Rezultatele căutării pagină 6
Număr de rezultate: 290
Ochi albaştri plângând în ploaie
În strălucirea amurgului văd
Ochi albaştri plângând în ploaie,
Când ne-am sărutat de rămas bun şi ne-am despărţit
Ştiam că nu ne vom mai întâlni niciodată.
Dragostea este ca un jăratic ce se stinge
Şi doar amintirile rămân,
Şi prin veacuri îmi voi aminti
Ochi albaştri plângând în ploaie.
Cândva curând ne vom întâlni acolo
Şi vom merge mână în mână din nou,
Şi prin veacuri îmi voi aminti,
Ochi albaştri plângând în ploaie,
Ochi albaştri plângând în ploaie.
Seeing with eyes
Nee Tholakari chupe
Naa Alajadinaape
Naa Prathidhika Neeke
Ponu Ponu Dhare Marenaa
So That I Can Be the Reliable Me
That was a smile, and there again that was a frown
I remember all of them if I don’t close my eyes
Stay with me
On this unhappy evening,
On this useless evening,
Would you talk with me,
Would you stay with me.
On this gloomy evening,
On this boring evening,
Would you talk with me,
Would you stay with me.
Could you talk with me,
Oh, could you stay with me.
Cealaltă parte
Aici, acum
Un lucru îți propun
N am să te cicălesc
Știu că vezi și tu
De mă urmezi
Ai să te liberezi
De zidul cel făcut cu propria-ți mână
Alb negru dă fiori, sunt și alte culori
Doar ești artist,deci și nebun oleacă
N-ai cum fi monocrom dacă ai suflet de om
Riscă puțin că-i fain, n ai habar ce pierzi
Hai, bă, nu te-ai plictisit sa joci aceiași piesă la nesfârșit?
Cre' că am ce îți trebe
Viața-i piesă-n două acte
Am sa ți arat cealaltă parte
Dacă vrei zi-i ca mine
Dacă nu, fă ca tine
Iei cheia? Bine! stai în cușcă? Bine!
Drace! Ce bine e frate
Să poți sa vezi cealaltă parte
Bine, frate, vrei văd să mă convingi
Urăsc să ți spun dar n o să se întâmple
Multam dar nu
Mi-i bine cum mi-acu
Ce și de ce-as schimba? Fix degeaba strigi
Uite, te-admir, nu faci lucru puțin
Ești cineva,ești cineva pe bune
Dar prefer scrisul nu joaca
Si n plus nu lucrez de-a moaca
Si nu am să schimb asta din senin
Jur că nu m-am plictisit să joc piesa asta la nesfârșit
De ce musai două acte?
Nu vreau sa văd cealaltă parte
Deci n-am să zic că tine
Si-am sa fac tot ca mine
Nu-s într-o cușcă deci asta cu cheia nu ține
Sunt cu mâinile curate
Nu mi pasă de cealaltă parte
Asta i viață toată ce sa înțeleg c-o vrei
Doar să joci, să petreci să mănânci și să bei?
Păi dacă vin cu tine mi aud un' doi prin sat
'Ia uite, scriitoru nostru-a căpiat'
Măcar ai să-nveți cum se trăiește Iubește sau zâmbește
Permite mi să ți arăt cum să ai vise
Asta o sa, te-atragă,
Zidurile-o să spargă.
Ăsta i un târg ce cred că o să meargă
Dar depinde ce vrei și tu
Interesant dar asta are sa te coste
Pe șleau, mie ce mi pică din asta maestre?
. HJ
Sigur, o parte din câștig o să ți revină
Șapte la sută ești de-acord? Hai,batem palma?
Nu m-am născut ieri noapte, măcar un șapteșpeHJ
De ce nu mi spui să trec totu pe tine și-aia e?
Poate opt
Hai nouă
Na c-ai priceput de vorbă bună
Jucăm într-o piesă noua împreună
Am să ți dau material de-optzeci de acte
Aici, pe cealaltă parte
O să zicem că tine și-o sa facem ca mine
Întreaga lume e o cușcă, cheia ne-aparține
Drace! Cât de bine-i frate
să poți sa zbori pe cealaltă parte
Deci zicem fix ca tine (cealaltă parte)
Si facem fix ca mine (cealaltă parte)
Zburăm liberi spre cealaltă parte
Zburam spre cealaltă parte!
America Wishes President Biden
Best wishes President Biden
Best wishes President Biden
Aaaaaa America
Aaaaaa America
Best wishes President Biden
Aaaaaaaa America
Aaaaaaaaa America
Best wishes President Biden
Best wishes President Biden
Best wishes President Biden
Aaaaaaaaa Americaiiiiiiiiica
Best wishes President Biden
Best wishes President Biden
Dorință obosită, zâmbitoare
Ce bine ar fi, așa suav-somnoros
să mă întind pe un nor în timp ce
el pe furiș traversează cerul noros.
Cu ochii închiși cu mâinile aninate,
dormind pe el, legănat, bălăbănind
în seară argintie, în dimineață purpurie.
Ujtate ar fi toate chinurile domoale
patul ar șopti vise înmiresmate:
lânoase-pufoase, spume de mătase.
Nici Dumnezeu nu m-ar privi cu mânie,
Zâmbind, doar ar murmura în vânt, doar mie:
Sărman rătăcit, mic îngeraș ostenit.
