Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 12


The Second Face

By God i'll get away from you, not humiliation
i'll download another Zouhair and change
i run every minute, every hour at night and morning
because you are talkative and your head is harder than stone
By God i'll get away from you, not humiliation
i'll download another Saad and change
i run every minute, every hour at night and morning
because you are talkative and your head is harder than stone
Ahahayaya forget me
Ahahayaya the second face
Ahahayaya just leave
Ahahayaya the sea is large
Ahahayaya forget me
Ahahayaya now it's the second face
Ahahayaya just leave
Ahahayaya the sea is large
This love, which was beautiful, does not exist
The night messages and overlooks from windows
Kept us as a friends, forget me
delete all photos which is between me and you
This love, which was beautiful, does not exist
The night messages and overlooks from windows
Kept us as a friends, forget me
delete all photos which is between me and you
Ahahayaya forget me
Ahahayaya the second face
Ahahayaya just leave
Ahahayaya the sea is large
Ahahayaya forget me
Ahahayaya now it's the second face
Ahahayaya just leave
Ahahayaya the sea is large
Love is bitter with you
Living with you is a loss
I didn't think you are treacherous
By god, I will not be yours
Love is bitter with you
Living with you is a loss
I don't think you are treacherous
By god, I will not be yours
Ahahayaya forget me
Ahahayaya the second face
Ahahayaya just leave
Ahahayaya the sea is large
Ahahayaya forget me
Ahahayaya now it's the second face
Ahahayaya just leave
Ahahayaya the sea is large

AlSalam Alaikum (Peace be upon you)

Peace be upon you, peace be upon you
We deprived what you have a thousand years ago
You stayed up at your palace
We sleep in our cave
You are blind in your light
We see in the dark
In the construction, you will suffer
And we congratulated in the wreck
In programming you cut
And we gathered by talking
My message to you
To live in peace
Peace be upon you, peace be upon you
We deprived what you have a thousand years ago

Words aren't able

Seems like it's not that simple
What a trick! What a joke!
I stay up for many hours
It's all happening quickly
Seems like I began
To become romantic and delicate
Why couldn't I sleep well anymore?
I used to fall in deep sleep
Words aren't able to describe that beauty
How much do you want to smile for me?
I'd even give my upcoming years
To get a response from you
Believe me, I'm not exaggerating
Feel me, talk to me
Even if it seems strange
All what I'm asking is to understand me
I swear I'm a good guy
I'm not trying to make fun
You could see me so rush
You could see me strange
Don't go and leave me
Before telling you what I want
When I saw you, my heart got lost
That's unusual
If you're gone
My heart won't last for another day
Words aren't able to describe that beauty
How much do you want to smile for me?
I'd even give my upcoming years
To get a response from you
Believe me, I'm not exaggerating
Feel me, talk to me
Even if it seems strange
All what I'm asking is to understand me
I'm a good guy
I'm not trying to make fun
I'm not trying to make fun
Words aren't able to describe that beauty
How much do you want to smile for me?
I'd even give my upcoming years
To get a response from you
Believe me, I'm not exaggerating
Feel me, talk to me
Even if it seems strange
All what I'm asking is to understand me
I'm a good guy
I'm not trying to make fun

What do you want?

What do you want?
Look at my days.
What do you want?
Look at my dreams.
All my life is for your sake, my love.
All my life is for your sake, my soul.
There's no excuse that you forgot,
There's no excuse that you forgot our love and everything.
Oh, the smile of my life!
I drink bitter
Of my longing for you
And sympathize with my separation.
The ling of the moon
Of mi life is for you,
As well as my secrets and my joy.
My darling, understand me from now.
My love is killing me.


Ea este undeva
O voi găsi
Nu-i niciodată prea târziu
Ca un diamant negru
Pentru lumea întreagă
Ea va fi deosebită
Plec în Punta Cana
Plec în Casablanca
Plec în Barcelona
Plec în...
Draga mea dacă ai fi știut
Viața mea este o boemă
Mergi cu mine dacă mă iubești
Trebuie să plec
Îți spun 'La revedere'
Dar fără ca să te fac să suferi
Ah ah ah
Vom vedea unde ne va duce viața
Dacă vei fi sau nu regina mea
De ce eștii așa de frumoasă ?
De ce mă dezamăgești
Înainte de a-mi arde aripile
Dar spune-mi cum te cheamă
Dar de ce ești așa de frumoasă ?
De ce mă dezamăgești
Înainte de a-mi arde aripile
Măcar spune-mi cum te cheamă
Eu nu știu cine ești tu
Dar stelele
M-au adus la tine
Trebuie să-mi pun pânzele
Îmi pare rău
Nu te supăra pe mine
Sunt doar un om
Care niciodată nu se destăinuie nimănui
Vom vedea unde ne va duce viața
Dacă vei fi sau nu regina mea
Oh frumoasa mea
Nu mă aștepta
Oh frumoasa mea
Tu ai încă o alegere
Oh frumoasa mea
Nu mă aștepta
Oh frumoasa mea
Nu te supăra pe mine

