Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 6

Număr de rezultate: 459


Everything is hidden in you

You're heavy by the gravity
But light as you wing...
You're alive as your heart beats
And young as your eyes can see the distant...
You're good as much as you love
But bad as much as you hate...
No matter what colour eyes and eyebrows you have,
Your colour is just as she senses...
Don't take your past as a fat profit,
You're near to your last as much as you've lived.
No matter how long you live,
Your life is as long as you love...
You're happy as much as you can laugh.
Don't worry and know that you'll laugh as much as you've cried.
Never think that everything's over,
You'll be loved as much as you love.
The nature values you by the sunrise
And you're human as much as you value her.
If you'll deceive someday,
Let her believe you as much as she depends on you.
As the moonlight keeps the longing for your lover,
You're close to her as much as you long for her.
Don't forget that you're wet as much as it rains
And hot as much as the sun heats you.
You're alone as much as you feel alone
And strong as much as you feel strong.
You're beautiful as much as you feel beautiful...
Here is the life!
Here is the living!
You live as long as you remember this
And you feel cold with every breath you take,
You are forgotten as fast as you forget her.
A flower is beautiful as long as it's watered
Birds are cute as long as they can sing
And a baby is a baby as long as it cries.
And you know as much as you learn

Seslenen Adam - If I didn't exist - ft. Kaptan H. Davran

Seslenen Adam
I have collected poems inside me for you.
Hoping to be wrong one day, like every poet.
I kept a home from you inside myself.
The paint is damaged and all cracked 1+1, like us
If put together it makes two maybe. But no one dares to put it together the night before
What was I saying?
Inside myself I was planning a vacation.
Black panoramic view all around.
All around, two wounded hand palms that cannot hod a prayer.
You're right, I also said it last night.
The poetry is over since quite a lot.
Kaptan H. Davran
I'm having a heavy head
thoughts collapse, I can't synthesize, there is darkness in me
I can't trust your word, even if it's a lie
it would be a shadow hiding in my majesty
while watching my reflection I say to my self calm your rage. Here you are: am I alone while drawing my path my illusions pop up, I hide behind my hate
a ruin full of empty rooms and a heart full of dreams
your staying or going it's a world filled up with my excuses
the problem turns into a secret question in a forced assembly
cemre-amber fell on the ground, the corpse remains in the assembly
whenever I was right my hate was on the sieve
I listened to what you said and when you were saying it my heart burnt
I gave an ultimatum to a poem that was already over since long ago
when i was left alone my voice was my close friend
my songs are the one of a fighting soul
when my sorrow comes out if I don't scribble in the absence of love I die
don't think at all that I am in a contemplation mood
don't forget it: it's not about you leaving. If I didn't exist, poetry would die.
Seslenen Adam
Dont' forget it: it's not about you leaving. If I didn't exist, poetry would die.
I gave you a concert inside myself.
In my poems I held songs.
I applauded you until my heart exploded.
Look at that, I said “you” again.
One day I'm telling you I will say “Me”
But now I must go.
The fact is that I would love to stay longer with my words but it has become late.
A cab will pick me up here, excuse me there I meant, it will take me far away from you, it will come in a little bit.
Maybe I will not take the cab but from sure I will go far away from you
Kaptan H. Davran
wait, it came, it's the heart that, it's coming, shut up
think, wait, that's life, it won't go
staying it's hard, that's my life, without borders
without no plan, is the pure left without rules?
if the heart is sullen my light has no hope

I understood

All this time what you were trying to tell me I realized when I had found myself..
Everyone has different ways to be happy
I realized when I had found my way..
Life was learnt by living only, not by reading or listening
I realized when you did not tell me what you know..
Every day was a lost day if you dont have love in your heart
I realized why you had run after love like mad..
When the pain is so strong, no tears come from eyes, they say
I realized why you never cried..
They say making a crying one smile is more valuable than crying with him
I realized when you had transformed my tears into a smile..
They say anybody can break your heart but only the most loved one can hurt
I realized when you hurt me so much..
But, they say, beloved one deserves every single drop of tear you shed
I realized when my joy had left together with tears..
It was not 'not lying', but, not 'hiding the truth' was the real gift
I realized when you had placed your hand on my heart..
Being able to say 'I need you. come now' was the real power
I realized when I had said to you 'go' ..
Love was being able to say 'I want you to stay' when someone said to you 'go'
I realized when I was told to go and I had gone..
My love for you was like a kid crying like a baby when he fell
I realized when it had grown up and had wrapped me tightly..
They say regret is not apoligizing it is wanting to scream 'forgive me'
I realized when I really had regretted
And, they say pride is a mask for losers for weak hearts full of love dont have pride
I realized when I had found love in my heart..
One who wants desperately , does not wait, only expects to be forgiven one day
I realized when I had wanted you to forgive me desperately..
Love was an endeavour, and the endeavour was to love such a way you could never abandon it but you could set it free..


