Rezultatele căutării pagină 2
Număr de rezultate: 56
Sărutul adevăratei iubiri
Când îl întâlneşti pe cel care-a fost menit pentru tine,
Înainte ca doi să poată deveni unul,
Există ceva ce trebuie să faci.
Vă trageţi unul altuia cozile ?
Vă hrăniţi unul pe altul cu seminţe?
Există ceva mai dulce de care fiecare are nevoie,
Visam la sărutul adevăratei iubiri,
Şi un prinţ sper că vine cu acesta.
Acesta este ce aduce batrâneţi atât de fericite.
Şi acesta este motivul pentru care avem atâta nevoie de buze,
Pentru că buzele sunt singurele lucruri care se ating,
Deci ca să petreci o viaţă de fericire fără sfârşit
Găseşte pe cine iubeşti doar prin sărutul adevăratei iubiri.
Ea visa la sărutul adevăratei iubiri,
Şi un prinţ, speră ea, vine cu acesta.
Acesta este ce aduce adânci bătrâneţi atât de fericite.
Acesta este motivul pentru care avem atâta nevoie de buze,
Pentru că buzele sunt singurele lucruri care se ating.
Deci ca să petreci o viaţă de fericre fără sfârşit
Găseşte pe cine iubeşti doar prin sărutul adevăratei iubiri.
Tu eşti cea mai frumoasă fată pe care am întâlnit-o vreodată
Ai fost făcută…
…să termin duetul tău
Giselle and Edward:
Şi în anii ce vin, ne vom aminti
Cum am ajuns să iubim
Şi a crescut şi crescut iubirea
De când pentru prima dată am cunoscut dragostea prin sărutul adevăratei iubiri.
Loyal, brave and true
War or conquest, poverty or regret,
I can see another future.
My ideal is being faithful to my father,
My family before anything else.
I ask my reflection in the water:
'Am I worthy going to battle?'
And an earthquake in my soul answers:
'You're loyal, brave and true,
You're loyal, brave and true'
Boldness and pride, those are the skills
Of a good warrior.
And all the obstacles I will come across
Will only help me improve myself.
I ask my reflection in the water:
'Am I worthy going to battle?'
And an earthquake in my soul answers:
'You're loyal, brave and true,
You're loyal, brave and true'
At the very bottom of my heart, a huge fire is burning.
Yes, I'll be strong at the battlefield,
And I've chosen the bravery over the fear,
No, I'm not afraid anymore.
Who am I without my armor?
I, instead of my father,
Hear my heart whispering:
'Be loyal, brave and true'
Loyal Brave True
Versions: #1
War is not freedom
I can see the way clear to go
They say, 'Accept this mistake!'
So that I lose
I ask myself in the water,
'Is this way true for me?'
I keep asking, 'Am I brave?!'
(Herself:) Mulan, I'm honest
I've never broken my promise
'Losing' is easy, but I'm a tiger
'Winning' takes bravery
My way, fighting lonely, is tough
I hesitate to go
The warrior remains alone again
The whole world is cruel
I ask you, 'Am I brave?!'
(Herself:) Mulan, I'm honest
I've never broken my promise
Morning is cold, but the dream is warm
I'm restless as I chase my answers
Will I get stronger or weaker?
What's (my) destiny?!
Even without armor & sword
Father, I'll take your place
Remaining loyal & honest?!
How difficult is my duty?!
Loyal Brave True
War is not liberation
I see that the path, is clear to go
They say 'accept this mistake'
So that I fail
I ask my reflection in water
Is this the right path for me?!
I keep asking am I brave?
Mulan, I am honest
I didn't break my oath
'Defeat' is easy, but I am a tiger
'Victory' demands braveness
My path is difficult, fighting by myself
I'm unsure about walking this path
The warrior will be alone again
The world is cruel
I'm asking you am I brave?!
Mulan, I am honest
I didn't break my oath
Mornings are cold but dreams are warm
Looking for answers, I'm sleepless
Will I get stronger or weaker?
What's my fate?!
I'm without armor and sword
Father, I'll take your place
Remaining loyal and honest?!
How difficult is my path?!
Courage, Faith and Determination
I'm asking from life
For a chance to freedom
I don't pass what I love
I'll fight on my own
Myself in the mirror
Is asking me right here in front of me
Do I hide deep inside me
Courage, faith and determination
Courage, faith and determination?