I know where Sid Barrett lives
I know where Sid Barrett lives
I know he's not happy about the guests
I know how he makes coffee
When other people are sleeping
And the world doesn't need him at all
The world doesn't want him
Private apartment
He deserves
He sees how on the roofs are sitting
Peacocks and elephants
He sees how mice are pulling
A piece of silence
And the world doesn't need him at all
The world doesn't want him
Private apartment
He deserves
I know that in Big Theatre
Gilmore plays on the trumpet
Calculating all costs
Not forgetting about himself
He won't even make little mistakes
He doesn't let go of what's his
Tonight they will show
Him on the TV
I know where Sid Barrett lives
I know where his nest is
I know how he makes coffee
Not understanding anything
And the world doesn't need him at all
The world doesn't want him
Private apartment
He deserves
Sus și mai departe
Sus și mai departe
Sus și mai departe
Sufletele pot zbura, vedenii cețoase,
Adânci ca orice piesă dance pe care-ai auzit-o,
Furtuni se stârnesc cum îți spun,
Plesnind cu ritmuri funk pe tărâmul dansului.
Bubuind în creiere, el vrea să intre,
Dacă puteți întreba cine e?
Ringul de dans bate la ușă,
Numele meu subliminal e Sir Prophet.
Misiunea mea, succesul venit din stele,
M-a distrus pe mine și flacăra mea,
Dar există o creație a omului
Care ne poate aduce înapoi din nou.
Sus și mai departe,
Ne trebuie un loc să ne ascundem,
Ne vom ridica, ne vom ridica.
Sus și mai departe,
Vom zbura atât de sus,
Ne vom ridica, ne vom ridica.
Vreau să evadez,
Vrei să te ridici și să evadezi,
Vreau să evadez,
Vrei să te ridici și să evadezi,
Vreau să evadez,
Vrei să te ridici și să evadezi,
Vreau să evadez,
Ne vom ridica, ne vom ridica.
Sus și mai departe...
Secundă spre minute, minute din ore,
Din zile tot înainte până la săptămâni,
Murind uciși de timpul
Ce se scurge prin clepsidră în timp ce vorbesc.
Europa și America,
Mii de mile sunt, da, între cele două.
Creația omului, pot zbura,
Mă va aduce înapoi la voi.
Gata cu vremurile de tristețe,
Pasiunea ni se va întoarce azi.
La noapte te voi simți,
Căci pot zbura sus și mai departe.
Sus și mai departe...
În sfârșit am fost rugați
Să devenim apogeul dansului.
Ploaia torențială, cea mai adâncă zăpadă
Chiar nu pot opri sunetul de pe ringul de dans.
Acum un șuvoi aromat a lovit, da,
Deci zic c-ar fi bine să-ți amintești
Forța care ne va ține la înălțime:
Refren (x2)
Sus și mai departe...
Pe dos
Am zis: pe dos
mă întorci
îmi dai iubire din instinct
de jur împrejur mă-ntorci
Pe dos,
băiete, tu mă întorci
Dinăuntru afară
şi de jur împrejur
Pe dos,
băiete, tu mă întorci
Dinăuntru afară
şi de jur împrejur
Din instinct, tu îmi oferi
dragostea de care am nevoie
Preţuiesc momentele cu tine
Cu respect te văd
Sunt conştientă că mă-nşeli
când nimeni nu mă face să mă simt ca tine
Pe dos,
băiete, tu mă întorci
Dinăuntru afară
şi de jur împrejur
Pe dos,
băiete, tu mă întorci
Dinăuntru afară
şi de jur împrejur
Ştiu că ai şarm şi chemare
mereu încerci terenul
Sunt nebună să cred că eşti al meu
atâta timp cât soarele continuă să strălucească
E un loc în inima mea pentru tine
asta-i linia de jos
Pe dos,
băiete, tu mă întorci
Dinăuntru afară
şi de jur împrejur
Pe dos,
băiete, tu mă întorci
Dinăuntru afară
şi de jur împrejur
Din instinct, tu îmi oferi
dragostea de care am nevoie
Preţuiesc momentele cu tine
Cu respect te văd
Sunt conştientă că mă-nşeli
dar nimeni nu mă face să mă simt aşa cum o faci
Pe dos,
băiete, tu mă întorci
Dinăuntru afară
şi de jur împrejur
Pe dos,
băiete, tu mă întorci
Dinăuntru afară
şi de jur împrejur
Pe dos,
băiete, tu mă întorci
Dinăuntru afară
şi de jur împrejur
Pe dos,
băiete, tu mă întorci
Dinăuntru afară
şi de jur împrejur
Pe dos,
băiete, tu mă întorci
Dinăuntru afară
şi de jur împrejur
Pe dos,
băiete, tu mă întorci
Dinăuntru afară
şi de jur împrejur
Mă întorci pe dos
îmi oferi dragoste din instinct
Mă întorci de jur împrejur
Te văd cu respect
Mă întorci pe dos
îmi oferi dragoste din instinct
Mă întorci de jur împrejur
Te văd cu respect
Am zis că mă întorci pe dos
îmi oferi dragoste din instinct
Mă întorci de jur împrejur
Te văd cu respect
Mă întorci pe dos
îmi oferi dragoste din instinct
Mă întorci de jur împrejur
Te văd cu respect
Mă întorci pe dos
Am zis pe dos
mă întorci
îmi oferi dragoste din instinct
Mă întorci de jur împrejur
Pe dos,
băiete, tu mă întorci
Dinăuntru afară
şi de jur împrejur
Pe dos,
băiete, tu mă întorci
Dinăuntru afară
şi de jur împrejur
Din instinct, tu îmi oferi
dragostea de care am nevoie
Preţuiesc momentele cu tine
Cu respect te văd
Sunt conştientă că mă-nşeli
când nimeni nu mă face să mă simt ca tine
Pe dos,
