Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 9

Număr de rezultate: 539


farrewel my darling farrewell

Farewell my darling, farewell
as the army is leaving,
and if I didn’t leave too
it would be cowardly.
The haversack is ready,
I’ve got the gun with me,
and at sunrise
I’ll be leaving you.
But I’m not leaving you alone
I’ll leave you a child too,
it will console you:
the child of our love.

I Don't Care

My life is lacking you
I'm feeling great, but it's not true
You say you are the best
One day you will see that there is no one like me (for you)
And I'll say that's the main point
I don't want someone like you anymore, I'm tired of you
Go and never come at me again
I'm comfortable without you
See, I'm comfortable without you
I don't care anymore, I don't care
I don't care whatever you're gonna say
I don't recall, I don't recall
I don't recall what you did to me
I don't care anymore, I don't care
I don't care whatever you're gonna say
I don't recall, I don't recall
I don't recall what you did to me
I'm feeling great since you're not here
Yeah, I have a quiet life
I'm not with anymore
Open your eyes
I am (good) with my loneliness, I eliminated people around me from my life
I'm calm, I'm calm, I'm calm
Don't think that I am ruined because of you
I don't want someone like you anymore, I'm tired of you
Go and never come at me again
I'm comfortable without you
See, I'm comfortable without you
I don't care anymore, I don't care
I don't care whatever you're gonna say
I don't recall, I don't recall
I don't recall what you did to me
I don't care anymore, I don't care
I don't care whatever you're gonna say
I don't recall, I don't recall
I don't recall what you did to me

You and me.

It all started with just one call,
Only one encounter, only one word,
Time passes, even if I don't want to, I think of you.
And without your eyes, I remember your look,
Every night I wait for you at my window,
Although your taste is forbidden, it stays with me.
Stay here, don't leave my mind,
You live in me, my soul doesn’t shut up,
I will not say anything, your secret I will keep.
You and me,
It's just you and me,
Whatever happens,
This is between the two.
You and me,
It's just you and me,
Whatever happens,
This is between the two of us,
Between the two.
I'm going to save everything this morning,
To give you my gypsy soul,
Only you have the key to enter me.
Stay here, don't leave my mind,
You live in me, my soul doesn’t shut up,
I will not say anything, your secret I will keep.
You and me,
It's just you and me,
Whatever happens,
This is between the two.
You and me,
It's just you and me,
Whatever happens,
This is between the two of us,
Between the two.
You and me,
It's just you and me,
Whatever happens,
This is between the two.
You and me,
It's just you and me,
Whatever happens,
This is between the two of us,
Between the two.

Be patient, heart, and shut up

Heart, you are beating too fast now,
Don’t hurry anymore, we will go on the same way,
Have a little patience, I know that it is hard for you,
We both love, you and me.
Heart, you break my messy chest,
Heart, I know when is time to love,
Heart, please, don’t hurry like that
The moment passes, it comes, but it won’t leave.
Be patient, heart, and shut up, the life is a game,
And you never, anything can do,
If you don’t have goodluck,
Be patient, heart, and shut up, you will rejoice
When love is everything, you will forget about troubles.
Heart, I don’t want we argue again,
Heart, you know that we are still reconciled anyway
Heart, please, don’t hurry like that
The moment passes, it comes, but it won’t leave.
Chorus(x3) :...


Anything will do
As long as you can smash it
An anarchist
Forever and always
The one who’s breaking it all down
Ain’t no one but you
You’re an opportunist
You’re nothing but paste
It’s all so romantic
It makes me wanna puke
It’s all so romantic
It makes me wanna puke
Anyone’s fine
As long as you can hold hands
A communist
Forever and always
Like cockroaches
Your numbers keep increasing
A Stalinist
Always clapping along
It’s all so romantic
It makes me wanna puke
It’s all so romantic
It makes me wanna puke
It’s you!
A man of principles!
You say it’s honestly
As you reach your hands out
A moralist
Who says it’s to save us
No dignity
You turn up unannounced
A humanist
Raping us with your odor
It’s all so romantic
It makes me wanna puke
It’s all so romantic
It makes me wanna puke
It’s the weather’s fault
You say with a laugh
A naturalist
Who poses no harm to the environment
It’s instant peace when you
See the sunset
A Japanist
A heavenly oracle
It’s all so romantic
It makes me wanna puke
It’s all so romantic
It makes me wanna puke
You’re an anarchist
A naturalist
A Stalinist
An opportunist
A stylist
A formalist
A liberalist
A humanist
A socialist
An ist
An ist
An ist
An ist
It’s all so romantic
It makes me wanna puke
It’s all so romantic
It makes me wanna puke
It’s you!

