Rezultatele căutării pagină 2
Număr de rezultate: 63
In imbratisarea-ti
Versions: #1
Adierea vantului prin par ma trece
Lumea-i ea de fel de-a sta-n loc cand aproape mie-mi esti
De-a stelelor clipire chipu-ti e-nvaluit
Si ceeru-i de-a vibra-n culori cand ai tu catre tine-a m-atrage
La randu-mi vreau de-a -nota--n oceanu-ti
La randu-mi vreau asemeni de-a cunoaste-o cale
de-a ma-ndragosti eu iar
Tu Strange-ma-n imbratisarea-ti
A muzelor chemare-am eu de-a auzi
Si-asa negresit ma-ndragostesc
Purtata de-ale tale valuri
Nici fel de furtuni n-au de-a putea lua
ochii-mi de la tine
Cazuta- si-ngenunchiata
Fricile si sperantele lor desarte pe mine-au de-a ma lovi
Mana-ti e gasita-mpreunata cu-a mea
Spunandu-mi de-astfel c-ai tu sustinere-a-mi fi
Acum oceanu-ti adanc m-afund
Vad calea spre-asa redemptie
Tu Strange-ma-n imbratisarea-ti
A muzelor chemare-am eu de-a auzi
Si-asa negresit ma-ndragostesc
Purtata de-ale tale valuri
Nici fel de furtuni n-au de-a putea lua
ochii-mi de la tine
North Star
How is life over there at your height
Here it's like this and that, the adults are always after me
Being up here is great, but I miss you
When I miss you a lot, I speak the language of the birds
I love you ( I-ge lo-ge-ve-ge-yo-ge-u)
In reality, without you I'm not going anywhere
Sometimes the shadows on the walls scare me a lot
Sometimes I don't know how to escape their words
I learned how to dance with the shadows on the walls
I can't really deal with their words either
I love you ( I-ge lo-ge-ve-ge-yo-ge-u)
In reality, I'm not going anywhere without you
Even if I run fast, roll away, I won't let go of your hand
I first dreamed with you, I can't give up on you, North Star
I love you ( I-ge lo-ge-ve-ge-yo-ge-u)
In reality, I'm not going anywhere without you
I love you ( I-ge lo-ge-ve-ge y-ge-ou)
Micuța serenadă
Voi împrumuta un bănuț de soare
Pentru că vreau să ți-l dăruiesc
Vei putea să-l așezi pe părul tău blond
Acel nor auriu îl voi mângâia...
Această micuță serenadă
Cu un fir de voce se poate cânta
Fiecare îndrăgostit îndrăgostitei sale
I-o va susura, i-o va susura
Voi împrumuta un bănuț de mare
Pentru că vreau să ți-l dăruiesc
Vei putea să-l așezi pe ochii tăi frumoși
În privirea ta albastră mă voi scufunda
Această micuță serenadă
Cu un fir de voce se poate cânta
Fiecare îndrăgostit îndragostitei sale
I-o va susura, i-o va susura
Voi imprumuta un bănuț de cer
Pentru că vreau să ți-l dăruiesc
Îl vei putea așeza pe voalul tau alb
Cand te voi purta la altar
Această micuță serenadă
Cu un fir de voce se poate cânta
Fiecare îndrăgostit îndrăgostitei sale
I-o va susura, i-o va susura.
Serenade to the stars
Don't pretend to be asleep
When a heart is sighing for you:
Can't you hear my serenade,
Telling you about me once again?
