Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 6

Număr de rezultate: 307


You hide that you are jealous

You're jealous without a real reason,
You get a little angry, and then afterwards you kiss me.
You're jealous without a proper reason,
You get a little angry, and then afterwards you ...kiss me!
You hide that you are jealous,
You struggle in vain,
When I look at some other woman,
You tremble and burn.
You hide that you are jealous,
You struggle in vain,
When I look at some other woman,
You tremble and burn!
You listen to all sorts of stories as would some little child,
You get a little angry, so then afterwards you feel sorry.
You listen to all sorts of stories as would some little child,
You get a little angry, so then afterwards you feel ...sorry!
Often, out of spite, I'll look at some other woman,
Because whenever you get angry, then you kiss me more sweetly.
Often, out of spite, I'll look at some other woman,
Because whenever you get angry, then you kiss me more sweetly!

Vreau să

[Versul 1]
Tu ești în mintea mea
Ai fost acolo toată noaptea
Mi-a lipsit să-mi văd regina de la miezul nopții
Vino, ia o băutură
Sau poate trei
Dragă, te voi face următoarea mea victimă
A trecut prea mult ca să petrec noaptea asta singur
Trebuie să aud sunetul dulce al urletelor tale
Vino să dai o tură, dragă nu fii așa rușinoasă
Eu prefer fetele cărora nu le e frică să plângă
Vreau să
Ah ah ah
Să te fac să
Ah ah ah
Tu mă faci să
Ah ah ah
În blugii tăi sexy strâmți (×2)
[Versul 2]
A trecut prea mult ca să mă lași pe cont propriu
Trebuie să aud sunetul dulce al urletelor tale
Vino să dai o tură, dragă, dă-mi coapsele tale
Eu prefer fetele cărora nu le e frică să plângă
Vreau să
Ah ah ah
Să te fac să
Ah ah ah
Tu mă faci să
Ah ah ah
În blugii tăi sexy strâmți (x2)
Vreau să (Ooh)
Ah ah ah
Să te fac să
Ah ah ah
Tu mă faci să (Eu vreau să-ți fac lucruri pe care nu ar trebui să vreau să le fac)
Ah ah ah
În blugii tăi sexy strâmți
Vreau să (Ooh)
Ah ah ah
Să te fac să
Ah ah ah
Tu mă faci să (Eu vreau să-ți fac lucruri pe care nu ar trebui să le fac)
Ah ah ah
În blugii tăi sexy strâmți


Mamă, ia-mi insigna asta,
Nu mai am ce face cu ea
Se face întuneric, prea întuneric că să mai văd
Mă simt ca şi cum aş ciocăni la poarta Raiului.
Cioc, cioc, ciocănind la poarta Raiului
Cioc, cioc, ciocănind la poarta Raiului
Cioc, cioc, ciocănind la poarta Raiului
Cioc, cioc, ciocănind la poarta Raiului
Mamă, aşează-mi armele în pământ,
Nu mai pot trage cu ele,
Norul ăla negru se lasă-n jos,
Mă simt ca şi cum aş ciocănid la poarta Raiului.
Cioc, cioc, ciocănind la poarta Raiului
Cioc, cioc, ciocănind la poarta Raiului
Cioc, cioc, ciocănind la poarta Raiului
Cioc, cioc, ciocănind la poarta Raiului

Rose in the winter

When we met back then
My soul was bitterly cold
Frost gripped my life
My figure appeared gloomy
Frost laid on my temples
Winter stayed all year
When the warmth of old love
Had long since given way to the white in my heart
Rose in the winter, you warm my heart
Rose in the winter, when the snow falls on us
Rose in the winter, you shine for me
Rose in the winter, I love you
You are the rose of my life
You are warm in the cold night
Where only ice and cold live
You have reignited my fire
And on some winter evenings
I’ve cried with you
With the tears came the spring
Winter flees, the ice melts, the sun shines
Rose in the winter, you warm my heart
Rose in the winter, when the snow falls on us
Rose in the winter, you shine for me
Rose in the winter, I love you
When my days grow shorter
And leaves fall from your branches
And the winter is coming, your courage fading
Then I’ll shine in your world
When your lights grow faint
And the cold creeps through your bones
Then I’ll bloom with love, then I’ll be your rose
Rose in the winter, you warm my heart
Rose in the winter, when the snow falls on us
Rose in the winter, you shine for me
Rose in the winter, I love you
Rose in the winter, you warm my heart
Rose in the winter, when the snow falls on us
Rose in the winter, you shine for me
Rose in the winter, I love you

