Rezultatele căutării pagină 7
Număr de rezultate: 290
Un tânăr fermier îndrăzneţ
Un tânăr fermier îndrăznet m-a curtat
Mi-a furat inima şi libertatea
Mi-a furat inima fără bunăvoie
Şi trebuie să mărturisesc că încă îl iubesc
Doresc, doresc dar totul e-n zadar
Doresc să fiu o fecioară din nou
Dar o fecioară din nou nicodată nu pot fi
De vreme ce aşa un tânăr flăcău stă întins lângă mine
Acolo stă o pasăre în copac
Unii spun că el este orb şi nu poate vedea
Şi eu doresc să fi fost la fel cu mine
Înainte să accept compania ta
Doresc copilul meu aşa micuţ să fi fost născut
Şi să zâmbească pe genunchiul tatălui său
Şi eu o biată fată să fi fost moartă şi dusă
Cu iarba verde crescând peste mine
O, sapă-mi mormântul , sapă lung şi adânc
Pune o piatră de marmură pe capul şi picioarele mele
Şi pe inima mea va ninge, porumbelul meu
Să lase lumea să ştie că am murit pentru iubire
Te cunosc după inimă
Miezul nopţilor iarna
Focul strălucitor
Îţi luminează faţa în portocaliu şi aur
Îţi văd dulcele zâmbet
Strălucind prin întuneric
Linia lui este gravată în amintirea mea
Aşa că te-aş cunoaşte după inimă
Dimineţi în aprilie
Împărtăşind secretele
Am merge până dimineaţa s-a dus
Noi eram precum copiii
Râzând cu orele
Bucuria pe care mi-o dai
Trăieşte iar şi iar
Pentru că eu te ştiu după inimă
Încă aud vocea ta
În nopţile calde de vară
Şoptind ca vântul
ohhh, ohhhh, ohhhhh, ohhhh
Ai plecat toamna
Frunzele îşi schimbau culoarea
Am mers pe drumurile de portocaliu şi aur
Am văzut zâmbetul tău dulce
Am auzit râsul tău,
Tu eşti încă aici lângă mine
În fiecare zi
Pentru că te cunosc după inimă
Pentru că te cunosc după inimă
Floare de gheață –n solvire
Ceva dragoste mare intangibilă
încețoșează câmpiile
bocet prelung nemărginit de dureros
după fericire.
MIci porumbițe cu aripi înălbite
în mugurinda martie și-n fața lor
se preling pâraie dezghețate
Floare de gheață, floare de gheață, floare de gheață
sumedenie de fum de țigări holbate…
Oh, ce bine ar veni
oleacă de înviere!
Locomotive bombănesc
picioare repezi mărșăluiesc
mâini lungi din cer se prelungesc
și amestecă a primăverii viață.
Se putea atinge cândva
intangibilul melancolic?
Ori se puteau umbri toate ferestrele
cu pofte înăbușite?
Deșteptându-se acre tulchini
se aștern pe falnicul mormânt din stâncă
Si înlăuntru stă întins Isus, reavăn și tăcut.
De trei zile e mort
Maya, Maya,
Îți place
Când te joci cu inima mea
Și nu pot fi liber,
Oh, de ce, oh, de ce
Îmi faci asta?
Pierdut pe drumul meu,
Cad, plec,
Ieșit din minți,
Să te țin aproape,
Țintești, țintești
Direct către inima mea.
Când suntem departe (unul de altul),
Nu poți sta singură,
Dar când rămân/ stau,
Mă lași rănit.
Nu se poate, nu se poate,
O rezolvăm,
Mă ucide asta.
...sunt singur pe bulevardul acesta,
...suntem doar eu și inima aceasta frântă.
Ochii tăi
Mă fac să simt de parcă iadul acesta e paradisul,
Oh, oh,
Mă înnebunești,
Mă scoți din minți.
Pierdut pe drumul meu,
Cad, plec,
Ieșit din minți,
Să te țin aproape,
Țintești, țintești
Direct către inima mea.
Când suntem departe (unul de altul),
Nu poți sta singură,
Dar când rămân/ stau,
Mă lași rănit.
Nu se poate, nu se poate,
O rezolvăm,
Mă ucide asta.
...sunt singur pe bulevardul acesta,
...suntem doar eu și inima aceasta frântă.
x 4
Departe, departe,
Visez departe
La toate lucrurile pe care le-am făcut,
Draga mea,
Simți ca mine durerea mea?
Iubirea e o armă încărcată.
...sunt singur pe bulevardul acesta,
...suntem doar eu și inima aceasta frântă.