băiete, tu mă întorci
Dinăuntru afară
şi de jur împrejur
Pe dos,
băiete, tu mă întorci
Dinăuntru afară
şi de jur împrejur
Ştiu că ai şarm şi chemare
mereu încerci terenul
Sunt nebună să cred că eşti al meu
atâta timp cât soarele continuă să strălucească
E un loc în inima mea pentru tine
asta-i linia de jos
Pe dos,
băiete, tu mă întorci
Dinăuntru afară
şi de jur împrejur
Pe dos,
băiete, tu mă întorci
Dinăuntru afară
şi de jur împrejur
Din instinct, tu îmi oferi
dragostea de care am nevoie
Preţuiesc momentele cu tine
Cu respect te văd
Sunt conştientă că mă-nşeli
dar nimeni nu mă face să mă simt aşa cum o faci
Pe dos,
băiete, tu mă întorci
Dinăuntru afară
şi de jur împrejur
Pe dos,
băiete, tu mă întorci
Dinăuntru afară
şi de jur împrejur
Pe dos,
băiete, tu mă întorci
Dinăuntru afară
şi de jur împrejur
Pe dos,
băiete, tu mă întorci
Dinăuntru afară
şi de jur împrejur
Pe dos,
băiete, tu mă întorci
Dinăuntru afară
şi de jur împrejur
Pe dos,
băiete, tu mă întorci
Dinăuntru afară
şi de jur împrejur
Mă întorci pe dos
îmi oferi dragoste din instinct
Mă întorci de jur împrejur
Te văd cu respect
Mă întorci pe dos
îmi oferi dragoste din instinct
Mă întorci de jur împrejur
Te văd cu respect
Am zis că mă întorci pe dos
îmi oferi dragoste din instinct
Mă întorci de jur împrejur
Te văd cu respect
Mă întorci pe dos
îmi oferi dragoste din instinct
Mă întorci de jur împrejur
Te văd cu respect
No side
He closed his eyes and breathed deeply the smell of withered grass
On a long round robin tournament, the final kick missed the goal
He cleaned the soil from his shoulders
On a twilight of a slow winter day
He breathed deeply the wind he'll never smell again
What was your goal? What did you sacrificed?
Nobody knows
Longer than a cheer, farther than enthusiasm
You wanted to run, because you wanted
To know yourself a little
Even if everyone leave, I'll be here
Someone will wear your same number
And wait for the next season
Even if everyone forget you, I'll be here
What was your goal? What did you sacrificed?
Nobody knows
Longer than a cheer, farther than enthusiasm
You wanted to run, because you wanted
To know yourself a little
Even if everyone leave, I'll be here
Tiger (Tiger Inside)
Versions: #1
The tiger inside you!
You bite it and it bites you. This is the law of the jungle.
Oops, flames burst inside.
Hurry up and step on me so the flames don't spread.
Don't tie me, tie me up, tie me, tie me up!
If you leave me alone, I won't bite you.
If you piss me off, I'll show my teeth.
Don't try to tame me anymore.
Don't tie me, tie me up, tie me, tie me up!
There is one and only rule in the gray jungle.
This only annoys me even more.
Pounce on it violently. Let’s growl!
So bring it on, bring it on, bring it on!
Let the tiger inside you burst into this world more wildly!
Bite all your worries yummy.
Hands in the air! Don't show your back!
Wake me up! Wake me up! Hurry up, wake up!
Wake me up! Wake me up! Hurry up. Yeah!
The tiger inside you is breathing rapidly and growls with all his might.
Take back your wildness and run, vroom, vroom.
Clear your throat, um, um.
Suppressed desires burst out and scream. Follow me or avoid me.
Run over me to make the world shudder.
Follow your inner instinct. Here is already paradise.
Rewrite a brand-new life ever since the beginning.
Don't tie me, tie me up, tie me, tie me up!
There is one and only rule in the gray jungle.
It's just a merciless food chain.
Shout to you, let's growl!
So bring it on, bring it on, bring it on!
Let the tiger inside you burst into this world more wildly!
Bite all your worries yummy.
Hands in the air! Don't show your back!
Wake me up! Wake me up! Hurry up, wake up!
Wake me up! Wake me up! Hurry up. Yeah!
Yeah! The tiger inside you is breathing rapidly and growls with all his might.
Dinner’s ready, yeah!
Dinner’s ready, yeah!
Dinner’s ready, yeah!
Dinner’s ready, yeah!
Don't drop your tail. I'll lead you. Don't stop.
You locked yourself in the cage.
The key is inside you,
So break that chain!
OK, let's go! Everybody keeps me locked up, chase me like they follow me.
This taste, the taste of sweet victory is pretty exhilarating.
We can make animal sound louder, loud! Latent power arises
The exclamations are heard (Ooh !) Turn up the volume (Ooh!)
The tiger inside you!
Let the tiger inside you burst into this world more wildly!
Bite all your worries yummy.
Hands in the air! Don't show your back!
Wake me up! Wake me up! Hurry up, wake up!
Wake me up! Wake me up! Hurry up. Yeah!
Yeah! The tiger inside you is breathing rapidly and growls with all his might.
Dinner’s ready, yeah!
Dinner’s ready, yeah!
Dinner’s ready, yeah!
Dinner’s ready, yeah!
