Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 57


I Love and Will Love You

If you, after having loved in vain,
no longer want to love anyone
because you forgot even me.
If you no longer want to love anyone,
come to hold the hand
that bound you once to me.
The tears that I have shed for you
are tears of love because:
I love you.
I love and will love you.
Hopelessly I will love you
as long as the world has life,
as long as the sun has light,
as long as I live
because I want to have you for myself alone
for myself alone.
I love you.
I love and will love you.
Hopelessly I will love you
as long as the world has life,
as long as the sun has light,
hopelessly I will love you.
(I love and will love you.)
I love and will love you.
(I love and will love you.)
I love and will love you.
(I love and will love you.)
I love you,
I love you,
my love.
And I love you.
I love and will love you.
Hopelessly I will love you
as long as the world has life,
as long as the sun has light,
hopelessly I will love you.
(I love and will love you.)
I love and will love you.
(I love and will love you.)
I love and will love you.
(I love and will love you.)
I love and will love you.

Let's talk

Come on, let's talk
I only need you
How come you don't understand it?
Come on, let's talk
Why are you silent?
Come to me, baby!
I hate you, then I love you madly
You text me: 'I Love You'
And then delete all we've talked about
All my attempts go blacklisted
I don't know what to do with 'us'
We will never be friends
This weightlessness between us is like a magnet
I don't know... I don't know...
I'm not being silent, thinking out loud
Maybe we will remember something out of the blue
Talk, let's try
Even if it's gonna be awkward
The words are inconsistent
I try to make them rhyme
I try to stand out from the others
Try to be the first in your contact list
You read me between the lines
I call out you bluff
You kidnapped me into your world
Our footsteps on the night boulevard
Talk, start this fire
With you I feel like I'm just steps away from heaven
I think that we were made for each other
Like Che Guevara and his guitar
Come on, let's talk
I only need you
How come you don't understand it?
Come on, let's talk
Why are you silent?
Come to me, baby!
I don't know what to do with 'us'
We will never be friends
This weightlessness between us is like a magnet
I don't know what to do with 'us'
We will never be friends
This weightlessness between us is like a magnet
I don't know what to do with 'us'
We will never be friends
This weightlessness between us is like a magnet
I don't know... I don't know...


When you’ve drunk a beer or several
Panta Mera
See a girl and want to impress?
Panta Mera
€400 000 is what you get for some cans of soda
Have you debts you want to pay?
Panta Mera
Something you want tatooed?
Panta Mera
We want to panta in peace and now we have bought a house with money in it
Panta Mera
You can save the world, and go to the store
Panta Mera
You’ll glady get more, if you pantamera
Panta Mera
You can save the world by going to the store
Panta Mera
You’ll gladly get more if you pantamera
I’m a guy who likes to chill
Don’t think any job is fun, so I pantar (deposit) often
Get free cash, really, we can manage cans
I and my gang raid parties like thugs
When someone asks, say it’s for the environment
Better for animals than throwing bird seeds (he is cute)
I feel good about the environmental policy thanks
Me when I do my thing, buy a house, will soon get a girl
(Ok) So do as we do
You musit deposit cans until you d-d-die
Panta Mera
You can save the world, and go to the store
Panta Mera
You’ll glady get more, if you pantamera

She is a Rare Story!

It's not just a story1 of longing that surpasses another
Look at the details, you'll find she's not like the rest of people
Someone like her, my heart, is weighed to diamonds
In this life, many of the hearts that melt 2 have a thousand alternative
While other different hearts are rare, without an equal
Others like her, my heart, others like her are (so) few
No, no, no, no .. She is a rare story!
And only with one laugh,
She made me deeply in her love
No, no, no, no .. She is a rare story!
And these eyes are enough,
Sweetened life in my eyes
It's not just a story of longing to a beauty to heal my wounds3
There's beauty4 that fades, & (another) beauty that comes from the soul
I'm not leaving her, my heart, wherever she goes
Preceding people, my heart, said 'Beauty is of different kinds.'
She took all the (types of) beauty in the world to herself.. How greedy!
Go (to her) my heart & replenish what was lost in you.
  • 1. a matter of
  • 2. get worn out by love
  • 3. loneliness
  • 4. He means in appearance


