Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 61


Diabolo Mint

Versions: #1
Within your schoolbooks
Are your dreams and secrets
All those words you cannot say
Words of love and tenderness
The words of a woman
that you hide, that we condemn
you're hiding little Anne
Within your schoolbooks
There's blood and tears
Your first heartbreaks
The first wounds
The first tears
That bruise your soul
That bruise little Anne
In the school cafeterias
You have to bluff and lie
Around the diabolo mint
When you recall the nights
From last summer
And all your first lovers
That you've only had while dreaming
Within your schoolbooks
are your dreams amd secrets
All the words you'll never say
of love and tenderness
The words of a woman
that you're hiding. that we condemn
You're hiding little Anne

This evening is drawing to an end

Versions: #1
It's been nice to be here once again
I've neither seen nor spoken to you
But it went by too quickly
the end has already begun
This evening was wonderful
the stars shone brightly, more so than ever
In the sky, in the sky over you
It's come to an end again
This evening is drawing to a close
The darkness will vanish for the morningarrives
It's come to an end again
This evening is drawing to a close
But let's sing together before we're heading home
Conviviality knows no bounds
But the bartender does, he wants to call it a day
There's a fair maid next to me
Wanting to leave with me
This evening was wonderful
the stars shone brightly, more so than ever
In the sky, in the sky over you.

Simón The Gravedigger

Yesterday afternoon they buried
the daughter of Juan Simón,
Simón was the town's
only gravedigger,
only gravedigger.
When she breathed her
last breath in his arms,
he buried his own daughter,
to the cemetery he took her
to the cemetery he took her.
He dug the grave himself
murmuring a prayer,
saying goodbye forever
to the daughter of Juan Simón,
to the daughter of Juan Simón.
And crying like a child
he left the cemetery,
with a stick in hand
and a mattock on his shoulder,
and a mattock on his shoulder.
The people asked him:
'where are you coming from, Simón?'
and as he wiped away his tears,
in a hushed voice he answered,
in a hushed voice he answered:
'I am a gravedigger and I've come
from burying my heart,
I am a gravedigger and I've come
from burying my heart,
from burying my heart'.

The last dance

Breath, I breathe in the emptiness
Emptiness, Oh I am in the middle of it
Hoping of, I hope that there will be a reversal
That the light will shine on you
Feeling, I feel so helpless
Dreaming, that your destiny choses someone else
Knowing that, I should know better
That hope will make me happier, when I dance
Let me dance
On the rythem of hope
Because when we dance
It will be more empty in my head
I see heaven
So black as the hell
What would you think?
When I tell you that
Questions, I rather not ask them
Giving, The answer gives us grief
Afraid for, Afraid for what wil come
Let the hope free me, when I dance
So, Let me dance
On the rythem of hope
Because when we dance
It will be more empty in my head
I see heaven
So black as the hell
What would you think
When I tell you that?
The tears betray us both during the last dance
Oh, Give us a last chance
By the reflection of the moonlight
You take my hand
Dance this last dance with me
Let me dance
On the rythem of hope
Because when we dance
It will be more empty in my head
I see heaven
So black as the hell
What would you think
(What would you think?)
When I tell you that?
Let me dance
On the rythem of hope
Because when we dance
It will be more empty in my head
I see heaven
So black as the hell
What would you think
When I tell you that?

I can't wait for you to get ugly

In one way I hope everything turns out well
For you and for your career
Cause if I hear you on the radio someday
When you're more famous than you are
People will get impressed
When I say 'I've slept with her'
But It'll probably become frustrating
Yeah it'll probably get a bit annoying
To see you on all of the posters
And seeing you with other artists
And seeing you trending on Twitter
So I think it's best if I don't
Might just have to get used to it
And swallow it
Like LSD
Not proud that I feel it
But I hope everything goes to shit
I can't wait for you to get ugly
I think it'll be easier to let you go then
I can't wait for you to get ugly
Might just be a question of waiting a couple of years
I can't wait for you to get ugly
I think it'll be easier to let you go then
I can't wait for you to get ugly
I can't wait for you to get ugly
I could block you on Facebook
But still keep you as a friend
I stopped following you on Instagram
I don't want to see what's happened
But I got Tinder and I saw you there
And it hurt but I figured
That this probably means
That you haven't found anyone new cause
Sometimes I get these thoughts
That you left me for someone else
I see you being tagged
In someone else's feed
We sat in that parked and laughed
With our legs like tangled
But that stuff won't matter
Sometime when you're old
I can't wait for you to get ugly
I think it'll be easier to let you go then
I can't wait for you to get ugly
Might just be a question of waiting a couple of years
I can't wait for you to get ugly
I think it'll be easier to let you go then
I can't wait for you to get ugly
I can't wait for you to get ugly
A few months had probably passed
Without us seeing each other
And when I bumped into you
I wasn't prepared
Anton and Albin saw me as I cried
But it never got that uncomfortable
It was cool with you
But it was hard for me
But soon it's me who's too young for you
I can't wait for you to get ugly
I think it'll be easier to let you go then
I can't wait for you to get ugly
Might just be a question of waiting a couple of years
I can't wait for you to get ugly
I think it'll be easier to let you go then
I can't wait for you to get ugly
I can't wait for you to get ugly
Time moves faster when you're having fun
I hope you have fun so that you get ugly sooner
Time moves faster when you're having fun
I hope you have fun so that you get ugly sooner
Time moves faster when you're having fun
I hope you have fun so that you get ugly sooner

