Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 6

Număr de rezultate: 320


Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl

And now look at that:
Yes, what's coming here? A train!
Only one small wagon, a locomotive,
But everyone is excited by the whistling
Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl
A lovely little train is whistling,
Smokes a little bit, growls a little bit
And then it pushes again.
Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl
You drive into the green forest
Pick a bunch of hairy alpenroses
And then you enter [the train] again
Yes, one has an easy time and the other has a hard one.
Look, the little locomotive, it toils a lot.
And some people in the train think:
Yes, I also have to pull my adjunct.
Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl
A lovely little train goes,
Rusts a little bit, runs a little bit
Until it can't go on any more
But at one point the end station comes,
Maybe you even dream of that one time?
Of the ancien locomotive,
As if it was shouting as a goodbye:
Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl
A lovely little train is whistling,
Smokes a little bit, growls a little bit
And then it pushes again.
Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl
You drive into the green forest
Pick a bunch of hairy alpenroses
And then you enter [the train] again
Yes, one has an easy time and the other has a hard one.
Look, the little locomotive, it toils a lot.
And some people in the train think:
Yes, I also have to pull my adjunct.
Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl
A lovely little train goes,
Rusts a little bit, runs a little bit
Until it can't go on any more
Until one time it can't go on any more.

Hop in puddles

We run in circles
We hold each other’s hands
The whole world foggy
Unless you stand
Rain wet
Everything is rain damp
No rain boots
Running inside of us?
It wants to spring out of a shell
Wind comes in
And that outside smell? Of your hair
I hit as hard as I can
with my nose
Hop in a puddle
Not in rain boots
All rain damp (rain wet) Not in rain boots
And I get a nosebleed
But I always stand up (Hopelandosh)
And I get a nosebleed
But I always stand up

Inca te iubesc

Sa fii foarte fericita
Oriunde ai fi, dragă ...
Nu conteaza ca tu
Nu vei mai fi niciodată cu mine.
Îmi doresc, dragostea mea,
Sa stii intotdeauna ca te iubesc.
Ca niciodata nu voi putea sa te uit,
Mi-e dor de tine!
Sa fii foarte fericita
Sa găsești iubirea, viața mea ...
Si niciodată dragostea mea
Sa nu-ti spuna la revedere într-o zi ...
Iartă-mă iubirea mea
Pentru tot timpul in care te-am iubit:
Ti-am facut rau!
A fost greseala mea
Ca te-am iubit prea mult
Ce singur sunt fara tine
Plătesc pentru asta!
Sa fii foarte fericita ...
Sa fii foarte fericita ...
In timp ce eu continui sa te iubesc!
Îmi doresc, dragostea mea,
Sa stii intotdeauna ca te iubesc.
Ca niciodata nu voi putea sa te uit,
Mi-e dor de tine!
Iartă-mă iubirea mea
Pentru tot timpul in care te-am iubit:
Ti-am facut rau!
A fost greseala mea
Ca te-am iubit prea mult
Ce singur sunt fara tine
Plătesc pentru asta!
Sa fii foarte fericita ...
Sa fii foarte fericita ...
In timp ce eu continui sa te iubesc!

The Poem Of The One Who Gave Up Smoking

Back in the day, burning1 was my precedency
Now, not to burn is my precedency
  • 1. Smoking a cigarette can be used as 'Burn' if you want to say it in a hilarious way

Follow Me (Remix)

