Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 12

Număr de rezultate: 401


The wandering Song

Versions: #2
Naked ground and sand, left and right
The desert grows yellow without a trail
A convoy passes, moving silently
like a wonderful dream imagery
An echo rises and falls rhythmically
Camels pace in a sad scenery.
Lin-Lan Lin-Lan, 'tis the wandering song
Camels pace in a sad scenery.
Naked ground and sand, left and right
The desert grows yellow without a trail
A convoy passes, moving silently
like a wonderful dream imagery
An echo rises and falls rhythmically
Camels pace in a sad scenery.
Lin-Lan Lin-Lan, 'tis the wandering song
Camels pace in a sad scenery.
Left and right, left and right...
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)

The bell of celebration

Right now it's still a secret,
this wonderful party1
This year, very soon we'll ring
the bell which signals that Christmas is here
It'll ne the best celebration
This is the first time I'm dressing up
We forget that time passes
on this day filled with happiness
This is the first Christmas in my life2
Let's open the gates up wide
and celebrate
With love (love)
(and with) blessings,
we'll celebrate Christmas
The bell which announces the beginning of the party
comes very soon
The sound of the bell echoes
in the town of Arendelle
We've been waiting for this moment
We've overcome our tough past
Now, let's put our hearts into it
and ring the bell of celebration
  • 1. 'Right now/at the moment, this wonderful party is still a secret' would be the correct English syntax.
  • 2. I just translated the sentence as it is, but since they both sing it, the meaning may vary: like, Anna has never experienced Christmas in her life but Elsa has, but not together with Anna x)

The bell of celebration (Reprise)

It was when I was still just a child,
father would ring the bell
Together with all the people of Arendelle,
we listened to it
I remember it

I'll Bring You Home

Versions: #2
The waves rock us, but don't sleep
In the morning light, we'll be there
You and I
Look with me for the way home on the horizon
And don't give up
We're strong, you and I
Do you see the distant light?
We're already close
Believe me, we'll be there soon
I'll bring you home
Through a thousand miles of loneliness
I'll bring you home
Even if our way is still so far
Back toward home
Back, where your loved ones are
I'll bring you home
I'll bring you home
Back home
Don't close your eyes, come, look at me
And think about how
I'm here for you alone
If the night creeps in to you and courts you
Don't leave me
We're strong, you and I
Can you see the morning?
It's already close
Believe me, we'll be there soon
I'll bring you home
Through a thousand miles of loneliness
I'll bring you home
Even if our way is still so far
Back toward home
Back, where your loved ones are
I'll bring you home
I'll bring you home
Back home
I'll bring you home
The waves rock us, but don't sleep
In the morning light, we'll be there
You and I
Do you feel the wind?
It moves softly through your hair
So don't give up
We'll be there soon
I'll bring you home
Through a thousand miles of loneliness
I'll bring you home
Even if our way is still so far
Back toward home
Back, where your loved ones are
I'll bring you home
I'll bring you home
Back home
I'll bring you home
I'll bring you home
I'll bring you home
Back home

And we'll always be happy

Like a family,
We must united forever
Because Christmas is approaching
It's very important
And we'll always be happy
And we'll always be happy

To open the holidays

Once upon a time
We used to ring
the bell in the centre of Arendelle, together.
I remember how I used to feel
to open the holidays,
here in our kingdom.

Take me

Hey, can you hear me?
I know you're listening
You won't take your guitar tonight
You'll take me
I, who take it so well,
take it, take it, so well - the light -
In the tender hours, on the grain of my skin
You won't take your car
That's for sure, you'll take me
I who reciprocate your touch so well
In the tender hours
The beast with two backs
Likes to hear the hottest words
Even if I take you too
You, who lie so well
You have me, have me under your spell with a smile
In the hours when my Cadiot trembles
That we're together, even if it's not real
Hey, tonight, you won't take your guitar
Because you're taking me, me...
I'm gonna cry if you leave
Tonight, we're gonna love each other again
Like so many times, when we adore each other
So come on, take me in your arms.

Together celebrating

Long ago,
I can remember,
How that Christmas sounded.
We rang the bell without stopping.
When we were together
Together celebrating.