Suflet de vânzare

Vino dragă ascultă am ceva să-ți spun
Părerea mea despre iubirea asta: nu știu unde va duce
Nu-mi spune că sunt altfel, totuși ai putea să-mi demonstrezi
Alte căi de urmat, deja le cunosc
Asta e o relație în care se fac sacrificii
Iei rana, o deschizi și lași corpul paralizat
Incapabil să înțeleg dac-ai ascultat, dac-ai realizat
Asta trebuie să faci: accepți ruptura și plătești prețul
Ce vrei să spun?
Zi, ești pregătită?
Îți ofer tot ceea ce-ți dorești
Oferă-mi tot ce am nevoie
Am un suflet de vânzare, un suflet de vânzare
Ce vrei să fiu?
Arată-mi, căci îmi doresc să
Îți ofer tot ceea ce-ți dorești
Oferă-mi tot ce am nevoie
Am un suflet de vânzare, un suflet de vânzare
Patruzeci de zile și patruzeci de nopți te-ai chinuit să mă seduci
Ascult versurile melodiei tale pentru că sunt amuzante
Cânt la unison cu tine, dar nu destul încât să mă reducă
La o marionetă pe raft strigând: ”Maestre Păpușar, alege-mă!”
Deci haide drăgă, iubeștă-mă ca pe un soldat kamikaze
Vom arde în flăcări împreună, ne aprindem ca un Papparazzi
Du-te și aprinde-mi numele în flăcări, flăcările vor reînnoi toate mințile
Așa că trece-mă la rând să te iubesc, căci sunt gata de joc
Ce vrei să spun?
Zi, ești pregătită?
Îți ofer tot ceea ce-ți dorești
Oferă-mi tot ce am nevoie
Am un suflet de vânzare, un suflet de vânzare
Ce vrei să fiu?
Arată-mi, căci îmi doresc să
Îți ofer tot ceea ce-ți dorești
Oferă-mi tot ce am nevoie
Am un suflet de vânzare, un suflet de vânzare
Dă-mi tot, dă-mi tot
Intră în rând
Fă un pact cu diavolul
Fă un pact cu diavolul scris în sânge
Intră în rând
Fă un pact cu diavolul
Fă un pact cu diavolul scris în sânge
Știu că dragostea ta nu-i bună, dar o vreau pe toată.
Ce vrei să spun?
Zi, ești pregătită?
Îți ofer tot ceea ce-ți dorești
Oferă-mi tot ce am nevoie
Am un suflet de vânzare, un suflet de vânzare


18 ani, ne-am înfruntat toate temerile
Noi doi împotriva lumii, ți-am șters toate lacrimile
Mi-ai spus atunci că iubirea noastră nu are sfârșit
Ai mi-i-i-i-i-i-nțit
Ține-mă așa cum o făceai înainte
Liniștește-mă de parcă n-am fi mers la război
M-ai aruncat pe mine și inima mea la pământ
Am mu-u-u-u-u-u-rit
(Acum ești) moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine
Ești moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine
(Ești) moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine
Ești moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine
(Ești) moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine
Ești moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine
(Ești) moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine
Ești moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine
Uite cum ai ajuns, da, m-ai privit arzând
M-ai aruncat pur și simplu în foc și nu ți-a păsat
M-ai spus că se numește dragoste, eu voi mereu de ajuns
Ai mi-i-i-i-i-i-nțit
Poate că-ntr-o zi îți vei da seama
Dar iubito, nu mă vei mai găsi
M-ai trădat, dar iubito în ochii mei
Ai mu-u-u-u-u-u-rit
Moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine
Ești moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine
(Ești) moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine
Ești moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine
(Ești) moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine
Ești moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine
(Ești) moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine
Ești moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine
(Acum ești)
(Moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine)
Moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine
Ești moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine
(Ești) moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine
Ești moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine
(Ești) moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine
Ești moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine
(Ești) moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine
Ești moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine
(Ești) moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine
Ești moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine
(Ești) moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine
Ești moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine
(Ești) moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine
Ești moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine
(Ești) moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine
Ești moartă pentru mine, moartă pentru mine
Ești moartă pentru mine