(What are we going to do if we have desires?)
(You're not meant to be gifted to a friend anymore)*
[Feid & Sech]
What are we going to do if we have desires?
She wants to be warm by morning
You're not meant to be gifted to a friend anymore
You gave up on looking and nothing fills you
Baby, follow me like it's Twitter
Stick on me like a sticker
Like a cucha edition**, don't limit yourself
High and clear baby, I talk to you on speaker
Follow me, follow me
If you can do it, then do it already
So later you won't be calling in the early morning, yeah
Follow me, follow me
Follow me, baby, chase me
And come confess your secrets to my pillow
Baby, come on, follow me even inside
The house, the room is in the center
Please moan in another accent***
Because in Spanish I can't concentrate
In private let go of your emotions
It's that in bed I don't think
If I tell you I love you, that I want you, that's the key
But it's a lie, you already know
Ay, I want to see you
If you're going to start it, please don't stop
I'm only asking for one time
Although we don't see each other, I miss you
Follow me, follow me
If you can do it, then do it already
So later you won't be calling in the early morning, yeah
Follow me, follow me
Don't get lost, go where I can see you
And come, confess your secrets to my pillow
Don't leave, stay
Keep dancing, no one can see us
In this disco they aren't on your level
It doesn't have to be hidden, you can see it
Queen in all the ways
You choose the place you want
I'll steal you from anywhere
I'll be waiting for you outside
[Feid & Sech]
What are we going to do if we have desires?
She wants to be warm by morning
You're not meant to be gifted to a friend anymore
You gave up on looking and nothing fills you
Baby, follow me like it's Twitter
Stick on me like a sticker
Like a cucha edition, don't limit yourself
High and clear baby, I talk to you on speaker
Follow me, follow me
If you can do it, then do it already
So later you won't be calling in the early morning, yeah
Follow me, follow me
Follow me, baby, chase me
And come, confess your secrets to my pillow
(Follow me, follow me)
(If you can do it, then do it already)
(So later you won't be calling in the early morning, yeah)
Follow me (Follow me)
Don't get lost (Go where I can see you)
And come, confess your secrets to my pillow

Lady, You

We come down and then, higher, us,
rustle of dried branches and then,
we love each other, by now.
Lady, you, you’re doing something to me,
you make me feel older and you, this you know it.
And so, we are here lying down watching
squirrels that can’t understand.
You, like this, look like a little girl, why is it?
The cheeks more red, the trembling breasts
in my hands.
Lady, you, what are you doing to me?
You make me feel older and you, this you know it.
Lady, you, (lady) what are you doing to me?
You make me feel older and you, this you know it.
But yes, I’m not hiding that it seems a bit strange,
that you, so much a woman, are in love with a child,
but when I feel your body close to me
I know that I love you, I know that I love you, I know that I love you.
The months and then, always more of us,
crazy evenings, full of parties and of love and of us.
And so, why are you like this, tonight?
You tell me that, after all, he is still he
and that we can’t.
Lady, you, what are you doing to me?
You played with me
and you will not cry.
Lady, you, (lady) what are you doing to me?
You played with me
and you will not cry.
Lady, you, what are you doing to me?
You played with me
and you will not cry.
Lady, you, what are you doing to me?
You played with me
and you will not cry.

A coffe with a cigarette

I wake up in the morning drink a cup of coffee with a cigarette
imagine your face in the day and in the night too
I wake up in the morning drinks a cup of coffee with a cigarette
always intrested and asks if you're hot or you're cold
because I don't really understand the movies that you eat*
don't really understand if you're naive or such a crook
don't understand which language you speak in
don't find the way to pour the heart on the notebook
and all of the things that I wanted to say I didn't say
all of the secrets I didn't tell
the friends say ' you'd rather ignore my bro
listen to Berry**, a broken heart is an intact heart my bro'
what an intact heart and what shoes***
I'm a half anonimus singer, marginal music
and finally when I found somone who wull accept me with my scratches**** and maybe will cure my scars
I, simply choose to run away to leave
to a place that will do a liitle bit better to me
I listened to you so much that I didn't listen to myself
I loved you so much that I forgot who I am
I wake up in the morning drink a cup of coffee with a cigarette
imagine your face in the day and in the night too
I wake up in the morning drinks a cup of coffee with a cigarette
always intrested and asks if you're hot or you're cold
so here's another little story
people say that a love like that reminds them an old middle eastern song I try to think future and the past doesn't pass
so light up a small (cigarette) my friend because my frustration is growing, sh* I fell again into the thoughts night
we''l light up a cigarette, maybe we''ll ignite some hopes
my heart burned when I remmember your face
how you moved forward I was your life
I spend the last months with thoughts about you
If it's good for you or bad for you' anf how are you without me
how they treat you, how you treat them back
whare do you run away now in moments of trouble
tell me did you keep over a memoru from me a good advice or something or an agenda to life about believing in who we are
because noone will understand people like us that's the difference
I hate you beacause you're just like me

The Hand of the Lord

You are a man and can never cry,
that is what she said.
Then she went away from us, she left us.
If my mother left us like that,
inside of me I thought, who knows,
why she never takes me with her?
The hand of the Lord is so great
it will bring her back to me
but heaven has given me nothing back
until I had you.
You, like my mother, you go away one day.
I taught you to love and you go away,
and happiness goes away.
My happiness goes away.
Here I cannot stop myself.
Without you, it does not exist for me.
The hand of the Lord is so great
it will bring you back to me.
Heaven cannot deny me everything.
I ask this of you alone.
You gave me love and you go away.
I gave you love and you go away
and happiness goes away.
My happiness will return.
I feel it brings you to me.
I see you running to me.
My happiness will return.
I feel it brings you to me.
I see you running to me.