Stars, stars
Up there, sighing
What perhaps may be the most beautiful phrases, over the chords of a thousand guitars
Heart, heart
Wanting to dream tonight
The flower that can turn pain into a dream hasn't bloomed yet
Play on, guitar of mine:
This heart can no longer hope
If Love's a sweet folly
But life is beautiful, let's start singing again
Stars, stars
Up there, sighing
What perhaps may be the most beautiful phrases, over the chords of a thousand guitars
Heart, heart
Wanting to dream tonight
The flower that can turn pain into a dream hasn't bloomed yet
In Imbratisarea-ti
Vantul freamata prin parul meu
Lumea-n loc sta cand asa aproape te-arati tu
Stralucire stelara pe chipu-ti revarsata
Ceru' se tremura-n timp ce tu m-atragi
Iar eu .. eu vreau in oceanul tau sa-not
Eu .. vreau a stii din nou sentimentul dragostei
In imbratisarea-ti strange-ma
Sirene se aud
Ce rapid eu ma prabusesc
Sub valurile tale
Nicio furtuna nu poate-a
Ma-ndeparta de tine
Prabusita si-ngenunchiata
Fricile si sperantele lor ma inunda
Mana ta o ghideaza pe-a mea
Si-mi arata ca singura nu sunt
Acum m-afund .. adanc in oceanul tau
Eu .. vad calea de iesire
In imbratisarea-ti strange-ma
Sirene se aud
Ce rapid eu ma prabusesc
Sub valurile tale
Nicio furtuna nu poate-a
Ma-ndeparta de tine
It was coming and it came
Already gettin in, looking
And changing my plans
What is going on?
He came really fast
And the heart, poor thing, in one stroke it got bad
Took away my drinks and fun
I can only think about serenade
If it's corny calling it like that
Call me Marília Mendonça or Falcão
My show is acoustic now
Under the window, like this
Dinner by candlelight
Now it's 'momozin' or 'momozão', I know it's corny
Call me Marília Mendonça or Falcão
My show is acoustic now
Under the window, like this
Dinner by candlelight
Now it's 'momozin' or 'momozão', I know it's corny
He came really fast
And the heart, poor thing, in one stroke it got bad
Took away my drinks and fun
I can only think about serenade
If it's corny calling it like that
Call me Marília Mendonça or Falcão
My show is acoustic now
Under the window, like this
Dinner by candlelight
Now it's 'momozin' or 'momozão', I know it's corny
Call me Marília Mendonça or Falcão
My show is acoustic now
Under the window, like this
Dinner by candlelight
Now it's 'momozin' or 'momozão', I know it's corny
If it's corny calling it like that
Call me Marília Mendonça or Falcão
My show is acoustic now
Under the window, like this
Dinner by candlelight
Now it's 'momozin' or 'momozão', I know it's corny
The Same Serenade
When the sky turns into the evening
and the moon is already out,
every star that shines in the distance
makes me think of you.
When nobody is around,
I feel happy, you know.
It is time for me to come to you
as I do every evening this way.
Every evening under the window,
I sing to you the same serenade.
Every night with my guitar,
I speak with you about love.
If I serenade you
it's because I love you.
It's the moment for me to come to you
as I do every evening this way.
Every evening under the window,
I sing to you the same serenade.
Every night with my guitar,
I speak with you about love.
If I serenade you
it's because I love you.
It's the moment for me to come to you
as I do every evening this way.
Balada de-ndurerare
Lupii rondu-si fac ei printre copaci
Cei lilieci sovaiesc ei prin vazduh
Un suflet insa-i el nelinistit, si-n garda-i regasit
Teama-i fiind fiece spirit, vrajitoare ori bestie
Caci micuta Polly odihna ea n-are
Tu nu cumva a se cutremura s-o lasi
Caci Vrajitorul, cel far de suflet si nepasator
Cel ce-n galbeni e platit
Se-arata el , dar si dispare, nelasand nimic in urma-i
Decat suferinta si-ndurerare
Pasarile-s tacute ele-n timp de seara
Vitele-s ele-n iezlea lor, la cel apus de soare
Un suflet insa-i el nelinistit, si-n garda-i regasit
Teama-i fiind fiece spirit, vrajitoare ori bestie
Mica mea Polly pleoapa-ti odihneste tu
sI NU CLINTI, vorba nici nu grai, si lacrema tu nu varsa-n
Timp ce vrajitoru' , cel neinfricat si cutezator
In galben el platit
V-a sa te cioparteasca si cresteze
Sa te taie si sa te despice
De-a -ntregu sa te-nghita
Cu totu sa te-nghita
Throw a rose at me, from the green window
Let my heart be filled with light inside
I came here to your door, like the season
A cloud in my eyes, snow in my hair
When you throw a rose from the window
My heart will be filled with light inside
I will leave your door like the season
A cloud in my eyes, snow in my hair
You are a rose, blooming petal by petal
I brought you spring with my love
From the dusty road and the far away lands I've travelled
I brought you songs
When you throw a rose from the window
My heart will be filled with light
I will leave your door like the season
A cloud in my eyes, snow in my hair
Serenadă venețiană
Sub luna limpede din Veneția
și în apele albastre ale canalelor sale
un gondolier cânta cu un accent trist
această tânguire în timp ce vâslea:
influenţa ochilor tăi
la fel de albaștri ca marea,
m-au îmbătat nebunește
și te voi iubi mereu.