Rose Marthe's Love

Mom I love you, love
So many war wounds, so many wounds from father to son
I'll only know a third of them, you get tense from the pain in your neck
From your flesh, you did my flesh, from my flesh, I did your flesh, son
I'm afraid of ruining things, of losing my nerves, I'm risking it
God Bless, Hamdoullah, thank you, in the name of the Father, and of the Son
The nigga's rich and famous, also, he's got an appointment for his taxes
No, I never cry, I hide my sorrows, deep down, I'm sad
Life in the game is hard, mom, I smoke and give in to vices
I'm not really the same, I've spread my hate all the time
Pink nigga keeps speaking with a bad breath, slowly
When mom passed away, even if I saw her, I was saddened
I realized my presence was worth more than my money (yeah)
Doctor says it's the end, I call him of a son of a bitch, I'm panicking
High, I don't know what to do, I think of you six feet under, I'm shivering
Dad says 'it'll be alright' but his tears already poured in the urgency ward
I say 'see you tomorrow' but, in your stare, the struggle is over
Mom, I love you (eh), Mom, I love you, love, love
Mom, I love you, love (eh), Mom, I love you, love
Mom, I love you (eh), Mom, I love you, love, love
Mom, I love you, before God, even though I never said it in front of you
Mom, I love you (eh), Mom, I love you, love, love
Mom, I love you, love (eh), Mom, I love you, love
Mom, I love you (eh), Mom, I love you, love, love
Mom, I love you, before God, even though I never said it in front of you
I don't know why this nigga doesn't like me (no, no)
When I fail, he says it's my fault, when I succeed, he says it's God (yeah)
One million, two, three, I wish I could see you like before
I'm on the sidewalk, stoned, hopefully it's not too late
Why are you crying ? No, why are you crying ? No, no, no
Don't worry about us, I have money for an eternity
In the hospital, I saw : friends, you had very few
Mom, it's hard, you forget about yourself too much for selfish sons of bitches
A diamond heart, a full-time worker, is what I'll remember of you
Sulfur fills you with hate, journalists are in too, only for sob stories
Why are they here ? Yes, I'm hateful, to your funeral, they shouldn't go
Hello, son? Aunty here, we know each other from Adam but no longer from Eve
Evil guy turned famous, it was a big room, not a small one, and I didn't see you, no, no, no
Yet, everyone had her number, now, they're screaming 'God be praised', fuck you all
I say 'see you tomorrow' in the urgency ward, but in your stare, the struggle is over
Mom, I love you (eh), Mom, I love you, love, love
Mom, I love you, love (eh), Mom, I love you, love
Mom, I love you (eh), Mom, I love you, love, love
Mom, I love you, before God, even though I never said it in front of you
Mom, I love you (eh), Mom, I love you, love, love
Mom, I love you, love (eh), Mom, I love you, love
Mom, I love you (eh), Mom, I love you, love, love
Mom, I love you, before God, even though I never said it in front of you

At the EFEE protest

The square was full of the the meaning that the fires seem to have.
At the corners, in the streets, full of comrades, workers, students
And you shining in the middle of the crowd,
and you were, my light, a dark red flake in a fiesta
A fiesta i've never seen before in my humble life.
The square was empty and crazy as i was from the love bites, like a dog
with my protest slogans torn, i am poured into love for you
I'm looking for you in the lecture hall, in the hallways and in the streets,
asking for information and material
To light up the reasons for my longing,
The square is full and something from your face still survives
in the fight of the comrade, in the agony of this country for life,
in the children and the workers, the civilians, the soldiers,
in the signs and in the sound of the trigger
The protest is on fire and everything becomes apparent.

