residential neighborhood
The Cat Meeting is adjourned
Take care!
My heels, broken off
My dress, all wrinkled up
My lashes, long gone
And I've wiped off the lipstick
Goodbye, my love
My boring boyfriend
The tears rolling down my cheeks
Are they sparkling in the morning sun?

Tu ești ultima mea iubire

Tu ești ultima mea iubire.
Am pus într-un plic
O poză puțin îngălbenită.
O privire naivă,
O sprânceană un pic ridicată
Și curbele buzelor nesărutate.
Păstrez această poză în biroul tău,
Unde sunt notele melodiilor tale neterminate.
Spune-i prea geloasei tale neveste
Că a ei coafură nu mai e la modă de un an.
Și vechimea acelei poze,
Misterioșii ochii ca ai Marinei Vladi,
Confirmă clar că nici urmă nu mai e din acea fată,
Și că o această poză e doar un salut al tinereții.
Păstrez această poză în biroul tău,
Unde sunt notele melodiilor tale neterminate.
Spune-i prea geloasei tale neveste
Că a ei coafură nu mai e la modă de un an.
Păstrez această poză în biroul tău,
Unde sunt notele melodiilor tale neterminate.
Spune-i prea geloasei tale neveste
Că a ei coafură nu mai e la modă de un an.

Labyrinth or It Wasn't Nothing

Maybe there was a flower
Open on your hand
Maybe there was a flower
Open on your hand
It could've been love
But it was just betrayal
It could've been love
But it was just betrayal
The labyrinth is so black
That it'll end up on your street
The labyrinth is so black
That it'll end up on your street
Woe to me that I don't feel it
The color of the Moon's shoulders
Woe to me that I don't feel it
The color of the Moon's shoulders
Maybe there was a passage
Of a star on your face
Maybe there was a passage
Of a star on your face
It was almost a trip
But it was only a heartbreak
It was almost a trip
But it was only a heartbreak
The labyrinth is so black
That it'll end up on your street
The labyrinth is so black
That it'll end up on your street
Only the instinct ghost
Floats on the gray sky
Only the instinct ghost
Floats on the gray sky
Now you have your hand closed
With no glow on your face
Now you have your hand closed
With no glow on your face
It wasn't nothing
It wasn't nothing
It could've been love
It wasn't nothing
It wasn't nothing
It could've been love

Ringo, Where Are You Going?

Ringo, where are you going?
You always know
nights without love
will you find.
People without faces,
endless roads
where you will always go,
you will find out.
Why are you only Ringo,
a man who knows
that his fate is to be alone
wherever he will go.
Ringo, where are you going?
You always know
nights without love
will you find.
People without faces,
endless roads
where you will always go,
you will find out—
you will find out.

Se agăța de mine

Era vară și eram singur, știi, fără tine.
Ochi în ochi,
am dansat cu ea aproape în joacă. agățase de mine.
Nu m-am gândit la asta, dar apoi
trupul ei...față-n față cu al meu,
și am înțeles că ea...
mă căuta, mă dorea.
Deodată m-am pomenit
că o sărut, fără să mă mai gândesc.
Și între timp agăța de mine,
din ce în ce mai mult.
Șoldurile ei...în brațele mele,
și am fugit împreună.
Vântul mării,
și nisip în pletele ei acum.
Umbrele lunii
semănau chiar cu tine, pe inima mea. agățase de mine.
În timp ce eu visam la tine,
numele tă buzele mele,
s-a lăsat tăcerea între noi.
Ea și-a dat seama că nu era
la locul potrivit cu mine.
Zise: ”Scuză-mă, n-o să ne mai vedem.”
Și deci eu...în noaptea aceea eu
m-am simțit rușinat de mine.
Te întreb dacă...poți să mă înțelegi...