Simon Says

Yo, Simon says
Hurry up, so many flat hoops on the street
The moment I stop, I'm gonna aim and shoot for you
Hands up, turn around
Hands up, shake it up
Running out of breath but I keep running
Why are you just scooping things out standing there
Why do you look so scared? Do you want this?
Cast a spell, I'm God, bewitching you all like wow
NCT we all so sexy
NCT noise you can’t break me
Who can talk against me, who
Bless me achoo
Simon says be cool
Don’t be such a fool
Simon says we’re real vibe killer
(Killer killer killer)
Simon says we’re real vibe killer
(Killer killer killer)
You’re all mine mine mine mine mine
You’re all mine mine mine mine mine
Don’t need those kind of words words words words
We don’t pay no mind mind mind mind mind
Through the jammed cars
I’m the siren that opens up the roads
Piercing through the traffic in your heart
All night
Faster than anyone else
They’re all behind me
I won’t hold back, everything’s up to me
The mood is getting high high high high
All the sounds that try to stop us, bye bye bye bye
Don’t mind them, let’s party all night
Don’t care what anyone says
Cast a spell, I’m God
Bewitching you all like wow
NCT we all so sexy
NCT noise you can’t break me
Who can talk against me, who
Bless me achoo
Simon says be cool
Don’t be such a fool
Simon says we’re real vibe killer
(Killer killer killer)
You think you know it all
Simon says we’re real vibe killer
(Killer killer killer)
You’re all mine mine mine mine mine
You’re all mine mine mine mine mine
Don’t need those kind of words words words words
We don’t pay no mind mind mind mind mind
Don’t be afraid
The only one stopping you is you
Don’t misunderstand
Today, we break the rules
Open your eyes and wake up
Fall deep inside
The moment you find your true self
Between reality and dreams
Simon says we’re real vibe killer (a real vibe killer)
Simon says we’re real vibe killer (a real vibe killer)
You’re all mine mine mine mine mine
You’re all mine mine mine mine mine
Don’t need those kind of words words words words
We don’t pay no mind mind mind mind mind
We don’t pay no attention

Bagă ritmul

Lasă ritmul să se-audă
E timpul să-i adunăm
Și să le spunem unde mergem
Dacă nu știu cum să se descurce
Atunci o să-i las la ușă
Trebuie să ajung în centrul cercului, ia-mă de mână
Spune-i DJ-ului să dea drumul la ritm
Nu băga o afurisită de trupă
Lasă ritmul să te cuprindă
Și petrecerea nu se va sfârși
Căci e șapte feluri de obrăznicie
Atunci când lași ritmul să se-audă
Ți-am mai zis o dată
Am spus de ce nu înțelegi?
Spune-i DJ-ului să dea drumul la ritm
Nu băga o afurisită de trupă
Așa că dă-o încoace iubito
Spune-mi, ce alegi?
O să mi-o dai pervers
Acolo unde vede toată lumea
Căci nu pot face nimic împreună cu tine
Dacă nu vei dansa niciodată
Așa că mai bine găsește-ți ritmul
Că au pus melodia Bad Romance
(Want your Bad Romance)*
Lasă ritmul să te cuprindă
Și petrecerea nu se va sfârși
Căci e șapte feluri de obrăznicie
Atunci când lași ritmul să se-audă
Ți-am mai zis de două ori
Am spus de ce nu înțelegi?
Spune-i DJ-ului să dea drumul la ritm
Nu băga o afurisită de trupă
Lasă ritmul să te cuprindă
Și petrecerea nu se va sfârși
Căci e șapte feluri de obrăznicie
Atunci când lași ritmul să se-audă
Ți-am mai zis de trei ori
Am spus de ce nu înțelegi?
Spune-i DJ-ului să dea drumul la ritm
Nu băga o afurisită de trupă
Lasă ritmul să te cuprindă
Și petrecerea nu se va sfârși
Căci e șapte feluri de obrăznicie
Atunci când lași ritmul să se-audă
Ți-am mai zis de patru ori
Am spus de ce nu înțelegi?
Spune-i DJ-ului să dea drumul la ritm
Nu băga o afurisită de trupă
Lasă ritmul să te cuprindă
Și petrecerea nu se va sfârși
Căci e șapte feluri de obrăznicie
Atunci când lași ritmul să se-audă
Am zis-o de cinci ori
Am spus de ce nu înțelegi?
Spune-i DJ-ului să dea drumul la ritm
Nu băga o afurisită de trupă

