Rezultatele căutării pagină 3
Număr de rezultate: 81
Fields of Excuses
On one hand, by myself, I was a king
On the other, I was with you
I sleep on the other side of the bed
The questions arise nonstop
And your face is sweet and sour
Leave it, I'm gonna run far away
To be a little quiet
How do I get out of this now
If I am not for myself, who is for me
When will you answer me
It didn't happen with Nilly
Nor with her sister Sivan
We went to Greece, lit up a grill, a little smoke
I took out my guitar, sang an old song
'If you'll remember me, Sivan'
Oy oy oy, if you'll remember him, Sivan
Fields of excuses I sow
It's not me, it's you
With cutting corners, I got my PhD
Because you want to know everything
And who is this girl that called me
Honey, you got a little message from Tony
It's platonic
How do I get out of this now
If I am not for myself, who is for me
When will you answer me
It didn't happen with Nilly
Nor with her sister Sivan
We went to Greece, lit up a grill, a little smoke
I took out my guitar, sang an old song
'If you'll remember me, Sivan'
Oy oy oy, if you'll remember me, Sivan
King Hans
King Hans he's sitting in Copenhagen
He has the payment order written
Sending it to Northern Jutland
In good faith to Erik Ottesøn
There will never be such a rich Queen coming to Denmark
You're appealing for the poor widows
Who'll give birth to fatherless children
You're appealing for the poor inmates
Don't let them die in that tower
There will never be such a rich Queen coming to Denmark
And you shall not tax the poor farmer
I don't want that
But if you're lacking gold or silver
You speak to your father
There will never be such a rich Queen coming to Denmark
O Meliboeus, a god grants us this peace-
a god to me forever, upon whose altar
a young lamb from our folds will often bleed.
he has allowed,you see, my herds to wander
and me to play as I will on shepherd's pipes.
Your footsteps
I will come at an end of sunset sky,
Being crucified with the waiting.
I will forever forget the lost day.
I will teach myself not to hear,
I will teach myself not to see,
As if I no more exist in this world.
I meet each day's beginning
At the altar of sorrow,
Kissing flowers you used to love.
At nights and days, overlooking hours and hours,
Again and again I am waiting for your footsteps,
Your footsteps.
Can't sing, can' sleep,
Still remembering what I've started to forget,
Wandering at nights as if being underwater.
I don't build castles in the air.
Perhaps, a castle is not worth it?
I learned to not be myself.
I meet each day's beginning
At the altar of sorrow
Kissing flowers you used to love.
At nights and days, overlooking hours and hours,
Again and again I am waiting for your footsteps,
Your footsteps.
I meet each day's beginning
At the altar of sorrow
Kissing flowers you used to love.
At nights and days, ... hours and hours
Again and again I am waiting for your footsteps,
Your footsteps.
Two times two equals four
Two times two equals four, two times two equals four
Everyone in the whole world knows this
Two times two equals four
Everyone in the whole world knows this
Two times two equals four, two times two equals four
And not three and not five - this you need to know
Two times two equals four
And not six and not seven - it is clear to everyone
Three times three is forever nine - nothing can be done here
And it's not difficult to calculate how many will be five times five
Five times five is twenty-five
Five times five is twenty-five - absolutely correct!
Two times two equals four, two times two equals four
Everyone in the whole world knows this
Two times two equals four
Everyone in the whole world knows this
Two times two equals four, two times two equals four
And not three and not five - this you need to know
Two times two equals four
And not six and not seven - it is clear to everyone
Who has friends, let's ask them
Six times eight is forty-eight
Six times six - make no mistake -
always will be thirty-six. Six times six
thirty-six. Six times six
thirty-six - absolutely correct!
Two times two equals four, two times two equals four
Everyone in the whole world knows this
Two times two equals four
Everyone in the whole world knows this
Two times two equals four, two times two equals four
And not three and not five - this you need to know
Two times two equals four
And not six and not seven - it is clear to everyone
Two times two equals four, two times two equals four
And not three and not five - this you need to know
Two times two equals four
And not six and not seven - it is clear to everyone
Fly Us, My Heart
Fly us, my heart & don't tell me what way
My love is with me, don't ask me (to) where are we going.. (to) where are we going
(to) where.. (to) where
Roses since the days of my loneliness disputed with all their lovers
& left me to my luck & chance, for fear that I'll end up like them
Now we will go to them (roses) together
& make it right between them, light & air.
