Rezultatele căutării pagină 15
Număr de rezultate: 677
To your body's palaces
Since I was a child they kept telling me
you don't live into a fairytale
princesses and princes
don't live in the same house.
But I never listened to
what others said
scumbag they called me
and stubborn.
To god you send me
and from hell you take me
when I look at you
(in fear) of loosing you how scared I am.
To god you send me
my mind you con
into your hidden paths
to your body's palaces
into your hidden paths
to your body's palaces.
And now that I grew up
I found the meaning
colour was given to my life
and got imagination.
Even if it was never written
from the world's books
the fairytale became
a true story.
To god you send me
and from hell you take me
when I look at you
(in fear) of loosing you how scared I am.
To god you send me
my mind you con
into your hidden paths
to your body's palaces
into you hidden paths
to your body's palaces.
It's So Good That You Are
It’s a fortuity of my being:
and then, the happiness in this heart of mine
is stronger than me, stronger than my bones,
that you crush in your embrace –
ever so painful, ever so divine.
Let’s talk, let’s speak, let’s utter words,
long and glassy, like chisels that separate
the cold river from the delta’s hot curves,
day from night, slate from slate.
Happiness, take me on high and slam
my brow against the moon,
until my world, overlong and in excess,
may turn into a column or something
much higher, something soon.
It’s so good that you are, so wondrous that I am!
Two different songs, colliding, intertwining,
two colours that never met before,
one from down below, turned toward the ground,
the other from high above, almost torn
in this unseen before fiery storm
of the wonder that you are, and the fortuity that I am.
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
you have no money, nor love
no money, nor love
no money, nor love
no money, nor love
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
Quit smiling bitch
And It's Raining Stars
You broke my branch
The sky is like a veil,
A satin veil now burning in my hand
My body is not answering
It's gone past the limit
And is meekly collapsing into your kingdom
And it's raining stars, and
Who follows them, poetry
The wise sky is singing
That life is mine alone
The sunken ships
The lost nets
I've had my share of storms, too
But playing on the pier
You alone of all my playmates
Have blown into my heart
And without any made-up moons,
Without crying or lashings,
Love was what I reaped
I bore the waves,
All sails set,
Tonight I've been drinking, too
My wooden body
Has been consumed by you
Now ashes fly away with your breathing
I've found a nest in you
My fears that I've been hiding
For years, like pearls
Inside a veil
And it's raining stars, and
Who follows them, poetry
The wise sky is singing
That life is mine alone
The sunken ships
The lost nets
I've had my share of storms, too
But playing on the pier
You alone of all my playmates
Have blown into my heart
And without any made-up moons,
Without crying or lashings,
Love was what I reaped
Reguli ce nu cunosc
[Refren: Şam]
Fiecare lucru în capul meu (lucru), nu cred în ascunderea străzii
Spun că e complicat pe aicea dar eu reguli ce nu cunosc
Mergi la finalul țintei mele scumpetea mea (haa), eu nu cobor la prima oprire
Dacă încerci să spui ceva (Cătea-o!) ascult de aici (What!)
[Versul 1: Heja]
Scriu tot ce-mi vine în minte
Dacă nu-aș-scrie ar fi rușine (La fel)
Mă plimb pe măsură ce se încarcă as-cun-zând devine capcană (capcană, capcană)
Problema cui,brațul cui,conservarea cui, drumul cui, a cui linie aeriană
Teama cui, cine se teme, cine dacă s-ar rupe de la cineva ar fi minciună
(Uu aa), drumurile safari, (Uu aa) suntem maeștri, (Uu aa)
Ușile închise sentimente peticite viața au lovit-o din casa mea (lan)
Sunt sus ca Bizon Murat (yaa), vă fut mass-media voastră (yaa)
Reguli ce nu știu toți de la regi de ieri regaliști
[Versul 2: Maestro]
Revoltă aceasta este o răscoală toată media voastră de vânzare în față uite poza mea artist
Ultima viteză risc, în fiecare zi a mea rap mizerabil în fiecare zi a mea mereu trip singurul atu închisoarea
Fum prăfuit murdar, temerile chist
Se folosește cu greu, furtunile sistemul accelerat lan exact Formula 1, du-te drept
Koç chiar a venit uite a plecat Aziz, amicul meu
Reguli ce nu cunosc, fără să-mi deschid gura vă bip-ez
Ochii mei închiși îndrept sticlele (huh), Ascult Istanbul-ul (huh)
Fut sancțiunile patru pereți întâi corpurile prizonierilor
Dacă am lovi sistemul din mijlocul inimii tale, nu zbura cu visele făcând cerul zmeu
[Refren: Şam]
Fiecare lucru în capul meu (lucru), nu cred în ascunderea străzii
Spun că e complicat pe aicea dar eu reguli ce nu cunosc
Mergi la finalul țintei mele scumpetea mea (haa), eu nu cobor la prima oprire
Dacă încerci să spui ceva (Cătea-o!) ascult de aici (What!)