Florile niciodata nu se indoiesc cu ploaia

Prin coridoarele somnului
Prin umbrele intunecate si profunde
Gindurile mele danseaza si sare in confusie.
Nu stiu ce e realitate,
Nu pot s-o ating pe ceea ce eu simt
Iar ma ascund in spatele scutului iluziei mele.
Asa ca voi continua sa continui sa prefac
Ca viata niciodata nu se va termina
Si ca florile niciodata nu se indoiesc
Cu ploaia.
Oglinda pe peretea mea
Arunca o imagine intunecata si mica
Dar nu sint sigur daca este tot reflectia mea.
Sint orbit de lumina
De Domnul si de adevarul si dreptul
Si vagabondez in noapte fara directie.
Asa ca voi continua sa continui sa prefac
Ca viata niciodata nu se va termina
Si ca florile niciodata nu se indoiesc
Cu ploaia.
Fie sa fii tu nascut
Sa fie om mare sau simplu
Ca limita dintre fericire si nenorocire e subtire
Asa ca fantasi mea
Devine realitate
Si trebuie sa fiu cel care trebuie sa fiu si sa ma confrunt cu miine.
Asa ca voi continua sa continui sa prefac
Ca viata niciodata nu se va termina
Si ca florile niciodata nu se indoiesc
Cu ploaia.

Me No Jay Park

Those who are struggling, leave them to struggle
I don’t know and I don’t care
Me No Jay Park, Me No Jay Park
If it’s not my business, I’m not interested
I might know about it but I don’t care
Me No Jay Park, Me No Jay Park
AOMG is all about Jay, then it’s Loco, then it’s Gray
Last year, their stack of papers were quite thicker than mine
There’s another duck other than Ugly Duck and that’s me, the lame duck
My name only had advantages when we all started way back
Two completely different styles
One has a clear plan
His studio album title was Worldwide, spends half the year in an airplane
The other only acts serious, he’s a lazy son
Like a jack stuck in the overlook, going into wreck-it mode
The weight of responsibility is tilting more and more
My stages have no conscience, just recycling a few old hits
Feeling thankful yet sorry to all the fans who come to watch
Only shit is multiplying, this big shit, pinch your noses first
Honestly, I went on SMTM to show my company something
That as a CEO, I can do something, do something
My words and actions didn’t match cuz I wanted to see results go up
So I just laid out excuses in the interviews
The biggest problem was the delay in my comeback
It’s cuz I could never get an OK from myself
i said again and again, I kept saying ‘take 1’
Only greed grew deeper, deeper than rap
This really fucks you up
If you cut out my leadership quality, I’m just a fake thug
My pathos has grown numb, even to the IK Crew
The only one who’s given me a shout out till the end is JTONG
They always say there was discord with anyone I was with
Is there someone next to me?
Work, Jung Ki Seok, work
Work, Jung Ki Seok, work
Work, Jung Ki Seok, work
Work, Jung Ki Seok, work
simon d this, simon d that
simon d this, simon d that
They all say
Do this, do that, bullshit
Do this, do that, bullshit
Work, Jung Ki Seok, work
Work, Jung Ki Seok, work
Work, Jung Ki Seok, work
Work, Jung Ki Seok, work
simon d this, simon d that
simon d this, simon d that
They all say
Do this, do that, bullshit
Do this, do that, bullshit
i can’t do Jay Park
After he raised the stocks of AOMG
He set up H1GHR Music
Going on international business trips all the time
Eventually signing with ROC
I saw his selfie with the HOVA
Jealous, I liked his picture like a thoughtless idiot
Get a new watch? Or save up to get a building?
It’s all meaningless, it’s really pathetic
This year, there’s only one goal
To recover my pride
i don’t do Jay Park
He’s a worker ant and has a lot of balls
But me, I’m just a fucking lazy grasshopper to the haters
Only stationed in my studio
It’s me vs myself, and it’s always ‘you lose’
I came back to that swag of losing everything
One guy starts as an idol and earns r-e-s-p-e-c-t
The other acts like an idiot when out drinking over one line of lyrics
Here, talent is about quantity over quality
I’ve been denying it so it brought me to an off-season
But as if he’s denying me, Park’s life tells me ‘this is it’
After being the prize motherfucker for two years in a row at the Korean Music Awards
I became fucked over the pressure that increased
Then I set my ambitions low, way lower than my skills
Making my work seem like it’s from a ’08 mixtape mixtape
Everyone, attention please
I’m about to make a big announcement
A gun to my head, lock & load, that’s what it feels like right now
It makes me cringe to hear ‘CEO’ now
It was just hard for me to keep up with Park’s speed
I’m writing my resignation right now, this song is it
me no down gradin’, to me, it’s all ‘up’ ***another word for ‘business’
i’ll be humble as a mumble in the jungle
You think I’m gonna end it like this? Like I’m just trying to act cool?
I’m the most like myself when I’m a rapper
That’s the only time I have faith
My name is all I have, nothing more, nothing less
My heart has already signed off, a resigned Simon Dominic?
It’s not a joke, the company’s concerns are growing larger
I’ll sell my stocks to AOMG first
Pumkin should hurry and meet with the lawyers and CJ so there’s no problems
You take the CEO badge and make me work under you
Hurry so I don’t change my mind, so the media play won’t start
My credit is still hitting the floor, I’m gonna say fuck it and go back
Looking back, I was living a life of a fake CEO
Not enough desperation, not enough desperation
But deficiency is my strength
i’m ma take it back again, in a matter of a few days