în gondola mea te aștept
să-ţi povestesc despre iubirea mea.
nu-mi disprețui dragostea
pentru că mor de durere.
Oh, oh, oh, oh...
Oh, oh, oh, oh...
pentru un sărut al gurii tale
aș ucide fără milă.
vino și calmează cu buzele tale
pasiunea și neliniștea mea.
Oh, oh, oh, oh...
Oh, oh, oh, oh...
The Timid Serenade
Timid is my serenade.
Timid is this great love
that stolls in my heart,
but I dare not, I dare not, I dare not.
I dare not speak to him
about the love he makes me feel.
I would like to smile at him
but I dare not, I dare not, I dare not.
You, madam, the moon, who are my friend,
send out a plea about my misfortune
and tell him and tell him for me
that I love him, that I love him, that I love him.
But that I no longer have the courage
when I see him in front of me.
I know that is just too bad
but I dare not, I dare not, I dare not.
You who watch like a sweet street light
over the loves and the joys on earth,
ensure for me that he will listen to my voice
that without you, without you, he will never hear.
Timid is my serenade.
Timid is this great love
that stolls in my heart,
but I dare not, I dare not, I dare not.
I never dare speak to him
about the love he makes me feel.
I would like to smile at him
but I dare not, I dare not, I dare not.
You, madam, the moon, who are my friend,
send out a plea about my misfortune
and tell him and tell him for me
that I love him, that I love him, that I love him.
But that I no longer have the courage
when I see him in front of me.
I know that is just too bad
but I dare not, I dare not, I dare not.
Tell him, tell him
about the love he makes me feel.
You want only me
Though I act indifferent
They run after you
But you don't pay attention at all
You've fixated on an idea
That I'll be yours
I'm not just any woman
It's hard to steal my heart
I like to see how you struggle
How you squirm, how you do anything . . .
He even sings me serenades
He even writes me poems
He says that I'm the princess of the castle
Everywhere, day to day
I don't have any way to shut him up
Nothing placates him anymore
For how much he tries
He starts to like me
Everything that he does, she doesn't see him, she doesn't believe him
She is wary of accepting him
Of course she feels for him, of course she lies to him
Of course she smiles at him, and touches him
He runs nonstop after her as if he saw her for the first time
With his guitar, serenades, day to day, evening to evening
He crosses the line as much as he can, still he feels screwed over
While she cries again
He even sings me serenades
He even writes me poems
He says that I'm the princess of the castle
Everywhere, day to day
I don't have any way to shut him up
Nothing placates him anymore
For how much he tries
He starts to like me
I like to see how you struggle
How you squirm, how you do anything . . .
He even sings me serenades
He even writes me poems
He says that I'm the princess of the castle
Everywhere, day to day
I don't have any way to shut him up
Nothing placates him anymore
For how much he tries
He starts to like me . . .
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!
Serenade of Love
The night is being filled
With the sounds of song.
And it entwines itself in your window,
My serenade of love.
The stars quietly
Begin to whisper.
And it's filling the night,
My serenade of love.
The moon turns to silver
When it falls upon the cornfield.
The wind is bringing
The notes of my song.
It's the night of my land
That has become a heart.
With it I am adorning
My serenade of love.
I'll leave my grievances
Deep inside your soul.
I've come to trade your disdain
For a little bit of hope.
It was for you alone,
My heartfelt serenade
That forged the stars
And the wind of my mountains.
It was for you alone,
My heartfelt serenade
That forged the stars
And the wind of my mountains.