Rio de La Plata

Versions: #1
Tearing up, I was moving away
I went through the harsh
Leaving it all behind
My people and my hood
Having to walk away alone
From my land, one day
When I was just a child
Leaving it all
For my fantasies
Coming from Rio de La Plata (1)
A Latino heart
Candombe runs through my veins (2) (3)
Always smiling
Taking my dream with me
I'm borderless
Coming from Rio de La Plata
Long live hot-blooded Candombe
Rhythm that ignites my soul
And shines through all my people's eyes
My tears started to dry
I flew over so many roads
Didn't even realize
I almost touched the sky
Today, I sing to everyone with all the strenght
Living inside of me:
A dream
Is worth fighting for
Coming from Rio de La Plata
A Latino heart
Candombe runs through my veins
Always smiling
Taking my dream with me
I'm borderless
Coming from Rio de La Plata
Long live hot-blooded Candombe
Rhythm that ignites my soul
And shines through all my people's eyes
Making a dream come true
Can change your life
I grew up, looking for luck
And healing wounds
Today, even if I went the extra mile, I know
Looking for a destiny
I'm always the same girl
Treasuring in my heart
My beloved land
Coming from Rio de La Plata
A Latino heart
Candombe runs through my veins
Always smiling
Taking my dream with me
I'm borderless
Coming from Rio de La Plata
Long live hot-blooded Candombe
Rhythm that ignites my soul
And shines through all my people's eyes
Coming from Rio de La Plata
A Latino heart
Candombe runs through my veins
Always smiling
Taking my dream with me
I'm borderless
Coming from Rio de La Plata
Long live hot-blooded Candombe
Rhythm that ignites my soul
And shines through all my people's eyes...

Loving O

Google me!
O, O, O, O, O-O, O Loving Amanda O (1)
O, O, O, O, O-O, O Look how I watch myself
O, O, O, O, O-O, O Loving Amanda O
O, O, O, O, O-O, O Love me like I love myself
Thailand massage at 3
Freddy goes out and here comes Inés
'Crystalline Water' (2)
Flax seeds, I like cute things
Cocktail at 10, tests, tests, such a stress!
Jet set, ginger ale, ginseng
Thermage at 3
Bondage, kindess, compassion
Hermitage, mashup, mashup?
Deaf, fat, on edge
A forehead
What are they doing to me?
What happened?
Is this what I wished for?
What am I doing to me?
What went wrong?
I wish I could be someone else!
Oh, google me, c'mon!
O, O, O, O, O-O, O Loving Amanda O
O, O, O, O, O-O, O Look how I watch myself
O, O, O, O, O-O, O Loving Amanda O
O, O, O, O, O-O, O Love me like I love myself
Night time Yoga along to Tai Chi Chuan
Ayurvedic yogurt, everything trascendental
Rave rhythm, rabbis, robbings
Good wine, divine
What a wine bouquet! What did I look for?
I found Charly but he's gone.
Who's Demo? Who's Dante?
Where has Net gone?
Kombucha, harem pants, a fight, panties (3)
Good looking, a rut, chia and olé. (4)
What are they doing to me?
What happened?
Is this what I wished for?
What am I doing to me?
What went wrong?
I wish I could be someone else!
Oh, google me, c'mon!
Peeling, feeling, tilin-tilin
Mini, my, la, my-my-my
Let's watch the Golden Music Awards
Don't eat meat, only mineral salt
Everything veggie, a timbale, Gua Sha and guarana (5)
A pinch of cinnamon, I get cross-eyed
Give me cappuccino! Give me Chinese tea, Chi!
Oh my God, some more wine!
O, O, O, O, O-O, O Loving Amanda O
O, O, O, O, O-O, O Look how I watch myself
O, O, O, O, O-O, O Loving Amanda O
O, O, O, O, O-O, O Love me like I love myself
O, O, O, O, O-O, O Loving Amanda O
O, O, O, O, O-O, O Look how I watch myself
O, O, O, O, O-O, O Loving Amanda O
O, O, O, O, O-O, O Love me like I love myself
Google me!
Amanda, are you ready?
I'll tell you when I'm ready