Juan Simón's daughter

When I finished my sentence
I lived very lonely and lost
She died of sorrow and I
That I've been the one to blame
I know she died being a good person
She died of sorrow and I
That I've been the one to blame
I know she died being a good person
She was buried in the evening
Juan Simón's daughter
And it was Simón in the village
And it was Simón in the village, oh!
The only gravedigger.
And since he was carrying in one hand the shovel
And the hoe in the shoulder
And the friends ask him
And everyone asked him, oh,
where do you come from Juan Simón
I'm a gravedigger and I come
I'm a gravedigger and I come
I'm a gravedigger and I come, oh,
from burying my heart.


Versions: #2
I've lost my overview
I've lost my overview
I've lost my overvie-ie-iew
I've lost my overview
Wooo-ooo-ooo, wooo-ooo-ooo
Wooo-ooo-ooo, nu-nu-nu-nu-nut
[Verse 1]
Do you know the feeling? Do you know the feeling?
There's something on the ground, I pick it up even though I don't want to
Why, if it isn't a nut, I wonder where it belongs
And those ridiculous shitty days you spend to break even
Now, I'll only look through the hole of the nut
Do you know the feeling?
I've lost my overview
I've lost my overview
I've lost my overvie-ie-iew
I've lost my overview
Wooo-ooo-ooo, wooo-ooo-ooo
Wooo-ooo-ooo, nu-nu-nu-nu-nut
[Verse 2]
Do you know the feeling?
I'm looking for a step or a ladder or just something high
I'm looking for someone with glasses who isn't too smart or too ugly
'Cause in my experience, they're the people who see the best
Look here, look there, look now, look at me
Do you know the feeling
I'm screwing a nut into my eye, I'm screwing a nut into my eye
I'm fucking screwing a nut into my eye so that I can't see so much
So that I can't see so much
I'm fucking screwing a nut into my eye, I'm fucking screwing a nut into my eye
So that I can't see... 'Cause I'd rather not, oh
[Alternative chorus]
I'd rather not see too much
I'd rather not see too much
I'd rather not see
So give it to me... nu-nu-nu-nu-nut
Nu-nu-nu-nu-nut, nu-nu-nu-nu-nut
Nu-nu-nu-nu-nut, nu-nu-nu-nu-nut
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.


There once was a boy who got beat
In the light of the stroboscopes of the town he lived in
A big pupil and a stranglehold while everyone was entirely gone
And there was no reason and there was no blood
The boy went home to his father and said, 'What do I do?'
The father said, 'Such things happen when you get an ear ring'
And the town was no longer a playground, and the hideout was no longer as big
So the boy found a hammer to build something bigger
My entire life, I've been killing you
My entire life, I've been killing you
And the boy approached the man with a silent 'What's up?'
And the man lived his life with a giant 'Why'
Why should I also get my face punctured?
Why? Was it something I said?
But there no answer came, that's just how it is, a'ight?
My entire life, I've been killing you
My entire life, I've been killing you
My entire life, I've been killing
My entire life, and it's occurred to me
You shouldn't have done that
Do you think you can kill me?
Do you think you can kill me?
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.


You and me somewhere else
I think of your apartment
You and me elsewhere
I dream of your apartment
I think of what you do when you come home
Do you take all your clothes off? Do you go grab the white wine
I think of what you eat - do you watch TV while eating?
I wonder if you'll open your window and smoke a Prince
I wonder if you'll call your mother or father
I think of your ex - how many exes you have
I think of you in the shower
Do you sleep naked?
You and me somewhere else
I think of your apartment
You and me elsewhere
I dream of your apartment
I walk around in your apartment
I just woke up
You let me sleep and left
I drink coffee from your mug
Was it a greater life for me?
Was it a better life for you?
Here in our apartment
You and me somewhere else
I think of your apartment
You and me elsewhere
I dream of your apartment
I don't know why I think of you so much
Perhaps it's not even you I think of
Perhaps it's myself and my life
And the idea of how it'll turn out
Do you think I've seen you?
Perhaps it's just that time passes
Do you think I've seen you?
Perhaps it's that the sun is shining, and it makes me so fucking sad
Do you think I've seen you?
Do you think I've seen you?
Do you think I've seen you?
Do you think I've seen you?
Do you think I've seen you?
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