I want to return to those days

While I cry I try to connect
A broken picture in my palm
My sad smile of yesterday
Is hateful without a reason
Everybody forget
The retreating figure of youth
I want to return to those days
I want to meet you
In the capital that begins to get dark
Memories wander through the sky
I'm seen like a glowing wind
Crossing between the tides of grass
Everybody forget
The retreating figure of youth
I want to return to those days
I want to meet you
If I get rid of love now
I'd have nobody who hurts me
But putting your blurry address
In my door, I'll return to those days


100 times I tried to get closer... And he's running away. Why do he rule without trying
There is no closer than me or better than me
100 times I went to know... I am honored... And i remember that i am one of the most made
And he behaves in this way with me like this why
In front of me I pay it... And it closes... And he contracts it from the beginning
And its provider is with me and I don't know what !!!
I came on Saturday to come tomorrow sunday with him and his face
I told him to do my heart alone with you and also give me my soul oh
And I did more than i need editing
Behind him I walked from my mother... And his meal mode... And instead of the word I told him a dozen
And even when I say something with him he forgets her
Payne's stroke is not a wire... And the queen is not... And i will live my life with a confusion
And my son to get out of the rail and get any words
And when i'm going to prefer it... And I'm not a long way from... And I say again what after what I said
But he has a thousand question marks on him??????
I came on Saturday to come tomorrow sunday with him and his face
I told him to do my heart alone with you and also give me my soul oh
And I did more than i need editing

Someone else's

People are saying things against us, but that's in vain
It is a lie that you're bout to suffer because of me, I know that they aren't leaving you alone
Cause they are jealous for not being with me.
When I'm going thru the town, people keep saying that I'm someone else's
They are in lot of pain, For I'm getting crazier for you
They would give everything just to be like us, but its in vain.
Don't forget that
They are in lot of pain, For I'm getting crazier for you
They would give everything just to be like us, but its in vain.
Don't forget that
In vain, people are saying that I'm mischievous and unfaithful, that's just a lie, I know that they aren't leaving you alone
Cause they are jealous for not being with me
When I'm going thru the town, people keep saying that I'm someone else's
They are in lot of pain, For I'm getting crazier for you
They would give everything just to be like us, but its in vain.
Don't forget that
They are in lot of pain, For I'm getting crazier for you
They would give everything just to be like us, but its in vain.
Don't forget that
When I'm going thru the town, people keep saying that I'm someone else's
They are in lot of pain, For I'm getting crazier for you
They would give everything just to be like us, but its in vain.
Don't forget that
They are in lot of pain, For I'm getting crazier for you
They would give everything just to be like us, but its in vain.
Don't forget that

Este ploaia care pleacă

Sub un munte de temeri și de ambiții
Este ceva ascuns care nu moare
Dacă căutați în fiecare privirdin spatele unui perete de carton
veți găsi multă lumină și multă iubire.
Lumea de-acum e in schimbare
și se va schimba și mai mult,
Dar nu vedeti pe cer
acele pete de albastru'
este ploaia care pleacă
și se întoarce cerul senin
Dacă noi vom crede și nu renunțăm
Veți vedea, un nou soare va răsări.
De câte ori ne-au spus zâmbind cu tristețe,
Speranțele tinerilor sunt fum.
Sunt obosiți să lupte și nu mai cred în nimic
chiar acum când scopul este atât de aproape.
Dar noi care alergăm
vom avansa și mai mult,
Dar nu vedeți că cerul
în fiecare zi devine și mai albastru:
este ploaia care pleacă
și se întoarce cerul senin
Dacă nu ne vom opri
dacă uniți vom rămâne
cât mai repede un nou soare va răsări
Nu contează dacă cineva pe calea vieții
va di prada fantasmelor trecutului,
Banii și puterea
sunt capcane mortale
care pentru mult și mult timp au funcționat.
Noi nu vrem să cădem,
nu putem să cădem în abis,
dar nu vedeți pe cer
acele pete de albastru și de blue:
este ploaia care pleacă
și se întoarce cerul senin,
Și cu timpul, deasupra lumii
ca soarele de dimineață
o dragoste universală va răsări.

