Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 6


Where Are You Dad?

Versions: #22
Tell me where he went
I finally know where I'm going
Mama says that when we search well enough
We will stop looking forever
She says he is never too far
That he always goes to work
Mama says working is good
Much better than being in bad company
Where is your dad?
Tell me, where is your dad!
Without even talking to him
He knows what's wrong
Huh, dad!
Tell me where you're hidden!
It must've been a million times I've
Counted my fingers
Where are you, dad, where are you?
Where are you dad, where are you?
Where are you dad, where are you?
Where are you, where are you, where are you, dad?
Where are you dad, where are you?
Where are you dad, where are you?
Where are you dad, where are you?
Where are you, where are you, where are you, dad?
What, whether we trust him or not
There's gonna be a day when we can't trust him
One day or another we'll all be dads
And one day we're gonna disappear
Will we be hateable?
Will we be admirable?
The naturals or the geniuses?
Tell us who gives birth to these irresponsible fathers
Ah, tell us who, huh?
Everyone knows how to make babies
But no one knows how to be a good father
Mr. Know-It-All is gonna inherit it, is that right?
Do we have to suck our thumbs, or what?
Tell us where he's hiding
It must've been a thousand times we have
Eating our fingers
Where are you, dad, where are you?
Where are you dad, where are you?
Where are you dad, where are you?
Where are you, where are you, where are you, dad?
Where are you dad, where are you?
Where are you dad, where are you?
Where are you dad, where are you?
Where are you, where are you, where are you, dad?
Where is your dad?
Tell me, where is your dad!
Without even talking to him
He knows what's wrong
Huh, dad!
Tell me where you're hidden!
It must've been a million times I've
Counted my fingers
Where is your dad?
Tell me, where is your dad!
Without even talking to him
He knows what's wrong
Huh, dad!
Tell me where you're hidden!
It must've been a million times I've
Counted my fingers
Where are you, dad, where are you?
Where are you dad, where are you?
Where are you dad, where are you?
Where are you, where are you, where are you, dad?
Where are you dad, where are you?
Where are you dad, where are you?
Where are you dad, where are you?
Where are you, where are you, where are you, dad?


Terrific, terrific
You were terrific, I was terrible1,
we were terrific,
you were terrific,
I was terrible,
we were terrific.
Hey, baby, oops : young lady,
I swear I won't hit on you,
I am single and since yesterday, damn it,
I cannot have children, but anyway that's not... Hey, come back here!
Just a few minutes, come on, I did not insult you, I have my manners,
and I'm quite a bit plastered and for guys like me
you have other things to do, you could have seen me yesterday2,
when I was
Terrific, terrific
You were terrific, I was terrible,
we were terrific,
you were terrific,
I was terrible,
we were terrific.
Hey, take a look at yourself, think you're Mr Handsome
just because you got married?!
This is but a ring, man, don't get carried away,
she'll dump you like they always do,
now about the other girl, did you tell her?
I can tell her if you want, that will settle the matter,
and I'll tell the kid too, if you have children,
you just wait for 3 or 7 years, and then you'll see
how it's
terrific, terrific
You were terrific, I was terrible,
we were terrific,
you were terrific,
I was terrible,
we were terrific.
Eh girl, oh, sorry: boy,
you know, in life there are no good and bad guys,
if Mom is a pain, that's because she's afraid to be a granny,
if Dad cheats on Mom, that's because Mom is getting old, what else?
Why the blush? Come on, come back, boy,
and what's wrong with you all
staring at me like I was a monkey, eh?
Sure, you're such a bunch of saints,
you bunch of apes!
Give me a baby monkey, he will be
terrific, terrific
You were terrific, I was terrible,
we were terrific,
you were terrific,
I was terrible,
we were terrific.
  • 1. an attempt to render the pun on 'formidable' (amazing) and 'fort minable' (quite hopeless)
  • 2. in French from France that would be something like 'vous pourriez m'avoir vu hier'. Maybe that's a Belgian way of saying or maybe the way a drunk could speak

All the Same

Versions: #1
[Verse 1]
All you men are all the same
Macho but cheap
A band of wimpy unfaithfuls
So predictable. No, I'm not certain that you
deserve me
You're lucky we love you
Say 'thank you' to me
Meeting, meeting, meeting at the next [legal] settlement
Go, go, go surely at the next periods
[Verse 2]
This time is the last
You can believe it's a crisis
[Matte] a last time my behind.
It's beside my baggages
You will say goodbye to your mother who idolized you
You don't even see all that you lose
With another [woman] it would be worse
What? You also want to end it now?
The world's turned upside down!
I only said it to get a reaction... [you thought it to yourself]
[Verse 3]
It's easy to say I'm sentimental (soft and whiny)
And I like to much to bla bla bla
But no no no, what you call my periods are important
You know life is for having children
But as always, it's not the right moment
Oh, of course you're present to make them
But for raising them [you are absent]
When I'm no longer beautiful
Or at least natural
Stop, I know you're lying
Only Kate Moss is eternal/everlasting
Ugly or stupid, it's never good!
Stupid or beautiful, it's never good!
Beautiful or me, it's never good!
Me or her, it's never good!
All the same, all the same, all the same and we're fed up (x3)
All the same, all the same, all the same