Versions: #2
I think your mother is a thief
Stole the stars put them as your eyes
Now you slam me with them
It's good that your mom's a thief
Thief, thief, thief
Your mom's a thief
Hey you - like a fox, no not hairy but cunning
Any you don't have mustache,
Basically you pretty
Your cheeks and bun are just like Mona Lisa's
No not prehistoric, but hypnotizing
You are so white and fluffy just like sheep
No not stupid, but soft to touch
You are just like a snake too
Flexible know how to do a split
Well you understood me
Baby I love you
Chours 1x
Hey you - like a fox, no not hairy but cunning
Any you don't have mustache,
Basically you pretty
Your cheeks and bun are just like Mona Lisa's
No not prehistoric, but hypnotizing
You are so white and fluffy just like sheep
No not stupid, but soft to touch
You are just like a snake too
Flexible know how to do a split
Well you understood me
Baby I love you
I think your mother is a thief
Stole the stars put them as your eyes
Now you slam me with them
It's good that your mom's a thief
Thief, thief, thief
Your mom's a thief
I think your mother is a thief
Stole the stars put them as your eyes
Now you slam me with them
It's good that your mom's a thief
Thief, thief, thief
Your mom's a thief
Thief, thief, thief
Your mom's a thief
Sunday Serenade
It's Sunday
Everything is fine
Someone is sleeping
Is it you, dear?
I miss you
I'm tired of waiting
It's getting late
(It's getting late)
Enough with the dreaming
That's why I'm singing this song that will come through your window
(Your window)
Pass by the curtains, like wind, and wake you up on your bed
And in the moment you leave the room and get into the balcony
Make a serenade
I'll sing it low on your ear to set the scene
(The scene)
I'll sing it high to show the whole world who loves you
And together we'll enjoy this Sunday afternoon in your room
Till it's late at night, late at night
It's Sunday
Everything is fine
Someone is sleeping
Is it you, dear?
That's why I'm singing this song that will come through your window
(Your window)
Pass by the curtains, like wind, and wake you up on your bed
And in the moment you leave the room and get into the balcony
Make a serenade
I'll sing it low on your ear to set the scene
(The scene)
I'll sing it high to show the whole world who loves you
(Who loves you)
And together we'll enjoy this Sunday afternoon in your room
Till it's late at night, late at night
Till it's late at night, late at night
Late at night...
Late at night...
Wake up, dear
Wake up, dear
Wake up, dear
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
Half moon serenade
If it reaches to where you are
The wind will tell you about my love
Strumming the ambar dry leaves in the water
In my left hand, with tears
I link moon drops together
I can't tie my self to the one I like...I wish deeply
Youth clouds break. I embrace teenagehood
Since we're all alone
I caress the tenderness
Embracing the eternity in your chest
A dream fills up in the echo of life
Though we're together, it's painful
You bit your finger tightly
Falling in love, boys don't doubt
If a ring of falling stars
Made a wave in the fountain of your chest
The waning moon would be a heartache like loneliness
Please, love me with my beautiful eyes
We two will search for happiness
If we live loving each other
Don't leave me, ah, flowing in the galaxy of time
Let's become adults together
Youth clouds break. I embrace teenagehood
Since we're all alone
I caress the tenderness
Embracing the eternity in your chest
A dream fills up in the echo of life
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Sunt sigură că te-am văzut în visele mele,
Simt că nu e prima dată când ne întâlnim,
Faci timpul să zboare încet, încet...
Precum curg râurile lente,
Văd focul în ai tăi,
În ai tăi ochi...
Mă face să mă simt,
Mă duce în înălțimi,
Așă că adu-l pe ringul de dans.
Iubite, mai bine ai începe cumn trebuie,
Mă pierd,
Nu pot
Controla asta...
Trebuie să fie iubire...
Haide, băiete,
Mișcă-ți trupul,
Pentru că în noaptea asta
Sunt neastâmpărată, neastâmpărată,
Dansează cu mine de parcă ar fi petrecerea mea,
Ne dezlănțuim,
Suntem în safari...
Mai bine ți-ai aținti ochii asupra mea,
Știu că nu ești
Singurul care mă privește
Când toate stelele nopții strălucesc,
Dansăm printre ele încet,
Văd focul în ai tăi,
În ai tăi ochi...
Mă face să mă simt,
Mă duce în înălțimi,
Așă că adu-l pe ringul de dans.
Iubite, mai bine ai începe cumn trebuie,
Mă pierd,
Nu pot
Controla asta...