Red Roses

Red roses for you
I bought tonight
and your heart knows
what I want from you.
One does not die from love
and I don't know how to explain it
because I am dying for you.
Ever since I left you
it will be because I was wrong
but I live for you.
And now there is no longer a road
that won't take me back,
my love, you know why.
In the heart of my heart,
I have no one other than you.
Perhaps in love roses
are no longer used
but these flowers
can speak to you of me.
Red roses for you
I bought tonight
and your heart knows
what I want from you.
One does not die from love
but the one who feels alone
does not know how to live anymore.
Hoping for the last time,
tonight I bought
red roses for you.
The road of memories
is always the longest,
my love, you know why.
In the heart of my heart,
I have no one other than you.
Perhaps in love roses
are no longer used
but these flowers
can speak to you of me.
Red roses for you
I bought tonight
and your heart knows
what I want from you.

Lacrimile din septembrie

Pe străzile orașului înghețat,
demachiate de vântul iernii,
singură, fără busola mea.
Pierdută, ca atâția alți figuranți,
în acest oraș de film în alb și negru,
am fost paralizată, iar ploaia m-a trezit.
Nu-mi spune nimic, trebuie să tăcem,
cuvintele de dragoste îngheață iarna.
Nu e nimic de spus, nimic de înțeles...
Când lumina de septembrie sosește,
trebuie să ne iubim fără întârziere,
și să ne iubim măcar până când începe vara ce vine.
În orașul inundat de zgomot,
singură pe lume, am leșinat.
Lacrimile tale m-au trezit,
m-am regăsit în ele.
Nu-mi spune nimic, trebuie să tăcem,
cuvintele de dragoste îngheață iarna.
Nu e nimic de spus, nimic de înțeles...
Când lumina de septembrie sosește,
trebuie să ne iubim fără întârziere,
și să ne iubim măcar până începe vara ce vine.
Nu-mi spune nimic, trebuie să tăcem,
cuvintele de dragoste îngheață iarna.
Nu e nimic de spus, nimic de înțeles...
Când lumina de septembrie sosește,
trebuie să ne iubim fără întârziere,
și să ne iubim măcar până începe sfârșitul.
Când lumina de septembrie sosește,
care dă lucrurilor un gust de scrum,
închide ochii și mai ales nu spune nimic,
voi șterge universul pentru tine.
E atât de frig, nu pleca...
Și hai să bem din nou lacrimile din septembrie.

Word Processor

Versions: #1
Caught in a blackout membrane.
Liberation movement for the
sensitivity that'd severed all brain activity, path to recapture.
The consequent solitary armed uprising.
With regards to whether to live or die,
counting backwards from the end, it's a suburban memento mori.
An alley of shuttered down shops, iron bridge on the outskirts of the city,
the spirits of our ancestors always stand watch.
My secondhand car keeps making a hundred thousand kilometers
worth of round trips on a highway from each word to the next.
If I keep nursing my dreams unfulfilled at the beach,
then even those will finally be seen through to the end.
If you are to bury my bones, then let it be in my hometown.
But the final resting place of my words is right here.
Ten years later, a hundred years later,
I'm confident that they're seeds that will bud somehow or another.
I sing the songs we were told not to sing.
I scream the words we were told not to speak.
It must be a passion strong enough to burn
those tears of defeat we once shed.
I glared at tomorrow as if to say 'Like I'd let it end here,'
and desperately shot down my impulse of annoyance.
Without calling it hope, what is it to be called?
Reality and fantasy weigh equally
and become a lead downpour. From the hole it opened in that chest
I can see your faded thing called tomorrow.
The word processor that kept speaking in mathematical formulas.
Even the shortest little line ripped out and thrown away,
now that some years have passed
at last it bores into even rock-like despair.
I sing the songs we were told not to sing.
I scream the words we were told not to speak.
It must be a passion strong enough to burn
those tears of defeat we once shed.
I glared at tomorrow as if to say 'Like I'd let it end here,'
and desperately shot down my impulse of annoyance.
Without calling it hope, what is it to be called?
I sing the songs we were told not to sing. My head spins.

