Rezultatele căutării pagină 5
Număr de rezultate: 146
Lisa Cea Tristă !
Ea capul și-l apleacă
Și plânge pe-al meu tricou
Ea probabil foarte rău e rănită
Spune-mi, care-ți este motivul tristeții tale, Li?
Deschide-ți a ta 'ușă'
Nu te ascunde în întuneric'
Tu pierdută ești în întuneric,..în mine poți a te încrede !
Fiindcă tu știi
Așa-i firesc să fie !!
Lisa Lisa, tristă Lisa Lisa.
Ai ei ochii precum ferestre
Abundati de ploaie
În durere scufandandu-se
Deși iubirea-mi vrea a o elibera
Ea singură pășește'
Dintr-un 'zid într-un altul'
Pierdută în camera ei , ea nu mă poate auzi
Deși eu știu că ea adoră a fi aproape de mine
Lisa Lisa, tristă Lisa Lisa.
Ea stă într-un colț lângă ușă
Eu trebuie a-i trasmite foarte mult
De ea vrea ca eu să o ajut ,
Eu voi face tot ce-mi e în putere , să-i arăt a ei cale
Iar poate într-o bună zi o voi 'elibera
Deși eu știu că ea-i nevăzută/neînțeleasă de nimeni
Lisa Lisa, tristă Lisa Lisa
Iubitule tânãr
--- 1 ---
În seara asta nu vorbim despre noapte
Cãci panã-n zori vreau sã mã ostoesc
Dorinta din pieptul meu e-n soapte
Ea nu-mi spune sã mã potolesc.
--- R ---
Iubitule tânãr, barca e putredã asa
Si pe vreme rea în inima ta
Iubitule tânãr, uitã-te putin cu rãgaz
Cãci sfârsitul poate veni în orice ceas.
--- 2 ---
Furã o lacrima de primavarã
Din visele tale de-o searã
Si pune-mi-o într-o scrisoare
Împreunã cu a ta urare.
--- R ---
Iubitule tânãr, barca e putredã asa
Si pe vreme rea în inima ta
Iubitule tânãr, uitã-te putin cu rãgaz
Cãci sfârsitul poate veni în orice ceas.
You're young and beautiful and me like a goddess
And someone like you can't be born twice
You're both med and pain for my wounds
And then I ask myself why don't you come back
Arms can't embrace
As much as lips can lie
And heart can't love
As much as eyes can cry
And I just want a moment and an eye to eye look
You're cold as ice and Moët at night
Even if years pass
I keep the words 'I love you'
To tell you again like I used to those days
Lips that used to kiss
Allowed you to kill them
But you've sworn that I'll never be alone
Now I sleep alone
Without you I'm not myself
Like a street without a number
All of my secrects
I'd only tell you
And you know very well
That somewhere there I'm on
The half of the way to happiness
You're just the only thing that's missing
Arms can't embrace
As much as lips can lie
And heart can't love
As much as eyes can cry
And I just want a moment and an eye to eye look
You're cold as ice and Moët at night
Chorus: 1x
Now I sleep alone
Now I sleep alone
Now I sleep alone
The best
Would have been if I left when nobody knew
Somewhere where nobody understands me - doesn't know what is wrong with me,
And doesn't even wonder until it is found out,
That I have already been missing the whole eternity,
That I have already been missing the whole eternity....
I wonder myself,
Which wish never dies,
It eats me from inside, hunts me and pulls me,
To keep me alive, to ask all of me,
And it doesn't stop,
It never stops....
They stand still eternally,
We are just passing through,
In the night, in the speed,
Long roads,
I want to cross them all,
I won't do it on time...
Find me,
There where my traces are invisible,
Crazed by all the doubt and betrayal,
Then when you get to me, when you pass over me,
Keep me then,
And just hold me...
They stand still eternally,
We are just passing through,
In the night, in the speed,
Long roads,
I want to cross them all,
I won't do it on time...