Trebuie să fie iubire...
Haide, băiete,
Mișcă-ți trupul,
Pentru că în noaptea asta
Sunt neastâmpărată, neastâmpărată,
Dansează cu mine de parcă ar fi petrecerea mea,
Ne dezlănțuim,
Suntem în safari... (x 2)
There's no point to give youself over to it
If you have the bad habit of driving in the wrong way
Life ain't easy, it's not for an amateur
Sometimes an error prepares you to endure pain
And out of the blue, unconsciously
We learn from the beatings that life give us
Out of the blue, but consciously
We can work things out without wanting to face each other
How many days, how many nights I denied it
How many stories, how much love I made up
I count the days, count the nights without you
I'm already looking for you in someone else
I'm tired of taking your place
But it is a void that insists on overflowing
I've tried to walk in your shoes
Tried to walk in my own shoes
I don't wanna think anymore, just want to let go
Want to feel your body on my hands
So let's push the feud between us aside
In the stream of this delusion
I don't wanna think anymore, just want to let go
Want to feel your body on my hands
So let's push the feud between us aside
In the stream of this delusion
Oh, oh, oh, ooh
Ah, ah, ah
Oh, oh, oh, ooh
I remember your kiss
Your touch, your gaze
Me taking your clothes off
No rush, slowly
I go to bed wanting
To feel you one more time
I wake up remembering
The way we did it
How many days, how many nights I denied it
How many stories, how much love I made up
I count the days, count the nights without you
I'm already looking for you in someone else
I'm tired of taking your place
But it is a void that insists on overflowing
I've tried to walk in your shoes
Tried to walk in my own shoes
I don't wanna think anymore, just want to let go
Want to feel your body on my hands
So let's push the feud between us aside
In the stream of this delusion
I don't wanna think anymore, just want to let go
Want to feel your body on my hands
So let's push the feud between us aside
In the stream of this delusion
Oh, oh, oh, ooh
Ah, ah, ah
Oh, oh, oh, ooh
Ah, ah, ah
Serenade Near Mexico
O serenade
Near Mexico
Beautiful love song that in the evening the horsemen sigh
Under the jade sky
In the sweet and hot wind
O serenade near Mexico
The shadow that dances
Among the scents
Blessed our hearts of a tender dream and of a hope without end
Under the immense sky
I loved your tune
Sweet romance
Of a faraway dream
Other voices after me have said to me:
'I love you'
No longer is their music the same
I say again in the evening sad and pale
This sweet poem
Without echo!
O serenade
Near Mexico
Tell her that I still long for the slow rhythm of the waves one evening
Under the jade sky
Singing anew
My serenade near Mexico
Ay! Ay! Ay! - Ay!
Ay! Ay! Ay! - Ay!
Ay! Ay! Ay! - Ay!
Ay! Ay! Ay! - Ay!
Without you
Go back home and never come back
I didn't allow myself, you are not different (from the others)
How many lies, I wonder why
Since, after all, you are the one who chose me
I will continue without you
I want to start living again for myself
I will continue thinking of you
Not to feel the emptiness that there is now inside me
You did well, better than me
You looked like a friend, more friend than me
'I'm in love' you used to say more than me
Yet now I'm the one who loses you
I will continue without you
I want to start living again for myself
I will continue thinking of you
Not to feel the emptiness that there is now
Silver night, you here again with me
I fly in the wind getting lost with you
You already don't remember your fragility anymore
But now our fairytale is over
I will continue without you
I have to start living again for myself
I will continue thinking of you
Not to feel the emptiness that there is now inside me
serenade of flowers and butterflies
since night it blooms
this bridging flower,
the flower of Lanhua.
with the moon can you see,
that its honey(nectar?) in radiance
is a fablesworth
give me the world 'til it's end,
flute and lauda i play
today's dance will a feast be
and my plumage i will give to you.
with my submissive servants dance,
enchanted butterflies will fly will float
forget about everything
bewitching you i am,
with my music,
because i will freeze you
and as beautiful as today, al-
ways will you be.
give me the world 'til it's end,
flute and lauda i play
today's dance will a feast be
and my plumage i will give to you.