Reguli ce nu cunosc, Reguli ce nu cunosc
Spun că e complicat pe aicea dar eu reguli ce nu cunosc
Mergi la finalul țintei mele scumpetea mea (haa), eu nu cobor la prima oprire
Dacă încerci să spui ceva (Cătea-o!) ascult de aici (What!)
[Versul 3: XiR]
Reguli ce nu cunosc (ya), vă urmăresc pe toți
Vă fut creațiile rap privind dreptul vă dau prea mult (woa)
A lovit dreptatea unu nu spune de la minciuni
Înțeleg cu timpul cine este X
Eu mă hrănesc cu ura voastră contrarie devin mult mai puternic!
Din Trip și Karaköy crește răscoala
Castelul vostru negru a fi ocupat
İstanbul Trip acesta Karaköy, Kadıköy, 7dealuri Trap
X a.k.a Şam Kürşad Oymak,fi o senzație nu fi un maestru
Vreau cât suntem noi să vă gândiți la voi întâi fiind frustrați
Toți sunteți frați ya singurul punct comun al prieteniei voastre este să fiți dușmani cu noi
[Verse 4: No. 1]
Străzile culise, la brațul meu poliția
Distribuirea pachetelor parcă Philip Morris (Hahahaha!)
Sufletul în organism mă plimb ca un turist
Dar dacă nu aș face rap se poate în structura asta criză
Priză pussy, muzica voastră țelină, stilul vostru tâmpit
Își arde țigara pe scenă Wiz dar venind la noi șa dracu închisoarea!
Îi derutează capul Karaköy, Kadıköy killa albină stup
Am luat datoria de la Azrael riscul trăiri
Vomită sânge junkie-leri nu ar tace amicii
Îți fut cerneala, scrieți-vă pe frunte
Ne petrecem pe această muzică câștigând omul
Și această lume întorcându-se va rămâne așa
Reguli ce nu cunosc cum va fi?
[Verse 5: Ashoo]
Pentru a strica regulile este de aceea Reguli ce nu cunosc
Interdicțiile find proaste pentru credincioși
Strig libertatea pe stradă
Fratele a căzut pe ilegale dar crede nu ar cădea aicea de la 3 pană la 5
Oricum ar fi se întoarce o zi zâmbind salutând moartea, mai rău
Dacă ar cade ieftin și el poate gândi metamfetamine
Reguli ce nu știam am văzut fugarul din cartier
Și fugarul care l-ai văzut aicea
Nu a mai rămas nimic de pierdut
Înțelegi valoarea când câștigi
Chiar și prea mult
Sistemul venind într-o situație luând totul
Eforturile unghiilor tale sângele curgând
Regulile nu sunt deloc futute unchiule polițist
Încă nu există pedeapsa locului se aplică identității mele!
[Refren: Şam]
Fiecare lucru în capul meu (lucru), nu cred în ascunderea străzii
Spun că e complicat pe aicea dar eu reguli ce nu cunosc
Mergi la finalul țintei mele scumpetea mea (haa), eu nu cobor la prima oprire
Dacă încerci să spui ceva (Cătea-o!) ascult de aici (What!)
Reguli ce nu cunosc, Reguli ce nu cunosc
Spun că e complicat pe aicea dar eu reguli ce nu cunosc
Mergi la finalul țintei mele scumpetea mea (haa), eu nu cobor la prima oprire
Dacă încerci să spui ceva (Cătea-o!) ascult de aici (What!)
Ege Kökenli
I Believe in my Fate
I dreamt of a world,
Wonderful, far-off
I feel deep inside
That I need to be loved
And to be surrounded
By a cheering crowd
And I can hear a voice
Telling me where my path lies
And I shall walk my way
I believe in my fate!
I aim for the top
I feel no fear anymore
One never knows
I could prove
That I do know where I came from
Well, where i belong!
Yes, I do walk my way
I believe in my fate!
I trust in myself
I feel no dread anymore!
One never knows
I could prove
That I do know where I came from
Well, where i belong!
If that is the stake
I believe in my fate!
I shall face the fire
I do not fear anything!
The Gods will like me
They believe in my fate!
They will eventually receive me amongst them
Where I belong!
© Pires Philippe
This translation is a personal work - unless noted otherwise. You are NOT allowed to post this translation on whatever other site.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Il s'agit d'une traduction personnelle (sauf indication contraire). Vous n'êtes PAS autorisé à publier quelque traduction que ce soit sur un autre site.
