Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 53

Număr de rezultate: 2492


I Love You Ever So Much

I love you ever so much!
Without a doubt, I wanted to
give you a tile from my stove.
I never did anything to you.
Now I feel very sad.
With beauty, the gorse flower shines
on the railroad tracks.
Over, time-barred,
but never forgotten.
I travel.
Everything that lasts long
is silent.
Time disfigures all living beings.
A dog barks.
It cannot read.
It cannot write.
We cannot stay.
I laugh.
A sift is mainly full of holes.
I love you ever so much.


There was once a bommerang.
It was a little bit too long.
Boomerang! A piece flew off,
but it never then came back.
A crowd - for many hours still -
waited for a boomerang.

Să trec puntea

Să trec puntea, să merg în satul meu
Să trec puntea, în sat
Să văd nucul şi grădina unde am crescut
De unde am fugit de mic
Mă rog, Doamne, de munţi
De munţi şi păduri
Să-mi spună care e drumul înapoi
Să-mi văd anii mei
O să trec pădurile şi munţii grei
Să trec pădurile şi munţii
Ca să văd bătrânii cum stau împreună
Să merg s-o văd pe bunica
Peste tot greul îmi va ieşi în cale
Peste tot greutăţi
Să trec râurile şi munţii greu
Să-i văd pe bătrânii mei

Când porumbeii plâng

Versions: #1
Înfige, dacă-ți poți imagina
Noi captivați într-un sărut
Sudoarea trupului tău mă acoperă
Poți, draga mea
Poți să-ți imaginezi asta?
Visează dacă poți o grădină
Un ocean de violete în floare
Animalele iau poziți curioase
Ele simt atracția
Atracția dintre noi
Cum poti doar sa ma lasi sa stau?
Singur intr-o lume asa rece? (Asa rece)
Poate sunt doar prea solictant
Poate sunt exact ca tata prea indrasnet
Poate esti exact ca mama
Ea nu e niciodata multumita (Ea nu e niciodata multumita)
De ce strigam unul la celalalt
Asa suna
Cand porumbeii plang
Atinge-mi daca vrei stomacul
Simte cum tremura
Ai pus fluturasii la treaba
Nu ma face sa te urmaresc
Chiar si porumbeii au mandrie
Cor: (x 2)
Cum poti doar sa ma lasi sa stau?
Singur intr-o lume asa rece? (Asa rece)
Poate sunt doar prea solictant
Poate sunt exact ca tata prea indrasnet
Poate esti exact ca mama
Ea nu e niciodata multumita (Ea nu e niciodata multumita)
De ce strigam unul la celalalt
Asa suna
Cand porumbeii plang

Let’s live them out

How many letters thrown into the fire?
How many opportunities missed by a little?
How many times did we play this game?
Of the two of us, who is the cat and who is the mouse?
Did I try everything?
Did I even stand a chance?
Am I crazy to believe that there’s still hope for us?
Have we given up,
Or can we get back to where we left off?
While we’re still here, let’s live them out
Our fantasies of love, all of our dreams in the light of day
While we’re still here, let’s live them out
Live them out
Live them out
While we’re still here...
How many tears fallen into the void?
How many truths delivered too swiftly?
How many times did you run?
How many broken glasses before you quit?
Did I try everything?
Did I even stand a chance?
Am I crazy to believe that there’s still hope for us?
Have we given up,
Or can we get back to where we left off?
Your love gives my life meaning
It fills me with color
Your love gives my life meaning
My dreams are in color!
While we’re still here, let’s live them out
Our fantasies of love, all of our dreams in the light of day
While we’re still here, let’s live them out
Live them out
Live them out
While we’re still here...

Barcagiul din Roma

        (pe româneşte)
Câtă durere în seara asta
este pe râul care unduieşte aşa,
nenorocit e cine visează şi speră,
toţi pe lume trebuie să suferim...
dar dacă vreun suflet îşi caută pacea,
el n-o poate găsi decât aici...
Barcagiul o ia contra curentului
şi când el cântă, ecoul răsună!
Dacă-i adevărat, râule, că tu dai pacea,
râule vrăjit, nu mă refuza...