golden wings the dreams you believe,
that petals fall from your legs
with my submissive servants dance
enchanted butterflies will fly will float
under the ebbing moon
which silver dancers are,
you will see without any regret
and with luck you will come to love me
give me the world 'til it's end,
flute and lauda i play
today's dance will a feast be
and my plumage i will give to you.
golden wings the dreams you believe,
that petals fall from your legs
with my submissive servants dance
enchanted butterflies will fly will float
forget about everything
bewitching you i am,
with my music,
because i will freeze you
and as beautiful as today, al-
ways will you be.
golden wings the dreams you believe,
that petals fall from your legs
with my submissive servants dance
enchanted butterflies will fly will float
golden wings the dreams you believe,
that petals fall from your legs
with my submissive servants dance
enchanted butterflies will fly will float
I will sing to you with this guitar that my grandfather
used to win the heart of who with time
would become his actual wife.
A serenade full of important passions
inspired in poems of the books
that you gave me to read when we met.
And I stand here like a moveless picketer
to dedicate you my song until you go out to the balcony
and listen to the message of my heart.
I know that my guitar and the strength of my singing
will ovecome the 19 floors that there are to the place
that your flat occupies in this monoblock.
You will listen to me. I have many things to say to you
and I chose this way of the serenade
because it looks more enjoyable than sending an email.
And besides, you leave them unreplied many times
maybe you don't even read them and you erase them
without suspecting they could give you a reason
to live in a different way
to the one you knew. Because by my side
you'd know once and for all what love is.
Come to the balcony. Lean on a little and you'll see
that when you listen what I have prepared
to sing to you, you won't resist it.
I'm here, at the foot of your building
practicing vocalizations for when you decide
to pay me attention, you understand my feelings
and for listening closer what finally
your heart will discover as the purest truth
you'll feel the impulse of coming to me.
Because it's so. When one glimpses the happiness
that was hidden, one can't contain oneself
of going the soonest as possible beside that being
who put light in what before was in the shadows
without passing by the gloom that in a single flash
cleared so much clarity from the dark.
And by listening this serenade that I'll sing to you
I'm sure that you won't hold yourself
and you'll jump from the balcony.
I wait for you here. I will catch you with my guitar.
Its strings are elastic and is very fine
the wood used to carve the tuning fork.
You can jump. I see that you took my advice,
you're coming to my arms, my dear, you're reach...Oh!
My translations are licensed under a
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Serenade into the evening breeze
In the distance, a bell tones with each step
of the beautiful and sad day that walks away.
In an hesitant flight, a leaf
whirls and falls down on the path.
I sing my serenade into the evening breeze,
into the wind that will pass over my country
so that my desire escapes toward you,
stronger than sleep and oblivion.
How many summers and winters
had I to spend away from your arms!
Maybe, in your fickle heart, my heart
has become nothing but a stranger!
I sing my serenade into the evening breeze,
into the wind that will dance over your house...
Sometimes, a lurking memory is impervious
to the passing of time and seasons!
But if you don't listen to it,
if your heart beats with a different hope
may the wind carry you away forever
along with my sorrow and regrets!
I sing my serenade into the evening breeze,
I sing alone and joyless into the wind.
Although its tune is light as a dawn ballad
its lyrics are made of sorrow and resentment!
Tomorrow, I'll set off for the most beautiful crusade
Tomorrow, I'll set off toward bright days
Tomorrow, I'll go and sing my serenade
softly, in the arms of my love!
Softly, in the arms of my love!
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.
Lângă telefon
Lângă telefon, neajutorată, aștept,
Aștept, dar nu va suna, știu.
Inima mea spune:
În zadar nu aștepta!
Nu sună din cauza mândriei,
Chiar dacă te iubește mult.
Tot poți avea, dar
Iubirea noastră e o bogăție/ comoară, să știi.
Încă mă iubești,
Asta și tu o știi
De ce nu mă suni?
Nu doar pentru o clipă,
Ci o viață te voi suna.
De mândria mea nu-mi pasă…
By the Phone
I'm waiting desperately by the phone
I'm waiting but I know that it will not ring
My hearts says
Don't wait in vain
Don't call because of your pride
Even if he loves you
You can own everything but
You should know that our love is a fortune...