Share music and kindness! :)
Inayae en uyir thunaiyae
Un imai thirandhaal
Naan uraivadhu yenadi
Azhagae en muzhu ulagam
Un vizhigalilae
Kan urangudhu paaradi
Arugae nee irundhaal
En kaipesi vaai moodumae
Thalai saithu nee sirithaaiyenil
En thaeneeril thaen koodumae
Inayae en uyir thunaiyae
Un inimaiyile
Naan karaivadhu yenada
Yugamaai kai viral pidithu
Naam nadapadhu pol
Naan unarvadhu yenada
I was sitting on terrace
I was sitting on terrace
With expression on my face
And expressed by my face
Was with what you sit on terrace
© Uncommon
You deserve brushstrokes of a Flemish master,
I don't deserve a white-washer's muddle,
You was born and lived under lucky star,
I'm outsider, scum and scar, stayed always afar,
In the clear water puddle,
Away from global ideas, foes and friends.
And you cry as a homeless - Hooray for the home!
And I cry as a madman - Hooray for the puddle!
But iron door has iron lock,
And you aren't allowed to look at the clock, or to listen hard rock.
From two systems of being, I guess, I'll choose one
Where you are missing.
You will live there, I will stay here.
You will be building a family shrine, and I will be drinking wine.
I will die from cirrhosis, you will open windows,
But you will hardly remember me, when the smoke will rise from the chimney!
I don't care if I'm alive or dead.
Have plans or drunk at o-five.
Your dad said that I am a pornocrat,
And I saw so much shit in my life,
I told him – Yeah! But gosh how stupid of you,
Since it was only a play, and I played my role.
You will live there, I will stay here.
You will be building a family shrine, and I will be drinking wine.
I will die from cirrhosis, you will open windows,
But you will hardly remember me, when the smoke will rise from the chimney!
Deep inside
I can give you my money, but I cannot give you my love
If you're crying, I'll offer you weed so that you would forgive me
Knowing that one day, you will surely leave me
Oh why not, it's the only thing that can console me
Sometimes, my face
is wrinkled like it's the last night
Sometimes, I fell like Indiana Jones, deep inside
It's not the time for sleeping
Be careful of that
Be careful of that
I've been looking for you for a long time, but for you, I hung around too much
If you're crying, I'll kiss you so hard so that you'll forgive me
Knowing that one day, you'll surely leave me
Oh why not, it's the only thing that can console me
Sometimes, I feel like Michael Phelps, deep inside
wants to take my vibe
Sometimes, I feel like Indiana Jones, deep inside
Be careful of that
It's not the time for sleeping
Be careful of that
Be careful of that
Inauntrul meu
Da-mi totul,nu as putea sa fiu niciodata
Ar trebui sa fiu mort,dar inca respir
Lumina se stinge incet,ma concentrez
Pe vocea ta ca sa opresc destramarea
Arata-mi tot ce nu as putea sa vad
Vreau sa cunosc tot ceea ce este in jurul meu
Acum aflu,luminile orbesc
Sa trec peste tot ce ascund
Cad,ma sting
Nu pot respira fara tine
Sunt captiv inauntrul meu
Nu sunt liber fara tine
Nu mai e nimic ramas din mine
Destrama-ma atunci,adu-ma inapoi
Vorbeste-mi si fa-ma sa ascult
M-am plictisit sa astept,ma sufoc
Tot ceea ce sunt paleste
Arata-mi tot ce nu as putea sa vad
Vreau sa cunosc tot ceea ce se afla in jurul meu
Acum aflu,luminile orbesc
Sa trec peste tot ce ascund
Cad,ma sting
Nu pot respira fara tine
Sunt prins inauntrul meu
Nu sunt liber fara tine
Nu a mai ramas nimic din mine
Nu pot respira fara tine
Sunt prins inauntrul meu
Nu sunt liber fara tine
Nu a mai ramas nimic din mine
Cad,ma palesc
Cad,ma palesc
Nu pot trai fara tine
Sunt prins inauntrul meu
Nu sunt liber fara tine
Nu a mai ramas nimic din mine
Nu respira fara tine
Sunt prins inauntrul meu
Nu sunt liber fara tine
Nu a mai ramas nimic din mine
Ia-o pe partea sălbatică...