Universul pentru mine

Există milioane de stele,
în oraș, o sută de mii de felinare,
e toată lumina cu putință,
dar tu ești universul pentru mine.
Există o mulțime de sărutări,
de îndrăgostiți și de priviri grăbite,
e toată iubirea cu putință,
dar tu ești universul pentru mine.
Dar dacă un gând
într-o dimineață mă va trezi,
și aici n-ai fi,
dacă aici n-ai fi,
pune mâna
peste inima mea,
și ea se va potoli.
Spune-i că va avea iubire
și că nu se va sfârși.
Există grădini de flori
și oameni care așteaptă acolo, afară,
există tot parfumul cu putință,
dar tu ești universul pentru mine.
Dar dacă un gând
într-o dimineață mă va trezi,
și aici n-ai fi,
dacă aici n-ai fi,
pune mâna
peste inima mea,
și ea se va potoli.
Spune-i că va avea iubire
și că nu se va sfârși.
Există milioane de stele,
în oraș, o sută de mii de felinare,
e toată lumina cu putință,
dar tu ești universul pentru mine.
Dar dacă un gând
într-o dimineață mă va trezi,
și aici n-ai fi,
dacă aici n-ai fi,
pune mâna
peste inima mea,
și ea se va potoli.
Spune-i că va avea iubire
și că nu se va sfârși.
Dar tu ești universul pentru mine...

Imagine albă

Te văd pe tine, imagine albă
pe un perete cu totul albastru.
În afara mea lumina obosește,
iar peretele nu mai există,
ești numai tu.
Nu puteam să stau singur,
solitudinea nu e pentru mine
și te-am inventat pe tine,
care-mi ții companie
atunci când sunt trist,
și întunericul coboară
peste oraș.
Te văd pe tine, imagine albă
pe un perete cu totul albastru.
În afara mea lumina obosește,
iar peretele nu mai există,
ești numai tu.
Te văd pe tine, imagine albă
pe un perete cu totul albastru.
În afara mea lumina obosește,
iar peretele nu mai există,
ești numai tu.
Dar într-o bună zi mi-ai zâmbit,
și că se năștea ceva în mine am simțit.
Acum trăiesc să te privesc,
mă-ntorc acasă pentru a afla că
ești acolo, așteptându-mă.
Te văd pe tine, imagine albă
pe un perete cu totul albastru.
În afara mea lumina obosește,
iar peretele nu mai există,
ești numai tu.
Te văd pe tine, imagine albă
pe un perete cu totul albastru.
În afara mea lumina obosește,
iar peretele nu mai există,
ești numai tu.

Dragostea mea, nu plînge

Dragostea mea, nu plînge
Dacă plec de-aici,
Las în urmă cîmpul de orez
Mă întorc la casa mea.
Băiatule, nu plînge
Dacă eu plec departe
Îți voi scrie-o scrisoare
Să-ți spun că te iubesc.
N-o să mă mai trezească
De dimineață șefa
Ci în căsuța mea
Mă va trezi mămică.
Văd colo jos printre copaci
Căsuța mea cea albă
Văd colo jos în prag
Pe mama ce m-așteaptă.
Mamă, tată, nu plîngeți
Nu mai muncesc la cîmp
Eu m-am întors acasă
Că să fiu domnișoară.
Mamă, tată, nu plîngeți
Dacă va par slăbită
Ceea ce m-a distrus
A fost orezaria.


What happened to the changeable that changes by the year
Your love doesn't die, it has been established in my heart
The heart is exhausted, it's tired
Our feelings have become as clear as water
After so many times that has passed,
you have become the only one in my heart
Among those false loves
You have become the truth in my heart.
I cannot forget you
Your flowers haven't withered in my heart
I cannot bear to be without you anymore
I have become worn out, I have run out of patience
Even if there is consolation for the loss of anything,
only you have no replacement.(nothing can console your loss)
Even if there is consolation for the loss of anything,
only you have no replacement.(nothing can console your loss)
Even if I don't see your face for a long time,
Even if I don't want to think about you,
Even if I say I have forgotten about you so many times,
I realize that I was wrong in my words.
After so many times that has passed,
you have become the only one in my heart
Among those false loves
You have become the truth in my heart.
I cannot forget you
Your flowers haven't become withered in my heart
I cannot bear to be without you anymore
I have become worn out, I have run out of patience
Even if there is consolation for the loss of anything,
only you have no replacement.(nothing can console your loss)
Even if there is consolation for the loss of anything,
only you have no replacement.(nothing can console your loss)

You've Got Such Eyes

You've got such eyes
That look like they have two pupils in each,
Like the latest cars have.
At night
Cars fly from highway to highway, whirring
With two pairs of headlights.
You've got double eyes,
Enough for two faces.
All the oceans shine through the eyes
Multiplied by two.
You see, your eyes are
A map of the two hemispheres of the Earth.
When you close them,
The equator sinks into the night.
And when I ask them to open,
They reveal two blue poles
At the moment of opening.