I lose, I win, I always hope
That I'll be vindicated
Who's gonna save me, redeem me
From this cold world?
Myself in the mirror
Is asking me right here in front of me
Do I hide deep inside me
Courage, faith and determination
Courage, faith and determination?
From darkness is going to rise
Each of my dreams like dawn
I'm looking for answers in silence
But who's going to find them?
I'm going to look in the eyes
Each of my fears, naked
I'll make my own way
With courage, faith and determination
Loyalty Courage Truth
My destiny is in this war
I can see already
My family is everything I have
Source of my living
My true image
Keeps asking
If there's in the warrior
Loyalty to fight
Loyalty to fight
Every victory demands courage
It's what will save you
This trip is lonely
Choose who you will listen to
My true image
Keeps asking
If there's in the warrior
Loyalty to fight
Loyalty to fight
My cold soul wants more heat
Searches for answers wherever it goes
I want to be strong even in pain
But I don't know who I am
Behind my image
I just want to find
Loyalty and courage
And the truth to fight
Faith Courage Truth
War is not a one-day solution
I still struggle (now)
I lay down my life for the family
I (would) stake that
I ask myself
As a fighter
I have all of these
Faith, courage, truth
Faith, courage, truth
Failure is the path to success
Just don’t deny it
No one to help you if in danger
By running (to you)
I ask myself
As a fighter
I have all of these
Faith, courage, truth
Faith, courage, truth
I was afraid of what I see
I have nothing to fear
If you don't exist, neither do I.
You are my strength.
I covered my face
(And) I stood like a warrior
Everything my father taught (is)
Faith, courage, truth
Bravery, Truth and Loyalty
Versions: #1
I want to look beyond the war
Towards freedom
My family is my life
Nothing will touch them
I could ask myself
What a warrior would do
And if underneath my armor
I have bravery, truth and loyalty
Bravery, truth and loyalty
Winning costs strength and courage
Losing is for those who haven't them both
There is no one ready to save me
There is no kindness or goodness
I could ask myself
What a warrior would do
And if underneath my armor
I have bravery, truth and loyalty
Bravery, truth and loyalty
Consciously and calmly I'll wait for
Those answers I don't have at the moment
I can be strong or I can fall apart if
You are not with me
I'm trying to find
My true identity
It's not easy to honor
Bravery, truth and loyalty
Negru este culoarea părului adevăratei mele iubiri
Negru este culoarea părului adevăratei mele iubiri,
Faţa lui aşa moale şi minunată,
Cei mai curaţi ochi,
Şi cele mai puternice mâini,
Iubesc pământul unde stă el,
Iubesc pământul unde stă el.
Negru este culoarea părului adevăratei mele iubiri,
A părului adevăratei mele iubiri,
A părului adevăratei mele iubiri.
Oh, îmi iubesc iubitul,
Şi el ştie bine,
Da, iubesc pământul unde stă el,
Şi mai sper
Că va veni timpul
Când el cu mine vom fi ca unul,
Când el cu mine vom fi ca unul.
Aşa negru este părul adevăratei mele iubiri
Negru este culoarea părului adevăratei mele iubiri,
Negru este culoarea părului adevăratei mele iubiri.