Holly venea din Miami FLA,
a mers cu 'ia-mă, nene' toate Statele Unite
şi-a pensat sprâncenele pe drum
şi-a ras picioarele şi el a devenit ea
ea zicea 'hei, dragă, ia-o pe partea sălbatică'
zicea 'hei, dragă, ia-o pe partea sălbatică'
Candy a venit pe insulă
în culise era iubirea tuturor
dar nu şi-a pierdut nicicând capul
chiar şi când a dat cu capul
ea zicea 'hei, dragă, ia-o pe partea sălbatică'
zicea 'hei, dragă, ia-o pe partea sălbatică'
şi fetele de culoare zic:
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Micul Joe nici măcar o dată n-a renunţat
Toţi trebuiau să plătească şi să plătească
O agitație aici și o agitație acolo,
New York este locul unde se zice
'Hei babe, ia-o pe partea sălbatică.'
Am spus: 'Hei Joe, ia-o pe partea sălbatică
Zâna zahărului de prune veni şi bătu străzile
căutând mâncare de suflet şi un loc de stat la masă
S-a dus la Apollo
Trebuia să-l vezi cum se duce...
Se zice 'Hei, zăhărel, ia-o pe partea sălbatică'
Am zis 'Hei, zăhărel, ia-o pe partea sălbatică'
E bine, hai
Jackie o ia la goană-n viteză
credea că-i James Dean pentru o zi
apoi cred că s-a ciocnit
Valiumul ar fi ajutat-o
ea zicea 'hei, dragă, ia-o pe partea sălbatică'
am zis 'hei, dragă, ia-o pe partea sălbatică'
Şi fetele de culoare zic
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Darling Sits On Threshold Base
Darling sits on threshold base
With expression on his face.
The expression he portrays
Is like thing that touches base.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.
Krishane - Inconsiderabila (feat. Patoranking)
El o striga in soapta dar ea nu răspunde
Și mi-aș dori să fim împreună, dar nimic nu merge
El o striga in soapta dar ea nu răspunde
M-am infasurat in jurul incheieturii ei ca o bratara
Dar tu niciodată nu -mi spui că mă iubești draga, dar totusi rămân prin preajma ta
Și m-ai luat drept ca pe un barbar care se taraste in jurul orasului
Când te tratez ca pe o regină a frumuseții, iar tu mă tratezi ca pe un clovn
Și cred că îți place să faci asta doar pentru distracție
Ești inconsiderabila (indiferenta)
Inconsiderabila despre dragostea mea
Și e deliberat
Ceea ce faci in inima mea indurerata
Și Cupidon știe
Da, știe
Sunt împușcat de tine
Dacă vrei un tip timid, spune-mi pot sa fiu asa
Dacă ai nevoie de un tip rau, o pot face
Dacă vrei un alt barbat crede-ma ..tu, te simți ah
Dacă nu ai alt sânge, permite-mi să -ti fiu motivul
Ai plecat acum o săptămână
Tu mi-ai spus că pleci in Chicago
Pentru că da groaza fato nu ma lasa, vreau să-ți dai seama
Fato am plecat, am terminat-o, am plecat
Ești inconsiderabila (indiferenta)
Inconsiderabila despre dragostea mea
Și e deliberat
Ceea ce faci in inima mea indurerata
Și Cupidon știe
Da, știe
Sunt împușcat de tine
Ești inconsiderabila
Nepasatoare de iubirea mea
Și e imediat
Sa cauti atenția pentru inima mea frântă
Și Cupidon știe
Da, știe
Sunt împușcat de tine
Fiecare barbat viseaza cum sa-si faca bine fiecare iubita,
Cum de ai terminat? Ego și mândrie
Mai bine ai grija acum ca lucrurile să nu se ascundă
Pot iubitul și atingerea sa ma dea la o parte
Ai pretins că mă iubești, dar te vezi cu un alt bărbat
Trebuia sa planuiesti mai bine
Ai ales sa lasi o masina pentru o camioneta
Data viitoare când o sa te mai vad fato, o sa te tratez ca pe un fan
Ești inconsiderabila (indiferenta)
Inconsiderabila despre dragostea mea
Și e deliberat
Ceea ce faci in inima mea indurerata
Și Cupidon știe
Da, știe
Sunt împușcat de tine
Ești inconsiderabila
Nepasatoare de iubirea mea
Și e imediat
Sa cauti atenția pentru inima mea frântă
Și Cupidon știe
Da, știe
Sunt împușcat de tine
Leii Dinăuntru
Dacă mă lași de capul meu
Nu a trebuit niciodată să fac compromisuri
Orașul ăsta e ca o junglă
Trebuie să-l fac să fie al meu
Îmi ascund frica
înfrunt agitația, sper să iasă bine
într-un joc unde doar cei puternici supraviețuiesc