When we announced the holiday

It was long ago, bells were heard
As they were ringing throughout Arendelle
I remember well how it felt
When we announced the holiday
When we announced the holiday

We were so close

All together in family
We rang the bell
And it used to sound through Arendelle at Christmas
I can remember that as if it would have happened just yesterday
We were so close
We were so close

When the midwinterbell is ringing

There was once a time
The midwinterbell then sounded clear throughout Arendelle
I remember what goes through you
When the midwinterbell is ringing
When the midwinterbell is ringing

Let us start Christmas

At that time they sound the bell
And that reverberated throughout Arendelle
Yes there at that moment, I still see me standing
Let us start Christmas
Let us start Christmas

It was a beautiful day

Long time
We used to ring the bells
We used to hear it in Arendelle
I remember the day we were in it
It was a beautiful day, it was a beautiful day

Reminds that magic

We used to enjoy
And to celebrate together
Ringing the bell at Christmas
There's no a single day when my mind doesn't travel back
And reminds me that magic
And I rekindle that magic

A whole new time

It was long ago, I still know how it was
I heard the bell ring every year
And together we began, full of joy,
A whole new time, like today
A whole new time

We were happy

With mom and dad, we were together.
We all are a family
I remember we smile everywhere.
We were happy.
Now no more.

Dead Leaves

Horseback riding on dad, straddling
You watch the first dead leaves fall
Far from stress, that make our forehead wrinkle
When our innocence puts the key under the door
Since you got here did you know my child laugh
Is ringing again somewhere deep in me
Like an old friend, that I was no longer waiting for
Who comes back to party under my roof
In my head cheering, just like the New Year
A rocking chair, my childhood memories
Hello grandma, Happy New Year big nose
So many emotions since you were born
You know more we grow old, and it is sad
Wonder loses its feathers on the way
But you are a spark, who rekindles my fires
And everything within me that had long gone out
My bursts of laughter in the piles of dead leaves
Merbromin on my little knees
The school where i used my bottom
Slush puppie and the raspberry candies at one cent
All these images, a bit damaged
By my shipwrecks and the weight of the years
Relive under my hat, in the head of dad
Just like the maple syrup time after a long winter
if one day your carefree laugh of a child
Is carried away by tears
By death, or the I should have
Make you for a time lose your illusions
Remember that everything passes by so fast in life
The good and the bad that the wind brings us
And within each of us, hides well buried
Our bursts of laughter in the dead leaves

Atingere umana

Tu si eu eram prefacutii
Am lasat totul sa alunece
Pana la urma ceea ce nu predai
Ei bine lumea doar indeparteaza
Fata,nu exista bunatate in fata strainilor
Nu vei gasi miracole aici
Ei bine iti poti astepta binecuvantarile draga
Dar eu am chiar aici o afacere pentru tine
Eu nu caut rugaciuni sau compasiune
Eu nu vin in cautarea unei carje
Eu doar vreau pe cineva cu care sa pot vorbi
Si un pic din acea atingere umana
Doar putin din acea atingere umana
Nu e mila pe strazile acestui oras
Nu e paine din raiul ceresc
Nimeni nu trage vin din acest sange
Suntem doar tu si eu in noaptea asta
Spune-mi intr-o lume fara compasiune
Crezi ca ceea ce cer este prea mult ?
Eu nu vreau decat ceva de care sa ma tin
Si un pic din acea atingere umana
Doar putin din acea atingere umana
Oh,fata acel sentiment de protectie pretuit de tine
Ei bine vine cu un mare,mare pret
Nu poti evita riscul si durerea
Fara a pierde dragostea ce ramane
Suntem toti pasagerii acestui tren
Deci ai fost franta si ranita
Arata-mi pe cineva care nu a fost
Mda,eu stiu ca nu sunt chilipirul nimanui
Dar la naiba un pic de finisaj
Si un pic de durere...
Ai putea avea nevoie de ceva de care sa te tii
Cand toate raspusurile nu insumeaza prea mult
Cineva cu care doar sa poti vorbi
Si un pic din acea atingere umana
Iubito,intr-o lume fara compasiune
Crezi ca ceea ce cer este prea mult ?
Vreau doar sa te simt in ale mele brate
Si sa impart un pic din acea atingere umana...