Goodbye Turin

Goodbye Turin, I'm going away,
I going away to work.
I just don't know what it is,
I feel my heart tremble.
Goodbye Turin, my beautiful land,
How much sadness, how much thoughts.
I find it hard to believe
That I must abandon you.
I'll never see again the Mole,
Amd your gardens.
I'll never bring again the beautiful girls at the Valentino.
Goodbye Turin,
I'm going away,
I going away to work.
But I would give my life
For come back soon.
This morning arrived the documents,
A smiling postman brought them.
Oh my beauty city, I have to leave
And left my beautiful Turin.
I'll never see again the Mole,
Amd your gardens.
I'll never bring again the beautiful girls at the Valentino.
Goodbye Turin,
I'm going away,
I going away to work.
But I would give my life
For come back soon!

Sunt mincinoasă

Dragostea mă face să râd foarte mult,
Și niciodată , zic niciodată, nu voi crede.
Dragostea cea adevărată nu mai există
Apoi, pe neașteptate vii tu.
Dacă mă uit la tine eu sunt mincinoasă
Iubirea există, e înăuntrul meu
Te iubesc uuuh, sunt mincinoasă,
mincinoasă știu.
Lumea ar putea chiar să ne creadă
Dar eu, eu spun nu, Nu voi crede.
Iubirea aproape adevărată nu o mai vezi
apoi pe neașteptate vii tu.
Dacă mă uit la tine eu sunt mincinoasă
Iubirea există, este înlăuntrul meu.
Te iubesc, uuuh, sunt mincinoasă, mincinoasă știu.
Iubirea cea adevărată nu mai există
apoi pe neașteptate vii tu.
Dacă mă uit la tine eu sunt mincinoasă
Iubirea există, este înlăuntrul meu.
Te iubesc, uuuh, sunt mincinoasă, mincinoasă știu.
Dacă mă uit la tine eu sunt mincinoasă.
Iubirea există, e înlăuntrul meu.
Dacă mă uit la tine eu sunt mincinoasă.
Iubirea există, e înlăuntrul meu.
Dacă mă uit la tine eu sunt mincinoasă...


Vară. Gradină. Liniște. Pământ.
Amiază. Cer. Copaci. Vânt.
Albina zumzăie. Șopârla așteaptă.
Păjanjenul se bălăbănește. Musca zboară.
E bine aici. Nimic altceva
nu-i, decât mica casă.
Afara-i liniște și lumină.
Inăuntru tu și eu.

Nobody Can Judge Me

Versions: #1
The truth hurts me, I know it.
The truth hurts me, you know it.
Nobody can judge me, not even you.
The truth hurts you, I know it.
I know that I made a mistake once and I won’t make a mistake again.
The truth hurts you, I know it.
You should mind about me
and pay more attention to yourself,
there are already so many people who
have it in for me, who knows why.
Everyone has the right to live as best they can.
The truth hurts you, I know it.
That is why I like one thing and not that other one.
The truth hurts you, I know it.
If I came back to you,
it should be enough for you to know that
I have seen the difference between him and you
and I chose you.
If one day I made a mistake now I understand that
I paid dearly for the truth.
I ask for your pardon and do you know why?
It’s here where happiness resides.
Much, much more than before I will love you.
Compared to the other one you are better
and from now on I promise that
what I did one day I will never do again.
Everyone has the right to live as best they can.
The truth hurts you, I know it.
That is why I like one thing and not that other one.
The truth hurts you, I know it.
If I came back to you,
it should be enough for you to know that
I have seen the difference between him and you
and I chose you.
If one day I made a mistake now I understand that
I paid dearly for the truth.
I ask for your pardon, and do you know why?
It’s here where happiness resides.
Nobody can judge me, not even you.

Fairy princess

Versions: #1
You are quiet and
very melancholic when I see you alone
in the shadows of summery night
We were made for each other, that's what you thought, I guess
now you avoid my eyes bitterly
You can miss me, you can watch me
even though I wasn't the one after all
You just may wait for a fairy princess
even till the end of your days, you will never find that kind of
Fairy princess didn't exist after all
Only some good little moments that you probably are able to see now, too
I can give you this one last night
Do you notice now that everything is temporal
Soon you will forget too, with someone else you'll walk these roads and we
will smile when we meet
It's okey to miss, it's okey to watch
even though we don't know each other anymore
And when you finally understand
it will be too late

One More Minute

One more minute,
If you can and if you want.
It's time to say, to say
I will miss you.
And I speak to myself,
Speaking to you,
Who remain in silence
And cry like that.
One more time,
With your eyes you give me
The courage to ask you a favor:
Don't ever hate me,
Because in a minute
Or in an hour I will be
Just a regret,
Which I will leave in you.
My love,
Still mine,
Someone knows all about us.
See your eyes into my eyes.
My love,
Still mine,
I can't, I don't want to, I know,
But I have to go, and I will,
I will.
One more minute
To believe you are mine,
You, the most beautiful thing,
You, poem.
One more minute,
One more farewell.
You feel like you are dying,
But the one who dies is me.