Au spus că s-au obișnuit mai mult decât turbat
Capetele reci le-au mâncat frumos
Infiltrați-mă pisici cu ochi
Au spus continuând să trăiască
Norii albaștri s-au întors înapoi dimineața
Cineva ziua noaptea începuturi noi
Pe este drum Instagram sau Candy Crush
Rândul politici rândul bun
Inima dă minciuni
Vor fugi acești copii până se vor pierde
Poate îmi vor tăia pași cu ecou
Viața orfelinat până la vile
Spune ce au spus ascultătorii altele decât bani
Paranoia socială parcă bombă în stradă
Nu poți vedea adevărul la acest televizor de rahat
Nu vor să vorbească prea mult la nicio școală
Refren koro (istanbul trip)
De la bani ghimpi în ochi
Viața cui e frumoasă
Pasionat de Bosfor
Această răscoală
Zâmbește cu încăpățânare
Episodul 2
Să avertizezi raționalizarea acestor vagabonți
11 să șoptească
Fără tragere de inimă vrei să-l deprimi
În plus dacă vei culege frumos ek
Vocea mea crește din Karaköy
Greu din sufletul meu în sânge otravă
Din nou împreună toată banda
Ura ta calmă se reține la noi
Scriind minciuni cu ziarul șterge geamul
A devenit stat de cele mai multe ori eu în glonț amice
Pentru a forma vise spune cum junkie
O grădină lumea casa mea crede-mă (pusssy)
De la americani Versace Vivaldi* Ferrari
Dacă continui să trăiești parti
Și dacă mi-aș incendia clip-ul se poate un bugatti
Ege Kökenli
Istanbul Gentleman
Is there such thing as love at first sight?
That doesn't exist
I've been deceived, fellas
It exists
Come and see how I am doing
My past is the work of my drukenness
But this lady is the reason to get drunk
After our first glance, I ended up being an Istanbul gentleman
Not Rome nor London
Not Madrid nor Vienna
Just like an Istanbul gentleman
An Istanbul gentleman
Agressive, yet pretty kind
An Istanbul gentleman
And he doesn't share his love
An Istanbul gentleman
And 'gentleness' pours from every part of me
This love's lady
Smiles without dimples
Which is beautiful
Which is beautiful
It's worth years
It's worth years
Others are the works of loneliness
But this lady is the reason of my loneliness
After our first glance, I ended up being an Istanbul gentleman
Not Rome nor London
Not Madrid nor Vienna
Just like an Istanbul gentleman
An Istanbul gentleman
Agressive, yet pretty kind
An Istanbul gentleman
And he doesn't share his love
An Istanbul gentleman
And 'gentleness' pours from every part of me
This love's lady
Just like an Istanbul gentleman
An Istanbul lady right in front of me
Makes my coffee
An Istanbul lady
Doesn't share her love
An Istanbul lady
And shyness pours from every part of her
This love's owner
Just like an Istanbul gentleman
An Istanbul gentleman
Agressive, yet pretty kind
An Istanbul gentleman
You don't convince
I guess I wasn't so understanding
There is no more return for you
So save your breath you've become a past
And what we have experienced together in the archives have entered...
Not convincing...
Your words are reminiscent of bad repetitions, not convincing
Not convincing...
Good boy you are nothing but only a bum, do not convince...
On your knees, even if you come the train won't return
To leave and free in the mediocre you love
Living, not convincing, not convincing...
I guess I wasn't so understanding
That when we're done, you'll have a place in my heart
But they tricked you, the time changed
And you are Unnecessary in my many plans...
Come and tell them to me
I hugged you, you hurt me
I believed you, you deleted me
the mistake is a weight in my heart you say
to me, come tell them to me
You never understood
who I was, what I offered you
the responsibility was mine you say
to me, come tell them to me
Come tell them to me
to me that you never spoke honestly to me
but I am not like you/don't look like you
there are some people who still love honestly
don't talk to anyone
after what you did the only one you deserve is silence
come tell them to me
and after you finish while you leave a sorry is enough
Our friends think
that I was the one who blew it
everything in a night in the air
to me, come tell them to me
To whoever knows us
they learned us, lived us
I threw the last bullet
to me, come tell them to me
Come tell them to me
to me that you never spoke honestly to me
but I am not like you/don't look like you
there are some people who still love honestly
don't talk to anyone
after what you did the only one you deserve is silence
come tell them to me
and after you finish while you leave a sorry is enough
Touching the three great oceans,
It lies, spreading its cities about,
Covered by grid of meridians,
Invincible, wide and proud.
But in an hour, when the last grenade
Already primed in your hand
And in a brief moment a need to remember, before it's late
All, what we've left in a distant land,
What you remember, is not a big country, with no end,
The one you travelled and new so good,
You do remember, the one and only Motherland,
The way you saw it in your childhood.
A piece of land, adjacent to the three birch trees,
A distant road behind the forest,
A little river with a creaky ferriage,
A sandy river bank with low osier-bed.
That's where we were lucky to be born,
Where for the rest of our life, till death we found
The handful of earth, that is good for
To see the signs in it, of the land around.
