Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 32
[Couplet 1]The light glares in translucent puddles
Once again, the weather forecast lied
Ivanova is walking, and the taxis are crawling
Along the swollen veins of reddening avenues.
The band 'Komsomolsk' is making noise in the ears,
Two girls shriek like two forks.
With a childish triumph, the raindrops bang at the glass.
Ivanova, you are without an umbrella again.
Ivanova hides the evening from the rain in her palms,
The light of her hair warms up the city,
Her eyes shine and the glow of her barren ankles
Is brighter than the closest stars.
[Couplet 2]
The dirty streams of Moscow lights
Run down the goosebumps-covered skin like watercolors.
Ivanova laughs, she does not fear the rain.
Let the rain fear her itself now.
And every passerby under an umbrella
Cowardly and timidly hides his belly
Sadly whispering after her and once again dreaming:
'I wish I could become like Ivanova'.
Ivanova hides the evening from the rain in her palms,
The light of her hair warms up the city,
Her eyes shine and the glow of her barren ankles
Is brighter than the closest stars.
The drops on her cheeks dry up
The sunset is ahead, and the stars are once again visible
If one looks closely, than all of us are a little bit like
Ivanova, Ivanova is each one of us.
My Will is a Corny Joke
Whom can the light find(Waiting is a beginning, beginning is an end, the end is a waiting)
Have we kissed each other
(Waiting is a beginning, beginning is an end, the end is a waiting)
My will is a corny joke
Everything was a life
No one needed to apologize
Whom can the light find
(Waiting is a beginning, beginning is an end, the end is a waiting)
Our hugs were warm
(Waiting is a beginning, beginning is an end, the end is a waiting)
My will is a corny joke
Every trap was a path
No one needed to get hurt
Komsomol marching song
Trumpeters sounded the alarm.Equipped with everything for the battle in the proper way,
The Komsomol consolidated battalion
Was going on a long journey.
Goodbye, my mother, don't grieve,
Kiss your son in farewell
Te pun in actiuneAsta nu e uh
Pentru satisfactie, nu, nu, nu
Nu sunt un actor, oh nu nu
Si tu nu esti o actrita
Deci nu incerca sa te prefaci ca ma iubesti
Nu te preface ca nu vrei totul
Vreau totul in intregime
Tot ce vreau, sa te tin jos din dragoste
O tin sfanta
Te tin jos pe viata
Vreau sa te tin ca si un roley
Din nou si din nou, amestecam suntele
Trebuie sa pastrem acest lucru doar intre noi, nu putem face zgomote prea mari
Ai spus numele mamei tale Billie Jean
Ei bine o lasam sa te invete cum
Daca ma trag in sus in camionul meu, vin sa imi bat alunele
Imi iau masa ca si un supravietuitor
Scantei in inima mea ca si o lumina
Ma storci, am putea fi mai stransi
Promit ca nu voi obosi
Sunt conectat pentru tine
Esti o fata rea dar imi place
Ai venit la timp dar jur ca esti atemporala
Pe foc
O plac
Imi place modul in care merge
Pe foc
Imi place felul in care vorbeste
O plac
Imi place modul in care merge
Pe foc
Imi place ritmul barcii ei
La naiba, e atat de intrazneata
Se prelinge ca un flux
Si toata lumea o stie
Intrand pe usa
Sunt eu cel pe care il cauti?