It's You I Love
The morning loves the light of the day
And the night loves to be with the moon
The song loves its melody
And luck loves its fortune
Kings love their castles
The soldier loves his rifle
The stars love to shine
The beer loves its barrel
Language loves its idioms
And the rain loves the clouds
The perfume loves the aroma
What goes down loves what goes up
The stomach loves its food
The future loves its seer
The sailboat loves what the wind brings
The path loves its destiny
Everybody here loves something - but
It's you I love, you, you, you, you
It's you I love, you, you, you, you
But it's you I love, you, you, you, you
But I love you, you, you, you, you
The billy goats love their does
Histories love tales
Books love words
Ideas love thoughts
Painters love colors
Summer loves the sun so much
Bees love flowers
Rice loves its bean
Thieves don't love robbing
Life loves staying alive
Lungs love breathing
Those below love going up
Verse loves its poet
Freshwater loves dolphins
The galaxy loves its planets
And the end wants to finish
Everybody here loves something - but
It's you I love, you, you, you, you
It's you I love, you, you, you, you
But it's you I love, you, you, you, you
But I love you, you, you, you, you
Eyes love viewing the scenery
Lions love their jungle
Backs love their massages
And the return loves coming back
The peasant loves his machete
Our body loves its skeleton
The stuffed animal loves to be squeezed
Silence loves its secret
Breakfast loves its coffee
Darkness loves its lantern
Believers love to have faith
Adventures love to have legs
I don't need to have everything
I'm moving although the world is still
I learned to walk with my elbows
But with you I feel complete
You, you
You, you
It's you I love, you, you, you, you
It's you I love, you, you, you, you
But it's you I love, you, you, you, you
But I love you, you, you, you, you
It's you I love, you, you, you, you
It's you I love, you, you, you, you
But it's you I love, you, you, you, you
But I love you, you, you, you, you
The face of a child
With no expression
Rather than dreaming
They learn to give up
A blurred line between good and evil
Lies that seem to be real
Knowing it's wrong
But the heads turn away as if they saw nothing
They're busy calculating
Closing their eyes and covering their ears
An awful pressure to remain silent
I can't tolerate it any longer, my throat is constricted
Ooh nah nah nah lift your head
Ooh my my my don't let it be like this
Let's not be broken
Let's do anything
Go now now now
Go back to the beginning
To the days of innocence
Take a step forward like the first time you did it
Open your eyes again like the first time you did it
Dream your dreams like the first time you did it
Set everything here
Back to the starting point
I'm going numb
They don't care no more
I'm going numb
They don't care no more
Take a step forward like the first time you did it
Open your eyes again like the first time you did it
Dream your dreams like the first time you did it
Set everything here back to the starting point
This place
Has already become Hell
The not stepped on child
Will soon be stepped on
The answers to the test (the obvious answer)
They have the value of your life on the line
If not 1st place then a loser
Ooh who could be innocent?
The adults sit by and watch
Desperation wearing the mask of disobedience
Apathy causing bruises
Now I can't take it any longer
Ooh nah nah nah lift your head
Ooh my my my don't let it be like this
Let's not be afraid
Let's make it right
Go now now now
Go back to the beginning
To the days of innocence
I'm going numb
They don't care no more
I'm going numb
They don't care no more
Take a step forward like the first time you did it
Open your eyes again like the first time you did it
Dream your dreams like the first time you did it
Set everything here back to the starting point
Ooh everyday it all goes to hell
Now, it's like a battle inside the classroom, aim at your friends, bang!
They suffocate us with obedience to forced education
Dont resist, hey, I told you to smile
You're like an incomplete bar
But you always act like we're the ones off beat, the spirit of cutting off obsolete logic ooh!
What we're discussing is the issue of innocence
It's probably you who is the one to rescue us
Ooh nah nah nah lift your head
Ooh my my my don't let it be like this
Take a step forward like the first time you did it
Open your eyes again like the first time you did it
Dream your dreams like the first time you did it
Set everything here back to the starting point
We gonna break this one
I'm going numb
They don't care no more
I'm going numb
They don't care no more
Take a step forward like the first time you did it
Open your eyes again like the first time you did it
Dream your dreams like the first time you did it
Set everything here back to the starting point
Jos lângă fluviu
Am să-mi dau jos sabia şi scutul
jos lângă fluviu
jos lângă fluviu
jos lângă fluviu
Am să-mi dau jos sabia şi scutul
jos lângă fluviu să mai studiez războiul niciodată! să mai studiez războiul niciodată! să mai studiez războiul niciodată! să mai studiez războiul niciodată! să mai studiez războiul niciodată! să mai studiez războiul niciodată! să mai studiez războiul niciodată!
Am să-mi dau jos greutatea cea mare
jos lângă fluviu
jos lângă fluviu
jos lângă fluviu
Am să-mi dau jos greutatea cea mare
jos lângă fluviu să mai studiez războiul niciodată! să mai studiez războiul niciodată! să mai studiez războiul niciodată! să mai studiez războiul niciodată! să mai studiez războiul niciodată! să mai studiez războiul niciodată! să mai studiez războiul niciodată! să mai studiez războiul niciodată! să mai studiez războiul niciodată! să mai studiez războiul niciodată! să mai studiez războiul niciodată! să mai studiez războiul niciodată! să mai studiez războiul niciodată!
Da, întins...