Her absence became so long, but she said that he would return again
Why didn't she comeback? She went away and left me in my place
I can't forget her and I not with her, this the suffering
Days that I still remember with her
Days that I can't forget with her
And I say they were days
Days and why they passed quickly?
They said,'what do you remember?'
They said,'why do you remember?'
What can my words describe?
As people don't feel it
I go to every place we had gone to.
And call for her and say, 'I wish I come in her mind'.
I can't forget her and I not with her, this the suffering.

Fără scuze

Dacă într-adevăr îţi pasă de mine cum spui
Ai fi înţeles că aş fi avut nevoie să mă vezi
Pentru că atâta timp cât eşti departe de mine
Viaţa mea e pierdută şi sunt în agonie
Fără scuze de acum
Şi pentru ultima dată îţi spun că nu ai nevoie de scuze
Nu am să uit şi iert mereu
Raportat la situaţia curentă
Relaţia noastră se poate termina oricând
Dacă vei continua aşa
Ţine minte sfârşitul relaţiei curând
Într-o zi, vei distruge ce ai construit
Te vei găsi singur
Cu o mare rană
Întotdeauna ocupat cu nevoile altora
Şi eu nu contez deloc
Am auzit atâtea de la tine
Şi multe promisiuni
Asta eşti tu
Nu mai ai aproape niciun sentiment
Şi consideri totul un efort

De ce m-ai uitat?

Nu pot sta departe de tine nici pentru o secundă
Dacă ai plecat, nu va mai fi altcineva pentru mine
Eşti prima dragoste cu care a trăit inima mea
Zilele nu mai sunt la fel
Mi-aş dori să te întorci, ochilor mei le e dor de tine
În lipsa ta, viaţa mea nu e nimic
De ce m-ai uitat?
Îmi faci inima grea
Nu te pot uita atât de uşor
Vino şi învinuieşte-mă
Găseşte-ţi liniştea
Vino aici, mi-aş dori să găsesc liniştea în braţele tale
Nu pot trăi aşteptând
Nu pot controla asta
Mi-e dor de tine, draga mea
spune-mi, ce pot să fac?
Nu ai văzut nimic din ce s-a întâmplat cu mine
Şi aud mulţi oameni spunându-mi :
Ea te-a uitat acum şi îşi continuă viaţa
De ce încă îţi aminteşti de ea?

Trăieşte-ţi pasiunea

Dacă lucrurile importante te apasă, dacă te îneacă
Dacă ai vreo plângere, nu te plânge, ascultă sfatul meu!
Şi dacă lumea te distruge
Şi te obligă să speli şi să calci haine
Pătrează-ţi faţa zâmbitoare
Şi dacă eşti atât de sărac încât nu ai nici măcar o liră egipteană
Spune că pantofii tăi sunt cel mai nou lucru
Comportă-te în faţa lumii, în ciuda sărăciei tale, ca şi cum ai fi fericit
Nu lăsa pe nimeni să te întrebe de ce eşti aşa.
Pasiunea ta, trăieşte-ţi pasiunea
Şi umple-ţi mintea cu ce vrei tu
Pasiunea, trăieşte-ţi pasiunea
Şi apoi vei trăi ce ai cerut
Când lumea te bate la cap, începe să aplauzi
Şi dacă cineva atinge înălţimea ta, nu-i arăta slăbiciunile
Nu mânca brânză dacă vrei vită
Şi cheltuieşte-ţi toţi banii pe care îi ai în buzunar
Distrează-te, trăieşte ca un cheltuitor
Dacă sentimentele tale îţi spun ceva, urmează-le, sentimentele sunt sincere
Zahărul este culoarea sarei, dar una este dulce, iar cealaltă sărată
Liniştea minţii tale are o direcţie, un început
Dacă trăieşti pe beton, imaginează-l ca pe un costum în cel mai scump hotel
Pasiunea ta, trăieşte-ţi pasiunea
Şi umple-ţi mintea cu ce vrei tu
Pasiunea, trăieşte-ţi pasiunea
Şi apoi vei trăi ce ai cerut
Fiule, ascultă cuvintele mele
Cheltuieşte ce ai în portofel
Cheltuieşte ce ai în portofel şi gândeşte-te că mâine va fi bine
Pasiunea ta, trăieşte-ţi pasiunea
Şi umple-ţi mintea cu ce vrei tu.