Pariez ca te vreau mai mult
Vino si ia un tur
Trebuie sa pastrem acest lucru doar intre noi,
Nu putem face zgomote prea mari
Ai spus numele mamei tale Billie Jean
Ei bine o lasam sa te invete cum
Daca ma trag in sus in camionul meu,
Vin sa imi bat alunele
Imi iau masa ca si un supravietuitor
Scantei in inima mea ca si o lumina
Ma storci, am putea fi mai stransi
Promit ca nu voi obosi
Sunt conectat pentru tine
Esti o fata rea dar imi place asta
Ai venit la timp dar jur ca esti atemporala
Pe foc
O plac
Imi place modul in care merge
Pe foc
Imi place felul in care vorbeste
O plac
Imi place modul in care merge
Pe foc
Obijnuiam sa dansam
M-ai tinut de mana
Mi-ai spune tot timpul
Scutura-ti steagul
Doar preda-te
Si l-as arunca pe rand
Te uzi
Desfa-ți picioarele
Lasa-ti genunchii, doar dezvaluiemi-o
Iubito arunco pe linie
Asta nu e nimic din ce nu as sti
Asta nu e nimic din ce nu am mai facut inainte
Imi pun sufletul in fiecare miscare
Cu limba mea toata pe gatul tau
Pot sa ling aceel loc
Iubesc modul in care te simt
Ma inveti
Ori ma tachinezi
Scantei in inima mea ca si o lumina
Ma storci, am putea fi mai stransi
Promit ca nu voi obosi
Sunt conectat pentru tine
Esti o fata rea dar imi place asta
Ai venit la timp dar jur ca esti atemporala
Spui ca esti o motociclista
Fato nu e o competitie (test)
Toata lumea o stie
Acum trebuie sa-l incerci
Spui ca vrei sa incepi
Spui ca vrei un foc
Spui ca vrei sa ma iubesti
Nu fii o mincinoasa
Poți cumpăra orice
Poți cumpăra totulDar nu poţi, nu poţi cumpăra dragostea
Poți cumpăra totul
Dar nu poţi, nu poţi cumpăra dragostea
Poți cumpăra totul
Dar nu poţi, nu poţi cumpăra dragostea
Poți cumpăra totul
Dar nu poţi, nu poţi cumpăra dragostea
Am văzut un milion de dolari în banca mea
Dar nu înseamnă nimic fără tine
Am alergat mult timp.
Am alergat mult timp.
M-am dezamăgit singură când sunt fără tine.
Poți cumpăra totul
Dar nu poţi, nu poţi cumpăra dragostea
Poți cumpăra totul
Dar nu poţi, nu poţi cumpăra dragostea
Poți cumpăra totul
Dar nu poţi, nu poţi cumpăra dragostea
Poți cumpăra totul
Dar nu poţi, nu poţi cumpăra dragostea
Aş muri pentru tine, aş minţi pentru tine
Aş fura pentru tine, aş plânge pentru tine
Călăresc pentru tine
Voi sta toată noaptea sub cer cu tine
Și știu că vremurile potrivite
Dar o vreau toată noaptea
Ai dreptate.
Vreau doar să ţin strâns
dracului în fiecare toată noaptea
O să ne-o tragem toată noaptea.
Vreau doar să te iubesc
Vreau doar să mă simt bine
Vreau doar să te ating
Vreau doar să te strâng
Vreau doar să te simt
Vreau doar să vă rog
Vreau doar să te iubesc
Vreau doar să te văd.
Vreau doar să te iubesc, să te iubesc toată noaptea
Poți cumpăra totul
Dar nu poţi, nu poţi cumpăra dragostea
Poți cumpăra totul
Dar nu poţi, nu poţi cumpăra dragostea
Poți cumpăra totul
Dar nu poţi, nu poţi cumpăra dragostea
Poți cumpăra totul
Dar nu poţi, nu poţi cumpăra dragostea
Tot ce vreau, tot ce vreau să fac este
Tot ce vreau, tot ce vreau să fac este
Tot ce vreau, tot ce vreau să fac este să te iubesc
Te iubesc.Te iubesc.
Te iubesc, te iubesc
Am avut mâinile legate atât de mult timp
Am avut mâinile legate atât de mult timp
Plutesc, plutesc
We are all poets
I watch in me an unfolding of plans.The hands see, the eyes listen, the brain moves,
The light descends from the origins through the ages
And now already walks
In front of my successors.
I am you, I am a limb of your body and the fertilizer of your soul,
I am all and I am one,
I am responsible for the leprosy of the leper and empty eye socket of the blind man,
Through the isolated screams that don't enter the chorus.
I am responsible for the dawns which do not rise
And for the anguish that grows day by day.