Alcohol, Cigarettes

Oh-ooh, alcohol, cigarettes
I can stop without struggling
But these girls
The way I love them, it's like a curse
Ooh Sol Generation
I'm the Storyteller, aye, aye, aye
Ooh, lawd
I hear alcoholics dream about beer
But there's a secret I'll tell today
See I'm not addicted to alcohol
I'm not a victim, not at all
It got to Samson, and also got to Solomon
Situation gets tricky
I plant a tree in every hole
My contribution to Team Mafisi, Karura
Eeh, this situation gets tricky, and hence
Don't tie a noose around my neck
Oh-ooh, alcohol, cigarettes
I can stop without struggling
But these girls
The way I love them, it's like a curse
Someone please call 911
Tell them the Storyteller has gone down
He broke his neck and got overwhelmed
He was unfaithful
And that's how he got burnt
Situation gets tricky
I plant a tree in every hole
My contribution to Team Mafisi, Karura
Eeh, this situation gets tricky, and hence
Don't tie a noose around my neck
Oh-ooh, alcohol, cigarettes
I can stop without struggling
But these girls
The way I love them, it's like a curse
Ooh yeah, yeah
Oh-ooh, alcohol, cigarettes
I can stop without struggling
But these girls
The way I love them, it's like a curse
Ooh yeah, yeah

Doamnă lună

Doamnă lună, care ești sus pe cer,
regina nopții și a iubirii,
șoptește acelei femei așa de ingrată
dulcile note ale unei serenade.
Zboară tu serenadă, zboară la ea,
doamna acestei vieți a mea, a viselor mele!
Du-le atât de bine, cel mai profund,
vreau să strig către tine, să strig către lume.
Fă-mă să nu mai simt nostalgia
pentru acea femeie care nu mai e a mea...
Seara coboară din cer cu lentoare,
eu singur plec cu chitara.
E atâta tristețe ce-o simt,
gândind la ea, atât de departe.
Zboară tu serenadă, zboară la ea,
doamna acestei vieți a mea, a viselor mele!
Du-le atât de bine, cel mai profund,
vreau să strig către tine, să strig către lume.
Fă-mă să nu mai simt nostalgia
pentru acea femei care nu mai e a mea...
Du-le atât de bine, cel mai profund,
vreau să strig către tine, să strig către lume.
Fă-mă să nu mai simt nostalgia
pentru acea femeie care nu mai e a mea...
Fă-mă să nu mai simt nostalgia
pentru acea femeie care nu mai e a mea!

А Cigarette Route

Do not promise to take me on a walk again
in ports that did not open for us
to see the lights of the ships
that illuminate the journeys of others
I'm here, you're there... a cigarette route
Take a packet from my heart,
lit a cigarette from my fire
what are you looking at my sad eyes
all again starts with me
what are you looking at my sad eyes
all again starts with me
Do not promise me faraway journeys
what we started ended half done
look now at the turn of the route
with open new eyes to see me
I'm here, you're there... a cigarette route
Take a packet from my heart,
lit a cigarette from my fire
what are you looking at my sad eyes
all again starts with me
what are you looking at my sad eyes
all again starts with me


Domnișorică palidă,
drăguță vecină de la etajul cinci,
nu este noapte să nu visez Napoli
și sunt plecat de douășcinci de ani.
În satul meu ninge,
clopotnița bisericii e albă,
tot lemnul a devenit cenușă,
îmi e întotdeauna frig
și sunt trist și obosit.
Iubirea mea,
amintește-ți când ți-ai luat rămas bun
că mi-ai pus o panseluță la butonieră,
apoi mi-ai spus cu voce tremurândă:
nu uita de mine.
Vremuri bune de bucurie,
din nimic era făcută scumpa fericire.
Toasturi cu pahare pline de apă
pentru iubirea noastră săracă și curată.
Prin ochii tăi treceau
visuri, mângâieri și speranțe,
aveai un nume care nu se uită,
un nume lung și scurt: Tinerețe.
Micuțul meu,
într-o carte a mea veche de latină,
a găsit - ghici - o panseluță.
De ce mi-a tremurat în ochi o lacrimă?
Cine știe, cine știe de ce!
Și anii și zilele trec
egale și gri cu monotonie,
frunzele noastre nu mai înverzesc,
domnișorică, ce melancolie!
Tu, îndrăgostită și palidă,
nu mai brodezi în fața războiului,
eu aici am devenit bunul Don Cezar,
port mantie și sunt notar.
Până când rămâi departe,
cât timp te simt, sună clopotul
bisericii mici a lui Isus,
și ninge, dac-ai vedea cum ninge.
Dar tu, unde ești tu?