Chicka Chicka Unu, Doi, Trei

Chicka Chicka unu, doi, trei
Chicka Chicka unu, doi, trei
Va fi un loc pentru mine?
Va fi un loc pentru mine?
Unul le-a spus celor doi și doi i-au spus trei,
Te voi alerga până la vârful mărului.
Urcă, a spus patru până la cinci și șase,
numere mici strălucitoare care se alătură mixului.
Grabă! A strigat de la șapte la numărul opt,
tip lent, întârziat întotdeauna.
Chicka Chicka unu, doi, trei
Va fi un loc pentru mine?
Iată nouă la măr.
Urmează zece și apoi unsprezece.
Uau, merele astea au gust de rai!
Chicka Chicka unu, doi, trei
Va fi un loc pentru mine?
Roz fierbinte doisprezece, norocos treisprezece,
culegând mere roșii și verzi.
Paisprezece, cincisprezece, nu vezi?
Toți vor să urce în măr.
Chicka Chicka unu, doi, trei
Va fi un loc pentru mine?
Șaisprezece urmează să facă scena,
urcând ramuri cu șaptesprezece.
Optsprezece, nouăsprezece, încă unul are douăzeci.
Numere, numere, sunt destule.
Chicka Chicka unu, doi, trei
Va fi un loc pentru mine?
Chicka Chicka unu, doi, trei, va fi un loc pentru mine?
Curbând treizeci, patruzeci de picioare plate
urcându-se să se alăture petrecerii!
Cincizeci este bine și șaizeci este dandy.
Părul lui Seventy este lung și nisipos.
Chicka Chicka unu, doi, trei
Va fi un loc pentru mine?
„Să urcăm mai mult”, spune copacul optzeci,
din ce în ce mai mare, până la nouăzeci,
până în sfârșit, sunt nouăzeci și nouă
și toate numerele se simt bine,
cu excepția zero, care începe să plângă.
Chicka Chicka unu, doi, trei
Va fi un loc pentru mine?
Oh nu!
Aproape zumzet, bondari!
Zero se ascunde în spatele copacului.
bunicii strigă,
și toate numerele se prăbușesc.
Nouăzeci, optzeci, șaptezeci toamnă,
lovește pământul într-o liberă pentru toți.
Șaizeci, cincizeci, patruzeci de alergare.
Gata cu urcarea, gata cu distracția!
Treizeci apoi, apoi dulce mic douăzeci.
Numere, numere, nu mai sunt destule!
Nouăsprezece și optsprezece, ai, ai!
Numerele înspăimântate sar și zboară!
Șaptesprezece, șaisprezece, încă cincisprezece.
Acum paisprezece au lovit podeaua.
Și și treisprezece, tipul ghinionist!
Doisprezece aproape atinseseră cerul!
Îndoit unsprezece.
(Stai! Unde sunt zece?)
Nouă, opt, șapte urmează atunci.
Răsucind șase și top hat cinci,
Patru, trei, doi, unul, ia o scufundare!
(Hai să mergem!) Chicka Chicka unu, doi, trei
Chicka Chicka unu, doi, trei
Acum știu locul pentru mine!
Zero sare în cer.
Număr mic curajos, nu este timid.
Zero aterizează pe vârful copacului.
Alătură-te cu zece, acum o sută o vezi!
Chicka Chicka unu, doi, trei
Chicka Chicka unu, doi, trei
Iată locul potrivit pentru mine!
Toate numerele revin,
Din ce în ce mai sus, pe măsură ce strigă. (Hei!)
Chicka Chicka unu, doi, trei
Eroul zero al arborelui numeric!
Chicka Chicka unu, doi, trei
Chicka Chicka unu, doi, trei, va fi un loc pentru mine?
Chicka Chicka unu, doi, trei
Chicka Chicka unu, doi, trei, va fi un loc pentru mine?
Chicka Chicka unu, doi, trei, va fi un loc pentru mine?
Chicka Chicka unu, doi, trei
Chicka Chicka unu, doi, trei, va fi un loc pentru mine?
Chicka Chicka unu, doi, trei
Va fi un loc pentru mine?
Chicka Chicka unu, doi, trei
Va fi un loc pentru mine?