O infracțiune frumoasă

Fiecare pas cu care m-am îndepărtat
Fiecare drum, știi că e al meu
Mergând pe o linie cât zece etaje de înaltă
Spune că vei rămâne lângă mine
Dacă te-aș putea lua de mână, oh
Dac-ai putea înțelege
Că abia mai respir, aerul e rarefiat
Mi-e teamă de cădere și unde vom ateriza
Ne certăm în fiecare seară pentru ceva
Când apune soarele suntem amândoi la fel
Pe jumătate în întuneric
Pe jumătate arși de flăcări
Nu putem reveni la ce-a fost pentru nimic
Ia ce-ți trebuie, spune adio
Ți-am dat totul
Și este o infracțiune frumoasă
Strofa 2
Fiecare răsuflare cu care m-am îndepărtat
Fiecare răsuflare, știi că e a mea
Mergând pe o linie cât zece etaje de înaltă
Mi-e teamă de-o cădere, tu întrebi de ce
Părăsind lucrurile ce-am pierdut, oh
Părăsindu-i pe cei trădați
Trebuie să fac un sfârșit, așa că noi începem
Să-mi salvăm sufletul indiferent de cost
Ne certăm în fiecare seară pentru ceva
Când apune soarele suntem amândoi la fel
Pe jumătate în întuneric
Pe jumătate arși de flăcări
Nu putem reveni la ce-a fost pentru nimic
Ia ce-ți trebuie, spune adio
Ți-am dat totul
Acest întuneric este lumina
Acest întuneric este lumina
Ne certăm în fiecare seară pentru ceva
Când apune soarele suntem amândoi la fel
Pe jumătate în întuneric
Pe jumătate arși de flăcări
Nu putem reveni la ce-a fost pentru nimic
Ia ce-ți trebuie, spune adio
Ți-am dat totul
Și este o infracțiune frumoasă

One day in my life

First time in my life to live a love, more than what I wished in my imagination.
Beside you. I want to live my memories , everything I dreamt of and didn’t even come to my thoughts.
All my years before you doesn’t equal a day that I lived with you.
One day in my life with you equal all my life. I have not had my feelings with you ever in my life.
Everything with you my love has a new and different taste to me.
From you, the word my Love, touches my heart and keep my eyes open the whole night .
When I’m with you, I forget the whole world by you and I live my life with you.
One day in my life with you equal all my life. I have not had my feelings with you ever in my life

I'll die and get back

I'll die and get back, every time I say 'What's stopping us?'
I'm afraid to hear the words: 'It's over'.
It's not possible anymore, not possible...
I'll die and get back, every time I say 'What's stopping us?'
I'm afraid to hear the words: 'It's over'.
It's not possible anymore, not possible...
There are things inside of me that wear me out
I miss you,
Oh, this distance is so painful
I try to escape from myself so bad
And I wish to attempt it,
My feelings are telling me that we'll get closer and we'll belong to each other again.
I try to escape from myself so bad
And I wish to attempt it,
My feelings are telling me that we'll get closer and we'll belong to each other again.
I wish the past would be ours again
I long to hold my lover between my arms
How can I forget, when she has left me unforgettable, sweet memories everywhere of her and I in the past?
“Avoir une autre langue c'est posséder une deuxième âme.”
“To have another language is to possess a second soul.”
- Charlemagne ❤