jos lângă fluviu
jos lângă fluviu
jos lângă fluviu
Am să-mi dau jos greutatea cea mare
jos lângă fluviu
Dumnezeu nu mai curăţă niciodată,
The Last Me
I’m watching you
How you’re moving
Behind the wallpaper
The last me in the world
I’m looking for it
To watch it
To look for it
To walk into it
The last me in the world
Versions: #2
Today, today, today
I'm going to conquer you
Although you're from Venus and I'm from Mars
The wizard of the witches has arrived
If you're water and I'm soap, let's make bubbles
Today, we're a couple of monkeys
I'm the pistol and you're the lead
My little flower, here I come with the fertilizer
I'm your John Lennon and you're my Yoko Ono
Today I'll devour you
Today the hen found the rooster with the golden eggs
The cow has the bull by the horns
Today I fell in love before the chorus started
Before the chorus started
Today I fell in love before the chorus started
Before the chorus started
Today I fell in love
Today, today, today
Today, today, today, today
Today, today, today
Today, today, today, today
Today, we complete each other, my sweetheart
You're the lemon, I'm whiskey with ice
We complete each other, no problems
Like barbecue sauce with chicken wings
Today, each one brings their condiment
You put down the blocks, I'll mix the concrete
Today what I want is for you to move
To get new words out of me
Today I'll devour you
Today the hen found the rooster with the golden eggs
The cow has the bull by the horns
Today I fell in love before the chorus started
Before the chorus started
Today I fell in love before the chorus started
Before the chorus started
Today I fell in love
Today, today, today
Today, today, today, today
Today, today, today
Today, today, today, today
Today, today, today
Today, today, today, today
Your butt cheeks giving me a concert
And I melt like chocolate in the desert
Thigh to thigh, skin to skin
You've got to get honey out of that honeycomb
Today, the lame move their legs
Today, even the rats dance without cheese
Nobody gets tired, nobody gets worn out
Here they dance even with a broken hip
Today I'll devour you
Today the hen found the rooster with the golden eggs
The cow has the bull by the horns
Today I fell in love before the chorus started
Before the chorus started
Today I fell in love before the chorus started
Before the chorus started
Today I fell in love
Today, today, today
Today, today, today, today
Today, today, today
Today, today, today, today
Today, today, today, today
Today, today, today
Today, today, today, today
Today, today, today, today
Today, today, today
Today, today, today, today
Sidsel Videlvand
There lives a maiden in our land
In trim trimmelim
Her name is Sidsel Videlvand
Sku lu
She said she would a winter night
Sku lu leia
She said she would a winter night
Sleep with a boastful knight
She said she would in the morning
She said she would in the morning
Stand in the square still a virgin
And the king had five sons
And the king had five sons
Soon one of them rode to her
'Good evening, good evening, my fair maiden'
'Good evening, good evening, dear fair maiden
I have come to test your great dare!'
'Then bind your horse by the saddle's girth'
'And bind your horse by the saddle's girth
While I go ahead and ready the bed'
And Sidsel speaks to her servant
And Sidsel speaks to her servant:
'Fetch me five duvets
No, fetch me nine duvets'
'Fetch me nine duvets
And write in sleep in each of them
Shall we drink beer and brandy first?'
'We shall drink beer and brandy first
Then we shall sleep in ermine pelt'
He slept for days, he slept for two
He slept for days, he slept for two
And he slept for the third one as well
And he slept for the fourth one as well
And he slept for the fourth one as well
Until Sidsel woke him in the evening
'Wake up, wake up, my fair knight'
'500 rixdollar I will give you
To say you didn't escape me still a virgin'
'500 rigsdaler I will not take'
'500 rixdollar I will not take
And shame over the one who lies so
And when I am with other maidens'
'And when I am with other maidens
I will mock you most of all
Yes, I will mock you most of all!'
Te doresc
Te doresc
să te iubesc mult, mult,
să te sărut noapte și zi.
Te doresc.
Iubire, ești tu
ce dai viață vieții mele,
ce dai lumină acestei inimi.
Te doresc.
De ce nu vrei
ca să-ți vorbesc de dragoste?
De ce nu vrei să te îmbrățișez așa?
Te doresc
să te iubesc mult, mult,
să te sărut noapte și zi.
Te doresc.
De ce nu vrei ca să-ți vorbesc de dragoste?
De ce nu vrei să te îmbrățișez așa?
Te doresc
să te iubesc mult, mult,
să te sărut noapte și zi.
Te doresc,
te doresc.
Colaj: Păşeşte înăuntru, iubire / Los Paranoias
Păşeşte înăuntru, iubire, şi stai
Păşeşte înăuntru, iubire
Păşeşte înăuntru, iubire
Păşeşte înăuntru, iubire
Vreau să stai...
Pari obosită, iubire
lasă-mă să aprind lumina
Vino din răceală
întinde-ţi capul pe umărul meu
şi sărută-mă diseară
Suntem împreună acum
şi pentru totdeauna, vino în calea mea
Păşeşte înăuntru, iubire, şi stai
Păşeşte înăuntru, iubire
Păşeşte înăuntru, iubire
Păşeşte înăuntru, iubire
Vreau să stai...
Joe Prairies and the Prairie Wallflowers.
Los Paranoias.
Los Paranoias vă invită
să ne savuraţi pe noi
Haideţi, puteţi
cu iubirea
veniţi şi intraţi în spiritul Los Paranoias
Los Paranoias
Los Paranoias
Veniţi şi savuraţi-ne
Los Paranoias
veniţi şi savuraţi-ne
Suntem Los Paranoias
Suntem aici să vă cântăm
şi orice ne cereţi să facem
vă vom cânta un cântecel...
Rendezvous la malul mării
Malul mării oricând te plimbi cu mine
contemplând ceea ce simţi înăuntru
Între timp, eu cer să fii iubita mea
Tu spui că ai vrea de-ai putea, dar nu poţi
Te iubesc nebuneşte,
lasă-mi imaginaţia să alerge bucuroasă cu tine
Un nou unghi foarte recomandabil
Rendezvous la malul mării
Mă simt aşa romantic, putem s-o mai facem?
Putem s-o mai facem cândva [oooh, îmi place asta]
Fantastic, aşa-i viaţa doamnelor şi domnilor
[Şi-n vârful sezonului,
Perioada asta a anului] e atât de modernă
Mă simt ca şi cum aş dansa în ploaia
Pot avea un voluntar?
[Ţine-te bine la dans]
Ah, ce idee afurisit de bună
E aşa o bucurie ca fapt divers
Atât de şarmantă, draga mea!