In the Bluebell Woods

After we’re finished drinking tea, let’s go explore the world together with Unicorn
The wind flutters his mane, Daoine Shee is singing and the Pixies are in a good mood
Passing by Cotswolds and heading towards Calton Hill
Is anyone there at Holyroodhouse Palace right now?
“Ah, the flag! Her Majesty the Queen is here☆”
In the Bluebell Woods, the Fairies are having an afternoon tea party
Lively talks and smiles as always
Robin Goodfellow looks like he’s been up to mischief
Frolicking with friends that are looking this way Next time again
Going down the River Conwy heading to Bodnant Garden
The beautiful garden soothes me
It smells of the ocean, I wonder where I’ll go next
The Westerlies fan me and I can see the Arch of Triumph
“Oh, Isn’t this his house~!?”
Returning slowly from the Dover Strait
I feel relieved seeing my favorite scenery
Buying lots of baked beans and ale
I should go back home soon where my friends await
At Trafalgar Square, I fill my chest with deep breaths
As expected, this air makes me feel relieved
In the Bluebell Woods, the Fairies are inside a dream
With so much fun the day passed by in a blink of an eye
Still going westward, beyond the Irish sea
Come now, let’s go on a trip to the next place I’ll be back

Thorny Path

There is no such a power...
...which can break my heart
I will stand up even if I fall
My wings are behind, those give huge hopes to me
I'm not alone, you are with me
Oh, how hard this thorny path
I'm strong, oo
I have no fear at all
I will pass through all flames together with you
I'm strong, oo
I have no fear at all
My heart takes wing in your hands
I'll walk
Walk on my path
I'll walk, that's not easy
Even if winds break trees
It can't break me easily
I'll laugh always even if I cry
While passing many roads
Walls are not be punctured
I came for you to give my frosty
Oh, how hard this thorny path
I'm strong, oo
I have no fear at all
I will pass through all flames together with you
I'm strong, oo
I have no fear at all
My heart takes wing in your hands
I'll walk, walk on my path
I'll walk, that's not easy


So, then I breath
Even when my head is trapped in darkness
So, then I breathe, even when my heart stops beating for me. Ha, ay
So, then I breathe even if the world understands nothing
So, then I breathe
And breathe even if the sky is still not clear
Breathe and let time teach you
That we need to keep believing it
Breathe and let the wind teach you
That it is never too late
Every harmony that the wind brings me
Makes me sing again
Never forget that everything is easier
And it's good to learn to trust
If you forget, breathe
If you forget, breathe
Sorrow, heartache, sorrow, now you breathe
So, now I breathe even
when my head is trapped in darkness
And sometimes it passes
So, then I breathe, and breathe because after the rain
A new start
Breathe in every moment and forget all thoughts
Ay, breathe and let go of regret
Breathe, come and become wind
Every harmony that the wind brings me
Makes me sing again
Never forget that everything is easier
And it's good to learn to trust
If you forget, breathe
If you forget, breathe
Every promise that time brings me
Makes me dance again
I never forget that everything is easier
That I want to learn to trust
If you forget, breathe
If you forget, breathe
Sorrow, heartache, sorrow, now you breathe
(With hands... go youth...
I present to all of you my musicians...
and you... Camille, Théo, François)
Every harmony that the wind brings me
Makes me sing again
Never forget that everything is easier
And it's good to learn to trust
If you forget, breathe
If you forget, breathe
Every promise that time brings me
Makes me dance again
I never forget that everything is easier
I want to learn to trust
If you forget, breathe
If you forget, breathe
Sorrow, heartache, sorrow, now you breathe
And... sorrow, heartache, sorrow, now you breathe

Our name

I don't want to convince myself
That nothing is for forever
I don't know if I'm doing it well
I am beginning to see
Our name all over the place
I think I don't know how to recognize
That it's possible that
Love doesn't remain
And what if we are
no longer two
I no longer really love you
That's why I have to leave
I'm no longer your other half
I don't want to wake you up
If you aren't going to wake me up
I'm no longer at your place
It's getting late and I don't want to go back
Now I'm thinking of going out and having a good time
I don't know anything because when I ask you
You always say we won't end up together
But now it's all the same to me if you aren't here
Although it's going to be hard not to think about you
I've had a lot of sleepless nights
Something in me is going to explode
And it's possible that
Love doesn't remain
And that if we are
No longer two
And it's possible that
Love doesn't remain
And what if we are
no longer two
I no longer really love you
That's why I have to leave
I'm no longer your other half
And I don't want to wake you up
If you aren't going to wake me up
I'm no longer at your place