It will lead you the way
Why must always the same orders be done
And work before going back on the road
When hearing only my heart dares
Maybe the world can be completely conquered
Not impossible is the path to the dreams
You will reach it, when you reach for the skies
Your wings can carry you
Just fly, maybe life without worry plays only once
Your conscience tells this is the way to be
Even though it has never been done before
Believe in the power of love
That will lead you the way
With these new eyes
When in the sun
I bathe, where
There are no clouds in the sky
Run of the river
Scent of the meadow
All that takes my worries away
Laughing, enjoying
This is the best way
Deep feeling
Life is good like this
When you ponder a problem
Then just change your perception
You will have it in a new light
You can reach it
When you dare
Those valuable thoughts
Should set up
A destination far away
And when they are achieved
Then you will see everything with new eyes
Should set up
Destination far away
And when they are achieved
Then you will see everything with new eyes
Albastru Adevarat
Luminile se sting
Nu esti aici ca sa ma ti
Eu numar
Fiecare lacrima de pe obrazul meu
In loc de oi
Dormi mergi
Ma aflu pe strada ta
Trei batai
Sun la sunerie si fug
Am incercat un pic de negru si alb, dar sunt asa de albastra
As dori sa o fie adevarat atunci cand spun ca sunt peste tine
Dar nu este inca adevarat
Zile reci
Lacu inchetat in parc
Drumuri vechi
Fac greseli cand sunt pierduta
Acum merge
Vise urate
S-ar putea sa nu insemne nimic
Dar tu pari
Sa nu ai nevoie de nimic
Am incercat un pic de negru si alb, dar sunt asa de albastra
As dori sa o fie adevarat atunci cand spun ca sunt peste tine
Dar nu este inca adevarat
Sunt inca asa de albastra
Albastru adevarat, albastru adevarat, hey
Albastru adevarat
Am incercat un pic de negru si alb, dar sunt asa de albastra
As dori sa o fie adevarat atunci cand spun ca sunt peste tine
Am incercat un pic de negru si alb, dar sunt asa de albastra
As dori sa o fie adevarat atunci cand spun ca sunt peste tine
Dar asta ince nu este adevarat
Si eu sunt inca asa de albastra
Albastru adevarat, albastru adevarat, hey
Albastru adevarat
True Song
How should I tell you?
The truth about how I feel about you
Words aren’t enough
So I’m singing like this
I have a lot of fear and anxiety
But I discovered happiness after meeting you
Do you remember?
The day we first met?
It was so awkward and strange
Then coincidence continued
And we fell in love
And we were so happy
Starting my day
Looking into your eyes and smiling
Now we resemble each other so much
Tears come for no reason
Every moment that a person like you has gifted me
It’s so precious to the point I get overwhelmed
Thank you so much
For teaching me love
You made me laugh
You made me cry
I was so bad at expressing
But I changed so much
I didn’t know that waiting for someone
Would give me so much butterflies
Even this is happiness
Starting my day
Looking into your eyes and smiling
Now we resemble each other so much
Tears come for no reason
Every moment that a person like you has gifted me
It’s so precious to the point I get overwhelmed
Thank you so much
For teaching me love
Whenever I fall asleep crying and wake up
Whenever I want to silently lean on you
Whenever I suddenly miss you
Just hold me tight
This is my confession for you
This is my truth
I’m singing with all my heart
With all that I can do
I’m singing for you
With my all
This is a true song
Adevarata Iubire
Arata-te , Moarte !
Ea spuse .
Arata-te , alintator viitor !
Moarte, cat tanjesc ,
A ta nutrire
Revarsa-te ,
Revarsa-te in mine !
Vino , Moarte/goliciune , singurul prieten
Nimic nu-i zamislit din aceasta suferinta
Ia acest har asupra-ti !
Salas de suferinta ...
'Cest trup e prea mic, ..o incapere
Revarsa-te ,
Revarsa-te in mine !
Revarsa-te ,
Revarsa-te in mine !
Adevarata-mi iubire-mi e alaturi !
Adevarata-mi iubire-mi e alaturi !
Adevarata-mi iubire-mi e alaturi !
Adevarata-mi iubire-mi e alaturi !
Adevarata iubire imi e alaturi !
Orisice-i adevarat , e cu mine
Adevarata-mi iubire-mi e alaturi !
Adevarata iubire imi e alaturi !
Adevarata-mi iubire-mi e alaturi !
Adevarata iubire imi e alaturi !
Orisice-i adevarat , e cu mine
Adevarata-mi iubire-mi e alaturi !
Adevarata iubire imi e alaturi !
Orisice-i adevarat , e cu mine
Adevarata-mi iubire-mi e alaturi !
Adevarata-mi iubire-mi e alaturi !
Adevarata-mi iubire-mi e alaturi !
Adevarata iubire- imi e alaturi !
Adevarata-mi iubire-mi e alaturi !
Adevarata iubire imi e alaturi !
Adevarata-mi iubire-mi e alaturi !
Adevarata-mi iubire-mi e alaturi !
Adevarata iubire- imi e alaturi !
Orisice-i adevarat , e cu mine
Adevarata-mi iubire-mi e alaturi !
Adevarata-mi iubire-mi e alaturi !
Adevarata-mi iubire-mi e alaturi !
Adevarata iubire- imi e alaturi
Adevarata-mi iubire-mi e alaturi !
Adevarata iubire imi e alaturi !