We're flying on the wing of gladness (contentment)
You are the love & soul for me
Fly us, my heart & don't tell me what way
My love is with me, don't ask me (to) where are we going.. (to) where are we going
(to) where.. (to) where
My drifting (lost) soul, I saw it (realized).. Run to me world & come close
I met her.. I talked to her.. Who could ever have believed that
From this day & on, our love
Will never be absent inside us
& from today up to a hundred year
You are the love & soul for me
Fly us, my heart & don't tell me what way
My love is with me, don't ask me (to) where are we going.. (to) where are we going
(to) where.. (to) where
Time of our lives
Aici se termină capitolul
și începe unul nou
a venit timpul pentru a renunța
cea mai grea parte este când știi
Toți acești ani când am fost aici se termină
dar îmi amintesc mereu
Am avut timpul vieții noastre
iar acum pagina este transformată
povestile pe care le vom scrie
am avut timpul vieții noastre
și nu voi uita chipurile lăsate în urmă
este greu să pleci de la cele mai bune zile
dar dacă trebuie să se termine, mă bucur că ai fost prietenul meu
în timpul vieții noastre
Unde apa are nevoie de pământ
se schimbă în nisip
cum ar fi strâmtoarea și inundațiile
amintirile vor disparea și vor merge
Toți acești ani când am fost aici se termină
dar îmi amintesc mereu
Am avut timpul vieții noastre
iar acum pagina este transformată
povestile pe care le vom scrie
am avut timpul vieții noastre
și nu voi uita chipurile lăsate în urmă
este greu să pleci de la cele mai bune zile
dar dacă trebuie să se termine, mă bucur că ai fost prietenul meu
în timpul vieții noastre
Spunem la revedere, ne ținem bine
la aceste amintiri care nu mor niciodată
Spunem la revedere, ne ținem bine
la aceste amintiri care nu mor niciodată
Am avut timpul vieții noastre
iar acum pagina este transformată
povestile pe care le vom scrie
am avut timpul vieții noastre
și nu voi uita chipurile lăsate în urmă
este greu să pleci de la cele mai bune zile
dar dacă trebuie să se termine, mă bucur că ai fost prietenul meu
în timpul vieții noastre
If I believed in ghosts
Then I'd say
I've become like that
When my spirit was crushed
My body was kept
Like a memorial
I do not recognize even my own gaze
I've anticipated I've changed
But not this completely
Before the sun is a period of night
To slowly do the devils work
What I wanted
What I needed
What I thought was important
In love with power
Relieved from the feeling
Lost everything that is shaped like a human
I've succeeded before
To climb somehow
On the chair of a despot
Like how I was loved
How I was fought for
Everything was forgiven
Reflection changes depending on the gaze
Soon is my autocracys
Last sunrise
Before the sun is a period of night
To slowly do the devils work
What I wanted
What I needed
What I thought was important
In love with power
Relieved from the feeling
Lost everything that is shaped like a human
I do not recognize even my own gaze
I've anticipated I've changed
But not this completely
Before the sun is a period of night
To slowly do the devils work
What I wanted
What I needed
What I thought was important
In love with power
Relieved from the feeling
Avoided everything that is shaped like a human
Versions: #2
Cai cu armuri, mănuși din oțel,
Lame de argint, timpul pentru a dezvălui
Unde sunt tiranii care păzesc ținutul.
Mândri pe tronurile noastre aurite,
Slujitori ai marilor noștri strămoși
Care păzeau porțile până la infinit
Odată, regii umbrelor,
Pe aceste câmpuri înnegrite
Toate puterea și dominația
Au condus tărâmul de deasupra.
Ziduri de necucerit, arma puterii
Splendoare și nobilitate, vremuri barbare
Suntem tiranii care păzesc ținutul,
Mândri pe tronurile noastre aurite.
Regii la cârmă, pe tronurile lor,
Nemuritori și invincibili, puterea trăiește mai departe.
Armatele s-au avântat peste ținuturi,
Aici se rostogolesc râurile de roșu,
Dincolo de asta, nu a călcat picior de om.
Cai cu armuri, mănuși din oțel,
Lame de argint, timpul pentru a dezvălui
Unde sunt tiranii care păzesc ținutul.
Mândri pe tronurile noastre aurite,
Clipe se rostogolesc
Adânc în minte
Gândurile hoinăresc libere și nesfârșite
Amintind vremea tiranilor...
Oh my falcon
Oh my falcon I spent time training you well how to hunt
So that I can practice my hobby (hunting), and you be up to my expectations
When Houbaras fly up in the sky
Escaping predators to somewhere safe
Fly fast and catch that bird
Aim for their leader, the largest one of them
Catch them from the neck like a wolf
I don't think the bird is brave enough to do the same to you
Let the wind spread this bird's feathers everywhere
And the one who has a falcon that is not a good hunter
Will feel sad and disappointed
Especially when we gather up after hunting
And talk about our falcons and their hunts today
And the one who stays late in the hunting field
We'll send him a Jeeb to bring him in, while we prepare our meal
Do you have 3 min? Please fill this for me!
