Rezultatele căutării pagină 2
Număr de rezultate: 123
We Have The Right To Live
Mum, why is so much evil happening now?I want it to be like it was before
Dad, why do you have to go now?
I need you so much today as never before
I'm afraid, I don't want to look at what's hapenning
I don't understand
Our blood and tears under rubble
Our fates between the cards of the game
Where is the conscience of the foe?
Why does he do this and change our world?
We have the right to live in peace,
Amuse our children instead of going to fight
They had never been supposed suffer from harm
From today the world will be different for them
Mum, I want to come back home,
Wait for dad on my bed with you,
Rejoice, play together with you,
Our blood and tears under rubble
Our fates between the cards of the game
Where is the conscience of the foe?
Why does he do this and change our world?
We have the right to live in peace,
Amuse our children instead of going to fight
They had never been supposed suffer from harm
From today the world will be different for them
This is why we live
Versions:When it gets dark you say to me
This can never end
And when the morning comes I say to you
Don't go, don't leave me alone
Because we are one
Nothing happens a second time
It just doesn't
All happens just once
Even if it doesn't seem like it
And I say to this moment: Don't pass!
You're way too beautiful
And this is why we live
We live to be present
Live to be true
And this is why we live
And we take everything with us
All the pain and all the happiness
in this world
Every night begins the first day
of the rest of our lives
And every morning
we jump directly into the orbit
If not today, now and here
When and Where else?
Nobody can see into the future
Or knows the big plan
And I say to this moment: Don't pass!
You're way too beautiful
And this is why we live
We live to be present
Live to be true
And this is why we live
And we take everything with us
All the pain and all the happiness
in this world
You saw it too, just like me
The butterfly in the snow, the tunnel full of light
Just like me you've crossed the valley (metaphorically)
And there is no way back
And this is why we live
We live to be present
Live to be true
And this is why we live
And we take everything with us
All the pain and all the happiness
in this world
I desireLike everyone on this planet
A desire
To escape from my box
I want to fly higher
Than my depression
I want to escape
To the broken rhythm of a guitar
I need you
To sing, to dance
Oh, freedom
Take me in your arms
To dream, to love
No one
Can live enchained
I least of all
I've found
A child who never plays
I won't forget those eyes
I want to sing higher
To make him smile
I want to find a new sound
Something to tell him
Oh, freedom
I need you
To sing, to dance
Oh, freedom
Take me in your arms
To dream, to love
Oh, freedom
I need you
To sing, to dance
I need you
To sing, to dance
Oh, Freedom
Take me in your arms
To dream, to love
Oh, Freedom
I need you
To sing, to dance
No one
Can live enchained
I least of all
Freedom, freedom, oh
Oh, oh
I need you
To sing, to dance
Freedom, freedom, freedom!
You smile when you see meYou lose your mind when I leave
You're looking for me and stopped halfway
I heard that you're waiting, hoping for the right moment
Everything that comes fast goes fast
Please don't come any closer to me,
(because) you can't have me
Please don't tell me,
that you know me
As long as you torture me, you won't give up
you dream and think in secret
I heard, that you're waiting, hoping for the right moment
Everything that comes fast goes fast
Everything that comes fast goes fast
Everything that comes fast goes fast
Please don't come any closer to me,
(because) you can't have me
Please don't tell me,
that you know me
Tiri tiri tiri tiritiri,tera tera tera,
tiritiri tiri tiri tiri tiritiritera.
Dezleagă, dezleagă, dezleagă,
dezleagă-ți limba,
căci lungă, lungă, lungă, lungă
tare lungă e această prelegere.
Într-o farfurie sumbră
puțin ardei încape,
și dacă acolo nu-ncape,
ce se va-ntâmpla?
Scoate un pic de ardei
din acea farfurie sumbră,
și vei vedea că ardeiul
atunci va încăpea!
Într-o farfurie sumbră
puțin ardei încape,
și dacă acolo nu-ncape,
ce se va-ntâmpla?