Adevarata-mi iubire-mi e alaturi !
Adevarata-mi iubire-mi e alaturi !
Adevarata iubire- imi e alaturi
Adevarata-mi iubire-mi e alaturi !
Adevarata iubire imi e alaturi !
Iubito nu vreau să-mi pese de ceva în seara asta
Când nu pot simți nimic adevărat
Vreau ceva real
Vreau să-ți văd inima, iubito
Vreau să ştiu ce-i în mintea ta
Este o noapte singuratică
Este atât de complicat
Sunt îndurerat
Vreau să uit totul
Nu există niciun adevăr în asta
Asta, nu e adevărat
Iubito, seara asta este seara
Inima mea bate puternic dintr-un oarecare motiv în seara asta
Poți vedea lumina
Vreau să strălucesc
O lumină de stele frumoasă
Strălucește pe tine
Aceasta ești tu cea adevarată, iubito
Iubito nu vreau să-mi pese de ceva în seara asta
Când nu pot simți nimic adevărat
Vreau ceva real
Vreau să-ți văd inima, iubito
Vreau să ştiu ce-i în mintea ta
Durere în viață
M-am săturat de această durere din viața noastră
Vreau să uit totul
În acest loc
Nu este nimic altceva, doar eu
Asta, nu e adevărat
Iubito, crezi în tine
Uită totul în acest moment
Încrede-te în tine
Găseşte-ţi fericirea
Mă cheamă
Melodia ta
Visez acum, iubito
Iubito nu vreau să-mi pese de ceva în seara asta
Când nu pot simți nimic adevărat
Vreau ceva real
Vreau să-ți văd inima, iubito
Vreau să ştiu ce-i în mintea ta
Vreau ceva real
Vreau să-ți văd inima, iubito
Vreau să ştiu ce-i în mintea ta
Iubito nu vreau să-mi pese de ceva în seara asta
Când nu pot simți nimic adevărat
Vreau ceva real
Vreau să-ți văd inima, iubito
Vreau să ştiu ce-i în mintea ta
True love story
I was looking alone at the cold bright of the stardust
I was surely looking for your eyes the whole time
People meet by chance
I live for someone's good
I believe in my palpitating heart
Since now we hold love close
An endless future begins
The story goes on in the eternity
Two people want to walk
On the lonely nights I hear your voice next to me
Until yesterday I tried to change the whole of you
Before any detour
We finally reach to be a couple
It's good to not turn around again
Since now we hold love close
I dreamed that the season begins
This whide world is just for one thing
We don't want to split from destiny
Before any kind of tears, I'll always protect you
Love connects the present, in the heart carves true love
After thins the night looks at us
You encourage me to live
A strong interaction is not just a language
It always dresses the gifts
Since now we hold love close
An endless future begins
The story goes on in the eternity
Two people want to walk. True love
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
You're My King
Be glorified
Be lifted up
Lord Jesus
You're my King
The One on the throne
The One who have the power
Lord Jesus
You're my King
My Hope
Your love, Your work, are real in me
You hold my life in Your hands
Your blood, Your cross, redeem my life
Your name has power to raise up
My hope is in You
Just You my strong Jesus
I trust I am safe in You
Never failed your plan
Light up my way perfectly
My hope will not disappear
For my future is yours
Never failed your plan
Illuminate my life your power is perfect
My hope will not disappear
Because my future is in you
Only with You Lord
Never I am doubting
Your faithfulness
You hold my life
My whole soul
I believe and trust
You will guide my step
Jesus you are the King of my life
Reign forever
Only You Lord
My source of power
Your holiness will flow
For me everlasting
Only with You Lord
I will walk
From Glory
To Glory
The Colors of Happiness
Versions: #2
Your eyes are so sad
Don't lose courage
You need to resist
It's not easy, courage
In a world full of people
Everything that seems fatal
And you feel lost
Your lil' heart has too much hurt
Smile for me
Forget your tears
I haven't seen you laugh
In far too long
This world destroys you
And you gave so much of yourself
Just call me
I will always be here for you
Because I see the sweet colors
that surround you
and from the bottom of my heart
I will always love you
So don't be afraid
to show them
the true colors
Of your heart so marvelous
I see the true colors
that surround you
the colors of happiness
That shine, my love
So don't be afraid
To show them
The true colors
The colors of a rainbow
It's so beautiful
it's so beautiful
Because there are so many things I want to fulfill
I'm stopping, and I'm not free
Let's send the longing that I hid in my chest
with full volume
Let's go! To the other side of that crescendo
Even if you stumble, even if you're forced out, it's alright
We're waiting for your tone
Sound out! Brimming with dreams of being born
Let's set out now towards that big sky
Open up! Put a smiling face on our friends
Don't let go, I don't want to give up
Have courage to repel even limits
Dream Solister!