I Beg You Bee Eater
I beg you oh bee-eater bird
You are journeying in their direction
Say hi to my loved ones for me
And tell me how they are and what happened
On the hills of the forgotten sun
On the leaf of the yellow sycamore
We fly and soar higher little by little
While the world becomes smaller
And with the fig orchards, October calls, my darling
So often with the silence of the turtle doves, I hear your voice call me
My night and my fear is that some night my family will wail
Secrets tire me and secrets sadden me, my darling
Pasărea amurgului
Flutură-ți aripile, pasărea amurgului,
Zboară la casa iubitei mele,
Am învelit inima mea în mesajul tău,
Dă-i iubitei scrisoarea mea.
Spune-i că-mi lipsește și dorul ei mă scarifică,
Spune-i că despărțirea mă rănește.
Focul meu, focul meu, ah, focul meu,
Numai Dumnezeu știe ce e cu mine,
Tristețea mi-e tovarășă și vecină,
Sunt pierdut, condu-mă pe drumul meu.
Bătăile inimii mele depind
De atingerea mâinilor tale blânde,
Viața mea e osândită fără ea,
Pasăre, spune-i să se întoarcă la mine!
Teer Enta
طير انت واني الكاع لابد تحط يوم
ترجعلي ترجعلي متطير للدوم
فاركني علك فوك مابين الغيوم
من اتزخ مطر دنياك ترجعلي مهموم
ترجعلي ترجعلي متطير للدوم
امشي ما عندي اي شك
ترجع لحضني عشك
يعني قابل اغشك اني
اتحملت يما يما روح ودرب السلامة
تيجي تمشي بندامه ثاني
Aria of the Stoned Fighters
Try to guess my riddle at once
Try to cerebrate
And if you guess the riddle, then
Your box will be safe
If only you don't guess the riddle
We'll fuck you then in squat
Well, then in skipping and in a jump
We're shattered your box
Well, the riddle,
Is simple like a chery from the box:
Hair, hair,
And the sausage in the middle
Well, the riddle,
Is simple like a cherry from the box:
What is hair,
And the sausage in the middle
I see, you don't want to answer the question
Push your lips and ask for something
Pushing your eyes out of the orbits
And your box blows into a thirds
Well, the riddle,
Is simple like a chery from the box:
Hair, hair,
And the sausage in the middle
Well, the riddle,
Is simple like a cherry from the box:
What is hair,
And the sausage in the middle
An answer: corn
Tibor from QS-FB
Four Suns
The four suns shine for joy
the tilde rises when you've had enough.
And the four suns shine,
the people under them aren't cold,
you're like a small child
and you can start over again.
I know, sometimes it doesn't work,
I know, everything will pass.
The four suns shine for joy,
I'll cross the river, a bridge leads over it.
And the four suns shine,
the people under them aren't cold,
you're like a small child
and you can start over again.
I know, sometimes it doesn't work,
I know, everything will pass.
The four suns shine for joy
the tilde rises when you've had enough.
The four suns shine,
the people under them aren't cold,
you're like a small child
and you can start over again.
I know, sometimes it doesn't work,
I know, everything will pass.
I know, sometimes it doesn't work,
I know, everything will pass.
The four suns shine for joy
the tilde rises when you've had enough.
And you crazy woman keep on torturing me
Look at me, behind tires and wheels
placed steadily in a press
look at me, behind wings made of glass
attached firmly to my body only because you liked it
And you crazy woman keep on torturing me
embittering me from dawn to dusk
you look like a witch's daughter
whose face is shapeshifting in the darkness
Look at me, have been following the trails for 16 hours
being born and dying on the steering wheel
look at me, 16 hours is too much time to pass by
in the unbreathable murderous air
The Rain
All day long the rain has been falling,
Drumming windows' glasses,
Dripping from roofs,
Flowing over the ground.
Exhausted sky
Spills the heavenly sadness
As the rain
On weak shoulders.
The rain is drumming windows' glasses,
Dripping from roofs,
And each drop
Is a tear for someone.
All day long the rain has been falling,
And through the sulky sky
Someone pensive
Looks at me...
Looks at me...
# In the grey drops of the rain
All that is a waste will be shed away
(By?) the tidy washed day
Beside transparent glass.
Closing the eyes,
the soul was awakening.
Faces and frames flashed
On a black-and-white screen... #
In the gaps of clouds,
A weakening ray
Of outgoing day
glimpses and fades.
But I know
That in unendingly bad weather,
In the grey rain
Someone remembers me.
The rain is falling,
Dripping from roofs,
And each drop
Is a tear for someone.
All day long the rain has been falling,
And through the sulky sky
Someone pensive
Looks at me...
Looks at me...
# In the grey drops of the rain
All that is a waste will be shed away
(By?) the tidy washed day
Beside transparent glass.
Closing the eyes,
the soul was awakening.
Faces and frames flashed
On a black-and-white screen... #