Yes, you can survive the heat, thunderstorm, disease,
Yes, you can starve and freeze,
Go to die... But this three birch trees
Can not be given to anyone, while you alive and breathe.
Really, my God, will I Remain
Really, my God, will I remain
When you will come for your own?
Really, really when will that day happen,
And you will not take me with you?
Really in the moment of ascension
Will you not lift me up into heaven?
Will I not hear, will I not hear the heavenly singing,
Will l not see your wonders?
Really in the moment of ascension
Will I see, how in your glory,
Your people, your people receive salvation,
And I shall stand outside the door?
Really, my God, shall l I remain?
I will not enter into Your glory,
When that day, when that desired day comes,
Really shall I receive judgement?
Really will my friends and girlfriends
In the clouds sing a new hymn ,
Shall I remain, shall I remain for grief and torment
Without hope, without purpose, alone here.
Yes, I sang and prayed with my friends,
Together I went with them to the meetings,
Only a little, only a little did I seek good ,
Only my neighbor, I did not love.
But not only with the friends, That I know
Will I have to break then up with them.
With all the more, then all the more will I lose
I will lose Christ forever.
Oh my God, this is why you today
Are distressing my heart again,
So that on that day, that on that great Lord’s day
You would take me as well into Your Kingdom.
There will be a day, maybe even today,
On earth, when life will not end.
Only the Church, only the Church freely and easily.
Will ascend up from this earth.
Inconsolable will there be sobbing,
In terrible pain, the soul will remain,
And only one, and one only knocks on our conscience: -
I've remained, a friend, forever.
Heaven is full of wonderful singing,
There rejoices the Bride of Christ.
Only it'll be to late, will be too late to weep,
Only it will be late to knock then.
Open Letter
To a woman from the town Vichuga
I must inform you, 'tis my sad lot,
That didn't reach the addressee
The letter, that in mailbox you dropped
Sometime ago, so shamelessly.
The letter your husband didn't get,
He wasn't wounded by vulgar lines,
He didn't tremble, nor gone mad,
He didn't cursed all, from good old times.
When he led his fighters against the foes
Into attack near the ruined station,
The stupid harshness of your words
Luckily, didn't torment him, I'd like to mention.
When he was walking hard and swayed,
While tightened with rag his bloody wound,
The letter from you was still on it's way,
Luckily, it was too soon.
When on the stones he fell that eve
And death has cut short his final breath,
He still didn't received,
Luckily, your written mess.
I can inform you, that right there,
We wrapped him in the soldier's cape,
At night near the city square
We buried him without delay.
A poplar, like a sign by the grave
A tin star is standing there...
And I forgot, that you, by the way,
Perhaps, completely do not care.
The letter was brought, before the sun was out...
And because the addressee was dead,
We read it between ourselves aloud-
So you have to forgive us soldiers for that.
Perhaps, your memory is short
Then on behalf of the whole regiment,
By common wish we thought
To remind you the content..
You wrote, that almost a year has gone,
Since you've met your new man.
And old one, even if he will return,
You, anyway don't give a damn.
That troubless life you live,
You live well and by the way, you took a chance,
And now, you have no need to receive
The lieutenant's small allowance.
That he shouldn't wait for letters from you
And didn't bother you again...
Precisely, 'didn't bother' you...
You chose the words that brings more pain.
And that was all. And nothing else
We patiently read it, there were no sound,
All those words, that just for him
In hour of need, in your soul you've found.
'Husband'. 'The allowance''Don't bother'...
So, where did you lose your soul?
After all, he was a soldier, a brother!
And we're with him for you were dying , after all.
I do not wish to judge you from above,
Not everyone wins with separation fight,
Not all are capable of eternal love,-
Unfortunately, everything can happen in life.
But how could you, I do not understand,
The cause of death without fear to become,
So indifferently, all of a sudden, a plague you've sent
In an envelope to us at the front.
Well, let's say, he is not loved, your man,
Let's say, you don't need him, it's the end,
Let's say, you will live with another, madam
God help him, be it a husband or a friend.
But the soldier is not to blame
Because he doesn't have the leave,
That third year in row he remains,
In harm's way, while defending you from enemies.
So, why couldn't you write at all
Let's say the bitter words, but fair,
If you couldn't find them in your soul-
Then you should've borrow them anywhere.
Luckily, we have in our motherland,
Enough of woman with pure soul and mind,
They would've honor you , and then
They would've wrote for you these lines.
They would've found for you the words,
To ease some strangers woes,
We bow before them our heads to earth,
For their great soul we bow.
Not to you, but to other woman,
Taken away from us by war,
We want to write about you to them,
And let them know, what we're blame you for,
That here, at the front, their men,
Sometime fighting inside their soul, alone,
With anxious trepidation waiting for them
Before the fight, the letters from home.