Mai mult de-o lună a trecut
de când i-am spus într-o seară Ninetei:
- Această iubire e de-acum apusă.
Ea răspunse: - O văd şi eu...
Suspină, apoi îmi spuse: - Adio, iubitule,
eu însă nu te voi uita.
Am alergat după ea, dar... n-am ajuns-o,
încă o mai caut şi n-o întâlnesc...
Dacă-i adevărat, râule, că tu dai pacea,
eu m-am căit, lasă-mă s-o găsesc...

Chiar lângă barcă
văd o umbră sub apă: mai încoace,
se răsuceşte şi e un vârtej,
apoi se scufundă şi apare mai încolo...
Grăbiţi-vă... e o femeie înecată...
Biata de ea, suferea, cine ştie?
Luna de acolo sus apare...
luminează faţa Ninetei fumoase...
Mi-a cerut pacea şi eu i-am refuzat-o...
Râule blând, i-ai dat-o tu...

Vreau să mă pierd oriunde pe râu,
aşa, cine te iubeşte moare cu tine...



Dimineața devreme, sună fluierul din fabrică
Omul se ridică din pat și își îmbrăcă hainele
Omul își ia prânzul, iese în lumina dimineții
Este muncă, muncă, doar o viață de muncă
Prin coridoarele fricii, prin coridoarele durerii
Îl văd pe tatăl meu intrând prin porțile fabricii pe ploaie
Fabrica îi ia auzul, fabrica îi dă viață
Muncă, muncă, doar o viață de muncă
Sfârșitul zilei, fluierul din fabrică strigă
Bărbații ies prin aceste porți cu moartea în ochi
Și mai bine crezi, băiete
Cineva o să se rănească în seara asta
Este muncă, muncă, doar o viață de muncă
Pentru că este muncă, muncă, doar o viață de muncă

All Night, I wandered all the inns of Istanbul

All Night, I wandered the inns of Istanbul
I sought you, in the lip prints on the chalices
Even though I wanted to get wasted
I sought you, in the lip prints on the chalices

The Rome Boatman

How much pain tonight
is on the river that snorts like this,
unlucky is who dreams and hopes,
we all in the world have to suffer...
but if a soul seeks peace,
it can only find it here...
The boatman goes against the current
and when he sings, the echo resents!
If it is true, river, that you give peace,
fairy river, don’t deny it to me...

More than a month has passed
since one night I told Ninetta:
'This love has now gone down'.
She replied, 'I see it from me...'
She sighed, then told me, 'Goodbye, love,
but I don’t forget you'.
And from that day I left her,
I still look for - and never find her.
If it is true, river, that you give peace,
I have repented, let me find her...

Right close to the boat
I see a shadow on the water: over here,
it turns, and it’s a whirlpool,
then it goes down and resurfaces back.
Hurry up... is a drowned woman!
Poor her... she was in pain, who knows?
The moon, from above, peeps out...
it brightens the face of beautiful Ninetta...
She asked me for peace and I denied it...
river, why did you steal her from me?

I want to get lost up or down the river,
so, who knows, I die with you...


Eternal Longing

I once made jokes
I once made love
That was a long time ago
I wouldn’t have thought
I wouldn’t have guessed
How everything ended in sorrow
I was once pampered
I was once beloved
Loved as sweet as honey
Everything was bright
Everything was beautiful
And now everything’s gone
I could not hate you
There can only be my longing
I couldn’t forget you until now
Even though you’ve been hurt
Even though you’ve denied it
There can only be my eternal longing
I once made jokes
I once made love
That was a long time ago
I wouldn’t have thought
I wouldn’t have guessed
How everything ended in sorrow
I was once pampered
I was once beloved
Loved as sweet as honey
Everything was bright
Everything was beautiful
And now everything’s gone
I could not hate you
There can only be my longing
I couldn’t forget you until now
Even though you’ve been hurt
Even though you’ve denied it
There can only be my eternal longing