Trandafir şi micşunea

Cel pios ce se ruga,
Cel ateu instigator,
Amândoi o adorau
Pe frumoasa vieţii lor.
Amândoi s-o scape vor
De sub arma ce-o robea,
Cel spre cer năzuitor,
Cel ce nu se închina.
Cine urcă spre zăvor,
Jos la porţi cine pândea,
Cel cu ruga râvnitor,
Cel ce-n rugă nu credea.
Ori chemi ceru-n ajutor,
Ori te-ajuţi cu vrerea ta,
Drumul lor amânduror
O lumină-l lumina.
Cel ce se-nchina cu dor,
Cel ce-n rugă nu credea,
Unică iubirea lor
Ca-ntr-o inimă ardea.
Asta zic, atâta vor,
Să trăiască veşnic ea,
Cel în rugi stăruitor,
Cel ce nu se închina.
Când dă focul în ogor,
Doar smintiţii pot mai sta,
Ei doar se mai pot certa
În prăpădul arzător.
Unul cerului dator,
Altul nu se închina,
Straja negrii închisori
De pe ziduri detuna.
Armele de două ori
Trag de sus cine-o cădea —
Cel cu ruga râvnitor,
Cel ce-n rugă nu credea.
În cătuşe, sub zăvor,
Partea cui e mai sadea,
Şobolanul rozător
Sau îngheţul pe podea.
Cel ce se ruga cu dor,
Cel ce-n rugă nu credea,
Una este soarta lor
Şi durerea lor cea grea.
Ceasul crunt bătu de zor,
Viaţa ambii să şi-o dea,
Cel cu ruga-n ajutor,
Cel ce-n rugă nu credea.
Şi trăia-n credinţa lor
Al ei nume ca o stea,
Din acelaşi sfânt izvor
Darnic sângele mustea.
Un fecior e un fecior
De credea, de nu credea,
Sângele amânduror
Glia dragă îl sorbea.
Ca în anul viitor
Tămâioasa rod să dea
De la cel cu-al rugii dor,
De la cel ce nu credea.
Amândoi să treacă-n zbor
Din Bretania-n Jura,
Vor fi roade, fi-vor flori,
Tril de greier va cânta.
Cântaţi fluiere, viori
Dorul lor care ardea,
Ciocârlii, privighetori,
Trandafir şi micşunea.

Blood and roses

Impetuous rivers
divide my heart
into lands of hate
and lands of love
Blood and roses
here is the path
red for what's fake
red for what's true
Show me the world
the right tributary
the proof named,
named, named
someone hears me
Show me the world
the right tributary
the proof named,
named, named
someone hears me
An impetuous sea
divides my heart
Into the lands of hate
into the lands of love.
Choose the beach
touch the rose
And untill the morning, untill the morning
be my wife
Show me the world
The right tributary
the proof that loves, who loves, who loves
who loves doesn't lie
Show me the world
The right tributary
the proof that loves, who loves, who loves
who loves doesn't lie
Impetuous rivers
divide my heart
into lands of hate
and lands of love
here is the path
red for what's fake
red for what's true
Show me the world
The right tributary
the proof that loves, who loves, who loves
who loves doesn't lie


I am asking you to forgive me,
To release me like a bird into the sky.
I am asking you to forgive me,
Today, once and for all.
“I love you” - you said to me,
And the flowers in the garden heard that,
I will forgive you, but what if the flowers
Won’t be ever able to do so.
And the memories, they are sacred,
Like a gleam of the exalted flame,
Forgiveness, forgiveness -
Don’t ask for forgiveness of me now...
I can forgive you,
And let you fly like a song in the sky.
I can forgive you,
Today, once and for all.
Yesterday, you answered: “Yes”,
And water in the river heard that.
I will forgive you, but what if the river
Won’t be ever able to do so.
And the memories, they are sacred,
Like a gleam of the exalted flame,
Forgiveness, forgiveness -
Don’t ask for forgiveness of me now...
And the memories, they are sacred,
Like a gleam of the exalted flame,
Forgiveness, forgiveness -
Don’t ask for forgiveness of me now...

I Come from San Rosendo

Carmela! Carmela!
You're arriving in the city
With a smiling face...
Oh, such happiness!

I come from
To live in the city.
Down there we lead very healthy lives,
But nothing ever happens.
Carmela from San Rosendo
Has arrived in the city.
Down there they lead very healthy lives,
But nothing ever happens...

People work all day long,
They go to bed right at sunset
And, as soon as the dawn appears,
We start working all over again!
Ah... I come from San Rosendo
To live in the city!
Carmela! Carmela!
You're arriving in the city
With a smiling face...
Oh, such happiness!