Privind la soare

Vara se întinde pe iarbă,
Rochii de vară trec
În umbra unei sălcii
Peste mine ca o reptilă târâtoare,
Peste mine și peste tine,
Lipiți împreună cu adezivul lui Dumnezeu,
(Vara) va fi și mai lipicioasă.
A fost o vară lungă și caldă,
Să mergem sub acoperire,
Nu încerca prea tare să gândești,
Nu gândi deloc.
Nu sunt singurul
Privind la soare,
Speriat de ceea ce vei găsi
Dacă arunci o privire înăuntru.
Nu sunt doar surd și prost,
Privind la soare,
Nu sunt singurul
Fericit să orbească.
În urechea ta este o insectă,
Dacă o zgârii, nu va dispărea,
O să mănânce, o să ardă și o să lovească,
Tu vrei să vezi ce se întâmplă dacă o zgârii.
Valuri care mă lasă de neatins,
Spărgându-ți spatele ca o plajă,
Vom trăi vreodată în pace?
Pentru că aceia care nu o pot face,
Deseori trebuie să o facă,
Iar cei care nu o pot face,
Adesea trebuie să predice
Privind la soare,
Speriați de ceea ce ai găsi
Dacă ai arunca o privire înăuntru.
Nu sunt doar surd și prost,
Privesc la soare,
Nu sunt singurul
Care mai curând ar orbi.
Intransigență peste tot,
Militari încă în oraș,
Armuri placate, costume și legături,
Tati nu va spune doar la revedere,
Arbitrul nu va arunca fluierul,
Dumnezeu este bun, dar va asculta El?
Sunt aproape grozav,
Dar ceva lipsește -
Ce-am lăsat în zona 'dutty free' -
Însă tu niciodată nu mi-ai aparținut cu adevărat.
Nu ești singura
Privind la soare,
Speriată de ceea ce ai găsi,
Faci pasul înapoi.
Nu-mi sug degetul,
Privesc la soare,
Nu sunt singurul
Fericit să orbească
Fericit să orbească
Fericit să orbească
Fericit să orbească
Sunt fericit să orbesc
Fericit, fericit să orbesc.
A ...
Muchas gracias!

Dreamlike holiday is waiting

Anna: I'm also excited, Olaf. Since ancient times it's the first Christmas in Arendelle.
Elsa: And by no means the last
Anna: Elsa, look, here they come!
Anna: These kind folks who we see here,
Surely have no clue about the surprise
And now happiness sheds smile on you,
If our bell jingles merrily
Elsa: Come, dress up today for the celebration!
Olaf: Uh, this is my smartest dress
Elsa: And the meal won't be bad either, it's a dream party/ball,
Where the chime is waiting only for you
Anna: It's a new, dreamlike holiday
Elsa: Because our door is opened
Anna: Yes, it's new, my little heart is trembling
Both: Because the holiday finds us today!
Isn't it a good feeling? Does it affect you too?
Elsa: The sweet Winter mood hugs you
Both: If your soul is already thirsty for the holiday
The bell comes and call you, it's good!
Olaf: Hey, there are Kristoff and Sven! And the Holiday Bell! But why am I so excited about it?
Elsa: Olaf, in Arendelle, the Holiday Bell indicates the beginning of Christmas.
Both: And now the chime asks for silence
In order to be heard by Arendelle!
Elsa: Old problems having passed, (now) we are standing here
Anna: To make up for everything that we couldn't experience!
Both: If the big bell rings, (then) finally dreamlike holiday is waiting for us!
Elsa: Let Christmas begin!

Celebrating the Season (Reprise)

OLAF: I can’t wait!
ELSA: For what, Olaf?
O: For your family tradition! What is it? Tell me, tell me, tell me!
ANNA: Do we have any family tradition, Elsa? Do you remmember?
E: Well... If I can remmember:
I know it’s already passed, on this same day
The times when the Bell in Arendelle could be heard
We were so happy with our parents
Celebrating the Season, celebrating the Season
A: But the Christmas Bell was for the Kingdom. What about us?
E: When the gates were closed, we weren’t together anymore... I’m sorry Anna, it’s my fault that we don’t have a family tradition.
A: Wait, Elsa!

We Welcome the Holiday

So everything's prepared and no one knew
We planned a party as a surprise
The hall will be filled with joyous laughter
And a ringing bell will announce the holiday
The years have passed, it's time to get dressed
I'm so fancy and excited
So we'll celebrate in the castle together, not separately
We hope they'll reward us by dancing
And we'll celebrate for the first time here
Since the gates were opened up
Yes it's today, we'll celebrate here for real
And all of our friends with us
Joy in the castle, joy in our hearts as well
Because the holiday keeps getting closer
And we'll start the party very soon
We wish to invite you in
And now it's time to ring
All around Arendelle
It's finally starting and today it'll happen
And we'll make up today for all that we've missed
With open arms we welcome this holiday