You're avoiding me again and going away from me
You can't commit
But if I don't have you, I can't live
You have to trust me
I go out, clubbing, to the cinema so I would perhaps forget you
But you're there
In the lights and music, baby, you're always there
Yes, I want you so much
I'm telling you, give in to me so I become your baby
You touch me, I die, I am crazy about you
I'm high on fever and you're the painkiller
See what a kiss of yours can do
You get in my drink, you get in my head
I can't resist
Baby, what have you done to me, you've made me insane
I can't leave you
I go out, clubbing, to the cinema so I would perhaps forget you
But you're there
In the lights and music, baby, you're always there
Yes, I want you so much
I'm telling you, give in to me so I become your baby
You touch me, I die, I am crazy about you
I'm high on fever and you're the painkiller
See what a kiss of yours can do
Call me, baby, I want to see you
I want to hear you, make me go crazy
I'm telling you, give in to me so I become your baby
You touch me, I die, I am crazy about you
I'm high on fever and you're the painkiller
See what a kiss of yours can do

Tell to others

Sun on the surface,
song in memories,
black and white pictures,
colorful world,
the color of my skin,
smile in the moonlight.
If you come today, I will tell you everything.
The dew on a showcase,
Castles in the sandbank,
thousands of pebbles in wet hands,
but you are not listening,
you are living in another world.
If you come today, everything starts with you!
Tell to others, that sun is rising,
only your stars are sleeping,
seas are touching.
Look, summer is chasing you,
Watch out, that you don't wake up
into colors, which make autumn.
Books and glasses,
forgotten coast.
I'm drawing the footprints in your way,
but you are not listening,
you are living in your world.
If you come today, it starts with you!
Quickly, so I can wake you up.
Look, colors are pouring off in a new day, so it can begin
Because I'm living, I'm hurrying, to wake you up
Look, colors are pouring in a new day, to enchant you.
Tell to others, that sun is rising,
only your stars are sleeping,
seas are touching.
Look, summer is chasing you,
Watch out, that you don't wake up
Tell to others, that sun is rising,
only your stars are sleeping,
seas are touching.
Look, summer is chasing you,
Watch out, that you don't wake up
into colors, which makes autumn.

Go to no

Your suffering does not touch me anymore
I was here before you
I don't care that it's burning you, that it's hurting you
If you'd like for us to meet again, make yourself an appointment
Your suffering does not touch me anymore
I was here before you
I don't care that it's burning you, that it's hurting you
If you'd like for us to meet again, make yourself an appointment
Verse 1
It doesn't hurt me, it doesn't burn me, it doesn't hold me back
It doesn't take me, it doesn't knock me out, it doesn't suit me anymore
Go to 'no'
It doesn't gnaw at me, it doesn't break me, it doesn't weigh on me
It doesn't interest me anymore, I don't care anymore
I don't miss it, I'm not killing myself, it doesn't attract me
It doesn't call me, I don't want it anymore, it doesn't pull me anymore
You've gotten lost
It's not an expulsion, nor is it selfishness, it's not about me
About the soul which doesn't belong to you anymore
Go to 'no,' go to 'no'
Your suffering does not touch me anymore
I was here before you
I don't care that it's burning you, that it's hurting you
If you'd like for us to meet again, make yourself an appointment
Your suffering does not touch me anymore
I was here before you
I don't care that it's burning you, that it's hurting you
If you'd like for us to meet again, make yourself an appointment
Verse 2:
Behave decently, where has your courage gone to?
You lost it around when you changed your entourage
And now that I'm doing well, you come looking for help
For regrets, I'll ask you to give me the copyright
Do you remember, not too long ago you were everything and I, nothing
You'd squeeze the dignity out of me, slowly, slowly and little by litle
But look how life gives it to you, look where you've ended up
Lesson number one, don't spit with your face turned up
Your suffering does not touch me anymore
I was here before you
I don't care that it's burning you, that it's hurting you
If you'd like for us to meet again, make yourself an appointment
Your suffering does not touch me anymore
I was here before you
I don't care that it's burning you, that it's hurting you
If you'd like for us to meet again, make yourself an appointment

The Sun Set

I loved you
I hope, that you remember it
How I loved, I only hated everything else
So I felt even though I smiled
When new mornings brought new disappointments with them
Only you never once disappointed me
Let the time go, maybe you'll come to me
But don't hurry for me
The Sun set long ago
The Sun, it went its way
There's no point in anything since it did not rise
I too decided to end this game
I loved you, but now I'm too tired to love anything else
Urges, wishes, the future, and even this land are strangers
I throw away the mask and a small piece stays
The pain moves away and finally disappears
{refrain 2:}
The Sun set long ago
The Sun, it went its way
There's no point in anything since it did not rise
All that stayed was the plight
End this game... (2x)
Like this, a human makes one decision
No other thoughts, that's why I can do it
{refrain 2}

