Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 5
Raiul în braţele mele
Cine a pus stelele în ochii bebeluşului?Cine a îndepărtat întunericul din noaptea păstorilor?
Cine a legat o coroană în părul tău?
Înţelepţilor spuneţi-mi, cine mi-a adus pe dragul meu copil?
Tu eşi la fel ca toţi ceilalţi, copil al promisiunilor
Copilul meu, vei aduce speranţă în această lume ?
Eşti comoara inimilor, cum pot să te apăr?
Trebuie să car însuşi raiul în fustele mele?
Cine a adus lacrimi în ochii bebeluşului?
De ce te agăţi de mama ta tremurând?
Acum umbrele o repetă, îngerul a plecat
Îmi amintesc toată frumuseţea , totuşi nu pot să-nţeleg
Tu eşi la fel ca toţi ceilalţi, copil al promisiunilor
Copilul meu, vei aduce speranţă în această lume ?
Eşti comoara inimilor, cum pot să te apăr?
Trebuie să car însuşi raiul în fustele mele?
Aici fiecare zi aduce această bucurie cerească
O blândeţe, o dragoste în ochii oamenilor
Cuvintele pe care le-am auzit nu le voi uita niciodată
Fie ce-o fi, ele-mi vor da mereu putere
Tu eşi la fel ca toţi ceilalţi, copil al promisiunilor
Copilul meu, vei aduce speranţă în această lume ?
Eşti comoara inimilor, cum pot să te apăr?
Trebuie să car însuşi raiul în fustele mele?
Cine a pus stelele în ochii bebeluşului?
Steaua eternă străluceşte deasupra Betlehemului
Where are they heading, where do they come from
Where are those clouds of the sky headingand where does the sun set
Where do the stars spend their days
and from where arrives the full moon
Where are the migrating birds heading
and where does the white snow come from
Where do the leaves of the forest tree come from
Even though I wonder, I fathom not
But I do know that
they must be preserved
Them I'd never replace
Without them, melancholic would my life be
Without them, hard would everything be
Where do the waters of the forests come from
and where is the tiny fish heading
Where do the little flowers of the forests come from
Even though I wonder, I fathom not
But I do know that
they must be preserved
Them I'd never replace
Without them, melancholic would my life be
Without them, hard would everything be
This World Needs Love
This world needs ChristmasSo that the darkest night of all
Could see the eternal light
Which as yearning eats up the heart
If we manage to hide
All things beautiful from each other
This world needs Christmas
To reveal our love
What's wrong with peace among people
What's wrong with a prayer
That echoes over the cities during Christmas
What's wrong with love
This world needs love
Just like darkness under darkness needs light
It's useless to say anything else, it's useless to resist
This world needs love
Do all the children have food
Have the guns already fallen silent
Good will among people
Have our dreams come true
If it is so, we can say thank you for everything
Then the world is ready
Nothing else is needed, it is enough
Then Christmas is useless
What's wrong with peace among people
What's wrong with a prayer
That echoes over the cities during Christmas
What's wrong with love
This world needs love
Just like darkness under darkness needs light
It's useless to say anything else, it's useless to resist
This world needs love
This world needs love
Just like darkness under darkness needs light
It's useless to say anything else, it's useless to resist
This world needs love
The men of my life
You bathed me and put to sleepLifted me back on top of my bike
Healing scratches by breathing on them
When I felt bad and was defying
I found a firm shoulder
A line for my life you showed
The men of my life, strong and tender
The men of my life, great and small
The gift of time,
The gift of heart,
that fears nothing, that fears nothing
The gift of time,
The gift of heart,
that fears nothing, that fears nothing
You listened and waited
Breaking down my uncertainty
Loving right, you tamed me
The men of my life, strong and tender
The men of my life, great and small
The gift of time,
The gift of heart,
that fears nothing, that fears nothing
The gift of time,
The gift of heart,
that fears nothing, that fears nothing
In the swing of a playground small carrier of light
The speed and laugh, the bliss on bottom of my tummy
I hold you on my lap, you're always part of me
The gift of time,
The gift of heart,
that fears nothing, that fears nothing
The gift of time,
The gift of heart,
The gift of time,
The gift of heart,
that fears nothing, that fears nothing