They have told me that here, in ,
People work next to nothing
And the men tell you lovely things
If you go all tarted up...
They have told you that here, in Santiago,
People work next to nothing
And the men tell you lovely things
If you go all 'tarted up'...

Down there, whenever you dress up
To be the centre of attention,
A really nasty
And gives you a great, big shove!
Ah... I come from San Rosendo
To live in the city!
Carmela! Carmela!
You're arriving in the city
With a smiling face...
Oh, such happiness!

Carmela! Carmela!
You're arriving in the city
With a smiling face...
Oh, such happiness!

  • 1. In Chile, a huaso is roughly the equivalent of an American cowboy.

Polka-dot dress

You wear a simple polka-dot dress
You're like a cat from the 'Cats'
And the pigeons ask people for some bread
To spare, spare, spare, spare
You're like a lady with a dog
Into a pack to get a smoke
From here in the sea the ship will rock
And how are all our ships over there?
Golden city, the sky is bright and blue
I feel so good to be with you
I'm so empty inside, if you knew
I'm so empty,
Like a white buoy on the Black sea waves
Take a kiss for yourself as a keepsake
Group of boys playing with a puppy
And floating neon and guppies
Today I want to be so stupid
Fly away a banknote in exchange
And you and I, like in 'Assa'
Standing near the Yalta bypass
The belt in the recorder didn't last
Did I expect these changes?
Golden city, the sky is bright and blue
I feel so good to be with you
I'm so empty inside, if you knew
I'm so empty,
Like a white buoy on the Black sea waves
Take a kiss for yourself as a keepsake
And the sun was hot as metal
And the seagull sang: 'I'm the seagull'
And the fate pretended it's 'Dunno' and dull
But we bought a bottle of wine and cheese
And the summer was snub-nosed and hot
And the hair smelled like apricot
We looked askance at sherry we bought
But we did not see the bottom in this...
Golden city, the sky is bright and blue
I feel so good to be with you
I'm so empty inside, if you knew
I'm so empty,
Like a white buoy on the Black sea waves
Take a kiss for yourself as a keepsake

Out of defiance

What I accomplished out of defiance,
grew in full splendor over night
and was - spoiled by rain.
What I sowed out of love,
arose steadily, matured late
and is blessed.


I blossomed white with no color
But now I'm being colored by you
For a while, there was no meaning to my blooming days
But in the end, dreams come true
Those typical words that everyone's the same
Spill out as rain and disappears
Without any hope, I'm blossoming alone
But I'm not lonely, it's what I chose
I'm the color that remains in your memory
The name that has withered and faded, oh tell me
Promise me a miracle that's only for me
Even if I'm forgotten with the fallen flower petals
That name is still so aromatic
Always remain, rose blue
I try to erase the spreading scent
But the more I erase, the more it spreads
So I'm just living with it, just getting used to it
Adding the present to the colors of the past to make the future
Yesterday's bright season that has passed I'm cherishing in my heart
It's getting farther away, my shining days
All of the past, red days that seep in
Scatter with the slowly blowing breeze
Now I can finally color my own world
It's not wrong, it's my choice
I'm the magical color that fills you
Shining and dazzling, oh rose blue
Can't compare with anyone else, just me
I'm falling into myself
Even the fallen petals are beautiful
Even without a name, it remains in my memories
I'm the color that remains in your memory
The name that has withered and faded, oh tell me
Promise me a miracle that's only for me
Even if I'm forgotten with the fallen flower petals
That name is still so aromatic
Always remain, rose blue

Trandafir Mexicali

Trandafir Mexicali nu mai plînge
La tine voi reveni într-o zi însorită
Fiecare noapte vei știi că zac
Fiecare oră al unui an timp voi fi plecat
Sterge-ți acele ochi căprui mari si zîmbește-te, draga
Alungă-ți lacrimile și te rog să nu suspini
Sărută-mă încă o dată și îmbrățișează-mă
Trandafir mexicali, adio (2x)

Sentimental Stories

Is it in order to offer?
Is it by love,
or just for a laugh?
Is it for you?
Is it in order to seduce?
Is it forever,
or is it only to say
just a sweet word?
I sell roses.
I sell roses—
sentimental stories.
People talk to us,
dreaming of something else,
dreaming of sentimental stories.
Is it in order to offer?
Is it in order to pack it?
Do I deliver it to you?
Do you turn the page?
Finally, in order to finish,
do you need to water?
Do you have to say it
in order to tell you something else?
I sell roses.
I sell roses—
sentimental stories.
People talk to us,
dreaming of something else,
dreaming of sentimental stories.
I sell roses.
I sell roses—
sentimental stories.
People talk to us,
dreaming of something else,
dreaming of sentimental stories.