Doar cei puternici supraviețuiesc
Aceste lanțuri nu mă pot reține
se vor rupe și vor pica la pământ
Nu pot să îmblânzesc acești lei dinăuntru
Puterea domnește precum
Tunetul gata de luptă
Acești lei dinăuntru
Acești lei dinăuntru
Ohhh Ohhh Ohh
Acești lei dinăuntru
Ohhh Ohhh Ohh
Acești lei dinăuntru
A trebuit să învăț să fiu eroul
am luat totul de la zero
Într-un oraș precum o junglă a trebuit să mă descurc
Nu da niciodată, trebuie doar să iei
să fii catapulta care distruge porțile
căci un campion nu cedează niciodată
văzând dincolo de până la sfârșitul zilelor
până la sfârșitul zilelor
Aceste lanțuri nu mă pot reține
se vor rupe și vor pica la pământ
Nu pot să îmblânzesc acești lei dinăuntru
Puterea domnește precum
Tunetul gata de luptă
Acești lei dinăuntru
Acești lei dinăuntru
Pâmântul pe care calcă nu taie prin această piele
vănându-și prada până la sfârșitul amar
Pâmântul pe care calcă nu taie prin această piele
vănându-și prada până la sfârșitul amar
Pâmântul pe care calcă nu taie prin această piele
vănându-și prada, să înceapă jocurile
Aceste lanțuri nu mă pot reține
se vor rupe și vor pica la pământ
Nu pot să îmblânzesc acești lei dinăuntru
Puterea domnește precum
Tunetul gata de luptă
Acești lei dinăuntru
Acești lei dinăuntru
Magic Girl
Once upon a time…
No… Actually, right now,
There is a boy who is about to fall in love with a beautiful gir… er… witch.
You know, I don’t have time for this,
Just listen.
The night grows deeper
And I can’t sleep
When I was lonely and howling (howl)
Through the darkness
You flew to me
Like the stars in the night sky
You’re so pretty
You’re dazzling
All of you
(Seems like magic to me)
You’re so perfect
You make my heart flutter
Everyone wants you
Oh Magic magic girl,
I’ve fallen for the magical you (magical)
Oh Magic magic girl,
you’ve taken all of my heart
1,2,3 You got me.
I like you. (without knowing)
1,2,3 You got me.
I love you (I only want you)
1,2,3 You got me.
You make me fall in love, only to you.
(You got me falling in love, only to you.)
At dawn when everyone’s asleep
I met you
I’m waiting for you alone (howl)
A ray of light
Pierces my heart
Now I can’t breathe
You’re so pretty
You’re dazzling
All of you
(Seems like magic to me)
You’re so perfect
You make my heart flutter
Everyone wants you
Oh Magic magic girl,
I’ve fallen for the magical you (magical)
Oh Magic magic girl,
you’ve taken all of my heart
1,2,3 You got me.
I like you. (without knowing)
1,2,3 You got me.
I love you (I only want you)
1,2,3 You got me.
You make me fall in love, only to you.
(You got me falling in love, only to you.)
Like a honey bee drunk off the flower scent
Like a crazy person, possessed by a witch
I’m a clown who is limitlessly pulled to you
I can’t stop, it’s the age of the witch now
Oh Oh Babe tonight Ah Ah
Oh babe, will you come to me?
(Only look at me, I’m only looking at you)
Oh Oh Babe tonight Ah Ah
To me
(look at me, I’m the one who will be with you)
Oh Magic magic girl,
I’ve fallen for the magical you (magical)
Oh Magic magic girl,
you’ve taken all of my heart
1,2,3 You got me.
I like you. (without knowing)
1,2,3 You got me.
I love you (I only want you)
1,2,3 You got me.
You make me fall in love, only to you.
(You got me falling in love, only to you.)
And the boy who fell under
the witch’s love spell lived happily ever after,
(Whether you) Believe it or not.
This has been A.cian. Well, goodbye for now.
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
Infinite Roads
Today I want to sing
And that my voice will gather together all the brotherhood
We are not many but there is never a rival
That can silence us
I want all of you to mine
All their bridges and impose our law
If needed we hang the DJ
To search for a new and young Morrissey
Dead the singer-songwriter
Dead song
Who the hell who think he is?
Who wants to end up with him?