Run through the jungle

I thought It was only a bad dream
But I am awake
They said don´t go so slow
the devil runs free today
Better run through the jungle
Better run through the jungle
Better run through the jungle
and don´t look back
I thought I heard something
and then I heard a man scream
Millions of loaded weapons
Satan aiming at me
Better run through the jungle
Better run through the jungle
Better run through the jungle
and don´t look back
There over the mountain
a thunder taught me
that people should know me
based on fire and pain
Better run through the jungle
Better run through the jungle
Better run through the jungle
and don´t look back
Better run
Better run
You better run
Better run through the jungle
Better run through the jungle
Better run through the jungle
Don´t look back

Bring it on!

Do you wanna fight me?
Bring it on.
Who dares to stop me?
You’ve provoked a lion
There are two types of people in this world
Those on my side
Or those who are my enemy
If neither then they’re just a fearless fool
Bring it on!
Bring it on!
Bring it on!
Bring it on!
This is a bet
You probably need to bet your everything
But you can’t catch up to me, sorry, I’m a fastest
Ay dimwit, I warned you multiple times
You’re in danger, this fight is like nuclear testing
People don’t know my true self
It took me a while to see the light
My skill may be nameless
But it’ll be stronger than a drop kick, get ready to the police
Bring it on.
Bring it on.
Bring it on.
Bring it on. Bring it on. Bring it on.
I fought with my loneliness and won. come on
Come at me, if you don’t know who I am
That’s your fault, hurry and run away
yeah I’m ready to fight.
It’s ma crew, Ma squad
119, call me or call your mama
If you still don’t know who I am
I’ll teach you right now, watch carefully
yeah I’m ready to fight
It’s ma crew, Ma squad
119, call me or call your mama
Do you wanna fight me?
Bring it on.
Who dares to stop me?
You’ve provoked a lion
There are two types of people in this world
Those on my side
Or those who are my enemy
If neither then they’re just a fearless fool
Bring it on
Baby I’m always keep it up.
I protect those I love and are precious to me
If I go crazy, there will be a bloodbath here
All you wise ones, get out of the way
If you can’t tell if this is real, tell me
There’s no way for you to avoid me, you’re my target
If I throw the first punch, you won’t get a chance
Do you wanna fight me?
How funny
Bring it on.
Bring it on.
Bring it on.
Bring it on. Bring it on. Bring it on.
I fought with my loneliness and won. come on
I’ll give you a few seconds.
You lost your chance to live.
Come at me, if you don’t know who I am
That’s your fault, hurry and run away
yeah I’m ready to fight.
It’s ma crew. Ma squad.
119, call me or call your mama
If you still don’t know who I am
I’ll teach you right now, watch carefully
yeah I’m ready to fight
It’s ma crew, Ma squad
119, call me or call your mama
Come at me, if you don’t know who I am
That’s your fault, hurry and run away
yeah I’m ready to fight.
It’s ma crew, Ma squad
119, call me or call your mama
If you can’t tell if this is real, tell me
There’s no way for you to avoid me, you’re my target
If I throw the first punch, you won’t get a chance
Do you wanna fight me?
How funny

Your pillow

Chorus - Irina Rimes
When I send you another bit of longing
To wish you 'sleep tight'
Feel on your pillow
All my gentleness
When I send you another bit of longing
To wish you 'sleep tight'
Feel on your pillow
All my gentleness
Verse 2 - Irina Rimes
Written in the moon, written in the stars
Little pieces, little pieces
Of words, written in the palms
I added them with care to the smell of your pillow
I added them with care
I left them in your pillow
When she calls you to bed
Feel my presence
I added with care, to the smell of your pillow
Dreams, warm and serene, unstained by cruelty
Of my world, insatiable, selfish, and fatal
Selfish and fatal
I added with care, to the smell of your pillow
Molecules of skin infected with the secretions
Of lethal kills
Lethal, lethal
Chorus - Irina Rimes
When I send you another bit of longing
To wish you 'sleep tight'
Feel on your pillow
All my gentleness
When I send you another bit of longing
To wish you 'sleep tight'
Feel on your pillow
All my gentleness
Verse 2 - Amuly
Last night I flipped out again, just like I used to do all the time
When your boy poured out and crammed like three grams into his blunt
You just popped into my head and said that 'I'll address you'
I think that you sent me a bit of longing to feel on my pillow, I feel it and flinch
And it broke me away from the reality which hurt
It pained me that I watched love die
And it perished in my palms, at my mercy
And it disappeared in darkness, you, my light
I feel the intoxication, I said it's not good like thi
Go, come, go again, come back
I didn't think that my life would get dark over time, my love
I received your gift, we'll love endlessly
Chorus - Irina Rimes
When I send you another bit of longing
To wish you 'sleep tight'
Feel on your pillow
All my gentleness
When I send you another bit of longing
To wish you 'sleep tight'
Feel on your pillow
All my gentleness