Scoate un pic de ardei
din acea farfurie sumbră,
și vei vedea că ardeiul
atunci va încăpea!
Tiri tiri tiri tiritiri,
tera tera tera,
tiritiri tiri tiri tiri tiritiritera.
Pe bancă
trăiește capra.
Pe bancă
trăiește capra.
Sub bancă
crapă capra.
Sub bancă
crapă capra.
În vârf trăiește,
în vârf trăiește
și dedesubt va crăpa!
Pe bancă
trăiește capra.
Sub bancă
crapă capra.
În vârf trăiește,
în vârf trăiește
și dedesubt va crăpa!
Dezleagă, dezleagă, dezleagă,
dezleagă-ți limba,
căci lungă, lungă, lungă, lungă
tare lungă e această prelegere.
Tiri tiri tiri tiritiri,
tera tera tera,
tiritiri tiri tiri tiri tiritiritera.
Șase sau șapte felii,
felii de pâine proaspătă,
în buzunarele înguste
toate vor intra?
Dar dacă acele felii
sunt douăzeci și șapte
cine știe dacă
or să intre toate?
Șase sau șapte felii,
felii de pâine proaspătă,
în buzunarele înguste
toate vor intra?
Dar dacă acele felii
sunt douăzeci și șapte
cine știe dacă
or să intre toate?
Dezleagă, dezleagă, dezleagă,
dezleagă-ți limba,
căci lungă, lungă, lungă, lungă
tare lungă e această prelegere.
Treizeci și trei de trentini la trap
se duc învârtindu-se la Trento.
Învârtindu-se, învârtindu-se
la Trento vor ajunge.
Treizeci și trei de trentini la trap
se duc învârtindu-se la Trento.
Învârtindu-se, învârtindu-se
la Trento vor ajunge.
Tiri tiri tiri tiritiri
tera tera tera
tiritiri tiri tiri tiri tiritiri
tera tera tera
tiritiri tiri tiri tiri tiritiri
tera tera tera
tiritiri tiri tiri tiri...
Farewell, yellow-furred dog
Humbly crying in the cornerLittle miserable dog
There's some sorrow weighing down him
Why's then crying little dog?
Has then someone hurt her badly
that so sad is doggy's mood.
Or has someone left alone her
Someone dear in way of life.
'Oh farewell, yellow-furred dog!'
You did say, about to go.
'Oh farewell, yellow-furred dog!'
you did say and then you went.
In the corner now yellow-furred doggy
Teartrop's shining in front of her snout
Sitting, barking, for you still calling
Why you don't come, oh why you don't come now?
You left at night, when all around was darkness.
Little friend asleep near to your bed.
You went, the door slamming close but terribly,
Now eyes of the puppy are wet.
'Oh, farewell, yellow-furred dog!'
You did say, about to go.
'Oh, farewell, yellow-furred dog!'
you did say and then you went.
Toți mă pot judeca
Vârsta nu e importantă,Atâta timp cât dorința noastră
Numără aceiași pași.
Nu e reală fiecare iubire,
Doar pentru că alții spun
Că e corectă.
Aruncați piatra,
Voi, oameni fără păcate,
Poate nu mă voi trezi,
Dar să mă justific
Pentru că iubesc,
Nu accept!
Toți mă pot judeca,
Eu tac cu stoicism.
Știu că vor spune: ,,Ce s-a întîmplat cu ea?”
Așa este lumea.
Ei nu știu că eu nu aleg,
Ci inima mea,
Cât timp eu am fost cu capul pe umeri,
Țintind spre durere,
Dar nu regret asta!
Vârsta nu contează,
Cât timp dorința noastră
Numără aceiași pași,
Cât timp iubirea acoperă riduri,
Atunci sufletele noastre vorbesc
Aceeași limbă.
Aruncați piatra,
Voi, oameni fără păcate,
Poate nu mă voi trezi,
Dar să mă justific
Pentru că iubesc,
Nu accept!
Toți mă pot judeca,
Eu tac cu stoicism.
Știu că vor spune: ,,Ce s-a întîmplat cu ea?”
