Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 12
Când simt că mă iubeşti
Stelele cheamă, noaptea treceZiua pe care o trăiesc nu va dispărea
Voi schimba lumea doar pentru tine
Este imposibil, dar nu pentru mine
Vreau să te ţin aproape
Sub ploaie
Vreau să-ţi sărut zâmbetul
Şi să simt durerea
Privind la tine
Într-o lume de minciuni
Tu eşti adevărul
Dragostea mea! Când mă iubeşti
Mă simt puternic
Te voi salva oriunde vei fi
Îţi voi aduce tot ce ceri
Nimic nu-mi este imposibil
Strălucesc ca o lumânare în întuneric
Când simt că mă iubeşti
Vreau să te fac să vezi
Doar ce am fost
Să-ţi arăt singurătatea
Şi ce face ea
Şi lacrimile mele sunt deja departe
Totul este mai uşor dacă eşti aici
Oh iubito
De fiecare dată când mă atingi
Eu devin un erou
Te voi face să fii în siguranţă
Nu contează unde eşti
Îţi voi aduce tot ce ceri
Nimic nu pare prea mult
Eu strălucesc chiar şi în întuneric
Când îmi spui că mă iubeşti
Fără tine pământul nu se mai învârte
Doar dragostea ta mă poate salva
Dragostea mea! Când mă iubeşti tu
Mă simt puternic
Te voi salva oriunde vei fi
Îţi voi aduce tot ce ceri
Nimic nu pare prea mult
Eu strălucesc chiar şi în întuneric
Când simt că mă iubeşti
Tu mă iubeşti
Când simt că mă iubeşti
When I feel you love me
The star are calling, the night passesthe day I'll live won't fade away
I'll change the world just for you
It's impossible, but not for me
I wanna hold you close
Under the rain
I wanna kiss your smile
And feel the pain
I know what's beautiful
Looking at you
In a world of lies
You are the truth
My love! When you love me
I feel strong
I'll save you wherever you'll be
I'll bring you everything you ask for
Nothing is above me
I'm shining like a candle in the dark
When I feel you love me
I wanna make you see
Just what I was
Show you the loneliness
And what it does
And my tears are already far away
everything is easier if you're here
Oh baby
Every time you touch me
I become a hero
I'll make you safe
No matter where you are
I'll bring you everything you ask for
nothing seems too much
I glow even in the dark
When you tell me that you love me
Without you, the world can't turn around anymore
Only your love can save me
My love! When you love me
I feel strong
I'll save you wherever you'll be
I'll bring you everything you ask for
nothing seems too much
I glow even in the dark
when I feel you love me
You love me
When I feel you love me
Copyright © treeoftoday244
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.
Cântecul lui Solveig*
Poate iarna şi primăvara vor treceŞi vara viitoare la fel, şi întregul an
Dar într-o zi vei veni , eu atât ştiu
Aici te voi aştepta atunci, aşa cum ţi-am promis odată.
Dumnezeu să-ţi dea putere, oriunde mergi în lume
Dumnezeu să-ţi dea bucurie, dacă stai în faţa tronului Său
Aici te voi aştepta până vii înapoi
Şi dacă aştepţi în cer, ne întânim acolo, prietenul meu !
Solveig's Song
Perhaps both winter and spring will passAnd next summer as well, and the entire year
But one day you will come, that much I know
Here I shall wait then, as I once promised.
God give you strength, wherever in the world you go
God give you joy, if you before his footstool stand
Here I shall wait till you come back
And if you wait on high, we meet there, my friend!
Summer Dream
I know of a meadowWhere we danced in a flowerbed.
Two leaves silently fell from a tree
For the winter came.
The love I dreamt about
Slowly slept underneath snow.
You are near me. So near me.
Summer dream come here.
You are near me. So near me.
I am on the way there.
But the winter came.
The love I dreamt about
Slowly slept underneath snow.
I know of a bridge,
That is an arch between two,
Tense in silent hope for love.
There may be a way
That I can open in to you,
The way out of my loneliness.
You are near me. So near me.
Summer dream come here.
You are near me. So near me.
I am on the way there.
There may be a way
That I can open in to you,
The way out of my loneliness.
The day never comes
The day never comes where I forget youFor if I sleep I dream of you
Night and day you are just as near
And clearest I see you when it is dark
You drift around me where I wander
I hear you when my heart beats
You often follow me on my journey
Like the shadow follows its sun
When the wind lightly rustles the leaves
I think it to be you strolling there
When I see something move itself
I jolt and think it may be you
In each who walks and rides and drives
It is you I see, you in everything I hear
In song and flute and fiddle melody
But clearest of all in my own weeping
In a dreamI was on the blue mountain
Through a storm
I found a way through
Take your dream with you
And go to Soria-Moria
You have to get out
Onto the mighty ocean
You have to ride
All of its storms
Hold your hopes and
Your faith
Behind the blue, you gaze
Waiting for others
Who want to share a dream
Which is good
Go ashore
You're going to live here
People send boats
That smile over the water
They take you in the ocean
and cover their tables
They say 'welcome
to Rainbow-land'
and call you
sisters and brothers
I want to live
Where the colors live
I want to believe in a
Boundless land
I know that
There's a land
Behind the Mountain of Adventure
Sail there tonight
If you believe that
A dream can be like this
Go ashore, Find your dream
Go ashore.
You said 'keep it up!' So I did.