Păpuşă pe frânghie

M-aş mira dacă într-o zi,
vei spune că-ţi pasă,
dacă spui că mă iubeşti nebuneşte,
aş fi bucuroasă acolo
ca o păpuşă pe-o frânghie.
Dragostea e ca un carusel
cu toată distracţia unui bâlci
Într-o zi mă simt la pământ,
apoi sunt sus în aer.
Oare mă mânuieşti?
Oare mâine ai pleca?
Aş câştiga la carusel
şi apoi aş pierde în leagăne
înăuntru sau afară, nu-i niciun dubiu
doar cine trage sforile
sunt legată de tine,
dar unde oare mă duci?
[Refren x2]
Ca o păpuşă pe-o...

Celebrate the Season

ANNA: Wow! Hello!
OLAF: Hello!!!
A: Olaf! Not yet...!
ELSA: Anna’s right. Our surprise party only starts after the Christmas Bell rings.
O: Sorry but waiting is making me crazy! Thank you.
A: I am excited too Olaf! This is the best Christmas Arendelle has ever had.
E: The first of many to come.
A: Elsa! Look! They’re here!
They’re coming, fathers, mothers and sons
They’ll see this party will be awesome
The ballroom will turn special
To Celebrate the Christmas Season
We have to dress to impress
With this matching bow
We’ll toast until the sky darkens
To celebrate the season, you and me
It’s the first Christmas in forever
With the gates wide open
And it’s the first Christmas I remember seeing
And it was worth waiting
Look around, unparalleled day
The joy is really in the air
We’ll guest each and everyone
To celebrate the season, me and you

We'll get the holiday (Reprise)

Well, I remember that...
That holiday, a bell rang
And its sound was heard all around Arendelle
How we all were happy this holiday
When the winter arrived
When the winter arrived

Ring in the Season Bulgarian

Look outside! There's no way
they can know about our plan for Christmas.
Joyful laughter will echo in this winter night
and we'll have a celebration. Splendid!
You're so cute with a lovely new suit.
I haven't been handsomer, have I?
I propose a toast, guests are coming from north and south.
We'll have a celebration here.
It's the first time we'll celebrate.
We're opening the door once again.
Ah, there will be a celebration here for the first time.
And we feel the cheer.
And a wonderful ring (Wonderful ring)
echoes everywhere. (echoes everywhere.)
Christmas magic is sparkling in us.
When dinner begins - come, don't stand!
There's a feast with countless guests.
The moment came again and bells
are ringing boundlessly in Arendelle.
I've been awaiting the magical hour
to warm the hearts after the winter frost.
And everything shines again.
Today we'll have a holiday for us.

It beckons for celebration

A: Do we have a tradition, Elza?
Do you remember such a thing?
E: Well, I remember just that...
It's already an old picture, a big bell rings
This sound resounds with such a brave heart
I do not remember very much else,
Just that it beckons for celebration,
How it beckons for celebration.
A: But the Holiday Bell is the kingdom's (tradition). What is ours?
E: After the closing of the gates, we hadn't been together.
A: Elsa...
E: Forgive me, Anna. We don't have family traditions, because of me.
A: Wait, Elsa...

Ring in the Season (Reprise) Slovene

It was long ago
The bell was playing
And was ringing through Arendelle!
This feeling still today keeps moving me!
There announced the celebration!
There announced the celebration!


Gelidi occhi mi fissano da dietro, come un bianco trifoglio
Continuo a nascondermi
Mi stai sopraffando
Freddi cuori con niente altro dentro, mi sento morto
Non c'é più nulla da dire
Ho il cuore spezzato
Non dirmi che il mio amore non è abbastanza
Non dirmi che il mio cuore non è abbastanza per stare con te
Non vedi che sto morendo dentro?
Non vedi che sto impazzendo a causa tua? Addio, sto tremando
Occhi pieni di lacrimi mi fissano
In questo modo é ancora più dura
Tristi ricordi dal passato, perchè ho sofferto?
Troppo stanco per tirare avanti, ho perso il mio scopo
Continuo a nascondermi da me stesso
Mi sento così inutile
Non dire adesso che non puoi vivere senza di me
Non dirmelo perchè non hai nemmeno provato a stare con me
Non vedi che dentro soffro immensamente?
Non sai quante volte ho pianto a causa tua, addio
Sto tremando
Non dirmi che il mio amore non è abbastanza
Non dirmi che il mio cuore non è abbastanza per stare con te
Non vedi che sto morendo dentro?
Non vedi che sto impazzendo a causa tua? Addio, sto tremando