Ih-ih-ih-ih-i-i-i-ih mamamma we
Ih-ih-ih-ih-i-i-i-ih mamamma we
Vimmersvej and Vimmersvej and
Vimmersvej and Vimmersvej and
Vimmersvej and Vimmersvej and
Vimmersvej and Vimmersvej and
Vimmersvej and Vimmersvej and
Vimmersvej and Vimmersvej and
Vimmersvej and Vimmersvej and
Vimmersvej and Vimmersvej
Right up there on Vimmersvej
There lives a lovely rose
She walks around there completely without pants
Just something for me, hep hep!
She walks around with her butt bare, hooray!
She walks around with her butt bare, hooray!
Every day I come home from school
I walk past
To see if she's still there
It's just because, hep hep!
She walks around with her butt bare, hooray!
She walks around with her butt bare, hooray!
Right up there on Vimmersvej
There lives a lovely rose
She walks around there comletely withouth pants
Just something for me, hep hep!
She walks around with her butt bare, hooray!
She walks around with her butt bare, hooray!
Eeh-i-i-i-ih mamamma we
Eeh-i-i-i-ih mamamma we
Eeh-i-i-i-ih mamamma we
Eeh-i-i-i-ih mamamma we
Eeh-i-i-i-ih mamamma we

Orașul Paradisului

Versions: #1
Du-mă jos in orașul paradisului
Unde iarba e verde
Și fetele sunt frumoase
Du-mă acasă
Du-mă jos in orașul paradisului
Unde iarba e verde
Și fetele sunt frumoase
Oh, n-ai vrea să mă duci acasă te rog
Doar un derbedeu trăind pe stradă
Sunt un caz dificil, greu de gestionat
Sunt cazul tău de caritate
Deci cumpără-mi ceva de mancare
O să te plătesc cu altă ocazie
Fă-o până la capăt
De la zdrențe la bogății
Sau așa spun ei
Trebuie să lucrezi din greu
Pentru a obține faimă și avere
Știi, totul este ca un joc de noroc
Când este doar un simplu joc
Tu îl tratezi ca pe o crimă capitală
Fiecare are timpul său
Legat în scaunul camerei de gazare a orașului
De ce sunt aici, nu prea imi aduc aminte
Chirurgul general* zice ca e periculos sa respir
Aș mai fuma incă o țigară
Dar nu pot vedea
Spune-mi că o să crezi
Atât de departe
Atât de departe
Atât de departe
Atât de departe
Căpitanul America a fost sfâșiat
Acum este un bufon de curte
Cu inima frântă
El a spus „du-mă înapoi și lasă-mă s-o iau de la început”
Trebuie că mi-am pierdut mințile
'Esti orb?!'
Am mai văzut asta de un milion de ori înainte
Vreau să plec
Vreau să știu
Oh, n-ai vrea să mă duci acasă, te rog
Vreau să văd
Oh, uită-te la mine
Oh, n-ai vrea să mă duci acasă te rog
Oh da
Oh, n-ai vrea să mă duci acasă te rog
Vreau să văd
Oh, uită-te la mine
Oh, n-ai vrea să mă duci acasă te rog
Vreau să văd
Băiatule, o să fiu rău
Oh, du-mă acasă
Du-mă jos in orașul paradisului
Unde iarba e verde
Și fetele sunt frumoase
Oh, n-ai vrea să mă duci acasă te rog
Vreau să plec
Vreau să stiu
Oh, n-ai vrea să mă duci acasă te rog

[LIONESSES - Show Me Your Pride]

While fighting against a long night,
The place we finally arrived. 'Higher'
To our paradise
To the rainbow sky.
Didn't know when I fought lonely
The fence named 'WE'
When we being as we,
we even make a path that doesn't exist.
No matter how much you shoot at us with your tiny keyboard
we are bulletproof, we are bulletproof
and Untouchable
We're the conqueror of the Savanah field.
When 'LIONESSES' appear,
We organize this field. 'Charge'
We burn up the era of discrimination, we shine and emancipated. like 'Jewel'
When annoying gazes press you
You can take my hand whenever you feel alone
Love is love
Show me your love
You're the one who shines like a star
Show me your fire
Show me your light
Show me your PRIDE
Come out, Babe
It's my PRIDE
While I determined to die,
and kick out the closet door.
They welcome brave me. And they were another 'me' outside the closet.
Like standing in front of a bungee-jump stand,
more nervous before I jump down.
After jumped out of courage,
What the... it wasn't a big deal and just fun.
Tomorrow, the tomorrow's sun will rise.
And it'll be brighter than today
You don't have to hide or try to avoid it. that bright sun is on our side.
Just before dawn is the darkest time.
And if you feel trapped in the darkness
Just call us 'Friend'
Then we'll be the candles in your dark room
When annoying gazes press you
You can take my hand whenever you feel alone.
Love is love
Show me your love
You're the one who shines like a star
Show me your fire
Show me your light
Show me your PRIDE
Oh yeah
All right, Give it to me One more time

