Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 29
Tu, ești tu rațiunea ce mă face să trăiescEști tu curajul care mă face să greșesc
dar greșește doar cine vrea să invețe
precum un copil care învață să facă primii pași
e o teamă care te fortifică
dacă uneori crezi că nu reușești
dar ești tu cea care mă duci departe
precum un zmeu ce zboară chiar dacă vântul e împotrivă
Daca lumea vrea să se schimbe
tu lasă-mă să rămân aici
pentru că în aceste brațe
noi oprim timpul
Totul e concis în acest cuvânt
O viață sănătoasă sau doar o oră
Eu aș muri
Dacă ai înceta să râzi
Dacă aș plânge și tu nu ai fi lângă mine
Tu ești soarele atunci când nu e
Ești forța când nu știi unde s-o găsești
Și nu renunți dar știi să pierzi
Pentru că știi că în viață se poate mereu s-o iei de la început
Nu te uita așa la mine
Știi că mă înnebunești
Ești atât de frumoasă încât te văd, cânt și tremur.
Totul e concis în acest cuvânt
O viață sănătoasă sau doar o oră
Aș muri
Dacă ai înceta să râzi
Dacă aș plânge și tu nu ai fi lângă mine
Dacă aș ști ziua când sfârșește
Această lume și tot universul
Toate stelele care sunt
Ți le-aș aduce doar ție
Și dacă aș începe o altă viață
Te-aș regăsi încă o dată
Fiindcă lumina tuturor stelelor
N-ar face mai multă lumină ca tine.
So what the actual fuck?
Versions: #1I don't want to shackle you
Or use duct tape
But I'm sometimes home
Already before Hesari 1
You're saying you're tired
From overtime still
Was it the pizza guy who called?
Thanking for last night
I don't recognize that parfume
You're fiddling your phone again
Why do you hide in your scarf?
And I'm thinking...
So what the actual fuck?
I'm running out of humor
It's nice to have friends
But friends don't make hickies
So what the actual fuck?
Soon your legos2 will start to fall
Your drunken tongue kisses
I heard some rumors of
So what the actual fuck?
I'm running out of humor
I don't want to stalk you
Or use Finder,
But your bathroom cabinet
Had an eyeliner in it
When new friends
You search from Tinder-pictures
I'm waiting for a new surprise
Like from Kinder-egg's
I don't recognize that parfume
You're fixing your collars
Those aren't mosquito bites
And I'm thinking...
I want to give you a one more chance
On a Sunday morning I apologize
That I overreacted or just demanded too much
Your door gets opened by my best friend
Song of the butterfly
I will fly by the silver thread.My children are waiting for me,
there in the distant fields,
spinning on their spinning wheels.
I will fly by the silver thread.
I'm the spirit
of silk.
I come from a mysterious ark
and I'm going into the mist
Let the spider sing
in its cave
Iubire iubire
Dacă tu mă privești, iubire iubire,dacă tu îmi vorbești, iubire iubire,
dacă îmi spui ”da”, iubire iubire,
dacă îmi spui ”nu”.
Și luna a cântat
la porțile vântului,
na na na na na na,
și o poartă s-a deschis.
Și luna a cântat,
de parcă era o vrajă,
și cineva a chemat,
na na na na na na.
Și-n timp ce adormeam încet, încet,
am auzit o voce de departe.
Iubire iubire iubire,
iubire iubire iubire,
iubire iubire iubire,
iubire iubire,
într-o zi vom cânta iarăși...
Iubire iubire iubire,
iubire iubire iubire,
iubire iubire iubire,
iubire iubire,
într-o zi vom cânta iarăși...
Să nu pleci niciodată, iubire iubire,
eu nu voi pleca, iubire iubire,
și dacă vrei tu, iubire iubire,
mă voi îndrăgosti.
Și luna a cântat,
în tăcerea mării,
na na na na na na,
dar iubirea unde-i?
Și luna dispăru,
cu luminile soarelui,
și o poartă s-a deschis,
na na na na na na.
Și exact ca visele dimineții,
am auzit vocea lui mai aproape.
Iubire iubire iubire,
iubire iubire iubire,
iubire iubire iubire,
iubire iubire,
într-o zi vom cânta iarăși...
Iubire iubire iubire,
iubire iubire iubire,
iubire iubire iubire,
iubire iubire,
într-o zi vom cânta iarăși...
Iubire iubire iubire,
iubire iubire iubire,
iubire iubire iubire,
iubire iubire,
într-o zi vom cânta iarăși...
Labyrinths and mirrors
The labyrinthsthat time creates
(Only the desert
(Only the desert
The heart,
source of desire,
(Only the desert
(Only the desert
The illusion of dawn
and the kisses
We are walking
On a mirror
Without silvering,
On a crystal
Without clouds.
If lilies grew
Upside down,
If roses grew
Upside down,
If all the flower roots
Were looking at the stars,
We would be like swans.