The clumsy, unhonest parts too
Are part of your hardworking personality
So one more time with a natural face
Let's try to play out our feelings
The beat of our dreams is free
You can't produce a sound with just one person
I realized that, so sing without hesitation
Let's burst forth! Shine! Swing!
If each person's heart can stack on top of each other's
It will begin now:
The prelude of youth
Reach! Passionately, and dragging the world along
Let's picture a future without an end
With one, then two, the melody is multiplying
Come, come here
You have to have fun, there's much more until we're a fortissimo
Dream Solister!
A melody that seems like it's written playfully
Isn't a reason not to, so let's make music!
Sound out! Brimming with dreams of being born
Let's set out now towards that big sky
Open up! Put a smiling face on our friends
Don't let go, I don't want to give up
Have courage to repel even limits
Dream Solister!
With one, then two, it's multiplying
Come, come here
You have to have fun, there's much more until we're a fortissimo
Dream Solister!
I want you to let me hear your voice
The unending music
Goes on
True Blue
What is the reason of my birth
reason of my life question of man
What he is What he wants
Intangible pressure is invading you everyday and night
You turn around to prevent me from seeing you ,you bow your head and cry alone
Why am I at a loss, standing still
Can the flowers that bravely bloom even in the wind give you the courage to continue?
Trust me to stay with you the whole time you won’t be lonely from this second onwards
If you lost your way in this sea of people walk straight on and I will light the way for you
Fly over the sea We will be able to fly freely
Paradise is just right in front of us you will find your dream there.
You are being overwhelmed by a sense of uneasiness bit by bit
I seem to hear the sound of your heart tearing apart)
Searching for all the beautiful memories try to have you as complete as ever
The power of love is so inconceivable I can see myself being stronger
Trust me to stay with you the whole time you won’t be lonely from this second onwards
If you lost your way in this sea of people walk straight on and I will light the way for you
Trust me to stay with you the whole time you won’t be lonely from this second onwards
If you lost your way in this sea of people walk straight on and I will light the way for you
Fly over the sea We will be able to fly freely
Paradise is just right in front of us you will find your dream there.
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
Kiss of love
Long I dream of a kiss
and that I find true love
cause every fary tale has to end happy
Why to have lips, if not
As a couple to kiss
Eternal, faithful happiness every one seeks
and will find it in true love
Spune că nu este adevărat ...
Privește la toate problemele
Cum am trecut prin astea ...
Cum poți să-mi spui?
Este cineva nou.
Nu cred că aud acest lucru,
Nu cred că ești serioasă.
Ei bine, este un moment bun pentru a ezita
Nu am mai rămas cu nimic,
Îmi poți lua inima, dar nu-mi fura mândria
Gândește-te înainte de a mă împinge deoparte
Și spune-mi ...
Spune că nu este adevărat,
Asta e tot ce trebuie să faci, iubito
Spune că nu e adevărat ...
Ei bine, am crezut că asta e ceea, ce va dura
Împreună pentru totdeauna, oh, ce râzi
Te va durea ...atunci când am să te eliberez
Te-am iubit prea mult,
Ești o parte din mine.
Deci spune-mi,
Spune că nu este adevărat, spune-mi iubito,
Spune că nu este adevărat!
Pune-te puțin în locul meu,
Schimbările de stil nu mai sunt la modă
Nimeni să nu râdă, nu te împart cu nimeni
Nimeni să nu se sprijine pe nimeni, să aibă grijă ...
Nimic nu a rămas decât o amintire,
Aș vrea să rămâi cu mine
Și spune-mi ...
Spune că nu este adevărat
Spune că nu este adevărat
Spune-mi, iubito
Spune că nu este adevărat
Te iubesc, iubito ...
Te iubesc, iubito!
Vreau doar să fii... drăguță
Nu ti-ar face nici un rău.
Dana Kósa