Așa este lumea.
Ei nu știu că eu nu aleg,
Ci inima mea,
Cât timp eu am fost cu capul pe umeri,
Țintind spre durere,
Dar nu regret asta!
Acesta-i un cântec pentru tine,
Pentru tot ce nu mi-ai oferit.
putea să fi fost mai bine, dar nu regret
Că ți-am dat zile.
Voi avea ceva să-mi reamintesc,
Îmi voi plăti greșelile, dar viața-i doar una!
Toți mă pot judeca,
Eu tac cu stoicism.
Știu că vor spune: ,,Ce s-a întîmplat cu ea?”
Așa este lumea.
Ei nu știu că eu nu aleg,
Ci inima mea,
Cât timp eu am fost cu capul pe umeri,
Țintind spre durere,
Dar nu regret asta,
Nu regret asta,
Da, nu regret asta,
Da, nu regret asta,
Și nu regret asta!
Love or madness
Versions: #1Winter and summer
I’m with you
No one’s like you and me
I’m dreaming of you while I’m awake, I’m a bit weird
I’m not normal
Heaven decided that I can’t go on without you
I don’t know if this is love or madness
We're so happy, this is it
We have such a good time together
What is mine is yours, it’s written
We argue a little
We make up a little
But we live for each other
We’re so happy, this is it
We have such a good time together
What is mine is yours, it’s written
We argue a little
We make up a little
But we live for each other
Day and night
I wanna be with you
I don’t want anyone else
When you’re not here, it’s like I’m intoxicated
I cry for hours
Heaven decided that I can’t go on without you
I don’t know if this is love or madness
We’re so happy, this is it
We have such a good time together
What is mine is yours, it’s written
We argue a little
We make up a little
But we live for each other
We’re so happy, this is it
We have such a good time together
What is mine is yours, it’s written
We argue a little
We make up a little
But we live for each other
We’re so happy, this is it
We have such a good time together
What is mine is yours, it’s written
We argue a little
We make up a little
But we live for each other
The spring of '45
Earth has turned toward springThe weather is good now
Such a season reminds me
Of the spring of '45
Years go by, but neither grief
Nor the people's struggle fades away1
We came by a difficult road to victory
In the spring of '45
And if you are young and were born later
Take the baton from the course
With the victory salute and the first rain
In the spring of '45
Fearsome to our enemies and bright for friends
Is our working breed
There is in each victory of yours and mine
The spring of '45
Let rockets be launched skyward
To the transparent heights of the firmament
For all generations, for all time
The spring of '45
- 1. In the original the predicate precedes the subject in these lines, but this is difficult to reproduce in English.
Când încep să plâng
Încă dormi în ochii mei,Dorința apare când te aștepți mai puțin
Și mereu îți aduce vechi amintiri.
Cu toții deja știau de numele tău acum multă vreme,
O cicatrice și ce am în final
E viața mea ca un deșert.
Când încep să plâng și când mă rog
Să dispari, căci te iubesc prea mult,
Sunt sclava ta și mereu voi fi.
Când încep să plâng și când mă rog
Să dispari, căci te iubesc prea mult,
Amintește-ți că am fost zeiță,
Zeița ta.
E ca și cum diavolul mă amenință,
Dar n-are ce să-mi mai ia.
Voi îndura mai ușor fiecare suferință,
Frica șterge orice speranță
Câteva minute și niciodată
Nu mă va mai durea.