You still love me
You know this too
Why aren't you calling me?
Not for just a moment,
I will call you for a lifetime
I don't care about my pride..
O serenadă
O serenadă pentru iubirea noastră, azi
Te vreau alături de mine când răsare, răsare, când răsare, răsare soarele.
O lacrimă pentru iubirea ta, iubite,
Te vreau alături de mine până la apusul lunii...
Încă o zi, fără tine, mă ucide,
Încă o zi, fără tine, mă ucide,
Încă o zi, fără tine, mă ucide,
Încă o zi, fără tine, mă ucide...
O serenadă pentru iubirea noastră, azi
Te vreau alături de mine când răsare, răsare, când răsare, răsare soarele.
O lacrimă pentru iubirea ta, iubite,
Te vreau alături de mine până la apusul lunii...
Încă o zi, fără tine, mă ucide,
Încă o zi, fără tine, mă ucide,
Încă o zi, fără tine, mă ucide,
Încă o zi, fără tine, mă ucide...
Serenade of flowers and butterflies
Just listen to our music,
Little tyrannical rhythm,
Almost devilish,
A bewitching lullaby,
That we will share you with a heady voice,
I am rhythm and music,
I am fire, I am magic,
Follow the life, follow the dance,
And join us in step,
One, two, three. One, two, three, sing with me.
In the night that goes down.
I will rehang my voice.
It's a funny dance,
It can enchant you,
Make you swirl,
It's a heady music,
It can take you away,
Make you travel,
Follow the rhythm of the drums,
Especially as they are getting heavier,
Three little music notes,
Three little devilish notes.
One, two, three. One, two, three, sing with me.
In the night that goes down.
I will rehang my voice.
One, two, three. One, two, three, don't forget me.
I am the great queen whose the wings are spreading out
I am the great queen of the beautiful moths
My voice is unleashing
Makes my foes flee
Follow our steps
Clap in your hands
Sing the joy
Sing tomorrow
I am force
And I am fighting
Against those who don't believe in me
Lalalalilala Lalalalilalalilalalo
It's my song that makes you raise your hands so high
Lalalalilala Lalalalilalalilalalo
In your head shall you see
That it never stops.
Just listen to our music,
Little tyrannical rhythm,
Almost devilish,
A bewitching lullaby,
That we will make you share
With a heady voice
One, two, three. One, two, three, sing with me.
In the night that goes down.
I will rehang my voice.
One, two, three. One, two, three
Don't forget me
I am the great queen
My wings are spreading out
Lalalalilala Lalalalilalalilalalo
It's my song that makes you raise your hands so high
Lalalalilala Lalalalilalalilalalo
In your head shall you see that it never stops.
'Cuando quieres algo, todo el Universo conspira para que realices tu deseo.' Paulo Coelho
Hana to Chou no Serenade (hebrew version)
Even the scent of a wild flower
That blooms at night, is very sweet
And its scent is sweet like honey with petals that...
Bloom violet-colored
The party in my dream
Cannot start
Until you enter with the whole world just for me.
Let's dance this way until we fall into the Flower Dance here on a cold night.
I will play a harp that...
Is made at a night where the moon is high
The pleasant sound of bells and the sound of a thousand flutes, all play together.
When my loyal servant
Just waits for me to return
Then I'll send him a glowing robe
In the color of the angels.
I will gently then hop and dance
The Flower Dance here on this cold night.
And if a leaf would fall there, I will skip
Over it and maintain the melody.
When my loyal servant
Just waits for me to return
Then I'll send him a glowing robe
In the color of the angels.
I will gently then hop and dance
The Flower Dance here on this cold night.
And if a leaf would fall there, I will skip
Over it and maintain the melody.
Even the scent of a wild flower
That blooms at night, is very sweet
And its scent is sweet like honey with petals that...
Bloom violet-colored.
I will gently then hop and dance
The Flower Dance here on this cold night.
And if a leaf would fall there, I will skip
Over it and maintain the melody.
I will gently then hop and dance
The Flower Dance here on this cold night.
And if a leaf would fall there, I will skip
Over it and maintain the melody.
Serenada napoletana
Spune-mi, spune-mi, la cine te gandesti sezand
singura, singura, in spatele ferestrei?