The labyrinths
that time creates
The illusion of dawn
and the kisses
If lilies grew
Upside down,
If roses grew
Upside down,
If all the flower roots
Were looking at the stars,
We would be like swans.
We would be like swans.
Like swans.
The gate is closed when you arrive to the yardI come to watch from the window
So you won't start to back up
The doors are opened when you come in
I start to cook a meal
I'm getting thirsty
You grip your collar
Yet a moment you can escape
But if you won't, I will take care
Won't need to die twice
We can live in my mansion
I'll tell you everything about these paintings
Here is everything I want
Except a Dracula of my own
I take a hold of your hand if you want
Your eyes are already dripping water
Nobody usually comes here 'cause they know there's no way to return
That's why it's useless to shout for help
When I get a taste
I can't restrain myself anymore
I toast with blood, and say salut
No, I don't mean anything bad
I don't want to hurt on purpose
It'd just be fun to watch Temptation Island together or your fave channel
I can be flexible if I don't have to rise
alone two centuries
You grip your collar
Yet a moment you can escape
But if you won't, I will take care
Won't need to die twice
We can live in my mansion
I'll tell you everything about these paintings
Here is everything I want
Except a Dracula of my own
When I start to bandage the wound
I'd like to kiss but you grab my neck
Pressing a fork against the chest
You scream: What have I ever done to you
We haven't even met after high school
I came to tell you that I got married
'cause my calls go to voicemail, and your phone is off
You ruined everything
What will the woman of my life say when she sees this fanged beast
She will divorce
This will be your final act
You grip your collar
Yet a moment you can escape
But if you won't, I will take care
Won't need to die twice
We can live in my mansion
I'll tell you everything about these paintings
Here is everything I want
Except a Dracula of my own
If there's something you think needs to be corrected about my translations, feel free to message me.
Beautiful Home
You awake before me just like alwaysBrew coffee, read the newspaper, just like always
When I come next to you
Again you leave
Without thinking to say good morning
You are again in the middle of something
I remember when we went to Ikea
To buy that sectional *(see note)
We were so sure then
That we wouldn't sit on this old one anymore
All of our stuff has it's place
Of us you are the better cleaner
Even though we are suffocating each other between these walls
We have a beautiful house
You go to sleep before me just like always
I watch tv with the dog on Saturday
Sometimes I wonder whether I'm the only one
Who thinks that is we break up,
Who gets our Aino *(see note)
I remember when we went to Ikea
To buy that sectional *(see note)
We were so sure then
That we wouldn't sit on this old one anymore
All of our stuff has it's place
Of us you are the better cleaner
Even though we are suffocating each other between these walls
We have a beautiful house
I hate Salatut Elämät *(see note)
You hate Salatut Elämät
But at 7:30p.m.
Again we watch Salatut Elämät
Here there is no discussing
No more loving
Here we just live
I remember when we went to Ikea
To buy that sectional *(see note)
We were so sure then
That we wouldn't sit on this old one anymore
All of our stuff has it's place
Of us you are the better cleaner
Even though we are suffocating each other between these walls
We have a beautiful house
We have a beautiful house
We have a beautiful house
We have a beautiful house
We have a beautiful house
We have a beautiful house
When I'm free
You got up on the wrong side of the bedIt's evident at breakfast
When you have that look
You ask why the hell
I leave breadcrumbs
Gotta tell many times
I don't dare to ask what's wrong
Because these days it ends in a fight
I don't see my friends because you don't like either
Everything changes tomorrow when I'm free
I want to move out from Finland when I'm free
I want to make out with everyone
If they make me forget that
Something is missing from the room when I'm free
I don't upload new pictures
Because you don't quite get
Why you gotta flaunt it on social media
But who could even want me
If I don't get it even at home
Except for very little very fast
I can't make acquaintances or even text
When you have too many of my passwords
I could fall for even the cashier
That's why you come with me
Everything changes tomorrow when I'm free
I want to move out from Finland when I'm free
I want to make out with everyone
If they make me forget that
Something is missing from the room when I'm free
I could do anything
Like go studying
But you think it's ridiculous
Even though I might never
Be able to tell you
Today, too, ends with us sleeping
For the last time
Everything changes tomorrow when I'm free
I want to move out from Finland when I'm free
I want to make out with everyone
If they make me forget that
Something is missing from the room when I'm free
When I'm free
When I'm free
Helsinki-Vantaa gets left behindGot to carry the bags alone
When taking your own holiday