Cobor spre Liverpool

unde te duci cu nimicurile alea în mâna ta?
Am zis hei,
prin ţara asta verde şi plăcută
Cobor spre Liverpool să nu fac nimic
Cobor spre Liverpool să nu fac nimic
Cobor spre Liverpool să nu fac nimic
Toate zilele vieţii mele
Toate zilele vieţii mele
Unde te duci cu discul ăsta cu UB40 în mâna ta?
Am zis hei,
prin ţara asta verde şi plăcută
Cobor spre Liverpool să nu fac nimic
Cobor spre Liverpool să nu fac nimic
Cobor spre Liverpool să nu fac nimic
Toate zilele vieţii mele
Toate zilele vieţii mele
Unde te duci cu discul ăsta cu UB40 în mâna ta?
Am zis hei,
prin ţara asta verde şi plăcută
Cobor spre Liverpool să nu fac nimic
Cobor spre Liverpool să nu fac nimic
Cobor spre Liverpool să nu fac nimic
Toate zilele vieţii mele
Toate zilele vieţii mele

Păşesc pe lumina soarelui

Versions: #1
Obişnuiam să cred că poate mă iubeawi
acum sunt sigură
şi abia aştept ziua
când vei bate în uşa mea
Acum de fiecare dată când mă duc la cutia poştală,
mă ţin să nu cad
Fiindcă abia aştept
până-mi vei scrie că vei veni...
Păşesc pe lumina soarelui, oh-oh
Păşesc pe lumina soarelui, oh-oh
Păşesc pe lumina soarelui, oh-oh
Nu-i aşa că-i bine?
Hei, e bine-acum
Nu-i aşa că-i bine?
Hei, da!
Obişnuiam să cred că poate mă iubeai
acum ştiu că-i pe bune
şi nu vreau să-mi petrec viaţa-ntreagă
doar aşteptându-te
Şi nu te vreau înapoi pentru weekend
şi nici pentru-o zi
Am zis dragă, eu doar te vreau înapoi
şi vreau să stai, oh da
Păşesc pe lumina soarelui
Păşesc pe lumina soarelui
Mă simt vie,
simt iubire
simt iubire
care-i pe bune
Mă simt vie,
simt iubire
simt iubire
care-i pe bune
Sunt pe lumina soarelui, oh, oh da
Sunt pe lumina soarelui, oh

Come to me

Believe in miracles
Strange things call near me all the time
There are coincidences
I tried to ignore
but it keeps coming back to me
When I opened the door
God only knows
what I found there
Come to me
If the wind caressed me like that
it's a sign that you're here now
above me
It's been years that I'm imagining you
talking to me
If I had known why I came
I wouldn't have come
I never understood
I only knew that I was attracted
and I knew
that there is something intentional there
Believe in words
Things that they say
and suddenly they call
Doesn't seem strange to me
Look between men
It's hard to explain
it's feels sometimes
that we were already here
So I opened the door
God only knows
what I found there
Come to me
If the wind caressed me like that
it's a sign that you're here now
above me
It's been years that I'm imagining you
talking to me
Come to me
If the wind caressed me like that
it's a sign that you're here now
above me
It's been years that I'm imagining you
talking to me
If I had known why I came
I wouldn't have come
I never understood
I only knew that I was attracted
and I knew
that there is something intentional there
If I had known why I came
I wouldn't have come
I never understood
I only knew that I was attracted
and I knew that there is something intentional there