Pe perete, in fata, tiparita,
vad o umbra si aceasta umbra esti tu.
Noaptea e racoroasa, luna de argint
urca in cer si devine mai alba,
Si, din cand in cand o pala de vant
prin aer se simte trecand.
Ah, ce noapte, ah, ce noapte.
Dar de ce nu te arati?
Dar de ce, dar de ce ma alungi,
Ecaterina, fara sa-mi explici macar.
Dar este un destin,
iar eu cred si sper
Ecaterina, nu e adevarat,
tu multumita nu esti.
Ecaterina, Ecaterina,
tu multumita nu esti
Ecaterina, Ecaterina,
tu multumita nu esti.
Ecaterina, Ecaterina, m-ai parasit,
pe neasteptate aceasta dragoste s-a sfarsit,
pe neasteptate ai ales un altul,
m-ai abandonat si mi-ai spus:' O zi buna'.
Si la astalalt care acum il iubesti
te gandesti si, trezita, il astepti,
insa acesta, in seara asta, nu vine,
si-ti spun eu ca nu va mai veni.
Nu, nu vine, nu vine.
L-am vazut pe strada,
plimbandu-se la brat cu alta,
si razand, vorbeau despre tine.
Tu ai fost tradata.
Tu ai fost parasita.
Tu ai fost abandonata,
chiar si tu, chiar si tu.
Ecaterina, Ecaterina,
tu multumita nu esti
Ecaterina, Ecaterina,
tu multumita nu esti.
It hurts to say goodbye
I ask myself what i'm doing here, calling you
Why I always end up here begging you.
My conscience tells me: I don't have to be here
But I, risking everything just to be with you.
What will I do if already there's no solution?
My heart cries, cries for you
It doesn't exist any word that can redeem.
My heart cries trying to go away.
And the heartbreak sums when it comes the end
It hurts to say goodbye
It hurts to say goodbye
I'm here after promising never to come back.
If you are fire I decide to burn myself on your skin
My conscience tells me: I shouldn't be here
But I, risking everything just to be with you.
What will I do if already there's no solution?
My heart cries, cries for you
It doesn't exist any word that can redeem.
My heart cries trying to go away.
And the heartbreak sums when it comes the end
It hurts to say goodbye
It hurts to say goodbye
It is natural to look for a real love
Renounce to everything for the hope of loving
Although it smells of danger,
And it hurts to say goodbye.
My heart cries, cries for you
It doesn't exist any word that can redeem.
My heart cries trying to go away.
And the heartbreak sums when it comes the end
It hurts to say goodbye
It hurts to say goodbye
It hurts to say goodbye
Serenadă pe la miez de noapte
paznicii şi hoţii ce vin la treabă
şi tinerii singuri
sunt încă romantici
Serenadă pentru cei despărţiţi
şi pentru copii singuri şi pierduţi
care adorm
târziu cu televizorul-mamă
Serenadă pentru liderii de guvern
dacă ar cântam, am merge mai departe
pentru pensionari, un an şi înc-un ban
Serenadă pentru pisicile negre
pentru bătrâni artişti şi ospătari
pentru cei ce-şi vând iubirea pe străzi
Priveşte pe fereastră, frumoasa mea
Îţi inventez un cântec şi-o poezie
îmbracă ce ai mai frumos şi hai să mergem
o pisică, o inimă, şi tu, ce companie!...
Serenadă poate-un pic dulceagă
dar cu gust de pâine caldă de ţară
ca o duminică atunci când e duminică
Serenadă pentru jurnalişti
cu cerneala încă pe mâini
care au scris noaptea
şi ştiu deja despre mâine
Priveşte pe fereastră, frumoasa mea
Îţi inventez un cântec şi-o poezie
îmbracă ce ai mai frumos şi hai să mergem
o pisică, o inimă, şi tu, ce companie!...
Priveşte pe fereastră, frumoasa mea
e o fericire ce pluteşte-n aer
Serenadă, prietena lunii
Dacă o cânţi, îţi va purta noroc
serenada, serenada...
Priveşte pe fereastră, frumoasa mea
e o fericire ce pluteşte-n aer
Serenadă, prietena lunii
Dacă o cânţi, îţi va purta noroc
serenada, serenada...