From the hotel straight to the beach
The sandals start to chafe
I stay to sit on the street
I have no plans
I'll stay to speak with the mules
There's no other company
I didn't come to look for any Fernando
Here under the Sicilian sun
I hear a Maserati slowing down
You yell from the window buongiorno
I'm all like no signore
Until out from your mouth
Drop the famous last words
Mi scusi, benvenuto nella mia jacuzzi
Mi scusi, benvenuto nella mia jacuzzi
Jumping on the white leather seats
When I get home I'll brag to my friends
They won't believe this
The edges of the roads full of fancy mansions
Soon I'll get to take a dip in a hot tub
And drink champagne
When we drive behind the walls
The whole family with their smiling faces
Reminds of mafia
I didn't come to look for any Fernando
Here under the Sicilian sun
I hear a Maserati slowing down
You yell from the window buongiorno
I'm all like no signore
Until out from your mouth
Drop the famous last words
Mi scusi, benvenuto nella mia jacuzzi
Mi scusi, benvenuto nella mia jacuzzi
I only wanted to get into a jacuzzi
I'm starting to get a little panicky
When I hear shots from the backyard
When I try to slip away
The godfather grabs my hand
Says while looking into my eyes (but you're part of the family)
I didn't come to look for any Fernando
Here under the Sicilian sun
I hear a Maserati slowing down
You yell from the window buongiorno
I'm all like no signore
Until out from your mouth
Drop the famous last words
Mi scusi, benvenuto nella mia jacuzzi
Mi scusi, benvenuto nella mia jacuzzi
Diamonds are forever
Fallout Boy in my earphonesLyrics written in notebooks
During the recess I sit and wait
For the bell to finally ring
At lunchtime I eat bread and butter
They said to me: 'Don't even try
To come sit with us,
You shall eat like a dog'
You may spit in my face,
Draw on my desk
But when summer comes around I'll move to Helsinki
Give me a pencil and paper
I won't shut up anymore
This will never leave this place
Diamonds are forever
And I promise to always stay real and rock 'cause
Diamonds are forever
Diamonds are forever
Diamonds are forever
I suppose we used to be playmates
Before there were cigarettes and fake papers
I'm just wondering, if I can be frank:
How could the only virgin in class be a whore?
Mom sits on the edge of my bed
Tears on her Marimekko* shirt
She says someday I'll be in a better place
Although there's a storm now, I must just stay in the ship
I swig on my coffee, jump in the Mustang
And I don't have time for any angst
Now as you go to the bar or supermarket
You listen to Sanni
This will never leave this place
Diamonds are forever
And I promise to always stay real and rock 'cause
Diamonds are forever
Diamonds are forever
Diamonds are forever
Let me be what I wanted to become
I will forgive you if you just ask
I need will for the hard moments
I must find medicine for this pressure
I might wake up in Miami, trip at night in Amsterdam
Date only the gals you drool after in Instagram
You may glare at me
This is just the way I work
Even if there's Skyfall, I'm lucky to have my friends with me
This will never leave this place
Diamonds are forever
And I promise to always stay real and rock 'cause
Diamonds are forever
Diamonds are forever
Diamonds are forever
In sfarsit in aceasta seara stau aici impreuna cu tinesi nimeni nu ne poate auzi
Sun un pic timid si acest lucru il stii
Nu pot sa ma prefac
cine nu are curaj in viata,
nu viseaza sau poate doar sa piarda
si pentru aceasta daca stai aici vei intelege,
ca visul meu esti tu
m-am indragostit de tine,
sunt nebun dupa tine, sunt nebun dupa tine!
razi si te apropii mai mult
saruta-ma intai tu...
si deci da, imbratiseaza-ma strans,
pentru ca pe nimeni nu intereseaza
daca tot timpul care a trecut este pierdut
sau daca maine nu mai exista nimic
imbratiseaza-ma in aceasta noapte, nu vreau sa-mi amintesc
si toate datile cand te visam ,
dar ma trezeam iar tu nu erai aici
Cate lucruri daca le gandesc uneori inainte de a le spune,
te iubesc
ne este aproape teama a le gandi
ca te poti indragosti,
astfel intr-o clipa
cat e de frumos a canta un cantec pentru tine,
in timp ce mainile se cauta
si daca gresesc cuvintele nu se intampla nimic,
te privesc, si ma-ntorc a le inventa
m-am indragostit de tine, sunt nebun dupa tine,
sunt nebun dupa tine!
razi si te apropii mai mult,
saruta-ma intai tu...
si deci, da, imbratiseaza-ma strans,
pentru ca pe nimeni nu intereseaza
daca tot timpul care a trecut este pierdut
sau daca maine nu mai exista nimic
imbratiseaza-ma in aceasta noapte,
nu vreau sa-mi amintesc
si toate datile cand te visam,
dar ma trezeam iar tu nu erai aici
..... imbratiseaza-ma in aceasta noapte
nu vreau sa-mi amintesc
di toate datile cand am gresit
cand vorbeam de fericire
The Mute Child
The child is looking for his voice.(The king of the crickets held it).
In a drop of water
The child was looking for his voice.
I don’t want it just to speak,
I don’t want it just to speak.
I'll make with it a ring
That will carry my silence,
Will carry my silence
On his little finger.
In a drop of water
The child was looking for his voice.
The captive voice, in the distance
Put on a cricket suit.