I have a girl and a gun
A pleasure cruise
Endless Roads
And some crime to solve
With my new super powers
I will raise a festival
With Lori Meyers playing now
Because I want to dance
Today I feel so good
That something bad has to happen to me
Please someone extend this alienation
With any drug (pharma), and with good liquor
Another year
Jota (singer of Los Planetas) singing at the Primavera Sound
I prefer Egon in Arenal street
Or do the vocals on Mi Capitan
Stop bittering
All the people
Don't talk to me about honesty
Give me something that will make me cry
I Know What Will Come
I want to start again
Stand up and know how to undo
The networks with which my ego left me unable to fly
I'm going to erase it from memory
The shadows will turn to light
Recovering my essence, I take a breath before I jump
I breathe in my destiny, I know what will come
A passion that ignites the soul, the desire to fly
Sitting in front of the sun with nothing to hide
I breathe in my destiny, I know what will come .....
I'll clear it from my memory
The shadows will turn to light
And returning to my essence
I take a breath before I jump
looking at myself in the mirror
I remember the dream that has brought me here
I follow my own story,
Shed my skin or die
I breathe in my destiny, I know what will come....
Vin fluturând din Țara de Nicăieri
Timpul nu ar putea vreodată să mă oprească,nu nu,nu,nu
Știu că tu încerci
Vin călărind pe un cal alb pal
Trimițându-l spre mai puțin noroc
Te sfătuiesc
Aleargă-l înapoi,aleargă-l în spate
Când îl dărâmi pentru mine
Pentru că te pot auzi de două ori
Aleargă-l în spate,va avea vreodată asta sens pentru mine?
Trebuie să fac lucruri
Pe cont propriu,dragul
Mă vei lăsa vreodată?
Mă vei respecta vreodată?Nu
Fac lucruri pe cont propriu dragule
Ar trebui să mă lași
De ce nu mă vei lăsa niciodată să cresc?
Când privesc pe fereastra mea
Nu pot să am pace în minte 2x
Lasă-mă să-ți acopăr rahatul în sclipici
Pot să îl fac auriu,auriu
Am auzit că încerci să-ți vinzi sufletul,baby
Dar nu sunt sigură,alergi încet,târziu
Am avut nevoie de tine,te rog dă-i reflecții mele o pauză
De la fața care se vede acum
Dragule ai uita să-i dai reflecții mele o pauză
De la durerea simțită acum?
Ajung să nu am pace
Ajung să nu am pace
Ajung,ajung,ajung fără pace
Nu pot sa am pace
Mi-am luat medicamentele dar nu simt efectul
stau asezat in picioare pe bordul patului (nu dorm)
de tineri in picioare pe bordul acoperisului
lasand sa cada chestii pentru a simti efectul (jos jos jos)
sinuciderea n o contemplu dar ma gandesc des
recunosc, in ultimul timp eram sa o trec
depresia e o conditie, crezi ca dureaza in etern
e tot in minte, e o lupta cu creierul
si nu zic asta fiindca sunt un psihiatru
dar fiindca sunt crescut in strada cu cacaturi gresite
mama iarta-ma daca sunt ceea ce sunt
craniu in flacari din totdeauna, nu-l poti tine captiv
merg si acum cu o lama, am paranoie de persoane
dar in acelasi timp as muri fara sa simt iubire
uneori sper ca o sa mor fara sa simt durere
doar o elevare si o plecare cu onoare, intr-un loc mai bun
Cosmin 13
Can't escape from my life unable to run away from it I search for the shining light
While hesitant, while perplexed I smash to pieces the repetitive morning
Drowned by the unending beats, I dance to the midnight rhythm till the break of dawn
Casting everything off, the fleeting thoughts in my head peeks on me with a deceptive mask
In yesterday of great cowardice and even in the present of incessant dancing looking for something I can't see
Just tell me, to whom do I turn my bitter face that can't hide my frustration at?