Make me hate you

Make me hate you, try anything you can. Don’t leave at any day, any signature of my love to you . Help me maybe when you are leaving me, my heart gets the courage to tell you goodbye. Give me reasons so I can wish the seapatation, make me see you someone with no loyalty , if you leave before my heart hates you , I won’t be able to stop missing you.
Teach me how to forget and deny any promise , like what you did, like how you forgot , in same exact way. At least, I can guarantee myself if we accidentally met , I won’t be affected even for a minute.
Give me reasons so I can wish the seapatation , make me see you someone with no loyality , if you leave before my heart hates you , I won’t be able to stop missing you.

A dream for many years

A dream for many years
A dream for many years
We lived and saw it
The day that we missed him in
And hugged me in front of the people
Oh my love what happened
We won't stay together, are you sure
The lovers increased two people
Write our names
It was a dream for many years and years
Staying together
Oh my god what's this feeling
A night with you is a night
Can make my life like a night
In a thousand years with you
OK, you will sleep with the beats of my heart
And it will live with you his great moments forever
I won't forget your love never
Certainly I can do that, And I fulfilled my promise
You waited and remained in need of me
And the god made us meet each other
Oh the nights
Oh the nights
Oh the nights, please tell him about my case
Where I was
Oh where I was
My dear, this is you
A dream for many years
I hope you like and understand that, and if you find a problem, tell me....

A Hundred Faces

Dear treacherous people
who sold out our love
I pray that God
would give you exactly what you deserve
Because there are so many people with a hundred faces
We actually miss two-faced people
Forgive us, we made a mistake, we're sorry
We won't do it again, we apologize
Oh God protect us
from the people who are around us, even more than from strangers
And protect us from the ones who know us well,
And hate us but pretend to love us
Oh, so much darkness and many grudges
And there's no mercy
Kindness is lost in all this chaos
We used to be together, in happy and sad times
And your hearts used to feel ours
Why do our hearts now
only see you in our happy times?
Two faces, two faces
So what, it's fine
At least those people were clear
Two faces, two faces
So what, it's fine
But at least they used to be humans
oh eye, oh night1
Where are friends?
Where is safety?
You are not my friend
nor the one I loved and knew long ago
When you are by my side you praise me
But the opposite of your words is apparent in your eyes
Every day I think,
Why did you go away from us?
I couldn't sleep
Until I suddenly remembered
My mother's prayer
When she used to pray for me and tell me
Oh son I pray,
for God to keep the people with bad intentions away from you
  • 1. Just a line that is there for melody, doesn't mean much.
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

And Finally

And finally the day has come
for me to be with her
I have been waiting for many years
And I never grew tired
nor said this love is an illusion
Now watch what I'll do for you
You've kept my heart intact
How can I describe it all to you?
I can't find any words to say
We will love each other, a love
that no heart has ever felt
People will tell tales of it
They will say: look
how much they love each other
Wish for the stars, I'll get them
I won't let this chance go to waste
With you, I've fallen in love with life
from the first day
I will stay up years for you, not just for a night
I don't need anyone else
Who could ever hear your voice
and even find sleep?
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

If it Wasn't for You, Darling

How can I love you more?
What can be more than this love?
I've spent all possible love on you
If it wasn't for you, darling
If you weren't with me,
I swear I wouldn't
even have a life
If it wasn't for you, darling
If you weren't with me,
I swear my life would be lost
it would be over, my darling
If it wasn't for you, darling
If you weren't with me,
If it wasn't for you, darling
If you weren't with me,
If you'd ask me to give you eyes
I'd offer them up, they're not too much for you
The rest of my coming days are all yours
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