Airport Of Love

From that same day in
The airport of memories
Your beautiful eyes
Settled in my heart
I told you
You are my pretty one
My life is for you
Love started
Oh love
oh my everything
My loyal one
Can't stand being far away
Our little hut
Is the hut of love
Our company
Poems and stories
I sing
Of memories
With the strings of my heart I say
I love you
What journeys
What good days
What rare nights
You are on my side
If I
Play an instrument
My love is not for my instrument
It is the sound of my feelings
That want
To Tell for you
I am in love
Forever for you

Eu sunt foc, tu ești apă

Când mă-ntristez, tu te-nveselești,
Totul e diferit între noi doi.
Știu că oricum te vei întoarce la mine,
Nici pentru mine nu-i ușoară acum despărțirea.
Se-nvârte repede
Axul zilelor,
Însă nu contează.
Eu sunt foc, tu ești apă,
Unde-s cuvinte, e și cântec.
Unde ești tu - hop și eu,
Ca umbra și lumina.
Eu sunt foc, tu ești apă,
Dar din nou suntem împreună.
Unde ești tu - hop și eu,
Vrei, nu vrei,
Vrei, nu vrei.
Între noi nu-i nici tristețe, nici durere,
Suntem conduși de un fir.
Te ține departe, dar totul e la voia noastră,
Așa că nu mă pot despărți de tine.
Se-nvârte repede
Axul zilelor,
Însă nu contează.
Eu sunt foc, tu ești apă,
Unde-s cuvinte, e și cântec.
Unde ești tu - hop și eu,
Ca umbra și lumina.
Eu sunt foc, tu ești apă,
Dar din nou suntem împreună.
Unde ești tu - hop și eu,
Vrei, nu vrei.
Eu sunt apă, tu ești foc,
Unde-s cuvinte, e și cântec.
Unde ești tu - hop și eu,
Ca umbra și lumina.
Eu sunt foc, tu ești apă,
Dar din nou suntem împreună.
Unde ești tu - hop și eu,
Vrei, nu vrei,
Vrei, nu vrei.
Foc și apă, noi mergem împreună,
Din nou toate drumurile duc acasă.
Lasă-mă în libertate,
Oricum nu contează,
Tu ești mereu cu mine.
Eu sunt foc, tu ești apă,
Unde-s cuvinte, e și cântec.
Unde ești tu - hop și eu,
Ca umbra și lumina.
Eu sunt foc, tu ești apă,
Dar din nou suntem împreună.
Unde ești tu - hop și eu,
Vrei, nu vrei.
Eu sunt foc, tu ești apă,
Unde-s cuvinte e și cântec.
Unde ești tu - hop și eu,
Ca umbra și lumina.
Eu sunt foc, tu ești apă,
Dar din nou suntem împreună.
Unde ești tu - hop și eu,
Vrei, nu vrei,
Vrei, nu vrei.


Lovely love love lovely you
I really love you
Lovely love love
It only takes a second to fall in love
Though it's nothing flashy like a drama on TV
It's starting...
We're in different grades and different schools
But I met you
Out of all the people
In the world
I saw you
When our schools
Happened to compete together
Yes, it was love at first sight
Lovely love love lovely you
Is it weird, weird, weird that I love you this much?
But sometimes my stomach aches
Can I handle exams and love at the same time?
And sports...
I skip my own match
To go and see you
Your 400 meter dash
Was under a minute
I won't let even a second get away from me
I take a deep breath
And cheer you on
In everything you do
Lovely love love lovely you
You've gotta, gotta, gotta be strong
I made lemonade this morning
This is my last chance to give it to you
With my letter...
When you're finished warming up
That's my chance
I hope you'll be alone
We've greeted each other
Several times before
But I believe in the future
Good luck!