Even if I continue to struggle at the absurd morals that are binding me
Such meaningless time keeps on passing by without a change
The ideals that I've always imagined are too far to reach and I can't elude from my past I wish to reset
The pursuit of my dreams, the reality that keeps hammering me down the nights of toil keep on repeating
As if being sneered by everything that shines under the light of the night
I am only being pulled around like a marionette without anybody noticing
Inside the dream I saw that one day these wings that had started to fly
Are wandering in the darkness trying to find an exit
I can't stop lovin' you no matter how huge this overflowing feeling that I find impossible to contain is
It will still remain an unfulfilled dream as another monotonous day arrives
I'm starting to try blaming just anyone as to why we had met so late why we had parted so early
If I could have just one wish to come true please make me go back in time
As if led by the moonlight, when the night comes I fall deep down
There's just no respite from this no-goal, endless game that goes on and on with no limit in sight
Inside the dream I saw that one day these wings that had started to fly
Will someday surely find its way to a place that I can call my own
Can't escape from my life unable to run away from it I search for the shining light
While hesitant, while perplexed I smash to pieces the repetitive morning
Inside the dream I saw that one day these wings that had started to fly
Will someday surely find its way to a place that I can call my own
Don't escape from my life unable to run away from it I seek for the shining light
While hesitant, while perplexed I face the new dawn
Can't escape from my life unable to run away from it
Don't escape from my life unable to run away from it
Can't escape from my life unable to run away from it
-- Feel free to comment, criticise, mark, discuss, use etc. my translations ! --
An evening calm
The cold wind dances
On the street which I have set foot in for a long time
Ever since then, after so many years, I'm here again
While the events of that day is being pulled along
Only the memories are fading away
It is unable to reach the hidden truth within the twilight
At some point in time,
This confusion has been continually chasing after me
Even at the day when I lost you
It was such a beautiful autumn sky
Now my heart
The scenery in front of me and the tears are crimson in colour
The autumn wind illuminated by the evening sun dances
On that hill which I've been looking for you
The dry leaves lightly falls gracefully
This place where the memories does not change
Those words we've exchanged that day, appears and begins to disappear
At the corner of my feelings
Your voice continues to reverberate
Around that time, to me
I didn't have enough courage to accept everything
Just one more time would be good
I want to see your familiar smile
Even if you no longer recognise me anymore
I don't care
In my heart now
The scenery in front of me and the tears are crimson in colour
The wind has stopped as the twilight comes to an end on that hill which I've been looking for you
This time when the wind has stopped
Even my feelings has somehow stopped as well
Walking strongly alone is a deeply painful thing, I understand
Now in my heart
The scenery in front of me and the tears are crimson in colour
The autumn wind illuminated by the evening sun dances
On that hill which I've been looking for you
The wind has stopped as the twilight comes to an end on that hill I've been looking for you
La la la...
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Gundey Needheyley..!
Gundekey Nanney
Ayyo Ayyo Paadham
Nelapai Aaganannadhi
Malli Malli Gaallo Meghmaii
Andham Ammaiyaithey
Neela Undha
Momataaley Vadhannaye
Adagalantey Koughiley...!
Gundey Needheyley..!
Gundekey Nanney
Nisilo Sasila
Ninney Chusaaka
Manasey Murisey
Egasey Ala Laaga
Edho Maikam Lo
Neney Unna Ley...
Naalo Nenantu Lenu Ley...
Mandey Endallo
Vendi Vennelaney
Mundhey Neneppudu
Chikatlo Kuda Needala
Nee Ventey Nenu Undaga
Verey Janmantu Naakey Endhuku Ley
Neetho Ee Nimisham Chaaluley
Andham Ammaiyaithey
Neela Undha
Momataaley Vadhannaye
Adagalantey Koughiley...!
Gundey Needheyley..!
Gundekey Nanney
Soource: Naa songs
All of your heart
Is what you have never shown me
(But I saw the wrongly turning compass)
Suddenly, you covered your moist eyes
(Taking off the mask)
Even if you run away
You trip as you come on the path
And stand on top of broken glass
Take a step closer to me
I’ll fill up your empty heart
As I see you crying with your makeup smudged
Its like my body will rip apart and break as I stand
Swallow the pain that he gave you
I will embrace it all, as I’m by your side
Instead of him, let me (instead of him, let me)
Instead of him, let me (instead of him, let me)
I will embrace all of the painful scars
I will break the line between us, I’ll steal you
And wipe away your tears
Now by my side
What made you like this?
(It’s nothing, the repeated lies)
It’s okay, tell me everything, your deep feelings
(You’re opening your heart)
I told you several times, I’m not that guy
I can’t see the scratch marks that he made anymore
I will tightly hold you
Who is trembling from the pain that falls like rain
As I see you crying with your makeup smudged
Its like my body will rip apart and break as I stand
Swallow the pain that he gave you
I will embrace it all, as I’m by your side
Instead of him, let me (instead of him, let me)
Instead of him, let me (instead of him, let me)
I will embrace all of the painful scars
I will break the line between us, I’ll steal you
Wipe away your tears
Now by my side
I can’t see you get hurt again
Slightly open your shut heart and give me room to enter
I want to find the lost you,
I’ll be there, I’ll be there
As I see you smiling with your makeup erased
It feels like my body is burning up as I stand there
I will take you to my dreams and
Hug you in my warm embrace, now by your side
Instead of him, let me (instead of him, let me)
Instead of him, let me (instead of him, let me)
I will break the line between you and me,
I will steal you and never let you cry again
Instead of him, let me
Sex On The Grass
Versions: #2
Dry pussy, never sorrows
Fate hit me which is like an miserable girl
And l said to hit a bitch which is like a steak
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Condoms finished
But l can't stand it, l dry
I wanna be dried without drop water on me
My sweet baby, l'm getting horny!
