Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 17



Când noaptea se furișează în liniște
Și sunt urme de ploaie pe geam,
Gonește tristețea, alung-o departe
Și strânge-mă-n brațe mai tare.
În galbene pete de felinare
Strălucirea zilei arde.
Trage mai mult perdelele
Și îmbrățișează-mă.
Iubește-mă și mai mult!
Iubește-mă și mai mult!
Durerea se va-neca, tremurul va dispărea
Toată noaptea, până-n zori de zi,
Ploaia pentru noi va răpăi
Un simplu cântec de iubire.
În galbene pete de felinare
Strălucirea zilei arde.
Trage mai mult perdelele
Și îmbrățișează-mă.
Iubește-mă și mai mult!
Iubește-mă și mai mult!


Versions: #1
There are mountains and green valleys
There are fastest streams and rivers
There is firs variety
Song is flying in the air:
Free and strong kinda like ocean
It's my lovely country
And into blue space
Above the mountains flying song unmute
It's the glorious place,
So magic place of Cheremosh and Prut
Site my lovely site,
Such singing site of hardest work and trend.
It's my love and soul
It is my native mother - Motherland!
Welcome people to Carpatians,
Welcome, dears, every moment
We are will be joyed always
Bread and salt you're will be meated,
Fine song hostes will be singing
Glory to our brightest days!
And into blue space
Above the mountains flying song unmute
It's the glorious place,
So magic place of Cheremosh and Prut
Site my lovely site,
Such singing site of hardest work and trend.
It's my love and soul
It is my native mother - Motherland!

Winter / a white-winged sorceress

So gently and so easily the blizzard has covered the city.
It’s past midnight again, but outside the windows it’s as bright as day.
The heart doesn't sleep, it drowns in the rays of warmth.
Winter keeps us warm.
Suddenly on a full moon, a white-winged sorceress
Whirled us in a white dance and drove us crazy - winter.
And she herself didn't know that she married us,
She married us - a white winter.
Snow falls again on the city, the moon cast it's spell in the sky.
Time will go slowly - love can't sleep tonight.
The heart doesn't sleep, it drowns in the rays of warmth.
Winter keeps us warm.
Suddenly on a full moon, a white-winged sorceress
Whirled us in a white dance and drove us crazy - winter.
And she herself didn't know that she married us,
She married us - a white winter.


The heart, the heart, the heart is whispering to me,
It feels like it's almost spring
And nobody knows,
And nobody knows
Where my thoughts are hovering.
The fields are waking up, the larks are singing.
No-one can stop the spring!
Spring, spring, you remind me
Once again the light
Of first love.
Spring, spring, you remind me
Once again the light
Of first love.
The moments, the moments, the moments are passing in a hurry,
Many flowers have withered since then,
Our wings have grown,
Our wings have grown,
And we got lost in the big world.
The fields blossomed, the larks sang,
And the spring was like today.
Spring, spring, you remind me
Once again the light
Of first love.
Spring, spring, you remind me
Once again the light
Of first love.
The heart, the heart, the heart is whispering to me,
It feels like it's almost spring
And nobody knows,
And nobody knows
Where my thoughts are hovering.
The fields are waking up, the larks are singing.
No-one can stop the spring!
Spring, spring, you remind me
Once again the light
Of first love.
Spring, spring, you remind me
Once again the light
Of first love.
Spring, spring, you remind me
Once again the light
Of first love.
Spring, spring, you remind me
Once again the light
Of first love.
The light of first love
The light of first love

Învață-mă să râd

Renunț, iubind, nu în vis ci în realitate,
Renunț, iubind, la ceea ce mă umple de viață.
Renunț, iubind, dacă plec, chiar o fac,
Renunțând și iubind, îți cer un singur lucru:
Învață-mă să râd! Învață-mă să-mi iau rămas bun!
Fără să mă joc cu umbrele, să fiu ceea ce sunt.
Învață-mă să râd și să nu mă prefac că sunt altcineva,
Că nu mai vreau să-ți aud vocea.
N-a mers prea bine... Ce să fac, viața continuă,
Voi prețui ceea ce a fost între noi.
Te las să pleci. Dacă plec, chiar o fac,
Renunțând și iubind, îți cer un singur lucru:
Învață-mă să râd fără să mă joc cu umbrele.
© Vladímir Sosnín