Sub lumina lunii,
Împreună vom naviga pe mare
Rememorând în fiecare noapte
Între timp îţi cer să fii Valentina mea
Tu spui că trebuie să-i spui tăticului dacă poţi
Voi fi Valentinul tău
Vom merge pe un omnibuz şi apoi la cazino
[Ia-ţi un nou machiaj, să-ncepem un senzaţional]
[Rendezvous la malul mării] atât de adorabil
[Rendezvous la malul mării] ooh-oh
[Rendezvous la malul mării]
Dă-ne un sărut
Where are you wandering
Outside, the weather's rainy, should I stay or should I go out
where are you wandering ? where are you wandering ?
I should probably go to the movies, visit George's bar
where are you wandering ? where are you wandering ?
I'll stop by Takis, he might have some...
where are you wandering ? where are you wandering ?
Outside's getting late, the wind is howling
it's raining and I'm going back alone
looking for a random place to stay
I won't be able to sleep at home
The city lights are off
two friends say hello
where are you wandering ? where are you wandering ?
My friends from the other side
Don't you look down on me, little one.
It'll be a huge mistake,
My kingdom opens its arms to you
And my friends come from the other side...
(His friends come from the other side)
It's only an echo, my friends,
A little custom from Louisiana,
A little cabaret show, a pittance.
Let's sit over there,
Trust me,
Relax and thanks to me
Today may be your lucky day.
I can read [your] futures
And change it as I please,
And getting into your soul,
You do have a soul, don't you Lawrence?
And into your wildest dreams...
Thanks to my voodoo, my gift of gab, my abracadabras
And my friends coming from the other side.
(His friends come from the other side)
The cards, the cards, the cards show me
You past, present and future as they are.
The cards, the cards, the cards, pick three of them
And come discover your future with me.
You, you have done a long crossing,
You come from two royal lines
(I got royal blood myself from my mother side)
You live lavishly but you're broke
And you need your fiancée's daddy to be loaded.
Dad cut you off, hu, playboy?
You have to put a ring of your finger but without tiying yourself down...
You wanna be free as the wind,
Going from one city to another, but to be free you need green...
How green, how green
How green my dear!
I look at your future
And I only see green in it!
For you my dear, your assessment will be quick:
You've been used all you life,
Used by your mother,
Your little sister, your little brother
And if you were married, you'd be used by your wife!
But getting a glimpse into your future,
I only see that man you always wish you were.
Shake my hand, my friends,
Shake the hand of a poor sinner
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Total transformation
Total transformation,
Total renovation,
Total renovation,
And total transfiguration
Do you feel it?
Do you feel all those changes, all those changes,
All those changes in you?
I hope you'll like them
But otherwise, don't cast a stone at me:
Blame it on my friend from the other side
You had what you wished for,
But you lost what you had
Floral Summer
You can be protected if you...
You can be protected if you...
Another summer has come just like that day
The aroma of the earth is carried in the blowing wind when I go out
In the beginning of this year the cicada's voice
The plants grow green as the sunlight restores their strength
The pounding of my heart during the lunch break resonates around the school building
My love is trembling and my feelings are about to burst
Even now I believe in the promises that we exchanged
There are more important things than living an elegant life
I want to love the person reflected in my eyes more
The rising throbbing in my chest is seared into my heart
Spread and flap your wings while the future opens
One day for sure we we can walk together
Ah! If that is the case
You can be protected if you...
You can be protected if you...
The hydrangea flower fades
The brightly colored new green leaves flutter in the breeze
After school gazing at each other even just a little during the sunset in the evening
The many memories begin to overflow from the classroom
I know that I should tell you about my feelings
In my favorite season the memories reach you
There are more important things than living a cure life
The glittering angel has opened her wings right now
The always radiant eyes are absorbing
I want to walk with slowly the future which repeatedly flaps its wings
I need you forever...
I want to love the person reflected in my eyes more
The rising throbbing in my chest is seared into my heart
Spread your wings and fly as the future opens up to you
s we struggle to hold each others hands never stop loving
Aah! If that is the case
You can be protected if you...
You can be protected if you…
You can be protected if you...
You can be protected if you…
You can be protected
Macarena (Bayside Boys Remix)
(I am not trying to seduce you)
When I dance, they call me Macarena
And the boys they say that I'm good
They all want me, they can't have me
So they all come and dance beside me
Move with me, chant with me
And if you're good, I'll take you home with me
Give your body some happiness, Macarena
'Cause your body's meant for giving happiness and nice things
Give your body some happiness, Macarena
Hey Macarena!
Give your body some happiness, Macarena
'Cause your body's meant for giving happiness and nice things
Give your body some happiness, Macarena
Hey Macarena!
Now don't you worry about my boyfriend
The boy whose name is Vitorino
Ha! I don't want him, can't stand him
He was no good so I (ha ha ha ha)
Now come on, what was I supposed to do?
He was out of town and his two friends were so fine
Give your body some happiness, Macarena
'Cause your body's meant for giving happiness and nice things
Give your body some happiness, Macarena
Hey Macarena!
Give your body some happiness, Macarena
'Cause your body's meant for giving happiness and nice things
Give your body some happiness, Macarena
Hey Macarena!
(Ay! Ay!)
(Ay! Ay!)
(Ay! Ay!)
(I am not trying to seduce you)
Macaren, Macaren, Macaren, Macarena
Give your body some happiness, Macarena
'Cause your body's meant for giving happiness and nice things
Give your body some happiness, Macarena
Hey Macarena!
Give your body some happiness, Macarena
'Cause your body's meant for giving happiness and nice things
Give your body some happiness, Macarena
Hey Macarena!