Mă duc în jos

Stăm în mașină în afara casei tale
Pot simți căldura cum mă cuprinde
Am să-mi pun brațul în jurul tău
Și îmi arăți că sunt în afara limitelor
Ei bine, ai lăsat unul dintre suspinele plictisite
Ei bine, în ultima vreme când îți privesc ochii
Mă duc în jos
Ne îmbrăcăm și ieșim noaptea, iubito
Ajungem acasă arzând de timpuriu, arzând ca în unele lupte cu focul
Sunt bolnav și obosit de tine mă faci să mă simt vinovat
Să mă simt vinovat doar să mă cobor tot mai jos
Te trag aproape, dar când ne sărutăm pot simți o îndoială
Îmi amintesc când am început
Săruturile mele obișnuiau să te transforme pe dinafară
Obișnuiam să te conduc la muncă, dimineața
Vineri seara te-aș fi dus oriunde
Obișnuiai să mă iubești să mă înnebunești
Însă în ultima vreme fată îmi dai lovituri care mă conduc doar în jos

Un Cant de Bauta

Vinu-i el prelins pe buze
Iar dragostea-i ea prelinsa-n cel vaz
Asta-i tot ce-avem noi in cunoastere drept adevar
Inainte de-a ne trece cei ani si noi a pieri.
Eu cel pahar la gura-l duc
Te privesc pe tine si-n suspin ma regasesc

Inimă flămândă

Am o soție și copii în Baltimore, Jack
Am ieșit la plimbare și nu m-am întors niciodată
Ca un râu care nu știe unde curge
Am luat-o pe un drum greșit și am continuat doar să merg
Toată lumea are o inimă flămândă
Toată lumea are o inimă flămândă
Calculează-ți banii și joacă-ți rolul
Toată lumea are o inimă flămândă
Am întâlnit-o într-un bar în Kingstown
Ne-am îndrăgostit dar știam că trebuie să se termine
Am luat ceea ce aveam și l-am rupt în bucăți
Acum sunt aici din nou în Kingstown
Toată lumea are o inimă flămândă
Toată lumea are o inimă flămândă
Calculează-ți banii și joacă-ți rolul
Toată lumea are o inimă flămândă
Toată lumea are nevoie de un loc unde să se odihnească
Toată lumea vrea să aibă o casă
Nu fă nicio diferență e ceea ce nu spune nimeni
Nimănui nu-i place să fie singur
Toată lumea are o inimă flămândă
Toată lumea are o inimă flămândă
Calculează-ți banii și joacă-ți rolul
Toată lumea are o inimă flămândă

Before Tomorrow After Yesterday

Such a lovely night, as if it's brighter.
As if a door is open for tomorrow.
Both with great expectations before tomorrow,
And within the regrets of after yesterday*
Life stops before tomorrow after yesterday when hope ends
Happiness ends freely unless you live, even if you love
It'd be great always sharing with you
Living all the freedoms by your side
Beginning to full up days with you
Passing beyond the eternity with tomorrows and yesterdays
Life stops before tomorrow after yesterday when hope ends
Happiness ends freely unless you live, even if you love

Take a good look around

Deep out of a dream the words shimmer
With a call, fresh as morning,
Carried by your innermost longing
Like an inkling of an inkling,
Like a subterranean song.
Take a good look around on the earth,
Look from blooms to sea and summits,
Feel the fine scents of leaf halls,
Hear nature's secret sounds!
Perhaps it is the final time.