Hate but Love

I am not only an entertainer,
Also not only an object of
your longing, oh dear
My heartache
You make me this way
You come and you go
all you want
Oh... how cruel you are
How could you do this to me
You go and you come
all you want
Oh... how hurt my heart is
I hate you so much
This heart is so broken
But still I miss you
This heart feels hatred
But I miss you

The best of our nights

On seeing you, my eyes runs at you,
and i can see my heart asking you to speak
On seeing you, my eyes runs at you,
and i can see my heart asking you to speak
(you're) The love of my eyes
(you're) The love of my eyes
Who are you and who am i?
my love, we are meant for each other
Brought together,
by our passion, longing, love,
the best of our nights,
and the beautiful moment that embraces us
Who are you and who am i?
my love, we are meant for each other
Brought together,
by our passion, longing, love,
the best of our nights,
and the beautiful moment that embraces us
A high moon, i saw you and immediately
Saw my heart calling for who captivated my mind
A high moon, i saw you and immediately
Saw my heart calling for who captivated my mind
captivated my mind
captivated my mind
Who are you and who am i?
my love, we are meant for each other
Brought together,
by our passion, longing, love,
the best of our nights,
and the beautiful moment that embraces us
Who are you and who am i?
my love, we are meant for each other
Brought together,
by our passion, longing, love,
the best of our nights,
and the beautiful moment that embraces us

Of him

I string our meetings, our days, like on a thread - it's too long
I try to forget, but attempts prick me with a needle
I put all dreams aside to their places -
Stronger nerves, but less faith day after day, let everything burn with fire!
Only thoughts are all about him and about him, about him and about him ...
After him I will rise to the sky,
After him I'll fall into the abyss,
I'm going after him - I'm sorry, my pride,
I'm going just after him, just to him
I understand that just for pretense I smile at my friends - it's not so easy
I would like to put a full stop, but again comes a comma - it's serious
I break into pieces from longing,
To pieces - everything is useless. day after day, let everything burn with fire!
But still thoughts are all about him, and about him, about him and about him ..

Sweetness of a Dream

When you laugh, the world becomes a new color
With one of your smiles, happiness becomes boundless
When you laugh, you become well situated in my belief
Your companion laughs, my final tear
Sit for a moment, across from me
Mix my tea with your perfume
Sit so that the shape of the prophecy of our future
Takes the shape of a shared tomorrow
I'll sleep to dream of your smile
The sweet dream of your tea and sugar
I'll sleep, like every night, you're in my dream
I'll put to rest these eyes that are bound to you
Sit for a moment, across from me
Mix my tea with your perfume
Sit so that the shape of the prophecy of our future
Takes the shape of a shared tomorrow

To the beat of the drum's tradition

To the beat of the drum's tradition
Sings the flute of the cedar tree
The seasons change
Smiling lips harvest the corn
By the shining waters
Where the sturgeon can swim
The reap the tribes harvests
It's (all) given by Mother Earth
Spirit, hear our song
Preserving the tradition
Our sacred, excellent fire
Lead us to connection
Seasons change
To the beat of the drum's tradition
Nature nourishes us
To the beat of the drum's tradition

Cele ce însemni pentru mine

Cele ce însemni, însemni tu pentru mine
Sunt atât de multe, încât
N-aș putea să le număr, n-aș reuși,
Pentru că tu ești imensitatea.
Ești cântecul care va răsuna
În vântul ce-l va aduce vara,
Minunăția și misterul care
Mă face să te văd în toate câte sunt.
Aș picta sus, pe marele cer albastru,
Tot ceea ce ești tu.
Aș desena despre tine un semn etern care
Să arate ce însemni pentru mine.
Ești cântecul care va răsuna
În vântul ce-l va aduce vara,
Minunăția și misterul care
Mă face să te văd în toate câte sunt.
În noapte, uneori mă tem că ești
Fructul fanteziei.
Minunăția și misterul care
Mă face să te văd în toate câte sunt.
Dar apoi deodată mă trezesc și ești,
Ești acolo, chiar lângă mine,
Eu te văd lângă mine.