Your prison

You go, llove
if you want
What am i going to do?
your vanity does not let you understand
that in poverty you know how to love
I want to cry
and it destroys me that you think like this
and more that now I'm left without you
what you are going to suffer hurts
But I remember, nobody is perfect
and you will see it, more than a thousand things
better you will have
but sincere darling never
forget about this
that you leave today and want to change
that in the adventure
that you will see
it will be your jail and you will never leave

Everyone look at me

You made me feel that I was worthless
And my tears fell at your feet
I looked at myself in the mirror and I was not found
I was just what you wanted to see
And I changed my hairstyle, I dressed as a queen
I put on shoes I felt like a star
I walked to the door and heard you yell at me
But your lies can no longer tie me
And I looked at the night and it was no longer dark, it was sequined
And they all look at me, look at me, look at me
Because I know I'm fine because of my hair they admire me
And they all look at me, look at me, look at me
Because I do what few will dare
And they all look at me, look at me, look at me
Some with envy but in the end
But in the end, but in the end, everyone will love me
You made me feel that I was worthless
And my tears fell at your feet
I looked at myself in the mirror and I was not found
I was just what you wanted to see
And I changed my hairstyle, I dressed as a queen
I put on shoes I felt like a star
I walked to the door and heard you yell at me
But your lies can no longer tie me
And I looked at the night and it was no longer dark, it was sequined
And they all look at me, look at me, look at me
Because I know I'm fine because of my hair they admire me
And they all look at me, look at me, look at me
Because I do what few will dare
And they all look at me, look at me, look at me
Some with envy but in the end
But in the end, but in the end, everyone will love me
And I changed my hairstyle, I dressed as a queen
I put on shoes I felt like a star
I walked to the door and heard you yell at me
But your lies can no longer bind me
And I looked at the night and it was no longer dark, it was sequined

I will close the door for you

I will close the door for you
(2x): who told you that my door
must it always be open?
(2x): you come and go when you want
and I alone, wake up
I will close the door in your face
I will close the door in your face
I will close the door in your face
I will close the door in your face
for you to learn
I will close the door in your face
I will close the door in your face
I will close the door in your face
you won't see me crying
behind the door

If you are going to give me your love

If you are going to give me your love
If you are going to give me your love
First you have to know
That I don't like to beg
And how little I know to lose
That I do not stay to wait
Much less to suffer
And that I can't forgive
The unfulfilled promises
If you are going to give me your love
Do not look for a remedy in me
If the price is my pain
I can't say yes
I only ask you to give me your love, your dreams
In every song, and in every silence
I will give you what you ask me
My hands, my voice, my calm and my wound
I can only imagine
See you at every sunrise
Wake me up with your voice
And in your arms reborn
And kiss your heart
By your side grow old
I die without your love
I don't want to lose you anymore
I only ask that you give me your love, your dreams
In every song, and in every silence
I will give you what you ask me
My hands, my voice, my calm and my wound
If you are not, there is no space or sky
Without you, life only a sea of ​​grief
Without your eyes, there are no looks or wishes
If you go, God knows that I will die
I only ask that you give me your love, your dreams
In every song, and in every silence
I will give you what you ask me
My hands, my voice, my calm and my wound

It stuck to my skin

It stuck to my skin
It stuck to my skin
It stayed and got used to me
The sweet scent of your tender love
Love I want to drink from
So much passion overflows in me
I turn back on
How I want you to be dark
Heaven give me
It stuck to my skin
It was marked by fire in my heart
The warm kiss that your love gave me
Love I want to drink from
If there is something left to prove
I want to learn
Give me the elixir of your love
And the poison too
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay
I want to go with you to the stars
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay
And I want to start dreaming (x2)
And be with you
And with your skin calm the cold
Because your love makes me vibrate
Come soon I can't wait anymore

Oh yes, yes

Oh how good it would be
get to the bottom of your emotions
shelter your dreams
and make them songs
and feel that you were waiting,
what I'm singing here to you
Oh yes, yes
oh tell me yes
oh yes, yes
oh tell me yes
I want to hear you baby
I need, Ineed you baby
hey ah
Look for new dreams
Life is good
when you play
for a feeling
and your luck changes
as in those stories
long time ago
we are waiting,
and they are just showing