We've read yours, it didn't do us any good
Now, the bitterness torment us in secret:
What if you're not alone, who could?
What if someone else will get it?
To court of our distant wives
We'll send you, you've slendered them
And planted doubts in our lives
You gave us a reason for a moment.
Let them occused you, mam,
That soul of bird you hid,
That you as a wife and woman
Were posing since you were married.
And your ex husband, he is killed, whence
All is good. Live now with the one you've got.
Alas, the dead one will not offend
In the letter, with long unnecessary word.
Live without fear of guilt, forevermore,
He will not write, he won't reply
And when he returns to city from the war,
He won't meet you with another walking by.
Only for one more thing, to forgive him
You have to, because, madam,
Perhaps, for a month more will bring
For you the letters, your local postman.
There is nothing can be done-
The bullet faster than a letter flyes.
The letters will in September come,
But he was killed, already in July.
Every line is about you in them,
For you, it's not pleasant of course-
Then on behalf of the whole regiment
I'm taking back his words.
So, from us, at the end, do except
Our content, as a farewell.
You don't deserve our respect
Comrades of arms of the deceased
On behalf of the officers of the regiment
K. Simonov
We stand on our old path
Do you see the sun going down?
Only when the last lighthouse becomes dark
Will I look back to you
Even if everything in us is screaming
I'll disappear into the darkness
In another great life
We will see each other again
I'm going on the journey
I'm going far across the sea
And you watch me
All the sails are set
And your heart will slowly become heavy
I'm going on the journey
The horizon in sight
I wish you a good life
I'll come back as a star
The sky wears its nightgown
And you carry me into the wide night
You breathe in the cool air
And yet you stay away until morning
If you're looking for me and are lonely
You'll see a bright light on the horizon
[Refrain x 2:]
I'm going on the journey
I'm going far across the sea
And you watch me
All the sails are set
And your heart will slowly become heavy
I'm going on the journey
The horizon in sight
I wish you a good life
I'll come back as a star
If you share my translations elsewhere, please link to this page/my profile and give me credit for my work. Corrections are always welcome.
A Chaos With You
Which one of your two faces
Are you wearing before I come to see you
Your demon's anger,
Or your angel's laugh, I wonder
Your mood is changing
A thousand colors during the day
Scare me like an ambush
And they are leading me to - to escape
They promise me the universe,
I prefer a chaos with you
They told me I am wrong
But I didn't hear anyone of them, my love.
A chaos with you
My life is a sweet giddiness
At the cliff without brakes
You are leading me and I take the responsibility
Which one of your two faces
Tries to withstand our truth
Your unfair outbursts
Or the 'yes's you are saying just for avoidance
In our case, the victim
Or the perpetrator you want to be
You are the last step
At my cliff or Deus ex machina
They promise me the universe,
I prefer a chaos with you
They told me I am wrong
But I didn't hear anyone of them, my love.
A chaos with you
My life is a sweet giddiness
At the cliff without brakes
You are leading me and I take the responsibility
Arise Serbia
Arise, Serbia! Arise, empress!
and let your children see your face.
Make them turn their hearts and eyes on you,
and let them hear your sweet voice.
Arise, Serbia!
You fell asleep long ago,
And have lain in the dark.
Now wake up
And rouse the Serbs!
Raise high your imperial head,
So that land and sea may recognize you again.
Show Europe your delightful face,
As bright and cheerful as that of the Morning Star.
Arise, Serbia!
You fell asleep long ago,
And have lain in the dark.
Now wake up
And rouse the Serbs!
Your sister Bosnia looks upon you
And she doesn't wish you any offense
Who doesn't love you, he isn't afraid of God
From whom much help arrives your way
Arise, Serbia!
You fell asleep long ago,
And have lain in the dark.
Now wake up
And rouse the Serbs!
Herzeg's Land and Monte Negro,
Faraway countries and islands and seas
They all want heavens help to you
All good souls are joyful for you
Arise, Serbia!
You fell asleep long ago,
And have lain in the dark.
Now wake up
And rouse the Serbs!
Won't pull the stars down from the sky for you
I won't pull the stars down from the sky for you
I won't look for treasure islands
But I love you so much, beautiful
You're just running far away
Texting me 'Don't come after'
Whom are you staying with?
Where are you my love? (x2)
My friend told me, he told me, he told me everything
How he put you on a train late at night
I couldn't understand, couldn't understand, how to understand
How could you run away with him, without saying a word to me?
I won't pull the stars down from the sky for you
I won't look for treasure islands
But I love you so much, beautiful
You're just running far away
Texting me 'Don't come after'
Whom are you staying with?
Where are you my love?
My friend told me, he told me, he told me everything
Although you told him to keep me from knowing
You're alone now, alone again, you're all alone
And you know there is not my fault in our fight
I won't pull the stars down from the sky for you
I won't look for treasure islands
But I love you so much, beautiful
You're just running far away
Texting me 'Don't come after'
Whom are you staying with?