Come and find me, my name is Macarena
Always at the party with the girls who are good
Come join me, dance with me
And all you fellows chant along with me
Give your body some happiness, Macarena
'Cause your body's meant for giving happiness and nice things
Give your body some happiness, Macarena
Hey Macarena!
Give your body some happiness, Macarena
'Cause your body's meant for giving happiness and nice things
Give your body some happiness, Macarena
Hey Macarena!
Give your body some happiness, Macarena
'Cause your body's meant for giving happiness and nice things
Give your body some happiness, Macarena
Hey Macarena!
Give your body some happiness, Macarena
'Cause your body's meant for giving happiness and nice things
Give your body some happiness, Macarena
Hey Macarena!
Give your body some happiness, Macarena
'Cause your body's meant for giving happiness and nice things
Give your body some happiness, Macarena
Hey Macarena!
They don't want to leave your feet
said the eyes of mine
Don't crush those by walking on them
Don't you have the least pity by doing so
They don't want to leave your feet
said the eyes of mine
Don't crush those by walking on them
Don't you have the least pity by doing so
Will be guarding at your feet
as a Kohl by my dreams
If you are rubbing ur eyes, those will turn red
and gushes the heat
By the breeze of mine, they are swinging in the swing
which are your curly hair
If you push me back, I will get exhausted and
scream in that exhaustion
Can I stop even after seeing you
The control of age on the heart feelings
am I able to explain it?
Can I stop even after seeing you
The control of age on the heart feelings
am I able to explain it?
They don't want to leave your feet
said the eyes of mine
Don't crush those by walking on them
Don't you have the least pity by doing so
Is it the season of flowering? Or,
Is it the lovely smile of the girl? Or,
Is it the one I came across in every turn
as a full moon in the woods?
Are you the peacock who fanned out the feathers?
Are you the world of all the blossoms?
If you are so much beauty,
How am I able to count all those?
Hey, even my breathe touches you or
even if my shadow follows you!!
Won't you respond to me or talk to me!! ...Hey... woman
Even if I have pleaded you so much
is this what I get, Hey goddess of Love
You are the sweetest stroke which struck my heart violin
and please listen to my request
Can I stop even after seeing you?
The control of age on the heart feelings
am I able to explain it?
Can I stop even after seeing you
The control of age on the heart feelings
am I able to explain it?
They don't want to leave your feet
said by the eyes of mine
Don't crush those by walking on them
Don't you have the least pity by doing so
Will be guarding at your feet
as a Kohl by my dreams
If you are rubbing ur eyes, those will turn red
and gushes the heat
Thaarame Thaarame translation Tamil to English
வேறதுவும் தேவை இல்லை
நீ மட்டும் போதும்
கண்ணில் வைத்து காத்திருப்பேன்
There is no need for anything else
You alone are enough
I will wait in the eye
உன் எதிரில் நான் இருக்கும்
ஒவ்வொரு நாளும்
உச்சி முதல் பாதம் வரை
வீசுது வாசம்
I will be against you
Every day
From the summit to the first half
Blowing smell
தினமும் ஆயிரம் முறை
பார்த்து முடித்தாலும்
இன்னும் பார்த்திட சொல்லி
பாழும் மனம் ஏங்கும்
Thousands of times daily
Even after watching
Telling them to look
Desolate and longing
தாரமே தாரமே வா
வாழ்வின் வாசமே வாசமே
நீ தானே
தாரமே தாரமே வா
எந்தன் சுவாசமே சுவாசமே
நீ உயிரே வா….ஆஅ…
Come on
Life is the smell of life
Come on
Ethan is just breathing
You come alive….
மேலும் கீழும் ஆடும் உந்தன்
மாய கண்ணாலே
மாறுவேடம் போடுது என் நாட்கள்
And up and down
By the magic eye
My days of disguise
By yourself ... A. ....
ஆயுள் ரேகை முழுவதுமாய்
தேயும் முன்னாலே
ஆளும் வரை வாழ்ந்திடலாம்
காதலின் உள்ளே
Throughout the life span
Before the tea
Let’s live up to the ruling
Inside of love
இந்த உலகம் தூளாய்
உடைந்து போனாலும்
அதன் ஒரு துகளில்
உன்னை கரை சேர்ப்பேன்
This world is dust
Although broken
In its one particle
I will add you
தாரமே தாரமே வா
வாழ்வின் வாசமே வாசமே
நீ தானே
தாரமே தாரமே வா
எந்தன் சுவாசமே சுவாசமே
நீ உயிரே வா….ஆஅ….
Come on
Life is the smell of life
Come on
Ethan is just breathing
You come alive… .yes….
நீ நீங்கிடும் நேரம்
காற்றும் பெரும் பாரம்
உன் கைத்தொடும் நேரம்
தீ மீதிலும் ஈரம்
Time for you to move on
The wind is great
Time for your handshake
Moisture over fire
நீ நடக்கும் பொழுது
நிழல் தரையில் படாது
உன் நிழலை எனது உடல்
நழுவ விடாது
பேரழகின் மேலே ஒரு
துரும்பும் தொடாது
பிஞ்சு முகம் ஒரு நொடியும்
When you walk
Shadow does not hit the ground
Your shadow is my body
Don't let slip
One above the catastrophe
The rusting does not touch
Finch's face is a snap
உன்னை பார்த்திருப்பேன்
விழிகள் மூடாது
உன்னை தாண்டி
எதுவும் தெரியகூடாது ஹோ ஓ ஓ
I would have seen you
The worries don't close
Beyond you
தாரமே தாரமே வா
வாழ்வின் வாசமே வாசமே
நீ தானே
தாரமே தாரமே வா
எந்தன் சுவாசமே சுவாசமே
நீ உயிரே வா….ஆஅ….