(refren x2)
Colourful eyes
My colourful eyesMake me wonder
I’m always on my own
And I can’t scape anymore
My curly hair
Everybody wants to copy
They are mad
They also want to curl their hair
You laugh at my clothes
You laugh ar my hair
You laugh at my skin
You laugh at my smile
But the truth is: you also
Have creole blood
You have a hard hair
Thus, creole
Sarará creole
Sarará creole
Sarará creole
Sarará creole
My colourful eyes
Make me wonder
That I am always on my own
And I can’t scape anymore
My curly hair
Everybody wants to copy
They are mad
They also want to curl their hair
You laugh at my clothes
You laugh ar my hair
You laugh at my skin
You laugh at my smile
But the truth is: you also
Have creole blood
You have a hard hair
Thus, creole
Sarará creole
Sarará creole
Sarará creole
Sarará creole
Lucky Girl
At the moment, I consider myself a lucky girlAs, though I'm young, I feel sane, sound and strong
I've thought: God is Brazilian and is always by my side
So I won't suffer like I did last year
I've been bleeding too much, I've been crying my eyes out
Last year I died, but this year I won't
I've been bleeding too much, I've been crying my eyes out
Last year I died, but this year I won't
I've thought: God is Brazilian and is always by my side
So I won't suffer like I did last year
I've been bleeding too much, I've been crying my eyes out
Last year I died, but this year I won't
I've been bleeding too much, I've been crying my eyes out
Last year I died, but this year I won't
I've been bleeding too much, I've been crying, crying
Last year I died... I won't
Last year I died...
Last year I died, but this year I won't
Have danced in your eyesHave floated in your dreams
Clanged onto your belief
Wanted to build castles with you...
Was touched by your silence
Have waited for your word
Was too shy to let it show
But I wanted to go away with you...
In those seconds, in those seconds, in those seconds
Wen we looked at each other
In those seconds, in those seconds...
Have danced in your eyes
Have floated in your dreams
Clanged onto your belief
Wanted to build castles with you...
Was touched by your silence
Have waited for your word
Was too shy to let it show
But I wanted to go away with you...
In those seconds, in those seconds, in those seconds
Wen we looked at each other...
In those seconds, in those seconds, in those seconds
Wen we looked at each other
In those seconds, in those seconds...
Aleluia-Easter version
Cu spini era incoronat,Murind pentru al meu pacat,
Mielul de jertfa pentru ‘ntreaga lume.
Pe cruce sus ei l-au urcat,
Pe El, Eternul Imparat,
In locul meu crucificat, Aleluia!
Aleluia, Aleluia,
Aleluia, Aleluia!
Cand Apa Vietii-a insetat,
Ei pe-un burete otet i-au dat,
Un strop pe buze si totul s-a sfarsit.
Chiar inainte de-a muri,
Privind spre cer duios sopti,
A zis
There will be a new day tomorrowYou got to believe and hope that tomorrow, there will be sun
We will forget all of our grudges tomorrow
Our troubles will be chased away, tomorrow, there will be sun
Because the day is grey
Dark, heavy, and painful like a hangover day
I try to breathe out and prepare for
a long time with hailing rain
Yet what I need is a long nap
To get a rest, so show me the way
He doesn't have a nice car or a plan
That's why the girl from the bar with the tequila left him
I still have stuff to deal with
Because it seems like it boils down to money or life
*My hands are tired because of all the struggles
I'm about to cross the line and do something illegal
Soon the staff will call
in case the debt collection company want to dish up a punishment
I ain't a slippery snake**, but you owe me money
You bet on Siri Kalvik, on sun and a beautiful spring
But I don't care
as long as I get the blond one from Idol***
There will be a new day tomorrow
You got to believe and hope that tomorrow, there will be sun
We will forget all of our grudges tomorrow
Our troubles will be chased away, tomorrow, there will be sun
Even if today is filled with hardships
You can't give up, stop surrendering, have a look around
I see you and say 'hey cutie, hey cutie
I like it when you're looking at me cutie, me cutie'
But I'm not stressing, because tomorrow I'll get a new chance
I show a lot more than the rest of the zombies walking around
Almost as if you could believe I've got an extra two senses
You can read my CV, and think I own the car u see on my CD
Chicks wanna hang, because they watch me on TV
A fresh breath into the rap-game, the song brings me along
They set it on fire. Are there any troubles? Am I too skinny?
