Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 9

Număr de rezultate: 675


My Dear

My dear, you attract (me)
My dear, you enthral (me)
My dear, you make me feel
My dear, woozy
My dear, you who love me
My dear, you who hug warm
My dear, you're like a magnet
Who pulls toward oneself
If (she) warms up me, always warms up,
If (she) speaks to me, speaks all night
If (he) abducts me, if (he) hides me into the cellar
If you love till the last
I feel, I believe that you love me,
I'm in a hurry, I'm looking for (you): I see you
I wait, I know: you'll be with me
I love you only, I only breathe with you
I feel, I believe that you love me,
I'm in a hurry, I'm looking for (you): I see you
I wait, I know: you'll be with me
I love you only, I only breathe with you

I Praise Your Name, Eternal God

I praise your name Eternal God

War And Fear

And I feel only fear, fear, fear, nothing more
And I'm afraid that the world will break my heart
What will happen 'cause this time, time, time...
There's less and less time
And everywhere I see pain, pain and longing
And I pray 'cause I don't know what will be later
What will tomorrow give me?
What plan do you have for me?
And I regret that something divides us here all the time
Though I'm a bit older today
I still don't know where the world is heading
What will be next day?
Is some tomorrow waiting for us
When a brother is an enemy for a brother today?
And I don't want to cry but how?
And I feel only fear, fear, fear, nothing more
And I'm afraid that the world will break my heart
What will happen 'cause this time, time, time...
There's less and less time
And everywhere I see pain, pain and longing
And I pray 'cause I don't know what will be later
What will tomorrow give me?
What plan do you have for me? (x2)
What plan do you have for me?
What plan do you have for us?

Love Without Touch

You have been watching me
For a long time, but only now am I giving in
And I won't think about what the day shall bring
I am just letting it go with the flow
'Cause no one knows quite like you
To kiss me with their eyes (the eyes)
To love me, to love, to love me
Without touch
(Love without touch)
My forbidden dance
(Love without touch)
Everything else disappears
(Love without touch)
Made only for me
The one and only
Love without touch
Each word coming from your lips
Is making me melt, melts me till I disappear
'Cause no one knows quite like you
To kiss me with their eyes (the eyes)
To love me, to love, to love me
Without touch
(Love without touch)
My forbidden dance
(Love without touch)
Everything else disappears
(Love without touch)
Made only for me
The one and only
Love without touch
Love without touch
No one knows it quite like you
(Love without touch)
My forbidden dance
(Love without touch)
Everything else disappears
(Love without touch)
Love without touch
Is inside me

Sixth company

Silence was broken that distant February,
The heavens cracked up in the high blue yonder.
Oh, how fate turns, and how it hits one...
Their 19th spring, some would never get to see.
Bound together by destiny, they were trapped in the middle of the mountains,
But it's not for nothing that this infantry is known as 'winged.'
To retreat from battle was something they had never been taught to do

Travel Me

Come slide over me
Touch me slowly, say yes
Say you're burning like I am
Travel me and make love to me
Come and see the two moons which are here
They're already alight and it's because of you
Take me to space, I want your sun inside me
Travel me and make love to me
Come to the universe of my skin
I want to go crazy pore by pore
Make me lose consciousness
Dress me in your stars
Travel me and make love to me
Travel me and make love to me
Let me slide over you
Take me slowly, say yes
Say you're burning like I am
Travel me and make love to me
Come and see the two moons which are here
They're already eclipsed and it's because of you
Take me in your arms, I want your sun inside me
Travel me and make love to me
Come to the universe of my skin
I want to go crazy pore by pore
Make me lose consciousness
Dress me in your stars
Travel me and make love to me
Travel me and make love to me
Come to the universe of my skin
I want to go crazy pore by pore
Make me lose consciousness
Dress me in your stars
Travel me and make love to me
Travel me and make love to me

Need to strive

One's heart should never surrender
To the many obstacles, deceptions and cruel trials
Whoever is in this world, their luck is also there
But one needs to believe it
Life is not always merciless
One only needs some strength
Everybody gets to fly in this life someday
One only needs to strive for it
Everybody gets to be happy in this life someday
One only needs to strive for it (x3)
May every person reach their desire in life
While we still have the means to
Especially the hopes in our hearts should never wane
When we are overwhelmed with gloom
Life is not always merciless
One only needs some strength
Everybody gets to fly in this life someday
One only needs to strive for it
Everybody gets to be happy in this life someday
One only needs to strive for it (x3)

Cântați, prietenilor

Prietenilor, adunați-vă, haideți să mergem împreună în pădure!
Prietenilor, adunați-vă, haideți să mergem împreună în pădure!
Dacă mergem împreună în pădure, vom fi împreună pentru totdeauna!
Dacă mergem împreună în pădure, vom fi împreună pentru totdeauna!
Cântați, fetelor, dansați, băieților,
Cântați, fetelor, dansați, băieților,
Păsările zboară pe ici, pe colo - sunt anii tinereții mele,
Păsările zboară pe ici, pe colo - sunt anii tinereții mele!
- Zău? - Da, chiar așa!
Anii tinereții tale!
Stau în mijlocul străzii noastre lungi,
Stau în mijlocul străzii noastre lungi,
Arunc câte o privire, îmi aștept prietena,
Arunc câte o privire, îmi aștept prietena!
- Zău? - Da, chiar așa!
Îmi aștept prietena!
Cu Alia a mea, cu Gulia a mea,
Cu Alia a mea, cu Gulia a mea,
Vorbesc și râd cu prietenele mele!
Vorbesc și râd cu prietenele mele!
E de ajuns să mai cântăm, e de ajuns să mai dansăm,
E de ajuns să mai cântăm, e de ajuns să mai dansăm,
Haideți să încetăm, la revedere, neamul meu mari1,
Haideți să încetăm, la revedere, neamul meu mari,
- Zău? - Da, chiar așa!
La revedere, neamul meu mari!
  • 1. Popor autohton al Republicii Mari El, Rusia