Come on
Life is the smell of life
Come on
Ethan is just breathing
You come alive… .yes….
Migrant birds
I grew out of rocks and ashes,
And you grew in a parlor flowerpot.
I'm searching for the heart of the trail,
And you're offhandedly getting into the kinks of the mind
I grew out of rocks and steel
And you grew in a glass cage
I raised my head up to God,
And you're painting the jail in so many colours.
I have migrant birds for friends,
And you say that you have the clingy sort of friends.
I'm searching for my lost suns,
Tell me, what are you searching for in the smoke?
What are you searching for?
What are you searching for?
I grew out of rocks and ashes
And you grew in your warm den
I've looked death in the eye,
And you take your life seriously.
I have migrant birds for friends,
And you say that you have the clingy sort of friends.
I'm searching for my lost suns,
Tell me, what are you searching for in the smoke?
What are you searching for?
What are you searching for?
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου
On A Picket Fence
On a picket fence I's sitting
Absolutely in the nude.
Grief has come to me, unwitting:
Lost my innocence, I'm screwed!
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.
Ceva înăuntru atât de puternic
Pe cât de mari îţi vei clădi barierele,
pe-atât de înalt voi fi
Oricât de departe îmi vei lua drepturile,
pe-atât de repede voi fugi
Nu mă poţi nega,
Tu poţi alege
să-ţi întorci chipul... departe
Nu contează, căci există
ceva înăuntru atât de puternic
ştiu că pot să reuşesc
deşi mă faci să mă simt aiurea...
Tu credeai că mândria mea s-a dus, o, nu
E ceva înăuntru atât de puternic (ceva înăuntru atât de puternic)
Wohhhhhhoh, ceva înăuntru atât de puternic
Pe cât de mult vei refuza să-mi auzi vocea,
pe-atât de tare voi cânta
pe cât de mult vei refuza ce vreau,
pe-atât de mult vreau totul
Neagă locul meu în timp,
scontezi averea care-i a mea
lumina mea va străluci
atât de tare încât te va orbi (te va orbi)
fiindcă este
ceva înăuntru atât de puternic
ştiu că pot să reuşesc
deşi mă faci să mă simt aiurea...
Tu credeai că mândria mea s-a dus, o, nu
E ceva înăuntru atât de puternic (ceva înăuntru atât de puternic)
Wohhhhhhoh, ceva înăuntru atât de puternic
Fraţi şi surori,
când ei insistă că nu suntem destul de buni (destul de buni)
ce am face atunci?
Îi vom privi în ochi şi vom spune
'O vom face oricum, o vom face oricum!'
'O vom face oricum, o vom face oricum!'
Fiindcă este
ceva înăuntru atât de puternic
ştiu că pot să-nfrunt
deşi mă faci să mă simt aiurea...
Tu credeai că mândria mea s-a dus, o, nu
E ceva înăuntru atât de puternic (ceva înăuntru atât de puternic)
Wohhhhhhoh, ceva înăuntru atât de puternic
(ceva înăuntru atât de puternic)
Ceva înăuntru, ceva înăuntru
Ceva înăuntru, ceva înăuntru
e ceva atât de puternic
e atât de puternic!...
We stand for each other
Cassandra: We're never alone
Because the destiny can never separate us
Eugene: We'll find
The goal of our journey together
Rapunzel: We've accomplished so much until now
And it will keep being this way
Cassandra, Eugene & Rapunzel: Nothing at all can ever happen to us
Because we stand for each other
Cassandra: Whether we lose, or maybe triumph
Now we're going to end our path
Eugene: Even if it's hard and sometimes dangerous
The page can still be turned
Rapunzel: This goodbye is hard, but nothing can stop us anymore here
And there's no time left to waste
Cassandra: Surely this will be a dangerous game
Cassandra & Rapunzel: But we'll go after our goal united
Cassandra, Eugene & Rapunzel: And if we go, then we'll go with style
Because we fight together
And no one will ever separate us
We're never alone
Because we trust and know each other
When we look back, we'll do it for pride
It will keep being this way
Nothing at all can ever happen to us
Because we stand for each other
Nothing at all can ever happen to us
Cassandra: Because we stand
Eugene: Yes,we stand
Rapunzel: Yes, we stand
Cassandra, Eugene & Rapunzel: For each other
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
East Side Flow
Ghare beh ke, ghare beh ke
Mareya ni gallan
You know what it is!
Byg Byrd
Oh sikheya street’an chon
Kitaban vichon padheya ni
Tinka aukaat si
Pahaadan naal laddeya ni
Kehnde aa sikhar jehdi
Thaa utte oh khade aa
Jo khinchde aa lattan
Kehnde saddi siron chadheya ni
Start botton to kitta
Lahu dolke dihadi kitti
Apneya kayi mere naal
Vairiyan to maahdi kitti
Murre si namolshi par
Khinch ke main faadi kitti
Chhade sab dogle te
Haaran naal aadi kitte
Backbytran de dal hun
Bit bit chaak de ne
Sunn de ne gaane nale
Maahde mainu aakhde ne
Wadde tham chinta ch
Kade show talk ne
Kehnde bhutni gadaudi
Saadi kal de jawak ne
Haan iko time sareyan te
Boleya ae halla
Ghare beh ke, ghare beh ke
Mareya ni gallan x (3)
Samay te haalatan naal
Ladeya aa kalla
Ghare beh ke, ghare beh ke
Mareya ni gallan x (3)
Meri ae taraki na
Raas aayi kalakaran nu
Kujj vairi bane yaaran nu
Kujj pakkeyan pyaaran nu
Lagda tabaahi main
Dimag to aa bimaran nu
Kehnde munda eh wrong
Luti launde sarkaran nu