Enveloped in darkness
my lips trembled in pain
I cried so much because of your words
it did not matter how much I struggled
so many promises I heard
[Unintelligible] I don't believe in anything
There is no solution
I only have left to pray to god
to tear out this love from my soul
I need your love. I'm a broken rose.
you stripped this flower and now
you left me with no path to follow
I need your love. I'm a broken rose.
Only you bring me back faith
with your voice
if you sing for me
I wanna need your love...
I'm a broken rose
I wanna need your love...
You have become an obsession
I look for you in dreams and the pain
breaks me when I see you again
I avoid being close to you
with fear of losing control
It is so hard not to love you
There is no salvation
only fear in your heart
This rose died today
I need your love. I'm a broken rose.
Incapable of forgetting you, I felt
less alive away from you
I need your love. I'm a broken rose.
Only you bring me back faith
with your voice
if you sing for me
I want to have you my love
I'm a broken rose.
I wanna need your love...
I need your love. I'm a broken rose.
you stripped this flower and now
you left me with no path to follow
I need your love. I'm a broken rose.
Only you bring me back faith
with your voice
if you sing for me
I want to have my love
I'm a broken rose.
I wanna need your love...

8. Oh, the dew in the leas

Oh, the dew in the leas
Just marvels
When Bahareh passes
In the Sun
Of the Big Persian fields
And wakes up
To her freshness that passes,
For, what could the dew do ?
to address
This issue ? what advice
To give to the Persian
White-complexioned diaphanous
And peach-like skinned fairy ?
THe great Persian mornings
Better than the fresh dew itself ?
Neither bees
Nor trellises
Ever Saw such great softness
Go by in white mornings
In the Iranian fields.
And the shy, so shy dew
Wishes she could dare
Ask the lovely beauty
How it could have its share
Of her cast and her Sheen
But, alas, indifferent,
THe beauty just walks by
In the dawn of Iran,
So beautiful each morn
More beautiful, Always more beautiful,
THe daughter of the Sun.
To Bahareh Tajfirouz.


Against the dark we’re [fighting]
Don’t be afraid, now we’re [smiling]
On the path we believed in we’re [running]
Don’t hesitate, go on
Even if it’s wrong, it’s [all right]
Even if it’s not right it’s [ok]
Break the absurdities
I’m here now and I’m alive
[BLACK] I’m full of anxieties
[SHOUT] As the ABC of the world
[BLACK] Together with annoyance
Is stealing my freedom
[BLACK] A monochromatic rain
[SHOUT] Hid the world
[BLACK] And the sky sunk with a laugh
Obstacles like [jealousy]
Shake it off that [impulse]
Because I want [instinct]
To take back my true colors…!
Even if tomorrow will be [missing]
Even if it’s a dead end where we’re [going]
Use your hands for [breaking]
And clearing the passage
Use your frozen body and [get up]
Embrace it strongly [stacking]
Step forward with resolution
Go and get the dream you want to fulfill right now!
[BLACK] I hate what’s ordinary
[SHOUT] Don’t you do the same things
[BLACK] Every single day?
That’s not true!
[BLACK] Make your voice louder
[SHOUT] Answer with what you think
[BLACK] That’s more important than sighing
I won’t be deceived [again and again]
By temptations [illusions]
Touched, my heart [frigid]
Started to beat passionately
Freed from [hinder]
Bonds, I now [relight]
I don’t want to [don’t go]
Become a liar
Stop relying on others and [begin]
Make it your power [wake up]
Your shining figure
Grabs the future with the palm, determined
Your trembling gaze [imprint]
As if protecting it [even more]
I fastened it firmly [tightly]
And I’ll tie it with courage
Even if tomorrow will be [missing]
Even if it’s the end where we’re [going]
Use your hands for [breaking]
And clearing the passage
Use your frozen body and [get up]
Embrace it strongly [stacking]
Step forward with resolution
Go and get the dream you want to fulfill right now!