When You are With me

C'mon Tamer!
oh, my dear Khaled
Yo yo
Let's go!
May God bless you
and keep you safe for me
I live my life for you
and for your eyes, my darling
God knows what's in my heart
I swear I am happy
I would travel through lands for my love
And go to her even in the furthest place
God knows what's in my heart
I swear I am happy
I would travel through lands for my love
And go to her even in the furthest place
Oh, oh, darling,
how beautiful, how beautiful
are the emotions I feel when you are with me
Oh, oh, darling,
how beautiful, how beautiful
I feel so much when you are with me
You are the one I wish for
And here I am, saying it
I don't want to waste a second
without you, my darling
Oh my darling, I am yours
Set your heart at ease
I will love you for my entire life
And I even have told you
of my love
I am fully yours to control
Oh my darling, I am yours
Set your heart at ease
I will love you for my entire life
Oh night, oh night,
When you are with me
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

Plastic flowers

I thought it over and over before I came here
if I shall tell you or not
I decided it's alright to say it
because I'm actually right
you're the strangest thing I've known
you're a black page that I've turned
the shock of a lifetime, in all honesty.
A period of humiliation and mistreatment
you're my most hated tale
you were my sickness, and with my foolishness I kept taking it and suffer
I canceled my pride and tell myself that she's going to change for me
under the claim of love, I wasn't seeing You
Turned out I was unjust toward myself and I was degrading it
and as for what's passed of my life
to hell with the memories
and I won't say that I regret it
because I really learned
that waiting for someone to feel
is like watering fake flowers
and wait for them to actually grow
If you wish to use any of my works, kindly consult with me first.
إن أردت استخدام أي من أعمالي أرجو منك التواصل معي أولًا


Why Have You Forgotten me?

I can't stay away from you for a second
If you were gone, there'd be no one for me
You are the first love my heart lived with
The days are no longer the same
I wish you'd come back, my eyes miss you
In your absence, my life isn't even a life
Why have you forgotten me?
You are making my heart grow weary
I would never just lightly and easily
forget you
Come blame me
Set your heart at peace and find peace
Come here, I wish to
find peace in your embrace
I cannot live waiting
I can't control this at all
I miss you, my darling
Tell me, what can I do?
You didn't see anything that happened to me
And I hear many people telling me:
By now she'll have forgotten you and is living
Why would you remember her?
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

I will

I will, I will, will be yours,
Аnd you just let me.
I will, I will, will be yours,
And you just trust me...
Stop, wait,
Hold my breath.
Among the gray days,
Mom, I'm going crazy with desire.
Open your secrets,
I so want to know about you.
I can not forget,
Night before the morning to remember with you.
I will, I will, I will be yours,
And you just let me.
I will, I will, I will be yours,
And you just trust me.
I will, I will, I will be more gentle,
If only you were just pleased.
I will, I will, I will be stronger,
And my love is in your hand.
I embody my dreams,
I turn into reality.
When you are not around,
You are my virtuality.
Yau, yau
Many talk, and you listen to me,
I'm ready to be the best husband for you.
Through the thorn to the stars together,
you and I will be more interesting.
Secret moments and joys
We will carry with you to old age.
Forever young, in our reality...
I will, I will, I will be yours,
And you just let me.
I will, I will, I will be yours,
And you just trust me.
I will, I will, I will be more gentle,
If only you were just pleased.
I will, I will, I will be stronger,
And my love is in your hand.
I will, I will, I will be yours,
And you just let me.
I will, I will, I will be yours,
And you just trust me.
I will, I will, I will be more gentle,
If only you were just pleased.
I will, I will, I will be stronger,
And my love is in your hand.