Iubire, nu mă ignora

Totul a început să meargă prost,
de când ai confundat
drepturile tale cu dragostea,
și m-ai văzut ca pe un dușman.
Ideile ți le-am respectat
și mereu te-a ajutat

You Hurt Me So Good

I have believed in what they have sold me on TV and movies
So sad
He wants me
To believe in him forever and happy endings
So sad
I always end badly
And I want to kill myself
You hurt me1, you hurt me, you hurt me
More than you should, you hurt me, you hurt me
And you hurt me so good
That I dont know what to do
You hurt me, you hurt me, you hurt me
More than you should, you hurt me, you hurt me
And you hurt me so good
That I got intoxicated
With you
You know? For me you taste better than alcohol
You know it, and you have control
Of all my stability
My state of mental health
(Watch out)
Watch out
(Watch out)
Watch out-ut-ut-ut
Watch out, I can break
You hurt me, you hurt me, you hurt me
More than you should, you hurt me, you hurt me
And you hurt me so good
That I dont know what to do
You hurt me, you hurt me, you hurt me
More than you should, you hurt me, you hurt me
And you hurt me so good
That I got intoxicated
With you
I always end badly
And I want to kill myself
You hurt me, you hurt me, you hurt me
More than you should, you hurt me, you hurt me
And you hurt me so good
I dont know what to do
You hurt me, you hurt me, you hurt me
More than you should, you hurt me, you hurt me
And you hurt me so good
That I got intoxicated
With you
(With you)
(With you-o-o-o)
(You hurt me, you hurt me, you hurt me)
You hurt me so good
  • 1. make me feel pain

Wherever You Are and Whoever You’re With

No matter how much you try to flee
and when you talk about me
and say that things between us ended,
you'll never be rid of me
even if it pains you to admit it.
No matter how much you try to silence it,
you won't be able to stop your heart
from speaking on your behalf and there you'll find me,
wherever you are and whoever you're with.
Wherever you are, between tears and laughter,
you'll quickly try to forget me and you won't be able to
with whoever you're with, even if you pretend otherwise with him,
and love him every day, you'll remember me.
Wherever you are, if someone should ask about your past,
you'll deny having ever given a piece of you to me
with whoever you're with, should we ever encounter one another,
you'll avoid my gaze and seek his instead.
I'll never tire of waking in the morning
thinking of you and waiting to hear these words:
'my love, I've decided to return'.
Wherever you are, between tears and laughter,
you'll quickly try to forget me and you won't be able to
with whoever you're with, even if you pretend otherwise with him,
and love him every day, you'll remember me.
Wherever you are, if someone should ask about your past,
you'll deny having ever given a piece of you to me
with whoever you're with, should we ever encounter one another,
you'll avoid my gaze and seek his instead.
Wherever you are, between tears and laughter,
you'll quickly try to forget me and you won't be able to
with whoever you're with, even if you pretend otherwise with him,
and love him every day, you'll remember me.
Wherever you are, if someone should ask about your past,
you'll deny having ever given a piece of you to me...

Rhubarb Wine

Come closer to the twilight hour
So that snow can melt on your forehead
And let the embarrassment stay sitting in the square,
To tie kisses of wind in your hair.
And it's not a whim at all when I caress
Evening and snow off from the forehead
You know I'll come to visit
To play piano four-handedly
Then I'll say long known words
Stolen from the cinema poster
Blow your breath on my lips
And use clouds as pillows 1
Still the roses will burn out on the table anyway
I'll have rhubarb wine with me
And maybe diligent ant will come
To bring excitement which isn't redundant
Still the roses will burn out on the table anyway
I'll have rhubarb wine with me
And maybe diligent ant will come
To bring excitement which isn't redundant
And it's not a whim at all when I caress
Evening and snow off from the forehead
You know I'll come to visit
To play piano four-handedly
You know I'll come to visit
To play piano four-handedly
  • 1. Literally - And take clouds as pillows