I feel sorry for you

Once i believed you
But you will never cheat on me again
You are a prong
And I am not like the others
You don't realize
That I am a princess
And you won't find another like it
I don't know what I did for so long next to you
One day would have been too much
Stay by the side of my life forever
I will thank you
I feel sorry for you
I feel sorry for you
I feel sorry for you
Oh what a shame you give me
Keep your gifts berretas
You don't deserve a minute from me
Of me, of me
You will never know again
I go ahead
And you back
I feel sorry for you
Oh what a pity you give me
I feel sorry for you
I feel sorry for you
I feel sorry for you
Oh what a pity you give me
Once i believed you
But you will never cheat on me again
You are a prong
And I am not like the others
You don't realize
That I am a princess
And you won't find another like it
I feel sorry for you
I feel sorry for you
I feel sorry for you
I feel sorry for you
Oh what a pity you give me
I feel sorry for you
I feel sorry for you
I feel sorry for you
Oh what a shame you give me

Celestial passion

I want to take out
what I keep in my soul
all this crazy love too much.
I want to scream really loud
all my heavenly love,
immortal love ...
Light blue
Whoever wants celestial
that it costs you.
They are things that are learned
in the life.
I take it here, tattooed on the skin
neighborhood heritage
that saw me being born.
Light blue
The pain of your rostrum is mine
Her joy did not change
for none.
That our passion
help you fight
with the faith of the one who faces
and life is at stake.
I want to wave flags
I want to paint my face
with the color of the sky here.
I want to feel inside
all the fury of the wind
overflowing my oriental love.
When a murga choir sings
the Charrúa finds his voice
(I want to take out)
Bristling skin of drums
(of the soul, all this love)
ringing in the heart.
I want to shout
(When a murga choir sings)
Very strong, all my love
(the Charrúa finds his voice)
I want to feel
(bristling skin of drums)
Inside all the fury
(ringing in the heart)
Where do you go touch it and take
It goes by the tip
and can't stop
Can't stop, stop screaming
Uruguay up with force.
Ball on the floor
head up
Take it to your house, let's party
Paint it light blue, very light blue
Up with us, with strength Uruguay
Light blue
Whoever wants celestial
that it costs you.
They are things that are learned
in the life
I have it here tattooed on my skin
Neighborhood heritage
who saw me born
I want to take out
what I keep in my soul.
All this crazy love too much
I want to scream really loud
all my heavenly love,
immortal love ..
I want to wave flags
I want to paint my face
with the color of the sky here
I want to feel inside
All the fury of the wind
Overflowing my oriental love.
Ball on the floor
head up
Take it to your house, let's party
Paint it light blue, very light blue
Up we, with strength Uruguay.
I want to take out
what I keep in my soul
all this crazy love too much.
I want to scream really loud
all my heavenly love,
immortal love ...
I want to wave flags
I want to paint my face
with the color of the sky here
I want to feel inside
All the fury of the wind [...]

Cantata about Stalin

On the wide earth and in the blue sky,
where the lonely eagle flies over the snow,
about the leader of Soviet peoples – Stalin,
our era still composes a beautiful song.
And this song flies like a silver bird
and the oppressor and the enemy trembling before its anger.
And nothing for it borders and walls,
and barbed wire, and guard, and whip.
This song is not afraid of a manhunt, nor a bullet,
this flaming chant takes you into battle.
With this song on the tongue both arap and coolie,
And Chinese partisan are shedding their blood.
On the wide earth and in the blue sky,
where the lonely eagle flies over the snow,
about wise, beloved in the people – Stalin,
our era still composes a beautiful song.

Holy Trinity exalted

Holy Trinity exalted
and ever adored by us,
glorious Trinity, in one Being
miraculously united.
You are ambrosial manna
and all the world's desire.

Little by little I fell in love with you

We began by touching our hands
Looking for feelings in the grass
Golden reflections of your gold chain
On your breast, barely covered
We end up stealing a sunset from us
Because in my eyes I had only yours
I can’t remember if it was the wind or me
Who raised your chin to say my name
Little by little I fell in love with you
It was the love that spoke for me
That night, when I stroked your face
On a book that we never read
Little by little I fell in love with you
It was the love that chose for me
In the silence, already full of magic
Only your fantasy spoke
Spring fell into your hair,
And summer, winter, autumn, and evening came
You told me many things, all that I learned
Was to tell to your lips “don’t ever leave me”
Little by little I fell in love with you
It was the love that spoke for me
Little by little the night stood still
And left a star in your eyes
Little by little I fell in love with you
It was the love that chose for me
Little by little the wind stood still
And left a flower in your hair
Little by little I fell in love with you
It was the love that spoke for me
With my hands, I held your fingers
And we never picked that flower