Mică domnișoară

Mică domnișoară palidă, dulce,
vizavi de la etajul cinci,
nu este noapte ca eu sa nu visez Napoli
și sunt douăzeci de ani de când stau departe.
In satul meu ninge,
clopotnița bisericii e albă,
tot lemnul a devenit cenușă-
mi-e frig mereu și sunt trist și obosit
Dragostea mea, nu-ți amintești
că spunându-mi adio
mi-ai pus la butonieră o panseluță
apoi mi-ai spus cu voce tremurândă:
'Nu mă uita'.
Frumoase timpuri de petrecere,
dulce fericire făcută din nimic.
Toasturi cu pahare pline cu apă
dragostea noastră săracă și nevinovată.
În ochii tăi treceau
o speranță, un vis, și o mângâiere,
aveai un nume care nu se uită -
un nume lung și scurt:
Mititelul meu,
într-o carte veche de-a mea de latină,
a găsit - ghici! -
o panseluță.
De ce în ochii mei îmi tremura o lacrimă?
Cine știe- cine știe de ce?
Cat timp ești departe,
cat timp te simt,
sună clopotul
de la mica biserică a lui Iisus -
și ninge, de-ai ști cum ninge:
Dar tu, tu unde ești?

Signorina, signorina

You made yourself up, signorina,
from evening to morning,
you made yourself prettier and you don't know it.
You made yourself up, signorina,
without even noticing
you have already conquered the whole city.
Open your eyes, signorina,
for love is approaching
but if you make a mistake, signorina, it goes away.
With a kiss you can dream,
with a kiss you can suffer.
Be careful, signorina, what you do.
You will read the book of love tomorrow
and you will fall in love and you will fall in love
but the book, signorina, is a mystery you don't know.
Be careful—beware of love.
You made yourself up, signorina,
from evening to morning,
you made yourself prettier and you don't know it.
You made yourself up, signorina,
without even noticing
you have already conquered the whole city.
Open your eyes, signorina,
for love is approaching
but if you make a mistake, signorina, it goes away.
With a kiss you can dream,
with a kiss you can suffer.
Be careful, signorina, what you do.
Be careful—beware of love.
You made yourself up, signorina,
from evening to morning,
you made yourself prettier and you don't know it.
Signorina, signorina,
without even noticing
you have already conquered the whole city.
Open your eyes, signorina,
for love is approaching
but if you make a mistake, signorina, it goes away.
With a kiss you can dream,
with a kiss you can suffer.
Be careful, signorina—
be careful, signorina,
what you do.


Let's pretend like nothing matters.
If they look for us, we'll have no signal.
If you want, we'll fly under the radar.
If you're down with it, give me a 'yeah, yeah'
and we'll pretend like nothing matters.
[Part 1]
You don't wanna go home today.
Baby, if you want, then let's just take off
and we'll wake up tomorrow in another city.
(Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Life is so fast, jeans in the socks,
in Nikes, I know, come on, I'll make days into
a couple weeks for us two if you stay.
Let's pretend like nothing matters.
If they look for us, we'll have no signal.
If you want, we'll fly under the radar.
If you're down with it, give me a 'yeah, yeah'
and we'll pretend like nothing matters.
[Part 2]
If you want, then we'll keep it low-key.
This world is way too fast, take it slowly.
Just do what you love, baby, show me.
(Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Put your phone on silent.
Come on, we'll break their taboos today, ooh.
Just the two of us is enough, true.
Let's see who looks for us.
Let's pretend like nothing matters.
If they look for us, we'll have no signal.
If you want, we'll fly under the radar.
If you're down with it, give me a 'yeah, yeah'
and we'll pretend like nothing matters.
Just give me a 'Yeah-yeah,
yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah,
yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah, yeah.'
Just give me a 'Yeah-yeah,
yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah,
yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah, yeah.'
If you want, we'll fly under the radar.
If you're down with it, give me a 'yeah, yeah'
and we'll pretend like nothing matters.