Dragostea nu moare niciodată

Cine ştie când iubirea începe?
Cine ştie ce o face să pornească?
Într-o zi este simplu acolo,
O viaţă în inima ta.
Alunecă în gândurile tale,
Se infiltrează în sufletul tău,
Te ia prin surprindere,
Apoi preia întregul control.
Încearcă s-o respingi şi încearcă să protestezi,
Dar dragostea nu te va lăsa să pleci
Odată ce ai fost posedat.
Dragostea nu moare niciodată,
Dragostea nu şovăie niciodată,
Odată ce a vorbit,
Dragostea este a ta.
Dragostea nu se estompează niciodată,
Dragostea nu se schimbă niciodată,
Inimile pot fi frânte,
Dragostea rabdă,
Inimile pot fi frânte,
Dragostea dăinuie.
Şi curând pe măsură ce o susţii,
Înconjurat de carne şi oase,
Acea dragoste prinde o viaţă,
Mult mai mare decât a ta proprie,
Te foloseşte ca un capriciu.
Te conduce la disperare
Şi te forţează să simţi mai multă bucurie
Decât poţi suporta.
Dragostea îţi dă plăcere
Şi dragostea îţi aduce durere,
Şi totuşi, când amândouă s-au dus.
Dragostea va rămâne încă.
Dragostea nu moare niciodată,
Dragostea nu şovăie niciodată,
Odată ce a vorbit,
Dragostea este a ta.
Dragostea nu se estompează niciodată,
Dragostea nu se schimbă,
Viaţa poate să zboare.
Dragostea nu moare niciodată.
Dragostea va continua.
Dragostea continuă să bată
Când tu te-ai dus.
Dragostea nu moare niciodată,
Odată ce este în tine.
Viaţa poate să zboare,
Dragostea continuă să trăiască.
Viaţa poate să zboare,
Dragostea continuă să trăiască .

Un Inel

Trei Inele pentru Regii Elfilor de sub cer,
Șapte pentru Domni Piticilor în sălile lor de piatră,
Nouă pentru Oameni Mortali destinați să piară,
Unul pentru Lordul Întunecat de pe tronul său obscur,
În meleagul lui Mordor unde Stafiile zac.
Un Inel să-i stăpânească, Un inel ca să-i găsească,
Un Inel ca să-i adune și în întuneric să-i arunce
În meleagul lui Mordor unde Stafiile zac.

Sfârșitul primăverii

Într-o zi fermecătoare de primăvară
Când luna arăta frumos
În mod incredibil am cunoscut-o pe frumoasa tu
Una câte una, am notat fiecare amintire pe care am avut-o împreună
Până acum
Timp de multe sezoane
Primăvara era unde te vedeam
Dar acum ai dispărut din cerul meu
Și continuă așa din nou și din nou
Sezonul s-a schimbat într-o clipă
Florile roz au devenit roșii
Doar tu ai rămas în primăvară
Am zâmbit din cauza ta, am plâns din cauza ta
Primăverile mele au fost întotdeauna bune datorită ţie
Dar una câte una, toate dispar
Sezonul frumoasei mele primăveri
A luat sfârşit
Singurul lucru care s-a maturizat este dragostea
Florile au dispărut treptat în această primăvară
Vei continua înaintea sezonului meu?
În briza de primăvară care intră treptat și rapid
Încă există o floare frumoasă care mai rămâne
Am zâmbit din cauza ta, am plâns din cauza ta
Primăverile mele au fost întotdeauna bune datorită ţie
Dar una câte una, toate dispar
Sezonul frumoasei mele primăveri
A luat sfârşit
Roadele sunt aici
Anotimpurile se schimbă
Dar vreau să fiu alături de tine până la sfârșit
În primăvara asta ce a dispărut
Roadele sunt aici
Anotimpurile se schimbă
Dar vreau să fiu alături de tine până la sfârșit
În primăvara asta ce a dispărut
Primăvara s-a terminat, se aude doar vântul
Vreau doar să-ţi mai spun numele încă o dată
Dar una câte una, toate dispar
Sezonul frumoasei mele primăveri
A luat sfârşit
Roadele sunt aici
Anotimpurile se schimbă
Dar vreau să fiu alături de tine până la sfârșit
În primăvara asta ce a dispărut
Roadele sunt aici
Anotimpurile se schimbă
Dar vreau să fiu alături de tine până la sfârșit
În primăvara asta ce a dispărut