To sit or to dance

It is a story of a boy
Who couldn't stop dancing, oh oh oh
He looked around him
Everyone was sitting, oh oh oh
His parents had already warned him
That one shouldn't spend the nights at the discos
It is a story of a boy
Who couldn't stop dancing, oh oh oh
He looked around him
Everyone was sitting
It is a story of a boy
Who couldn't stop dancing, oh oh oh
His parents had already warned him
Not to spend the nights at the discos
It is a story of a boy
And of course he ended up dying
Which is normal these days
It is a story of a boy
Who couldn't stop dancing, oh oh oh
His parents had already warned him
Not to spend the nights at the discos
And as he looked around him
Everyone was sitting
It is a story
It is a story of a boy
He wouldn't stop dancing all night
It is a story of a boy
He was warned not to spend his time
It is a story of a boy
His parents had already warned him
Not to spend the nights at the discos
It is a story of a boy
It is a story of a boy
It is a story of a boy
Who couldn't stop dancing
He ended up dying oh oh oh
It is a story of a boy
It is a story of a boy
His parents had already warned him
Everyone was sitting
It is a story of a boy
There are no more like him
Today everyone is rotten
It is a story of a boy
Who couldn't stop dancing
It is a story of a boy
And as he looked around him
Everyone was sitting
That's really boring

I am Not Afraid

Life is a burden, I am its carrier
I am not afraid to carry it
Life is a burden, I am its carrier
I am not afraid to carry it
I am walking step by step
I am not afraid of falling down
I am walking step by step
I am not afraid of falling down
I got used to suffer pain
To be grieved, to weep
Make the world know it
I am not afraid to beg
Even if I have enough of my burdens and pain
I do not lose hope
I am not afraid of death
I am not afraid of living
I have a heart full of love
I sadden if it is not loved
I have a heart full of love
I sadden if it is not loved
May she be ashamed
I am not afraid of loving
May she be ashamed
I am not afraid of loving
I got used to suffer pain
To be grieved, to weep
Make the world know it
I am not afraid to beg
Even if I have enough of my burdens and pain
I do not lose hope
I am not afraid of death
I am not afraid of living
I am not afraid of living

No Need Any Bullet

One day if you want to end my life
No need to any knife, I have your eyes
If you want to shoot me in the heart of mine
The is no need to any bullet, I have your words
The is no need to any bullet, I have your words
If I were a stone I would fuse in your hands
If I were big as a mountain I would fall by a look of yours
Dear, if I am guilty in this action of love
There is no need to any prison, I have a longing for you
There is no need to any prison, I have a longing for you
I see there is no solution for me to forget you
Cause I have your memories everywhere
To sleep happily one day I need no pillow, I have your legs
To sleep happily one day I need no pillow, I have your legs
If I were a stone I would fuse in your hands
If I were big as a mountain I would fall by a look of yours
Dear, if I am guilty in this action of love
There is no need to any prison, I have a longing for you
There is no need to any prison, I have a longing for you

S.E.S- Wait

You still can't explain to me how you feel over and over again.
I've never felt it for a moment from me, but please give me a sweet confession.
I only want to be your lover in me and be with you.
looking for you. Don't stop never say you love me.
Please keep me by your side forever. Right now.
You say anything. What can I do.
Why are you making me wait? Come to me.
Hold my hand and confess. He doesn't look away.
That's not gonna happen. Promise me. I can't say no.
I'll put all my happiness in it. In your eyes~
Tell me, throw away all that hesitation and let's be together forever.
You're the only one in me, See you my love.

S.E.S- Silver

Don't knock, never let me cry.
Never can I stay with you (no)
Go back to where you erased me.
The dreamy future has turned rude.
Tell me if your clumsy breakup was for me.
Trust me, all your misunderstandings, nothing but pain for me.
Just leave me like this.
I keep my love for you, baby goodbye
Don't look at me, I lost my way.
I can't forget your love, baby goodbye
Erase all me, I lost my love.
Give me a chance.
He melts all the lies and closes his cold frozen ears.
Don't believe me.
Make it or break it in my head, the nerv go click,
'cuz I wanna fumble with the bee, huh?
Who you dealin' with, who you rollin' with, who you be with (bad boy),
Time to hit the road baby
Tell me if your clumsy breakup was for me.
Trust me, all your misunderstandings, nothing but pain for me.
Just leave me like this.
I keep my love for you, baby goodbye
Don't look at me, I lost my way.
I can't forget your love, baby goodbye
Erase all me, I lost my love.
I want to fall asleep forever in the moment I felt you.
Did I hide myself too much? Please stop looking at me like this.
I keep my love for you, baby goodbye
Don't look at me, I lost my way.
I can't forget your love, baby goodbye
Erase all me, I lost my love.
Hesitatin', goin' goin' on on your brain,
Being a friend just because your mind is spent
Intense moments and what you been in,
Seein' in your eyes I'm about to get in
I did. He left me alone.
The breakup that left like that hurt me so much. I tried to talk.
You shine like a silver shine, inside I'll keep my love for you baby