Proudly My Boat Sails

Proudly my boat sails on the rough sea
The sturdy hull rocks to and fro
It carries all of our lives and our limbs
far out to sea wherever it goes.
Proudly my boat sails on the rough sea
Storms and billows can't destroy it
All of us love you, you have our love
We're approaching Iceland soon.
Iceland, old Iceland
Beloved motherland.
We strengthen your finances every single day
In storms and blizzards, each year, for all time.
Proudly my boat sails on the rough sea
The sturdy hull rocks to and fro
Iceland rises proudly out of the waves,
the island that's named for ice.
Proudly my boat sails on the rough sea
The sturdy hull rocks to and fro
It carries all of our lives and our limbs
far out to sea wherever it goes.
Proudly my boat sails on the rough sea
Storms and billows can't destroy it
All of us love you, you have our love
We're approaching Iceland soon.
Iceland, old Iceland
Beloved motherland.
We strengthen your finances every single day
In storms and blizzards, each year, for all time.
Proudly my boat sails on the rough sea
The sturdy hull rocks to and fro
Iceland rises proudly out of the waves,
the island that's named for ice.

God of Marie

Amen, ah!
Sister, please!
A completely ridiculous stew of flying gods.
As our faith in God becomes soft,
We are pure!
I am a follower of Marie!
I will not do wicked things!
You are also a follower of Marie?
Amen, ah!
Sister, please!
A completely ridiculous cigarette of flying gods.
Dizzily urinating,
The faith in Marie causes all senses to melt away
And the world is now happy!
I will not do wicked things!
Pot, pot!
(Yeah yeah!)
The salvation of the naughty Marie was decided
And the world rotted right away!
How despicable!
Brother Marie speaks of purity, but has wicked ways
And we yell out “YEAH! AMEN!”
The salvation of the naughty Marie was decided
And the world rotted right away!
Brother Marie speaks of purity, but has wicked ways
And we yell out “YEAH! AMEN!”
Blinking, congested, and dizzy tomorrow
The fool in soaked panties laughs
The confession is determined by the high
One more time hidden in the smoke
Blinking, congested, and dizzy tomorrow
The fool in soaked panties laughs
The confession is determined by the high
One more time hidden in the smoke
A completely ridiculous flying god
In a puff? In alcohol? In the midst?
Puffing quality pot, pot!
As our faith in God becomes soft,
We are pure!
I am a follower of Marie!
I will not do wicked things!
You are also a fan of Marie?
It arrived and burst open!
Dilated pupils touring the sky
Thankfully, the words are of the Lord
I will sell you a pack!
Please tell me about God’s alms
Sister’s lecture, Marijuana!
Thankfully, the words are of the Lord
Thank God Marie!
The priest saw us, but act like he didn’t
Confusion, nastiness, a huge party
Fully open if it’s for Marie!
It’s a serious problem, isn’t it!
The drugged sister in frustration
Says “anyone is good!”
Because she’s in full bloom!
A large fleet and erogenous zones
That I will fall into!
The priest saw us, but act like he didn’t
Confusion, nastiness, a huge party
Fully open if it’s for Marie!
It’s a serious problem, isn’t it!
The drugged priest
And the rabid believer
Smoked in the cathedral
The greatest of God has been given to us
Thank marijuana!
A completely ridiculous flying god
In a puff? In alcohol? In the midst?
Puffing quality pot, pot!
As our faith in God becomes soft,
We are pure!
I am a follower of Marie!
I will not do wicked things!
You are also a follower of Marie?
Dilated pupils to the max
And forced to kiss
Thankfully, the words are of the Lord
I will sell you a pack!
Please place God’s hookah in your mouth
Quality, quality, marijuana!
Thankfully, the words are of the Lord
Thank God Marie!
The priest saw us, but act like he didn’t
Confusion, nastiness, a huge party
Fully open if it’s for Marie!
It’s a serious problem, isn’t it!
Dilated pupils to the max
And forced to kiss
Thankfully, the words are of the Lord
I will sell you a pack!
The priest saw us, but act like he didn’t
Confusion, nastiness, a huge party
Fully open if it’s for Marie!
It’s a serious problem, isn’t it!
Please tell me about God’s alms
Sister, lecture, Marijuana!
Thankfully, the words are of the Lord
Thank God Marie!