Frumoasa mea

Ce se întâmplă cu frumoasa?
Să te distrezi și să nu-ți pese
M-a lovit cu frumusețea ei
Si m-a luat în lumea ei
Oh, da-mi, da-mi
Un blestem care sa ma răcească
Inima mea suferă
Dragostea mea m-a facut să simt durere
Frumoasa mea, frumoasa mea
Frumusețea ei e neobișnuită
Mi-a zâmbit si apoi m-a lăsat
Ca o nebună mi-a luat mințile
Oh, cum sunt, cum sunt
Cine poate simți prin ce trec acum?
Nu plac pe nimeni în afară de ea
Aduceți-mi-o pe frumoasa mea
Oh, frumoasa mea, frumoasa mea
Oh, frumoasa mea, frumoasa mea
Este foarte populară și încrezătoare
Toata lumea este de partea ei
Prețioasă și diferită
Oh, vorbește cu mine
Ești atât de prețioasă pentru mine(dincolo de mintea mea)
Oh, în sfârșit
Aici o am de partea mea
Oh, focul meu, focul meu
Este o persoană excepțională
M-a facut să cad și să îmi pierd mințile
M-am îndrăgostit de ea în câteva secunde
Oh, de ce am facut asta?
Ce m-a determinat să o fac?
Inima mea a făcut-o( este vina ei)
Aduceți-mi-o pe frumoasa mea
Oh, frumoasa mea, frumoasa mea
Frumoasa mea, frumoasa mea etc...

My Beautiful

What’s going on with the beautiful?
Having fun and not giving a damn
She (lit. he) hit me with her beauty
And took me to her world
Oh, give me, give me
A cure that could cool me down
My heart is suffering
My lover made me (feel) sorrow
My beautiful, my beautiful
Her beauty is unusual
She smiled to me and left me
Like a crazy, she took my mind away
Oh, how I am, how I am
Who’s feeling what I’m going through?
I don’t like anyone but her
So bring to me my beautiful
Oh, my beautiful, my beautiful
Oh, my beautiful, my beautiful
Oh, my beautiful, my beautiful
Oh, my beautiful, my beautiful
She is very
Important, and confident
Everyone's standing by her side,
Precious and likes no one
Ohh, talk to me
You are so precious up high (above my head)
Oh, finally
Here I found her by my side
Oh, my fire, my fire
She’s an exceptional person
She made me fall and loose my mind
I fell in love with her within seconds
Ohh, why did I ever (do that)
What made me do that?
My heart is the one who did it (and to be blamed)
Bring my beautiful to me
Oh, my beautiful, my beautiful
Oh, my beautiful, my beautiful
Oh, my beautiful, my beautiful
Oh, my beautiful, my beautiful
Oh, my beautiful, my beautiful
Oh, my beautiful, my beautiful
Oh, my beautiful, my beautiful
Oh, my beautiful, my beautiful
My beautiful, my beautiful
My beautiful, my beautiful
My beautiful, my beautiful
My beautiful, my beautiful


Cine-ți spune că voi reveni la tine?
Cine-ți spune că nu-ți rezist?
Ai fost totul în viața mea,
M-ai înșelat și ai uitat totul.
Dar n-ai câștigat nimic
Și ai uitat totul.
Ai început să-i asculți pe alții,
M-ai înșelat și n-ai avut de câștigat nimic.
Cât de mult te-ai schimbat?
Cât de multe lucruri ai făcut?
Cum m-ai putut minți?
Cine-ți spune că voi reveni la tine?
Cine-ți spune că nu-ți rezist?
Ai fost totul în viața mea,
M-ai înșelat și ai uitat totul.
Dar n-ai câștigat nimic
Și ai uitat totul.

Let Go

Who tells you that I am going back to you
Who tells you that I can bear you
You were everything in my life
You cheated and forgot everything
But you didn't win anything
And you forgot everything
You started and listen to them
You cheated and didn't win anything
How much did you go upside down
How many things have you did
How did you lied on me
Who tells you that I am going back to you
Who tells you that I can bear you
You were everything in my life
You cheated and forgot everything
But you didn't win anything
And you forgot everything