I frankly don’t give a damn about men

I frankly don’t give a damn about men,
I’m cold like Arctic ice and myself freezing,
And men will never ever find out then,
That naked I am visually pleasing
When something’s trending I will take a peek -
In galleries and theaters – I’m arty,
And as appropriate I’m moody once a week
In sauna or right after an important party
All those men they’re bastards – no doubt,
And gals are fools but they sure have a reason
They rush to marry running in a crowd -
All just to get a man in their comfy house-prison
I frankly don’t give a damn about them,
I’m cold like Arctic ice and myself freezing,
And men will never ever find out then
That naked I am visually pleasing
What is a real, eternal mystery to me,
And there’s no hope to ever understand it -
Why am I sad that I have never ever seen
A man with no clothes on – did I intend it?

Dalai Lama

Born in the forbidden country,
lost amidst the slopes of a hill.
They say he's a reincarnated god.
In the mystery of the big monastery
the lamas prepare their journey.
They're going to look for their future great lord.
According to the prediction of a special oracle,
in the middle of the mountains, a child was found.
His wise memory made him remember
his rosary, his bell and even his emissary.
Oh Dalai Lama, Dalai Lama, Dalai!
Oh Dalai, Dalai Lama, oh Dalai, Dalai!
Oh! Dalai!
Soon the sky turned into a wasp's nest
and a yellow hive was flying to the ground
amidst the fear that precedes an invasion.
Like leaves, a thousand red stars
fell over the Lhasa Valley
to free the people of their religion.
In the name of progress and revolution,
they burned traditions down and stepped on the honour.
The king of the mountains had to escape
like a beggar, with the soul wrapped in his rags.
Oh Dalai Lama, Dalai Lama, Dalai!
Oh Dalai, Dalai Lama, oh Dalai, Dalai!
Oh! Dalai!
Due to the lack of oil in the sea, he found no friends.
Thus, his little boat slowly, slowly sunk.
Inexperienced in war, but a Nobel in peace.
Oh Dalai Lama, Dalai Lama, Dalai!
Oh Dalai, Dalai Lama, oh Dalai, Dalai!
Oh! Dalai!

I believe in myself

Versions: #1
I've been told that I'm good for nothing,
that I waste air each time I breath.
I've been pinned to the wall with a sword,
I've even lost the desire to cry.
But I'm back.
I'm standing, I'm on alert.
Being the zero at the left doesn't suit me.
Oh, oh, I believe, I believe, I believe in myself.
Oh, oh, I believe, I believe, I believe in myself.
I'm not scared of missiles or bullets,
so much war has given me metal wings.
I fly free, I fly over the grenades,
you won't drag me on the floor anymore.
I'm no longer on sale.
I'm standing, I'm on alert.
Being the zero at the left doesn't suit me.
Oh, oh, I believe, I believe, I believe in myself.
Oh, oh, I believe, I believe, I believe in myself.
We're all so different, so unique, so original.
If you don't like that, I can't care less
about what happened in the past, the best is yet to come.
Ooh, ooh.
Oh, oh, I believe, I believe, I believe in myself.
Oh, oh, I believe, I believe, I believe in myself.


Of the late Duce the newspapers had narrated
his final mishap
that follows his fatale capture
and his destiny that is yet to be fuffiled.
As Mussolini was arrested,
guarded together with Claretta,
put in a little settler room
where they stayed for about two days.
Dark and gloomy was that room,
guarded well by two Partisans
that the fate they had in their hands
of whom was owed to every pain.
He was put beside Claretta
to enjoy all that he must
to enjoy all that he wished
from Italy his carnal brother.
The executioner entered into the room.
Mussolini close by the bed,
out of orbit were his eyes and in his chest
a terrible mortal terror.
The tyrant brought his baret
from when he was a repubblic guard
and a nut colored coat,
was the already finished man.
Mussolini ascended in the ranks
with force in that which is so far gone,
but the force of every italian
destroyed that cruel oppressor.
Seeing the patriot he then asked him:
'What is it that you've come here to do'?
'We both want to be free,
yes really this is freedom'.
Mussolini as a good knight
or that place he was about to leave from,
proceeding the woman he wanted
but to go ahead she did want.
After saying this the executioner decided
to hit the tyrant and Claretta.
on the tyrants atlast revenge
will always be awful down there.
on the tyrants atlast revenge
will always be awful down there.