So we dance

Versions: #6
So we dance... (x3)
When you say studies you mean work
When you say work you mean money
When you say money you mean debt
When you say debt you mean the bailiff
Yes: we mean being in deep shit
When we say love we mean kids
When we say 'forever' we mean divorce
When we say close family and friends, we mean grief
Because problems don't come alone
When we say crisis we mean the world, we mean famine and we mean the Third World
When we say fatigue we mean waking up still deaf from the night before
So we go out to forget all our problems
So we dance... (x9)
And so you say it is over because any worse would be death
When you think you are finally going well
There is more and more!
Is it music or problems, problems or music?
It grabs you by the guts, grabs you by the head
And you pray for it to be over
But it's your body, not heaven
So you cover your ears even more
And you scream louder and louder but its continues...
So we sing
Lalalalala, Lalalalala,
So we sing
Lalalalala, Lalalalala,
So we sing (x2)
And only when that is done (so we dance)
So we dance (x7)
And to our surprise, there is still more! (x5)


Dragostea e ca pasarea Twitter
Tu esti albastru pentru el, doar pentru 48 de ore
Intai ne intalnim, apoi ne dam follow,
Apoi ne despartim, si sfarsim singuri
(Ai grija de tine)
Si tuturor celor care iti dau like
Zambetele de plastic sunt adesea 'lovituri' de hashtag
(Ai grija de tine)
Ah, prietenii, cei adevarati, sau followerii
Faceti o greseala, sunteti doar populari
Ai grija de tine
Daca te iubesti
Am grija de mine
Daca ma iubesc
Grija de noi, grija de ei, grija de voi
Si apoi fiecare pentru el
Si asa iubim, iubim, iubim, iubim
Asa consumam, -sumam, -sumam, -sumam, -sumam (x4)
Iubirea este copilul consumului
El vrea mereu, mereu, mereu mai multe alegeri
Vrei sa-ti cada sentimentele din camion
Cererea si oferta este o singura lege unica
(Ai grija de tine)
'Dar eu deja stiu pericolele
Am pastrat chitanta si daca am nevoie, o s-o returnez
(Ai grija de tine)
Si daca am nevoie, o sa ma razbun
O sa pun pasarea asta ghinionista intr-o colivie
Si o sa o fac sa o cante
Ai grija de tine
Daca te iubesti
Am grija de mine
Daca ma iubesc
Grija de noi, grija de ei, grija de voi
Si apoi fiecare pentru el
Si asa iubim, iubim, iubim, iubim
Asa consumam, -sumam, -sumam, -sumam, -sumam (x4)
O zi cumperi, o zi iubesti
O zi arunci, o zi platesti
O zi o sa vezi, o sa ne iubim
Dar inainte vom muri toti, ca sobolanii

Om la apa

Eu om Papuan
Primitiv, tu nu?
Daca asta inseamna evolutie,
Atunci eu nu vreau sa evoluez
Eu vorbeste de ghetari
Daca topeste, eu supar
Stiu unde sa te gasesc
Cand o sa stai ca mine
Dar desigur, retine-ma
Piercinguri peste tot, ca mine
Gaura ca cea de ozon
O sa te fac sa porti o 'garda de penis' (1)
Dar zboara, zboara, calatoreste
Fa-ti documetarele
Tine-ti nasul sus
Scuipa in bolul tau de supa
In lumea ta high-class
Eu? N-am vrut-o niciodata
Sigur, tu asa crezi
Dar cineva nu vorbeste
Cand nu stie
Taci din gura, idiotule
Asculta de Mama Natura
Nu fi surprins
Miroase a lovitura de stat
Om la apa!
Om la apa!
Dar micule om modern
De ce vorbesti urat cu mine
Eu respect pigmeii
Asa ca respecta masaii
Eu iti respect terrierul
Asa ca respecta-mi pamantul
Eu respect insectele
Asa ca respecta mamiferele
Trebuie sa mai spun o data?
Vrei sa-ti spun pe litere?
Tu nu intelegi
Tu nu vorbesti
Sau poate tu nu gandesti?
Saracul, are nevoie de ajutor,
Prietenul lui, sa-l ajutam
Hai sa numim un reprezentant
Care va numi in alt reprezentant
Taci din gura, imbecilule,
Chiar daca 'chip', taci
Prea periculos sa fii auzit
Chiar si la ora asta
E un eufemism
Da, te-am romanticizat
Si cultura prostiei
Da, sunt rasist fata de asta
Om la apa!
Om la apa!
Elicopterul tau a trecut pe aici de patru ori
Si tot satul e suparat
Treci, treci, dar ai grija
Daca intr-o zi se prabuseste
Nu sunt gasti sau politie,
Nu, nu e o zona din aia aici
Jaguarii nu sunt sefi aici
Casa mea e Amazonul
Sau era, ma rog, ce a mai ramas
Dar ai grija de tufisuri
Pune mana pe padurea mea din nou
Si o sa-ti tai penisul
Tu si toti papagalii tai
Cristofor Columbii tai
E prea tarziu pentru scuze
In numele Potopului (2)
3G, 4G sau gunoi uitat
G8, G20, sau m-am-cacat-si-l-am-ascuns-bine
Ati decis totul fara ca noi sa stim
As vrea sa fiu auzit, de asemenea
Asa ca opreste-te acum
Esti prost sau ce?
Studiile nu-ti dau toate raspunsurile
Om la apa!
Om la apa!