Dreaming of the Sun
I can't take it no more
Weeks and weeks of rain
Everything seems then cold and hard
Bleaker than the grayest city
Then I might join in
and stand in the cold
But I've had enough of that feeling
No, that's is not something for me
So you know what
I simply start dreaming of the Sun
Of the light with which it all began
Of the warmth that I miss so bad sometimes
And it seems like that's all there is
The Sun in California
sung about and famous
All seems even more beautiful then
It even makes yourself more beautiful
The light in North Dakota
doesn't get mentioned so often
From horizon to horizon
They sometimes joke about it
But you know what
I simply start dreaming of the Sun
Of the light with which it all began
Of the warmth that I miss so bad sometimes
And it seems like that's all there is
Of the warmth that I miss so bad sometimes
And it seems like that's all there is
I simply start dreaming of the Sun
Of the light with which it all began
Of the warmth that I miss so bad sometimes
And it seems like that's all there is
I made this!
You can go ahead and copypaste it to your heart's content, but only if that makes you feel special.
We are the Crystal Gems
We... We are gems!
We always save the day!
You think we won't,
But we, of course, will!
And people believe in us, fear is against us.
Garnet and Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven!
Number three
When you come, knock
on the door or, or, or,
so I could hear you.
If I'm not home,
it means that I'm gone,
because I was cuddling with my blanket for too long.
When you love me, love me,
when you dream about me, dream about me,
when you cheat, cheat on me,
like no one can see.
When I love you, I love you,
When I dream about you, I dream about you,
when I cheat, you became number three for me.
Bed is only for two,
there is no space for you,
if you are number three.
If I'm not home,
it means I'm gone,
Because I was cuddling with my blanket for too long.
Dwoje fajnych ludzi
Teraz, kiedy już zdałem twój test,
Jak mógłbym udowodnić, że cię nigdy nie zawiodę.
Jeśli dokuczyłem ci - przepraszam -
Nie miałem nigdy takiego zamiaru.
Teraz, kiedy pocałowałem twoją pierś,
Jak mógłbym udowodnić, że cię nigdy nie zasmucę.
Ale nawet jeśli by się stało, wierz mi, że te łzy już nigdy nie powrócą.
Kocham cię tak, że gwiazdy mogą zblednąć
a góry rozpaść się w pył.
Ja kocham cię, dopóki moje ciało nie zamieni w starca mnie.
Kocham cię, a piosenka którą śpiewam to jedyny sposób aby ci to wytłumaczyć.
La la la la la la
Wiesz, że nic od ciebie nie chcę oprócz starych dobrych czasów.
Gwiazdki z nieba nie dam ci, ale mogę ofiarować owo la-la-la
La la la la la la
Czyż mógłbym cię okłamać? Już nie będę ci dokuczał
I zatroszczę się o wszystko, czego tylko chcesz.
Spełnię każde twe żądanie, kochanie.
Kocham cię tak, że czas nie liczy się
A bałwany śnieżne śpią razem z morskimi.
Naprawdę, pragnę tylko tego, abyś ty pragnęła mnie.
Kocham cię, a piosenka, którą teraz śpiewam
Jest sposobem na wyjaśnienie tego ci.
(Kobieta:) Teraz, gdy odkryłam twe serce na nowo.
Zostanę z tobą i nigdy nie zostawię cię samego.
Gdziekolwiek mnie zapragniesz,
Tam przybędę by cię mieć i tulić.
A gdy chmury powrócą, nie opuszczaj moich ramion
Nigdy nie wylądujemy, unoszeni dzięki sile uczucia
I szybując dzięki sile miłości.
Kocham cię tak,
Że nie dbam o zmienność czasu i o góry w pył obracające się.
Ja cię kocham, aż tacy sami powrócimy na ziemię
Kocham cię, zaś ta piosenka, którą właśnie śpiewam
Jest sposobem aby ci to wytłumaczyć.
Dwoje fajnych ludzi powinnom kochać się.
Dwoje fajnych ludzi powinno sobie pomagać.
Dwoje fajnych ludzi powinnom kochać się.
Dwoje fajnych ludzi powinno sobie pomagać.
Copyright: Tomasz Piwowarek.
Longing for too long
I don't want to feel anything but this
Would mostly like to stay where I'm at right now.
No nowhere,
Would I rather be than here
Look as us driving though a vast (empty) country
And all of a sudden I almost grab your hand
But I'm too afraid.
Maybe I'll do it tonight.
Thought of all kinds of things
That I was going to say
And tonight I though
I've been Longing too long
for you.
I don't want this feeling to stop.
I want you to know what I mean.