Where are you my love?
State of shock
Because of you I left a jeans business
because of you I pulled the trigger on my friend
you're my vow, you're my God
your name shines out from my shoulder
And you, and you, and you
You're shocking me, I swear to God
Because of you I started to shave myself on sundays
because of you I quit watching 'Desire'
because of you I was late on my uncle's funeral
I bought you a vase for 200 thousands KM
And you, and you, and you
You're shocking me, I swear to God
You're hurting me
you're hurting me
you're hurting me
oh, what's that?
You're hurting me
you're hurting me
you're hurting me
oh, what's that?
You're hurting me
while I'm playing rock and roll
Because of you I started to shave myself on sundays
because of you I quit watching 'Desire'
because of you I was late on my uncle's funeral
I bought you a vase for 200 thousands KM
And you, and you, and you
You're shocking me, I swear to God
You're hurting me
you're hurting me
you're hurting me
oh, what's that?
You're hurting me
you're hurting me
you're hurting me
oh, what's that?
You're hurting me
while I'm playing rock and roll
You're hurting me
you're hurting me
you're hurting me
oh, what's that?
You're hurting me
you're hurting me
you're hurting me
oh, what's that?
You're hurting me
while I'm playing rock and roll
Thank you, audience
Copyright © treeoftoday244
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.
I Love Students (Long Live Students)
Long live students!
Garden of our joy,
They are fearless birds
In front of any animal or the police
And they aren't scared of bullets
Or packs of hounds and their barking
Good grief, good heavens!
Long live astronomy!
I like students
Because they protest
When they're told it's flour
When everyone knows it's bran
And they don't play dumb and deaf
They rise up to the occasion
Good grief, good heavens!
The code of laws!
I like students
Because they are the yeast
In the bread that will come out of the oven
In all its tastiness
For the mouth of the poor
Who eats in bitterness
Good grief, good heavens!
Long live literature
Long live students!
Garden of our joy,
They are fearless
Birds in front of animals or the police
And they aren't scared of bullets
Or packs of hounds and their barking
Good grief, good heavens!
Long live astronomy!
Eveything willl be a Thing of the Past
We will surely always be happy someday.
With clear eyes, let's move from the general to the particular
There is no difficulty to participate in it.
Just not everyone considers himself involved.-
Obstructions tomorrow will definitely not be less
Also our past will not leave us.
Earth is angry at us, it's layers shudder
Bonfires revolutions and uprisings
I am ready to take a thousand steps to meet
But never a single pursuit
I respect the human, I live as a human
I know good people and I know washed-up scum
As a child I began to understand:
It is better to act subtly and not to snap at the elders
I am a Fan of the twisted, these are dangerous combinations
I am interested in the world, I want to get to it
Returning home that is where the love is
I love you, honey, so that is not enough
I love you, my dear, so much that there are not enough words to describe it
This is better than the most beautiful dreams.
And only with you am I ready for all this
You Moved boldly without 'smearing' your name and honor
In order to support family and friends, thanks
Being at the right time in the right place
I won't lose my head, I'll make everything beautiful
Haven't you seen how water wears out a stone
Exactly, but it's impossible to understand
How do you walk when you're already injured?
The Soul breaks apart from disturbing thoughts
Haven't you seen how water wears out a stone
Even if today is very difficult
Don't let your flame go out
Everything will be a thing of the past
[Verse 2]
Life is not divided into black and white
Compromise is always necessary for the cause
Though I am an artist, of course, of the 'pogorely' theater-
But for me from anyone you will not hear the left-
I am interested in the world, I carefully observe it
When one is laughing, the other is crying out loud
We are made stronger by everything that does not kill
As they say, it's not up to us, that's just life-
Someone is 'doing time', someone in the artist is not bad-
The main thing is, do not quit, - this is Russia, brother
Hard motion, life is bad without a 'sucker'
Take a closer look at those, who are behind and to the sides
Young hearts are full of hope, ambitious
Climb the roof and reach for the stars
Only a few can do it, seriously
Lucky with charisma, with talent and with brains
I know those who really fortunate
But then they went crazy from cocaine and 'blow'-
With ambiguous people and very tight cheekbones
It's sad to be at the hut, eaten by a shark
So breathe smoothly, 'keep yourself together'
Behave modestly with parents and elders
And if there is a goal, then fear is unknown
Calm those who have faith in their hearts
Haven't you seen how water wears out a stone
Exactly, but it's impossible to understand
How do you walk when you're already injured?
The Soul breaks apart from disturbing thoughts
Haven't you seen how water wears out a stone
Even if today is very difficult
Don't let your flame go out
Everything will be a thing of the past
Haven't you seen how water wears out a stone
Exactly, but impossible to understand
How do you walk when you're already injured?