Just Be Friends

Just be friends. All we gotta do
Just be friends. It’s time to say goodbye
Just be friends. All we gotta do
Just be friends, just be friends...
It came to mind yesterday in the early morning
As if I was gathering broken pieces of glass
What even is this? A drop from a cut on my finger
Is this what we really hoped for?
I knew from the bottom of my heart
That the hardest choice would be for the best
My pride refuses it and I keep contradicting myself
When can I ever tell you?
In this rotting world,
I’m struggling, but this is the only way
Carving your faded smiles,
I pulled out the plug
Hoarse screams,
Echoing, ringing distantly in vain
Unclasping these chains
Even when there’s nothing left
Serendipity that used to bring us together over and over again
Turns on us now, shatters, pulls us apart
“No matter what we do, that’s just how life is,” I mumbled,
A tear ran down one of our dry cheeks
All we gotta do Just be friends
It's time to say goodbye Just be friends
All we gotta do Just be friends
Just be friends Just be friends...
Yesterday, a tranquil night made me realize
It’d be useless to pick up fallen petals
When they’ll never bloom again
So fragile, already dead on my palms
Our time stopped long ago
I remember the season we first met,
And your graceful smile
Now, we only bring up the past to pull us farther away, going as far as we can go
Our hearts have become riddled with thorns
Even if it hurts to go on like this,
My heart doesn’t want to change
But I still love you and I still don’t wanna’ go
But I have to tell you—
It’s raining heavily in my heart
Leaving me stunned, scared, my world going hazy
I should be ready,
But the pain still pierces me
The string that had once bonded us
Coming loose, undone, unravelling bit by bit every day
Goodbye, my love, this is as far as we go
There’s no turning back, we have to move on
Just one last time, just one last time
If I could have one wish come true
I’d be born again and again
And I’d take myself back to the old days with you
Hoarse screams
Echoing, ringing distantly in vain
Unclasping these chains
Even when there’s nothing left
The string that had once bonded us
Coming loose, undone, unravelling bit by bit every day
Goodbye, my love, this is as far as we go
There’s no turning back, we have to move on
This is the end
(Just be friends All we gotta do
Just be friends It's time to say goodbye)
Just be friends All we gotta do
Just be friends (Just be friends) It's time to say goodbye
Just be friends (Just be friends) All we gotta do
Just be friends (Just be frien~ds)It's time to say goodbye
Just be friends (~)All we gotta do
Just be friends (~)It's time to say goodbye


В теории мы хорошо, на практике
Вместе мы одни
Жизнь реальная меня бьет
Ты читаете меня как книгу, но не между строк
В теории идет хорошо
Но на практике я не чуствую так
Жизнь реальная жестокая и дождь
Мокрый и солнце с зубами ты даже не знаешь как лгать
Что любишь, не знаешь как лгать
Что любишь, Что любишь, не знаешь как лгать
Ты не знаешь как лгать, не знаешь, не знаешь
Не знаешь как лгать что любишь
Стр. 1-Ирина Римес
Две сигареты, одна после другой, разговор окончивается
Заключение я упускаю, ты мяне хочешь какой-то другой
Я не могу быть такой, я не могу быть такой
Я не играюсь, я не какая-то дилемма
Я такая как есть
Ты не придешь ко мне, чтобы сказать мне, что не так
Кто ты такой, чтобы тебя слушала
Может быть, я испорчена изнутри
Может быть, даже нужно изменить что-то
Но дай мне выбрать, что мне делать лучше
Быть моим боссом, быть моим боссом
Припев - Ирина Rimes
В теории мы хорошо, на практике
Вместе мы одни
Жизнь реальная меня бьет
Ты читаете меня как книгу, но не между строк
В теории идет хорошо
Но на практике я не чуствую так
Жизнь реальная жестокая и дождь
Мокрый и солнце с зубами ты даже не знаешь как лгать
Что любишь, не знаешь как лгать
Что любишь, Что любишь, не знаешь как лгать
Ты не знаешь как лгать, не знаешь, не знаешь
Не знаешь как лгать что любишь
Ул. 2-Нейн
Ведешь себя как сумасшедшая, говоришь, что не говоришь на румынском
Такое напряжеие, девочка, а что останется?
Команда, мы должны быть лучшими друзьями
Что мне делать теперь, скажи мне ты, когда я вижу такие знаки
Делаешь босса, у тебя плохие амбиции и у тебя капризной
Хочешь меня рядом с тобой, но тебе нравитсяь, что я беру тебе одежду.
Нужно производить бумагу, любовь стоит с арендой
Я не хочу от тебя ничего, лишь сочувствия
Я пытаюсь быть реальным с тобой, честно
В любви не все о тебе
Когда у нас сегодня, мне все равно что завтра
У нас есть выбор из миллиона фильмов
Припев - Ирина Rimes
В теории мы хорошо, на практике
Вместе мы одни
Жизнь реальная меня бьет
Ты читаете меня как книгу, но не между строк
В теории идет хорошо
Но на практике я не чуствую так
Жизнь реальная жестокая и дождь
Мокрый и солнце с зубами ты даже не знаешь как лгать
Что любишь, не знаешь как лгать
Что любишь, Что любишь, не знаешь как лгать
Ты не знаешь как лгать, не знаешь, не знаешь
Не знаешь как лгать что любишь