So I set a guy out to deal with it
No, it's Mammi, not a troublemaker,
I can't wait to see you, so I'm standing on the roof
on a lookout until I see you, see you
Hey cutie, I want to be with you, with you
Tonight I want to ask you out on a date, ask you
I know tomorrow will be here soon, I want to see you, see you
There will be a new day tomorrow
You got to believe and hope that tomorrow, there will be sun
And luck will grow wings, and the future will bring
us the sun rays we've been waiting for
Even if today is filled with hardships
You can't give up, stop surrendering, have a look around
There will be a new day tomorrow
You got to believe and hope that tomorrow, there will be sun
And the sun will shine, and all pain disappear
Tomorrow wonders may happen
Tomorrow, tomorrow, believe in tomorrow
We will win, just wait and see
Tomorrow with the eyes of yesterday
Tell me a story that makes me fall in loveIn an instant, since it's a while this doesn't happen to me
Tell me a secret so I can poke around
In the locked cupboards and it's hailing outside
Tell me who are you now because I can't recognize anymore
If you are the same, If I know you
Life passes like a blow, like a blow each day
Look at me again with the eyes of yesterday
It seems far to you because you don't believe in it
A day it happens by chance that just something is missing
The day where everything is wrong and there won't be an excuse
Look at me again with the eyes of yesterday
It seems strange to you but you will keep standing
I wonder if it was already written our need
To seek, life is just a matter of urgency
Tomorrow with the eyes of yesterday
Tell me the anecdote you were always repeating to me late In the night to make me fall asleep
Tell me the silences, dense like red wool in a winter
That made us to fight
Tell me who you are now because I no more love you
But I think about you and get confused
Life changes in a blow, in a blow, each day...
Look at me again with the eyes of yesterday
It seems far to you because you don't believe in it
A day it happens by chance that just something is missing
The day where everything is wrong and there won't be an excuse
Look at me again with the eyes of yesterday
It seems strange to you but you will keep standing
I wonder if it was already written our need
To seek, life is just a matter of urgency
Tomorrow with the eyes of yesterday.
I Will Resist
When I lose all the roundsWhen I sleep with solitud
When all the exits are closed
And the night don't leave me alone
When I feel scared of silence
When it's difficult to me to stay up
When memories rebel
And put me against the wall
I will resist
Upright against anything
I'll turn into iron to harden the skin
And even if the winds of life blow hard
I'm like the rush that bends
But continues always standing
I will resist
To keep on living
I will put up with the blows and will never give up
And even if dreams break into pieces
I will resist
I will resist
When the world loses all magic
When my enemy is me
When nostalgia stabs me
And I can't reconize my voice
When madness threatens me
When in my coin shows up the cross1
When the devil presents me the bill
Or if ever you're absent from me
I will resist
Upright against anything
I'll turn into iron to harden the skin
And even if the winds of life blow hard
I'm like the rush that bends
But continues always standing
I will resist
To keep on living
I will put up with the blows and will never give up
And even if dreams break into pieces
I will resist
I will resist
This is for everyone, ladies and gentlemen
Just as the song says, sing and don't cry
Let's take care of the garden so it always gives us flowers
After the storm I kown there will be better times
When I lose all the rounds
When I sleep with solitud
When all the exits are closed
And the night don't leave me alone
I will resist
Upright against anything (against anything)
I'll turn into iron to harden the skin
And even if the winds of life blow hard
I'm like the rush that bends
But continues always standing
I will resist
To keep on living
I will put up with the blows and will never give up
And even if dreams break into pieces
I will resist
I will resist
- 1. Cross refers to the 'heads or tails' coin flipping. In spanish it's called 'face or cross'.
Let the Moon Rise
Let the moon riseLet the sun set
Let the night fall
So our love begins
Let the stars
Fill me with inspiration
To tell you
Beautiful things, love
I know that there's no love
In this world like the one you give me
And I know that night after night
It grows stronger
And I know that night after night
It grows stronger
When I'm in your arms
I always wonder
How much I owe destiny
For giving me you
That why's I give
My whole life to you
You gave me in a kiss
What I never asked for
I know that there's no love
In this world like the one you give me
And I know that night after night
It grows stronger
And I know that night after night
It grows stronger
Let the moon rise