Story of fishing

A small Gaspesien fisherman
Followed his dad every morning
Fifteen and a half and already has sea legs
Under the glow of an old lantern
Accompanied by the stars
Took off the wind in the sails
Every day his father would tell him
When they pulled up the nets
There are so many fish in the St. Lawrence
That we will have until the end of time
At the end of 40 seasons
The father of reason
Decided to throw the anchor for good
The small Gaspesien fisherman
That was no longer a child
Happily took over for the old man
Like the fishermen from the area
He wanted to expand
Exchanged the old boat for a bigger one
We cannot stop change
The small Gaspesien fisherman
Rolled his hump cheerfully
In the seventies and eighties
And to better run his business
He took his two sons
Just like his dad had with him before
Fishing was booming
It was the time of the great records
They came back every day at low tide
The boat filled with fat cod
Then a blow to the region
Only mist on the horizon
It looked like there were fewer fish
Everywhere we denied the obvious
But the rumor ran in the cove
That one would have overestimated the abundance
Since there are no more cod
And that the catches go down
The scientists shouted: stop there!
It was necessary to impose quotas quickly
Cod will come back soon
Repeated the most optimistic
Even if many were going straight to bankruptcy
Many young people of the town
Discouraged went off in waves
There are no jobs here what do you want us to do?
When we base an economy
All on the same industry
It's like putting your eggs in one basket
We remain surprised when the basket is empty
The small Gaspesian fisherman
Could feel the sadness fill up inside him
When he sees his boys exiled in the distance
Both have dry feet
One in Montreal the other in Quebec
Never again do they smell the oder of kelp
The fish never did return
And his beautiful boat was sold
All thats left is the beautiful landscape
And his memories somewhere at sea

Du-te-n Iad de dragul Raiului

Versions: #2
Pentru numele Lui Dumnezeu, îți vei mușca limba
Înainte să te facem s-o înghiți
Sunt momente ca acesta când tăcerea e de aur
(Iar apoi vorbești)
Nimeni nu vrea să te audă
Nimeni nu vrea să te vadă
Atât de disperat și de patetic
Te implor să mă scutești
De plăcerea companiei tale
(Când ți-au părăsit diamantele oasele?)
Ard fiecare legătură pe care o facem
Te voi privi înecându-te cu inimile pe care le-ai frânt
Sângerez fiecare cuvânt pe care l-ai spus
Du-te-n Iad de dragul Raiului
Ard fiecare legătură pe care o facem
Te voi privi înecându-te cu inimile pe care le-ai frânt
Sângerez fiecare cuvânt pe care l-ai spus
Du-te-n Iad de dragul Raiului
(Du-te-n Iad de dragul Raiului)
Nimeni nu vrea să te audă (Păstrează-ți suflul*)
Nimeni nu vrea să te vadă
Atât de disperat și patetic
Crezi că nimeni nu vede asta
Cred că e timpul să afli adevărul
Ard fiecare legătură pe care o facem
Te voi privi înecându-te cu inimile pe care le-ai frânt
Sângerez fiecare cuvânt pe care l-ai spus
Du-te-n Iad de dragul Raiului
Ard fiecare legătură pe care o facem
Te voi privi înecându-te cu inimile pe care le-ai frânt
Sângerez fiecare cuvânt pe care l-ai spus
Du-te-n Iad de dragul Raiului
Când ți-au părăsit diamantele oasele
Ți-au părăsit oasele
Nu ești un păstor, ești doar o oaie
Un efort combinat al tuturor celor pe care i-ai întâlnit
Propria-ți carne fără oase
Hrănește rechinii cu ele
Și aruncă-le lupilor
Ard fiecare legătură pe care o facem
Te voi privi înecându-te cu inimile pe care le-ai frânt
Sângerez fiecare cuvânt pe care l-ai spus
Du-te-n Iad de dragul Raiului
Ard fiecare legătură pe care o facem
Te voi privi înecându-te cu inimile pe care le-ai frânt
Sângerez fiecare cuvânt pe care l-ai spus
Du-te-n Iad de dragul Raiului
Du-te-n Iad de dragul Raiului
Du-te-n Iad de dragul Raiului
Du-te-n Iad de dragul Raiului
Du-te-n Iad de dragul Raiului