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
It's mercy, compassion and forgiveness I lack, not rationality!
Sonnet 15: Noticing That All That Arises
Noticing that all that arises in this world
fully flowers for only a little while,
and that all around me is an immense stage
on which are revealed the hidden powers of fate,
and also that all, men just like a flowers,
grow and decline under the same sky,
in youth full of vigor, then bowed by the weight of years
and departing into bottomless oblivion,
while musing how everything vanishes,
your youth’s beauty appears to me in my imagination,
but even now Time conspires with Decay
to turn youth and daylight into senility and darkness.
But I wage war with Time, out of love for you,
And what he would rob, I will preserve for you.
Dormind pe trotuar
Nu eram decât un băiat de oraş,
trompeta mea era singura mea jucărie
am suflat în ea
de când mă ştiu pe lume,
dar nu-i nimeni să vrea să ştie...
Am dormit pe trotuar
am mers pe stradă
mi-ar cam fi foame,
dar sigur nu m-aş duce acasă...
După colţ vine o limuzină
şi cel mai mare rânjet să-l văd vreodată
hai, băiete, nu vrei să semnezi
pe linia punctată
Ce zici, te joci?
Sigur nu te referi la mine?
M-au luat într-o cameră
fără masă
spuneau 'cântă la goarna ta
Am cântat cât de bine am putut
şi în curând am făcut discul anului.
Cântam pentru un milion de fani
nimic nu îmi lipsa
iar lumea voia s-asculte
ai crede că am fost un om fericit
Am dormit ca o prinţesă,
n-am mai atins strada
nu mi-e foame
şi sigur nu m-aş întoarce acasă...
(ar trebui să mă distrez)
Acum îmi zic
că nu sunt aşa la modă
şi-i datorez omului
un milion de dolari pe an
aşa că le zic unde să pună
logoul fantezist
sunt doar eu şi strada de-aici
Înapoi la cântat şi întins
m-am întors în joc...
Dormind pe trotuar
mergând pe stradă
sigur mi-e foame
şi sigur vreau să merg acasă...
Seaside Bound
You pull at my T-shirt
And say 'I'm curious about over there'
Let's keep this a secret from everyone
We head on the path to the hiding place created by the receding tide
Inside the grotto, while having your clothes on
You jump into the sea and frolic
Close to that ear of yours
A earring that I don't know of, sparkles
'I want us to stay together a little longer'
Before I can put that into words, you disappear
I'm looking for an answer that doesn't exist
In the midst of the salty sea breeze
Get back
The flavor dissolves in sweat
Embrace it? ...I'm unable to
I'm swaying in your waves
My overlapped palms are still the same as in those days
If I could, I'll get you back
The two of us break on the shore and retreat
I'm bound to that seaside
While having your wet clothes on your body
You laugh a little shyly
What explanation could we make if we were seen by others like this?
'I want us to stay together a little longer'
Before I can put that into words, you disappear
I'm looking for an answer that doesn't exist
In the midst of the salty sea breeze
'I want to hold hands for a little longer'
You say as you entwine our fingers
I remember the taste of the salty sea breeze
Of those pale and wet lips
Get back
The flavor dissolves in sweat
Embrace it? ...I'm unable to
I'm swaying in your waves
My overlapped palms are still the same as in those days
If I could, I'll get you back
The two of us break on the shore and retreat
I'm bound to that seaside
The quietly resounding waves stings my wounds
The irony is that you look more beautiful than ever to me now
There's scabs in my heart and even the scenery looks like garbage
'I must go now as someone is calling me' breaks the silence
I know the reason for those tears even if I don't ask
I grab your slender arms and close my eyes
Our shadows passing by one another, overlap and spread
Anxiety and relief, the upside-down sand
If I'm allowed over and over again, I'll go and find you
Even if I'm not allowed, I'll go and abduct you
I'll make your mistake into a form that's right
I'll pray to the gods whether angel or devil
Even if I lose everything, I want you
Get back
The sunlight that dissolves in the sea
Oozes orange
Get back
It's dyeing the you of that day
Get back
The flavor dissolves in sweat
I embrace it
Get back
I surely am touching you
My overlapped palms are still the same as in those days
Get back right now
I'm bound to the seaside
Which carried you away and disappeared
Steam Iron
While she was ironing
she thought that it was dawning
and a ship was blasting its horn
Like back then, when we used to choose,
with whom we might have been leaving,
slaves to our first love.