The Soul breaks apart from disturbing thoughts
Do not see how water sharpens a stone
Even if today is very difficult
Don't let your flame go out
Everything will be a thing of the past
Everything will be a thing of the past
Everything will be a thing of the past
Everything will be a thing of the past
Everything will be a thing of the past
Tu eşti
tu eşti obsesie
îmi dai
Sunt speriat
speriat de moarte!
Sunt speriat
speriat de moarte!
Nu am
loc de ascunziş
Am nevoie
de un adăpost să scap
de şarpele de la Adam şi Eva
Sunt speriat
speriat de moarte!
Sunt speriat
speriat de moarte!
pe o lebădă neagră
aripile ei
înghit cerul şi marea, şi pe tine, şi pe mine...
Sunt speriat
speriat de moarte!
Sunt speriat
speriat de moarte!
Rezanov's Aria (Angel, become a human)
Angel, become a human!
Lift me up, angel, from my knees,
A thrill of heart is unknown to you,
Kiss my lips hurry up.
To your girl eyelids
I'll open the forbidden light,
Stupid sixteen year old angel,
She is a foreigner of frightened years.
I'll tell you about Russia,
Where the nightingale is evil,
Squeezed by a terrible love power,
Like a silver dinamometer.
There is the Temple of the Miraculous Mother of God.
From the wall have leaned into the pond
Snow-white buttresses,
Drink water like horses.
You will learn the earthly
Divine, and misery and vale,
I will tell you about Russia,
I dedicate you to love.
Nu sta la căpătâiu-mi și plânge!
Versions: #2
Nu sta la căpătâiu-mi și plânge
Eu nu ma aflu acolo, Eu's făr' de odihnă
Eu Sunt necontenite vanturi ce suflă
Sunt strălucirea nestemată pe zăpadă
Sunt a soarelui rază pe grâu
Reprezint blanda ploaie a toamnei
Când te trezești în tăcerea dimineții
Eu sunt arzatoarea inspiratie revărsare
De păsări tăcute laolalta zburând
Eu sunt stelele fine, ce strălucesc in noapte
Nu sta la al meu mormânt , lacremi a vărsa
Eu nu mă aflu acolo, eu nu m-am stins !
On the Verge of Old Age
On the verge of old age
complaining about the night of the world
is bad, (you) reasonable man
To respect Diazepam,
try to sleep
without sorrow or a kiss
You, like a house slave,
become a burden to the day
No one told you not to
burn from your core
You were not the sun
to shine unsparingly
What horses raised
inside you
Whinnying, the life of your throat
gradually dragged toward the end
Who attached you to the cart
that you are receiving daily payments in agony?
Kicking a lion
whose patience was his roar
(and) broke the cheetah
who was tame and behaved like a mirror
And high above a mouth
an eagle fell down
You stayed brave and mixed
bread and blood to survive
You did not run in vain
and after all this running,
what is left for the folks
other than a stable and a leash?
You're identified in the world but
you don't have an identification card
You're continuously sorrowful but
you, yourself, will not continue
An arrogance of no offspring
Constructing a building of destruction
You were not a chosen one
Admit it that you weren't
Admit it that you are a prophet
without any miracles
You have a raised issue
but you are without a book
(You are) a hatch that beat and
shined the light of a patio
on our small world
Come, come back to life, oh moon
so that every night, like a eulogy,
you will shine on this hatch
May a thousand fish
be sacrificed for the blueness of the sea
May a thousand sheets of painkillers
be sacrificed for this young sorrow
May a thousand swoop of cranes
be sacrificed for the blue vastness
Complaining about the small night
and nagging like a child
is enough, blessed grief
May your night be long, and so be your sorrow
Have a good sorrow, and a (good) night too
It's the night, (you) reasonable man
Go The Distance
I've dreamt always , the far' way place
Where all the world
Kindly would've see me and cheered me
I was amazed and continuing i voice
That there it lais (the place of the) life of mine
The way i'll find , no matter how long it'll be
For It is my path, i will hold on
Any step somehow it'll mean a thing
I'll travel the world
For i to find the path of mine
-Hercule me and your mother
We want to tell you a thing ...
'If you discovered me , than from where i arised !?
Why was i left there !>?'
- this was at your neck when we found you
-It is the symbol of Gods
'This is it , you see it!? , maybe the answer is at them ...
I go at the Zeus temple and....
Mother, father you are the best parents a person would wish for ,...
But i must know ...'