If you're scared

Versions: #2
If you're scared
I hold you and you find security
If you're lost
You will find tenderness in my heart
Ah I would come to you
If you were in the farthest place
If you're scared
I hold you and you find security
I loved you and in your abscence my heart is with you
I loved you and it's impossible for me to forget your love
If you're scared I hold you and you find security
I feel as though I met you forver ago
I want to say I love you to you as well
Tell me you'll come to me and I'll light up your sky
Our story is a story written by angels
I am beside you and my life is in a place like no other
When I possessed you it was like I possessed the universe
I would come to you if you were in the farthest place
If you're scared I hold you and you find security
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט

Digimon Tamers Arabic Ending #2

One step pushes the other
The past is understood and pushed aside
They are children who build a better world
The well1 of the future lies within them
Their smiles are the light of my life
They are worth your most precious trust
They are children who learned to use
the path of knowledge as a weapon
At dawn, and in the morning
with love and successfully..
The Digimon Heroes
They go on
They march upon a long path
Naeem, Hanan, Rafe'2
Heroes, Heroes, Heroes
In the Digimon World (Digimon)
They studied
They walked the path of knowledge in the morning
Keenly, effectively
At dawn, successfully
They smiled
The Digimon heroes march on
upon a long path
towards a virtual world
  • 1. A literal well, it means that they are the future.
  • 2. Character names.
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

I Will Reach You

Versions: #3
I won't get scared this time
I've lost years of my life to fear
I won't be just an ordinary person
I will challenge any circumstances
I will reach you even though I know
that I might die
I will reach you and you must feel
the one who loved you to death
And even if your hands don't touch mine
It's enough for me to die seeing
your fear and love for me.
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

I Call Her

I call her and she doesn't answer so that I'll worry
And after I while, I call her and I’m very mad
And I intend to say a few words to annoy her
She answers me saying she was sleeping and just woke up
I collect myself and relax my pounding heart
And I say to myself, 'she is pretending not to know'
Because now is not the time to sleep at all
And I thought, 'I have to give her time to get her head on straight'
So I get quiet and she understands it and yawns
She asks me where I am and I don't answer to worry her
Her voice rises and she asks, 'did you not hear my question?'
I say, 'I'm at a friend's, you don't know him,
Go back to sleep and relax.' She says, 'I'm up.'
I suppress a laugh because I am at home
And I really want to reassure her
But she is the one that leads me to make her crazy
She makes me make her crazy
And how many times I try to call her but her line is busy
And I wait for her to call me but I wait a long time
And after I get mad she calls me
At that time my phone makes her mad because it’s off
It shows on my phone that she called many times in a row
And I am on the floor laughing from happiness
I get a message that says, “call me so I don’t get mad”
I ignore it because I really, really, won’t be threatened
I get a message saying “I’m going out and will be late”
I don’t believe it because it’s late
A little later she says, “call me because I want to talk to you,
And if you ignore me then I’ll be sure there is a girl with you”
And also to make me mad she sends a “goodbye”
I’m at home but I turn off my phone and go to sleep
And I really want to reassure her
But she is the one that leads me to make her crazy
She makes me make her crazy

Te iubesc si te voi iubi

Daca tu, dupa ce ai iubit in zadar,
nu mai vrei sa iubesti pe nimeni
de ce uiti si de mine.
Daca tu, nu mai vrei sa iubesti pe nimeni,
vino sa strangi mana
care te lega intr-o zi de mine.
Lacrimile pe care le-am varsat pentru tine,
sunt lacrimi de dragoste pentru mine.
Te iubesc, te iubesc si te voi iubi,
cu pasiune te voi iubi
cat timp lumea va avea viata,
cat timp soarele va straluci,
cat timp voi trai,
pentru ca vreau sa te pastrez doar pentru mine,
mereu, mereu, mereu,
doar pentru mine.
Te iubesc,
Te iubesc si te voi iubi,
cu pasiune te voi iubi,
cat timp lumea va avea viata,
cat timp soarele va straluci,
cu pasiune te voi iubi.
Te iubesc si te voi iubi.
Te iubesc si te voi iubi.
Te iubesc, te iubesc, iubire.
Te iubesc,
te iubesc si te voi iubi,
cu pasiune te voi iubi,
cat timp lumea va avea viata,
cat timp soarele va straluci,
cu pasiune te voi iubi.
Te iubesc si te voi iubi.
Te iubesc si te voi iubi.
Te iubesc si te voi iubi!
Te iubesc si te voi iubi!