Simon spune

În fiecare zi îmi pun mâinile în cap
În fiecare zi am mâinile pe-un pistol
În fiecare zi fac fețe serioase
În fiecare zi scot limba la cineva
În fiecare zi fac un pas în spate
În fiecare noapte mă aplec să-mi ating degetele
Dar niciodată nu inițiez ceva
Decât dacă așa îmi spune iubitul
Mama spune că voi dispărea
Soră-mea îmi spune că e speriată
Tata spune că l-am dezamăgit
Dar mie nu-mi pasă
Căci Simon spune, Na-na-na-na-na-na
Că sunt cea mai bună, Na-na-na-na-na-na
Prințesa lui, Na-na-na-na-na-na
Hey, ha, ha, ha
Când Simon spune, Na-na-na-na-na-na
”Tu ești cea mai bună,” Na-na-na-na-na-na
Eu spun că așa e, Na-na-na-na-na-na
Hey, ha, ha, ha
Zici că fiecare zi e ca un puzzle
Oamenii sunt ca niște piese de joc
Dragostea e încă un mister pentru mine, dar
Privește cum tresar când îi aud numele
Nu vreau să vorbesc acum despre asta
Prefer să-mi țin premonițiile pentru mine
Toată lumea vrea să-mi blocheze bărbatul
Dar el este singurul care va ajuta
Eu atunci când mintea mi-e slabă
Și mă lupt să respir
Toți îmi spun că trebuie să mă opresc
Dar mie nu-mi pasă
Căci Simon spune, Na-na-na-na-na-na
Că sunt cea mai bună, Na-na-na-na-na-na
Prințesa lui, Na-na-na-na-na-na
Hey, ha, ha, ha
Când Simon spune, Na-na-na-na-na-na
”Tu ești cea mai bună,” Na-na-na-na-na-na
Eu spun că așa e, Na-na-na-na-na-na
Hey, ha, ha, ha
Am un prieten, tu n-o să-l vezi niciodată
Am un prieten, iar el mă iubește
Am un prieten, tu n-o să-l vezi niciodată
Am un prieten, iar el mă iubește

A New Day

The morning dawns
The day begins from scratch
But a whole new light shines
The world awakens
When the sunlight wakes us up,
Getting you out of your bed
See how everything seems different
When you look with other eyes
A new day is near
Tomorrow will be different
When you finally spread your wings
A new day is near
Nothing will be the same anymore
For another time is approching
You behold with a smile
The things that you did not see before
From which you could not see existence yet
It is the wind that you feel
The rain has wached everything away
It is perception that no one saw ever again
See how everything seems different
When you look with other eyes
A new day is near
Tomorrow will be different
When you finally spread your wings
A new day is near
Nothing will be the same anymore
For another time is approching
You feel somewhat alienated
For the things around you are gone
Everything looks different
Everything feels different
Whenever you stand before the mirror
And another one watches you
Who you are
Remains unknown to you
A new day is near
Tomorrow will be different
When you finally spread your wings
A new day is near
Nothing will be the same anymore
For another time is approching
Tomorrow will be different
When you finally spread your wings
A new day is near
Nothing will be the same anymore
For another time is approching

This translation is a personal work - unless noted otherwise. You are NOT allowed to post this translation on whatever other site.

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Il s'agit d'une traduction personnelle (sauf indication contraire). Vous n'êtes PAS autorisé à publier quelque traduction que ce soit sur un autre site.



Lise puts on
Unsettling airs
Lise's suitcases
Are full of air
What do you want me to tell her
She does everything backwards
She functions in reverse
Under her royal airs
Lise's poetry
Can be understood around a drink
She's got nerve
You have to read
One or two of her poems
Light like a breeze
Lise, she's never won over
Your heart, she breaks it
Your soul, she loses it
While writing her poetry
Lise's poetry
Can be understood around a drink
Lise, a different girl
She turns you inside out
She's not that submissive
She makes you want a change of scenery
Lise, she disguises her poems
To not be understood
To not be taken
For down-to-earth
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!

The Stars of Paris

If I confide in you
It means I dream of you
Yes from night until morning
That's a lot, I know
But when the breeze brings
Your scent to my door
I think of nothing but you
That's a lot but that's how it is
If the midnight
stars settle
Over the roofs of Paris
It's for you
If sometimes the midnight
stars get carried away
In the sky of Paris
It's for you
We'll walk you and I
And then time will go by
I don't care about tomorrow
I'm yours, and you know it
And when the moon gives me
Updates on you I shiver
All the way to my fingertips
You know that I am yours
If the midnight
stars settle
Over the roofs of Paris
It's for you
If sometimes the midnight
stars get carried away
In the sky of Paris
It's for you
If sometimes the midnight
stars get carried away
In the sky of Paris
It's for you
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!