- 1. literally companion or comrade
We are
We are fine glass, hard for lifeWe are flower of a road full of mines
We are like a beautiful infinite land
We feel and do not pretend
We are just that, what we say
And we close ranks before an enemy world
And the passion we live has no end
Everything done with good style
Everything with good style
We are stone thrown to the sky
That will travel through the night arriving to a star
And together we are truly perfect
We are the most beautiful thing, we are two twin souls
And we are sparkles, we are dynamite
The best starts now, we are at the exit
Like the happy end of any written story
That's you and me
There isn't a motto as beautiful
As strong as you and I
And there aren't affections as big
As you and I
We are going against the flow and a step ahead
We are two ever communicating vessels
We are precisely that which we don't need to think
So natural that nothing could prevent it
We are stone thrown to the sky
That will travel through the night arriving to a star
And together we are truly perfect
We are the most beautiful thing, we are two twin souls
And we are sparkles, we are dynamite
The best starts now, we are at the exit
Like the happy end of any written story
That's you and me
There isn't a motto as beautiful
As strong as you and I
And there aren't affections as big
As you and I
As you and I
Of all things
I've seen in the world
There isn't any as beautiful
As you and I
And there's no story
Ever told
To be as true
As you and I
We are dynamite
The best starts now, we are at the exit
Like the happy end of any written story
That's you and me
There isn't a motto as beautiful
As strong as you and I
Or any thing as beautiful as you
As you and I
Together We Are Stronger
Love isRunning the whole world
In search of the warmth
Night waits for the time
Of our splendor
The light on, ready
To the days of affection
The filled table, the open soul
Calling people
The family united
Together we are stronger
We will be the sky that embraces the world
Together we will be the voice
That lights the love... the love
Together we are stronger
We will be the sky that embraces the world
Together we will be the voice
That lights the love... the love
We Are the Seed
You and I, crazy in loveWhen one learns to be two in passion
And to travel and dream and dream from the heart
And now I know just where I'm going
Where I will go for you, my love
We are the seed of a new life
And from every sorrow, we'll make laughter
We are the seed of a new life
And from every sorrow, we'll make laughter
When thinking with the heart
You and I are right
Because only love gives the truth, in truth
Without condition
That's why I know just where I'm going
Where I will go for you, my love
We are the seed of a new life
And from every sorrow, we'll make laughter
We are the seed of a new life
And from every sorrow, we'll make laughter
Your mouth on my mouth
My skin on your skin
Drinking your water with my thirst
We are the seed
Your hand in my hand
Your skin on my skin
Joining my aroma with your honey
We are the seed
We are the seed of a new life
And from every sorrow, we'll make laughter
We are the seed of a new life
And from every sorrow, we'll make laughter
We are the seed of a new life
And from every sorrow, we'll make laughter
We are the seed of a new life
And from every sorrow, we'll make laughter
We are who we can be
Versions: #3One day I was told that the clouds were not cotton
One day I was told that the winds sometimes miss the direction
And everything became so clear
A gap in darkness
A star with a rare brightness
A shot to a heart ...
Life imitates the video
Boys make a new English up
Living in a thirsty country
A moment of drunkenness ...
We are who we can be...
Dreams that we can have ...
One day I was told who the owners of the situation were.
Unintentionally they gave me the keys that open this prison
And everything became so clear
What was rare, became common
Like one day after another
Like one day, an ordinary day ...
Life imitates the video
Boys invent a new English
Living in a thirsty country
A moment of drunkenness ...
We are who we can be...
Dreams that we can have ...
One day I was told that the clouds were not cotton
One day I was told that the winds sometimes miss the direction
Whoever occupies the throne is to blame
Whoever hides the crime too
Whoever doubts life is to blame
Whoever avoids the doubt also is ...
We are who we can be...
Dreams that we can have ...
Today we are more
Versions: #3It was worth it
everything up here
because at least
I met you
It was worth it
what we live,
what we dream,
what we get
It was worth it,
I could understand
that every story is a reason
to be together,
to believe,
so that our song sounds
Today we are so many,
today we are more
today more than ever ..
I can fly!
Everything starts again,
together without looking back
Feel, dream like me
Live, your destiny is today
You know the truth
is the beat of your heart!
You know you can hear it ...
Next to mine!
Next to mine!
I know I can trust myself:
who am I now I discovered
The world is almost perfect already
and it's almost everything, it's my reality
I'm not afraid, I know who I am,
I know what I'm looking for
and where I'm going
Everything starts again,
together without looking back
Feel, dream like me
Live, your destiny is today
You know the truth
is the beat of your heart!