O why,
Can't I do this like everyone else can.
Friday evening in a saloon
A band plays and we're attending
We're dancing.
We're dancing the borders away.
Thought of all kinds of things
What I was going to day
And tonight I say
I've been longing for too long
Longing for you too long
I don't want to feel anything but this
Would mostly like to stay where I'm at right now.
O femeie îndrăgostită
Mă urc în mașină,
Plec în miez de noapte
Și mă pierd pe străzi,
Nu contează unde mă îndrept,
Mă las dus de val
În plasele tale, la noapte, iarăși.
Spune-mi, ce fac de te rănesc?
De ce mereu mă rănești?
De ce distrugi
visele mele în fiecare noapte?
Când o femeie e îndrăgostită,
e mai nebună decât însăși nebunia,
Sigură pe ea și hotărâtă,
nici măcar nu atinge pământul.
Când o femeie e îndrăgostită,
e mai nebună decât însăși nebunia,
Sigură pe ea și hotărâtă,
nici măcar nu atinge pământul.
Ca o flacără,
gelozia arde în mine,
Trupul mi-e în flăcări,
Inima mea se zbate,
Se pierde în sute de clipe
și durerea mea nu poate fi explicată.
Spune-mi, ce fac de te rănesc?
De ce mereu mă rănești?
De ce distrugi
visele mele în fiecare noapte?
In picioare pana in zori
Uneori, cand iubirea cheama
Incerc doar sa o iau incet, oh
Vine alta dimineata
Ca ingerii noptii, oh
Pe drumul nostru
Spre golf
Uimit de modul in care soarele straluceste pe fata ta, oh
Daca tu spui
Ca vei ramane
Am putea sa simtim dragostea si sa dansam toata noaptea
Oh, noaptea este tanara
Noi bem cockteiluri in soare
DJ-ul da acest cantec
Tu si eu vom continua inca si inca
Noi doar ne distram
Este atat de bine incat cred ca asta este fals
Vom fi in picioare pana in zori
Uneori, fara avertisment
Plec ca sa dau al meu suflet cuiva, tu stii
Tu pleci cu el si imi lasi dorinta
Pentru aceasta noapte speciala inca una mai mult, sunt in picioare pentru mai mult
Pe drumul nostru
Spre golf
Uimit de modul in care soarele straluceste pe fata ta, oh
Daca tu spui
Ca vei ramane
Am putea sa simtim dragostea si sa dansam toata noaptea
Oh, noaptea este tanara
Noi bem cockteiluri in soare
DJ-ul da acest cantec
Tu si eu vom continua inca si inca
Noi doar ne distram
Este atat de bine incat cred ca asta este fals
Vom fi in picioare pana in zori
Batai de inima indepartate
Tot ceea ce ia iubirea este
Doar a ta, bataie de inima
Si am putea transforma acest lucru in ceva superb
Oh, noaptea este tanara
Noi bem cockteiluri in soare
DJ-ul da acest cantec
Tu si eu vom continua inca si inca
Noi doar ne distram
Este atat de bine incat cred ca asta este fals
Vom fi in picioare pana in zori
Vom fi in picioare pana in zori
Orice s-ar întâmpla
Orice s-ar întâmpla, orice s-ar întâmpla...
Orice s-ar întâmpla, orice s-ar întâmpla...
Orice, orice, orice...
Orice s-ar întâmpla, nu da drumul mâinii mele! (x4)
Nu da drumul!
Orice s-ar întâmpla,oh, orice s-ar întâmpla...
Orice s-ar întâmpla, oh, orice s-ar întâmpla...
Ințelege, nu da drumul mâinii mele!
Nu da drumul! (x8)
Nu da drumul, iubito!
Nu da drumul...
Nu da drumul mâinii mele!
The frogs
Chinlapangla chinlapangla chinlapangla baby (x2)
Once upon a time there wa a little boy
who liked to stroll in the countryside.
And on a beautiful afternoon he went toward
the swamps,
there where the willow weeps on the ground and the air is all damp,
and the moss flowing down the cypresses
looks like a sullen-eyed monster.
Just there where the frogs live!
And so this little boy sits on a log
and listens to the frogs.
At first they only speak the frog tongue.
Some say 'croak croak',
others go 'ribbit ribbit
and the biggest [whistling].