Se topesc zorii luminoși,
Rămas bun, piesă cântată.
O stea cade de pe cer,
Toate acestea mi-au rămas în memorie,
Este doar din cauza ta.
Tristețea mea este bătrână,
Este timpul să te uit pe tine.
Scuză-mă că nu-mi grăbesc viața,
Scuză-mă că te iubesc,
Te iubesc ca odinioară.
N-a existat o altă întâlnire,
Trăiesc prin tandrețea din trecut.
Aud pașii sensibili,
Mi se pare că stai sub fereastră,
Este doar din cauza ta.
Tristețea mea este bătrână,
Este timpul să te uit pe tine.
Scuză-mă că nu-mi grăbesc viața,
Scuză-mă că te iubesc,
Te iubesc ca odinioară.
Cred în veșnicia iubirii,
Norii gri vor pleca.
Un curcubeu va străluci în depărtare
Plin de bucurie că te-am întâlnit pe tine.
Tristețea mea este bătrână,
Este timpul să te uit pe tine.
Scuză-mă că nu-mi grăbesc viața,
Scuză-mă că te iubesc,
Te iubesc ca odinioară.
© Vladímir Sosnín

Ballad of the Mallows

Versions: #3
Silently, the mallows are sleeping
Beneath the glowing moonlight, creeping
But alas, my mother does not dream,
Mother does not dream,
Instead she waits for me
Oh sweetest mother, do not wait for me
Don't hope in vain for another sight of me
A lush red mallow has grown from my own heart
Petals blooming red with blood
Don't cry, dear mother, you are not alone
There is no end to the mallows war has grown
And in the autumn, they'll whisper in your ear,
'Go to sleep, go to sleep... go to sleep, go to sleep...'
Children are the greatest joy for mothers,
Meanwhile my own has only flowers
And down beneath our window's gleam,
Beneath our window's gleam
Her lonely mallows dream
At break of sunrise, step out through your door
There will be kneeling at your feet upon the floor
Walk through the field that's filled with mallows lush,
Most gentle to your touch
Life is a song with no echo or reply,
But in a mallow my life will pass you by
If you can't feel my caress while you still live,
Please forgive, please forgive... please forgive, please forgive...

The weather doesn't matter

The long rain
Makes one day seem much like the next
That's the trouble
The day disappears without a trace
But the weather doesn't matter
I just feel sad again
That nothing happens in my life
It's not the weather
There's just nothing in my life
That's the worst of all
What is the reason?
I have my friends, my home and it seems I have everything
I have a lot to do,
But the sadness just doesn't go away
But the weather doesn't matter
I just feel sad again
That nothing happens in my life
It's not the weather
There's just nothing in my life
That's the worst of all
I remember the times
When life smiled on me like spring
Every day was a big thing for us
As if everything was happening for the first time
No, we could not look forward to a cosy home
That was something we could only dream about
But now we hark back to those distant days
As the best days of our life
What is the reason?
Can there possibly be a reason for this sadness in life?

The day goes by, the night goes by,

Versions: #2
The day goes by, the night goes by,
Like waves the minutes rolling, so blue.
The point is not, the point is not,
That I've said ' love you' only to you.
The sadness not because, the sadness not because,
That the whole universe was then in your eyes,
The boundless universe was then in your eyes,
But sadness not because of that.
The trouble not because the savage wind is blowing,
That January dead flowers on the window drawing,
The trouble not because you do not love me,
The trouble is, that I don't know how to stop loving.
The day goes by, the night goes by,
The minutes rolling, like an ocean swell.
The point is not, the point is not,
That after we met the separation hits the bell.
The sadness not because, the sadness not because,
That like a gunshot sounded your ' farewell',
Like a gunshot of betrayal sounded that ' farewell'
But sadness not because of that.
The trouble not because the savage wind is blowing,
That January dead flowers on the window drawing,
The trouble not because you do not love me,
The trouble is, that I don't know how to stop loving.