She runs the silk stockings
between her fingers,
she prefers those made of wool, silk stockings bother her,
She puts black on her eyes
and knots in her hair
a bit of porcelain on Madeleine's cheeks....
Madeleine contains her hate as much as she can for those who cut her wings
who slyly butcher her
Madeleine swore that even if they were to slit her wrists
she would keep going, Madeleine....
She takes attitudes,
instead of habits,
We don't talk about that femininity...
Madeleine contains her hate as much as she can for those who cut her wings
who slyly butcher her
Madeleine swore that even if they were to slit her wrists
she would keep going, Madeleine....
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!

In Ashes

I'm just a figure with uncertain outlines
With a gloomy gaze a tiny bit haughty
I blindly go forward and I'm in a bad mood
A room without a window with a view of my feet
I'm hard-of-hearing due to misunderstandings
And these déjà-vus make me mean
I don't smoke anymore but I leave in ashes
How much longer do I have to wait?
I often hear him murmur at night
Taking the silence of the ruined walls as a witness
He promises them beauty but he feels ugly
Next to her photo on the bedside table
I'm hard-of-hearing due to misunderstandings
And these déjà-vus make me mean
I don't smoke anymore but I leave in ashes
How much longer do I have to wait?
I don't smoke anymore but I leave in ashes
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!

Seen From Here

Seen from here, the earth is mine, but I take on water
That's how the old boats come and go
I'd like to see the earth again
I've been gone for a long time
I'd like to be in winter
And far away from here
I've touched the troughs of waves, the depths of seas
On the swells the wind deviates from its course I let myself be pushed around
I want to finally touch earth
Quietly escape
I'll tell you how to make yourself
Forget everything
I want to finally touch earth
Go back to the port
Show me how
To find the door
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!

Scrap Metal

What use are they to me,
My hydrangeas, my primroses, my long ivy vines?
What can I do about it?
I leave them there, to rust on the ground...
What's left?
A bit of pistil, my rose petals,
aren't very many things, your love...
what do you want me to do about it...
I left flowers aplenty,
to wilt away on a scrap metal heart, it makes the flowers age badly...
I left flowers aplenty,
to wilt away on a scrap metal heart, it makes the flowers age badly...
What use are they to me,
Me hydrangeas, my primroses, my long ivy vines?
What can I do about it?
I leave them there, to rust on the ground...
I left flowers aplenty,
to wilt away on a scrap metal heart, it makes the flowers age badly...
I left flowers aplenty,
to wilt away on a scrap metal heart, it makes the flowers age badly...
And your heart in a saddlebag, what do you want me to do about it?
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!


Her name is Solène
She struts her gene
It sticks to your skin, the gene
Like neoprene
A wool sun
Warms its veins
It spreads and fills you
Solène's gene
Solène's gene
Is a bit unhealthy
A tune that talks of itself
Its ideas get mixed up
A wool sun
Warms its veins
It spreads and fills you
Solène's gene
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!

Midnight Lovers

Midnight sounds
and your footsteps echo
I know them better than anyone
That's how time goes by
for midnight lovers
Midnight sounds
the hours surrender themselves
into the arms of an autumn night
That's how life goes
for midnight lovers
At midnight I shiver
and I see how the ghosts
have dwindled my love
My love at midnight it's the moon
that reddens under my pen
Midnight sounds
and the wind hums
a tribute to our kingdom
That's how time goes by
for midnight lovers
That's how life goes
for midnight lovers
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!

Eşti aşa vanitos

Ajungi la petrecere
ca şi când ai merge pe un iaht
pălăria peste un ochi,
fularul de culoarea caisei
ai un ochi în oglindă
Pe măsură ce te-ai uitat la gavotte
Şi toate fetele visau că ţi-ar fi partenerele tale
Ar fi partenerele tale, şi...
Eşti aşa vanitos, crezi poate că acest cântec e despre tine.
Eşti aşa vanitos, pariez că tu crezi că acest cântec e despre tine.
Nu-i aşa, nu-i aşa?
M-ai avut acum ceva ani
când eram încă destul de naivă
Ei bine, spuneai că facem un cuplu frumos
şi că nu mă vei părăsi
Dar ai dat dat deoparte lucrurile ce le iubeai
şi unul din ele eram eu
Am avut ceva vise, erau nori în cafeaua mea
Nori în cafeaua mea, şi...
Eşti aşa vanitos, crezi poate că acest cântec e despre tine.
Eşti aşa vanitos, pariez că tu crezi că acest cântec e despre tine.
Nu-i aşa, nu-i aşa?
Am avut ceva vise, erau nori în cafeaua mea
Nori în cafeaua mea, şi...
Eşti aşa vanitos, crezi poate că acest cântec e despre tine.
Eşti aşa vanitos, pariez că tu crezi că acest cântec e despre tine.
Nu-i aşa, nu-i aşa?
Ei bine, am auzit că ai plecat în Saratoga
şi calul tău, normal, a câştigat,
apoi ai zburat cu jet-ul tău Lear spre Nova Scotia
să vezi eclipsa totală de soare
Ei bine, eşti acolo unde trebuie să fii tot timpul
şi când nu eşti cu ceva spion obscur
sau soţia unui prieten
soţia unui prieten...
Eşti aşa vanitos, crezi poate că acest cântec e despre tine.
Eşti aşa vanitos, pariez că tu crezi că acest cântec e despre tine.
Nu-i aşa, nu-i aşa?
Eşti aşa vanitos
crezi poate că acest cântec e despre tine.