You know you can hear it ...
Next to mine!
Everything starts again,
together without looking back
Feel, dream like me
It was worth it
everything up here!
Time Stops
When no one can see and no one can hear,Love.
So quietly, silently filling the heart,
Tell me, have you been searching long for what we have found together?
Don't go yet, stay until tomorrow,
It isn't scary to wait for the night.
When we are together,
Oooh, time stops.
When we are together,
Oooh, I'm like a little child.
I'm not afraid to fall, I'm not afraid to fail,
To get to know love.
I'm not afraid to fall, I'm not afraid to fail,
To get to know love.
When sun rises and birds start singing,
I want to see your face every morning, love.
Your voice, I hear it even through the noise
And music turns silent,
Say it again,
Just a pause, just a background, because You are the most beautiful song for me.
When we are together
Oooh, time stops.
When we are together,
Oooh, I'm like a little child.
I'm not afraid to fall, I'm not afraid to fail,
To get to know love.
I'm not afraid to fall, I'm not afraid to fail,
To get to know love.
When we are together,
Oooh, time stops.
When we are together,
Oooh, I'm like a little child.
I'm not afraid to fall, I'm not afraid to fail,
To get to know love.
I'm not afraid to fall, I'm not afraid to fail,
To get to know love.
We're the four Dalton brothers
We managed to escape from prisonWe're gonna avenge ourselves on Lucky Luke
We are outlaws and cruel bandits
Noone and nothing can bring us to the gallows
We're the four Dalton brothers
And we laugh at the law
We're the Daltons, we're very bad guys
And we hate Lucky Luke
We're the Daltons, very had to skin
To the wild west, we'll give reason to fear (1)
We managed to escape from prison
We're gonna avenge ourselves on Lucky Luke
We've already robbed banks and taken livestock
Now we're out to rob the train
(REF) (2x to fade)
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)
We are
Versions: #2We are a dream in night that never ends
We are the light of the day that ends too early
We are the drop of dew that moistens the day
A symphony that is never ever played
We are two glasses of wine that is drunk to life
We are those who know the farewell of a parting
We are a silly excuse of a break-up
We are the sweet poesy of a song
We are the eternal search of the two in love
We are sadness and joy that always bewitch each other
We are a great secret that life unveils
So rich, so poor, that what love gives us is too much
We are the autumn leaves carried by the wind
We are the endless hope that never surrenders
We are a silly excuse of a break-up
We are a sweet bitterness of an illusion
We are a silly excuse of a break-up
We are a sweet bitterness of an illusion
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.
Somos Um
New things you will seeBut you're going to say afterwards
'I didn't notice'
In your young heart
You live in confusion
I've already noticed
You will survive
Because you're going to have support
The obstacles we will overcome
I will be by your side
And i will be so proud
And the strength lies
In us being one
We are one
We are one
Always One
As the daughter of a king was i born
My fate i have seen
But who am i?
Trust in my heart
Search for peace and for the reason
Why i am myself.
Daughter, you will grow up
You will go through bad times
Searching for peace and for truth.
There are always solutions
In the worst situations.
We've got strength
Because we are one.
We are one
We are one
Always One
We are one
You and I
As the earth and the sky
The sun brings happiness
This kingdom belongs to me today
And one day will it belong to you
And the strength lies
In us being one.
As long as you live here
It will be like that
You are going to understand it someday.
Say Nothing
I fall into an abyss, deeper and deeperI exist
I want the same lightness as you
To rise into the air
You don’t let me believe
Your words
I’ll turn to ashes right away
I’m not lying
Hollow figures in the light
I got lost in your breath
Without choking
It’s as if I was lost in the haze
Fear is making me numb
Why are your gazes getting sharper
Cutting like knives?
Say nothing, nothing
It’s breaking my body
Will ruin us both
It hurts the soul and the mind
Already there is
Nothing, nothing I can do
Time to make a choice
I’ve dug my teeth
Into your soul
I just want to plug my ears
So I won’t hear
Words not meant for me
I’m going crazy
A game I don’t understand
I will lose
Chorus (2x)