Who will remember me
when I go?
Not the sparrows
that I feed,
not the poplar
outside my window,
not the North Park,
my green neighbor.
My friends will
be sad for an hour or so
and forget me.
I will rest
in the body of the Earth.
It will transform me
and forget.

You Are Still Here

You are still here.
Throw your fear
into the air.
your time will be up,
the sky will grow
under the grass,
your dreams will fall
into nothingness.
the carnation is fragrant,
the thrush sings,
you may still
give away kind words,
you are still here.
Be what you are.
Give what you have.

Nothing Lasts

Days come and go,
everything remains as it is.
Nothing remains as it is
and shatters like porcelain.
You try
to glue the shards together
to form a vessel
and cry
because it doesn't work.

The Angel Within You

The angel within you
rejoices over your
weeps over your darkness.
From its wings rustle
words of love,
caresses of poetry.
It guards
your way.
Steer your step


At the corner of an alley, there's a flower bed
(Unidentified crying infant)
Mistakenly flourishing in its light
(Collapsed iron heart)
Where should you slumber tonight,
Without knowing the meaning of justice and wicked?
You've been thrown in heaven, then fell to hell
When you were raised in the abyss
The entangled, glass smoke fragrance brings peace and death
Along with the shiver of a finger
Go bloom IRON ROSE
Your hair flows down to your waist
(A pathetic smile of determination for a epaulet)
Swaying in such a gleaming sigh
(One apathetic, rare tradition)
I do not need God's absence with me
In this city of desolate corpses
Lonely, you stare at the moon, inspiring your shrinking heart
If you let fear flow in your body
These burning, crimson eyes are proof to be able to survive the darkness
You believe in aesthetics that penetrate your heart
Go bloom IRON ROSE
You've been thrown in heaven, then fell to hell
When you were raised in the abyss
The entangled, glass smoke fragrance brings peace and death
Along with the shiver of a finger
Go bloom IRON ROSE
Fly away IRON ROSE


Our relationship that became knotted
It happened, even though I want to turn back
But still, I want just one of you
Always to you, All in my baby
I need a doctor give me medicine
All the vaccines are nthing
I everyday, jumping dream is perfect, the wonderful photo to you
Everyday minute minute is
too fast, Running running
To me, burning, burn the fire like an arsonist
Even to the long road, I'll be fine you baby my love
Without pride, the flower that I only look
Love love, let loose to the wind, wind
Towards you, shoot
I fell in love again, even that moon shines us
I just only for you love you love you love you
My heart is still Lonely lonely alone oh no
I don't wanna go back
Don't this time be wasted, I don't give up
Stay with me baby, I'm you, you're me
So that we become like each other
The bell rings again, Like tinkerbell
My heart is stolen, My broken heart
Negative for me no no, the sound for me
Right now, the heart filled sound of celebration, Ye ye
Girl I wanna be (Girl I wanna be)
It's so obvious Bee (It's so obvious Bee)
You keep blooming, endure under me
I don't change my road (Long road)
The road that light up for you (Give love)
No one can change color, my heart Like balloon
I hope you're the same as me
Even to the long road, I'll be fine you baby my love
Without pride, the flower that I only look
Love love, let loose to the wind, wind
Towards you, shoot
I fell in love again, even that moon shines us
I just only for you love you love you love you
My heart is still Lonely lonely alone oh no
I don't wanna go back
Don't this time be wasted, I don't give up
Stay with me baby, I'm you, you're me
So that we become like each other
Is it my greed that I fill you up in the empty space of my heart
I get intoxicated by the strong, strong scent of flowers, difficulty breathing
If it's like this, my perspective becomes difficult, it's too chaotic, all life
Even though I struggle miserably, I don't look at myself, alone
Countless times, again rewind (wild)
I get lost, roughly, when I fall again
So what, I go towards you
I fell in love again, even that moon shines us
I just only for you love you love you love you
My heart is still Lonely lonely alone oh no
I don't wanna go back
Don't this time be wasted, I don't give up
Stay with me baby, I'm you, you're me
So that we become like each other