Enter, Lucia, enter

In darken lands a light is shining1 -
Lucia is coming in the night.
The snow lays white over grounds and houses,
the forest is thaw-black and heavy its murmur,
the star stands brilliant in night-black water.
Enter, Lucia, enter, enter with your light and your gifts!
We wish to hide them meekly in our minds as a sprout is wrapped by a seed,
until the sun of spring starts to shine.
  • 1. This is a paraphrase of Isaiah 9:2, in the Swedish translation of the Bible from 1542. In the KJV, this line would be something along the lines of 'A great light shines in the land of the shadow of death'

Pick your card Sakura

[The Windy card]
[The Shadow card]
[The Thunder card]
[The Flower card]
[The Glow card]
[The Loop card]
[The Song card]
[The Power card]
How many cards in front of you
my sweet Sakura
you found them in a book that
made you magical
this game starts like this
but it doesn't end here
every card will lead you
to discover new realities
Pick your card and go
Pick your card and go
The wind blows and carries away
the magic cards [magic]
and they are lost in a trail
Now the game has ended but
it will start again
if you will find the cards
and you will put them in the book
Up in the blue sky [up in the blue sky]
pick your card Sakura
that flies and go [flies]
here and there [flies]
in the immensity [immensity]
Go up a little more
and pick another card Sakura
Go, this way you can do it
Pick your card and go
up in the blue sky
pick your card Sakura
and never give up
pick your card and go
[The Firey card]
[The Storm card]
[The Watery card]
[The Rain card]
[The Fly card, the Illusion]
[The Maze card, the Time]
[The Return card]
[The Create card]
There is a pixie always with you
his name is Kerochan
that helps you a lot because
he knows everything about the book
he's really great and so
he does everything he can
to follow you in what you do
even if you get in trouble
Up [up]
Up in the blue sky [up in the blue sky]
pick your card Sakura
that flies and go [flies]
here and there [flies]
in the immensity [immensity]
Then go up a little more [go up a little more]
and pick another card Sakura
go, this way you can do it
Pick another card Sakura [up there]
and never give up [never]
pick your card and go
Pick your card Sakura
that flies and go [flies]
here and there [flies]
in the immensity [immensity]
Then go up a little more
and pick another card Sakura
go, this way you can do it
Pick another card Sakura
and never give up
pick your card and go!

The Signal

Togiola ina ia ola
Ola ina ia oti
Give your last breath
To the seed of war
So say we all

Time Turner

I know, feels like I’m dreaming a beautiful dream
You know, I’m being colored by your world
The tip of the clock hands, the end of the day
They’re going backwards
To the beginning, want to see
Like that day, want to hear
The day and the night,
I’m looking for you
Past the scenes and long seasons that passed us
I’m going back to the past
I’m running to you in that place
Go Back
Oh yeah Yeah
Across across across time
I’ll Run up, Run up, Run up
Wanna go
I’m gonna reach you
Run up, Run up, Run up
Past past past the end, hold on
Times we were together
Was it this long?
I didn’t know before I saw
But I feel you now
I can’t see you in my time
But I can
Feel you waiting,
Is it just me?
I just wanna use that time
Turner, turner, turner
Across the tunnel that connects us
The day and the night,
I’m looking for you
Past the scenes and long seasons that passed us
I’m going back to the past
I’m running to you in that place
Go Back
Oh yeah Yeah
Across across across time
I’ll Run up, Run up, Run up
Wanna go
I’m gonna reach you
Run up, Run up, Run up
Past past past the end, hold on
All of the times I felt that nervous tremble
That heart-fluttering feeling is splitting apart, baby
But I’ll go
Back in time
I won’t change, hold on
Oh yeah Yeah
Across across across time
I’ll Run up, Run up, Run up
Wanna go
I’m gonna reach you
Run up, Run up, Run up
Past past past the end, hold on

Follow Me

Today I had a dream
Thay I was by the sea
And you by my side
Gazed endlessly
And you took me by the hand
The sun played with your skin
And without words you said
Something very easy to understand
Follow me, leave the world behind
It's enough to imagine
Your most special fantasy will become reality
Follow me, together we can be
Free as a breeze at dawn
Don't be afraid of being happy
And say yes
And follow me!
While walking
I was telling you:
I don't want to wake up
I don't really understand what's happening to me
But to understand is ultimately not important
Everything seems so different
Since you came to me
Follow me, leave the world behind
It is enough to imagine
Your most special fantasy will become reality
Follow me, together we can be
Free as a breeze at dawn
Don't be afraid of being happy
And say yes
And follow me!
Without words you said
Something very easy to understand
Follow me, leave the world behind
It is enough to imagine
Your most special fantasy will become reality
Follow me, together we can be
Free as a breeze at dawn
Don't be afraid of being happy
And say yes
And follow me!