E mereu cineva ce bântuie pe altcineva
bântuie pe cineva
Nu pot dormi în linişte că mi-e frică să visez
şi atunci amintirea unui vis
E mereu cineva ce bântuie pe altcineva
bântuie pe cineva
Laura e chipul din noaptea
paşii pe care-i auzi pe coridor
râsul ce pluteşte în noaptea de vară
pe care probabil niciodată n-ai să poţi să ţi-o aminteşti!
Şi o vezi pe Laura într-un tren care trece
ochii aceia cât de familiari îţi par
Ţi-a dat primul tău sărut
Ea era Laura dar e numai un vis...
Da, ţi-a dat primul tău sărut
Era Laura
Dar e numai un vis
un vis, un vis...

Cecilia (Celia)

[Chorus:] x2
Celia, îmi rupi inima,
Mi-ai zdrobit încrederea de zi cu zi
Oh, Cecilia, sunt în genunchi
Te implor să te întorci acasă
Vino acasă x2
Facând dragoste în după-amiaza cu Cecilia
Sus în dormitorul meu,
M-am trezit să-mi spăl fața
Când mă întorc în pat
Cineva mi-a luat locul.
Vino acasă, po po po ...
Am triumfat,
Mă iubește din nou,
Cad pe podea și râd.
(verset repetat)
Oh oh oh ...
Dana Kósa


Uite care este treaba,da,am inceput ca si prieteni
Dar acesta nu este un cantec al lui Kelly Clarckson si nu asa se termina
Tot ce am crezut despre tine,erau de fapt minciuni
Credeam ca te cunosc,dar erai deghizata
Tot ce am crezut despre tine era fals
Vorbesc in numele amandurora,este timpul sa ne luam la revedere.
Salveaza-ti fata si iesi din oras,
Intoarce masina ce o conduci
Fiindca esti o nebuna
Ma bagi in sperieti
Imi pare rau ca ma urasti
Pentru faptul ca nu am coborat
Tu esti diavolul,o bucata imputita de gunoi
Trebuie sa te dau jos de pe umerii mei
O sa te las sa ma pupi in ...
Esti un diavol(x5)
Esti a naibii de malefica
Esti un diavol(x5)
Treaba ta e malefica.
Esti nebuna? fiindca esti asa de iesita din tipar
Jur ca intr-o zi o s-o iei razna si o sa-mi scoti un ochi
(Oh stai,ai facut-o deja)
Oh scumpo,scumpo
O sa ia oare o felie de lamaie
Pentru bautura pe care i-o voi cumpara
Oh stai,asta nu este cantecul meu.
Uh oh,iar vii nemultumita
Daca nu s-ar intampla asa de frecvent,probabil ca m-as supune
Dar esti o psihopata,si toti o stiu
Abia astept ziua in care voi scapa in sfarsit de tine
Tu esti diavolul,o bucata imputita de gunoi
Trebuie sa te dau jos de pe umerii mei
O sa te las sa ma pupi in ...
Esti un diavol(x5)
Esti a naibii de malefica
Esti un diavol(x5)
Treaba ta e malefica.
Oh,acum chiar as vrea sa te vad cerand ajutor,
Chiar vreau sa vad cum treci peste orgoliul tau
Si iti urez numai bine,
Dar trebuie sa spun,sunt fericit ca ai plecat.
Oh,si ma gandesc ca ti-ai putea pierde cumpatul,
Cand vei asculta pentru prima oara cantecul asta.
Dar nu am facut nimic gresit,
In afara de faptul ca te-am lasat in viata mea.
Tu esti diavolul,o bucata imputita de gunoi
Trebuie sa te dau jos de pe umerii mei
O sa te las sa ma pupi in ...
Esti un diavol(x5)
Esti a naibii de malefica
Esti un diavol(x5)
Treaba ta e malefica.
Tu esti diavolul,o bucata imputita de gunoi
Trebuie sa te dau jos de pe umerii mei
O sa te las sa ma pupi in ...
Esti un diavol(x5)
Esti a naibii de malefica
Esti un diavol(x5)
Treaba ta e malefica.