I'm on the way of mine
No matter how long would be
Endlesly if it would be , i shall still hold on
Any step somehow it'll mean a thing
I'll travel the world
I walk my path
I'll get across anything, even if afar' it is
The world i'll discover , fair and fearless
Gods they gonna watch over me
And alike a hero i will be seen , upon this path of mine
Stop smiling bitch
No money, no love
No money, no love
No money, no love
No money, no love
You, you, you, you, no money (2x)
No money
No money
No money
No money, money, money, money, money, money, money
No money
You, you, you, you (6x)
Neither nor (8x)
No money, money, money
No money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money
Stop smiling bitch (8x)
Bitch (3x)
Stop smiling bitch
Stop smiling bitch (5x)
Stop... Stop... Stop
Stop smiling bitch
Love doesn't have wings (7x)
Stop smiling bitch
Neither nor (8x)
No money, money, money
No money, money, money, money, money, money, money
The Loop
There comes a day
And we're trying to escape
From our own shadows
We have to hang up
And cut the wires
Leave us alone
Once and for all
These dreams get my hackles up
These days are going to kill me
Now it's time to
Break out of that vicious circle
The days are passing by
The lights float past us
We are steady
And can't change anything
These dreams get my hackles up
These days are going to kill me
Now it's time to
Break out of that vicious circle
I want to give you an advice, my brother
I needed the support just like you
That moments when you can feel earth slipping under foot
And you have no strength to resist
I wish you choose a path
And lay it on the line
In your eyes I see myself
Many years ago
I know we're not close
And I wasn't around enough
But I think now's the moment
You need me
I'm actually really glad
That time goes forward
I remember I used to ask as a child
'Why is there no one at my side?'
I want to be the one for you
Reliable as steel
It's impossible to return people from the past
Even if you close your eyes and fall asleep
I'm always haunted by
The fear of becoming a ghost
I'm here forever.
How long?
I'm turning around in our home, alone, and I'm smoking
I lost my self, I can't recognize my self
I'm watching our old fotos and I'm crying
I wish you were here tonight for a while, so I could touch you
How long I have to wait, how long I have to insist?
How long I have to love you, How long to suffer
The memories always are coming in my mind
I'm thinking in the nights in my dreams about what we have passed through
I couldn't overcome you never, I miss you and I'm suffering.
And with my thoight I'm trying to bring you to me
How long I have to wait, how long I have to insist?
How long I have to love you, How long to suffer
Stay mine
Stay mine,
at the end give me a shine
of a paradise flower on my palm.
Stay mine,
and after everything you will be inside of me,
inside of my silver dream,
only you will be whispering verses to me,
come on, give me eternal shine as a giftm
stay mine.
Although everything hurts without you,
tell me goodby,
I have memories of you.
Although everything burnis inside of me,
stay in my dreams, my dearest.
Stay mine,
and after everything you will be inside of me,
inside of my silver dream,
only you will be whispering verses to me,
come on, give me eternal shine as a giftm
stay mine.
Although everything hurts without you,
tell me goodby,
I have memories of you.
Although everything burnis inside of me,
stay in my dreams, my dearest.
Stay mine at the end.
Oh, my dear, believe me I'll give you everything
Don't stop, let me consummate
That body as evil as the Illuminati
Tonight I overdose because of her
But I take it again, I need it urgently
That lean body takes my breath away
The way she moves she burns like nitro
But that's what kills me, that's my Krypton.
No, no that's not right, you're not faithful, a killer of nerves
You are like a migraine to other women,
My jitters, my venom in my veins
But I'm drawn to you, I depend on that body
You love to torture me, that's your addiction
And you love me the craziest when you think I can't stand you
No no you're an illusion
You're a star, you shine seducing without shame
Never sober, alone like a picture without a frame
You're gone damn it
M-am îndrăgostit de ochii tăi
M-am îndrăgostit de ochii tăi
Sărutările tale m-au vrăjit
Nu mai știu încotro mă îndrept
Am luat-o razna din cauza ta
M-am regăsit și m-am pierdut
Nu-mi pasă care va fi finalul
Te vreau
S-a aprins focul deodată
După o singură privire, am crezut în tine
Greșeală sau nu, oriunde aș ajunge
O să te urmez, vreau să trăiesc asta
Spune-mi cum faci asta
Mor și trăiesc în mâinile tale
M-am îndrăgostit de ochii tăi
Sărutările tale m-au vrăjit
Nu mai știu încotro mă îndrept
Am luat-o razna din cauza ta
M-am regăsit și m-am pierdut
Nu-mi pasă care va fi finalul
Te vreau
Cum să-mi imaginez un asemene scenariu
Am căzut în luptă și alta nu mai există
Cu un sărut de al tău mi s-a schimbat viața
Mi s-a schimbat traiectoria și tu ai devenit unica
Spune-mi cum faci asta
Mor și trăiesc în mâinile tale
M-am îndrăgostit de ochii tăi
Sărutările tale m-au vrăjit
Nu mai știu încotro mă îndrept
Am luat-o razna din cauza ta
M-am regăsit și m-am pierdut
Nu-mi pasă care va fi finalul
Te vreau