Children May Die, Tomorrow

Children may die, tomorrow
Neither by malaria nor diphteria
Not by falling into abyss
Children may die, tomorrow
Children may die like bearded soldiers
Children may die, tomorrow, beneath the lights of nuke
Neither an inch of bone nor a blood drop
Children may die, tomorrow, beneath the lights of nuke
Without even leaving an ash,
Without leaving anything but their shadows, children may die

Like There Is No Tomorrow

It'll pass one day,
While walking on that old street
As if there is no
Other way or time
I saw him/her
That old neckerchief on the neck
As if it is the end
Eyes became full of tears...
Like there is no tomorrow
Like there is no tomorrow
Drunk again
Drunk again
Like there is no tomorrow
Like there is no tomorrow
Drunk again
Drunk again
He/she approached silently
Threw an irresolute glance
Wanted to speak
Then I heard
He/she desisted from this wicked world
I cried a lot too
And never walked on that street again.
Like there is no tomorrow
Like there is no tomorrow
Drunk again
Drunk again
Like there is no tomorrow
Like there is no tomorrow
Drunk again
Drunk again

A Young, Beautiful and Affectionate Woman

In a struggle between Greeks and Trojans
For Helen, Menelaus' wife
History tells of a wooden horse
That put end to a ten-year-war
Menelaus, the greatest Spartan
Defeated Paris, the great seducer
Humiliating Hector's family
In defense of a wayward honor
A young, beautiful and affectionate woman
Makes a man moan but not from pain
Women have two diamonds in their face
Faithful leaders of her destiny
Those who don't love a female's smile
Ignore Cervante's poetry
The bravery of the great discoverers
Fighting the roaring seas and storms
If women weren't a sweet flower
History would be false
A young, beautiful and affectionate woman
Makes a man moan but not from pain
Virgulino Ferreira, Lampião1
Highwayman of the northeastern woods
Without fear of danger and ruin
Was the king of banditry in the backlands
But one day he felt in his heart
The attractive spell of love
That black girl from the condor's land
Tamed a dangerous beast
A young, beautiful and affectionate woman
Makes a man moan but not from pain
A young beautiful and affectionate woman
Makes a man moan but not from
Moan but not from
Moan but not from
Moan but not from pain


Beloved hypocrites
Now lost and dead
Stand up and brandish
This noble, singing voice
Fairy Empire!
Fairy Empire!
Fairy Empire!
Fairy Empire!
Fairy Empire!
Fairy Empire!
Fairy Empire!
Fairy Empire!
Fairy Empire!
To deceive
Fairy Empire!
Fairy Empire!
I will rewrite
These remaining days
Come to accomplish
And we will shine

Corina, Corina

O iubesc pe Corina, spune lumii că da
O iubesc pe Corina, spune lumii că da
Şi mă rog în fiecare seară să înveţe să mă iubească şi ea pe mine
Corina, Corina
Corina, Corina
Corina, Corina
Ce mult te iubesc!
Oh, draga mea, unde ai fost atâta timp?
Da, draga mea, unde ai fost atâta timp?
N-am iubit pe nimeni cât timp n-ai fost
Corina, Corina
Corina, Corina
Corina, Corina
Ce mult te iubesc!
Am lăsat-o pe Corina departe peste mări,
Doamne, am lăsat-o pe Corina departe, peste mări
Şi de-o vezi pe Corina, trimite-o la mine-acasă...
Corina, Corina
Corina, Corina
Corina, Corina
Ce mult te iubesc!
Corina, Corina
Corina, Corina
Corina, Corina
Ce mult te iubesc!
Dragă, nu ştii
cât de mult te iubesc!
Dragă, nu ştii..