And you can even hear occasionally
some frogs going 'he he he he'.
Soon this little boy closes his eyes to hear them better.
He keeps listening to the frogs, and there!
He discovers that frogs
are no longer speaking in frog language,
not at all: they speak the language of people!
For instance there was one saying 'where are you?' (x16)
And another answering 'I am here' (x7)
And yet another asking 'Where exactly?' (x7)
A toad comes and answers 'In the mud' (x7)
And there was this elderly gramps, nearly singing
that says 'Kidnap him, kidnap him',
and a very tiny frog says 'I can't, I can't, I can't'.
And then the tribal chief,
the 'boss frog' as they say in the US,
with its big green eyes,
pokes its head out of the water and says 'Booooo!'
And all the frogs leap into the water and swim
away, saying 'ki cha ke too ki cha ke too ki cha ke too'
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.
Why is it so boring? Whatever I do, I’m not interested
Why is time so slow?
Everything is just so annoying
It’s hard
Each day is the same
I wanna fling everything away (go) and just play
Don’t stop me, I’m goin out
I wanna forget everything (go) and just play
I’m telling the night sky
Gonna play today!
Everyone only nags me
Honestly, what did I do so wrong?
Do this, do that, how do they have so much to say?
Getting tired
It’s hard
Each day is the same
I wanna fling everything away (go) and just play
Don’t stop me, I’m goin out
I wanna forget everything (go) and just play
I’m telling the night sky
Oh ohoh
I don’t want something amazing
I want a good night
Oh ohoh
Not saying I’m gonna do something amazing
I just want a good night
I wanna fling everything away (go) and just play
Don’t stop me, I’m goin out
I wanna forget everything (go) and just play
I’m telling the night sky
Gonna play today!
Gonna play today!
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.
Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.
What are you driving
She's dangerous like a virus
With her there's no way you can be anonymous
As much as it's good it's also bad
You give her your heart but she wants a Porche
She had relationships before me
If I were to count them now I won't be able to finish counting
As soon as a new model of Bugatti shows up
The old dude ends up in the dumpster
But when she touches me I go crazy
She gives me a thousand volts
And I easily fall in love with that
But with her that's where you end
She knows just one thing
She knows just one thing
She knows just one thing
To ask what are you driving
Nothing except that
She doesn't need to know
She doesn't need to know
That you love her love her
But when she touches me I go crazy
She gives me a thousand volts
And I easily fall in love with that
But with her that's where you end
And she likes it she's seeing everybody
To pin a place where she goes to often
As much as it's good it's also bad
Everybody knows me for her nothing's off limits
But when she goes crazy like a fire from a gun
Always stronger, always better but she's just mine
As much as it's good it's also bad
Just keep calm or she'll throw a hook
She knows just one thing
She knows just one thing
She knows just one thing
To ask what are you driving
Nothing except that
She doesn't need to know
She doesn't need to know
That you love her love her
Why is it so boring?
Whatever I do, I’m not interested
Why is time so slow?
Everything is just so annoying
It’s hard
Each day is the same
I wanna fling everything away (go)
And just play
Don’t stop me, I’m goin out
I wanna forget everything (go)
And just play
I’m telling the night sky
Gonna play today!
Everyone only nags me
Honestly, what did I do so wrong?
Do this, do that, how do they have so much to say?
Getting tired
It’s hard
Each day is the same
I wanna fling everything away (go)
And just play
Don’t stop me, I’m goin out
I wanna forget everything (go)
And just play
I’m telling the night sky
Oh ohoh
I don’t want something amazing
I want a good night
Oh ohoh
Not saying I’m gonna do something amazing
I just want a good night
I wanna fling everything away (go)
And just play
Don’t stop me, I’m goin out
I wanna forget everything (go)
And just play
I’m telling the night sky
Gonna play today!
Gonna play today!
Cu un cuvant de-al tau
Viata isi schimba culoarea
Nu ma intreba de ce
Daca te iubesc sau de ce.
Sunt indragostit dar nu stiu unde duce asta,
Nu am nici un raspuns, nu stiu motivul
Sunt indragostit chiar si cand ma uit la tine
Vreau sa fiu pierdut in ochii tai
Vreau cu tine sa traiesc fiecare moment
Ceea ce simt nu se va termina, nu se va pierde.