In Your Time

Versions: #1
The story remains so cold
It’s still so clear to me
In those fairy-tale like times
I’m only filled with fear of being left behind
I’m going to try to let go of this frozen heart
So I can find the lost times
After meeting you once again
I’m finding the pieces of you that have been erased
Past the painful times
I’m holding onto you
I’m still living in your time
Forever more, forever more, I cry
Forever more, forever more, I cry
All the feelings you gave to me
Now I’ll give it back to you and fill you up
Let me hold you
So I can erase your sadness and painful memories
After meeting you once again
I’m finding the pieces of you that have been erased
Past the painful times
I’m holding onto you
I’m still living in your time
I’m afraid you’re still in pain
I’m afraid you’re still waiting for me
So I still can’t erase you
I’m still pacing back and forth in that place
After meeting you once again
I’m finding the pieces of you that have been erased
Past the painful times
I’m holding onto you
I’m still living in your time
Forever more, forever more, I cry
Forever more, forever more, I cry

Nice to meet You, the Full moon

The night
Goes to deeper and deeper,
And important guest visited the small spring.
To draw the water
By the gourd dipper,
To cherish my mind with welcoming.
I await
The full moon,
Please, grow up nicely and nicely.
I await
The full moon,
Please, grow up nicely and nicely.

The Last Time

Tell me softly
I won't cry anymore
Because of loneliness
My heart hurts even more
Tell me truthfully
I know now
If I can't do what I want,
What do I do?
Even if you don't say anything,
Please just stay with me today
If I go far away
I can't turn back
Deep inside my heart
I'll only think about the good times we had together
The last time with you
Even if you don't say anything
Just stay with me today
If I go far away
I can't turn back
Deep inside my heart
I'll only think about the good times we had together
The last time with you
The last time with you

Pack of cigarettes

Watching a strange sky through a stranger’s window, here I sit,
I can see not a single familiar star.
I’ve been up and down every road, oh, so far.
Turning back - nothing‘s left behind, no footprint.
But if you’ve got a pack of cigarettes - in your jeans,
Well, then, things are really not too bad for you today.
And a ticket for a plane with silvery wings
Leaving nothing but a shadow as it flies away.
No one wants to be blamed - without the wine,
No one wants to rake it in for someone else’s gain,
Oh, and dying in the crowd with no music’s so hard,
No one wants to disappear without music, in vain.
But if you’ve got a pack of cigarettes - in your jeans,
Well, then, things are really not too bad for you today.
And a ticket for a plane with silvery wings
Leaving nothing but a shadow as it flies away.

Frumoasă doamnă

Bate mereu noaptea la orice oră
Apoi intră în casă sigură
Se așează la marginea patului
Nu mai vrea să plece
Apoi se dezbracă la pielea goală
Vorbește-mi despre tine, frumoasă doamnă
Vorbește-mi despre tine că nu mi-e teamă
Vorbește-mi despre tine, despre numeroșii tăi amanți
Despre numeroșii tăi amanți
Am văzut-o în spatele oglinzii și în această dimineață
Da, stătea acolo șezând
Eu mă bărbieream și ea imi ținea companie
Apoi n-am mai văzut-o
Am plecat doar pentru un minut
Mă voi întoarce, pentru că am băut
Vei veni să mă cauți
nu se caută durerea
Dar inima îmi bate
Vorbește-mi despre tine, frumoasă doamnă
De marea ta neagră în noaptea întunecoasă
Eu te găsesc frumoasă, nu mă sperii
Doamna singurătate, doamna singurătate.
Vorbește-mi despre tine, frumoasă doamnă
Vorbește-mi despre tine că nu mi-e teamă
Du-mă cu tine în tăcerile tale
Du-mă cu tine în apartamentele tale
Am plecat să te caut
În întunericul discotecilor
Sau la prânz la malul mării
In soarele plajelor aglomerate
Am plecat doar pentru un minut
Mă voi întoarce, pentru că am băut
Vei veni să mă cauți, nu se caută durerea
Dar inima îmi bate
Vorbește-mi despre tine, frumoasă doamnă
De marea ta neagră în noaptea întunecoasă
Eu te găsesc frumoasă, nu mă sperii
Doamna singurătate, doamna singurătate
Vorbește-mi despre tine, frumoasă doamnă
Vorbește-mi despre tine că nu mi-e teamă
Vorbește-mi despre tine, de tăcerile tale
Vorbește-mi despre tine...