And she used to have a steam iron
and a bit of sweat on her neck
Saturday afternoon near the edge of the kitchen wall
She turns around and sprays a collar
and suddenly says to her husband
that this month is gone as well.
While she was ironing
she pictured that she was taming
a lion on her knees
She folds a shirt
with her one and a half year old son
like a ball of yarn near her feet
And she used to have a steam iron
and a bit of sweat on her neck
Saturday afternoon near the edge of the kitchen wall
She turns around and sprays a collar
and suddenly says to her husband
that this month is gone as well.
While she was ironing
she thought she'd like to devote
her life to someone
Her, that she used to climb her yard wall
and she would recognize her husband
by her breath.
And she used to have a steam iron
and a bit of sweat on her neck
Saturday afternoon near the edge of the door
She presses against a difficult pleat
she interrupts her dream
and switches all the lights on.
The Last Rays of the Sun
I walk up stairs towards my favourite place
I shut the door behind me, I'm not bringing my memories along
Only with a whooshing sound from the cars down there
I'll let my body and mind be distracted
In the last rays of the sun, I meet time
Standing there in it's splendor, misbehaving like the other day
And I - I hold onto it
It mustn't fly away from me again
I hold onto it
It mustn't fly away from me again
'Cause if I let go of it
I'll be nothing but right now and here
'Cause if I let go of it
I'll be nothing but right now and here
Right now and...
Right now and here
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.
Here Comes the Stork
Here comes the stork
Nearing her* destination-
She* shall bring to you and her
a baby in a package.
Both rich and poor,
In the village and in the city,
A millionaire shall get his own
like the baker and the butcher. The stork
is on her* way,
So one must prepare for a girl or a boy.
She* shall find you at any place,
For this is her* duty,
So please welcome the stork.
Here comes the stork
Nearing her* destination,
She* brings joy
to the whole family.
Tiger, giraffe and kangaroo-
Hold your breath-
You might be on the list!
You're so afraid, you don't want to tell me where you're running with no map
You're lost and you're looking to find love in another kiss
You won't find the recipe
You'll hurt when you learn how to love
You won't find the recipe
You'll ask, and you'll wonder.
You don't want to say how much you miss me, how you're doing without me
You don't want to see yourself in foreign hands again.
You won't find the recipe
You'll hurt when you learn how to love
You won't find the recipe
You'll ask, and you'll wonder.
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου
A Little Beside Myself
Life burns in my throat
And everything I've done goes wrong
But right now, I don't give a shit about anything
Let me lie right here
A little beside myself
A little beside myself
Life seems wrong somehow
And the world outside makes me shy
But right now, I don't give a shit about what happens
Let me lie right here
A little beside myself
A little beside myself
I know where this is going
Just pour it on me
I'll live a while longer
No matter what happens
I don't think I can stand
I don't think I can walk
I just think I'll lie right here
A little beside myself
A little beside myself
And life knocks in my head
And the Lord doesn't doesn't pick up his phone
But I don't care to talk with anyone anyway
So let me lie right here
A little beside myself
A little beside myself
I know where this is going
Just pour it on me
I'll live a while longer
No matter what happens
I don't think I can stand
I don't think I can walk
I just think I'll lie right here
A little beside myself
A little beside myself
When the sunlight is struggling desperately to break in through the cracks in the bed sheet I use as a curtain
And the birds tweet as soon as I open my eyes to see that it's day again
Fuck everything
Just pour it on me
I'll live a while longer
No matter what happens
I don't think I can stand
I don't think I can walk
I just think I'll lie right here
Just pour it on me
I'll live a while longer
No matter what happens
I can't fucking stand
I can't fucking walk
I just think I'll lie right here
A little beside myself
A little beside myself
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.
my heart is crushed
A dead world
drinks the cold milk
boats come and go
they bring more deads
mothers lose their kids
kids cry because they lost their mothers
monsters play cards
-Throw the five!- scream the dead killer
suddenly the lady sh't and watermelon speaks again
until the red moon takes out the knife
and starts killing
My heart is crushed in the poetry
and from the stones and the tears are rolling down
of the fat kid the thorns and dreams
Music of the machine of the boat
Lets never end ,hands in the port
its from you and for you I am in pain
i know a word of yours when it comes
its the joy of the empty market
because your arrow crossed inside
the roof of a bloody ambulance
hands,parties,promises everywhere
seven months babies that lived
and mothers always to worship
My heart is crushed in the poetry
the schedule of this boat
i want a silver word as well
and worked year in the forgetfullness of the wheel
to promise you
even if i am the last student