Stay, little star light
The fireflies leading me
Take take me with you
Inside your breathtaking gaze
The moonlight shining
I find my way
Slowly come closer to me
With the flashlight showing
Follow the light
With the pouring shooting stars
I wanna be red
Just like the burning fire in front of me
I wanna be red
Just like the sky painted in red
I don’t care
I wanna be
Stay, up above the clouds
The flowers bloom like paradise
Dance move your body
Fly like you’re dreaming
The moonlight shining
I find my way
Slowly come closer to me
With the flashlight showing
Follow the light
With the pouring shooting stars
I wanna be red
Just like the burning fire in front of me
I wanna be red
Just like the sky painted in red
I don’t care
I wanna be
In this road I walk alone
I want to shine in this darkness
Throw your sticks and stones
So what if we’re different from others
Don’t mind anything
I wanna be red
Don’t care what anyone says
I don’t wanna be dead
I wanna spread high above like fire
I just wanna be

Goodbye planet Earth

Every Sunday I descend into the cellar,
I grab a screwdriver and start to build a space ship,
I add a turbine to the engine,
to the radiator, a timing belt
I paint wings on the rudder
and protect the fuselage with the asbestos plates.
I pour fuel into the tank,
I load first aid supplies,
I secure along tea and bread,
I fasten safety belt and helmet strap fastener,
I turn fuel valve open
I feed spark to the ignition engine
I set my cell phone into the airplane mode,
and blast myself to the winds of sky.
Goodbye planet Earth,
I depart to greet my creator.
Goodbye, comrade Stalin.
goodbye, Noah ark,
goodbye, African savanas
goodbye, emperor Nero
goodbye, the third reich,
goodbye, radioactive rays
goodbye, the Pacific ocean
goodbye, Egyptian pyramids
goodbye, internet
goodbye, babushka
goodbye, Pontius Pilatus
goodbye, subway stations of Moscow
goodbye, Jules Verne
goodbye, illuminati
goodbye, cash machines
goodbye, father Sun
goodbye, Mao's red book
goodbye, seventh continent
goodbye, Ural rowan
goodbye, Alla Pugatšova


Lennart can't ride a bike, Lennart has difficulties.
There's something wrong with his balance, oh-oh.
When Lennart bikes everything's askew.
It's chafing and careening, and wobbling lightly.
That's the way it's been since Lennart was a kid,
his coordination has never been fleet.
Oh, Lennart has bad motor-skills,
poor Lennart he struggles and toils!
Lennart has bad motor-skills,
against his condition nothing helps.
Oh, Lennart has bad motor-skills,
Lennart has a wife since many years back,
but they have no kids and will probably none get.
Because as night comes along and the courtship begins,
Lennart has difficulties and always aims wrong.
That's the way it's been since Lennart's debut.
He was at full mast, but never took sail1.
Oh, Lennart has bad motor-skills,
poor Lennart he struggles and toils!
Lennart has bad motor-skills,
against his condition nothing helps.
Oh, Lennart has bad motor-skills,
Lennart went to a factory, and
asked them to make motor-skills.
The director said: 'Here we only make tripods.'
Then Lennart pulled out his knife,
and thrust it into the director's body.
He though, but he soon found out
that he'd thrust it into another man.
Thrust it into another man.
Oh, Lennart has bad motor-skills,
poor Lennart he struggles and toils!
Lennart has bad motor-skills,
against his condition nothing helps.
Oh, Lennart has bad motor-skills,
  • 1. 'krut i brallan' is an idiom for conveying that one is horny or has a high libido

Pink Cherry and White Apple Blossoms

When we used to play hopscotch—
pink cherry and white apple blossoms—
I thought I would die of love
while hugging her.
With her looks of a young lady—
pink cherry and white apple blossoms—
she had attracted
my heart of a child.
A branch of a cherry tree
from her garden caressed
a branch of an old apple tree
that flourished in mine.
To see their nodes intertwined
like a spring bouquet
made us think
of doing the same.
And it is thus with the new flowers—
pink cherry and white apple blossoms—
we one evening climbed the short ladder
to our fifteen years.
If this story is eternal,
to find out the ending,
learn from it the refrain
to our fifteen years.