I Will Follow You

I will follow you, because on the road where you go, I'll go with you
I will follow you, because if you really love me, I'll bless you
I will follow you, and if someday I didn't find you in my path
Your shadow
It won't be a shadow, it'll be the light of my destiny
If you don't love me and in the end we're friends
Say which streets you'll walk through and I will follow you
Your shadow
It won't be a shadow, it'll be the light of my destiny
If you don't love me and in the end we're friends
Say which streets you'll walk and I will follow you
I will follow you, because on the road where you go, I'll go with you
I will follow you, because if you really love me, I'll bless you
I will follow you, and if someday I didn't find you in my path
Your shadow
It won't be a shadow, it'll be the light of my destiny
If you don't love me and in the end we're friends
Say which streets you'll walk and I will follow you
Your shadow
It won't be a shadow, it'll be the light of my destiny
If you don't love me and in the end we're friends
Say which streets you'll walk...
Which streets you'll walk...
Which streets you'll walk...
Which streets you'll walk...
Say which streets you'll walk...
Say which streets you'll walk and I will follow you

12th laser

My heart couldn't understand, a picture drawn by my left hand
The unconveyable color of sadness
A laser of memories beyond is shining through
I could not escape
I was imprisoned within a 12 centimeter hollow
The future laughed at the words I couldn't say
Without your touch, I cannot remember the sadness I have created
I fear the night that becomes when those bright eyes close
The antenna's forgotten and demanded fake show
The imagined future drawn by an alternate me is reflected in an illusion
Only I was imprisoned within this 12 centimeter hollow
I wanted your heart to be reflected in the world
My illusions spill out from this 12 centimeter hollow
The antenna delayed the forgotten landscape (look)
I was trying to call out then everything clouded over

film A moment

If I could only feel you once more I would love the red of this undone dream
Reflected in the mirror, You become my longings the red that I love
Dry fingers shifted the focus of my drenched memories
I became like time, No longer seen by anyone
I became like time, Unending until everything is gone
Too many undelivered heartbeats were longed for
Time has stopped
I hold the world in my hands film A moment
There is too much to carry within my small self
I only wished to see those spilled images
Recalled from that voice which became transparent
The fleeting images I hold in my hand repeat again and again
The you that I long for isn't there
Perhaps there are no such miracles
film A moment, Fill the moment, Kill the moment
The world I hold in my hands is expressionless and silent
I want to see what lies beyond Could I kill the future?
A finger, a dimly lit ghost of what's left of you, turning red
If only I could steal the future you have filmed
Gently the secret signal floats away You are laughing
Without emotion, blatant fiction
If only the future could be stolen
Memories are shining through, we met in a dream
Shining through, we met in a dream
And so, I wrote my name
I have become like time, will someone restore me?
Is that what I want?

phase to phrase

A rotating phrase, I counted the motion
It's close enough to start pretending
There's no turning back from lies
I become the disorder that draws close
Nobody wants themselves to be seen
Nobody wants themselves to be known
There's no pain, nor sadness, and yet, and yet
What they don't want others to know are frozen inside
What they don't want others to know are killed inside
But then it all may disappear
Everybody could become, everybody could become, and yet, and yet
I become disorder


The sound of your footsteps echoed inside of me
What I found was something you hid at night - a secret song
Wishes made again and again in the night, can you see them?
Inside the night, you wouldn't stop...letting go
The sound of the night's wind...was so faint
Still unknown, the immeasurable light
Find it
The light in those hands
Listen to the sound that could be seen in those eyes
Tell me what could be seen in those eyes
These tears may go away if we can meet in the sorrowful night
The light that you carry All of it, all of it, all of it, all of it
Gather those hands
Thereby the stars, are you smiling?