The Water Fountain

Versions: #2
Flows the water, it flows quickly,
But where - it knows not,
Between the mountains, into the wide world
It flows, not returning.
We shall meet here with you
(We shall find here pure waters)
By the water fountain
And we'll ask him oh sincerely -
Let him play for us there.
Oh water - water fountain, play for us, play...
Your lively dance don't stop - do so continue.
For a lovely song there in all voices,
What ever you want, water fountain, you just ask.
Your strings the spring does give to you
The bright autumn gifts the sound of bells.
And we will play upon there your strings -
Let them resound forth a joyous smile.
Oh do look, how the grey cliffs are
Struck by the water sparkling out,
Make for me from these here droplets
A star bright necklace.
Better yet I'll gather the springs
And from them make cymbals,
That for you, my maiden beloved,
They be beautifully played.

For those who sail the seas

Do you remember how everything began?
It was new but just like before
How we built boats
That were called 'Faith', 'Hope', 'Love'
How we cut ropes together
And the shore left far behind us
The waves were singing for us
And, as a rule, every fifth person was at the helm
I drink to the dregs
For those who sail the seas
For those who are loved by a wave
For those who will be lucky
If your aim is the same in both joy and grief
The person who wasn't afraid and didn't leave his oars
He will find his ground
Storms frightened us in vain
Every sailor can tell you
That you don't need to be afraid of storms
In fact, storms are nothing
When there is a storm your hands are stronger
A sail and keel will help you
It's more difficult not to go crazy from boredom
And to endure dead calm
I drink to the dregs
For those who sail the seas
For those who are loved by a wave
For those who will be lucky
If your aim is the same in both joy and grief
The person who wasn't afraid and didn't leave his oars
He will find his ground

Numele tău îl voi da planetei

Odată te-am visat, te-am visat într-o noapte de vară,
Ți-am deschis inima mea pentru ca visul să se împlinească într-o zi,
Îmi dăruiai vântul de sud. Îmi dăruiai o seară caldă,
Și soarta ne-a binecuvântat așteptarea întâlnirii.
Numele tău îl voi da planetei!
Și lumea ne va aparține numai nouă amândurora,
Îți voi deveni un univers senin,
Îmi ești iubire! Îmi ești iubire!
Numele tău îl voi da planetei!
Și lumea ne va aparține numai nouă amândurora,
Îți voi deveni un univers senin,
Îmi ești iubire! Îmi ești iubire!
Două drumuri se vor traversa - eu știu ce înseamnă aceasta,
Astăzi lumea se va face mai bogată cu încă o iubire,
Îmi vei deveni cerul la care am visat,
Pentru ca eu să fiu cu tine! Pentru ca eu să nu zbor de lângă tine!
Numele tău îl voi da planetei!
Și lumea ne va aparține numai nouă amândurora,
Îți voi deveni un univers senin,
Îmi ești iubire! Îmi ești iubire!
Numele tău îl voi da planetei!
Și lumea ne va aparține numai nouă amândurora,
Îți voi deveni un univers senin,
Îmi ești iubire! Îmi ești iubire!
Numele tău îl voi da planetei...
Numele tău îl voi da planetei!
Și lumea ne va aparține numai nouă amândurora,
Îți voi deveni un univers senin,
Îmi ești iubire! Îmi ești iubire!
Numele tău îl voi da planetei!
Și lumea ne va aparține numai nouă amândurora,
Îți voi deveni un univers senin,
Îmi ești iubire! Îmi ești iubire!
Îți voi deveni un univers senin,
Îmi ești iubire! Îmi ești iubire!
© Sosnin Vladimir

Valsul școlar

Şi noi am avut un vals școlar duios,
vă spun cum a fost soarta lui:
clasa noastră a zecea, îmi amintesc ca azi,
începea viforul în prima linie a frontului.
Batalionul medical al drumurilor forestiere
sta fumegând şi distrus de durere.
Iar soldatul ce zăcea fără picioare spunea:
eu cu tine, soră, încă vom mai dansa,
eu cu tine, soră, încă vom mai dansa.
Sora începu să cânte, palidă ca creta,
vocea îi tremura, iar ea se clătina.
Zâmbi tuturor: cânt pentru dumneata -
şi pe zâmbetul ei o lacrimă curgea.
Mulţi ani au trecut - eu nu pot uita
acel vals cântat cu durere.
Mulţi ani au trecut - eu nu pot uita
curajul soldatului și voința,
curajul soldatului și voința.