If I Could Be Reborn

In this night of ashes
That doesn't stop crying
I face my soul that, by now,
It's tired of me,
Of the usual nice masks
That I wore to live
This sweet habit
I never betrayed it
If I could be reborn
And suddenly change reality,
That doesn't stop insulting
This amazing and short eternity,
If I could be reach
The core of myself
With a train that doesn't exist
And be able to admit
That I need you!
How many night of ecstasy
Among a flock of acrobats
I pretended believing that God
Was proud of me
Those sleazy loves with no sense
That I consumed to live
This cold loneliness
I never leave it
If I could be reborn [If I could be reborn}
And thrown reality into the bog
That keeps to defend [ ... keeps to defend ...]
This useless and dirty truth,
If I could be reach
The core of myself
With a flight that doesn't exist
And be able to admit
That I need you!
'Cause I believe in something profound
Beyond the borders of this trench
'Cause I want the revenge
Not to regret
All the love I dropped away!
[If I could be reborn
And dream reality again,
If I could be reborn]
If I could be reborn ... [This amazing and short eternity!]
If I could be reach
The core of myself
Freeing of myself,
And be able to admit
That I need you!
I need you!

Party at Detsl's

Parents left to the dacha - I'm gonna party,
I’m going through my list of phone numbers.
I quickly gave a call to all my friends and girlfriends -
I’m making a party, everyone will be dancing around.
Party at Detsl's house - this is cool,
Music to the fullest from night to afternoon.
Friends are coming in, two girls for each guy
Party will be hot, the neighbors will be in shock.
I found a box of champagne in the closet,
I took a delicious snacks from the top kitchen shelf.
Of course, there weren't enough home slippers for everyone,
So I allowed guests to walk freely in their shoes.
We're taking shots while watching music videos,
Doors are always open for more guests to the party.
I'm partying as I want - come in all who can!
Problems with parents do not bother us.
Party is in full swing at Detsl's house -
All the girls and guys from the neighborhood are here. Music is blasting out, dance until you drop.
Parents are at the dacha which means everything is going fine.
Party at Detsl's house -
The whole neighborhood is partying and the whole school!
Party at Detsl's house -
Everyone moves their asses to the hip-hop music.
I turned off the VCR and turned on my own music.
The girls start screaming - it was nice to hear.
Everyone was singing my lyrics by heart,
The chandelier was broken when Bad B. and Legal business was playing.
The fridge has been emptied to the middle of the party,
My friend Tim was playing the new records on repeat.
Cute girls went to the different rooms -
The music was accompanied by moans and noises.
Party is in full swing at Detsl's house -
All the girls and guys from the neighborhood are here. Music is blasting out, dance until you drop.
Parents are at the dacha which means everything is going fine.
Party is in full swing at Detsl's house -
All the girls and guys from the neighborhood are here. Music is blasting out, dance until you drop.
Parents are at the dacha which means everything is going fine.
Party at Detsl's house -
The whole neighborhood is partying and the whole school!
Party at Detsl's house -
Everyone moves their asses to the hip-hop music.
Closer to the morning the guests started to leave
And only the ones who is not tired continue to have fun.
Several girls are sleeping in bed,
I'm waking up the cuties - that's it, the party is over.
Help me clean up so that I won't be set on fire,
So that my animal parents won't punish me.
The party was a success, the apartment is in order.
If you go to Detsl's, spend all the energy you've got.
Party is in full swing at Detsl's house -
All the girls and guys from the neighborhood are here.
Music is blasting out, dance until you drop.
Parents are at the dacha which means everything is going fine.
Party at Detsl's house -
The whole neighborhood is partying and the whole school!
Party at Detsl's house -
Everyone moves their asses to the hip-hop music.
Party at Detsl's house -
The whole neighborhood is partying and the whole school!
Party at Detsl's house -
Everyone moves their asses to the hip-hop music.
One, two, three, four
One, two, three, four
That’s right party people
One, two, three, four
One, two, three, four
That’s right party people
People– people– people